Dear Parents Welcome back to Term 4. The children were very keen to get back to classroom activities on Tuesday morning and the primary students are enjoying the swimming program. We have a busy term ahead with a variety of activities and events to support the children’s learning. We start with the swimming program, the primary students attending during Weeks 1 and 2 and the infants attend in Weeks 3 and 4. Also during this time students will represent the school at the Diocesan Basketball competition and Wanderers Soccer Day. The primary classes will have their Musica Viva session on Tuesday 29th October at 2pm. Parents are welcome to attend. During Week 5 we will conducting the 2014 Kindergarten Orientation. Saturday 9th November will be our last Working Bee for this year. Year 2 and 4 parents will be invited to assist but of course all parents are welcome to attend. The big event for this term is the Parents and Friends Market Day on Saturday 16th November. The students will be involved in entertainment on the day as well as enjoying the rides. I’m confident that many parents will volunteer to help out on the day to make this event a huge success. Just a reminder that Friday 25th October is a Staff Development Day. Term 4 Week 1 10th October 2013 Mr Mahony’s Message 1 Staff Development Day 1 Newsletter items 1 P & F Group needs your help 2 White Elephant Stall 2 St Francis Facebook page 2 Canteen Meal Deals 2 Uniform Days 2 Nut Allergies 2 Skool is kool with Karl 2 Summer Uniform 2 Dates Coming Up 3 Merit Awards 3 Yours sincerely Inter Diocesan Team Sports 3 Mr Philip Mahony Principal Silver & Bronze Awards 3 St Clares High School 2014 Enrolments 3 Sacramental Program 4 STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY FRIDAY 25TH OCTOBER NO STUDENTS AT SCHOOL ON THIS DAY If you have any family news that you would like to share with the school community and would like it published in the newsletter could you please advise the school office by Wednesday each week. Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words. ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI SCHOOL Page 2 THE P&F GROUP NEEDS YOUR HELP!! The Parent Group are calling for volunteers to assist at the upcoming Market Day on 16th November for a variety of tasks. It is imperative that we get your support to ensure that the day is a success. If you are able to assist, please contact the office. DO YOU HAVE STUFF LYING AROUND THAT YOU DON’T USE? Why not donate it to the School’s White Elephant Stall? All you need to do is drop it all off at the front office two weeks prior to the 16th November. All proceeds from the sale of items will go directly to the School! Please only send items that are of saleable quality. ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI PRIMARY SCHOOL PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION FACEBOOK PAGE The Parents & Friends Association has made a Facebook page. This will help keep families and friends informed on any fundraising activities, meetings and other information related to the P & F Association for St Francis of Assisi Primary School. If you wish to take a look, copy and paste the link below into your internet browser and it will take you directly to the Facebook page. -Primary-School-Parents-FriendsAssociation/156462057886089 $4 Lunch Meal Deal Option 1 Option 2 1 x pizza 1 x garden Option salad1 2 (ham & pineapple or cheese & bacon) 1 x garden water orsalad 1 x water or juice popper 1 x juice popper or water Available 8/10/13 to 18/10/13 UNIFORM DAYS TERM 4 Below is a table showing what uniform the children should wear each day: Mon Tues Dress 1, 2, 5 & 6 K, 2, 6 Sport K, 1, 5 Wed Thurs Fri K, 1, 5 & K, 1, 2, 5 K, 1, 2, 6 5 2 6 6 Year 3 & 4 will be advised of their sports day once the primary swimming program is complete. SEVERE NUT ALLERGIES AT SCHOOL. Due to a large number of students at school who have severe allergies to products made with nuts, like peanut butter or nutella, it would be best if these products could be left for use at home and not brought to school. Children with severe allergies can still have an allergic reaction to these products even though they are not eating them. Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated. SUMMER UNIFORM Girls - Checked Uniform White Socks School Hat Boys - Bottle Green Shorts Lemon Short Sleeve Shirt Grey Socks School Hat Please ensure that students are wearing the correct hat and school shoes. SUPPORT YOUR SCHOOL!!! If you make a purchase at THE GOOD GUYS (Prospect) and mention that your child attends St Francis of Assisi, our school will earn reward vouchers. Last year this program was extremely successful. With our rewards we were able to invest in technology that the students have been using in class. We thank the families who have already helped our school earn reward vouchers this year and look forward to using them to aid the students in their future learning experiences. ….Mrs Smith St. Francis’ School Motto — “Strength and Gentleness” Term 4 Week 1 Page 3 DATES COMING UP 2013 Tues 15th Oct - Diocesan Basketball - Stage 3 Boys Soccer Wanderers Cup SILVER AWARDS Sat 19th Oct 25th Anniversary of Good Shepherd Church Plumpton Mon 21st Oct Infants Swimming Commences Fri Staff Development Day 25th Oct 1C Patricia Tuzaon 2S Kiarrah Rentoy 3H Angela Abouchaaya, Jaiden Acallar, Ryley Wilson, Hailey Magat, Cohen Smith & Ellah-Rose Thornberry 3Z Brosnan Wells, Ariel Bailey, Sheila Nicer, Laura Summers, Leon Loau, Justin Ghneim, Zachary Sadsad, Vince Baquillos & Abby Wasylinka 4S Damon Schirmer, Jharell Ramos & Christopher Morgan 4W Sebastian Lobo Cova 5A Logan Maskus 5G Kiana Loau Tues 29th Oct Primary Musica Viva @ 2pm. Sat 9th Nov Working Bee Years 2 & 4 MERIT AWARD WINNERS Congratulations to the following students who received Merit Awards at the school assembly in Week 10 last term. KS Attila Somogyi & Clairyse Attard KH Aaliyanah Jimenez & Zoe Duff 1C Hope Alcantara & Raydne 1S Ashanti Guedes & Amelia Tanti 2D Anureet Pabla & Elyssa Acallar 2S BRONZE AWARDS KS Nysha Prasad 1C Jesse Riley-Stewart, Alexis O’Neill, Drew Wasylinka, Kirsten Schirmer, Tisya Nayak, Maria Bullen Isabella Espineda & Claudia Canovo 1S Chloe Winters & Sharnie Clinch 3H Hailey Magat & Holly Summers 2D 3Z Abby Wasylinka & Brendon Po Anureet Pabla, Kristina Manay, Lauren Kennedy & Kayla Katipunan 4S Alyssandra Nacorda & Jharell Ramos 2S Samara Purvis & Benjamin Barukcic 4W Jiro Canlas & Bridie O’Kelly 3H Patrick Bayliss & James Nacua 5A Nicklodian Naseim & Blake Steward 4S Justine Toledo & Arielle Dera 5G Jake Gawthorne 5A 6W Isabella Morales & Marjorie Domalaon Francisco Ale, Nicklodian Naseim & Brandon Bernardino 5G Hamish Sami & Jake Gawthorne INTER-DIOCESAN MACKILLOP PRIMARY SCHOOL TEAM SPORTS Parramatta Diocesan Primary students enrolled in Year 5 and 6 in 2014 are invited to participate in the Inter-Diocesan MacKillop Primary School team sports trials during Term Four in 2013 and Term One in 2014. To facilitate this, Parramatta Diocesan trials will be held in the following sports. AFL, Basketball, Cricket, Diving, Soccer, Golf, Hockey, Netball, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Softball, Tennis and Touch Football. If your child plays at a representative level in this sport and you would like them to try out for a team please contact Mr Boyer for more information. 2014 - YEAR 7 ENROLMENTS FOR ST CLARE’S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL, HASSALL GROVE Enrolments are filling quickly. If you have a child in Year 6 this year, or know of a family with a Year 6 child looking to enrol for Year 7 at St Clare’s Catholic High School for 2014, please pick up an enrolment form from the St Clare’s High School office. All 2014, Year 7 students must fill in an enrolment form to secure a position for 2014. St. Francis’ School Motto — “Strength and Gentleness” SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM Attention parents of children who live in the parish of “PLUMPTON”...i.e., Plumpton, Oakhurst, Hassall Grove, Dean Park, Glendenning & Hebersham, and are regular worshippers at Good Shepherd Church. If your child is 8 years of age or above, on the 1st March 2014 and you feel they are ready to be prepared to receive the Sacrament of first Holy Communion. Information/Registration Sunday for Parents and/or guardians. Date: Sunday 3rd Nov 2013 Where: Parish Hall, 130 Hyatts Rd, Plumpton Time: 10:30am It is important that you bring a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate, to be able to register your child. Commissioning of children registered into the Program will be on Sat 9/11/13 6pm Mass, Sun 10/11/13 7am, 9am & 6pm Masses.
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