CU RTIS MEMORIAL LIBRA RY A World of Possi bility PAGE 2 President’s Message Board of Directors PAGE 3 Staff PAGES 4-5 Library Use Statistics PAGE 6 Library Financial Summary PAGE 7 Endowment Funds and Donors PAGES 8-11 Annual Book Fund Donors PAGE 12 Memorial Gifts and Other Donors PAGE 13 President’s Message Board of Directors Programs Sponsored by the Friends PAGE 14 Curtis Friends Financial Summary PAGEs 15-17 Curtis Friends Members With such a diverse range of library users, it’s difficult to encapsulate our library base in a few pictures. To help us out, three generations of the Gillis family of Brunswick and Harpswell stepped up to pose as the “poster family” of the newest Annual Fund campaign; they represent a real range of ages, interests and connections to the resources available to our entire library community. In addition to taking advantage of the library’s books, newspapers and magazines, audio books, movies and e-devices, each Gillis family member has his or her own relationship with the library as a volunteer, program participant, borrower, Annual Fund donor, Curtis Friends member, wi-fi user or story time leader. This Annual Report is our opportunity to recognize the importance of all of our users throughout the Brunswick and Harpswell communities and beyond, and to thank our supporters near and far. Thank you! - When I was a young mother, and new to Brunswick, Curtis Library was my lifeline. It was where I met other parents, even as sleep-deprived as I was. Curtis is where I began to initiate my small daughter into the community of Brunswick and the community of readers. My daughter outgrew story time long ago, but no one outgrows the library. Last week, in the same room where she used to sing songs on my lap, she made zombie Barbies with a group of teens for Halloween. Then the same librarian that helped her learn to read helped her navigate the young adult section. Talk about belonging to a community! As my children grow, the library grows with them. Truly, Curtis offers something for everyone, no matter your age or interest. Want to discuss current events? Pick up a good movie? Explore your genealogy? Look for a job? Build a robot? Check out the Collaboratory? Meet an author? Hear some music? Learn how to use your iPad? Find a bestseller? Curtis is the place to do it. Curtis is the place for you. Curtis is the place for everybody. With heartfelt thanks to all of our library supporters, and the communities of Brunswick and Harpswell, Kate Egan, President Brunswick Public Library Association Curtis Memorial Library’s Annual Report is produced each year in the fall to share vital library information, statistics, the financial report and to recognize our donors. Joanne Bollinger Keith Brown, ex officio Harpswell Karen Budd Mark Costa 2 Deborah Cravey 1 Kate Egan, President John Eldridge, ex officio Brunswick James Ford Peter Lowe, Treasurer Linda Marchant 1 Dave Nadeau, Secretary Maryann Nahf Barbara Norton 2 Wallace Pinfold 1 Kathy Smith 2 Ann Standridge Judith Redwine, ex officio Friends Frank Strasburger June Vail 1 (1) term began Nov. 2013 (2) term ended Nov. 2013 To enhance the quality of life in our communities by advancing knowledge, fostering creativity, encouraging the exchange of ideas, and building community. The mission of Curtis Memorial Library provides essential guidance to the library staff and Board, helping focus our services, guide our interactions with patrons and prioritize the allocation of resources. As we live our mission day-to-day, all of us at Curtis hold our responsibility to the community foremost in mind. Copies are available online at Paper copies are available on request, please call 207.725.5242 ext. 211 or email Administrative Services Elisabeth Doucett, Library Director David DeLois Jessica Flaherty 1 Michael Heath Joyce Schmitt Adult Services (AS) Pamela Bobker Sarah Brown, Mgr. Carol Briggs (also TS) Paul Dostie Deborah Lapp Kimberly Madden (also YS) 1 Linda Oliver 2 Paula Tefft (also TS) Lending Services (LS) Christine Eames, Mgr. Vicki Stevens, Mgr. Amy Brown Debra Burleson Andrea Cronkite Jeffrey DeHaven 1 Persephone Ditzel Myla Fay Hanne Hansen-Gramins Elizabeth Henderson 2 Marge Henry Sandra Kauffman Vera King Stephanie Levy Elizabeth Panayides Mary Jane Riley 1 Youth Services (YS) Pamela Jenkins, Asst. Dir., YS Mgr. Robyn Fay-Tringali Diana McFarland Melissa Orth Kate Wing Technical Services (TS) Carol Lord (also AS), Mgr. Cheer Allan (also AS) Joanne Pennington Peg Smith Network Services (NS) Marian Dalton (also AS) A few of Curtis Library’s “musical staff” who are among those who play in local orchestras, or sing in chorus or chorale Virtual Services (VS) Michael Gorzka Shelvers Andrew Bobker Kathryn Eldridge Helen Sturm 1 Nicholas Tucker 1 (many volunteers also contribute to the shelving effort) Substitute LS, AS and YS Desk Staff Quinn Blaiklock Chriss Carrington 2 Jane Crichton Myrna Koontz 2 Cynthia Rasmussen-Dykes Alida Snow (1) newly appointed (2) left during the period The Federation has Diana McFarland’s back, but she isn’t worried. Mike Gorzka helps patrons with the iPad. - Library Cards 12,058 Total Visitors Brunswick Harpswell Other 8,626 1,762 1,670 Days Open 309 (adjusted for snow days, half day Sundays, summer hours) New Cards Issued 1,658 Daily Average Visitors Items Borrowed by Patrons Daily Average Interlibrary Loan Borrowed from other libraries: Sent to other libraries: Unfilled requests 391,311 1,268 59,012 30,130 28,823 59 Items Owned Books Audio Video Periodicals Microfilm/other 9,216 864 142,173 119,277 5,443 6,371 10,455 627 Magazine/Newspaper subscriptions 289 E-reader devices for patron borrowing 23 E-books on e-readers 1975 New Items Added Reference Questions Answered Adult Services Librarians 266,678 12,889 Library Programs Attendance 662 15,882 Children’s Programs Children’s Attend. 342 9,802 Young Adult Programs Young Adult Attend. 159 3,559 Adult Programs Adult Attendance 161 2,521 Community Events Attendance Volunteer Hours Individual Volunteers 665 12,230 8,708 290 Internet Sessions Daily Average Web Page Loads Daily Average 68,190 221 377,204 1,223 Public Access Computers 48 Museum Passes Issued 664 - Operations — Part 1 Basic library operations (personnel, building, basic library services) are supported primarily through municipal funding, fees, and earnings from the library’s endowment earmarked for operations. These are reflected in the Part One budget. Town of Harpswell 123,904 Town of Brunswick 1,200,000 Earnings 22,952 Fees 58,504 Other 5,317 Total Income, Operations Personnel Services & Programs Facilities, Equipment, Insurance, Utilities Professional Services Equipment Replacement/Other Total Expenses, Operations Net Operations ** $1,410,677 1,151,163 Restricted — Part 2 All donations, earnings from restricted investments, and fundraising not specified for operations are included in the Part Two budget. Income over expenses is carried over from year-to-year to be spent for the intended purposes. Expenditure of restricted income is applied strictly according to the donors’ wishes. Earnings (endowment/other) Annual Fund (for the library collection) Grants (Burnham Trust) Community Health Information Partnership (CHIP) Cornerstones of Science (COS) Friends (donation for adult & children’s programming, collections) 81,462 107,880 12,500 8,000 10,716 47,136 Total Income, Restricted $267,694 Collections Library Programs Friends Expenses Grant Expenses CHIP COS Development Other Total Expenses, Restricted Net Restricted 134,128 8,584 11,584 3,271 12,883 11,433 25,091 12,770 $219,744 47,950 58,044 165,519 9,755 13,432 $1,397,913 12,764 ** Each year, Curtis sets aside any unbudgeted excess of operating revenues over expenses and designates that amount as a replacement reserve. Endowment funds are permanent, self-sustaining sources of funding, where the donors identify areas of library activity they wish to support. Endowment assets at Curtis are invested with UBS Financial Services and have provided consistently strong earnings compared to benchmarks. Each year, a portion of the value of the fund is paid out to support the fund’s purpose, and any earnings in excess of this distribution are used to build the fund’s market value. In this way, our endowment funds can grow and provide support for their designated purposes in perpetuity. When donors establish an endowment fund, they create a permanent legacy of support for Curtis Memorial Library. Curtis is fortunate to have expanded our endowment funds over the past few years, and we thank the forward thinking donors who are building such a strong base of support lasting long into the future. New Donor Restricted Fund 2013-2014: Kerford A. and Linda H. Marchant Endowment Fund Franklin C. Robinson and Lyman Smith Fund (legacy) Priscilla Q. Newgarden Fund (2003) Macky Bennett Director's Discretionary Fund (2010) Curtis Memorial Library Discretionary Fund (2013) Lulu and Lee Grodzins Fund (2003) Curtis Friends Fund (2013) The Curtis Garden and Grounds Fund (2005) Edward D. and Pamela B. Galvin Fund (2006) Barbara MacLean Endowment Fund (2012) Kerford A. and Linda H. Marchant Endowment Fund (2014) Nancy K. and Robert L. Morrell Fund (2003) Schall-Mitchell Fund (2005) Ruth and Rupert White Fund (2003) Booker-McKenney Endowment Fund (1982) Philip M. Brown Fund (1971) Mae Chatterjee Literacy Fund (1990) Margaret Hall Cole Fund (1992) Leroy and Muriel Cross Fund (1990) Phyllis Rocke Fuchs Children’s Book Fund (1999) Gardner Sabin Gould, Jr. Endowment Fund (1998) Pauline and Reginald Hannaford Fund (2001) Emily D. Jarratt Fund (2008) Carol & Chapman Jones and Dorothy & Albert Preston Memorial Fund (2003) Walter J. Klein, Jr. Endowment Fund (2012) William Townsend Knowles, Jr. Memorial Fund (1997) Maine Culture Fund (2006) Dorothy Nichols Niven Fund (1997) Emilienne Painchaud and Ovila Henri Bouchard Endowment Fund (2013) Rodney G. Sarle Fund (1997) Mary Louise Seldenfleur and Ralph T. Perry Fund (2001) Richard I. and Eliza H. Stark Fund (2005) Claire M.Taylor Fund (1977) Treworgy-Riesenberg Fund (2004) Janet A. and Martin Wilk Fund (2004) Macky Bennett Director's Discretionary Fund In Memory of Ann Goffin: Marilyn H. Dwyer John and Barbara Norton Curtis Friends Fund Curtis Friends Phyllis Rocke Fuchs Children's Book Fund Phyllis and Alfred Fuchs Pauline and Reginald Hannaford Fund Reginald and Pauline Hannaford Walter J. Klein Jr. Endowment Fund Ruth Klein Barbara MacLean Endowment Fund Richard MacLean Kerford A. and Linda H. Marchant Endowment Fund Kerford and Linda Marchant Emilienne Painchaud and Ovila Henri Bouchard Endowment Fund Ruth Klein Schall-Mitchell Fund Deborah and David Schall Ruth & Rupert White Fund Rupert and Ruth White - - AT&T Higher Education/ Cultural Matching Gift Program Bath Savings Institution Bath-Brunswick Veterinary Associates, Inc. BEK, Inc. Boucher, Perkins, Campbell, Paradis Brunswick Downtown Association Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Coastal Carpentry, Inc. Creative Hair Fashions Dunkin Donuts Eaton Peabody Estate of Marvin Starr Edgerton ExxonMobil Foundation Fore River Foundation G&E Roofing Co., Inc. Goodwin Chevrolet Mazda Greater Brunswick Physical Therapy Harpswell Coastal Academy Herman and Henrietta Denzler Charitable Trust Maine Community Foundation Maine Made Photos Maine State Music Theatre Morning Glory Natural Foods Morton Real Estate Now You're Cooking Pleasant Street Dental Assoc. Riley Insurance Agency,LLC Southern Maine Community College St. John's Catholic School TMA Development Corp. The Vicarage by the Sea, Inc. Office of Cornelia C. Viek, CPA Wally J. Staples Builders, Inc. Quinn Blaiklock Kateri Costain Michael and Dorothy Jones Elizabeth Mace Kerford and Linda Marchant Mark Mason and Trish O'Donnell Martha and Hollis McBride Douglas and Georgette Morrell Jane and William Morrell Robert and Nancy Morrell John and Barbara Norton Wallace Pinfold Suzan Wilson John Eric and Rosemary Anderson Anonymous (1) Margy Burroughs Birgitta Peterson J. Katherine Chatterjee G. Madison and Deborah Cravey Benjamin and Mary Dinsmore Tim and Stephanie Foster Chris and Alyssa Goodwin David Israel and Pamela Fletcher David and Susan Kertzer William and Elizabeth Knowles Sandra and John Peters Jennifer Snow and Dave Wilby Carrie and Frank Strasburger Ann and David Swanson J. Bruce and Nan Amstutz Nancy Andersen Barbara Anderson Peter and Susan Bachrach Ira and Joy Bird Keith Brown Robert and Mary Brown Karen Budd Deborah Degraff Dan and Diane Doiron Rebecca Gallery Elizabeth and Charles Grobe Robert and Margery Healing Scott and Valerie Howard Francis and Matile Hugo Kristin Jhamb and Paul Burns Sally Jeanne Kappler Andrew and Jennifer Kosak Karl and Joan Lauenstein John and Susan Loyd Richard MacLean Maggie and Craig McEwen Sheila and James Nacke Sandra and Richard Neiman Suzanne Neveux Walter and Helen Norton Joanne and Gary Pennington Lawrence and Jeana Rakovan James Redwine Dana and Bettina Smith Lauren Smith Kathryn Thorson and Mark Battle Mary Lee Ward Katharine Watson Thomas and Gudrun Webster Janet and Martin Wilk Charles and Maria Van Huystee Woodman John Alden Rudolf and Elizabeth Amann Randall and Linda Arendt Thomas and Elizabeth Bailey Suzanne Bakewell Stephan Bamberger and Sarah Wolpow David and Barbara Barbour Thomas Baumgarte and Karen Topp Rachel Beane Mary Beck Josephine Belknap John and Betty Bibber Nancy and Howard Bliss Peter Blyberg Daniel and Else Boland Joanne Bollinger Steven and Joanna Bradley Junelle Brandt James and Kathryn Bridge James Brokaw II and Mollie Sandock Jane Brox Claudia Brzoza and David Nagler Kevin and Amanda Bunker George and Barbara Burr Cynthia A Bush Sally and Sam Butcher Everett and Dana Porter Carson Phyllis Chandler Bradford and Dorothy Chapman Rosanna Chute Barbara Clark Curt Clark and Mark Rabinowitz Jody and Robert Clark Paul and Marcy Clark Linda and Richard Coffin Lincoln H Colby Joan and James Connellan Deborah Cowperthwaite and William Blood Jane and Philip Crichton Beverly Curtis Little Rodger and Becky Cuthbert Edward W Daniels John Davis Jolanda and Robert de Levie Lynda Dehaan Edward Dewey Karen Diamond and Bill LeFurgy Elisabeth Doucett and Daniel Ford Richard and Margery Dreselly Katharine Egan and Jonathan Wayne Jacqueline Ellis and Andrew Cook John and Deborah Farnham Colin Fay and Stephanie Holmes Averil and Rollin Fessenden Cheryl Figg Kimberly Flood Lorna Brown Flynn and John Flynn Carolyn Foster Robert and Marta Frank Jay and Lenore Friedland Phyllis and Alfred Fuchs Dr. Robert Galen Pamela and Edward Galvin Robert Gardner and Nancy Riley Frank and Nancy Goodwin Francesca and Terry Gray Linda and Thomas Green Aaron and Liza Greenwald Louise Hammer Reginald and Pauline Hannaford Leon and Cynthia Harkleroad Richard and Sheila Harrison Kevin Hart Louisa Hart Kimberly Haynes Mary Herman and Angus King Ann Hillis Lester and Sidney Hodgdon Melvin and Jean Hodgkins Edward and Anne Holt Whitney Houghton and Edward Stern Irma Howard Clare Howell George Isaacson and Margaret McGaughey Laura Jackson Thomas and Hilary Jacobs A. Scott Johnson Judith Kamin Jamie Kaplan and Suzanne Meeker Paula and Joseph Kennedy Mr. Richard Kezer Ernestine King Ed and Claudia Knox William and Jean Konzal Lois Lamdin Edward and Nancy Langbein Sarah and Henry Laurence Ellen Lebauer Claire Leonard Stephanie and Steven Levy Susan and Theodore Lindsey Stephen and Carol Liscovitz Candace Litchfield Ralph and Sonia Lofgren Daniel and Hope Mahoney Mrs. Abigail Manny Gerald and Helene Maraghy Alan Mast Tim and Joyce McCreight Shannon McHarg Janet Mead Richard Mersereau and Bette Spettel Norma Michalec Linda and Greg Millert Jytte Monke Judith Montgomery and Paul D'Alessandro James and Jo Anne Moore Daniel Morgenstern and Moriah Moser Betsy Morrell Richard and Eleanor Morrell Madeleine Msall and Frank Mauceri Charles and Sara Louise Mull Paul and Luanna Nau Steve and Abby Neal Richard and Ann Nemrow Susan Nickerson Betsy Niven P. Andrews and Brooke Nixon Donna Norman Andrew Norton Penrose O'Donnell Clifton and Susan Olds Susan Ostrov and Ken Brief Gwyneth Palmer Ellie and John Papacosma Miriam and Amory Patten David and Julie Pease Susan Perless Gregory and Leona Phelan Elizabeth and Jan Pierson Jan and Rick Pierson Harvey Pough and Ellen Smith Julia Pratt Judith Redwine and Henry Schwartz David and Susan Reed Thomas and Julie Rice W. Dixon Riley Sandra Morrell Rooney and Charles Rooney Charles Rose William and Elinor Rosenberg Susan Russell A. Raymond Rutan and Melinda Small Cathy Gaw Savage Elizabeth Scully Alex Severance Carla and Randolph Shaw Victor Skorapa, Jr. Kathleen Smith Mark and Judith Smith Miranda Smith Stoddard Smith Carol and Alan Sockloff William and Patricia Spock Ann M. Standridge Richard and Eliza Stark Carol and Joel Stinson John and Glenna Sullivan Benjamin and Emily Swan Richard E Tappan Lois Thacker David and Maryli Tiemann David and Tina Treadwell Mary and Chris Turner Benjamin and Christine Twining Debra Vamvikites and Michael Cain Paul Dostie Thomas and Carol Warren Gary and Susan Weaver Kathleen A. Webster Suse Weissman Susan Welch Genie and Nat Wheelwright Rupert and Ruth White Donald and Sally Whittemore Charles and Mary Jane Wiercinski G. Mark and Susan Wild Nancy Wilds Marilyn and William Wilkoff Margaret Wilson and Lloyd Van Lunen Joan Acord Reinhard Adler and Donna Olson Charlotte Agell and Peter Simmons Cheer Allan Edwin Allen and Barbara Bean Lois Anderson Davida and John Andrew Alexander Anesko and Andrea Loeffler Anonymous (8) Richard and Carol Antonak Astrida and Juris Apse Suzanne Astolfi and Steven Davis Mrs. Dorothy Ault Glenn and Delia Austin Mrs. Suzanne Austin Ron and Mary Baard Peter and Laura Baecher Marilyn J. Baker John Bald and Cynthia Lord Dana Baldwin and Andrew Burke Jacqueline and Michael Ballback Richard and Joyce Bancroft Tim and Michael Anne Banks Arthur and Barbara Banner Brian and Marie Barlow Dennis and Mary Jo Barrett John Beaudoin Jennifer Beaven Eric and Caroline Beckjord Susan Bell and Philip Hart Sherrie Bergman and Donald Quaid John and Karen Bergren Richard J Bernasconi Dorothy Berner Jean Betts Robert and Mary Biette Lorraine and J. Maurice Bisson Pamela F Bobker Mrs. Janet Bodwell Willem Boichel and Susan VanCoevern Ann and Claude Bonang Robert and Susan Boothby Adrian and Lisa Bossi Lisa Botshon and Peter Milligan David Bourque Michael Boutin Marypat Bowen Nancy Brackett Claudette Brassil Anne and Richard Brautigam James and Ashlin Bray Albert S. Bregman Joe and Joan Breisacher Fran Brennan Carol Briggs Frank and Peggy Broadbent Margaret Broaddus and Jeffrey Ward Sally and Robert Broderick Anne and Gerry Brookes Abbie Brown Catherine R. Brown David Brown and Jane Covey Lorraine Brown Patricia Brown Roland C. Brown Robert Bryan Edward and Beatrice Buchanan Robert and Janet Buck Carolyn Bulliner Elizabeth Bullock Terri Burgess Lisa and Thomas Burrows Judy Burtt George and Karen Cabot Helen Cafferty Janet Callowhill Chloe Carmer Russell and Sandra Caron Rachel Carr Ann Carter Christopher Casey and Kate Kalajainen Steven Cerf Irene Chance and Paul Schaffner Allison and John Chapman David Chatalbash and Alina Shumsky - Mrs. Mary Ann Child Dianne Chilmonczyk and David Morton Ronald and Kristine Christensen Jennifer K Ciejka Lawrence and Jeanne Clampitt Linda Clement Adele Cloutier William Cockburn June Coffin Panee Coffin Peter and Louise Colburn Jean Cole Judith and Rod Collette Kevin Collimore Gordon and Pamela Cook John Cooney and Lucile Heilshorn-Cooney Sally Coonradt Shannon K. Coray William and Dorothy Corkhill John Cotton Denise E Courtemanche Douglas and Juliette Covell Robert and Mary Ann Crockett Donna L. Croxford Barbara Cude Alice Cunningham-Spindler Ann and Louis Cutter Camille and Lynda Cyr Janice M. Cyr Peter L Dal Negro Richard and Carolyn Dalphin Michael Daly Harry Davies Monique and Mark Davies Priscilla Davis Rebecca Demars Kimie Demers Rosalie Deschenes Christine Detroy Deborah Friou and Forrest Dillon Philip and Peggy Dionne Persephone Ditzel Linda Docherty Carol and Donald Doele Alice Doerr Stephen Donahue and Gail Schen Maria Doolittle Vivian and Daniel Dorman Dale and Nancy Dorr Nancy Dout Olivette Doyon Jacqueline Drapeau Hannah Dring Joanna Dumdey Michael and Toby Dutton Marilyn H. Dwyer David and Lucy Earl Ursula Edelblut Pamelia Edgerton Isabelle Edling Philip and Mary Egan Barbara and Brent Ekstrom John and Brenda Eldridge Edna Ellis Susan and Frederick Elsaesser Reginald B Elwell James H. Eves, Jr. Joan Falkins Carolyn Farkas-Noe Robert and Clema Fay Sandra and Michael Feil Jane Fife Margaret Fischer Raymond and Margaret Fisher John and Susan Fitzgerald Sara P. Fogler Benson and Patricia Ford James Ford Patricia Forsyth Marcia Foulger Robert and Patricia Frost Anne Funderburk Joseph and Kathleen Furrow Gayla Galbraith Nancy Garland George and Martha Gilmore Floyd Goffin AM Goldkrand Ron and Noel Yacobian Golz Hubbard and Katherine Goodrich Cynthia L. Gower Joan and James Granger Mary Louise Gray Douglas Greason and Pegeen Mulhern Don and Beula Green Sally Greene Paul and Barbara Greenstone Michael and Rhonda Guptill Rebecca Haley Thomas Hallenbeck Michael and Moreen Halmo Edward and Suzanne Hamilton Richard and Jean Hamilton Monica Hamkins Everett Hanke Patricia Hansen Louise J. Harding Louise Harris and Robert Gibson Phoebe Jane Harris Ronald and Linda Hastings Ann Havener and Richard Estabrook Rebecca Hawkins Jennifer Hayden William and Bonita Hayden Mary Heath Michael and Valerie Heath Nancy Heiser and Jeffrey Cohen Joan and David Hemenway Julie and L.J. Hendrickson Marge and Jim Henry Michael Heskanen Henry and Alicia Heyburn Walter and Peggie Higgins James and Helen Hildebrandt Maria Hinteregger Scott Hood and Alison Bennie Virginia and Harry Hopcroft Martha Horn Robert Howe and Kathleen Coleman Michael and Carol Hughes Cecily Hume Leslie Hunt and Pete Didisheim Harold and Barbara Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram Julie Isbill Richard D. Johnson Suzanne Johnson and Craig Small Joan Jones Carol and Larry Kalajainen Candace Kanes Polly Kaufman Thomas Keating and P. Lynn Ouellette John and Sue Kennedy Margery Kerr David and Diane Kew Louise Kieffer Arthur Kilfoil Judith Kirby Monika Kirtland Keith and Judith Klein Katherine Kline and Bill Ryan James Knapp Christopher and Audrey Knight Margo and David Knight Victor and Kathleen Krea Judith Krok Daniel Kunhardt Laura Labbe Edward and Eileen Laine Lindsay and Mary Alden Laird Rachel Lamarre Pamela Lambert Edward and Laura Lane-Reticker Paul and Nancy Laprad Margaret Lavoie Sandra and John Lederman Frances Lee Laura Lee and Bradford Burnham David and Janet Leland Dennis and Nancy LeMieux Joan Leslie Florence Letters and Janet Libby Julia Levesque-LeRoy and Thomas LeRoy Dan and Susan Levine Randolf Libby and Elizabeth Landsman Libby Lorna Lichter Patricia Livesay Judith Lloyd and David Wallace William Locke Elizabeth Loewald Catherine Longley Margaret and Bruce MacDougal Robert and Catherine Machin George Mackinnon and Heather Newman Karen Madsen and Stephen Cohen Robert and Mary Magnus Burnham Martin and Lisa Schmitt Martin Theodora P Martin Phyllis Martinson William and Jennifer Mason Kenneth Mathews Van and Julia McCullough Vincent and Joanne McDermott Dorothy L McFadden Joy Judith McFarland Peter and Marcelle McGuire Daniel McKenney Shawn and Callie McMahon Jane McMurray William and Martha Meacham Lydia Mears James and Margaret Meiklejohn Roland and Joan Melcher David Merrill and Julia O'Brien-Merrill Sharon B. Merrill William and Susan Millar Nilda Mlyniec Richard Moll Diane and Anthony Monaco John and Nancy Moncure Anne Morham Douglas and Deborah Morton Sambhu and Sujata Mukhopadhyay Elinor Multer James and Caroline Murphy Maryann Nahf Elizabeth Nelson and Mark Margerum Richard and Anne Newman William and Helen Nicita Ruth Nies Jurgen Niffka William and Mary Ellen Obreiter Mary O'Brien and Stephen Naculich Brian O'Connor and Peter Varns Kathleen O'Connor and Thomas Kelly Christina Oddleifson Carol O'Donnell Linda Oliver and Peter Lea Elizabeth Owens and Douglass Faherty Laura Ozment David and Barbara Page Elisabeth J. Paige Victor and Evie Papacosma John and Judith Parker Albert and Karen Pasternak George and Eleanor Patterson Arnold and Marcia Paulen James Pepper Heather and Stephen Perkinson James Perrin Pamela and Alden Perry Dan J Peterman Jeffrey and Theresa Peters Ellen Petrin Ted and Joan Petterson Sue F Phillips Tina Phillips and Lorraine Berte Walter and Joan Phillips Victoria and Donald Piehl Rose-Anne Pinette Ingeborg Polacsek Marsha and Edward Pontius Debora Price Ella Quintrell and Duncan Wood Peter W Rand Leslie Randolph-Brancart and Claude Brancart Pat Rathbone Christine and Norman Rattey Richard F Ray Michael Redovian Bonnie Redzinak Theodore and Lynn Reese Richard and Helen Regan Edith and David Rentz Lillian Restivo Jack and Suzanne Rhode Jose Ribas Cathy Ricker Maryanne Riggio Roy L Rike David and Rosemary Roberts Janet Roberts Priscilla P Rooth Richard and Sarah Rosen Raymond and Michaelanne Rosenzweig Paula Boyer Rougny Andrew and Christine Rudalevige Ann Ruthsdottir Anna Salom Paul Saucier and Mryna Koonce Mr. Romain Savoie Jen Scanlon and Michael Arthur Edward and Elisabeth Schmidt Carol and Gil Schneidewind Howard and Josephine Schuman Sophie Schwab Kayda and Sam Selby George and Susan Sergeant Barry and Margaret Shanler Heather Sharkey Vineet and Hillary Shende Ellen Shillinglaw William and Alison Shipman Ned Simmons and Doreen Nardone Peter and Christine Simonson Thomas and Robbie Skaling John Otey Smith and Nancy Egan Nicholas and Edyth Smith Patricia M. Smith Peggy and Cameron Smith Richard and Priscilla Smith Victoria D. Smith Gloria Smith Ervin and Wanda Webber Snyder Peter and Clara Sollecito David and Maureen Soutter Harriet Spagnoli Evangeline Sparks Frances Spires Allen and Anne Springer Sue Stableford Raymond and Pamela Stagg Catherine Steele Wilda Steinkuhler Mrs. Dorothy Stetson Roger and Yong Cha Stevens Sarah Stevens Edna Stoddard Judith K Stoy Charles and Sherrill Strauss Daniel Strauss David and Norma Sturniolo Gerald and Maureen Sullivan Dorothea Sulzer Elizabeth Suna James and Julie Swol Burton and Carol Taylor John Taylor and Rebecca Brewster-Taylor Steven and Shelley Tebbutt Paula and Dennis Tefft Ken and Mary Templeton Cecelia Termini Joel Tompkins Marielynn Towers Lee Townley Jessica Tracy and Larry Lemmel Ralph and Nancy Tucker Willis and Roberta Tucker Jo-Ann and Stephen Turner Marjorie and James Turner Kevin and Sally Twine Agnes Uhde David and June Vail Pamela and Derek VanVolkenburgh Laverne Vayo Erin Vazdauskas John and Constance Vickery Timothy Wachtl and Darlene Breton Rosann Wade Merle and Deborah Wagg Julia and Robert Walkling Mary C. Wallace Melissa Walters and Robert Black Judith and Harry Warren William Washington Lynn C. Wasilewski Jean and Donald Weatherbee William and Frances Weatherbie Ruth Weeks Susan and Steven Weems Stephen Wellcome and Sylvia Stocker Shirley A. West Leonard Westra and Beth Thompson Charles and Susan White Theodore Wickwire and Shawn Gerwig David and Lois Widmer Caroline R Wiggett Scott and Joy Wiley Rebecca Wilkoff Paul Womer and Abigail Van Doren Wesley Wood Donald Woolever and Cynthia Dechenes Michael Wormser Rita and Mark Worthing Conrad Wurtz George and Barbara Wyman Anthony and Barbara Yuodsnukis Mary Lou Zeeman Nancy Zugehoer - Gratia Baird Spettel Victor Ingram Paul A. Wescott William Bodwell Jean Guerette David Banner G. Madison and Deborah Cravey Susan Nickerson David Child Rachel Goodness Edward Corbett Ann Burke Donald and Emily Cook Jim and Carol LeMere William and Gloria McGinn Rosalie Rechholtz Harriet Spagnoli Tracey Tubert Sarah "Betty" Geoghegan Mrs. Janet Bodwell Ann Carter Peter and Candace Cross Harold and Susan Edwards Phyllis and Alfred Fuchs Town of Scarborough Scarborough High School Activity Account Ralph and Mary Lancaster Suzanne B. Lovett Robert E. Mack Stephen McKenna and Pamela Peifer Robert and Nancy Morrell Gerald and Maureen Sullivan Susan Welch Kristine Yohe Dorothy "Dot" Ginty Sarah and Daniel McCue Clark Hamkins Mary Cotter Monica Hamkins Barry and Linda Konet Alice and Jim Rogers Bill Hill Molly Barrett Suse Weissman Cheer Allan Brian and Marie Barlow William and Martha Boney Karen Budd Jennifer K Ciejka ME Dept. of Environmental Protection G. Madison and Deborah Cravey Christine Ellis & Family Joan S. Hayden Michael and Valerie Heath Allaire Urban Karzon AAUW Bath-Brunswick Branch Linda and Greg Millert John and Barbara Norton Terence O'Neill Judith G. Patton Joanne and Gary Pennington Mary F. Potter Jackie Sargent Deborah and David Schall Harriet Spagnoli Curtis Memorial Library Staff Paul Dostie Emilienne Painchaud Ruth Klein Sue Ranger G. Madison and Deborah Cravey Merrymeeting Moguls Investment Club Ms. Heidi Strait for being a wonderful Kindergarten teacher for Ella Wilby from Robert Ney and MaryMargaret Anthoine Ney Lois K. Edwards from Tim and Joyce McCreight Robert W. Edwards, Sr. from Emily Toman from Peggy Siegle Mrs. Suzanne Viola for being a wonderful Fourth Grade Teacher from Cal Wilby from Jennifer Snow and Dave Wilby Tim and Joyce McCreight Rupert White's Birthday from Cotey Green from John White Portland Models and Talent The Marriage of Ed and Helen Hawes from George and Cevia Rosol Faith and Dick Moll from G. Madison and Deborah Cravey The Tobi Nichols Family from Portland Models & Talent Gussie Petron from Katie Byrnes David and Christine Campbell Herman and Claire Rij Sue Ranger from Robin E Brooks Nancy Dorian Joan Llorente Barbara Turvett and Edward Pauly Timeless Cottage Times Record Tom Jones Photography Tony Dance Fitness University of Maine WellTree, Inc. Jennifer Snow and Dave Wilby Liz Doucett and Joyce Schmitt from Noble Smith Jill Victor from Richard Mersereau and Bette Spettel Ralph and Sonia Lofgren AAUW Bath-Brunswick Branch Nikolas Shinay the great nephew of Celeste A. Shinay Estate of Marvin Starr Edgerton Pamela and Edward Galvin David and Julie Pease Pejepscot Genealogical Society John R. Webster AAUW Bath-Brunswick Branch Alfred M. Senter Fund Bangor Savings Bank Foundation John Bald Brunswick Rotary Club Brunswick Toastmasters Business Network George Burr International Coastal Humane Society Cornerstones of Science Earth Jams Curtis Friends Five Elements Mountain Harpswell Coastal Academy School of Martial Arts Joshua Chamberlain Civil War Glazed Pottery Round Table Greater Brunswick Physical Maine Community Foundation Therapy Maine Municipal Association Jai Yoga (2) Alex Kamos Merrymeeting Audubon Kathy Wilson’s Grooming Society Karen Leveille Mid Coast Hospital Little Dog Coffee Shop Parkview Adventist Medical Little Red Cup Tea Company Center Robert Long Side Door Coffee House MidCoast College Counseling Southern Maine Community SAGE Square and Round Dance College Club Southern New Hampshire Mary Strout University Tao Yuan Restaurant St. John's Catholic School Tess’ Market - To Our Supporters and Friends: Another busy and profitable year for the Friends and friends of Curtis Library. We are all fortunate to live in a community with such a wonderful Library. This year the Friends Board hosted a Spring Clean up, Volunteer Breakfast, the Biggest Book Sale in northern New England, Fall Clean up, Children's Book Sale, an Author Talk and more. All of this is done with the incredible support and work of volunteers in our community and the support of the Library Staff. about ways to increase our membership. More participation of, and suggestions from the larger Library community will enhance our future growth. Have I mentioned volunteering for Curtis is almost always fun? We have dedicated “old” volunteers, new volunteers, professionals, retirees, teenagers, Navy personnel, students, former Board members, current Board members, BIW employees, Library staff and on and on. Many friendships and connections are made while volunteering for our favorite Library. For the second year in a row the Friends were able to make a Thank you to all for your support of Curtis Memorial Library. $10,000 donation to the Curtis Friends Endowment Fund at CML. This is in addition to funding the many programs listed here. Yet again a record number of books were donated to the book sales. Books left over from the book sales were donated to Judith Redwine, President Curtis Friends Goodwill Industries. Our membership is growing, which brings more revenue to support the Library activities. We are always open to suggestions Juris Apse Linda Arendt Lynnie Bruce 2 Barbara Burr 1 George Burr 2 Jenny Ciejka 1 Persephone Ditzel 1 Jeff Gillis Kevin Hart 1 Marge Henry 2 Marcy Holmblad 2 Jack Hudson 2 Author Talks Fall and Spring clean up Museum Passes for public use Curtis News, production & mailing 1 Carol Ingram Scott Johnson Katy Kline 1 Judith Redwine, President Jeff Reynolds 2 Priscilla Smith 1 Carrie Strasburger 2 Emily Swan Mary Turner, Treasurer (1) Term began November 2013 (2) Term ended November 2013 Children’s and teen programming Children’s book sale (fall) and Community Book Sale (June) Funding for Bestseller Express program Funding for library staff professional development and conferences Mystery Author series and adult programs Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast and Volunteer of the Year Award NOTE: The Curtis Friends fiscal year begins May 1 and ends April 30. The figures and donor list in this report for Curtis Friends reflect activity during the 2013-2014 fiscal year only. - Income Annual Book Sale $ Book Bag Sales 778 Children's Book Sale 2,732 Interest Earned 82 Membership Dues & Donations 19,980 75 Miscellaneous Income Total Income 43,753 $ 67,400 Expense Adults' Programs $ Annual Book Sale Costs 3,100 4,370 Book Bags 866 Collections 15,000 Books on Wheels 326 Children's Book Sale 111 Childrens' Programs 6,500 Conversations at Curtis honor 1,000 Fees and Dues 900 Friends Programs 89 Leased Best Seller Books 5,000 Membership Costs 3,244 Museum Passes 1,228 Newsletter 4,615 Staff Development 7,000 Volunteer Appreciation 2,316 Facilities 500 Youth Services Spec Projects 2,621 244 Miscellaneous Expense Total Expense Net Income over Expenses $ 59,029 $ 8,371 Paid from reserves as authorized by the Curtis Friends Board: Contribution to Curtis Memorial Library Endowment Fund Net Operating Loss FY 2013-2014 (10,000) $ (1,629) Joan Acord Charlotte Agell and Peter Simmons Kristin Agudelo John Alden Cheer Allan Edwin Allen and Barbara Bean Teresa Allen J. Bruce and Nan Amstutz Barbara Anderson Donald and Patricia Anderson John Eric and Rosemary Anderson Anonymous (4) Richard and Carol Antonak Astrida and Juris Apse Ellen Asherman Suzanne Astolfi and Steven Davis Suzanne Bakewell Stephan Bamberger and Sarah Wolpow Tim and Michael Anne Banks Arthur and Barbara Banner James Barnett Ann H. Barry Thomas Baumgarte and Karen Topp John Beaudoin Jennifer Beaven Valencia Begay Josephine Belknap Susan Bell and Philip Hart Suzanne K. Bergeron Sherrie Bergman and Donald Quaid Dorothy Berner Jean Betts John and Betty Bibber Lorraine and J. Maurice Bisson Nancy and Howard Bliss Pamela F Bobker Willem Boichel and Susan VanCoevern Joanne Bollinger Melanie Bond Creative Hair Fashions Robert and Susan Boothby Steven and Joanna Bradley Cher Brancart Junelle Brandt Fran Brennan James and Kathryn Bridge Margaret Broaddus and Jeffrey Ward Steve and Christine Broening Anne and Gerry Brookes Catherine R. Brown Keith Brown Patricia Brown Jane Brox Cherylyn Brubaker & Family Lynnie Bruce Carolyn Bryant Tracey Brzozowski Marlene Budd Carolyn Bulliner George and Barbara Burr Margy Burroughs Cynthia A Bush Margaret Butler and Lee Silverman Lynn Callahan Sean Callahan and Elisabeth Biemann Dana and Marilyn Cary Christopher Casey and Kate Kalajainen Phyllis Chandler Sergei Chirkov Adele Cloutier Panee Coffin Peter and Louise Colburn Michael and Rachel Connelly Donald Connor John Cooney and Lucile Heilshorn-Cooney Denis and Chooi Siew Corish John Cotton Katie Courtis Basquin G. Madison and Deborah Cravey TMA Development Corp. Ann and Louis Cutter Martin and Nancy Damiani Richard and Brenda Darcey Harry Davies Monique and Mark Davies John Davis Lynda Dehaan Ava DeLorenzo Karen Diamond and Bill LeFurgy Benjamin and Mary Dinsmore Philip and Peggy Dionne Persephone Ditzel Anne Wescott Dodd Karen A Doherty Dan and Diane Doiron Matt Donohue Nancy Dorian Nancy Dout Daniel and Linda Dowling Michael and Alice Duquesnoy Marilyn H. Dwyer Pamelia Edgerton Edna Ellis Guy Emery Joan Falkins Liivka Farrell Robert and Clema Fay Sandra and Michael Feil Averil and Rollin Fessenden Raymond and Margaret Fisher Lorna Brown Flynn and John Flynn Benson and Patricia Ford Tim and Stephanie Foster Ann Frey Phyllis and Alfred Fuchs David Fuller Rebecca Gallery Pamela and Edward Galvin David and Nancy Gardner Nancy Garland Mark and Katie Geoffroy Edward Gilfillan Tom Gill George and Martha Gilmore Floyd Goffin Hubbard and Katherine Goodrich Goodwin Chevrolet Mazda Deborah Gould Don and Beula Green Linda and Thomas Green Paul and Barbara Greenstone Drew Griffin Reginald and Pauline Hannaford Patricia Hansen Jane T Harris Louise Harris and Robert Gibson Kevin Hart Marjorie Hassen Custom Craftsmen Jennifer Hayden Martin and Anne Hayden Robert and Margery Healing Nancy Heiser and Jeffrey Cohen Julie and L.J. Hendrickson Marge and Jim Henry Mary Herman and Angus King Henry and Alicia Heyburn Frank Heymann Melvin and Jean Hodgkins Nancy K Hoffman Geoffrey and Sharon Hole Virginia and Harry Hopcroft Martha Horn Irma Howard Clare Howell Jack and Judith Hudson Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram Leslie Inman Judith Johanson Charles and Jean Johnson Joan Jones John Jones John and Star Jones Michael and Dorothy Jones Agnes Joy Carol and Larry Kalajainen Candace Kanes Jamie Kaplan and Suzanne Meeker Sally Jeanne Kappler Mary Ellen Kazimer Paula and Joseph Kennedy Mr. Richard Kezer Louise Kieffer Ernestine King Valerie King Katherine Kline and Bill Ryan Margo and David Knight Andrew and Jennifer Kosak Victor and Kathleen Krea Ted and Nancy Laitala Paul and Nancy Laprad Sarah and Henry Laurence Catherine and Thomas Leach Ellen Lebauer David and Janet Leland Mona Letourneau and Ravn Jenkins Helen B Levine Stephanie and Steven Levy Lorna Lichter Loren and Corinne Lidsky Jean Lincoln Stephen and Carol Liscovitz Christopher and Susan Livesay Patricia Livesay Stanley and Loukie Lofchie Mary Mabee Robert and Mary Magnus Daniel and Hope Mahoney Gerald and Helene Maraghy Kathleen March Theodora P Martin Fred Masciangelo William and Jennifer Mason Jeanne and Dana Mayo Martha and Hollis McBride Robert and Kelly McDaniel Maggie and Craig McEwen Shawn and Callie McMahon Jane McMurray William and Martha Meacham Michael and Patricia Meisner Roland and Joan Melcher Richard Mersereau and Bette Spettel Jennifer Mitchell Richard Moll Diane and Anthony Monaco Dorothy Moody Daniel Morgenstern and Moriah Moser Douglas and Georgette Morrell Richard and Eleanor Morrell Robert and Nancy Morrell Douglas and Deborah Morton Charles and Sara Louise Mull Jan Munroe James and Caroline Murphy Patricia Murtagh-Verville and Michael Verville Sheila and James Nacke Bill and Mary Nadolny Jessica Napier-Kane Steve and Abby Neal Elizabeth Nelson and Mark Margerum Carolyn Newcomb Richard and Anne Newman H. Gilman and Ellen Nichols Betsy Niven Carol O'Donnell Clifton and Susan Olds Joanne and John Olson Barry O'Neil Jeff Osgood Susan Ostrov and Ken Brief David and Barbara Page Elisabeth J. Paige Victor and Evie Papacosma James Parmentier and Elizabeth Fowler Miriam and Amory Patten Nancy Patzlaff Arnold and Marcia Paulen David and Julie Pease Heather and Stephen Perkinson Dan J Peterman Ted and Joan Petterson Gregory and Leona Phelan Sue F Phillips Walter and Joan Phillips Russell and Anne Pierce Rose-Anne Pinette ExxonMobil Foundation Bar Harbor Book Shop Allison Pratt Leslie Randolph-Brancart and Claude Brancart Michael Redovian James Redwine Theodore and Lynn Reese Edith and David Rentz Thomas and Julie Rice Cathy Ricker Peter and Trudi Riesenberg Mary Jane Riley Gail and Al Ripa Sandra Morrell Rooney and Charles Rooney Priscilla P Rooth William and Elinor Rosenberg Paula Boyer Rougny Melissa and Stanley Rupard A. Raymond Rutan and Melinda Small Anna Salom Carole L. Sargent Deborah and David Schall Edward and Elisabeth Schmidt Elizabeth Scully Barry and Margaret Shanler Heather Sharkey Wild Oats Bakery Ellen Shillinglaw Michael J. Simmons Thomas and Robbie Skaling John Otey Smith and Nancy Egan Richard and Priscilla Smith Victoria D. Smith Jennifer Snow and Dave Wilby Carol and Alan Sockloff Allen and Anne Springer Sue Stableford Henry and Judith Stauffer Carol and Joel Stinson Andre Strong and Marjorie Kernan Linda Suitor Dorothea Sulzer Joan Sutcliffe and John McGoldrick L. A. Sutton Benjamin and Emily Swan Barbara Taylor Burton and Carol Taylor Cecelia Termini Lois Thacker Kathryn Thorson and Mark Battle Joel Tompkins David and Tina Treadwell T. Perry True Cheryl and Newell Tucker - Jack and Martha Tucker Ralph and Nancy Tucker Mary and Chris Turner Vail's Tree Service, Inc. Pamela and Derek VanVolkenburgh Peter and Jean Vaughn Sheryl Veilleux Mark and Carol Verhey Richard and Carol Visser Rosann Wade Elizabeth Waldo John M. Wallace Mary Lee Ward Judith and Harry Warren Katharine Watson William and Frances Weatherbie Gary and Susan Weaver Carolyn Welch Susan Welch Genie and Nat Wheelwright Ann Whetstone and Paula Keeney Charles and Susan White Rupert and Ruth White David and Lois Widmer Androscoggin Dental Care G. Mark and Susan Wild Janet and Martin Wilk Rebecca Wilkoff Charles and Maria Van Huystee Woodman Donald Woolever and Cynthia Dechenes Anthony and Barbara Yuodsnukis Margaret Zillioux and Robert Vilas Nancy Zugehoer Raymond Alden Anonymous (5) v Randall and Linda Arendt Ron and Mary Baard Dana Baldwin and Andrew Burke Ann and Claude Bonang Heidi Boyd Nancy Brackett Anne and Richard Brautigam Stuart Brimlow and Andrea Sinclair Allen and Arleen Brother Abbie Brown David Brown and Jane Covey Rich Byard George and Karen Cabot Marlis Cambon Chloe Carmer Lin Carmer Ann Carter David Chatalbash and Alina Shumsky Ronald and Kristine Christensen Lawrence and Jeanne Clampitt Judith and Rod Collette Joan and James Connellan Grant Connors Carrie Coselman and Peter Mason John Cross Camille and Lynda Cyr Richard and Carolyn Dalphin Michael Daly Priscilla Davis Glenda Derbyshire Christine Detroy Deborah Friou and Forrest Dillon Maria Doolittle Vivian and Daniel Dorman Olivette Doyon Jacqueline Drapeau Hannah Dring David and Lucy Earl James H. Eves, Jr. Cathy Fogler Patricia Forsyth Diane Friese Gayla Galbraith Robert Gardner and Nancy Riley Natalie Gorey Joan and James Granger Ruth Green Sally Greene Thomas Hallenbeck Louise J. Harding Maria Havinga Rollin and Carolyn Haynes Edward and Carla Heath Mary Jane Heros James and Helen Hildebrandt Maria Hinteregger Michael and Carol Hughes Leslie Hunt and Pete Didisheim Trish Hunter Julie Isbill Carolyn Johnson Suzanne Johnson and Craig Small Judith Kamin Lewis and Adria Kaplan Polly Kaufman Danielle and Aaron Keller Bruce and Joan Kidman Arthur Kilfoil David Kilpatrick Matthew Klingle and Connie Chiang Ed and Claudia Knox Edward Kostyla Lindsay and Mary Alden Laird Charles Lane Edward and Nancy Langbein Laura Lee and Bradford Burnham Julia Levesque-LeRoy and Thomas LeRoy Joseph and Phyllis Lisi Ralph and Sonia Lofgren Susan Lowery Robert and Catherine Machin Stephanie MacNeille Karen Madsen and Stephen Cohen A William Markell Kenneth Marks and L inda-Sue Reister Linda Marquis Burnham Martin and Lisa Schmitt Martin Alan Mast Kenneth Mathews Lynn McCormack Dorothy L McFadden Stuart McGeorge Peter and Marcelle McGuire Nancy Meikle James and Margaret Meiklejohn Sharon B. Merrill Al Miller Anne Morham Victoria Muller Robert and Jean Mulligan Kathleen O'Connor and Thomas Kelly Christina Oddleifson Elizabeth and Jan Pierson David Pietrowski Bruce Proctor Peter W Rand Richard F Ray Bonnie Redzinak Larry and Mary Chris Reese David and Paula Rose Raymond and Michaelanne Rosenzweig Jeanie Rubio Susan Russell Connie Rutter Dawn Sargent Klaus and Mary Schreiber Howard and Josephine Schuman Dana and Bettina Smith Owen Smith Pam Smith Ervin and Wanda Webber Snyder Peter and Clara Sollecito Ann M. Standridge Mark Stern Matthew Stuart Gerald and Maureen Sullivan Abigail and Erik Svenson William Taylor Lucie Teegarden Robert and Donna Thompson Molly Tompkins Marielynn Towers James Tyson Paul VanDerWerf Timothy Wachtl and Darlene Breton Stephen Walker James Walsh George I. Wescott, Jr. David and Nancy Whiteside Peter and Hilda Wiley Frances Woodring Rita and Mark Worthing Martha Yandle Lynn Young Mildred Ackley Bonnie and Steven Alcaide Anonymous (5) Dennis and Susan Arnold Mrs. Dorothy Ault Mrs. Suzanne Austin Peter and Laura Baecher Diann Bailey John Bald and Cynthia Lord Richard and Joyce Bancroft Patricia and Ray Bergeron Marlies Betka Mark and Jane Biscoe Mrs. Janet Bodwell Helen Boynton and David Stuntz Scott Bradley Brittany Breisacher Roger Brodeur Lou Brown Peter and Gladys Case Steven Cerf Jennifer K Ciejka Linda Clement June Coffin Stuart M Congdon Jane and Philip Crichton James Croft Alice Cunningham-Spindler Peter L Dal Negro Henry D'Alessandris Deb de Rivera Susan Rooney Delois Brandon Dudley Hayley Dunham Susan and Mitch Dunham Erin Eldridge John and Brenda Eldridge Kathryn Eldridge Susan and Frederick Elsaesser Sara P. Fogler Roger Foreman Rebecca Goldfine Jeanette Gorman Dorothe Hallenbeck Taylor Hamilton Jeanne Harrington Phoebe Jane Harris Ronald and Linda Hastings Linda Herling Michael Heskanen Tamerson Hoering Edward and Anne Holt Doug Houston Margaret Huber Harold and Barbara Hutchinson Roger Kramer Jane Kresser Pamela Lambert Margaret Lavoie Sandra and John Lederman Frances Lee Randolf Libby and Elizabeth Landsman Libby Raymond Libby Nancy Lougee Elaine Maclennan Israel Mallar Kerford and Linda Marchant Michael McCann Edward McCartan Vincent and Joanne McDermott Janet Mead David Merrill and Julia O'Brien-Merrill Scott Merrill Christine and Robert Millar Ann Miller Matt Miller Andrea Morgan Paul and Luanna Nau Elizabeth Newman Sherry Orr Heather Page Gwyneth Palmer Jean Parker Elizabeth Pavelle Ron Pavelle Katherine Perry Mrs. Eleanor Peterson Richard and Helen Regan William Reno Jeffrey Reynolds Janet Roberts Joanne Rogers Irwin and Barbara Rosenberg Courtney Ross Ann Ruthsdottir Mildred Gray and Dan Sanborn Peter Savage Mr. Romain Savoie Steven Shea Leslie Simmons Ned Simmons and Doreen Nardone Jeff Smith James Spicer and Terese Pawletko William and Patricia Spock Peter St. Jean Jamie St. Laurent Julie Swan Calvin Takagi Steven and Shelley Tebbutt Jean Tompkins Lee Townley Marie Wagner Susan and Thomas Weddle Ruth Weeks Shirley A. West Craig and Susan Whitman Olef Winokurzew Phyllis Wolfe Charles and Nancy Woolley The Captain John Curtis Memorial Library, circa 1905 Three generations of the Gillis family, 2014 From the left: Elise, Everett, Linda, Win, Teresa, Jeff
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