1 9 QUEEN ST REET M A Y F A I R L O N D O N W 1 INVESTMENT SUMMARY > Freehold > Providing 4,508 sq ft (419.8 sq m) net internal area and 6,937 sq ft (644.5 sq m) gross internal area > Grade II Listed building over lower ground, ground and four upper floors > In the heart of residential Mayfair > Offered with full vacant possession > Opportunity for extensive residential development into single dwelling house > Opportunity for office owner occupier > Potential to significantly extend > We are instructed to seek offers for our client’s Freehold interest, subject to contract and exclusive of VAT OA ET ST RE ND UI T SR ROS D O GC RIN CHA E TRE T STR G T EE ST R LEICESTER SQUARE S UR N MY T EE UE NATIONAL GALLERY ET S’S KI N B ES FT EN AV TRE TS EN EG ME L PA LM AL L TH EE Y ILL T D CA PIC HYDE PARK R JE ST R ST JAMES SQUARE THE RITZ A T KE AR YM HA D CA P IC Y IL L JA GREEN PARK ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS ST ST REET ON ST CURZ RR WE LO T SH PICCADILLY CIRCUS T EE EE STR TR DEN S GAR ND T TR E E S ES RL HA ON GT LIN ET RE ST BO T EE EN QUE EY S C D OL R ST T EE TR RS VE ET DO RE ST ST EY N EL O RK TT ET BE RA RE ST ST N O LT BO UDL E AN 1 9 QUEEN ST REET RE UA SQ KL TH A SO U R PA LL HI R BU ER W RE Y UR O RD WA B Y LE R EE T ET RE ST RM FA T EE TR ET ET KE E ET ET RE W RO N E VIL SA O E STR ET RE ST R BE AN UT BR RE ST ST ND ET STRE K ST PAR L RK PA M E T ST R OUN RS LY BO NOR S VE GRO GROSVENOR SQUARE GARDEN T EN W ET STRE G RE REET K ST NE O BRO K ROO ER B UPP OU RD WA ET G KIN D STRE BOND STREET REET K ST PAR OXFOR HANOVER SQUARE ET D STRE OXFOR C MARBLE ARCH E TH GREEN PARK M L AL ST JAMES’S PARK BUCKINGHAM PALACE LO C AT I O N Queen Street is found in the very heart of Mayfair, an area largely recognised as one of the most prestigious and desirable destinations in London. Mayfair is famed for its beautiful period architecture which has traditionally provided highly sought after office accommodation for private banks and other financial organisations. The area has always been home to some of the most exclusive residencies in the country and this has only increased in recent years. Mayfair is also a primary retail destination, associated with a host of the world’s utmost high-class luxury retailers and further provides a number of London’s premier restaurants, casinos and hotels, including The Ritz, The Dorchester, Claridges and The Connaught. POSITION Queen Street lies between Charles Street to the North and Curzon Street to the South, a short distance from the South Western corner of Berkeley Square to the East and Park Lane to the West. 19 Queen Street occupies a prominent position on the Western side of Queen Street and backs on to the Saudi Arabian Embassy. CONNECTIONS BAKER STREET BOND STREET OXFORD CIRCUS WARREN STREET EUSTON KING’S CROSS ST PANCRAS PICCADILLY CIRCUS LEICESTER SQUARE COVENT GARDEN HOLBORN GREEN PARK HEATHROW TERMINAL 5 HAMMERSMITH LONDON UNDERGROUND JUBILEE LINE BRIXTON VICTORIA WESTMINSTER WATERLOO LONDON BRIDGE CANARY WHARF PICCADILLY LINE VICTORIA L AL EM THE PROPERTY 19 Queen Street which is a Grade II listed, 18th Century, mid-terrace property arranged over lower ground, ground and four upper floors, currently provides a self-contained office. The building includes a six person passenger lift and a small roof terrace to the rear at fourth floor level. The property has been vacant for a number of years and is ready for extensive internal refurbishment, yet a number of external period features remain including recessed sash windows, wrought iron railings and a stone cornice over the second floor parapet. The property is available for purchase in its current condition. HY D E PARK 1 9 QUEEN ST REET S C H E D U L E O F F LO O R A R E A S The property comprises the following floor areas: Floor sq ft (NIA) sq m (NIA) sq ft (GIA) sq m (GIA) 5th - - 70 6.50 4th 544 51.47 724 67.26 3rd 713 66.24 948 88.07 2nd 708 65.77 954 88.63 - - 55 5.11 1st 967 89.83 1,280 118.91 Ground 765 71.07 1,324 123.00 Lower Ground 616 57.27 1,387 128.85 Lower Ground Vaults 195 18.12 195 18.12 4,508 419.77 6,937 644.45 1st Half Landing Total E X I S T I N G F LO O R P L A N S LOWE R G R O UND S ECOND G R O UND TH IR D Floor plans are for illustrative purposes only. Not to scale. FIRS T F OURTH F IF TH RESIDENTIAL OPPORTUNITY The building offers an exciting opportunity for redevelopment to a single dwelling house or a number of residential apartments. Trehearne Architects have proposed an indicative layout for a single dwelling house. There is considerable potential for further extension of the second and fourth floors to the rear, in addition to enlarging the existing structure on the fifth floor. Subject to the necessary consents. SINGLE DWELLING - PLANS LOWER GR OUND SECOND GROUND TH IRD FIR ST FOURTH Floor plans are for illustrative purposes only. Not to scale. Subject to necessary planning and listed building consents. FIFTH PLANNING The building is Grade II Listed and located in the Mayfair Conservation Area. The property previously had planning consent for an extension at the rear of the building at second and fourth floor levels to create additional office space and a roof terrace at third floor level, although this planning consent has now lapsed. TENURE Freehold. TENANCY The property will be sold with full vacant possession. EPC 19 Queen Street has an EPC Rating of D. VAT The property is elected for VAT. PROPOSAL We are instructed to seek offers for our Client’s Freehold interest, subject to contract and exclusive of VAT. 1 10 34 to 15 39 ES G AR CL Hotel M EW S 36 12 5 33 Posts 13 a 19 11 b 18 Embassy The English Speaking Union 4 2 a 18 18 ET RE 3 17 16 17 ST 37 S LE AR CH 38 15 32 15 14 to 30 19 29 16 28 17 E QUE NS Hotel ET TRE 6 Church 22 15 20 to 9 46 43 42 39 3 19 27 1 31 2 13 14 12 1 5 38 55 19 18 2 2 29 7 T TREE 2a 5 39a S ECK 2t 52 12 arket erd M HERD SHEP ET MARK 5 TREB REET D ST TFOR LB 28 10 3 34 Sheph 56 PH 14 16 36 1 HER 37 36 Bank herd Shep et Mark 47a 22 Bank 46 48 50 Curzon Cinema 20 15 48 a Bank k Bank m 26 1 48 1a ZON CUR 16 16.9m 2 49 15.3m EET STR 14 25 2 12 16a 8 7 2 REET D ST FIEL Crewe House PH 1 Misrepresentation Act: 1. Allsop LLP on its own behalf and on behalf of the vendor/lessor of this property whose agent Allsop is, gives notice that: (a) these particulars do not constitute in whole or in part an offer or contract for sale or lease; (b) none of the statements contained in these particulars as to the property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact; and (c) the vendor/lessor does not make or give, and neither Allsop nor any of their members or any person in its employment has any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property. The only representations, warranties, undertakings and contractual obligations to be given or undertaken by the vendor/lessor are those contained and expressly referred to in the written contract for sale or agreement for lease between the vendor/lessor and a purchaser or tenant. 2. Prospective purchasers or tenants are strongly advised to: (a) satisfy themselves as to the correctness of each statement contained in these particulars; (b) inspect the property and the neighbouring area; (c) ensure that any items expressed to be included are available and in working order; (d) arrange a full structural (and where appropriate environmental) survey of the property; and (e) carry out all necessary searches and enquiries. Allsop is the trading name of Allsop LLP. Designed and produced by The Looking Glass Design. 01344 422222 www.tlgd.co.uk. September 2014. 19 QUEEN STREET MAYFAIR LONDON W1 C O N TAC T For more information please contact the sole selling agent: Piers Glover +44 (0)20 7543 6810 piers.glover@allsop.co.uk Nick Pemberton +44 (0)20 7543 6775 nick.pemberton@allsop.co.uk Alice Cox +44 (0)20 7543 6716 alice.cox@allsop.co.uk
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