~Aiot Llt)Ark Zfnitet.l Llt)ethot.list Chureh (609) 587-1286 Volume 23, Issue 9 465 Paxson Avenue, Hamilton Square, New Jersey 08690 Fax: 609-587-6090 Stmarkum@optonline.net www.saintmarkhamilton.org :M.arkines November, 2014 From the Pastor's Desk: Putting God First in Living and in Giving Do we worship idols? The answer may surprise you. During the month of November, we at Saint Mark UMC will consider God's generosity and our response as we participate in our Financial Stewardship Campaign entitled first: putting God first in living and in giving. This three week program (November 9-23) is adapted from the program developed by Rev Michael Slaughter of the Ginghamsburg UMC, Tipp City, Ohio. D_yring this program w._e will be c_hallenged in a number of different ways. We wil l be asked to identify modern_sjay idols in our lives (our own golden calves), and examine how these idols enslave us, holding us back from the fullness of life God would have for each of us. We will look together at money, work and debt and what it would mean to be faithful in earning, saving and giving. Finally we will ask what it means for us to give from the heart rather than out of obligation and duty. How do we balance competing demands on our time, talents and treasure? What priorities would God have us practice? I believe that the ministry and mission of Saint Mark UMC makes a difference in the life of people locally as well as globally. This ministry is made possible through the generous giving of members and friends. Through our giving we seek not only to touch persons for Christ in the present, but to build a legacy of faith that will be passed on to a future generation. In the days ahead, you will receive a Commitment Card to inform us of your willingness and ability to support the ministry and mission of Saint Mark UMC in 2015. Kindly be in prayer about this decision, and be with us each Sunday of the Financial Campaign. CHURCH CONFERENCE The date for our Annual Church Conference has been set for November 3, at 7:00PM. Rev Varlyna Wright, Capital District Superintendent, will preside at this meeting. Plan to be with us as we reflect on ministry this past yeCir and look forward to where God is leading us in 2015. All members of Saint Mark UMC have voice and vote at Church Conference. SERRV SALE The annual - holiday sale to benefit SERRV (UMCOR) will be held on Sunday~ November 16, from 9:00AM- · 12:00NOON. The sale will feature handcrafted fair trade items from around the world. Items to be offered include Christmas ornaments, nativity sets, jewelry and a variety of other items. Plan to do some holiday shopping or pick up something nice for yourself. Cash or check only. ADVENT DINNER We begin the season of Advent with a Covered Dish Supper and program on November 29 at 6:00PM. Come for this time of fellowship and devotion, and start your Advent season on the right foot. Our devotions will be based on the African American spiritual, Mary Had A Baby. This theme of Advent devotions based on African American spirituals will continue through our Advent Mid-Week devotions. (December 3, 10 and 17) Church Staff: Robert L. Marks Senior Pastor Bill Wieszczek Director of Music Eric Johannsen Director of Youth Ministries Lorraine Wilson Children's Ministry Coordinator Lynn Wilson Bill Garrett Linda D'Errico Judy Smith Director of Visitation Organist Office Manager Secretary Meg Hanson Praise! Pianist Sharon Clarke Praise! Director Bob Sharp, Tim Marks, Gory Fuller Custodians MAGICAL EVENING . The Rev. Gary Filson, mag1c1an, will re-appear at Saint Mark Church on Friday, November 14, at 7:00PM. Rev Filson dazzled both children and adults with his magic and illusion. This is a program for the young and young at heart. Invite your friends and neighbors to a magical evening. The price of admission is a can good for the local food pantry. See you there! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD It is that time of year to get your Operation Christmas Child Shoe box ready. Any shoe box will do, or you may use one of the ones we offer. Instruction on how to fill them can be found in the narthex. All boxes must be returned by November 9, in order to get around the world by Christmas. This is a wonderful hands on mission project for our children, so please get them involved with filling the boxes. THANKSGIVING BASKETS Saint Mark is always seeking opportunities to share God's love in very concrete ways. As a way of doing this, we will be providing Thanksgiving food baskets for several families again this year. If you know of someone who needs help, please call Edie Glover (581-1948) or the church office (587-1286). The narthex food collection box will be marked Thanksgiving Baskets. Donations of turkeys or contributions to the Caring Fund will be welcomed. GRANOLA BAR COLLECTION FOR TASK The TASK volunteers are collecting granola bars for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. These bars are included snack bag giveaways for diabetic patrons and children. They recently ran out of this vital supply. Please drop your donations into the marked box in the narthex. The TASK Team from Saint Mark will deliver them when they next go to serve lunch on Wednesday, November 5. The SS children are going to help again this year with the Thanksgiving food baskets. Kids from nursery to the 5th grade are challenged to supply the peanut butter and jelly! Girls, please share a jar of jelly .... Boys, please bring in a jar of peanut butter. Lets see how many jars of PB&J we can supply. Items should be brought to the SS opening either Sunday, November 16 or 23. The first Sunday in Advent is November 30. This year we will share with the children our version of the Elf on the Shelf with the Manger on the Mantel. Each Sunday School Family can share in Roast Beef & Turkey Di,n ner November 15, 2014 5:30-7:30PM Family Style Mashed Potatoes -String Beans Rolls Coleslaw-Home Baked Pies Adults Tickets in advance: $13.00/Children $6 (8 & under) Adult Tickets at the Door: $15 See UMM for tickets or call 609-587-1286 ANNUAL PIE BAKING FOR UMM DINNER We will be baking pies on Friday evening, November 14, for the UMM dinner on Saturday night, November 15. Homemade pies and desserts are being marketed to entice the community and congregation to come and enjoy. Come help us bake about 16-18 pies- it's a great fellowship event and hopefully there will be new people joining us this year. We have a good time baking apple and pumpkin pies in an assembly process. The men always do a great job in peeling the baskets of apples and the Confirmation Class helps by mixing the pumpkin filing! Yes, we desperately need pie-dough-rollers. Or if you would rather, you can bake at home. If you decide to bake at home, please let us know what delicious goodie to expect and arrange to deliver it by 12:00 noon in Fellowship Hall on Saturday, the 15th. Contact Marion Zajac (mnza iac@verizon.net or 609306-8656) so we know how many of you are coming to help and join our fun! this advent experience. Manager Kits will be distributed in Sunday School on November 23. Please take time during the Advent season to prepare for the birth of our Savior, with your children. It is time to get ready to tell the STORY with angels, shepherds, and wise men. Sunday December 7, at 5:00PM is the Live Nativity. The Sunday School children, with the help of readers, and the youth praise band, will lead us in the story of the birth of Jesus. Weather permitting, the animals will join us with our celebration. There will be a rehearsal for all readers, and children on Saturday morning December 6. We will start at 9:00AM with the distribution of costumes, and start the program rehearsal at 9:30ll:OOAM. Questions?? Please speak to Lorraine OPEN MIC ON NOVEMBER 7 AT 7:30PM All are invited to come out to great time of entertainment and fellowship. Many varieties of talent always makes for a unique and rewarding show. Sign-up to share your talent with Bill W. at 7:15PM. All ages, abilities and talents are welcome. Each act gets 3 pieces/12 minutes. Please bring a snack to share; drinks are provided. SAINT MARK SINGERS It's a great time to join the Saint Mark Singers as they rehearse for their December 14 presentation of Bill Wieszczek's piece, The Promise Fulfilled, scored for full choir, brass quintet, percussion and organ. Join us any Thursday evening in the choir room at 7:30PM as we learn this and other anthems for worship. UMW PRESENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY OF THE MONTH Meals on Wheels The Meals On Wheels Association of America is the oldest and largest national organization composed of and representing local, community-based Senior Nutrition Programs in all 50 U.S. states, as well as the U.S. Territories. Their mission is the belief that no senior should go hungry. Meals On Wheels Association of America empowers community programs to improve health and quality of life. There are approximately 5,000 local Senior Nutrition Programs in the United States. These programs provide well over one million meals to seniors who need them each day. Some programs serve meals at congregate locations like senior centers; some programs deliver meals directly to the homes of seniors whose mobility is limited; and many programs provide both Services. Website: http://www.tnowaa.org/ org Location: 180 Ewingville Rd., Ewing, NJ 08550 (Trenton/Ewing) Phone: 609-695-3483 -tocation~--pe-Bori-662, tawrencevme, N-J-()8648- (Lawrencevi lie) Phone: 609-392-0001 Location: PO Box 8264, Trenton, NJ 08650 (Robbinsville) Phone: 609-273-0133 Mobile Wheels of Hamilton Township, Inc. Mobile Meals of Hamilton Township, Inc., organized in 1975, delivers hot, nutritious meals to Hamilton residents whose physical, mental or social conditions require a home-delivered meal service. Qualified individuals are homebound, chronically ill, handicapped, or convalescing. Age or financial ability is not a factor. There is no limit on length of service although it varies with each individual client. The objective of Mobile Meals of Hamilton Township, Inc. is to aid in providing adequate nutrition for the elderly and handicapped. This service enables TUNESDAY The Tunesday Crew (singers in grades 1-8) are working on the musical, The Christmas Carol, Special Report for the 3:00PM Family Service on Christmas Eve. All kids and youth are invited to join our reporters, news anchors, and actors as we tell, not only the story of Jesus' birth, but also the traditions and histories of some or our most beloved Christmas carols. Come out to any of our next rehearsals on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 -6:00PM. The Tunesday choir will sing in church at the 11:00AM service on November 16 and December 21. them_to maint~n health_ and indee._endence i.!:!__ their home ·~-- for a longer period of time. Daily meal delivery also decreases the feeling of isolation often experienced by the homebound. Hot afternoon meals are professionally planned and prepared by Robert Wood Johnson Universi~ ty Hospital at Hamilton dietary staff. Meals are delivered five days a week by a group of caring and dedicated volunteers. Mobile Wheels of Hamilton receives no government funding, operating solely on the generosity of local churches, community organizations, and personal contributions. This support is the lifeline of Mobile Meals of Hamilton Township, Inc., allowing us to continue our work providing this invaluable service to everyone requiring it, whether or not they are able to pay. Donations of your time or contributions are greatly appreciated. website: www.tnobi lemealshami lton.org Address: 2277 State Highway 33, Suite 404, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 ·Phone: 609~448=408s- UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Moving forward into 2015, the UMW will have a Program Committee to continue our mission. There are positions open on the Executive Team and if you are interested in getting involved to help with the 2015 mission work, contact Linda Savadge for further information (609-424 -3916). Please hold the date - Friday, December 12 at 6:00PM in Fellowship Hall for the UMW Christmas Party. If you haven't made your 2014 pledge to the UMW, you still have time. Please address your check to the Saint Mark UMW and in the memo line write Pledge. You may put it in the UMW mail box in an envelope addressed to Lois Galloway or mail it to her - Ms. Lois Galloway, 1994 Klockner Road, Hamilton, NJ 08619. All funds raised by the UMW go to support mission work. The Snow Shovel EMAIL ADDRESSES! Please make note of the following Saint Mark email addresses: Office: Bob Marks: Eric Johannsen: Bi II Wieszczek Lorraine Wilson Stmarkum@optonline.net Stmarkbmarks@optonline.net Stmarkyouth@optonline.net Stmarkmusic@optonline.net Stmarkchildren@optonline.net GROCERY CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Did you know that for each $100 in grocery certificates you buy to do your shopping you are donating $5 to Saint Mark? We sell certificates in $50 and $100 amounts for Shop Rite and Acme. These certificates can be used in any Shop Rite or Acme. Purchases can be made in Fellowship Hall between Sunday services, and Monday thru Friday, between 9:00AM and 3:00PM in the church office. Won't you try using the certificates for your grocery shopping and help Saint Mark? PRAYER CHAIN Prayer is an important part of your walk and relationship with God. A prayer chain is available for support of any prayer concerns or needs. Requests are confidential. To use the prayer chain, call the church (587-1286) and at anytime during the message, press 50 and follow the procedures as given. If you have any questions, call Janet Gerhardt (587-7820). COFFEE HOUR On Sunday mornings, Fellowship Hall is buzzing with conversation. This is a wonderful time for Christian fellowship, coffee, tea, and conversation. More help is needed-please sign up in Fellowship Hall to host or bring goodies. SAINT MARK COOPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL The Saint Mark Cooperative Nursery School invites parents and children to visit. The school provides an opportunity for children to develop kindergarten readiness skills in a relaxed, yet controlled environment. Our staff guides your children as they grow socially, intellectually, and emotionally. Please visit our class sessions Monday through Friday from 9:00-11:30AM. Afternoon hours (lunch bunch) are also available. Please see Mrs. Dixon on Sunday mornings in the nursery for more information or call 586-0030. Challenge by Joanne Leilich Imagine my surprise when I opened last month's issue of the Markings and found out that our church is $35,000 in the red. Snow removal costs alone were $14,000 more than we budgeted. And another bad winter has been predicted. Personally, I wonder if the bad weather of winter kept people away and the glorious summer we had kept them away as well. I've never seen such a beautiful summer. It was as if we lived in New England. Too many beautiful Sundays lured us outside. Something that many people fail to realize is that when you are not here the lights are still on and the heat and the air conditioner are still running. Whenever you are away the church does not shut down. I am sure by now you have all heard of the "ice bucket challenge" that raised millions for ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Well, how about we do a snow shovel challenge? Let's see if we can all "dig" a little deeper this month and increase our level of giving to close up that budget shortfall. As soon as I send off this newsletter I will be going to my online banking website to make an increase in my monthly contribution. And I am challenging each and every one of my dear readers to do the same. If you would really like to make my day, send me an email (joanne.leilichl@verizon.net) to let me know that you took up the snow shovel challenge. Another thing you can do so that the church doesn't lose when you are absent is to begin online giving. If you already pay your bills online, it's simple to do. Just set up a monthly (or weekly if you prefer) day of your choosing for your bank to deduct your amount. You ask them to send it to Saint Mark United Methodist Church, 465 Paxson Ave., Hamilton, NJ 08690. God bless each of you for your continued support. Welcome to the Family of God little ones baptized in October Madison Elizabeth Munger Benjamin Eric Laufenberg Daughter of David & Katie Son of Eric & Kathryn
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