Plumpton College at Flimwell Sustainable Food Farming and Forestry 13th November 2014 Plumpton College Centre for Sustainable Food Farming and Forestry The Woodland Enterprise Centre, Flimwell TN5 7PR Telephone 01580 879547 Email: TRAINING DATES FOR OUR HANDS-ON PRACTICAL, INTERESTING & RELEVANT COURSES. FUNDED TRAINING NOW AVAILABLE - PLEASE ASK FOR DETAILS Courses take place at Plumpton main campus BN7 3AE, Netherfield Near Battle TN33 9QB and Flimwell TN5 7PR Timber Framing “Excellent Course, brilliant, inspirational.” “The best training course I have ever been on” “It was a pleasure to come to Flimwell each day” Managing A Pig Herd “Informative and worthwhile course.” “Being in a small group really helped.” Pork Butchery “When I struggled with technical areas I was clearly shown how to overcome these obstacles. Superb and understanding tutor.” NEW FOR THE AUTUMN British Charcuterie and Salami Making One Day Course All courses have limited participants to ensure close tutor pupil ratio and maximum learning experience RDPE Training RDPE Business Skills Livestock Butchery Land Management Grants Latest News Livestock Butchery Land Management Legislative Woodland Management To book courses, telephone 01580 879547 or e-mail November 2014 Courses Friday 14th Venue Full Cost Flimwell £95 Mon 17th –Weds 19th NPTC Award Level 3 Aerial Cutting of Trees using Freefall techniques plus assessment date (£113.50 Assessment fee) Tuesday 18th Poultry Processing Flimwell £570 Hailsham £110 Wednesday 19th Battle £200 Thursday 20th Poultry Welfare at time of killing this will help you get the required licence Domestic Chain Saw Use and Maintenance Flimwell £150 Thursday 20th Applying for Felling Licenses and forming Management Plans. Flimwell £95 Friday 21st Domestic Chain Saw Use - Felling Small Trees Flimwell £150 Sustainable Sheep Production Battle £95 Introduction to Growing Vegetables and Marketing Crowhurst, £95 Coppicing and Managing Woodland Resources Flimwell £275 Winter Woodland Tree Identification Flimwell £95 Construct an Oak Timber frame working as a team- “Excellent Course, brilliant, inspirational.” Woodland Archaeology Flimwell £425 Flimwell £95 Friday Practical Woodland Management using hand tools 21st Wednesday Weds 26th Friday 28th 26th –Thurs 27th RDPE Grant Available FULL FULL RDPE £99 December 2014 Mon 1st – Fri 5th Friday 5th Wednesday 10th Livestock Transport Certificate cost includes 1 exam - £35 per extra Plumpton £95 Thursday 11th Sustainable Beef Production Battle £95 Thursday 11th RDPE £180 Domestic Chainsaw use: Maintenance and cross cutting Flimwell £150 FULL Friday 12th Domestic Chainsaw use: Felling Small Trees Flimwell £150 FULL Thursday 18th Domestic Chainsaw use: Maintenance and cross cutting Flimwell £150 Friday 19th Domestic Chainsaw use: Felling Small Trees Flimwell £150 January 2015 Mon 12th -Weds 14th CIEH Level 3 Lifetime Food Safety Flimwell £260 Friday 16th Plan and Plant an Orchard Iden, Rye £95 Saturday 17th Fruit Tree Pruning and Orchard Management Iden, Rye £95 Monday 19th- 23rd Professional Chainsaw User CS30/CS31 plus assessment date Flimwell Friday 30th January Health and Safety at Work Flimwell £695 plus £242 assessment fee £160 Grant Available RDPE £48 Date TBC Leading an organisation – strategic thinking Flimwell £125 RDPE £90 Date TBC Word Excel and Outlook Flimwell £125 RDPE £84 Date TBC Introduction to Web Design Flimwell £125 RDPE £84 Plumpton College at Flimwell Sustainable Food Farming and Forestry 13th November 2014 Date TBC Effective use of Mobile, Smart Phones Apps and Tablets Flimwell £125 RDPE £79 Date TBC Improve Sales with better Marketing using your computers Flimwell £125 RDPE £45 Monday 2nd Brush-cutter Operation Level 2 plus assessment date Flimwell Friday 6th Woven Willow Hurdles Flimwell £150 plus £106 assessment fee £95 Tuesday 10th Shingle Making for Roofs Flimwell £95 Wednesday 11th Trug Making Flimwell £95 Monday 16th – Friday NPTC Award Level 2 Tree Climbing and Aerial Rescue plus assessment 20th date (£128.50 assessment fee) th Thursday 19 Cleft Wood Hurdle Gate Making Flimwell £695 Flimwell £95 Friday 20th Hedge-Laying Hawkhurst £100 Monday 24th Wednesday 26th March 2015 NPTC Award Level 3 Aerial Cutting of Trees and using Freefall techniques plus assessment date. (£113.50 Assessment fee) Flimwell £570 Thursday 5th Micro Training - Intro to Woodland Management Flimwell £25 Friday 6th Micro Training – Planning Timber Felling and Woodfuel Flimwell £25 Wednesday 11th Venison Butchery Battle £200 Thursday 12th Sausage Making Battle £200 Thursday 12th Domestic Chain Saw use Maintenance and Cross Cutting Flimwell £150 Friday 13th Domestic Chain Saw use Felling Small Trees – up to 15 cm Flimwell £150 Monday 16th Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene Flimwell £95 Thursday 19th Micro Training – Timber Conversion Flimwell £25 Friday 20th Equipment Care and Maintenance Flimwell £25 Friday 27th Micro Training – Optimising the Value of Wood Flimwell £25 Friday 27th Stock Fencing Crowhurst £120 February 2015 RDPE £78 Grant Available RDPE £58 Grant Available Livestock -Butchery - Land Management - Legislative - Woodland Management To book courses, telephone 01580 879547 or email Oak Timber Frame Building - participants will work together to construct a frame 8ft by 10ft and the roof structure. This will provide the opportunity to learn the main techniques and skills in laying out the frame, marking and cutting the joints, constructing the roof, making oak pegs and erecting the frame. This is a practical course using hand tools and also demonstrating the use of power tools. The course will cover traditional and modern framing techniques. There will be an introductory session on planning and managing a timber frame project and general discussion/ demonstration sessions but the emphasis will be on practical hands-on working. The course will be based in and around the NEW DATE DECEMBER - 5th DECEMBER – Funding available please enquire workshop. 1st RDPE funding RDPE funded courses delivered in partnership with LANTRA. Eligible trainees will be able to attend our course at the reduced rate shown in red on the course list. There are a number of courses targeted at rural businesses to provide specific or complementary skills for rurally located businesses which includes rural tourism and diversifying farm businesses. Plumpton College at Flimwell Sustainable Food Farming and Forestry 13th November 2014 This project is supported by the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) for which Defra is the Managing Authority, part funded (or financed) by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development; Europe investing in rural areas. Legislative It sometimes seems as if there is legislation in place for almost everything we do! At the Centre for Sustainable Food Farming and forestry, we want to try and make obtaining the necessary training and certificates, a less stressful task. We offer a wide range of courses but we are always open to ideas about new topics that we might cover. We can also arrange training courses just for you and your business. These can be tailor made and we will be happy to discuss costs, dates and locations for delivery. Lifetime Certificate in Food Safety CIEH Level 3 It is a legal requirement for food businesses to be registered with their local authority and it is then the responsibility of the local Environmental Health Officer (EHO) to visit these businesses to ensure they are able to demonstrate good food hygiene practices. Failure to do so could lead to your business being closed down or a court fine. To demonstrate your due diligence you may choose to attend a food hygiene course. Most businesses opt for the one day, level 2 certificate, but this needs renewing every 3 years to be of any merit. Business owners and managers might want to consider getting a lifetime certificate for themselves and their most senior staff. This course is particularly relevant for those who have to develop or monitor food safety management procedures and systems. Duration: Three-day programme 12th, 13th 14th January 2015. Livestock Transport Certificates Short Journeys (under 8 hours). An essential requirement, if you transport animals, including horses, game birds and poultry for more than a 40 mile round trip for any financial reward. We run short one hour training session prior to the NPTC (National Proficiency Testing Committee) test. The training includes some example questions. More information is available on the NPTC and Defra websites. It is not a requirement that you undertake the training and you can apply to just sit the test. Dates: 10th December 2014: 19th March 2015 Contact: 01580 879547 Email: Five Micro Training Mornings £25 per session Woodland Management • Planning Timber Felling and Wood Fuel Processing • Equipment Care and Maintenance • Timber Conversion • Optimising the Value of Wood 1. Introduction to Woodland Management felling licences, mapping, trees, wildlife, conservation and invasive species management . 5th March 2. Planning Timber Felling and Wood Fuel Processing timing the fell, extraction and routes, customer requirements, legislation, waste and coppicing. Plumpton College at Flimwell Sustainable Food Farming and Forestry 13th November 2014 6th March 3. Equipment Care and Maintenance chainsaw safety, sharpening, fitting, hand tools, the right tool and clothing for the job, pre-use checks, health and safety, what certification do I need? 19th March 4. Timber Conversion posts, peelers, pointers, charcoal, chipping waste wood, mobile sawmills, logging, green woodworking. 20th March 5. Optimising the Value of Wood full details to be confirmed 27th March Booking Email: telephone 01580 879547 Training centres at Plumpton BN7 3AE or Flimwell TN5 7PR Part Time Course Application 2014/15 Plumpton College at Flimwell, The Woodland Enterprise Centre, Flimwell, East Sussex, TN5 7PR Telephone: 01580 879547 Email: Personal Details Your choice of course(s) Surname: Course name 1: Forename(s): Date of Birth: Start date: Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other (please state): Course Code: Nationality: Tuition Fee: Gender: Registration and Assessment Fee: National Insurance Number: Course name 2: Unique Learner Number (if known) Start date: No: Course Code: Tuition Fee: Contact Details Registration and Asessment Fee: Address: Promotional Code: Prior Attainment Postcode: Highest Level of Qualification: Home Tel: Mobile Tel: Email: Meeting your individual needs Criminal Record Do you consider yourself to have a disability? If so, please specify from the list below: Yes Do you have a Criminal Record? No If Yes, please call Academic and Quality Manager with details Tel: 01273 892054 01 Visual impairment 02 Hearing impairment 03 Disability affecting mobility Residency 04 Other physical disability Have you been permanently resident in the UK for the past Yes No 3 years? Country of Residency: If no, please state where you have been living and why: 05 Other medical condition (for example epilepsy, asthma, diabetes) 06 Emotional/behavioural difficulties 07 Mental health difficulty 08 Temporary disability after illness (for example postviral) or accident 09 Profound complex disabilities 10 Aspergers Syndrome 90 Multiple disabilities 97 Other 98 No disability 99 Not Known/information not provided Are you currently, or could you be pregnant? If no, please give your Date of Entry to the UK: If so, please specify from the list below: British Pakistani Any Other White Background Bangladeshi Irish Chinese Gypsy or Irish Traveller Any other Asian background Mixed / Multiple ethnic group African White and Black Caribbean Caribbean White and Black African Any other Black / African / Caribbean background Indian No Do you consider yourself to have a learning disability? Ethnic Origin White and Asian Yes Arab Any Other Ethnic group 01 Moderate learning difficulty 02 Severe learning difficulty 10 Dyslexia 20 Severe learning difficulty 90 Multiple learning difficulties 97 Other 11 Dyscalculia 98 No learning difficulty 05 Other specific learning difficulty 99 Not Known/information not provided I give my permission for this information to be passed to those persons within the college who are involved in providing Additional support, including Teaching Staff, the Exams Office and the Learning Support Staff. Signed: Date: How did you find out about the College? Teacher/Careers Teacher Payment Details Continued Employee/Student/ Former Student Radio My employer is paying my fees Purchase Order Number Exhibition/Show Newspaper/Magazine - please invoice my company as follows: Company name: Leaflet Careers Office Address: Internet Careers Fair Other: Friend or Relative Postcode: Employment Status Telephone: Authorising office name: I am in paid employment I am self employed Yes Is this course relevant to your work? No How many hours per week do you work? Authorised signature: Date: Enrolments cannot be processed without a signature. How long have you been employed? Employer Details Plumpton College Discretionary Skills Training Fund Students aged 19+ on the course start date studying up to Level 2 who are Unemployed, on benefits, looking for work and hope this course will increase the chance of getting a job OR aged 19-23 on the course start date studying a Level 3 course. Name of company: Address: I am not paying my own tuition fees for the reason indicated below: Postcode: I am aged 16-18 and therefore may be exempt from paying tuition fees I am not in paid employment and am looking for work I am not in paid employment and I am not looking for work How long have you been unemployed? This is my first level: One Your Payment Details Three Council Tax Benefit Letter from relevant council Employment Support Allowance (WRAG) letter from Benefits Agency Housing Benefit Letter from relevant council I am paying my own tuition and / or registration fees as indicated below: Income Support Letter from Benefits Agency Jobseekers Allowance Letter from Benefits Agency CREDIT / DEBIT CARD Please complete card details. We take payment then destroy these details. We accept payment via phone. (We do not accept American Express) BANK TRANSFER Your payment will be required after enrolment. You will then be sent the college details. CASH - PAYABLE AT COLLEGE DIRECT DEBIT Only available on request. Type of card: JCB / MAESTRO / VISA / SWITCH . Card holder’s name: Signature: Start date: Two Attach the relevant evidence of one of the following: Please choose the option that applies to you / how you are paying Amount to Charge £ I may be entitled to a tuition fee concession as I am unemployed and I am in receipt of an income based benefit. Working Tax Credit from Benefits Agency Signature I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given above is correct and that if accepted, I agree to comply with the College rules and regulations. I have read and understand the college policy on refunds / course cancellation. I confirm that I have been given sufficient guidance on course suitability, entry requirements, progression, financial advice and learning support. I agree to attend regularly and pay any relevant examination / registration fees. I agree to submit any required work and enter / sit any required examinations as part of the course. Signed (student): m m / y y Expiry date: m m / y y Issue no (Switch): Card no: Security code: WE DO NOT TAKE PAYMENT UNTIL ENROLMENT Date: To be countersigned by parent / guardian if under 18. Signed (parent / guardian): Date: Print name: Relationship: How We Use Your Personal Information - The personal information you provide is passed to the Chief Executive of Skills Funding (”the Agency”) and, when needed, the Department for Education, including the Education Funding Agency to meet legal responsibilities under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, and for the Agency’s Learning Records Service (LRS) to create and maintain a unique leaner number (ULN). The information you provide may be shared with other organisations for education, training and employment related purposes, including research. Further Information about use of and access to your personal data and details of organisations with whom we regularly share data are available at: This activity has been directly or indirectly part-financed by the European Social Fund - helping develop employment by promoting employability, business spirit and equal oppurtunities and investing in human resources.
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