Los Alamos Retired and Senior News

November, 2014
Volume 41 - Issue 11
Los Alamos Retired
and Senior News
Pauline Schneider, Executive Director
Web Site: beseniorcenter.qwestoffice.net
The Area Agency on Aging
needs an Advisory Council
Member from our County!
The memorial funds for Julia Gehre has purchased
the above grill for the BESC kitchen. Thank you to
the contributors.
Festival of Trees
The 2014 Festival of Trees is coming! Tree
Lovers and Chocolate Lovers must mark their
November calendars for the LARSO annual
fundraisers at the BESC. Our week-long Festival of Trees will kick off with an evening of
danceable music and delicious chocolate on
Saturday, November 15, and end on the afternoon of Saturday, November 22, with a craft
fair, Santa Claus, and the ending of the silent
auction for all the trees and wreaths. Donations of holiday décor are most welcome and
should arrive to be included in the auction by
Friday, November 14. Craft table reservations
and tickets for the Festival of Chocolate can
be obtained by calling 662-8920.
Seniors in our County benefit greatly each
year from meals, rides and adult day services
that are funded by the Non Metro Area Agency on Aging (NMAAA) in Santa Fe. In order to
ensure that the needs of each community are
heard, the NMAAA has an Advisory Council
that meets 3-4 times/year with representatives
from each community where their funds are
used. Los Alamos County does not currently
have anyone to represent us on this Advisory
Council. The person cannot be a staff member of our senior centers, but certainly can be
someone who goes to one or both centers
and has an interest in seeing that services are
meeting the needs of our seniors. Training is
provided for Advisory Council members and
travel expenses for meetings are covered.
We are looking for two representatives – the
second is a back-up to the first in case they
cannot make a meeting. Please call Pauline
Schneider at the BESC 662-8920 if you would
consider this opportunity. There are materials
that you can review to give you a better idea
of what is expected.
Newsletter Dates
Items Due: Monday, November 17
Editing: Wednesday, November 19
Folding: Wednesday, November 26
Page 2
Day Out
If you are aware of anyone in need of our
Adult Day Care Services, please recommend
us; We have room and we have a wonderful
program. If you have any questions in regards
to caring for a loved one, please come talk to
me or give me a call. Complete enrollment
packets are available at the front desk of our
program. After the enrollment packet is complete, just come in or give me a call to schedule time in our program. I will also have some
packets available on the table with other info
just outside our door. This month we will be
working on our Festival of Trees submissions
and possibly be going on a couple of field
trips! One is to San Ildefonso Pueblo for another driving tour and the second is to Rose
Chocolatier to see some candy making!
Peace and Love,
Laurie Hochhalter, 661-0081
Day Out Director
An afternoon at BESC’s
Downton Abbey Tea
Sunday, January 4, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Adult $20.00 Child $10.00
Butter Braid Pastry Fundraiser
Treat yourself with the homemade taste of a
Butter Braid® pastry. Each pastry is a handbraided treat filled with your choice of 8 delicious flavors: Apple, Bavarian Creme, Blueberry Cream Cheese, Cream Cheese, Cherry, Cinnamon, and Strawberry Cream
Cheese. The latest flavor is Chocolate pastry
with Chocolate filling. All Butter Braid® pastries are made with 100% real butter and only
the finest ingredients. Your taste buds will
surely thank you!
Orders made by November 12 will be delivered by November 17, just in time for your
holiday guests. Contact Kay, 662-8920, at
the BESC or the receptionist at the WRSC,
662-8200, to place your order. Prepayment
required. Cost is $13.00 per pastry
12:30, Fridays, BESC
November 7, Dad, 1989
117 min., rated PG
Jack Lemmon, Ted Danson, Olympia Dukakis
A busy, "always-on-the-run" executive
learns during a meeting that his mother
may be dying and rushes home to her side.
He ends up being his father's caretaker and
becomes closer to him.
November 14, The Trial of Old Drum,
89 min., rated PG
Bobby Edner, Ron Perlman,
Randy Travis
Inspired by a true story set in Missouri,
"The Trial of Old Drum" tells the story of a
valiant golden retriever, Old Drum, an orphan dog that becomes a boy's best friend
and is then forced to stand trial for killing a
neighbor's sheep. Charlie Burden is a typical eleven-year old boy growing up on a
farm in Western Missouri. His summer
days are spent helping his dad run the family farm, while also finding time to go fishing at nearby Miller's Lake, always accompanied by his faithful golden retriever, Old
November 21, Funny Girl, 1968
151 min., rated PG
Barbra Streisand, Omar Sharif
This is the life of comedienne Fanny Brice,
from her early days in the Jewish slums of
the Lower East Side, to the height of her
career with the Ziegfeld Follies.
The Newsletter Staff
Layout Editor - John Stewart
Proof Readers - Patsy Casias, Judy Dudziak,
Kari Lier, Ruth Parker,
and the BESC Staff.
Page 3
Let’s Eat
Lunch is served Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., BESC. For reservations call
662-8922. It is essential for seniors wishing to dine at the BESC to make reservations. These can
be made as late as 10:00 a.m. on the day that you wish to eat. You can also make them a month or
a week in advance. Please cancel your reservations when you are unable to come. If you arrive
without a reservation, it is likely that we will be able to feed you but will ask that you wait until we
have served most of our reserved patrons. Please be courteous and adhere to this request. Note:
Only bread/pastries can be taken home. Fruit can be substituted for any dessert. Suggested donation for lunch is $4.00. Please do not request change for bills greater than $20.00.
November 3 – 7
11/3 Monday—Green Chile Baked Potato Soup, Biscuit, Salad Bar, Vanilla Pudding
11/4 Tuesday—Chicken Enchilada, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, Biscochito
11/5 Wednesday—Sausage Lasagna, Spinach Salad, Bread Sticks, Apple Crisp
11/6 Thursday—Tilapia, Hush Puppies, French Fries, Tartar Sauce, Coleslaw, Diced Pears
11/7 Friday—Frito Pie, Red or Green Chile, Cantaloupe/Pineapple
November 10 – 14
11/10 Monday—Pepperoni Pizza, Salad Bar, Mandarin Oranges
11/11 Tuesday—BESC CLOSED Veterans Day
11/12 Wednesday—Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy, Mixed Vegetables, Blueberry Cobbler
11/13 Thursday—Grilled Pork Chop, Rice Pilaf, California Vegetables, Mixed Fruit
11/14 Friday— Spaghetti, Italian Sausage, Salad Bar, Bread Stick, Applesauce
November 17 – 21
11/17 Monday—Green Chile Chicken Tortilla Soup, Spinach Salad, Biscuit, Tropical Fruit
11/18 Tuesday—Grilled Tuna Steak, Wild Rice, Apricot Salsa, Chocolate Cake
11/19 Wednesday—Sloppy Joe on a Bun, Tater Tots, Green Beans, Apricots
11/20 Thursday—Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Roll, Peach Crisp
11/21 Friday—Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Peas and Carrots, Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin
Pie. Seatings at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Call soon to reserve.
November 24 – 28
11/24 Monday—Potato Bar, Salad Bar, Wheat Roll, Peach
11/25 Tuesday—Fish and Chips, Tartar Sauce, Broccoli Salad, Roll, Plums
11/26 Wednesday—Polenta Lasagna, Biscuit, Chocolate Chip Cookie
11/27 Thursday—BESC CLOSED Thanksgiving Day
11/28 Friday—BESC CLOSED Thanksgiving Holiday
Breakfast at White Rock Baptist Church—8:00 a.m. Wednesdays, WRBC
Page 4
Activities and Announcements
Regularly Scheduled Activities
AARP Smart Driver Course
On Saturday, November 1, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.,
and Monday, November 17, 12:15 – 4:30 p.m.,
Gary Doolen will teach the Smart Driver Course at
the BESC. Call 662-8920 for a reservation. This
course may qualify you for a discount on automobile insurance. The 4-hour course is $15.00 for
AARP members and $20.00 for all others. Checks
must be made out to AARP, no cash. The course
is open to those who are 55 or older as verified by
their driver’s license. Seating space limits the class
to 25 participants. Bring a pencil, a ballpoint pen,
and driver’s license. AARP members should bring
their AARP member cards.
Adult Day Services
The Day Out
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Daily, BESC
Cards and Games
1:00 p.m. Third Tuesday, November 18, BESC
1:00 p.m. Monday, WRSC
7:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, BESC
1:00 p.m. Wednesday, WRSC
1:15 p.m. Wednesday, BESC (Duplicate Bridge)
Bridge Lite
10:00 a.m. Monday, WRSC
Any time, any day BESC is open, BESC
10:00 a.m. Saturday, WRSC
6:30 p.m. Thursday, BESC
10:00 a.m. Saturday, WRSC
12:30 p.m. daily, BESC
1:00 p.m. Tuesday, WRSC
Pinochle Class
1:00 p.m. Friday, WRSC
6:30 p.m. Thursday, WRSC
The WRSC is open 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Committees and Boards
AARP Board
10:30 a.m. 3rd Wednesday, November 19, BESC
Friends of the Senior Center Board
1:30 p.m. Fourth Tuesday, November 25, BESC
LARSO Advisory Council
10:30 a.m. Third Monday, November 17, BESC
LARSO Board of Directors
9:30 a.m. Third Thursday, November 20, BESC
Computer Users Group (CUG)
All users or potential users are welcome. Meetings
are at 10:00 a.m. first, third, and fifth Tuesdays at
BESC; 10:30 a.m. second and fourth Tuesdays at
WRSC. Various subjects are discussed at each
meeting depending on the immediate interests of
those present. On the first Tuesday a particular effort is made to deal with questions and problems
from beginners. Beginners are always welcome.
Mac Users Group (MUG)
MUG meets on the third Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in
the BESC classroom. Here is a place to discuss
your Mac usage or problems. All are welcome.
Projector: A multimedia projector and associated
laptop computer are available through the BESC
office for senior classes and activities. Initial instruction for set-up and use is required, and prior
reservation is recommended.
Available Computers: When there is no scheduled
use, the computers in the BESC Computer Lab are
available for internet access, practice, and general
purposes (see calendar next to Lab door). Several
computers in WRSC are also available for internet
access and general use.
Wood Carving
10:00 a.m. Monday, WRSC
Dance and Music
Ballroom Dancing
7:00 p.m. Monday, BESC
2:00 p.m. Thursday, BESC
Beginning Line Dancing
9:15 a.m. Friday, BESC
Classes are geared toward those in attendance.
Beginning Tap Dancing
1:30 p.m. Thursday, BESC
Line Dancing
2:00 p.m. Monday, WRSC
9:15 a.m. Friday, BESC
Music with Ruth Williamson
10:45 a.m. Wednesday, The Day Out
Page 5
Tap Dancing
12:00 p.m. Tuesday, WRSC
1:30 p.m. Thursday, BESC
Discussion Groups
Socrates Café
Need an organizer.
Investment Group
10:00 a.m. Thursday, WRSC
Alzheimer’s Support Group
1:15 p.m. Second Wednesday, November 12, BESC
Conference Room
Benefits Counseling
By appointment only. Call 662-8920 or 662-8200.
Blood Pressure Check
1:00 p.m. Wednesday, WRSC
Low-Vision and Hearing-Challenged Support
Trip planned, see page 6.
10:00 a.m. Second Thursday, November 13, WRSC
with Sandi. Please sign up in advance.
1:00-5:00 p.m. Tuesday, BESC ($1.00/Minute) with
Susie Eash. To make an appointment, call 500-7201.
If no answer, leave a message including name and
Oxygen Support Group
To be determined.
Toenail Clipping
Suggested donation is $15.00.
9:00 a.m. Thursday, November 6 and 20, BESC.
Call 662-8920 to schedule.
2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Thursday, November 20, WRSC.
Call 662-8200 to schedule.
Table Tennis
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, BESC
9:00 a.m. Thursday, BESC
10:00 a.m. Saturday, BESC
10:00 a.m. Saturday, WRSC
Variety Training
8:45 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday, BESC
Vinyasa Yoga
10:45 a.m. Monday, WRSC
4:30 p.m. Wednesday, WRSC
Weight Room
Open Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with a minimum of two people, WRSC
Zumba Gold
1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, WRSC
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Friday, WRSC
Pool & Billiards
Pool at WRSC
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Monday
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Wednesday
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Saturday
Pool at BESC - Every day but Sunday
Quilting, Knitting and Hooking
LAVA Quilters and Knitters
8:30 a.m. Wednesday, BESC
Hookers and Stitchers
1:00 p.m. Thursday, WRSC
Tire Pressure Check
10:30-11:30 a.m. 2nd Thurs., November 13,WRSC
Physical Fitness
Cardio Plus Exercise
8:45 a.m. Monday and Wednesday, BESC
Gentle Yoga
11:00 a.m. Wednesday, WRSC
Low Impact Aerobics
9:30 a.m. Tuesday, WRSC
10:30 a.m. Friday, WRSC
2:00 p.m. Sunday, WRSC
Call Tom Pigott for information at 662-6962.
Silver Sneakers
10:30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday, WRSC
For information, call the YMCA at 662-3100.
Strong Women Graduates
10:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, WRSC
Early Walk: 7:05 a.m. Wednesday, WRSC
Friday Walkers: 9:00 a.m. Friday, WRSC
Walk-In-The-Woods: 8:30 a.m. Thursday, BESC
No walk November 13 and 27.
Holidays 2014
Veterans’ Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Tuesday, Nov. 11
Thurs. & Fri., Nov. 27 & 28
Thurs. & Fri., Dec. 25 & 26
Thursday, Jan. 1, 2015
Page 6
More Information/Articles
Trips for November
Saturday, November 1, Dixon Studio Tour
Depart BESC 8:00 a.m., WRSC 8:20 a.m.
$6.00 van fare appreciated; lunch on your own.
Thursday, November 13, Shopping, Lunch
and Trader Joe’s
Depart BESC 9:00 a.m., WRSC 9:20 a.m.
Lunch place will be driver’s choice.
Lunch is own pay; $6.00 van fare appreciated.
On-Line Donations
LARSO is currently evaluating whether or not to
implement donations from our website. Many
senior centers around the country do this so we
want to know what our members think! Would
you feel comfortable clicking on our webpage to
make an electronic donation? Please, give
Pauline your answer when you’re at the BESC,
call and tell us at 662-8920 or email us at
with the subject line “electronic donation”.
Help us Plan Delicious Meals
Join Fred and Mike on Friday, November 7,
and /or Thursday, December 11, at 1:15 p.m. to
brainstorm on some menus for upcoming senior
center lunches. Bring recipes, pictures, ideas,
and samples of what you would like to see us
serve. We will meet in the upper-level conference room in the BESC. If you can’t attend but
would like to contribute ideas, please share
them with Fred Ortiz, 662-8924, in our Food
Service Department.
Los Alamos American Legion
Post 90 November Activities
Veterans Day! Tuesday, November 11, at 11:00
a.m. the Los Alamos American Legion Post 90
will host the county-wide Veterans Day celebration. All Los Alamos County Veterans service
and support organizations will present the Veterans Day celebration within the parking lot of
the American Legion located at 1325 Trinity
Road. The American Legion will formally present to the Veterans and their families the remembrance and meaning of Veterans Day.
Low Vision and Hearing Support
Let's take a van trip Tuesday, November 18,
instead of a regular meeting. Roy Cope will
drive us toward Santa Fe, but depending on
weather, may stop at Shidoni or an inside option if inclement. Lunch at a popular restaurant. Reservations to Janet, 672-9626, or
Mary, 663-0107. Depart BESC 10:00 a.m.,
WRSC 10:15 a.m.
Van donation $6.00. Lunch private pay.
An Overview of the Second
World War
Join us at the BESC on Monday, November
10, at 10:00 a.m. for a talk by Alan B. Carr, an
historian for the Los Alamos National Laboratory. World War II was history’s most violent
and destructive conflict. The war, which ravaged much of the globe, claimed between 60
and 80 million lives. An Overview of the Second World War provides an introduction to the
conflict by exploring its causes, introducing its
major military and political leaders, and discussing the war’s major military campaigns. The hour-long lecture includes dozens of photographs.
Before coming to Los Alamos, Carr completed
his thesis on the development of early Soviet
military doctrine at Texas Tech University.
FOSC Annual Meeting
Friday, December 19, Noon
The Friends of the Senior Center membership
will vote for President, Secretary, Members-at
-Large, and proposed bylaws changes. The
lunch is free for all members. To join, just sign
the Roster Book. Call for reservations at 6628922. To review the proposed bylaw changes,
a copy of the bylaws will be available at each
Senior Center two (2) weeks before the annual meeting.
Flu Shots
Flu shots will be given at BESC on Wednesday, November 12. from 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Daylight Savings Time ends
Sunday, November 2, 2:00 a.m.
Set clocks back one hour
Page 7
White Rock Senior Center 662-8200
Lunch Out and November Birthday Party
Little Saigon Restaurant
Friday, November 14, at 1:00 p.m.
Birthday Party to follow at the WRSC
Contra Dance at the BESC
Monday, November 17
from 7:00—10:00 p.m.
$8.00 donation per person
No partner required. Beginners welcome.
Yoga with Stephanie Krantz: Vinyasa Style, Monday, 10:45 a.m.-12 noon, and
Wednesday, 4:30-5:45 p.m. Suggested donation for class is $8.00 The vinyasa-style
class has an emphasis toward a flow-style series linked to breath. Gentle Yoga:
Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon, Suggested donation for class is $6.00 The gentle
-yoga class will focus on slowing down and identifying proper form. This is a great
class for beginners or anyone who would like to slow down their practice.
Zumba Gold: Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. and Fridays at 4:00 p.m. in the Activity Bldg.
ZUMBA® GOLD class is less intense, with dance routines designed for beginners
and older adults using modified movements. Recommended donation $5.00 per class
or $45.00 for 10-class punch card. Instructor: Natalie Smith.
Silver Sneakers: Tuesday & Thursday from 10:30 -11:15 a.m. Instructor: Renee Idar.
For info call YMCA at 662-3100. Silver Sneakers classes are designed exclusively for
older adults who want to improve their strength, flexibility, balance and endurance.
Spanish Speakers Group: Want to practice your Spanish speaking in a fun atmosphere? Thursday, 1:00-2:00 p.m. Led by Dean Carstens 672-9576.
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Los Alamos Volunteer Association
Betty Ehart Senior Center
Phone 662-8923
Irene Powell, Director
"You have retired from a career but don’t retire from life, keep active, volunteer. You are needed.”
The LAVA Quilters Charlene Montague and Theresa Threadgill are a team. They love to sew and quilt. They met at the
LAVA Quilters group and enjoy their Wednesday mornings
sewing and chatting. Besides all the quilts they help sew,
they are working on making Christmas tree skirts and table
runners that will be sold at the Quilters annual fundraiser,
The Festival of Trees, on Saturday, November 22, is here at
the BESC.
The quarter that ended in September showed 351 volunteers
doing 18,354 hours. Nice job! If you forgot to give us your
hours, it’s not too late. Get them in and we will report them
the next quarter. And, remember, we keep a tally of your lifetime hours so get those hours in to us.
Share some of your talents and time to make a difference in your community.
Receptionists at BESC – meet and greet people, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. morning shift gets a free lunch. Afternoon shift, 12:30-4:30 p.m., is quiet. You can do your reading, crocheting, knitting.
Meal Helpers – just 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. once a week. Get a friend to work with you and you can enjoy a
free lunch together once a week.
Historical Museum Docents – work once a week or even once a month. Morning or afternoon shifts are available. Great place to meet people from all over the world.
Hospital Auxiliary Docents – be a part of a proud team of volunteers that help in so many capacities at our
Medical Center.
PEEC – Our new Environmental Center will be finished in no time; volunteers are needed for the many programs that they do for the community. Board members are also needed.
LARSO - Board members for the Advisory Council to
LARSO are needed. Call 662-8923 if interested.
October 8, the LAVA Quilters took 17 quilts and 20 crocheted hats to the Youth Shelter in Santa Fe and then went
on to Albuquerque to deliver 20 quilts, 70 hats, booties/
animal packs, pop tabs, books, and other gifts to the Ronald
McDonald House. The ladies have been busy. They plan
two trips a year to deliver their goods. They are now working on items to sell at their booth at the Festival of Trees.
Come by and see the beautiful quilts, hats, scarves, table
runners, tree skirts, crocheted and knitted hats, and knitted
If you have not filled out a new LARSO form and want to continue to be a volunteer, please fill out our new
form and return it to the LAVA office, formerly the RSVP office. We are in the same place, same phone, same
email. Thanks, Irene and Kay, 662-8923. A copy of the form on the next page.
LARSO – Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization
Volunteer Enrollment Form
Please print clearly and complete all sections.
Name _________________________________________ Birthdate __________________________
Street Address ___________________________________ City, Zip _____________ ___________
Mailing Address _________________________________ City, Zip _____________ ___________
Home Phone ____________________________ Cell Phone _____________________
Email Address ________________________________
Member of the Senior Center?  Yes
Veteran?  Yes
Youth helper (under age 18)?
Community helper (age 18-55)?
Claiming mileage reimbursement?  Yes  No
We need a copy of your driver’s license if you are transporting people for your volunteer work or asking for mileage
Emergency Contact ___________________________________ Phone ________________________
Beneficiary for Supplemental Accident Insurance (only for senior volunteers, over age 55):
Name ________________________________________ Relationship __________________
Address ______________________________________ Phone ________________________
Employment Experience _____________________________________________________________
Skills/Interests/Languages ____________________________________________________________
Volunteer Experience ________________________________________________________________
Preferred volunteer assignments:
1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________
Days/Hours Available________________________________________________________________
LANL Match program: Are you a LANL retiree?  Yes  No
If yes, what 501 c(3) organization would you like to specify to receive your donation if you have enough annual hours (at least
100 hours a year)? _______________________________________________________________________
I understand that I am not an employee of the county, state or any organization that I am doing volunteer work for and agree to
serve without compensation. I further agree that if I use my personal automobile to drive to and from my volunteer station or
during my service, I will keep in effect automobile liability insurance equal to or greater than the minimum required by the
Signature of Volunteer
Signature of Staff
Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization
1101 Bathtub Row
Los Alamos, NM 87544
US Postage Paid
Permit No. 15
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Address Service Requested
Addresses, Phone Numbers and More
Betty Ehart Senior Center
1101 Bathtub Row
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Information - 662-8920
Fax - 661-7677 Cell - 412-2200
Meal & Transportation reservation - 662-8922
Pauline Schneider, Director
E-mail - larsobesc@hotmail.com
Web Site - beseniorcenter.qwestoffice.net
Hours - M-F - 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
1101 Bathtub Row
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Phone - 662-8923
Irene Powell, Director
Notary Public by Appt.
E-mail - la_rsvp2011@hotmail.com
White Rock Senior Center
137 Longview Drive
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Phone - 662-8200
Hours - M,T,W,F - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Hours - Thursday - 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The Day Out
1101 Bathtub Row
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Phone - 661-0081
Laurie Hochhalter, Director
Hours - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Computer Help: lasc.computer@gmail.com
Los Alamos Retired and Senior Organization
1101 Bathtub Row
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Trent Latimer, President