CHARLOTTE HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND MSBOA District VIII Marching Band Festival Saturday, October 18, 2014 2:00 pm-2:45 pm-3:00 pm-4:30 pm-5:15 pm-5:30 pm-6:00 pm-6:30 pm-7:30 pm-8:30 pm-9:00 pm-10:30 pm-- Band Room open- Use CPAC rear entrance Report to rehearsal field Band rehearsal (not in uniform) Dinner/Change into uniform Uniform inspection at main football field Final run-through in uniform Load equipment truck and buses Depart Charlotte for Jackson Northwest Arrival at JNW, prepare to go to Warm-Up Charlotte Band Performance Awards ceremony Approximate return time to Charlotte High School Do not leave the school once you arrive. Dinner will be provided to the band by the Charlotte Band Boosters. There will not be time to go home and return. The festival is a public performance. There is an admission charge of $3.00 per person. Please note that there is construction going on at Jackson Northwest, and the parking situation may be more complicated than usual. Plan to arrive earlier in case you need to walk further to get to the stadium. Students should be in full uniform for the 5:15pm inspection at the main field. We will be wearing our uniforms for the entire evening. Please be sure that your uniform is properly adjusted, your shoes are clean and shined, and you are wearing black socks when you are inspected at 5:15. For this event, students will be allowed to ride home with parents only if notice is given using the attached form to Mr. Rose on or before Friday, October 17. All students will ride the bus to the festival. If special arrangements are needed, parents should contact Mr. Rose ASAP to discuss exceptions to this policy well before the event. PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF OUR EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN A SAFE SYSTEM OF STUDENT MANAGEMENT. WE TAKE OUR RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS VERY SERIOUSLY. Students who have arranged in advance to leave Jackson with parents must follow the procedures listed on the attached form. All other students will turn in the uniform as usual upon arrival at CHS. All rules pertaining to the wear and care of the band uniform listed in the band handbook appy to this event, and a uniform grade will be recorded in the Affective Participation category of the marching band grade. Remember to conduct yourselves on and off the field with DIGNITY and PRIDE. Our reputation for conducting ourselves with class is even more important than our rating. Keep up the good work! The address of Jackson Northwest High School is 4200 Van Horn Rd, Jackson MI 49201. THE RAIN DATE FOR THIS FESTIVAL IS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21. IF RAIN DELAYS THE FESTIVAL, INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED ASAP. CHARLOTTE HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND PARENTAL RELEASE FOR DISTRICT MARCHING BAND FESTIVAL OCTOBER 18, 2014 -- JACKSON NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL PARENT- Your signature below indicates that you understand and agree to the following: • • • • You accept responsibility for your student for the return trip home from Jackson Northwest after the dismissal of the band at the conclusion of all festival and onsite post-festival briefing activities. You understand that your student is required to ride the bus to Jackson Northwest with the band. You understand that you and your student are to retrieve his/her uniform bag from the designated uniform chairperson before leaving the festival. This serves as a means of positive verification that your student is leaving with a parent, and also that the uniform bag will be taken home. You understand that the uniform must be neatly hung and brought to the band room on Monday morning for turn-in. Full replacement cost will be billed for lost uniform items. PARENT SIGNATURE ____________________________________ DATE _____________ STUDENT- Your signature below indicates that you understand and agree to the following: • • • • • You must ride the bus to Jackson Northwest with the band. You may not leave with your parents until you have been formally dismissed at the buses after the band returns from the awards ceremony. You must retrieve your uniform bag from the designated uniform chairperson. You must hang your uniform neatly and turn it in promptly on Monday morning. Uniform wear and care at this event will treated as an individual grade under the Affective Participation category. STUDENT SIGNATURE ____________________________________ DATE ____________ M.S.B.O.A. DISTRICT VIII MARCHING BAND FESTIVAL Northwest High School – Mountie Stadium October 18, 2014 Class D D C C - C C C C C C School Webberville Reading Clinton Concord ***15 minute Madison Blissfield Manchester Onsted Jonesville Napoleon Director Gary Franks Joshua Sholler William B. Murray Ross Taylor Warm-up 3:35 PM/HS 3:50 PM/MS 4:05 PM/HS 4:20 PM/MS Adjudicator Break*** Marcie Zeckner Adam Sniezek Jared P. Throneberry Melissa Marks Jaime Mykeloff Jason Cunningham 4:50 PM/HS 5:05 PM/MS 5:20 PM/HS 5:35 PM/MS 5:50 PM/HS 6:05 PM/MS Perform 4:15PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM *** 45 MINUTE Dinner and C/D Awards Ceremony*** 7:00 PM – 7:45 PM B Eaton Rapids Adam Gumbrecht 7:05 PM/HS 7:45 PM B Eastern Mauricio De Rosso 7:20 PM/MS 8:00 PM B Northwest Bryan Mangiavellano 7:35 PM/HS 8:15 PM A Charlotte Jerry Rose 7:50 PM/MS 8:30 PM CHECK THE LOCATION OF YOUR WARM-UP HS = Northwest High School MS = Kidder Middle School ***AWARDS CEREMONY AT 9:00 PM***
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