INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM PERUVIAN SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY “50° ANIVERSARIO DE LA SOCIEDAD PERUANA DE HEMATOLOGIA” AUDITORIO PEDRO WEISS – Colegio Médico del Perú November 14th & 15th 2014 Malecón de la Reserva 791 Miraflores Lima - Perú Honorary Presidents: Dr. Celestino Sánchez Dr. Norberto Quezada Dr. Carlos Alberto Yuen Dr. Alipio Jerí Castilla Dr. José Gálvez Dañino Dr. Víctor Rivera Gallegos La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 International Speakers: Paul Orchard, MD University of Minnesota, Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Minneapolis, USA Stephan Faderl, MD Chief of John Theurer Cancer Center’s Leukemia Division, Hackensack University Medical Center New Jersey, USA Muzaffar H. Qazilbash, MD Professor, Department of Stem Cell Transplantation, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX, USA Dr. Lisandro Ribeiro Bone Marrow Transplantation Service, Federal University of Parana Curitiba, Brasil Dr. Marco López Illasaca Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts, USA Dr. Roberto Ovilla Martínez Presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Síndrome Mielodisplásico Unidad de Hematología, Oncología y de la Unidad de Trasplantes Hospital Ángeles Lomas, México Dr. Jorge Korin Past President Argentinean Society of Hematology Sanatorio de los Arcos - Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 Dr. Leonardo Enciso Hematólogo Instituto Nacional de Cancerología Bogota, Colombia Dr. Elías Pérez Becerra Unidad de patología clínica, Guadalajara. Jalisco, México Dra. Juliana Martínez Rolón Programa Trasplante, Departamento Médico, FUNDALEU Buenos Aires, Argentina Dra. Martha Patricia Vizcaino Hospital San Ignacio Bogota, Colombia Dr. Miguel Candela Muñoz Fundación de la Hemofilia Buenos Aires, Argentina EHA communication Robin Foà, MD Chair of EHA’s Education Committee Professor of Hematology. Head, Division of Hematology University "Sapienza" Rome, Italy Professor Christine Chomienne EHA President Hospital Saint Louis Paris, France La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 National Speakers Dr. Víctor Flores Tello CMP 13334 RNE 04141 Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Dr. Lourdes Rodriguez Piazze CMP 26879 RNE 13167 22186 Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen Lima, Perú Dr. Juan Navarro Cabrera CMP 14224 RNE 04344 Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Dr. Lourdes Aranda Gomero CMP 27808 RNE 12118 20725 Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Dr. Luis Estremadoyro Stagnaro CMP 20955 RNE 08947 Nefrólogo, Profesor de Fisiología, Farmacología y Clínica Médica Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Lima, Perú Dr. Patrick Wagner Grau CMP 0616 RNE 01257 Presidente de la Academia Nacional de Medicina Lima, Perú Dr. Luis Casanova Márquez CMP 08462 RNE 06214 Instituto Oncológico de Miraflores Lima, Perú La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez Rodríguez CMP 27982 RNE 16293 Infectología AUNA Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Alexander von Humboldt" Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Lima, Perú Dra. Gabriela Vidal Senmache CMP 35945 RNE 23591 Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Dr. Enrique Argumanis Sánchez CMP 16437 RNE 07635 Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas Lima, Perú La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 Friday, November 14th 8.00 am Registration 8:30 am Welcome and opening 08:45 am Dr. Jorge Castillo Aguirre President of the International Scientific Symposium Past President Peruvian Society of Hematology SESSION I: Anemia – EHA communication President: Dr. Jose Galvez Dañino (past-president PSH) Secretary: Dr. Jorge Castillo Aguirre (past-president PSH) Iron metabolism: physiopathology and ferropenic anemia treatment (25 min) Dr. Enrique Argumanis Sánchez Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas Lima, Perú Use of erythropoiesis stimulating agents (25 min) Dr. Patrick Wagner Grau Presidente de la Academia Nacional de Medicina Lima, Perú Questions and answers (10 min) EHA communication Robin Foà, MD Chair of EHA’s Education Committee Professor Christine Chomienne EHA President La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 10:00 am SESSION II: Aplastic Anemia and Fanconi Anemia President: Dr. Norberto Quezada, Past-president PSH Secretary: Dra. Tatiana Saldarriaga, INSN-SB Aplastic Anemia: State of the Art (30 min) Dra. Gabriela Vidal Senmache Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Fanconi Anemia (30 min) Dr. Lisandro Ribeiro Bone Marrow Transplantation Service, Federal University of Parana Curitiba, Brasil Questions and answers (15 min) 11:15 am BREAK 11:45 am SESION III: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Myeloproliferative neoplasms President: Dr. Alfredo Aronés, HMC, Past-president PSH (to be confirmed) Secretary: Dra. Aymeé Torres, HNERM (to be confirmed) CML and MPD: new prognostic and predictive markers and disease physiopathology (30 min) Dr. Marco López Illasaca Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital Harvard Medical School. Boston, Massachusetts, USA CML and MPD: new targets and therapeutics agents (30 min) Dr. Juan Navarro Cabrera Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Questions and answers (15 min) La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 01:00 pm LUNCH SYMPOSIUM Recent advances in flow cytometry: application to the diagnosis of hematologic diseases. Dr. Elías Pérez Becerra Unidad de patología clínica, Guadalajara. Jalisco - México 02:15 pm SESSION V: Advances in Hematology President: Dr Sergio Murillo, HNERM Secretary: Dra. Ninoska Rojas, HNERM (to be confirmed) Porphyria: national experience and treatment (30 min) Dr. Víctor Flores Tello Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Virosis treatment in hematology (30 min) Dr. Raúl Gutiérrez Rodríguez Infectología AUNA Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Alexander von Humboldt" – Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Perú Mycosis treatment in hematology (30 min) Dr. Lourdes Rodríguez Piazze Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen Lima, Perú Questions and answers (15 min) La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 04:00 pm SESSION IV: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia President: Dra. Mariela Moreno Larrea, HNERM (to be confirmed) Secretary: Dra. Jackeline Rodriguez Torres, INSN-SB ALL: State of the Art (30 min) Dr. Lisandro Ribeiro Bone Marrow Transplantation Service, Federal University of Parana Curitiba, Brasil Strategies and management of refractory relapsed ALL (30 min) Stephan Faderl, MD Chief of John Theurer Cancer Center’s Leukemia Division Hackensack University Medical Center New Jersey – USA Questions and answers (15min) 05:15 pm BREAK 05:45 pm SESSION VI: Plasma cell disorders President: Dr. Ivan Fernandez, HNERM (to be confirmed) Secretary: Dr. José Girard, Hospital Central de la Policía. Multiple myeloma: State of the Art (30 min) Dr. Leonardo Enciso Hematólogo Instituto Nacional de Cancerología Bogota, Colombia Strategies and management of relapsed MM: IMIDs (30 min) Muzaffar H. Qazilbash, MD Professor, Department of Stem Cell Transplantation, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX, USA Questions and answers (15 min) La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 07:00 pm SPECIAL SESSION 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PERUVIAN SOCIETY OF HAEMATOLOGY International Scientific Symposium Presidential Lecture Dr. Jorge Castillo Aguirre PSH President Lecture Dr. Juan Navarro Cabrera President of the Peruvian Society of Hematology PREMIO DE RECONOCIMIENTO A UNA VIDA DEDICADA A LA HEMATOLOGIA PERUANA o o o o o o Dr. Celestino Sánchez Dr. Norberto Quezada Dr. Carlos Alberto Yuen Dr. Alipio Jerí Castilla Dr. José Gálvez Dañino Dr. Víctor Rivera Peruvian Society of Hematology Dr. Celestino Sánchez Representative of the Colegio Medico del Perú Representative of the Ministry of Health La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 Saturday, November the 15th 09:30 am SESSION VII: Blood and Marrow Transplantation President: Dr. Juan Navarro Cabrera, HNERM Secretary: Dr. Pedro García, HNA-Chiclayo 11:45 am 20 years of BMT in Peru. HNERM experience (30 min) Dra. Lourdes Aranda Gomero Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Lima, Perú Stem cell mobilization with Plerixafor (30 min) Dra. Juliana Martínez Rolón Programa Trasplante, Departamento Médico, FUNDALEU Buenos Aires, Argentina Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation: State of the Art (30 min) Paul Orchard, MD University of Minnesota, Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplantation Minneapolis, USA Haploidentical transplantation: State of the Art (30 min) Muzaffar H. Qazilbash, MD Professor, Department of Stem Cell Transplantation, Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, TX, USA Questions and answers (15 min) BREAK La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 12:15 am SESSION VIII: Myelodysplastic Syndromes – Acute Myeloid Leukemia President: Dr. Antonio Carrasco Yalán, INSN-SB Secretary: Dra. Gabriela Vidal Senmache, HNERM (to be confirmed) 02:00 pm MDS and AML: new prognostic and predictive markers and disease physiopathology (30 min) Dr. Marco López Illasaca Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts, USA MDS: New targets, new therapeutics (30 min) Dr. Roberto Ovilla Martínez Presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Síndrome Mielodisplásico Unidad de Hematología, Oncología y de la Unidad de Trasplantes Hospital Ángeles Lomas México Acute Myeloid Leukemia: State of the Art (30 min) Stephan Faderl, MD Chief of John Theurer Cancer Center’s Leukemia Division Hackensack University Medical Center New Jersey – USA Questions and answers (15 min) LUNCH SYMPOSIUM GAUCHER DISEASE: STATE OF THE ART Dra. Martha Patricia Vizcaino Hospital San Ignacio. Bogota, Colombia La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 03:30 pm SESSION IX: Thrombosis and Haemostasis President: Dra. Reneé Eyzaguirre, HNGAI (to be confirmed) Secretary: Dr. Saul Mendoza, CEM 05:45 pm New oral anticoagulants for the treatment and secundary prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (30 min) Dr. Luis Estremadoyro Stagnaro Nefrólogo, Profesor de Fisiología, Farmacología y Clínica Médica. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Lima, Perú Strategies and management of chronic and refractory IT (30 min) Dr. Jorge Korin Past President Argentinean Society of Hematology Sanatorio de los Arcos - Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Hemophilia: STATE OF THE ART (30 min)(to be confirmed) Dr. Miguel Candela Muñoz Fundación de la Hemofilia Buenos Aires, Argentina Questions and answers (15 min) BREAK La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 06:15 pm SESION X: Lymphoproliferative disorders President: Dr. Marco Gómez, Hospital Central de Policía (to be confirmed) Secretary: Dr. Jorge Valdés Gómez, PRECISA 07:30 pm Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: State of the Art (30 min) Stephan Faderl, MD Chief of John Theurer Cancer Center’s Leukemia Division Hackensack University Medical Center New Jersey – USA B-cell low grade NHL: State of the Art (30 min) Dr. Luis Casanova Márquez Instituto Oncológico de Miraflores Lima – Perú Questions and answers (15 min) WRAP UP & CLOSING REMARKS Dr. Jorge Castillo Aguirre, ISS-PSH La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 Organizing Committee Dr. Jorge Castillo Aguirre, President of the International Scientific Symposium Dr. Juan Navarro Cabrera, Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Dr. Sergio Murillo Vizcarra, Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Dr. Wilson Ruiz, Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia Dra. Renee Eyzaguirre, Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Dra Lourdes Aranda Gómero, Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins Dr. Saúl Mendoza, Clínica Especialidades Médicas – San Borja Dr. Antonio Carrasco Yalán, Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño - San Borja La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 ACADEMIC SPONSORSHIP RESOLUCION DEL CONSEJO NACIONAL N° 11503 - CEN – 2014 CARTA N° 053-2014 / PE-UCSUR La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 VIP sponsors La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 Exhibition sponsors La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 COMMERCIAL EXHIBITION La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 About Lima – PERU Lima City is located on the central western coast of Peru; it is a city of almost 10,000,000 inhabitants. There is a sunny period, December through April, when many people go to the beach. During April, weather varies from 17°C to 23°C. The friendly people, important historical sites surrounding the city, the ease of arrival from most Latin American cities (4,5 hours) many quality museums, and variety of exquisite dining and entertainment establishments make Lima a very interesting place to visit. Important to say, you can reach Cusco and Macchu Picchu, one of the wonder of the modern world, at 1 hour of domestic flight, but you might know that there are many other wonderful places for you to discover. In Lima you will find beautiful places built between 16th to 18th centuries with churches and museums to enjoy history. Lima has many choices of museums to visit. The Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology in the Plaza Bolivar is one of the most interesting museums in South America, with a superb collection of pottery and textiles from all the main cultures of ancient Peru. The Museum of the Republic contains exhibits from the colonial and independence periods. The National Museum contains impressive mock-ups of pre-Columbian archaeological sites, and an ingenious replica of the Chavin stela, a massive carved stone idol. The Gold Museum contains a private collection with some fine items and artifacts. The Museum of the Inquisition, next to the Congress in the city center, is in the building where generations of supposed heretics were tortured and tied. The stocks in the underground dungeons and torture chambers are originals. The Metropolitan Museum is one of the newest museums in Lima, which works with many 4D displays. At night the most commonly and known places to have a little fun are the night clubs and bars such as Aura or Gotica at Larco Mar in Miraflores district. Also you can take a walk around Kennedy Park which is the heart of Miraflores and is surrounded by many bars where you can relax after a long-day work. The business district of San Isidro and Miraflores are the main areas for shopping, restaurants, cafes, theaters and hotels. You can find accommodations in many nice hotels, with prices varying from $70 to $300 per night. La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 There are over 235 places to stays Venue: COLEGIO MEDICO DEL PERU – Lima - Miraflores La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 About flights to LIMA Lima is a hub of LAN, TACA and TAM. Most of the airlines have direct flights and transfers airport hotel are safe and around 20-30 US$ The strategic Lima localization allows almost all Latin American main cities a direct flight less than 5.5 hours. No Visa requirement. Cheaper prices can be obtained for non-direct flights. From Lima there are direct flights to: USA: Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, LA, NYC, and allCentral America countries, Europe: Netherlands, Madrid and Paris, others. La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787 About organizations Local and regional events are organized by a local PSH staff and collaborators. We used also to contract local organizers companies for registrations, speakers support, accountability and others We expect to have around 200-300 participants. The local participation can be around 180 local doctors/nurses/technologists and biologists Because its strategic position at the middle of the continent we can expect a representative participant among most of the Latin American countries Peru has evolved in an interesting country, not only for the descriptions above, but because of industrial and commercial development reached during last 15 years. Support by governmental institution can be expected as: Public and Private universities and organizations Colegio Médico del Perú La Acacias N° 767 Miraflores – Lima – Perú. T-F +511-4467787
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