The Catholic Women’s League of Canada Victoria Diocesan Council President: Blanca Stead Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Mel Bayron National Theme: One Heart, One Voice, One Mission Provincial Theme: Joyfully Serving the Lord Diocesan Theme: Guided by the Spirit Date: April 8, 2015 To: Communiqué # 4 Parish Communications Chairpersons and Parish Presidents (for action) Diocesan Executive, Life Members, Provincial and Diocesan Communications Chairperson (for information) From: Christa Grillmair, Communications Chairperson, Victoria Diocesan Council Dear Sisters in the League: As I look outside my window, I can’t help but rejoice. Flowers are blooming, trees shimmer in the sunshine showing off their new leaves and the birds are busy building nests. We celebrated Easter and thanked the Lord for his great sacrifice so that we can have eternal life. And, Spring is a time for beginnings as many of us are welcoming our new sisters at our new member installations and celebrations. Our job, as communicators is to “announce and communicate, by word and action, the Good News of the Gospel”. We have a special job: we are asked to share what we see, read, and experience. So what do you have to share? Did you read the latest issue of The Canadian League, Be League, or Communicator? What stories or ideas struck you? For me, it was seeing my prayer partner’s name on the card tucked into the center of the magazine. I almost missed it. But now her name is next to my computer and whenever I see her name, I say a little prayer for her. I sent a card to my prayer partner. Encourage your members to communicate with theirs. Have you watched any programs on television, seen any good movies or read any good books lately? I watched a show on PBS called Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine that showed the various places of Jesus’ birth, ministry, passion and resurrection. It reminded me of our trip to the Holy Land where we walked the same paths He walked on over 2000 years ago. On April 12th, Salt and Light will show a Knights of Columbus documentary called John Paul II in America. It will also be shown on EWTN on April 29, 30 and May 2. Check out for an overview of the program and listing of stations and broadcast times. Watch the various programs and organize a discussion group. Christa Grillmair, Communications Chairperson, Victoria Diocesan Council 1 How have you promoted the League and your Council? Do you use your parish bulletin and newsletters to announce your plans, celebrate your accomplishments and invite others to join you? Do you share your events with the local media? Have you submitted articles to the various publications, including The Diocesan Messenger? Do you have a phoning committee that reminds members of your meetings? All of these are tools to enable us to publicize our Christian values and bring more members to our League. Encourage your members to access the League websites,, and your parish websites. If they do not have a computer, encourage them to access them through the computers at the local library. Have you sent your postcards and letters to the various levels of government on the issues that you personally feel very strong about? Have your encouraged your members to do the same? The pornography awareness postcards have continued to be a great impact but a personal letter is much more effective. Ask a question or ask for feedback to persuade a response. Have you urged the federal government to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause so Parliament can draft effective assisted suicide legislation? Check out the list of Resolutions – each one of them needs your support. Here are a few dates to remember: April 23: deadline for registrations for our annual diocesan convention in Duncan on May 3-5th. April 30: deadline for submissions to the May issue of Be League, dedicated to highlight BC and Yukon councils. Send in your stories, events, and celebrations. Each submission has to be typed and not exceed 50 words, focus on one topic and include one photograph of high resolution. Remember to identify all the persons in the photograph and include their permission. National photo consent form is on the website under forms. May 10: deadline for registration for the provincial convention in Prince George. May 25: deadline for submissions to The Diocesan Messenger. This is our Victoria Diocesan newspaper that is distributed to all parishes in the diocese and is an excellent vehicle to promote your Council. Send submissions to July 15: deadline for registration for the national convention in Vancouver. Over the next few months, we will be working on preparing for our fall pornography awareness campaign. Our focus will be on how pornography affects the family and to provide you with tools and information so that you can help spread the message that pornography is a pandemic that needs to be stopped. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I am looking forward to seeing you at the conventions. Blessings, Christa Christa Grillmair, Communications Chairperson, Victoria Diocesan Council 2
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