www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab PRESORTED STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID RED HILLS PUBLICATIONS Vowell’s Marketplace circulars inside! *****************ECRWSS**** Local POSTAL CUSTOMER November 19, 2014 • WINSTON COUNTY EDITION • A PRODUCT OF THE WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL Call 773-6241 to place your ad today! G I V E A G I F T TO YO U R CO M M U N I T Y Stop by Participating Merchants and Sponsors to register for ss Every dollar you spend at $500.00 dollar you at aEvery home-owned local spend buisiness Louisville Dollars creates up to 31/2 times more an independent local business local economic thanmore creates up to benefit 3½ times dollars spent at a chain. Sponsors of our Shop Winston County local economic benefit than Campaign. (These sponsors will not be open late for the events however they will have registration for the Let our merchants earn your business! $500.00 dollars spent at a chain. Louisville Dollars drawing.) www.winstoncountyms.com AMIBA.net/localhero GO LOCAL! Participating Merchants and sponsors that will be open for our upcoming events: • Becky’s Antiques • Just Teasin’ Boutik & Salon • Little Caesars Pizza • Mainly Music • Something Special • The Fashion Boutique American Independent Business Alliance • Woods Grocery • Andy Woods Realty • Raspberry Beret • Ashley Motors • Market Cafe • Bullock Toyota • Crowson Auto World • Chamber of Commerce/Main Street • Louisville Bankers Association Chamber events to look for! • The Jewel Shoppe • The Silver Goose • Uptown Lily • Winston Furniture • Stephanie’s Shenanigans • November 20: Ladies Night Out • November 21 and 22: Holiday Open House • D e c e m b e r 4 : L i g h t i n g o f C h r i s t m a s Tr e e , C o o k i e s w i t h S a n t a , Caroling, Christmas Stories December 13: Carl Jackson: Home For Christmas December 18: Cider Sippin’ City Shoppin;’ Welcome Welcome to PORTER Follow us! Funeral Home @wcjournal Our commitment is personal, family service while continuing the tradition of local ownership @ccplaindealer 662-773-7145 www.porterfuneralhome.net @websterprogress “Right Where You Are” 111 Main Street 773-7111 608 South Church Ave. 302 W. Park Street • Louisville 773-6600 ENTER TO WIN “The World’s LARGEST Christmas Stocking” Everyone can enter! No transaction required! FFormerly ormerly op operated erated by by MetroCast MetroCast adband! In Introducing troducing MaxxSouth MaxxSouth Bro Broadband! Broadband is the new cable cable TV, TV, phone and In ternet MaxxSouth Broadband Internet pr ovider ffor or ccommunities ommunities pr eviously oper ated by Metr oCast. provider previously operated MetroCast. MaxxSouth Br oadband is back ed by decades o Broadband backed off experienc experiencee in the customer ttelecommunications elecommunications industry industry and promises promises world-class world-class customer TTFSWJDFBƊPSEBCJMJUZBOEFOIBODFEUFDIOPMPHZ FSWJDFBƊPSEBCJMJUZBOEFOIBODFEUFDIOPMPHZ Come on in! o be b e given g i ve n T To a w a y 12/23 12/22 away To make make the transition transition as easy as po ssible, all cus tomer sservice ervice phone To possible, customer service ccenters enters llocations ocations will rremain emain the same. same. Call Call or numbers and service stop in today today and let let us w elcome yyou ou tto o MaxxSouth Br oadband. stop welcome Broadband. The Max Ma xxSouth Bro adband T eam MaxxSouth Broadband Team In ternet that Internet keeps up with you you keeps of The peak of entertainment entertainment G et 15 Mbps Get In ternet Internet /mo. $ 95/mo. 34 FREE Personal Webspace/Email Webspace/Email ffor or 6 mon months ths FREE Inst Installation Ins tallation Communicate Communicate with ease Get G et Digital Cablee T TV Cabl V mo. $ 95//mo. 49 ffor or 12 months months O Over ver 150 Channels including V VOD OD Access Access 50% OFF Ins Installation tallation 800.457.5351 800.457.5351 | Ma MaxxSouth.com xxSouth.com *OTUBMMBUJPOPƊFSTBQQMZUPTUBOEBSEXJSFESFTJEFOUJBMJOTUBMMBUJPOT1SPNPUJPOBMSBUFTHPPEGPSUIFPSNPOUIQFSJPEUIFOSFUVSO *OTUBMMBUJPOPƊFSTBQQMZUPTUBOEBSEXJSFESFTJEFOUJBMJOTUBMMBUJPOT1SPNPUJPOBMSBUFTHPPEGPSUIFPSNPOUIQFSJPEUIFOSFUVSO UUPSFHVMBSSBUF"MMTFSWJDFTNBZOPUCFBWBJMBCMFJOBMMBSFBT$SFEJUDIFDLTNBZCFSFRVJSFE*OUFSOFUTQFFETNBZWBSZBOEBSFOPU PSFHVMBSSBUF"MMTFSWJDFTNBZOPUCFBWBJMBCMFJOBMMBSFBT$SFEJUDIFDLTNBZCFSFRVJSFE*OUFSOFUTQFFETNBZWBSSZZBOEBSFOPU HHVBSBOUFFE0UIFSUFSNTBOESFTUSJDUJPOTNBZBQQMZ1MFBTFDPOUBDUVTGPSEFUBJMT VBSBOUFFE0UIFSUFSNTBOESFTUSJDUJPOTNBZBQQMZ1MFBTFDPOUBDUVTGPSEFUBJMT Visit All American Check Cashing for all your financial needs during this Christmas season. 110 N. Walmart Dr. Suite A Louisville, MS 662-773-8611 Page 2, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Providing Quality Healthcare to Winston County & Surrounding Counties Since 1958 S TILL HERE TO SERVE YOUR FAMILY! (Left to Right) Michael Ard, MD Heather Gilmer, CFNP Nancy Jordan, FNP-BC fore ays bend all D e h t a s T’wa ksgiving Than throughy Co-Op g! t in Winston Medical Clinic un tirr la Cos were S nd 26 a t t A Sale 25, a 0% off t Grea er 24, Decor 2 off Noxapater mb Home 15% ere • Norvdeen Gifts i&ng & Bo• Aortias t • John Deo sk Ga ll Cloth t • HeyBo osciu 1 A • Carhar K , 2 e 1 4 k • Dra wy -27 447 H6 6 2 - 2 8 9 90 East Main Street • Noxapater, MS • 724-4051 Your Community, Your Medical Center, Your Choice! 90 East Main Street • Noxapater, MS • 662-724-4051 • www.winstonmedical.org 24 All items are Up to MONTHS on SALE for INTEREST FREE the ENTIRE FINANCING! MONTH! OR FINANCE WITH BLACK FRIDAY *See store for complete details. NO CREDIT CHECK! Subject to minimum purchase and approval STOREWIDE SUPER SALE! SHOP EARLY FOR A FREE ELECTRIC WINE OPENER WITH PURCHASE! LIMITED QUANTITIES! EVERYDAY IS EVERYDAY IS Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/winstonmedicalcenter 24 BLACK All items are Up to MONTHS on SALE for INTEREST FREE the ENTIRE FINANCING! MONTH! OR FINANCE WITH FRIDAY NO *See store for complete details. CREDIT CHECK! Subject to minimum purchase and approval STOREWIDE SUPER SALE! SHOP EARLY FOR A FREE ELECTRIC WINE OPENER WITH PURCHASE! LIMITED QUANTITIES! all mattress sets on sale! Sofa and Loveseat 10/28/14 To advertise call 1-888-859-6380 + 4 piece sheet set! free sheets! 499 $ better than a boxspring + Riserfree pillows! FOLDS UP AND GOES ANYWHERE. EASY TO MOVE AND HOLDS TWICE THE WEIGHT THAN A TRADITIONAL FRAME. LGF03382ASH a service of Mspark™ + 2 pillows free bedframe! Reclining Sofa *$699 and above 579 $ EVERYDAY IS 24 BLACK FRIDAY *See store for complete details. NO CREDIT CHECK! Subject to minimum purchase and approval STOREWIDE SUPER SALE! 579 $ Sectional GAME TIME GIVEAWAY FREE TABLE WITH RECLINER SHOP EARLY FOR A FREE ELECTRIC WINE OPENER WITH PURCHASE! LIMITED QUANTITIES! ROCKER R RECLINE + E FRE $ Table & 4 Chairs Your choice of table and chair color 549 $ Table & 4 Chairs 382ASH a service 249 $ *$699 and above Poster Bed E CHAIRSID TABLE 399 499 $ Entertainment Console with FREE Fireplace Insert Poster Bed 899 $ 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net www.ricksfurnitureoasis.com 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net www.ricksfurnitureoasis.com All items are Up to MONTHS on SALE for INTEREST FREE the ENTIRE FINANCING! MONTH! OR FINANCE WITH Reclining Sofa 399 $ 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net 719 $ Sofa 579 Entertainment Console with FREE Fireplace Insert 759 $ Sofa 579 Entertainment Console with FREE Fireplace Insert 649 $ 899 1091 Stark Road • Starkville, MS 39759 662.323.9640 • ricksfurniture@ms.metrocast.net Itʼs that time of year! Page 3, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Garbage collection for the City of Louisville will be on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 instead of Thursday, November 27, 2014. Happy Thanksgiving! www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills( Shopper Tab ( ( ( Thank you to everyone who responded to the wreck we were involved in Tuesday, November 4, 2014 on Hwy. 397. Special thanks to Nanih Waiya Fire Department, LifeCare, Winston County Deputies, MS Highway Patrol, and the Emergency room staff at DeKalb Hospital for their care and concern. We appreciated all the calls and visits. Please keep us in your prayers as we recover from all the pain and bruises. May God Bless, Larry and Dianne Gregory SWIM AT HOME OR EXERCISE, REHAB, AND PLAY THE ENDLESS POOL® HAS A SMOOTH, ADJUSTABLE CURRENT FOR SWIMMING, EXERCISE, REHAB, AND FAMILY FUN. Is Credit Card Debt driving you batty? Lower your monthly payments Reduce or eliminate interest rates WĂLJŽīLJŽƵƌĚĞďƚĨĂƐƚĞƌ FREEŽŶĮĚĞŶƟĂůŽƵŶƐĞůŝŶŐ Take the first easy step: Call:(800)381-0260 ) • • • •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ridal Registry 2014 NEW " PATIENT SPECIAL SAVE $55.00 • Professional Cleaning • Complete X-rays • Personal Consultation ! $79.00 ($134.00 value) # Fine Gifts and Jewelry 662-634-4680 Only 8 spots left for November! Call now!! !" Faster, easier ways to save. Welcome to the modern world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ublish October 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3, 2014 REQUEST YOUR FREE IDEA KIT 800-365-8510 Let Consolidated Credit Help You: %#2%0$0#0'(0'-+.'1("1$'*0-0$"*(34*/(%')'%0'15( " " DAN’S DISCOUNT DRUGS at Sunflower in Louisville 773-7847 $$$ " Patri Ellis, pharmacist " !" !# ! after hours: 773-4875 F I S H D AY ! Tuesday, December 2 •Winona, 1:00 - 1:45 @ Hi-Grade Farm Supply Friday, December 5 •Louisville, 10:30-11:15 @ Ward Farm Service •Macon, 12:15-1:00 @ Noxubee Farm Supply •Mathiston 4:00-4:45 @ Evergreen Ag F I S H W AG O N 1-800-643-8439 www.fishwagon.com Jim Arnold Aorney at Law • No fault divorce $399 plus court fees • Chapter 13 bankruptcy No upfront fee except filing fee • Chapter 7 bankruptcy $750 plus court fee • Disability No fee unless we collect for you. • Car wrecks; Estates; • Wills $80 – Second will free. 435 East Beacon St. Philadelphia Phone (601) 656-6914 Fax (601) 656-6958 333 E. Mulberry Durant Phone (662) 653-6448 Fax (662) 653-3432 Mrs. Austin Hill nee Amber Reed 10-11-14 Mrs. Davis Taylor nee Rachel A. Flora 10-25-14 Not available in all states. Savings may vary. Delivery Will Be: Mrs. Cody Vowell nee Kayely Kinard 10-11-14 Mrs. Parker Bullock nee Chelsae Kelley 10-18-14 Call 1-800-269-3703 to see how much you could save on car insurance. IT’S TIME TO STOCK YOUR POND! 218 Main St. • Louisville, MS 662-705-0478 • 662-705-0481 Follow us on Facebook! ‘SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE’ PAID ADVERTISEMENT By Kenneth Jarrett, Minister Louisville Church of Christ “THE CHURCH -- APOSTASY” NO.4 In previous lessons we noted that the apostles warned of a “falling away” from the faith. The apostasy came just as they predicted. Changes began to occur one by one and men began to drift ever further from the faith which had already been once for all delivered (Jude 3). The organization of the church was changed. Within congregations of the early church of Christ, there was a plurality of men known as elders or bishops who were appointed to oversee the work of the church (Acts 14:23)(Acts20:28). Each elder or bishop had the same authority or responsibility, and each recognized Jesus Christ as the only Head of his church (Col. 1:18)(Eph. 1:22-23). History informs us that with the passing of time, it became a practice in the local congregations to exalt one elder above the others and to place upon him alone the title of “Bishop”. It eventually became the practice of these “Bishops” to extend their authority beyond the local congregation and to assume the control of a plurality of congregations in an area known as a “diocese”. As they assumed more and more power, they began to think of themselves as successors to the apostles. However, the apostles had not left any successors and these so-called “Bishops” had simply reversed the apostles teaching. Instead of there being a plurality of men over one congregation as the Bible teaches, there was now one man over a plurality of congregations. Fallible men began to legislate for God. In 325 A.D., the Emperor Constantine called together three hundred and eighteen of these “exalted bishops”. They met at Nicea and wrote the Nicene Creed. It was the first human creed after the establishment of the Lord’s church. Another creed framed by fallible men was known as the Apostles creed. The name is deceptive because the apostles did not write it and had no creed other than a belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. The authoritative expression of that creed is contained in the New Testament which alone is sufficient in belief, doctrine, and practice (II Tim. 3:16-17). The message of the New Testament with its perfect pattern was completed long before any council or synod wrote a single word. The so-called “church laws” made by those “chief elders or bishops” are not authoritative in any sense because they are nothing more than the mere writings of men. God left his laws as he wanted them and has forbidden men to tamper with them. (Deut. 4:2) (Prov. 30:6) (Gal. 1:8-9) (II Jn. 8-11) (Rev. 22:18-19.) 59 Bond Road.......Visitors Welcome Mrs. Cody Vowell nee Kayely Kinard 10-11-14 Mrs. Davis Taylor nee Rachel Flora 10-25-14 Mrs. Robert Prisock nee Reagan Griffin 10-25-14 Mrs. Justin Sharp nee Kim King 11-15-14 MacKenzie Edwards Adam Joiner 12-14-14 Shannon Chapman Patrick Bane 01-10-15 Mrs. Robert Prisock nee Reagan Griffin 10-25-14 Mrs. Justin Redmon nee Kimberly Blackwell 11-1-14 Mrs. Joshua Johns nee Taylor Crocker 11-8-14 Mrs. Justin Sharp nee Kim King 11-15-14 Deidre Coleman Joshua Easterling 11-22-14 Allison Rogers Ben Chambers 12-13-14 Shannon Chapman Patrick Bane 1-10-15 Alison Lowery Matt Woods 01-24-15 Anna White Eduardo Reyes 03-07-15 Brooke Baker Dylan Morgan 04-11-15 Chasidy Smith Nathan Wells 04-18-15 Vietri • Good Earth Pottery Wolfe Birds • Lenox Gorham • Dansk Tag • Reed and Barton Subscribe Today! Page 4, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab GO SOLAR and Eliminate your Electric Bills! CHECK ONE: LE CITY E CTRIC NY COMPA New Bill: -$3.84 inquires, service a week ng and For billi s a day, 7 days ur ho call 24 Fr CIRCLE ONE: IN-COUNTY: OUT-OF-COUNTY: OUT-OF-COUNTY: 1 YEAR - $30 1 YEAR - $40 1 YEAR - $42.50 (Winston, Webster & Choctaw) (Webster & Choctaw) 6 MONTHS - $16 ed Febr uary 21 3 MONTHS - $13 VISA MASTERCARD | MAIL TO OR BRING BY: | LOUISVILLE, MS 39339 | S: $228.84 AS SEEN ON TV Sample savings only. Actual rates and savings will vary by customer. DISCOVER FREE EVALUATION! CARD #: _____________________________________ EXP: ____________ CVC: ______ 119 N. COURT AVE. $3.84 $11.84 $228.84 G TOTAL SAVIN TOTAL PAID: $_________ PHONE NUMBER: (__________)___________-______________________ P.O. 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AND GET $0 DOWN WITH NO PAYMENTS FOR 12 MONTHS!* .$0 0 $225.0 0 $225.0 service inquire For billing and week a day, 7 days a call 24 hours NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ CASH 0 $225.0 0 $225.0 04 of yo on Feb Amount ceived t we re Paymen ANY id e unpa ECTRIC COMP Balanc CITYouEL nt ch 09 12 P am on Mar Your LL u owe yo nt ou Total am s, 6 MONTHS - $22 3 MONTHS - $13 Prepar ary ll Su m m (LLP) bi ccount y plan u ank yo Your A level pa 12 – th ur last (Winston) 6 MONTHS - $22 3 MONTHS - $10 Bill Date of 800-342-4139 *Offer valid for qualified customers upon credit approval. Restrictions may apply. Offer details may vary by location. Call for details. 662.773.6241 = 4/%1 4,!-> )2( )+ =@ 3,(.<, 7/@:0*0(5: (--030(;,+ >0;/ '(3, $50=,9:0;@ ),30,=, ;/,09 7(;,5;,+ 9(;06 664,.( : (9, ;/, -<;<9, 6- -(;;@ (*0+ ;/,9(7@ (5+ +,30=,9 (346:; F:<7,9 /<4(5G 9,:<3;: WHERE DO MISSISSIPPIANS BEGIN THEIR BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING? WITH THEIR LOCAL NEWSPAPER. Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year and Mississippians already know where they will go first: Their local newspaper. According to a recent study by Nielsen and the Newspaper Association of America, 63% of U.S. adults list newspapers as the ultimate holiday shopping guide and the most effective way to learn about Black Friday deals. And Mississippi consumers turn first to their local newspapers for shopping information. According to a recent survey, Mississippians choose newspapers ahead of television, radio and even the internet. For over 1.5 million readers, newspapers and their online editions are the leading source of information for Mississippi. Learn more at powerinprint.ms. Copyright © 2014 Mississippi Press Services, Inc. powerinprint.ms 9,=,5;065 /(94(*,<;0*(3: ;/, 4(2,9: 6- 4(? 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"! 1%% # " ! # %! % Page 5, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab Falling Into Cooler Temperatures ROLLED Insulation BLOW-IN Insulation 3 1/2 x 15 R13 3 1/2 x 15 R11 3 1/2 x 23 R11 6 1/4 x 15 R19 6 1/4 x 23 R 19 $31.49 $26.48 $37.99 $22.99 $32.49 CertainTeed Brand Owens Corning Brand By the Yard Red Mulch Reg. Mulch Masonry Sand Washed Gravel Ro ad Resc ue Asphalt Patch $30/YD $25/YD $45/YD $30/YD 50lb bag (22.55 lb bag) greenfiber.com Depost of $250 required on machine Caulking / Sealants Rely-On $1.75 Alex $2.09 Alex Plus $2.49 100% Silicone $3.89 (clear) Lexel Brand $8.29 Silicone Premier Stop Leak Rubberized Roof Cement $2.79 Dap Insulation Machine rental free with purchase of $200 or more Fiber Cement S i di n g 7 1/4” x 12’ Textured 12” x 12’ Textured 4 x 8 Textured 8” O/C 8 1/4” x 12” Smooth $6.99 $9.99 $28.99 $2.99 Ext. Hardboard/ Masonite Siting 4 x 8 smooth 4 x 8 textured 4 x 8 textured 6” O/C Whyddid did d you yyou choose cho hoo oosse to tolive to li here? live here? her ? Wh Why What keeps W What Wh ke eep ep ps you? yyou? Home-owned businesses give our community it’s Indepe pendent nt busine b help essse es help lp p give ve our o ou one-of-a-kind community ity its on ne-offfpersonality. -a--kind d person p rso onality. Deweese © American Independent Bus Business siness Alliance Insulsafe Fiberglass - $30.99 Green Fiber Fireproof Paper - $10.99 per bag Insulation Shappe SShape p Our O CCh Character! Chara h raact a ter! r!! TITLE LOAN 30 DAY Payroll Advance 725 South Church Street LOUISVILLE, MS 662-773-5552 We have cars, trucks, vans, & SUVs for sale! No Credit, No Problem. Buy Here, Pay Here! $13.99 $14.99 $19.99 $22.49 Brand 4 x 8 textured 8” O/C Exterior Door Units I n t e r i o r D o o r U n i t s $15.99 roadrescueasphalt.com 32” or 36” 6-panel Unit 9-LITE Unit Fan-LITE Unit 15-LITE Unit $129.99 $159.99 $179.99 $199.99 Twin Units Available Starting at $369.99 Storm Doors Available Starting at $79.99 Smooth Luan $63.99 6-Panel Masonite $66.99 Solid Pine $129.99 15-Lite Solid Pine $209.99 15-Lite Twin Solid Pine $344.99 (single hung) All Sizes (single hung) All Sizes (single hung) (single hung) All Sizes Specialty Doors available for order Delivery is available on any purchase with delivery fee. AWARD-WINNING HIGH SPEED SATELLITE INTERNET FARM-CITY WEEK NOVEMBER 21-27 Crowson Auto World Welcomes Back HEZE CHANCELLOR Before sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner, Winston County Farm Bureau would like everyone to remember that the meal you and your family are about to enjoy is made possible by Farm-City partnerships. Taps Video 9206 MS Hwy 15 • Ackerman, MS (662) 219-3904 A UTHORIZED DEALER Service not available in all areas. Minimum 24 month commitment term. Monthly service fees and equipment lease fees applicable. Non-standard installation may result in additional charges. Offer may be changed or withdrawn at any time. For details, visit exede.com. National Farm-City Week, held annually during the week leading to and ending on Thanksgiving Day, celebrates the cooperative relationship that exists between farmers and their urban colleagues. While farmers are dedicated to producing quality food, fiber, and forest products, moving those products from farms to homes requires working with people from varying walks of life. Grocers, factory workers, truck drivers, computer scientists, bankers, veterinarians, chemists, salesmen, and numerous others all play important roles in getting food from fields to kitchen tables. National Farm-City Week strives to acknowledge the important relationship that exists between rural farmers and urban workers. As this year's commemoration again culminates on Thanksgiving Day, all Americans are encouraged to thank someone who helps make it possible for you and your family to enjoy the bounty of our food supply. YOUR CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI FORD, CHRYSLER, DODGE, JEEP DEALER 541 Hwy. 15 • Louisville • 662-773-8070 Page 6, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab The OCH Orthopedic Center — specializes in anterior hip construction Don’t be left alone in the woods this thanksgiving! Call us today for quick cash! RED HILLS FINANCE 306 N. Church St. Louisville, MS 39339 (662) 7734895 THE OCH ORTHOPEDIC CENTER comprehensive musculoskeletal healthcare to Starkville and the surrounding communities. Center Director Dr. J. Chad Williams Brooke Strickland, Manager Ta Griffin, CSR Ginger Bagwell, CSR “B ES T M O N E Y I N T O W N!” American Osteopathic Association and the American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics. He and his skilled staff provide a full range of services in the prevention, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of skeletal, joint, and muscular injury and disease, with special interest in hip care. Dr. Williams is the only orthopedic surgeon in the region who specializes in anterior hip '. 3,0- "# )#- $,- reconstruction. This technique is known as the #2 -,)#/ -. +" 0'!(. muscle-sparing approach and allows him to work between the muscles and tissues without -0!(. ,*# .## 0. $,- . )#. +" 2 -" '++'+% #-1'!# detaching them from either the pelvis or thighbones. &#!( 0. ,0/ ,+ ,0- 2# .'/# 222 /,) #-/!
 !,* It usually results in a shorter hospital stay and may also help to prevent future dislocations. For more information about anterior hip reconstruction or the many other services provided by Dr Dr. Williams and his staff, call the Center or visit www www.och.org. 401 East Main St., Louisville (662) 773-6215 Thank you to all of our wonderful patients for a m s t s Sale i r h C A..PP. BULLOCK TT..A ALL KICKER 10 years B R A N D S P E A K E R S of loyal support. SUBS, ETC. We are looking A T C O S T ! ! forward to "Embracing Your Future" for many years to come! (662) 773-6281 Page 7, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY HAM & TURKEY We’re here when you need a HELPING HAND Gift Certificates Available SONNY’S SMOKEHOUSE Open Tues, Wed, Fri and Sat November 25, 26, 28 and 29 8936 Highway 15 • Ackerman Phone 285-8074 Louisville Insurance Agency 307 S. Church Ave. • Louisville, MS 39339 HAND THERAPY is beneficial for traumatic injuries, post-surgical cases, fractures and dislocations, arthritis, sports injuries and many other conditions. It uses therapeutic interventions such as soft tissue and joint mobilization, functional activities and exercise to improve range of motion, strength and coordination to help restore patients to their highest level of function. Our certified hand therapist can help bridge the gap from the medical management of your injury or condition to a successful recovery, allowing you to function normally in daily life. The OCH Regional Medical Center Rehab Services Department is pleased to offer the area’s only certified hand therapist. Her certification ensures patients she has the knowledge and expertise required to manage the challenging recovery of complex hand and upper extremity injuries. In addition, every hand therapy patient — as well as all other OCH therapy patients — receives an individualized treatment plan that is always administered with personalized, compassionate care. Our well-trained team of physical, occupational and speech therapists is always ready to lend a helping hand! All outpatient therapy services are provided through the OCH HealthPlex and require physician referral. For additional information, call (662) 615-3020. MedicareSTART Part “A” and- 10/15/13 “B” Supplement Plans ENDS - 12/7/13 Househol d Premium Discount Available EFFECTIVE - 1/1/14 if you qualify. 2014 ANNUAL ENROLLMENT MEDICARE RX PART “D” Medicare Part “A” and “B” Supplement Plans Household Premium Discount Available if you qualify. CERTIFIED SENIOR BENEFITS ADVISORS Call Bud Varner, Agent Malynda Woodward, Agent 662-773-7913 • 662-773-7900 Quality Workmanship, Customer Satisfaction & Product Innovation PORTABLE BUILDINGS Starting at $64.58 per month Hand Therapy at OCH… Hands Down The Best! Jumbo Recliners $198 (rain checks) Delta Mfg $398.00 Sofa/Love Liberty Queen Size $188.00 Sleigh Bed $18.00 Memory Foam Pillows www.och.org Truck Load Mattress Sale King Mattress Set Queen Mattress Set Full Mattress Set Twin Mattress Set $278 $198 $188 $138 #8700 Steve Silver 24” barstool $68.00 Accessories 25% off Black Hinkle Rocker $88 Recliner $148.00 $18.00 1200 Thread Count All Sizes $98 Sheet Sets 4x 6 Rugs Je we lr y A r moir e $28.00 B e an B ags Solid Colors Franklin M&S Second Shop 601-656-9359 Reclining Love with Console M&S Fur itre 601-656-8114 PHILADELPHIA, MS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 We will close at 4PM Reopening at 6PM-’til SPECIAL PRICES: 12 MONTHS FREE FINANCING (pre-approval will speed up your wait time on November 20) $598 $28.00 Franklin Reclining Sofa $598 Bassett Real Marble $188.00 3pc End Table Set Shop our Big Barnyard Room Closeouts - Used - Scratched - Dented Page 8, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab Let us help you prepare your holiday meals! Casseroles (3 quarts) Candied Yams & Apples...........$19 Half Pan ...............................$12 Green Bean Casserole..............$22 Half Pan ...............................$12 Scalloped Potatoes ...................$19 Half Pan ...............................$12 Hash Brown..............................$19 Half Pan ...............................$12 Sweet Potatoes .........................$19 Half Pan ...............................$12 Macaroni & Cheese ..................$19 Half Pan ...............................$12 Chicken Pot Pie........................$24 Half Pan ...............................$16 Cornbread Squash ...................$24 Half Pan ...............................$16 Chicken Spaghetti....................$24 Half Pan ...............................$16 Cornbread Dressing.................$28 Half Pan ...............................$16 Lasagna ....................................$24 Half Pan ...............................$16 Rice Pilaf ..................................$19 Half Pan ...............................$12 Jalapeno Rice ...........................$19 Half Pan ...............................$12 Asparagus Casserole................$28 Half Pan ...............................$18 Green Bean Cassarole..............$24 Half Pan ...............................$16 Shrimp and Grits .....................$40 Half Pan ...............................$20 Cajun Seafood Pasta ................$36 Half Pan ...............................$19 Giblet Gravy ..............(quart) $3.50 (pint) $2 Vegetables Steamed Vegetables.................$24 Half Pan ...............................$12 Field Peas.................................$22 Half Pan ...............................$12 Creamed Corn..........................$26 Green Salad ..........(3 quart pan) $20 (half pan) $10 Add cheese & bacon $5 Salad Dressings Half Pan................................$15 Green Beans .............................$18 Half Pan ...............................$10 Lima Beans ..............................$22 Half Pan ...............................$12 Turnip Greens (seasonal) ........$22 Half Pan ...............................$12 Baked Beans.............................$22 Half Pan ...............................$12 (Ranch, Honey Mustard, Thousand Island, Poppyseed) 1/2 pt. $3 | 1 pt. $5 | 1 qt. $10 Breads (per dozen) Rolls ...........................................$8 Corn Muffins..............................$8 Mexican Cornbread..................$12 Hush Puppies.............................$5 Meats Chicken Tenders w/ honey mustard (min 3 doz).................$14.50 per doz Chicken Nuggets w/ honey mustard (min 3 doz) ..................$7.50 per doz Whole Chicken (2 breasts, 2 legs, 2 thighs, 2 wings) ........................$12 Thigh ................................$1.25 ea. Breast...............................$2.50 ea. Catfish Strips w/ tartar sauce ......................................$14.50 per doz Catfish Nuggets w/ tartar sauce ........................................$7.50 per doz Catfish Filet ..............$4.50 per piece Turkey (sliced) ...........$12 per pound Roast Beef (sliced) ....$12 per pound Ham (sliced) ...............$12 per pound Cheese (sliced) .......$8.50 per pound Gumbo Pt $5.75 | Qt $10.50 | Gal $30 Crackers & chips not included in price. Desserts Cream Pies....................(whole) $14 Chocolate • Caramel Coconut • Strawberry Lemon Ice Box Pie.......(whole) $20 Pecan Pie......................(whole) $22 Homemade Cakes ......(2 layer) $26 Caramel • Chocolate • Strawberry Coconut • German Chocolate Italian Cream Cheese Banana Pudding ......................$24 Half Pan................................$15 Fruit Cobblers..........................$24 Half Pan................................$15 Cranberry Sauce ..........(pint) $4.50 Salads Cole Slaw ..........................(quart) $10 (pint) $5 Potato ................................(quart) $12 (pint) $7 Fresh Fruit .......................(quart) $16 (pint) $8.50 Chicken .............................(quart) $16 (pint) $8.50 Pimento Cheese ..............(quart) $16 (pint) $8 Congealed Salad.................$1.25 ea. Broccoli .............................(quart) $12 (pint) $7 Shrimp Salad ...................(quart) $16 (pint) $8.50 All carryouts are served in aluminum pans. Food can be put on decorative tray with top for $5. Half pan feeds 5-7 people. 3 quarts feeds 12-15 people. Rasberry Construction, Inc. NEW HOMES • REMODELING • ADDITIONS ROOFING – SHINGLE & METAL Serving Attala County for 43 years • Licensed & Insured Member of Home Builders of Mississippi since 1975 License #R0002 James S. Rasberry, Owner 902 N. Jackson St. • Kosciusko, MS rasberryinc@bellsouth.net office 662-289-1590 cell 662-582-0431 fax 662-289-4005 Chosen for 8 years in Readers’ Choice Award Best Contractor & Best Home Builder Best Home Builder 2013 Award REAL WORLD ONLINE John Smith John Smith • Expert on autism • Loving father and husband • Award winning philanthropist • SEC Investigation • Angry Customers • Poor Ratings HOW DOES THE INTERNET SEE YOU? 800.285.0375 CALL FOR FREE ASSESSMENT • Suppress misleading or inaccurate search results • Protect yourself or your business from online attacks Finding Senior Housing can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. (800) 404-7993 LTOK.COM Book your Christmas party! 2015 Season Swim Passes monitorin g star Family of 2-4 $175** $160 if purchased before May 1, 2015 ting around per week Call Today, Protect Tomorrow! *with $99 customer allation ge and purchase of alarm inst monitoring char services. 1-800-518-3504 $99 single (No discount for early purchase) Mon-Fri 8am - 11pm • Sat 9am - 8pm • Sun 10am - 6pm EST 213 Smyth Lake Rd. • Louisville, MS Toll Free 1-888-845-6151 • 662-773-7853 Subscribe Today! CHECK ONE: CIRCLE ONE: IN-COUNTY: OUT-OF-COUNTY: OUT-OF-COUNTY: 1 YEAR - $30 1 YEAR - $40 1 YEAR - $42.50 (Winston, Webster & Choctaw) 6 MONTHS - $16 3 MONTHS - $10 (Webster & Choctaw) (Winston) 6 MONTHS - $22 6 MONTHS - $22 3 MONTHS - $13 3 MONTHS - $13 NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ STREET:______________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________________________ STATE: ______ ZIP: _______________________ CASH CHECK #: _____ CARD TYPE (CIRCLE): VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER CARD #: _____________________________________ EXP: ____________ CVC: ______ TOTAL PAID: $_________ PHONE NUMBER: (__________)___________-______________________ P.O. BOX 469 | MAIL TO OR BRING BY: 119 N. COURT AVE. | LOUISVILLE, MS 39339 | 662.773.6241 Advertise in the Winston County Journal to ensure your business, product, or event is seen by 99% of Winston County. Call us at 773-6241 to get started! Classifieds Page 9, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 The Three-County C H O C TAW 01 GARAGE SALES B u y i n g ESTATES, old buildings and c o n t e n t s antiquesold iron. One piece or truckload. 6623 1 2 - 7 4 0 8 . 12/17 Estate Sale November 22 starts at 7 a.m. on Chester Street. Home of Alma Reese. 11/19 32 32 SERVICES FREE HEAT AND HOT WATER Eliminate monthly heating bills with Classic OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Rebate offered for a limited time. Friendly, Efficient, & Affordable MATHISTON, MS Call Randle Kelly 662-263-6691 HORTON Avon Reps needed. Booth set up inside Louisville Flea Market 662-8030341. 11/26 NOW HIRING Sewing Machine Operators to work in Eupora. Please call The CPI Group at... (662)328-1042 ext. 100 for details. 76 HOMES FOR RENT HOMES FOR RENT 773-6886 694-1019 We pump and install septic tanks and clean chimneys. WE BUILD STORM SHELTERS! 662-417-0111 Angel House Cleaning. Service, basic cleaning and laundry with in 40 miles of M a n t e e . Contact Angel at 831-0500. 12-31 42 HELP WANTED CRADDOCK Construction Co., Inc. 1430 Louisville Street Starkville, MS 39759 We are accepting applications for experienced: Metal Stud Framers Sheetrock Hangers & Finishers Acoustical Ceiling Installers Carpenters & Painters General Building Maintenance/Repair Must have verifiable experience with good work references. Preemployment drug testing required. Please apply at above location. 9:00 AM-12:00 PM 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Monday-Friday Land/ Homes for Sale 77 Brick 4 bedroom 2 bath 4 car 2500 garage square foot 2981 Hwy. 397 1 mile out of city limits with new roof +4,00 square foot building 662-7080997. Call for an appointment. Serious inquiries only. 662-258-4644 For Rent: 3 bedroom house in Nanih Waiya area. Call 8031620. Weir, MS 2 Bdr. 1.5 Bth • W/D hookups $425 dpt. • $425 per mo. Call Millie at 601-720-4684 For Rent: comm e r c i a l garage/warehouse with office in downtown Eupora. 662-55211/19 5603. 1 Bedroom apartment Partially furnished. Full front porch. McCool 662-773-6210. 11/19 For Sale By 4 owner: 3 Bedroom, bath 2927 sq ft. Updated with granite countertops, new appliances. Large Shop on 5.5 acres. Reduced to $222,900. Reduced to 662803-7977. 2-18-15 17 acres. Ideal for building. 7 miles from town on McNeil Road. Contact Dean Watkins at 803-0873 Sales Associate, HomeFinders Realty. 11/26 Land/ Homes for Sale 77 House for sale in Ackerman low down payment low monthly payment with approved credit. Call Randy 1855- 847-6808. Land and house for sale in Ackerman 3BR 1BA Call 1-810733-6335. • 90 WINSTON 90 MOBILE HOME 54,000 Weekly Readers 24,500 Total Circulation Call 662-773-6241 to place your ad. FOR SALE 16x80 3BR/2BA single wide for sale, all appliances included, nice home. $16,900 including delivery & set up. Call 662296-5923. 100 MISCELLANEOUS Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 100 MISCELLANEOUS Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax relief now! Call BlueTax, the nation's full service tax solution firm. 800-491-1402 Home for sale McCool MS 4 bedrooms 2 800-419-8291. bath 1300 sq. feet, on 2 acre lot. We finance! 11/19 (WAC) Low down payment 100 MISCELLANEOUS with easy items . Monobabea Zero closing private social costs! Contact network that Brett at 855connects you to Antiques • Collectibles personal friends. 847-6808 for Household • Clothes • Glassware www.monobabe. more details. Furniture • Many Items Old & New! com 12-03 2 or 3 bedrooms in Eupora area. HUD accepted. 1/05 STUMP REMOVAL Great Apartment CALL DWIGHT WEBSTER 42 HELP WANTED BROWN'S CLASSICS 662-473-3576 KELLY STUMP GRINDING • 11/19/14 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab 11/26 90 90 MOBILE HOME SALE FO R I PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED MOBILE HOMES CALL 662-296-5923. 02/25 IF YOU USED THE BLOOD THINNER XARELTO and suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Xarelto between 2011 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-5355727 11/19 ADOPTION: A D O P T : Loving, young, secure, educated 1st time Mom & Dad promise your baby the best in life. Hillary & Ben 1800-818-5250. 500 SOUTH CHURCH AVE LOUISVILLE, MS (Next door to Fred’s) Open Wednesday-Saturday 9AM til 6PM A PLACE TO FIND GREAT GIFTS Driver - CDL/A WE PAY YOU WHILE YOU TRAIN! Earn Your CDL-A in 22 Days, and start driving with KLLM! No Out of Pocket Tuition Cost and CLASSES STARTING EVERY MONDAY! Must be 21 years of age 855-378-9335 EOE www.kllmdrivingacademy.com currently has an opening for a full time Respiratory Therapy Director. Please apply in person at CRMC or call Brianna Bell, Human Resources Manager at 662-285-4400 12/24 1Bd house central heat need work on 2 acres Vinyl siding $18,000 negotiable call 662670-4338. JRJ Communications (866) 912-8993 11/19 Propane & Natural Gas LOUISVILLE FLEA MARKET Choctaw Regional Medical Center 11/19 Air Conditioning & Heating FONTAINE® Fontaine - Jasper Location Now Hiring Immediate Openings Welders & Painters Industrial Welding or Painting Experience Preferred Applications Available at Any Local Alabama Career Center Any Questions, call the Jasper Career Center (205) 221-2576 2017898 MARKETING CONSULTANT Fortune 200 Company seeking an individual who is: • Motivated • High energy • Driven • Results Oriented • Eager to Learn If you fit the description and are interested in a job that has: • High Pay Scale • Stock Bonus • Credit Union • Industry-Awarded Training • Company Paid Incentive Trips (Last year: New York, Ireland, Bahamas) • & MORE To be Considered: Email resume to: robertlovern@bellsouth.net Ads in The Three-County Classifieds run the The Winston County Journal and Shopper, The Choctaw Plaindealer and Shopper, and The Webster Progress-Times and Shopper. The Three-County Classifieds reserves the right to accept, reject, edit any classified ads. Errors should be reported at once by calling 662-773-6241. It is the responsibility of each advertiser to check the accuracy of each insertion. Bill adjustments will be made for no more than one incorrect insertion and then only for that portion of each ad that is incorrect. Ad Rates (Private Party) Line Ads - 50¢ per word (8 word minimum) Display (Block) Ads - $13.00 per column inch. (Lower rates available for multiple insertions and specific publication zones.) Special Professional Directory Ad $16.95 Per Week 2 columns by 1.5 inches Place Your Ad Call 662-773-6241 • Fax to 662-773-6242 • Email to ads@winstoncountyjournal.com DEADLINES: Legals - 12:00 Noon Wednesday | Line & Display Ads - 4pm Thursday OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM • 119 N. Court Avenue • Louisville, MS Page 10, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab $ !! ' ' ! ' "! & " $% ! ' ' ! ! # % " ! ' Pollar d’s Hea ting & Cooling 56 Pollard Rd. • French Camp, MS 39745 Residential & Light Commercial ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ Business Phone: 662-547-5274 Cell: 662-705-2040 Fax: 662-547-5276 " OSWALT TREE SERVICE SINCE 1981 If you need ELECTRICAL WORK in Louisville and surrounding area CALL T.P. SULLIVAN AT & Licensed 662-803-6452 Insured Short Stop Mini Storage Tree Trimming Tree Removal Stump Grinding Brush Chipping 30+ Years Experience 662-803-2350 •••• 662-773-2295 662-779-0727 662-773-2295 662-779-0180 662-773-2295 662-773-2295 662-779-0180 Conceal Carry 254 Lawrence Dr. Eupora, MS 39744 662-258-7106 Wayne Hodges Owner Choctaw Regional Medical Center is now taking applications for: Human Resources Director Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree or at least 5 years Human Resources experience. Also, communication skills including verbal, nonverbal, and listening skills. Management skills. Ability to work on a collaborative management team. Strong interpersonal skills - warm, caring and approachable style. Wordprocessing and spreadsheet experiences. Dietary Manager Requirements: Completion of Dietary Manager 90 hour training course in institutional food service and a minimum of one year managerial experience in institutional food services is required. PRN RN’s Needed Immediately Signed / W. A. Taylor Foundation Publish 11/19/14 !!!! ! !!!! Choctaw Range – Mathiston, MS Call 662-263-7775 choctawrange@yahoo.com Larry Harvey Seamless Guttering Vinyl Siding, Replacement Windows & Shutters. Available in a variety of colors. FREE ESTIMATES 662-289-9673 Cell 662-582-1966 Fully Insured! Got Stumps? 10 Years Experience! • Suspension Work • Brake Work • Computer Diagnostics • Tire Sales (auto & motorcycle) NELSON OSWALT State Licensed & Bonded Tree Surgeon #1531 All Types of Tree Work Mississippi Enhanced Behind West Main Chevron Express • Louisville Behind Chevron Express Louisville BehindWest West Main Main Station W. Main ••• Louisville In Store Apply Behind Home Run Chev. •• W. Main Louisville Apply In Store Apply1ST in Store Store Apply in 1/2 PRICE MONTH Ackerman, MS 662-617-2869 The Annual report of the W. A. Taylor Foundation is available at the offices of The Taylor Group, Inc., 650 North Church Avenue, Louisville, Mississippi, for inspection during the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM daily, Monday through Friday, by any interested citizens requesting inspection within 100 days of the date of this publication. Free Estimates! Tree Service Louisville Mini Storage Louisville Deposit Electricity NoDeposit Deposit ••• Electricity Electricity Available Available NoNo Available 521 North Church Avenue • Louisville 521 -North Church Avenue • Louisville Apply 521 Church Ave. • Louisville NearN. Old Wal-Mart Store Near Wal-Mart Store 3Old LOCATIONS 1/2 PRICE 1ST MONTH 662-803-0628 We offer In-home We offer In-home nursing, Companion, nursing, Companion, and Sitter services. and Sitter services. Now NowHiring: Hiring: RNs RNs LPNs LPNs CNAs CNAs Homemakers/Sitters Homemakers/Sitters 601-707-5446Office Office 601-707-5446 601-510-9806Fax Fax 601-510-9806 www.qualityhealthms.com www.qualityhealthms.com Emailresumes resumesto to Email vmyers@qualityhealthms.com vmyers@qualityhealthms.com See Mr. Piano BELL’S “The name that says it all SCRAP for your piano needs!” METAL FREE hauling on “Buy, Sale, Service, junk vehicles & Rental & Tuning!” Tree Removal Stump grinding Debris Removal light towing also. Jeff Wilson • 662-722-0646 662-465-8895 or 662-418-4097 HOME REMODELING & REPAIRS Additions • Decks • Metal Roofs • Vinyl Siding FREE ESTIMATES Call Mark Burns • 662-552-2722 EUPORA, MS Brandy’s Animal Care Center Walk-Ins Welcome! “Where affordable quality care is what your pet will get!” % ' $$! &'% ' $$ $% $$ # %" # 662-258-6868 Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri: 8-5 • Thu: 9-6 • Sat: 8-12 Dr. Brandy M. Boykin 14010 US Hwy 82 • Eupora, MS 39744 DRIVER TRAINEES! GET FEE-PAID CDL TRAINING NOW! Learn to drive for STEVENS TRANSPORT 304 EAST MAIN STREET • Louisville 3 bd, 2 bath, den/dining, galley style kitchen large master with walk in closet. Storage building/carport. $73,500 neg • 662-773-8766 New Drivers can earn $850/wk & benefits! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Be trained & based locally! 1-888-540-7364 $% ! Page 11, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab y t n u o C n o t s n . 26 i o t W v e y o h a N T d l o o na t t n r g o n Jou i i y t p p m i o o r c c C r s u b o u y s t a e y g u B Page 12, Red Hills Shopper’s Guide, Winston, Wednesday, November 19, 2014 www.winstoncountyjournal.com Click on the Red Hills Shopper Tab 541 Hwy. 15 • Louisville 662-773-8070 We’ll buy your trade, even if you don’t buy from us! 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