Lifelines ...Half a Mile of Tennessee Red Dirt

Roseville Church of Christ
17415 Eleven Mile Road
Roseville, MI 48066
Nov. 16, 2014
Roseville Church of Christ
—- 17415 Eleven Mile Rd, Roseville, MI 48066
—- 586-771-5311
“Just Checking in Today, Lord”
...Half a Mile of Tennessee Red Dirt
Our monthly fellowship dinners
will be suspended for a couple
months due to
the coming holidays. However, an
‘Old Fashioned’ pie
social is planned
for next Sunday,
11/23. Bring your
favorite pie and
join in on some
good fellowship!
The ‘Sunday
Breakfasts in
the Foyer’ however will continue
on each second
(cont. from front page),
“…..And we will never forget all the kindly
folks of the town who always had time to stop and talk with us little
folks in the yard. All wonderful memories! (Did I mention my Aunt
Mary’s old Model A Ford? Or listening for the familiar ‘cha-cha-cha--CHUG’ of the John Deere tractors? Maybe another time…..)
The good memories linger on…..while any un-good ones are
soon forgotten.
A comparison of ‘Little Henry’ to the garden that God provided
for Adam and Eve would yield little similarities…..and yet ‘Little Henry,’ from a small child’s point of view, given the changes that centuries could bring, could be an ideal place for any of God’s children to
Even though the summer heat could top 100 degrees, it was
still a pleasant climate. Most nights were cool enough for sleeping
and electric fans kept the air circulating.
Winters were mild and really didn’t hurt much. Any snow was
soon melted and the pot-bellied stove heated the whole house.
Neighbors helped neighbors with all large projects and there was
something special about spreading a table cloth on the old table in
the yard so that neighbors could share meals….and when the watermelons were ripe, there seemed to be an unlimited supply!
Come to think of it, there really was a lot of similarities be— Randy
tween Henry and the Garden of Eden!
Henry really could have been the community that time forgot. Mention was made here in this space recently of the friendly little West
Tennessee town of Henry and a large part of my childhood memories are deeply
rooted there. I’d like to share some of my favorite remembrances with you.
My granddaddy had a farm a short way out of town and my mom’s mom
lived right in the middle of town. Many of my early childhood days were spent
alongside the main line of the L&N railroad, it being a mere 50 feet from my grandmother’s front door.
Little Henry was like most small, southern towns. It occupied about half of a
square mile of Tennessee red dirt and was all but by-passed when the highway
dept. built a big highway through the county. A town park paralleled the railway
through half of the town and the main street formed the other boundary of the park.
Many of my memories stem from the railroad. The ‘wildcat’ whistles of the
steam locomotives could be heard from miles away so, as kids, we could always
manage to be “on the front porch” when the freight trains roared by! The engineers
always waved back at us which gave us many a thrill. During the night, if the trains
were more than five minutes late, we would wake up wondering where they were!
Much of our time was spent walking the rails to see who could go the furthest without falling off. It was such great fun.
The homes were well-kept and the neighbors didn’t mind when we played in
their yards…..even when their own kids were somewhere else. On a hot day, we
would walk the rails part-way to ‘town,’ then jump to the other rail and run over to
Mr. Irby’s store to buy a bottle of RC Cola for a nickel. Many years later, we
learned that the portly Mr. Irby had never asked us for the full price!
Another fond memory was the daily routine of helping my aunt water her
large collection of potted flowers. We would carry the bucket to the the bucket to the
water faucet next door to get the water…..since there was no indoor plumbing (nor toilet) in
our house.
( Continued on back page)
Service Schedule:
Bible Class 10 AM
Morning Worship 11 AM
Evening Worship 5 PM
Tuesday PM:
James Group
Dinner at 5:30 PM
Bible study at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Bible Study:
10:00 AM & 7:00 PM
Dave Chaffin
John Magness
George Westerman Jr.
George Price
John Bonbrisco
Neil Cherry
Randy Milam
Jim Petronski
Gunther Schlender
Bob Wilson
Linda Lawson
Thanksgiving Alms
Linda spent a particularly
long and stressful day (16
hours) at the hospital this past
weekend while being administered extra units of blood.
The need was brought
on by reaction to her
cancer treatments.
Linda maintains a sunny attitude without complaint.
Please remember the
Lawson family in your daily
Gunther is putting
baskets together for
holiday. You can be
a great part of this
special ministry by
You can still give
Gunther your cash donations
today. Much good has been
accomplished through this annual project and the Lord has
been Glorified in many ways
through such gestures of good
John Hart
John patiently awaits results
on the latest lab tests to determine the progress of his
chemotherapy which are
expected soon. In the meantime, the chemotherapy
VBS to Return
Angel Tree Program
Jim & Alisa Petronski
are taking the lead in our
Angel Tree Program this
year. Such efforts always bring
much glory to the Lord’s name.
There is opportunity for all to be
a part of this wonderful effort to
bring a little holiday cheer into
the lives of these little folk.
The Angel Tree Party will be
held this year on Thursday, Dec.
4, in our building. The Parade of
Smiles will begin at 6:00 pm.
Church E-Mail Address:
Our Vacation Bible School will
return next summer. It was not
held this year due to dwindling
numbers. We need mature
Christian teachers to staff the
program and to help organize.
Bob & Lynn Wilson are leading
Church Web Address:
Susie’s Dad
Annual Holiday Sing-A-Long
Dan Furkovich, Sue Jamieson’s dad, continues to
recover at home. He received
a favorable doctor’s report this
past week and surgeons anticipate performing his aortic
valve replacement surgery
before the end of the year.
It’s time to start warming up
your vocal chords for the
‘annual’ Christmas Sing-a-long
at the Schlender chalet. Mark
your calendar for Friday, Dec.
5, at 7:00 p.m. ‘Rumor’ has it
that the spiced cider and donuts
are ‘awe-ready ‘hot ‘n’ fresh!!!
(see any elder)
Our Numbers for
Nov. 9
Worship 113
Giving $4850.00
Vol. 14-042
Daily in Our Prayers
Bob Blair - Bob has been discharged from the hospital after treatment for irregular
heart beat and related issues. He was feeling somewhat better but is beset with a constant ‘fatigue.’ Send cards to 5109 Ravens Glen, Nashville TN 37211.
Osterhoudts - The family health issues continue and they could use some help with
meals —- a great opportunity to do a good work.
Keith Andersen - Keith’s rehab program is still in high
gear. He has been able to keep his smiles and chipper
demeanor through all his woes.
Len Desmarais - Remains at Clinton Aire Rehab facility,
17001 17 Mile in Clinton Twp., He has been able to attend classes lately but still appreciates cards and calls.
Rob Smith - Rob has been told that his body is
now cancer free. Medics must now rebuild his
strength forcing him to miss the twins’ birth.
Gloria Huyser - Gloria is recovering nicely since
injuring her ankle. She expects to have rotator
cuff surgery in her injured shoulder in January.
Bill Green - Bill continues at the Shorepointe Nursing
Center, rm 228 following a brief stay in the hospital. Medics are pleased with his progress and may remove the pins
from his foot soon.
Gracious Father,
Please smile benevolently on these special
members of our family
who want so desperately
to have their hurts
eased. Please give them
peace no matter what
their hurt may be.
—-Be Still and know
that I am God!—
Lois Birdwell - Lois has fallen and broken her pelvis while living with her sister in the
Nashville area. She is a grand lady who has spent a lifetime in service to others and
would love to hear from you now in her hour of need!
For Encouragement
The Gordon family, the Runyons, Joe Phillips, Bill & Betty
Green, Ed George, Sue Johnson, the Osterhoudts, the
Holzhauers, Jean Ballard,
Len Desmarais, the Bedard/
Hamilton family, Brian Folino,
the Joel Legree family, Vinnie
Phillips and Mike van Cleave
who often calls for prayer.
Those Struggling with Cancer
Anita Hall, Roger Hamilton, John Hart, Rob
Smith, Linda Lawson, and Bob Blair,
Multiple Health Issues
The Osterhoudts; the Greens, The Hamiltons, Jan & Rhonda Runyon, the Pincombes and Chuck and Donna Holzhauer.
Our Shut-Ins
Len Desmarais, Darlene LaCharitie, Bill & Betty
Green, Justine Arnold, Helen Whitty and Jim &
Pauline Bedard.