NCHS Band Notes Director’s Notes By DJ Alstadt and Brandon Estes Illinois Music Educators District IX (ILMEA) A total of 2,400 students auditioned for ILMEA from District IX on October 7 at Addison Trail High School. A maximum of 25 students were eligible to audition per school. Please join me in congratulating the following NCHS Band Students: Concert Band Will Barger - Trombone Zach Ceresa - Trombone Sarah Shapley - Flute Sam Cohn - Percussion Isaac Frank - Percussion William Gayde - Percussion Orchestra Kayla Bull - Oboe Jazz Band Will Barger - Trombone Matthew Paras - Drum Set Andrew Walters - Trombone The ILMEA Jazz Festival will be held November 15that Plainfield South High School, and the ILMEA Concert Festival will take place November 22nd at East Aurora High School. For more information, visit Wind Ensemble As I write to you we are gearing up for two concerts. The Veteran’s Day Ceremony will take place on November 11th at Naperville Central High School. Mayor Pradel, who served in the United States Armed Forces (U.S.M.C.), is the guest speaker. Along with the band, the Chorale, NCHS’s top choir, will give a stirring performance alongside the Wind Ensemble on this emotional morning. Secondly, we are preparing for the South Side Band Festival with Lincoln Jr. High and Madison Jr. High. Finally, we are very excited for the band’s performance in March at Carnegie Hall in New York! If you or Published by Naperville Central High School and the Naperville Central Band Boosters of Naperville Community Unit School District 203 Fall 2 014 your family would like to attend this historic performance for our program please mark your calendars for the weekend of March 14th. http:// Wind Symphony We are very proud of the progress of our Wind Symphony! This ensemble is comprised of freshman through senior members. These students are working diligently to complete class assessments to improve upon their instrument skills in sight-reading. This has vastly improved the ensembles technique in music performance. We’re in for a great treat at our first concert of the fall season! Keep an ear out regarding our Annual Exchange Concert performance at North Central College’s Wentz Hall in late March. Symphonic Band The sophomores, juniors and seniors who make up Symphonic Band, continue to raise the bar for this fine ensemble. We continue to grow and mature on our instruments with regular work on our fundamentals, almost daily assignments with our sight reading, technique building, and working on our musicality. Mr. Alstadt works with the winds while Mr. Estes takes the percussion. Mr. Linke joins in on both groups and we are very excited to perform for you on the November 12th Concert. Continued on page 2 - Band Directors DJ Alstadt, Director - Brandon Estes, Associate Director - Band Office - 630.420.6462 Website Director’s Notes, continued Concert Band This all-freshman ensemble has been an absolute blast to work with! The directors are extremely excited for our debut concert November 12th. They will be performing music of a great variety of styles and their dedication to the music is humbling every day. The directors are truly honored to work and grow with you over the next four years! Marching Redhawks The 2014 Marching Redhawks have set a new standard of excellence for our marching and complete band program! We are so proud of all of the accomplishments of the students and staff for our 2014 competitive season. To cap things off, BOA - St. Louis regional was a great experience for our program! The educational value of attending this regional will have great influence on the future of the Marching Redhawks. We are extremely proud of the student leadership team of the 2014 Marching Redhawks! They worked well as a team, collaborating weekly on strategies to make their experience and the members of their sections as fruitful as it were. Congratulations to the Senior Marching Redhawks and Thank You for all that you have given to this program! Finally, there is no way that we could do this without a total team effort. Parents, thank you for driving miles and miles for a nine minute show! You pushed props, built gifts, painted, and gave your best to NCHS Bands. Thank you for your attendance and truly supporting your favorite Marching Redhawk. Jazz Please consult Charms Office Assistant for Jazz Band Audition materials. The Directors would like to thank Mr. Brian Dunn for his loyalty as the Jazz Band Director. Mr. Dunn has graciously passed the torch to his successor Mr. Earl Talbot. To say that we are excited to welcome Mr. Talbot is an understatement. We look forward to you getting to know Mr. Talbot and welcoming him as our new Jazz Band Director! Jazz Studio Orchestra will be performing the weekend of March 14th at the “Jazz Standard” in New York. Any night you were in Manhattan you would find the best jazz musicians in the world playing at the “Jazz Standard”. When JSO is playing there we hope you will come, relax, and listen to our kids as they play at this historic jazz venue! Winter Guard The Color Guard is involved in their clinics to begin the audition placement for the 2014-15 Spirits Winter Guard. Good luck to all that are auditioning! We will be cheering you all the way to Dayton, OH at Winter Guard International (WGI) Championships! Please be watching the calendar and go support OUR SPIRITS! Drum Show Drumshow 2015 will take place on April 10 and 11. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about this exciting opportunity, visit, and watch for tickets to go on sale at the end of March. Good luck to all of our percussionists and their families as they go through the process to create “Drumshow 2015!” Trivia Night Trivia Night is set for January 23rd! Anyone who has gone in the past will tell you it’s a great evening. Teams form in groups of eight, either by purchasing a whole table or paring up with other band families to compete in ten rounds of trivia questions. Each table chooses a theme and dresses and decorates according the theme, competing for the honor of the Best Themed Table award. Raffles and a Silent Auction are also at the event. Please consider coming to the event and/or donating a Raffle or Silent Auction item (be creative—tickets to events, area entertainment, merchandise, etc). For more information, contact Trivia Night Chair Jeff Bull at or 630-336-8081. Amazon Smile If you shop at, consider shopping through Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Naperville Central High School Band Booster Association when you make a purchase. Same products, same prices, same service as! 2 - NC HS Ban d Notes - F all 2014 Spirits Color Guard Congratulations! By Laurie DeKruiff NCHS Spirits Color Guard Parent Liaison Congratulations to our band members who were a part of the 2014 Homecoming Court! The Spirits Color Guard had a great fall season with the Marching Band and it’s hard to believe it’s over! The color guard staff would like to say THANK YOU for all the parent support with building props, sewing costumes and flags, that was given this season not only by Marching Band parents, but the guard parents too! Your support is what made the season so successful! Even though Marching Band season is over, the Spirits Color Guard will be starting their Winter Season! The 2015 Winter Team will rehearse 2 times during the school week and on many Saturdays, along with competing at various competitions in the Midwest Color Guard Circuit (MWCGC) and Winter Guard International (WGI) Regionals in Indianapolis, IN and Cincinnati, OH and compete at the WGI Championships in Dayton, OH! Stay informed about Winter Guard happenings (color guard competitions & fundraisers) by visiting their Facebook page at NapervilleCentralSpiritsColorGuard. Colonial Fundraiser November 13 Could you use a break from cooking dinner? How about having dinner (or dessert) at Colonial on November 13, 2014 between 4pm and 10pm! Flyer can be found on CHARMS under 2014 Spirits Fundraiser Folder to print up and present coupon to cashier with your receipt. 15% will be donated back to the Spirits Color Guard Team. Michelle Ross, Homecoming Queen Jimmy Sellas, 1st Attendant Chase Westenfelder, 2nd Attendant Isaac Frank, Court Little Spirits Do you have a younger sibling Kindergarten through 8th grade who would like to perform a flag routine at a girls basketball game during halftime? Clinics will be on November 18th an 19th with performance on November 21st. If your younger sibling would like to participate at this event, download the flyer found on CHARMS in the 2014 Spirits Fundraiser Folder, visit the Little Spirits Facebook page at https://, or contact Michele Nixon at 630-344-9426. 3 - NC HS Ban d Notes - F all 2014 Market Day By Kathy O’Hagan You may be familiar with Market Day ( from your child’s elementary school days. The Band Boosters Association has sponsored monthly Market Day pickups at NCHS for over 10 years. The BBA clears $2,000 to $3,000 per academic year with just a few volunteers, and there is room to grow! Our customers come from the community, are NCHS staff, loyal former band parents and grandparents (thank you!!), and current band parents. We would love to have you and your neighbors join us! Try it, you’ll like it! Market Day offers a variety of easy-to-prepare breakfast, lunch, dinner and (yummy) dessert foods as well as national snack brands, such as Cheez-Its, Gatorade, Quaker Chewy Granola bars, among others. There are several ways to participate: 1. Order at and use the code 5634 to credit the profit to NCHS. Pickup is at NCHS (Door 8) once each month on Thursdays, 4:30 to 5:30 pm and orders must be placed before 11pm on Monday. Remaining sale dates are: 12/4, 1/15, 2/12, 3/12, 4/16, 5/14 and 6/11. We reap the most profit (10%) with this option. You do receive reminders through the BBA weekly email from Felecia. 2. Buy your Market Day products at GFS Marketplace stores anytime! Mention code 5634 to the cashier to credit NCHS. We also receive 1% profit on any GFS branded items. We do have customers who use this option! 3. Order your Market Day products through your child’s elementary school code but pickup at NCHS if we have a more convenient date for you. We do receive a small portion of the 10% profit for this service. 4. Order your Market Day products through the NCHS code 5634 but pick up on your local elementary school’s sale date. How convenient! As above, we share a small amount of the profit with that elementary school. You can check sale dates for any participating school in IL on the Market Day website. Questions? Email Kathy O’Hagan at No order is too small (or too large !). Need a flyer? I can send you a pdf by email or you can see all the products at 4 - NC HS Ban d Notes - F all 2014 Band Booster Association Board Profiles Get to know your Band Booster Board! Like many of our amazing volunteers, these individuals work tirelessly for our band program. The next time you see them please thank them for all that they do! Paul DeKruiff, President Martha Garcia, Treasurer Paul and his wife, Laurie, are 15-year residents of Naperville. Having been involved in various other service clubs in town, Paul and Laurie turned their attention to the NCHS BBA when oldest daughter joined the Marching Band as a Spirit as a freshman in the fall of 2010. Paul’s daughter Gabby is a sophomore participates in Spirits. Paul hopes to continue to build on the great legacy of the past BBA presidents and boards. Martha is in her second year as the treasurer. Martha maintains the financial records of the Band Booster Association. She works with the accountants in the preparation and filing of the corporate tax returns, and ensures the corporation is up to date with its corporate charter by making all necessary filings with the State and/or Federal agencies. Martha is instrumental in setting up the budget every year and works closely with the band office regarding their financial needs. In her spare time, Martha runs a successful law practice in Naperville. Paul Sweeney, Vice President Paul became involved with NCHS Bands five years ago when he asked Mr. Alstadt if there was anything he could do to help. Mr. Alstadt’s response was, “Well, are you any good at fixing things?” Paul has three sons, somehow all of whom have been involved in the NCHS band program. His youngest son Neil is a sophomore who plays percussion in Marching Band and Wind Symphony. Paul is married to Mary Adams, the Uniform Coordinator and Concessions CoChair. His main responsibilities include running a number of fundraisers and looking to make our fundraising more effective. Paul looks forward to continuing to work with everyone in the future. Martha’s youngest child, Sean, is a junior who plays the trumpet in Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Studio Orchestra and JSO Combo. Her oldest graduated from Central in 2009 and was a saxophone player in the Marching Band, Wind Ensemble and a self-taught trombone player in Jazz Lab. Julie Duffin, Secretary She has one musician in the band program, Ty Krieger, who is a sophomore and plays the alto saxophone in the Marching Band, JSO and Wind Symphony. Felecia would like to promote volunteerism, fill some committee head positions and to help manage volunteers. Julie is serving her second year as BBA Secretary. She and her husband Phil enjoy helping out the band program in numerous ways including running the Jazz Cafe (an evening of dinner and Jazz performances held in March). Felecia Bruessel, Volunteer Coordinator A twenty year resident of Naperville, Felecia was new to the band program last year and is serving her first year as Volunteer Coordinator. You have probably received her emails keeping the band community informed of upcoming events and volunteer needs. Her son Drew is a junior and plays trumpet in the Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Studio Orchestra, and just about any other opportunity he gets. Her daughter Olivia is freshman and shares her Redhawk spirit by performing on the JV Poms squad. Her youngest child Natalie is in 5th grade band and also plays the trumpet. 5 - NC HS Ban d Notes - F all 2014 Marching Redhawks Scrapbook Band Camp and Great America Trip Labor Day Parade Homecoming Football Game 6 - NC HS Ban d Notes - F all 2014 State of Illinois Invitational, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 7 - NC HS Ban d Notes - F all 2014 Bands of America Super Regionals, St. Louis, IL 8 - NC HS Ban d Notes - F all 2014 ABC7 Flyover Although the weather was uncooperative for the planned ABC7 flyover, the early morning festivities moved inside and the band was featured during the ABC& newscast before the Crosstown Classic. Hawk Walk The Drumline led the football players and supporters on a walk from Naperville Central to North Central College prior to the Crosstown Classic. Marching Band is FUN! Congratulations on a Spectacular Season! Senior Breakfast The NCHS Marching Redhawks participated in several competitions and earned awards throughout the season. Lancer Joust at Lake Park High School—3rd in Class, Best Percussion Phantom Regimen at Northern Illinois—3rd in Class NCHS Marching Classic at Benedictine Knight of Champions at Prospect High School—2nd in Class, Best Percussion, Best Color Guard State of Illinois Invitational at Illinois State University Bands of America Super Regionals at Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, MO 2nd Annual Halloween Marching Band and Guard Party Thanks to Sheila Adamo for coordinating the end of the season Halloween party at The Barn! Volunteers donated decorations and food, and chaperoned the event while the students enjoyed music, dancing and an all around great time. 10 - NC HS Ban d Notes - Fall 2014 Events Best Wishes! Following is a synopsis of upcoming Band events. Be sure to read the Weekly News & Notes emails and check Charms for updated events and additional details! Visit Charms at November 12 Concert—Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Symphony 13 South Side Band Festival—Wind Ensemble and 8th Grade Feeder Concert 18 Jazz Band Auditions 19 Jazz Band Auditions December 3 BBA Meeting 4 Market Day Pickup 10 Holiday Concert—all bands Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Estes on their baby girl who is due to make her debut in January. The Marching Band families surprised them with a shower prior to the Marching Band Awards. A note from Mr. Estes: “On behalf of Mrs. Estes and “Baby” Estes, we would like to personally thank all of the NCHS Band families for your love, support and generosity shown to us with the baby shower. The baby gifts are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use. Thanks for helping to kick start this new chapter in our lives!” January 14 BBA Meeting 15 Market Day Pickup 23 Trivia Night 2014-2015 BBA Board Paul DeKruiff, President Paul Sweeney, Vice President Martha Garcia, Treasurer Julie Duffin, Secretary Felecia Bruessel, Volunteer Coordinator DJ Alstadt, Director of Bands Brandon Estes, Associate Director of Bands Vidya Padmanabhan, Band Assistant NCHS Band Notes is published three times per year (Fall, Winter and Spring) by the NCHS Band Booster Association. To contribute photos or articles for consideration, send them to Watch the weekly News & Notes emails for submission deadlines. - Lee Ann Nasman, editor 11 - NC HS Ban d Notes - Fall 2014 Be A Band Booster! NCHS Band Boosters support ALL band programs and the Spirits at NCHS. With your support, these programs will be able to perform at their highest level. To join, simply mail the membership form included in this newsletter. If your company offers a gift-matching program, please include those forms also so our booster program receives the maximum benefit of your gift. Thank you for your support! C ontr ibutors Platinum Baton: $500+ Gold Baton: $100 - $499 Silver Baton: $50 - $99 Bronze Baton: $25 - $49 Be a part of the BBA— support our band program and make your contribution today! Gold Baton Silver Baton Bronze Baton Hosni & Salwa Adra William Barger & Amy Mayer-Barger William & Lynn Birch Philip & Julie Duffin Robert & Pat Elliot Peter & Ruth Gayde Chris & Lisa Johnson Greg & Lee Ann Nasman Vidya & Paddy Padmanabhan Bob & Liat Purpura Kyle Ramsey & Kathleen O’Hagan Michael Reicherts & Deidra Donnellan Curtis & Janelle Roberts Robert & Sharon Ross Jeffrey & Maureen Satterlee Gretchen Schlesinger Douglas & Denise Strom Matt & Kim Viehmann Azmi & Cynthia Wandi Todd & Diane White David & Michelle Wolfe Gary & Erin Adam Daniel & Jill Bridges Jeffrey & Laura Bull Jeralyn & Greg Camp Laura Carpenter Frank Chow & Jiefei Hong Alan & Marci Jacobson Guy & Stephanie LaCalamita John & Angela Loveless Wade & Sym Rankin Brian & Sun Rupp Thomas & Barbara Ruvarac Kelly & Steve Schneck Charles Rydholm & Arnette Schultz Norman & Donna Wandke James & Stacey Wilkinson Undray & Jacqueline Wilks Anniepet & James Zabat Ken & Valerie Bromenschenkel Jeffrey & Stephanie Bryk Justin & Deborah Bulpitt Anthony & Lisa Frank Anish & Meeta Halvadia Brian & Linda Hale Al Hook & Jackie Duffy-Hook Robert & Heather Lipschutz Christopher & Christy McKenzie Frank & Jeanie Moccio Brian & Vicki Shapley Keith & Deb Smith James & Roberta Vassilakis Alumni Haley King Corporate Shiffler Builders, Inc. What is the Band Booster Association? The Naperville Central Band Booster Association (BBA) promotes and provides supplemental material and financial support to the activities of the NCHS Band Programs which are not included in the district appropriations. The funds raised by the BBA go toward the purchase and repair of equipment and instruments used by all bands at Central. The BBA pays the fees charged by clinicians or outside teachers that work with the curric- ular bands and all extra-curricular ensembles throughout the school year. It funds travel expenses to and from all competitions and entry fees for the competitions. The BBA pays for the NCHS Curricular Bands to be a part of the Consortium for the Advancement of Wind Band Literature. It fosters participation in the NCHS Band Programs and promotes the band programs to the community. The BBA provides opportunities for all students to participate in the NCHS Band Programs regardless of financial need. 12 - NC HS Ban d Notes - Fall 2014 Be A Band Booster! YOU are an instrumental part of the NCHS Band Programs! Your contribution benefits the entire band program at NCHS. Contributions are tax deductible! If your employer has a matching gifts program for educational institutions, please consider participating in this program to make your contribution go even further. All you need to do is: 1. Write a check to NCHS Band Boosters 2. Complete your employer’s matching gifts form and this form 3. Send the check and the forms to: NCHS Attn. Vidya Padmanabhan 440 W. Aurora Naperville, IL 60540 Make checks payable to NCHS Band Boosters. Please select one: Bronze Baton $25—$49 Silver Baton $50—$99 Gold Baton $100—$499 Platinum Baton $500+ Name of Student(s) ________________________________________ Class _____________________ Name of Parent(s) ________________________________________________________ Street ________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________ Questions? Contact Martha Garcia at 630-778-2274 or visit Your donation makes a difference! In appreciation of your contribution, your name will be published in programs and newsletters. Naperville Central High School Band Booster Association is a not -for-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and all contributions are tax deductible. 13 - NC HS Ban d Notes - Fall 2014
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