ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE NEWSLETTER THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 16TH NOVEMBER, 2014 MA SS/LITURGY CA LENDAR MONDAY NOV. 17th: 9.10am Mass 7pm Rosary-Dedicated to Bunty Stevens TUESDAY NOV. 18th: 10.00am Mass with School Classes - 3/4JH & 3/4GP WED. NOV. 19th: 9.10am Mass 10.30am Mass at St. Thomas’ Retirement Village THURSDAY NOV. 20th: No Liturgy FRIDAY NOV. 21st: 10.00 am Mass SATURDAY NOV. 22nd: 10.00am Reconciliation 6.30pm Vigil Mass SUNDAY NOV. 23rd: 8.30am, 10.30am and 5.00pm Mass YEAR A Dear Parishioners, The Church year is fast drawing to a close. This weekend’s readings have us looking on how we have remained committed to our Christian ideals as good stewards. We are well versed in the well known three gifts – time, talent and treasure – that assist us to provide the impetus to living out these ideals. The answer from today’s gospel is obviously to not hide ones gifts away. That is a waste. So once again, we are challenged to review our performance as the church year comes to an end and to be able to congratulate ourselves and our fellow parishioners on where we see the many wonderful things that have come about this year. If there is a shortfall then we can look at how we should deal with those too. During this past week many of us were privileged to see some great performances in and through our school. It was their revue titled ‘THE SHOW MUST GO ON’. This was staged at the Arts Centre at Yarra Valley Grammar. The whole school, students and staff performed magnificently. Not just once but on two nights. The program ran at a fast and enthusiastic pace with the students carrying out a multitude of roles with great enthusiasm and with quite some considerable skill and professionalism. Dressing up for their individual roles had many of us guessing who was who. It was a great night, congratulations to all concerned, obviously first to our children but the staff too who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Then too to the parents who no doubt supported their young ones perform so admirably. Congratulations all!! Now, next weekend it is the parish farewell for Fr. Chris. He will come a day or so before the weekend and will be with us for some days following. Please come to one of the masses to say farewell, not forgetting that the 10.30am Mass is the official one where official goodbyes will take place. Blessings, Fr. Frank, MSC MURPHY’S LORE It is not how many years we live, but what we do with them. Liturgy - Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A Entrance Antiphon: Jer 29:11, 12,14 The Lord said: I think thoughts of peace and not of affliction. You will call upon me, and I will answer you, and I will lead back your captives from every place. Gospel Acclamation: Jn 15:4,5 Alleluia, alleluia! Live in me and let me live in you, says the Lord; my branches bear much fruit. Alleluia! First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 Give her a share in what she has worked for. Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 Because you have been faithful over a few things; enter into the joy of the Lord. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 127:1-5 Happy are those who fear the Lord. A Vocation View: Second Reading: Thess 5:1-6 The day of the Lord is going to come like a thief in the night. Communion Antiphon: Ps 72:28 To be near god is my happiness, to place my hope in God the Lord. Don’t just bury your talents. Dream your best dream about your life and then live it to the full. God calls you to live in happiness. PIETY STALL OPENING TIMES: BEFORE & AFTER MASS Christmas Cards St.V de P @$4 8pack Majellan $6 pack of 10 now available Columban Calendars $9 ea Please remember the following in your prayers... Sick: Fr. Chris Murphy, Br James Maher, Kevin Dwyer, Therese Irwin, Kevin Patterson, John Francis, Germaine Symonds, Dao Le, Patrick Johnston, Ron McDonald, Irene Arthur, Luigi D’Aloisio, Elaine O’Hea, Chris Leach and Pauline Delahunty Recently Dec’d: Bunty Stevens (wife of Wal Stevens) Funeral Notice: Anniversaries: Joanne Hack, John Willcox and Frank & Denise Paholski Winner of Piety Stall Green Ticket 49 Br. James CD’s available Greeting Cards hand-made by Sr. Angelica of the Disciples of Divine Friends of Same East Timor Ground Coffee @ $7.50ea Pocket sized hand carved NZ crosses at $8.95ea PRAYER FOR PEACE God of hope and peace, be the spirit of wisdom, reconciliation and justice in the words and actions of the leaders of all nations. Protect those communities affected or threatened by violence in troubled areas. May the memories of those who have died urge all people towards an international community of security and peace. Mary Help of Christians, pray for us. All enquiries re Youth Ministry activities can be made to Denise at the parish Office. CATECHETICS CLASSES: Do you have a child in Year 2-6 attending a government primary school? If you would like your child to begin RE classes in 2015, or know of someone who would be eligible, please contact Denise at the Parish Office. SAVE THE DATE: SIX2EIGHT YOUTH CAROLS WALK—Friday 12 December. All young people very welcome. Children Year 1 and younger to be accompanied by an adult. SIX2EIGHT YOUTH CLUB: Next gathering is on Friday 28 November. Dear parishioners, On Monday 17th Nov. at 7pm there will a special Rosary dedicated to Bunty Stevens. You would be most welcome. ECUMENICAL ADVENT CAROLS & READINGS EVENING On Thursday 18th December, 2014, the above event will be held at our parish, with the Choir of The Anglican Church of St. Paul, Canterbury participating/singing. It will commence at 7.00pm. ST. THOMAS’ SOCIAL JUSTICE GROUP The next meeting of St. Thomas’s Social Justice Group will be on Monday 24th November at 7.30pm in the Meeting Room of the Presbytery. All are most welcome. HELP NEEDED: Our Altar Servers’ robes need to be washed and ironed. If you can help out, please contact Denise. STEWARDSHIP CORNER CATECHETICS CLASSES: Tuesdays 4pm-5pm (during School Terms) FIRST FRIDAY PARISH MASS & LUNCHEON: First Friday of the month starts at 12noon. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Sundays at 10.30am Mass. During School Terms only. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION AFTERNOON/EVENINGS: Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the Quiet Room of the Church. Contact Phil Collins on 0410 668 140 or email at New comers most welcome. Monday afternoons at 4pm at the Retirement Village Centre. Contact Geni Hunt on 9802 2078 or email: ST. THOMAS’ PLAYGROUP: On Wednesdays at 9.15am till 11am. Location front Portable at the school. All families with pre-school children (0-4yrs) are very welcome. Please bring a piece of fruit for each child. Please contact Julie O’Donnell on 0434 408 122.or email (During School Terms) God expects us to nurture and develop the gifts he has given us and then generously give back with increase. He doesn’t want us to waste or hoard the gifts he has given us; He expects us to grow our gifts, use them wisely and be generous with them. Anyone wanting Spiritual Direction can enquire at Parish Office on Ph.: 9878 0818. St. Thomas’ Social Scene What’s On………. SPOT SKETCHING/PAINTING Will be held on Wed. 10th Dec., meet at 9.30am New Comers most welcome! CARDS NIGHT: The next card night is to be held on Thurs 4th Dec. All welcome. Enquiries Don & Pat on 9878 4790 SCRABBLE Join in the fun for a social game of Scrabble in the Parish Hall on Thurs. 4th Dec. —7.30pm start. All Welcome. Any queries contact Maureen on 9884 4376 or Carmel on 9894 7950 1ST FRIDAY PARISH CHRISTMAS MASS AND LUNCHEON : 5th December Bookings for Christmas Mass & Luncheon are now being taken, please contact Evelyn Tan 9877 5548 FAREWELL TO FATHER CHRIS…….. Father Chris Murphy will be in the parish during the weekend 22 / 23 November and will attend all Masses so that everyone will have a chance to thank him and bid him farewell. There will be a special collection taken up on the weekend 15 / 16 November for Father Chris’ goodbye gift. I am sure you will want to show your appreciation of all Father Chris has given to our parish by your generosity. At the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Sunday 23 November, a presentation will be made to Father Chris and this will be followed by LUNCH IN THE PARISH HALL to which you are all invited and for which you are asked to bring a plate to share. Joan Morgan Chair, Parish Pastoral Council WATCH THIS SPACE FOR UPCOMING EVENTS….. REDEEM ADVENT PRAYER & REFLECTION BOOKLETS are available from the Piety Stall. They are produced by the Diocese of Wollongong; they are very good. Gold Coin Donation would be appreciated. Fr. Adrian Meaney MSC, would like to extend his thanks for your generosity in giving to the Missions last weekend. The amount raised was over $3,400. Many thanks and Gods’ Blessings. WANT TO KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING IN OUR PARISH? Then log onto the St. Thomas the Apostle Parish website We have a very informative website of Upcoming Church Calendar events, daily scripture readings either read to you or for you to read. Very user friendly with one touch access to many interesting sites. Give it a go!! And let us know what you think. ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH 57 CENTRAL ROAD (PO BOX 395), BLACKBURN ROSTERS FOR WEEKEND OF THE 22ND & 23RD NOVEMBER, 2014 Mass Commentators Lectors Special Ministers Altar Servers Welcoming Committee 6.30pm A. Pinto P. Muling B. Schaefer Jan Gaffy T. Keaney J. Scicluna P. Bergin A. Fraser R. Johnson 8.30am M. McDermott J. Morgan F. D’Souza Y. Crowe P. Crowe Kimi A. Beams PARISH PRIEST – Email: ASSISTANT PRIEST & FORMATOR: Fr. Frank Dineen, MSC Fr Joshva Gopini, MSC 10.30am J. Mahony V. Hawkins J. Jennings A. Marmion B. McLellan Krish H. Grogan J. Gomez M. Brodrick L. Thompson R. Johnson PARISH PHONE: 9878 0818/9877 7693 5.00pm Susan Collins M. Tonti-Filippini J. Defina H. Evans K. McGrath A. Negro J. Negro PARISH FAX: 9877 9519 PARISH EMAIL: Children’s Liturgy: Leader: Janette Mannix Piety Stall: Team 5 Money Counters: Team 6 ST.VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY: A Prayer for Priests God, grant them the joys of their vocation, health of mind, body and spirit; a strong faith and a light heart to do the Lord’s work in this world; and the love and support of their friends, family and parishioners. Holy Spirit, guide them and give them grace. Amen Web: www.stthomastheapostle. PARISH SECRETARIES: Susan Collins, Luise Hendricks & Luisa May PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr. Marg Burchell Denise Lyons 0478.169.114 Email: PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL : Joan Morgan 9877 3472 SCHOOL PHONE: 9878 8268 SCHOOL FAX: 9878 1233 SCHOOL EMAIL: Web: Call Centre for assistance – 1300 305 330 Weekdays 10am-3pm. Ringwood Centre Ph. 9870 9124, Unit 1B/76-82 Maroondah Hwy Ringwood. (cnr Murray Pl.) Furniture & White goods pickup -1800 621 349 FIRST AID EQUIPMENT Attention Parishioners: A First Aid kit is available in the Kitchen on the bench top. First Aid items (blankets etc.) which are provided by the Church are stored in a large plastic tub in the crying room (right sliding cupboard.) ARCHDIOCESE OF MELBOURNE POSITIONS VACANT NOTICE Please check our Notice board in the Narthex for positions/jobs that are available for interested persons. MATHS TUITION A fully registered Math's Teacher with 25 years experience. Please call Andrew on 9894-7893. Specialty in VCE 11-12 (can also help with Yrs. 6-10 Math's) LOST PROPERTY LOCATED BY NOTICE BOARD. PLEASE CHECK IF ANY ITEMS BELONG TO YOU. MANY THANKS PRESBYTERY OFFICE . SOUTHERN STARS SOCIAL CLUB PARTY FOR SINGLE CATHOLICS (28 TO 60 AGE GROUP) The above event is to be held on Saturday 22nd November, 2014 starting at 8.00pm Location: Benedict House at St. Benedict’s Parish , 301 Warrigal Rd, Burwood Cost: $13.00 incl. supper and lucky door prize Enquiries: Peter 9885 2167 a/h EMMAUS COLLEGE REUNIONS: Class of 2004 Reunion date for the above Year classes, respectively, are as follow: 15/11/2014 Any further details and all other past student queries, please contact Michael Jones, Alumni Rep. Ph. No: (03) 9758 7784 or email: Time for a cuppa and a chat after Mass………..
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