NOVEMBER 9, 2014
A Note from Fr. Joe….
This marks the second week in a row that the Sunday in Ordinary Time is superseded by something else –
in this case, the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. At first glance, this may appear rather
curious. We’re used to remembering persons or celebrating saints, but why honor a building dedicated in Rome
almost 1700 years ago? Why do we even have this feast in the liturgical calendar? Well, as it turns out, though we
probably think of St. Peter’s as the Pope’s main church that title actually goes to St. John Lateran. The Lateran
Basilica is the cathedral church of the Diocese of Rome, where the Pope, as Bishop of Rome, presides. As such,
it’s been called the “mother and head of all churches of Rome and the world.” In other words, the Lateran Basilica is
the cathedral church for the universal church.
Most importantly this feast day reminds us of our unity as Catholic Christians – the unity that we share in
Christ Jesus, whose Body we are as the Church. From that perspective, the feast isn’t so much about a building or
basilica per se; it’s about us. The Lateran Basilica serves as a symbol of the whole Church, built of living stones.
We are the Church; we each are “God’s building,” as St Paul tells us in the Second Reading. “You are the temple of
God…the Spirit of God dwells in you.”
Far surpassing structures made by human hands, we’re God-made, built by God on the one foundation –
Jesus Christ. In speaking at a dedication of a church in his time, St. Augustine declared, “What was done here, as
these walls were rising, is reproduced when we bring together those who believe in Christ…Nevertheless, they do
not constitute a house of the Lord until they are joined together through love!” (Sermon 336, 1) This feast causes
us to reflect then – is Christ truly the foundation of our lives? Are we “joined together through love?” Perhaps we
find it hard to believe that we’re more magnificent than the Lateran Basilica – or better still that our neighbor is.
Yet, again, St. Paul is clear – each of us is a sacred place. “For the temple of God, which you are, is holy.”
Jesus is to be found most powerfully not just in the cathedrals we build, but in the Christian lives we lead. What the
Lateran Basilica does through craftsmanship and art, may we do by our words and actions. United with Pope
Francis, let’s remind everyone we meet of God’s presence in our midst.
When it comes to buildings, we’re blessed in our parish with not one, but two beautiful worship spaces –
the Villanova Church and the Rosemont Chapel. In addition, we have other nice facilities, including what has been
known over time as the New School Building, School Building #2, or Kencrest on the Rosemont Chapel property.
While we actively search for a new tenant, we thought it was a good time to give the building a permanent name for
parish purposes. So in this week that we celebrate his birthday, I’m happy to announce that the building will be
called the St. Augustine Annex. It speaks of our Augustinian heritage and St. Thomas of Villanova – along with us –
looking to Augustine as a spiritual father.
Happy Feast Day!
Fr. Joe
Stewardship Thought for the Week
“For we are God’s fellow workers…”
1 Corinthians 3:9
We are called to help God build His kingdom on Earth. We are His
eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits”
of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you
doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day?
Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you
give generously in the offertory collection each week?
Thank you for your generosity for the
weekend of November 1 and 2 , 2014:
Number of Envelopes
Envelope Amount
Loose Cash:
Electronic Offerings:
10% Tithe
Income for November 3, 2013 $21,364.83
1-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Schedule of Events for the
week of: November 9, 2014
Recitation of the Rosary
after the daily Liturgy.
Mon., Nov. 10th
Tues., Nov. 11th
Wed., Nov. 12th
Thurs., Nov. 13th
Fri., Nov. 14th
Sat., Nov. 15th
Sun., Nov. 16th
Saint Leo the Great
All Souls Novena
Saint Martin of Tours
Regina T. Mallon - Francine Mallon
Saint Josaphat
Harold & Mary McCullough Mary McCullough
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
Ann Marie Rodolico - Hennessy &
Rodolico Families
Augustinian Vocations
Weekday; Saint Albert the Great
Elizabeth Sunny - Family
James J. Stokes - Powers Family
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ed & Jo Kessler - Mary Ann Barrow
For The Parishioners of St. Thomas
Bob Clarke - Family
“Masses in Interpreted
American Sign Language”
We have an American Sign Language Interpreter at the
9:00am Mass in the Rosemont Chapel on the Second and
Fourth Sunday of each month. The interpreter will be here on
November 23, 2014.
Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6
Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19
Phim 7-20; Lk 17:20-25
Aug 313: 1 Cor 13:1-13;
Ps 103: 1, 5, 11, 13, 17-18, 21-22;
Mt 25:31-32a, 34-40
3 Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6;
Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21
This Tuesday,
November 11th, is
Veterans Day. The
Parish Office is
open and the daily
Mass is at the usual
time of 12:05 in the
Rosemont Chapel.
to all Veterans!!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Golden Living Ministry
Art Class - PC-1
Food Addicts in Recovery - Café
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Bible Study - PC-2
SFC Mentors
Bible Study - PC-2
Genesis Bells - Aud
Choir Practice - VNCH
Mom’s Group Meeting - Café
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Exercise - Aud
Honickman Ministry
Religious Education Classes
Talk with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin—VNCH
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Walking With Purpose - Aud
Walking With Purpose - Aud
Friday, November 14, 2014 - First Friday
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Mom’s Group “Family Casserole Event” - Aud
Sunday, November 16, 2014
St. Francis Inn
Religious Education Class
Rosemont Village Eucharistic Prayer Service
Calling All 5th Graders
On Sunday, November 23rd and Sunday, December 14th, the 5th
Graders of St. Thomas of Villanova will participate more fully and more
actively in the 9:00am Mass. The children will serve as ‘greeters,’ ushers,
and lectors, as well as assist in bringing the gifts forward. We would like to
engage the boys and girls from our Religious Education class, in addition to
parish 5th Graders who are in local Catholic schools or who are home
If your child is interested in participating, please contact Dean Miller
at 610-733-4838 or dean.miller.wg99@wharton.upenn.edu. There will
be two additional Masses later this school year in the spring to become
involved in if your 5th Grader is unable to participate this November or
2-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
In the interest of good communication and
collaboration, I wanted to update you on several things
related to our Parish Staff. First, please remember
Charles Edward Gilmore, the father of our Maintenance
Manager Charlie Gilmore, who passed away last
Sunday. We’re keeping Charlie and all his family in our
Related to parish maintenance, Pat Morrison,
who assisted Charlie, officially retired as of October 31st.
He was insistent on not wanting any fanfare, but I’d be
remiss if I didn’t publicly say thank you for his 12+ years
of service here at St. Thomas of Villanova. We wish Pat
and his wife Jenny all the best! I’m also happy to
announce that Harry (AJ) Herr will be joining the Staff
this week to assist and back up Charlie on maintenance
Last, but certainly not least, Greg Stejskal, our
Director of Religious Education (DRE) and Youth
Ministry, informed me last week that he would be taking
a teaching position in the Archdiocese and resigning
from St. Thomas. Though he’s assisting in the
transition, we’ve already taken several steps to include:
working on identifying an Interim Coordinator for the
Religious Education Program; submitting job
announcements & descriptions for a new permanent
DRE and a new part-time Youth Minister (these can be
found on the Archdiocesan and Parish websites;) and
proceeding with hiring someone as a replacement for
Mrs. Helen Savini. This Administrative Assistant will
support both Religious Education and Youth Ministry.
After a meeting with catechists this past Sunday, I can
assure you that we’re all committed to moving forward
and supporting our youth in their faith journey. Once
again, I thank our catechists, who form the core of our
program, and pray for Greg and our parish in this time
of transition.
God Bless!
Fr. Joe
The Office for Mission & Ministry
and the Journal of Catholic Social Thought
Catholic Social Teaching and the Financial Crisis
Please join us for our Lecture on The Economy of
Grace and the Church of the Poor: Papal Responses to
the Financial Crisis on November 18, 2014.
Speaker: Drew Christiansen, S.J.
Georgetown University
Date and Time: November 18, 2014 at 4:30pm
Place: St. Augustine Center — Room 300
Villanova University
For more information, contact March Bray at
The parish prayerline is waiting for your prayer request.
This week call Mary Ann Barrow at 610-525-4164 or
email mabstv@verizon.net to activate the parish
prayerline. Two parish teams are available for your
special intentions. The Prayerline is now virtual. Go
to www.stthomasofvillanova.org.
This is a transportation ministry for our Parish. If you
need a ride to your medical appointments or to food
shop this week, please call Pat Herbison at 610-5273556. Please give at least 3 days notice.
This ministry is for parish families who are in crisis
or for parish couples welcoming a new baby. Homemade dinners are delivered. Two parish coordinators
keep a list of volunteers who are called as needed. If
you are in need of this delicious community support,
please call Sarah Breck at 610-975-0444.
We are forming a parish work group to serve the
midday meal at the St. Francis Inn in Kensington on
Sunday, November 16th. The Inn tries to meet the
immediate daily needs of the poor and homeless
people they serve with food, clothing and hospitality.
This ministry is open to anyone 16 years or older. For
more information and to sign up, contact our parish
coordinator, Sheila Holst at 610-659-5828 or
Calling All Men!
Guys, please plan on coming back – or joining
us for the first time – for our next morning
Men’s Gathering on Thursday, November
20th. We’ll celebrate Mass in the Rosemont
Chapel at 6:30am, as we remember those who
have gone before us, especially our brother
Dan Schultz. We look forward to welcoming
his wife Susan, who will come down to the
Auditorium to share some of their story
following the liturgy. Stay for what you can and
feel free to invite a friend from the parish – or
otherwise! Again, we hold these gatherings the
third Thursday of each month, so mark your
calendars and plan ahead.
3-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
St. Thomas of Villanova Finance Council
L to r Fr. Joe Narog, Francesca Molinari, James McGovern, Bryan Ronck (Vice Chair), Karen Farley (Parish
Business Manager), Matt Massaua, Susan Schultz
Missing from Photo: Dan Cuff, Joanne Lewers, Matt Demchyk, Don Spence
Our first meeting for this fiscal year was held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. We met our new members, Don
Spence and Matt Demchyk.
Our first topic of discussion was the rental of the school building previously rented by Kencrest. There are a
few different groups interested but nothing firm at this point. We have signs out advertising the building
availability and marketing efforts continue. We also discussed the naming of the building and have decided
to call the building the St. Augustine Annex.
The building sub-committee met in late September and the chair, Dan Cuff, updated the Council about the
decision to hold off on all Parish capital improvements until a tenant has rented the St. Augustine Annex.
We will only take care of emergency situations, which at this time include repairs to the front sidewalk on
Lancaster Ave. and replacement of piping from a water main leak in the Parish Center.
The first quarter financials were presented and reviewed. The Council agreed that the parish remains
financially sound in maintaining its current operating budget.
Members of the Finance Council signed up to attend monthly Pastoral Council meetings throughout the year.
Fr. Joe explained that the other Councils will continue to move forward with the goals from the In-Depth
Evaluation of Parish Life and each, including Finance, will submit summaries like this to keep parishioners
better informed.
4-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Wednesday, November 19th
12:45pm in the Rosemont Auditorium
We extend a warm welcome to the newest members of
our parish:
Allen J. Anderson, Sr.
Francis & Catherine Diebold of Rosemont
Robert & Irene Farley of King of Prussia
Congratulations to the newly Baptized Member of our
Cillian Joseph, son of Kevin & Mary Rose Cusick
Caitlin Mackenzie, daughter of Craig & Julia Howard
Resting in Peace:
Mr. Charles E. Gilmore, father of Charlie Gilmore
Mrs Eleanor Gorman, mother of Ginny Ruane
Mr. William (Bill) Kenny
Mrs. Ellen McFadden, mother of Bill Dalton
TOPIC: “Which Vaccines do
Adults REALLY Need?”
Travel Vaccine’s
Measles/Mumps Rubella?
Presenter: Dr. Bob Leggiadro
Remember those in need of our prayers, especially:
Julia Barlow, Peggy Caulfield, Mary Ann Dadourian, Bob
Ellison, Jack Geraghty, Patricia Ann Harley, Bridget Kelly,
Joseph Maiorana, Garrett P. McAleer (baby), Ellen
McFadden (Dalton), Madeleine O’Callaghan, Rita O’Connor,
Julia Boland Paparella, Alice Rogers, and Annie Sears.
Please pray for our soldiers assigned in Afghanistan
and in other parts of the world. Please also pray for the
soldiers who are returning from their assignments,
especially the wounded soldiers.
Dr. Leggiardo is board certified in
pediatrics and pediatric infectious disease.
He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the
Department of Biology at Villanova University
and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at
Hofstra Northshore LIJ School of Medicine.
Bob is on the Parish Council and is
married to Patti. They have three children
and three grandchildren.
Drinks and desserts are provided.
Please join us.
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish is
looking for a tenant for the former School
Building on the Rosemont Property,
now named the St. Augustine Annex.
The building is 9,600 square feet
on two floors.
Please contact
John Braithwaite at 215-817-0142 or
Rick Sudall at 215-508-2466.
Is Pope Francis Revolutionizing
Catholic Social Teaching?
Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin
Archbishop of Dublin
November 12, 2014 — 7:30pm
Saint Thomas of Villanova Church
The lecture is sponsored by the Office for Mission and
Ministry as part of its year-long series on Catholic
5-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Calling All St. Thomas of Villanova
Empty Nesters, Widows and Widowers,
Singles and Couples and friends of yours!!
Please join us for another
Monday, November 17th
at 6:00PM
at Primavera Pizza Kitchen
7 East Lancaster Avenue
Ardmore, PA 19010
Enjoy a three course Italian Dinner
(mixed green salad, choice of Chicken
Parmesan or Chicken Masala with Ziti al Forno
or Pasta Primavera, and Tiramisu or ice cream for
dessert — coffee, tea and soft drinks included).
$35.00 per person which includes the gratuity
plus a cash bar. Parking in rear (municipal lot)
or one block after a right on Cricket Avenue.
No parking fee after 6:00pm.
RSVP a MUST by November 14th,
contact Kathy at
office@stvparish.org or call 610-525-4801.
Hosted by the STV Day Trippers!
Mom’s Group is hosting Playgroup Playdates every
Monday at Noon at Clem Macrone Park on Conestoga
Road in Bryn Mawr. We are meeting weekly through
November 10th. Join other parish Mom’s for a casual
get together.
From September 22-27, 2015, Philadelphia will host
the World Meeting of Families (WorldMeeting2015.org)
which is expected to draw an international audience.
Thousands will travel to the city to participate in this
week of celebrating the family, with speakers and
activities for people of all ages. The venue will be at
the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
Volunteers will be needed and registration will be
coming soon via the website.
Hosts are needed. You can open your home and host
a family or individual. It is easy to sign up online by
emailing host@worldmeeting2015.org.
There will be a variety of local preparation events
throughout the Archdiocese. Visit
www.phillyevang.org/wmof for a list which includes:
Mass and Holy Hour for the Family
November 30, 2014 at 6:30pm
During this 6:30pm Mass at the Cathedral for the First
Sunday of Advent, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput,
O.F.M. Cap. Will bless and distribute small replicas of
the world Meeting of Families Holy Family painting to
every household in attendance. The Mass will be
preceded by a Holy Hour for the Family at 5:30pm,
which is set in the context of the Cathedral’s Parish’s
Forty House Devotion. All families and households are
Tuesday, November 11th — Mom’s Meeting at
7:30pm Cafeteria (enter Rosemont Auditorium)
Welcome to an adventure in
exploring the Scriptures.
The Scriptures are a
magnificent picture of a
loving God who wants the
very best for us …
Saturday, November 15th - Family Casserole Making
for St. John’s Hospice
10-11:00am in Rosemont Auditorium
Friday, November 21st — Family Movie and
Pizza Night at 6:00pm in the Rosemont Auditorium
Our 2015 Mass Book opened
on November 3, 2014. The donation for each
Mass is still $10.00. You can make arrangements
for an Announced Mass at the Parish Center.
Please join us for our Weekly Bible Studies on
Tuesday Mornings — 10:00am
Tuesday Evenings — 7:00pm
The Bible Studies are held in the Rosemont Parish
Center. Everyone is welcome. Please join us.
6-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
St. Thomas of Villanova
Parish Community
invites you to help ……
Turkeys to the Table
This is a stewardship ministry for the
families and local community of our new
sister parish of St. Cyprian’s in West
Philadelphia. You are asked to bring a
Thanksgiving turkey dinner (exactly what
you will be preparing for your own
Thanksgiving dinner) box or double bag it and
bring it to the U-haul Trucks outside of the
Rosemont Chapel or the Villanova Church on
Sunday, November 23rd before 11:30 AM
Your gift will be delivered that day to the
waiting families. If you have any questions,
call the Tobia’s 610-527-7075 or email
allboysnmom@aol.com or call the
Overbeck’s at 610-525-9788.
The Parish Community
of St. Thomas of Villanova
announces the
Advent Giving Tree
The First 3 Sundays of
Advent, 2014
For many years our parish community has
worked collaboratively with the Campus
Ministry Department of Villanova
University in buying hundreds of gifts of
clothing for children and adults for five
faith communities –
St. Cyprian Parish, St. Martin de Porres
Parish, St. Elizabeth’s Community, Holy
Family Nursing Home and Mercy
Neighborhood Ministries.
Tin Angels will be available for purchase
at the rear of both Churches on the
weekends of November 30th, December
7th, and December 14th. Your monetary
gift will be used to buy a specific clothing
Watch the Christmas Trees radiate with
Angels throughout the Advent Season!
Suggestions for your gift:
Frozen turkey (any size), canned
goods, a bag of potatoes, boxed
pies, condiments, coffee/tea,
stuffing mix.
If you can help sell angels after the
Masses, please call Joan Mauriello at
If you can help wrap gifts on Monday,
December 8th, at 12:30pm in the
auditorium, call Judi Samulewicz at
Please note: Packing the items
in boxes is best for
7-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
A big THANK YOU to Susan Fitzgerald for
sharing her expertise, her research and her
experience while writing her book "Letting Go
with Love and Confidence."
A big THANK YOU to the Family Life
Committee for hosting this evening for our
Calling All Young Adults of
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
Ages 21-35
Are you interested in establishing a recreational team
in one of the city’s sport and social leagues?
The prominent leagues are:
Facilities and fields are close to us:
Manayunk and Fairmount
Anyone Interested?
Contact Chris Geraghty
Email: chris.geraghty55@gmail.com
or call 610-715-4366 (mobile)
Do we have a diabetic epidemic on our hands?
Edward Gregg, Chief of Epidemiology and Statistics
Branch of the Division of Diabetes Translation at the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention thinks we do.
Of the 29 million adults who have diabetes, most have
type 2, the kind that’s closely tied to obesity (unlike type 1
diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease). Type 2 used
to be called adult-onset diabetes, but now it’s showing up
in teens. The vast majority of people with pre-diabetes
don’t know that they have it.
Two problems usually contribute to the
development of type 2 diabetes. The first is that the body
is resistant to insulin.
Insulin acts like a key that allows sugar to enter
cells, where it can be burned for fuel or stored for later.
But in some people, especially those with an oversized
waist, the key struggles to open the lock.
To compensate for insulin resistance — also
called impaired insulin sensitivity — the beta cells of the
pancreas pump out more and more of the hormone. The
extra insulin can keep a lid on blood sugar for years, but
eventually the beta cells wear out. At some point, the
pancreas cannot make enough insulin to overcome the
resistance. That is when blood sugars surge into the
“diabetic” range.
Secondly, the population has steadily become
more obese for the last few decades thanks in part to
larger portions, sugary beverages and less exercise.
Beta-cell failure occurs more rapidly with age. About 25%
of people age 65 and older have diabetes.
“In many ways the population is getting healthier
over time”, says Gregg. “But diabetes is the exception.”
The good news about diabetes: It’s not inevitable
and up to 90% of type 2 diabetes is preventable by life
style modification.
The Bottom Line……
- The best way to dodge diabetes is lose — not
gain extra pounds
- Do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking or other
aerobic exercise every day. Experts also
recommend strength training sessions two or
three times a week.
- Limit sweets, especially sugar-sweetened drinks.
Even the naturally occurring sugars in 100% fruit
juice may raise your risk.
- Fill up your plate with vegetables and only a quarter
whole grains.
- Eat green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans
and nuts to get enough magnesium.
- Replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated
fats to lower the risk of heart disease.
- Get the RDA for Vitamin D (600 IU a day up to age
70 and 800 IU over age 70) from supplements or
foods fortified with Vitamin D.
8-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
On Thursday evening December 4th
The women of Walking with Purpose will be offering an
opportunity to reflect on the beauty of the coming
Christ into each of our hearts and homes. This
evening is:
Advent by Candlelight
Thank you to the Mom’s Group
for arranging this wonderful
Pumpkin Decorating Event.
As you can see, there were a lot
of really great looking pumpkins
decorated by the children.
Celebrate the blessed season of advent with
an evening of quiet festivities and beauty.
A light meal is served and tables are set with a
touch of elegance.
A sense of warmth to reflect the opportunity we
have to welcome Jesus into our own hearts.
Guest Speaker Msgr. Joe Marino & Dennis his dog
Rector at Malvern Retreat House
Reflection on Matthew 2:1-12 The Visit of the Magi
In Search of God - Waiting on the Lord
Thursday, December 4, 2014 — 7:00-9:30 pm
St. Thomas of Villanova Auditorium
1229 East Lancaster Avenue, Rosemont, PA 19010
RSVP to Stephanie D’Arcangelo
610-420-0589- $10/person
CATHOLIC men and women are cordially invited to join
"The Main Line Singles Dinner Club" to share common
interests & dine together 2 times a month. Our next
scheduled events are: (Sun) Nov. 16th @ 6:15 P.M. a
Restaurant Event @ "Mnt Fuji Restaurant" located @ 36
Greenfield Ave., Ardmore, PA 19003 — (Sun) Nov. 30th
@ 6:15 P.M. - "Post Thanksgiving House Party" @ a
member's home in Haverford,, PA. — (Sun) Dec. 14th
@ 6:15 P.M. - Christmas Restaurant Event @
"L'aragosta's Italian Restaurant located @ 11 Cricket
Ave., Ardmore, PA 19003. More info call Barb (610)
896-6542. Catholic men are encouraged to participate.
Advent Retreat Day for Women
IHM Spirituality Center
1140 King Rd, Immaculata, PA 19345
“Discovering the Shape of Your
Emptiness: Encountering Christ Within”
Dec. 10, 2014 — 9:30am – 3pm
Presenter: Jeannine Peters
For more information and/or registration, contact
Sister Barbara Cook at 610-647-4136:
ihmspcenter@hotmail.com or visit website:
9-180 St. Thomas of Villanova