Parish Link Voice of the villages for 32 years November 2014

Parish Link
Voice of the villages for 32 years
November 2014
Issue No. 322
Serving the communities of Kensworth, Studham and Whipsnade
Page 3
Revd. Nicola Lenthall
The Vicarage
Clayhall Road
Tel: (01582 872223)
Dear friends and parishioners,
This month marks the hundredth anniversary of the conflict known initially as the Great War,
the ‘war to end all wars’ as it was hoped. So this month the words on this page are not
mine, or those of a fellow minister, but a voice from the past, a voice of a man from one of
our villages, Studham; a man who like thousands made the greatest sacrifice, which is ‘to lay
down one’s life for one’s friends’ (St. John’s gospel Ch. 15 vs 13). The letter was written in
1917 by George Gladman, a corporal in the York and Lancaster Regiment, to his sister Alice
just a few months before he was killed in the trenches in March 1918. Corporal Gladman’s
name can be found on the war memorials in St. Mary’s Studham and on the memorial on the
Common (as can that of Frank Groom), and his great-nephew, John Hanna, still lives in the
village. The simplicity of the message strikes home – as with so many messages of the time
the sentiments are those of love for family and friends, and hope for the future.
With thanks to Mr Hanna for his permission for publication.
With my love and prayers, this month and always,
Nicola Lenthall
The cover shows the Poppies at the Tower of London – see page 13 for more information
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KENSWORTH CHURCH PRAYERS: in November we shall say prayers for all those
who have lost a loved one in the past year. If you would like a particular prayer to be said,
please contact Dorothy Blackburn (872670).
KENSWORTH PARISH CHURCH: November is the month of Remembrance, starting with All Saints’ Day on the 1st, followed by All Souls’ Day on
the 2nd. It also happens to contain Remembrance Sunday on the
9th, when our Methodist neighbours will join us for the Service
of Remembrance of the signing of the Armistice at the end of
the First World War and also those who were lost or suffered in
year, the centenary of the outbreak of WW1.
The Choir is always ready to welcome singers and also instrumentalists. Please contact
Jim Putterill (872436) if you would like to take part. Dates for your diaries: carol-singing
round the pubs will take place on Friday 19th December, and round the village on Monday
22nd December, followed by refreshments.
Sunday School: on the 9th the children will take part in the Remembrance Day Service;
on the 23rd there will be a study of Christ the King.
If you would like to join Sunday School, or be a helper, contact Katherine Huggins
(607841). We welcome all children from 3+; we have junior and senior sections.
Christmas Messy Church: there will be a special Messy Church on Friday 28th Novemon the Christmas story, followed by our shared supper. Children from 0 upwards (!) welcome with their parents or carers. Older children welcome to come and help!
KENSWORTH METHODIST CHURCH: for all services, see page 14. Our next coffee Morning is on Saturday 1st November from 10.30am till 12 noon. All are welcome to
join us for our delicious cakes and coffee!
KENSWORTH OVER-SIXTIES CLUB: on Tuesday 11th November there will be a
Soup and Pie Lunch at 1pm in the Methodist Hall.
Please note: Christmas Lunch at The Old Hunter’s Lodge is on 2nd December, not 9th.
KENSWORTH LADIES’ CLUB: on Monday 3rd at 7.30pm in the Church Hall, Jeff is
ments. All ladies welcome.
FLOWER GROUP: our next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday 26th November
at Kensworth Church Hall in Clayhall Road. Please contact Shirley Hull (872351) for
details. New members very welcome.
Church prayers: in November we shall be remembering in our prayers everyone who
has lost a loved one during the last year. If you would like a special person to be remembered in church, please contact churchwarden, Meg Bender (872967 or meg.bender4@
Everyone is very welcome to the village Remembrance Service on Sunday 9th November
at 10.30am. It will be followed by a procession to the War Memorial in the village centre
and the laying of wreaths there. It is a joint service with our Methodist friends and we are
very pleased to be welcoming Peter Syson, a Methodist Preacher, to lead the service. As
usual, the collection will be sent to Royal British Legion to support their important work
with war veterans and their families.
Children’s Church is on Sunday 16th November at 10.30am. The children and young
ing on their own unique skills and talents and how important it is to develop them and
family-friendly service.
The next social event is a Quiz Night at Studham Village Hall on Saturday 6th December
at 7.30pm. For teams of eight, please contact John McDougal (873257 or john.mcdou-
100 Club: congratulations to the winners of the 100 Club monthly draw for September;
Michael Alderson (number 68) and Joy Hillier for October (number 28).
Call My Bluff
arranging the evening, and to the Bluffers.
AGM: the interim Chairman, Des Salmon, stepped down from the Committee. Des had
agreed to be Chairman for a year to provide time to appoint a permanent Chairman. No
nominations were received, and The Friends Committee will elect a chairman for each
meeting when the Committee meets.
and replacement costs in the year to December 2013. Expenditure in 2013 was high due
to major work on the Church Building.
Family Harvest Lunch: the Harvest Lunch was well supported with several families
there. We are so lucky to have ample food in Studham.
Carols in the Hall 3.30 - 5pm Sunday 7th December. This is a Community event jointly
with the Village Hall team and including the children from Studham School. Admission is
Page 9
THE MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING (The World’s Largest Coffee Morning) in the
HARVEST FESTIVAL AND SUPPER: thanks to all who worked hard for our Harvest
Festival and Harvest Supper; decorating the church and providing the harvest supper
of St Albans’ Harvest Appeal. The produce was delivered to sick and housebound in the
village which has been greatly appreciated.
WHIPSNADE CHURCH QUIZ NIGHT is on Friday 21st November at 7.30pm in the
ticket, two-course supper included. Bring your own drink. Come and enjoy a fun evening.
Details from Isobel Randall (872552) or Pam Ward (872406).
WHIPSNADE GREEN SCRUB CLEARANCE continues on Sunday 2nd November
from 11am. Meet on The Green near Chequers Lane. We are always grateful for more
helpers and it is great fun, come along and see for yourself. Wear stout footwear and
gloves. More information from Charles Frost (871417).
On REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY, 9th November, the Church Service at 9am includes
the Act of Remembrance. The collection, including Gift Aid, will be donated to the Royal
British Legion.
The VILLAGE LUNCH is on Thursday 13th November in the Village Hall. Everyone is
of help or puddings to Isobel Randall (872552) or Pam Ward (872406).
WHIPSNADE CHURCHYARD: there is a Working Party on Saturday 22rd November
10am - noon. Please come and help to tidy the churchyard for winter. Details from Charles
Baker (872718).
TREE CATHEDRAL ‘LEAF SWEEP’ DAY is on Sunday 23rd November between
11am and 3pm. Please come and help, bring your own picnic lunch (soup provided).
Wear gloves and stout shoes/boots - tools provided. Lots of help needed to rake up
leaves, hedge cuttings and generally tidy up for the winter whatever the weather. Further
details from John Ward (872406). Meet in the car park.
Baby elephant, Sam, born at Whipsnade Zoo on 16th
September with mother, Azizah.
Zofeya and her family would like to thank Lynn, Josie,
Rita, The Packhorse Pub and the local community for
their amazing support. We were deeply touched when an
80s Charity Disco was organised for the local community
and all proceeds from it, as well as the proceeds from
some staff members of the Packhorse Pub who did the
Ice Bucket Challenge, were given to support us.
The reason for this is our 5-year-old daughter, Zofeya,
who was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour in
July 2013. She was only 4 and had to undergo major
brain surgery, lost all abilities to move and communicate
after her operation (Posterior Fossa Syndrome) and
had to re-learn everything. She also had to have 30
radiotherapy sessions under general anaesthetic and has been receiving chemotherapy
treatment since November 2013 (still ongoing).
www.zofeya. or her Facebook page: Zofeya’s Daily Journey. We are a family living in
times communities pull together and
show that we really do care about each other. Thank you.
The local churches of St. Mary’s Kensworth, St. Mary’s Studham and St. Mary Magdalene,
Whipsnade are part of the Church of England, which is the established Church of the
country - and this means that we are here for all the people of the parish, to support you
through the most important and moving times of your lives. Our church buildings have
seen thousands of baptisms, marriages, funerals and burials over the course of their
existence and continue to be here for the people of these villages at such times. As your
Vicar I am here to minister to you, and can be called upon for support when you need me.
I have worked full-time in the three parishes of Kensworth, Studham and Whipsnade for
eleven years now, with the help, support and commitment of many wonderful people. Like
most other organisations, we need people to help us to run the churches - and just at the
moment we would love some extra volunteers! It doesn’t matter if you don’t or can’t come
to church. You may just feel that you want to help keep the oldest buildings in our villages
upright - and the Friends of the Church in each village do that. We are especially looking
for a Chairman and Secretary for the Friends of Studham Church at the moment; and
for a couple of new Treasurers in Studham and Kensworth - you don’t need a degree
in Maths (!), just to be able to operate spreadsheets or equivalent, often to take over a
system which is already up and running. Or maybe event planning is your skill - we do a
lot of fundraising this way, and always need new ideas and extra hands.
Juggling job and family, as most working people have to nowadays, is something I do too.
I do understand the commitments and pressures we all experience in our daily lives, but I
would also hate to see these lovely buildings disappear through lack of voluntary help. If
you feel that you would like more information about any of the roles mentioned above, do
give me a ring on (01582) 872223 or email
Page 11
David Manton was Acting Chairman for the evening, as the Chairman, Mike Sawyer, was
unable to attend. He warmly welcomed our new committee member, Tracey Miller, who
represents the Toddler Group. Tracey is also on the Friends of the School committee so
this will hopefully improve co-operation between the two groups.
It was agreed that the planters in the village should have a coat of preservative on them
before the winter. The planter for The Chilterns will be installed shortly and then the
The bank account is being transferred from Santander to the NatWest in Dunstable which
is more local. The committee are also hoping to obtain insurance to repair the roof and
guttering which were damaged by vandals.
The bookings clerk reported that bookings for children’s and private parties were very
good leading up to Christmas, but there is still some availability for regular weekly bookings for village clubs.
Future fund raising plans are for a Car Boot Sale on the recreation ground on Sunday 3rd
May; a Family Christmas Bingo evening on Friday 5th December at 7pm - look out for the
posters; and a Live Music Christmas Evening on 29th November at 7.30pm which includes
a buffet, BYOD and starring Rob Munn who was a competitor on the X Factor - his music
are available from Pat Mitchell (871178) or Lynn Lewis (873981). Please come and support the Village Hall for this fun Christmas event!
The next meeting of the committee is 5th November at 7.30pm. New committee members
are always welcome, if you want to get involved in maintaining the Village Hall for future
Kensworth’s World Biggest Coffee Morning, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, held in
the Methodist Church Hall on Saturday 20th
Thank you to everyone who contributed and made this result possible.
This is on Sunday 9th November from 3pm - 4.30pm in Kensworth Church Hall.
Well done to Kensworth Cricket Club, who have just had their most successful season
ever. The team won the Chalgrave Sunday Cricket League, the Chalgrave Cricket Cup
supporters who have made this such an enjoyable season.
mother about his distressed state, he sobbed: “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam, but I want
to be a train driver!”
FRIENDS OF STUDHAM COMMON: there are two work parties this month, as we
have added a couple of mid-week work parties during the winter, to keep up with the expanding conservation programme. So for those of you who can’t manage the weekends,
now is your chance! On Thursday 7th November we shall be planting hazel on East
Common to improve the habitat for our resident dormouse population. Please bring your
own refreshments; FOSC will provide hot and cold drinks. On Saturday 15th November
we shall have our usual monthly work party, the last one of the year. We will be continuing
our programme of hedge-laying and hazel planting. All welcome. Lunch provided – it’s
a bit early, but there is a rumour that mince pies may be on offer! For both work parties:
Meet at the War Memorial at 10am. Further info from Charles Baker (872718 or
Early last month we welcomed the Chiltern Society Wendover Woods Conservation
Group (punchy name, isn’t it?) for one of their twice yearly visits. With volunteers from
FOSC and this year HSBC, we totalled almost 40 people, so were able to make short
work of the hawthorn pruning along the top hedgerow of East Common. Yanis Whiteley,
our youngest volunteer, helped out with his usual energy and enthusiasm.
STUDHAM VILLAGE HALL: a Quiz Night is on 15th
bers. The proceeds from the Quiz Nights at The Red Lion from January to May 2015 will
Chrys Smith and Andrea Maxted for running the Quiz Nights.
STUDHAM SCRABBLE CLUB: every Tuesday at 2pm in Studham Village Hall. New
members, all levels, will be made very welcome. More information Jean Pigden (872294
or e-mail:
will go towards the Over-60s Christmas Lunch. 8pm start. If you want a curry, phone Gary
Ellis (872350). If you would like to enter a team for any other quiz we would be delighted
to see you. Ring Des Salmon (872082) for Village Hall, Isobel Randall (872552) for
Whipsnade Church and John McDougal (873257) for Studham Church. All have supper
included in the ticket price. What a great way to spend an evening!
BINGO: 10th December is our Birthday party and the last bingo of this year. We would like
to thank those who have supported us, and extend a warm welcome to any who would
like to come and join us.
WHIST CLUB: following the successful launch of this new club during October, it will
continue on Tuesday evenings during November and December. New members at all skill
levels are most welcome, so why not join us? See diary for dates.
W.I. ( the Speaker at our meeting
on 6th November at 7.45pm will be Carol Jones, who is giving us a demonstration on
birthday party and we are
celebrating with a members-only dinner at The Old Hunters Lodge.
Page 13
On a beautiful October morning, I had the privilege to join 149
other volunteers to help with the assembly and planting of ceramic poppies in the dry moat at the Tower of London. The
poppy installation “Blood Swept Seas and Lands of Red” (see
cover) is the central part of the Tower’s commemoration of the
Centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. It is a breathtaking and emotionally moving creation by the ceramic artist
Paul Cummins and stage designer Tom Piper and is named
after a poem written by an unknown soldier (for poem see Link
Since then, some 500,000 poppies have been assembled and planted, largely by a team
representing a fallen British soldier. The last poppy will be planted on Armistice Day, 11
November, 2014.
At the ceramic works in Derby where the poppy heads are made, those involved are working in 3 shifts for 23 hours a day to produce enough poppies for planting. The poppies are
then transported to London to be assembled by the volunteer workforce; a team of up to
150 volunteers aims to assemble and plant 7,000 poppies in a morning or afternoon session encouraged and cajoled by a number of project leaders who are involved with the
installation on a daily basis.
The result of these efforts is an undulating sea of red poppies surrounding the Tower; a
spectacular and overwhelming sight, which I would recommend anyone to see should
they have the opportunity.
Cheryl Ronaldson, Whipsnade
The photo shows Cheryl on the left with another volunteer, and Yeoman Warder Butler.
when the Poppy People call, or in local shops. There will be Gardens of Remembrance
in each of the Churchyards to place small crosses to remember loved ones. For more
information, contact local Poppy Appeal Organiser, Pam Ward (872406)
Please do come along on Wednesday 12th November in Kensworth Church Hall for this
year’s Talking Point talk. This year the subject is “An introduction to Buddhism”. 7.45pm
for 8pm start.
Come along to hear Philip Eden, former Vice-President of the Buddhist Society of London
and local resident, talk about his spiritual path. This informal get together with refreshments will be a chance to learn more about the practice of Buddhism and how it relates
to other faiths.
FIRST STEPS: a short service for babies, toddlers and their carers, is on Friday 14th
November at 2pm in Kensworth Church Hall
of worship and singing, followed by a light meal. Studham Methodist Church Monday 10th
November from 3.15pm onwards; Kensworth Church Hall Friday 28th November, 3.30pm
9th November United Service at St Mary’s (Remembrance Sunday). No service at KMC
16th November Holy Communion Service led by Rev. Neil Drayton
There will be No ‘Growing Together’ in November
Sunday 9th November 10.30am Joint Service at St Mary’s Church
P. Sysop
Sunday 23rd November 10.30am Holy Communion
Rev. G. Hulme
We are a small, welcoming Church with a friendly congregation. Our services are familyfriendly, always inclusive, and we are happy to welcome visitors to join us. We look foward
to seeing you at our Christmas Tree Festival on 13th December, and also at the Carol
Service on the 14th. See noticeboards or contact Chrys Smith (872989) for more details.
14th September Milo Hollands
21st September Hollie Deane
25th September Hugh Ramsey
7th October
Jean Edgerton
formerly Kensworth
supported the Events Committee this year. The committee is having a break over the
winter months but would welcome ideas for events in 2015 as well as feedback about
what they have put on so far. They are particularly looking for ideas for evening events
and for some daytime activities. Give your feedback to any Trustee or e-mail: admin@ or (871092).
VILLAGE HALL TRUSTEES: please look out for our Christmas Draw tickets which
will be being circulated in the next few weeks. There will be some super prizes. The draw
will take place at the Pre-Christmas Shopping Event on Sunday 30th November 10.30
- 3 pm. Entrance FREE. This will be a busy event with craft and other stalls stocked with
unusual gifts and original Christmas accessories, with light refreshments served throughout the day. No booking required, just turn up with your family, a smile and your money!
to all who have worked so hard especially Eddie Menzel and Terry Saunders and all who
have generously donated time and materials to make it all happen.
DELL FARM FUN DAY: on Sunday 21st September, Dell Farm Outdoor Education
Centre opened its doors for our annual Fun Day with the aim being to raise awareness of
the Centre and also to raise money for us to be able to purchase new equipment in our
bid to continually improve what we offer. We were blessed with good weather and had
near future with the Team putting together their wish list to support their activity development plans. Just to give an idea of what we have previously used fundraising money for,
we have recently been able to purchase 2 night vision cameras so that we can capture
footage of our nocturnal visitors such as Badgers and Foxes. The visiting students learn
about the animals, leave trails for them so they are lured towards the cameras and then
they watch the footage the following day to learn even more about them.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all those that supported the event by attending
but also those that dedicated their time by volunteering to assist on the day. Without your
support the Fun Day would not have been the success that it was!
Congratulations to Ann Brinklow and Anne Weir of Whippart of the Abbey Flower Festival titled “Music in Bloom”.
ments all with a musical title. The title of Whipsnade’s
was Les Papillons by Debussy. Over 10,000 visitors enjoyed the festival.
Page 17
The school had a wonderful Harvest Assembly, with many families coming along to celebrate with us and listen to poems read and songs sung by all the pupils. We concluded
cakes sold had been made and decorated by the children.
On October 6th Majestic Trees delivered a Hornbeam tree to the school which was then
planted just outside our new Year Five classroom. The children will be able to watch it
grow and see how it changes through the seasons (more next month).
We have all been enjoying a week’s break to recharge our batteries ready for the countdown to Christmas. We’ve got plenty planned including performances by the children, a
trip to the pantomime and lots of Christmas arts and crafts. There will be glitter everywhere!! For more information, contact Head Teacher, Mrs A Kentish (872336).
Bags2School: our next Blue Bag collection will be on 5th
any unwanted textiles, clothes, belts, shoes, handbags, soft toys and place them as near
which helped towards new school equipment - your support is very much appreciated.
Cuppa Club: come along to “Cuppa Club” - it is held in Kensworth Pre-school every
Thursday, 2.30 to 3.30pm, a chance for parents/carers/grandparents to have a drink and a
chat once a week, whilst the little ones play (all ages welcome). If you have any questions,
please contact Tracey Miller (873957).
Big Quiz Night: Saturday 15th November in the Village Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Please
book a table, please contact Katherine Frazer (873525).
Another date to remember - our Christmas Fair will be held on Tuesday 2nd December at
3.30pm in the School Hall.
(from “Growing Things” by Allen R Rumble
* We really do reap what we sow. Good seeds bear good fruit.
* Without rains and storms there is no growth - no fruit is produced.
* When weeding, be careful! We can’t always tell the difference between a nasty weed
* Deep roots are a good thing. Without them, we’ll wither and die.
* Pruning and trimming, as painful as it seems, actually works to our advantage.
* In gardening, as in life, cheating does not work. Short-cuts, slipshod efforts, and neglect always show up in the quality of our garden.
* Like anything worthwhile, beautiful gardens need attention, hard work & commitment.
* We cannot rush the harvest. Bearing fruit takes time and patience. Premature fruit is
almost always sour.
* Gardening and growing is a lifetime experience. We can experience growth and
beauty until the day we die.
* Fertiliser happens! In fact, nothing much grows without it.
We would like to extend a warm welcome and congratulations to our new member, Helen
Newham. She is a solicitor, but only gave birth to her son in October, and will be joining
us as soon as he will allow! We’re sure her legal expertise will be most useful.
The Council has need of a new Gardener:
think you can be of service please write to our clerk, Mrs Julie Cooper, or e-mail clerk@ We are also on the look-out for additional people to join our Neighbourhood Watch scheme, especially those who live more in the village centre. There is
nothing onerous in the job; it just involves keeping an eye out for neighbours, and suspicious characters. If you feel that you can help, please talk to any Councillor, who will point
you in the right direction.
Central Bedfordshire Libraries have started a new initiative called “The Human Library”.
It works in the same way as an ordinary library; open to all, readers choose from a catalogue, and borrow a book for a limited period then return for others to share. The only
difference is that the “books” are people, and “reading” involves a conversation. If you are
interested, then Dunstable Library or local Councillors will have more information for you.
Now the darker nights are here, please remember that this is the burglar’s favourite time
of year. Remember to lock all doors and windows securely, and remove ladders, bins
and anything else that can be used to climb on. Net curtains are always good, and so is
a burglar alarm. If you are taking a late break, inform your immediate neighbours that you
will be away and ask them to keep a look out for you. Remember; if you can see it and
reach it easily, so can anyone else.
Next meeting; our next meeting will be on Monday November 3rd, starting at 7pm in the
Village Hall.
A Very Busy Start to the New School Year. We may
only be a few weeks into the new school year but it
has been non-stop action here at Studham. First of all
our school choir performed at the Dunstable Methodist
dren. Our annual Roald Dahl Day brought out our most
varied set of dressing up costumes ever. I can only imagine the stress that parents went through providing it
all! Our Harvest Festival was a great success this year
and we were pleased to be able to raise some money
for the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal. Maple Class attended the Bishop’s Harvest Service
at St Albans Abbey.
We were also delighted with our recent Open Day. Despite some very autumnal
weather, there was a lot of interest and we will look forward to some children joining us
both this year and next September. Thanks must go to the PTFA, Governors and other
volunteer parents who did so much to make the day run smoothly.
Page 19
At the Harvest Festival in the Parish Church, a
crystal rose bowl was presented by the Parish
Council on behalf of Kensworth residents, to Mr
and Mrs David Shelley, in recognition of their
contribution to village life over many years. A
letter of thanks from the Shelleys was read out.
for the months of April, May and June 2014 at
Luton Airport, compared with the same months
for 2013: there has been an average increase
garding aircraft use/noise connected to the airport can be recorded on our website: www.
Cllr. Murray, Chair of the Playground Committee, advised members that they have decally make successful applications for available grants. He has set up a new account at Please contribute what you can to help
give this exciting and essential project the best chance of success.
cil. As a result we can co-opt a new member. Notices have been displayed on the notice
boards and the parish website. The closing date for receipt of written expressions of interest is 6th November. Anyone interested in this role should telephone the Clerk (418213)
for further information.
The Parish Council have again agreed, with Central Bedfordshire Council, to undertake
an additional gritting service during the forthcoming winter. The roads covered by this
service will be listed in the autumn edition of the Kensworth Parish Council Newsletter.
will be carried out with CBC and local volunteers over the next few weeks.
The next Council meeting will be on Thursday 13th November at 7.30pm.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 11th November at 7.30pm in the Village
Hall. Residents are always welcome to come and have the opportunity to raise local issues.
On Saturday 15th November from 7pm, Studham CC
will be celebrating their awards evening at the Sports
disco and food). This is a much anticipated event that's
enjoyed by all! Tickets are available from Josh Thompson (07456 574405) and Rob Thorne (07858 751122).
Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a
great evening with your local cricket team.
makes a glorious sound so why not come along and have a go. Studham bell-ringers
are always looking for new members to keep the tradition going. Either come along on
practice night - Monday 8pm until 9pm - or phone Angela Blackburn (663756) for more
September with a
will be on Saturday 22nd November at the club - please contact Linda Arbury, Sue Groom
and rum punch!
Junior coaching is held at the club every Saturday 2-3pm (all welcome) followed by Adult
please contact Andrew Jones (07833 111682 or e-mail:andrew.jones@expressvending. or visit
SENIOR CITIZENS’ LUNCH: don’t forget to reserve your place for the Christmas
Lunch. Contact Julie Cooper, Studham School (872337) Further details in last month’s
Link (p.19).
Andrew, whose feast day ends the Christian year on 30th November, is probably best
known to us as the patron saint of Scotland, though his only connection with the country is
that some of his bones were reputedly transported in the 8th century to Fife and preserved
at a church in a place now named St Andrews.
In fact, there are so many legends about him all over Europe and the Middle East that
it’s safest to stick to what the Gospels tell us - though the strong tradition that he was
‘saltire’ of Scotland.
Page 21
DONT FORGET if you are organising an event in any of our three villages, please contact David Manton (872760) to make sure there are no clashes of dates, and so he can
arrange for it to go into the Diary on the website.
WILDLIFE TRUST: a new branch - the South Bedfordshire Branch – has recently been
ledee, the Chairman of Dunstable & District Local History Society, entitled “Houghton Regis Chalk Pit - a journey through time”. It will be on Wednesday 26th November at 7.30pm
in Dunstable Fire Station Lecture Theatre in Brewers Hill Road. Further details from Sue
Turner (07706 131942 or e-mail:
CARDS FOR GOOD CAUSES: the UK’s largest multi-charity Christmas Card organisation opened its Harpenden shop on Friday 24th October at The United Reformed Church in
Vaughan Road offering shoppers the chance to buy Christmas cards from more than 25 national and local charities.
NEWS FROM THE GATEWAY CENTRE: Stir-Up Sunday on 23rd November from
11am to 3pm. Make a Christmas wish as you stir the giant pudding. Christmas Puddings
tastings and treats to take home.
Enchanted Trail from 23rd November until 1st January between 11am and 3pm. Explore
the magical woodland on an Enchanted Trail. Get a map and clues from the Visitor CenFor more information call 500920 or visit the National Trust website.
SOUTH BEDFORDSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL TRUST: the next meeting is on Wednesday 5th November starting at 7.45pm in the Salvation Army Centre in Bull
Pond Lane, Dunstable. The speaker will be Ben Cowell, the East of England Regional
Director for the National Trust and the topic will be “the founders of the National Trust and
DUNSTABLE & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY: on Tuesday 11th November at the Methodist Church Hall at 7.45pm “Milk Bars and Music” - speaker Colin Oakes
talks about London in the 50s and 60s. Apparently Tommy Steele is bound to feature!
A Somerset parish magazine told how ministers from the Welsh valleys were distressing
the older members of the Chapel by the length of their sermons. On one occasion an
elderly man greeted the minister: “And what is the subject of your sermon this morning?”
“The milk of human kindness,” replied the minister.
“Ah,” the old man mused a moment. “Condensed, I hope?”
(From Peterborough in The Daily Telegraph)