Closure of Talbot Street & Abbey Street ean er S Low way Rail et Stre CONNOLLY STATION iner ard et et et Mo PEDESTRIANISED ZONE NO ENTRY EXCEPT GOODS VEHICLES ONLY 06:00 - 11:00 7 DAYS ore Str eet He la Earl P Clery’s Middle Abbey No Straight Through ce tre Diverted Traffic Irish Life Mall ce Abb wer ck Luas Red Line Lo Customs Street Customs House Quay Quay Eden otts th L Nor George’s Do Work Site reet ey St le Pla vil Sack et Arnotts et t Stre Talbo No Left Turn Stre nnell Road Closed (NoSAccess onto treet enry Line) GPO H Luas ROAD CLOSED St. O’Co lace nry P et t Stre Talbo dral e Cath t ee Str ane L bot Mab h Stre oroug ley Fo Stre Restricted Access to Talbot Street Marlb oyce es J Jam Stre n r Pa gha l Bru a Cath er G t. et Stre Low Gate Theatre S ell reet tt St rmo de Mac et Garden of Rememberance Stre rn Pa eet l Str nel Par ens q S ell LUAS CROSS CITY TRAFFIC INFORMATION rth No re ua Ami Hugh Lane Gallery George’s Quay Sean O’ t t Eas Stre e Lom b ard Westmoreland St. Bedford Row treet Tara St. Hawkins S t. rS ie Eustace Street et Stre um ber th C reet th St Cla re S et ane We re ua Sq use L De nzi Me rrio ion ol Ho F tre Kilda reet National Art Gallery st swor Dawson t ce re St h Fre Sout Mole Scho tree ta Pla Me rr Mansion House Setan Sou Stre drick Stree t Sou th n Stree t Balf Stre et Chatha m St. 1800 303 653 Gaiety Theatre @luascrosscityKing Dawso e St . phe n St. lan dS Lom et reet ry S t Dru ut h So r Ste tree t bard G r ea t Ge org ’s St. e Dame Court Grafton St. Lower owe Ol D’ uay To facilitate works for the Luas Cross City Utilities Contract it is necessary to temporarily close both Talbot Street and Burgh Q Bridge k l a Abbey Street at their junctions with Marlborough Street. These junctions will close for a 6 week period commencing O’Connell W t e e s tr City Qu r’ Bridge and S ay eat Str helo at 00.00hrs onacSunday 18th January 2015. B y ua n Q Street via Talbot Street o t Traffic accessing Marlborough Traffic accessing Abbey Street/Eden Quay via O’Connell Street Ha’penny s A Bridge uay Traffic travelling south on O’Connell Street will: Millenium Traffic travelling west on Talbot Street will: Bridge 1. Turn right onto Gardiner Street Lower 1. Street Turn left onto Cathal Brugha Street Townsend Fleet Street Townsend Street r 2. T urn left onto Seán McDermott Street 2. Turn right onto Marlborough Street Ba le y t a Temp e Townsend Street tre 3. Turn left onto Marlborough Street 3. T urn left onto Abbey Street or S e g 4. Continue south on Marlborough Street and turn left lle Co Lower will: Traffic travelling north on Gardiner Street onto Eden Quay Pear Cope Street se S 1. Continue in the northerly direction and turn left onto tre a t Cathal Brugha Street will: Seán McDermott Street Traffic that miss the left eturn Trinity 2. Turn left onto Marlborough 1. Continue south on O’Connell Street, across O’Connell reen Street llege G o Bridge and onto D’Olier Street C College Dame Street Traffic travelling south on Gardiner Street Lower will: 2. Turn right onto College Street Dame Lane Pear 1. Turn right onto Parnell 3. Turn right onto Westmoreland Street se Su Street ffo l kS 2. Turn left onto Marlborough Street 4. Book Continue straight onto O’Connell Bridge tre of Kells et 5. Turn right onto Eden Quay Traffic travelling west on Summerhill or Seán 6. Left onto Marlborough Street and right onto Abbey Street Wicklow S Exchequer Street t. Nass McDermott Street will: au S 1. Continue straight onto Parnell Street or Cathal tree Goods Vehicles accessing Talbot Street or Abbey Street t Boy Brugha Street ne Stre Arrangement for deliveries onto the Cul de Sac et 2. Turn left onto Marlborough Street Setanta sections of both Talbot Street and Abbey Street will be Cop L in Sou ping coin er R Plac Lein ow communicatedthindividually. e ster S Merrion nS qu are No rt lle L LUAS CROSS CITY TRAFFIC INFORMATION Closure of Talbot Street & Abbey Street way Rail ley Fo St. e Lan bot Mab rough o Marlb et St. et t Stre Talbo ore St. Place bey er Ab St. Customs Middle Street otts th L Nor alk Ha’penny Bridge t. rS ie Millenium Bridge Fleet St. Temple Bar y n Qua Townsend gto Dublin Bus Commencing the 18th January 2015, and lasting for Green 6 weeks, the Stop on Talbot Street will not be in use. College Dame Street During this time Routes 27a, 29a, 31/a, 32, 32x and Dame Lane treet S 130 will be diverted via Gardiner Street Lower, Su Seán e ffo Dam lk S tre McDermott Street & Marlborough Street. A replacement et t tree S le t s Ca Stop will be provided on Marlborough Street. Dublin au S Cla re S tre et D st We eet reet h Str are No rth re Merrion ree Me nN orth rrio nS ion phe n’s Gre rrio St. Stephen’s Hum e St nR reet ow pe rM err We en Me Bag Fit zw illia m Lan e got qu are So uth t ’s G st et hen ee Stre Ste York lley Str ers A ee t tep Glov St. Upper Mercer Street qu rrio ane rcer et nS nS use L Square Park er M e Stre rrio qu a ol Ho Me Me Dawso Mansion House Scho n Sou Sout h Fre n Street Balf e Stre swort National Art Gallery Dawson St. S Low Aungier Street t. rS w King Stree t Sou th et fria ite York 1800 303 653 Bishop Street @luascrosscity Lo St. Boy t lace Mole Gaiety Theatre Wh et et nta P re St et St. re St ane ry L nce ford Street Peter Stre bard drick Dru ry S Stre et tree t Lom t. at G eorg e’s S So ut hG re tre et (01) 836 6111Setanta Linc Sou oin th L Plac eins e ter S Store Street, Dublin Busáras (Central Bus Station), 1 tree Seta hip tS ea Gr Cha Great Long Pear t Nass (01) 873 4222. Phone lines open 08:30 - 18:00 hrs Mon-Sat (Excluding Public Holidays). Cop ping er R ow Facebook/DublinBusNews @dublinbusnews Low Social media monitored from 08:00 - 18:00 Mon-Fri er St eph en S t. periods of severe disruption. and out of hours during Chatham t Stre e Wicklow S t. Exchequer Street tree Kilda Dame Court Lower Grafton St. Castle Street Commencing the 18th January 2015, and lasting for Trinity 6 weeks, all Bus Eireann Services currently turning College left onto Abbey Street Lower from O’Connell Street Southbound will be diverted via Cathal Brugha Street Book of KellsA replacement Stop will be & Marlborough Street. provided on Marlborough Street. tre ssex S t Wood Stree se S Bus Eireann st et We Golden Lane Pear Up Wellin t Lower O Str uay rmond Q tree Luas Red Line Ol D’ t Str ay dS tree and S City Qu r’s W helo Bac Tara St. Street et d Stre Stran George’s Quay uay Burgh Q lan Jervis Old Bus Stop Customs House Quay Quay Eden ber Old Routing Abbey um t. Low Arnotts Revised Bus Stop Works AreaGreat t George ce S Capel Sack Jervis Street Shopping Centre Grea Clery’s ville Revised Routing Irish Life Mall la Earl P GPO St. St. St. Talbo Dublin Bus nnell O’Co Jervis Henry Amie St. Mo Henry et t Stre l St. edra Cath Place th C nS t. Bo Bus Éireann re CONNOLLY STATION oyce St t ick es J lto rn Pa in Jam m e Stre Do a St. ugh al Br Cath iner er S ell ns S tree t t. w ard er G Lo St. Low Gate Theatre
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