January 2015 “Sculpting with Recycled Books” Meeting: Tuesday - November 11, 2014 7-9pm Asian Pacific Culture Center 4851 South Tacoma Way - Tacoma WEB Site: http://www.pacificgalleryartists.org November 11th Program multi talented artist, Jennevieve Schlemmer. She is a graduate of the University of Washington where she earned her MFA. She started her art career in Seattle, painting murals & studying jewelry design. She has since added a decade of mosaic work & discovered fiber/ wire sculpting December 9th - Christmas Potluck will be at Shirley Petersen’s home @ 5:00pm 7408 71st St. SW Lakewood 253-582-8883 Try to carpool as parking is limited. Nola Tresslar will be accepting new toys/money for YWCA. Our giveback to the community. Bring a wrapped “ART” gift, preferably one of your own art creations. Our yearly take away gift exchange game is fun. Pacific Gallery Artists is a non-profit organization founded in 1946. The purpose of the Veteran’s Day - Nov. 11th meeting snacks! organization is to promote art in the Pacific Jan Karroll Marjorie Mankin Northwest, interest the public in the work of Marcy McPherson Phyllis Shoemake local artists and cooperate with local groups in **************** artistic enterprises. Membership is open to practitioners of the fine Jade Choe Hospitality arts, including sculpture, painting and drawing Chairperson or someone just appreciating art. Our members is part of the Korean American are novice, to well known 2D-3D artists, plus Artist Association of Washington many teachers. Membership Application: Gail Janes State Show @ the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle. 253-564-1150 Yearly dues $30. Send dues: Shirley Petersen (Treasurer) Oct. 10th - January 8, 2015 7408 71st Ave. Ct. SW Lakewood 98498 More info: 253-925-0351 WEB Master: Gary Wiffler No WEB yearly dues Jade Choe, Nola Tresslar and Bill Havens Sumi art Additional photos are $2 each. pieces are on display at our meeting place now Our meetings are 2nd Tuesday of each through November. Really nice! month September thru June. Thank you Jerry Martin…..new member setting up our sound system. Didn’t take him long to figure it out, gave the mike to President Werner to carry on with our meeting. Our demonstrator opted not to use the head set mike. SUGGESTION: Werner will appoint a “runner” to hand the mike to a speaker in the audience during business meeting. What is it about a microphone that gets folks so nervous about speaking into it. They either mix up their words or afraid to get the mike close to their month. But its such a helpmate for those that have soft voices, plus the acoustics of our meeting room make it hard for one speaking on one side of the room and the other side to hear. They can hear, just cannot understand what is being said. Thank you Karen Petrillose taking the minutes in the absent of Secretary Joanne Weaver. Marilyn Hospitality - Jade Choe - 253-925-0351 Ferguson Membership - Marilyn Ferguson - 253-841-8961 is our Member’s Show - Gail Janes & Nola Tresslar Membership Chairperson Newsletter - Liz McDevitt - 253-539-1165 ....thanks Programs - Pat Graham - 253-584-2841 Marilyn! Gail Janes - 253-564-1150 Publicity - Joanne Hayden - 253-531-7532 Mary McDaniel Kennedy passed away Scrapbook/Historian - Open October 3rd. Mary, former PGA President Sound System - Jerry Martin 2006-2008 and daughter of member Marjorie McDaniel/Mike. Sunshine - Jan Karroll Home: 253-756-7618 Cell: 253-431-3991 Beverly Dahlman’s husband passed away recently. Video Library - Joanne Knox WEB Master - Gary Wiffler tennisburnout@yahoo.com Address: P.O. Box 454 Puyallup 98371 Members at large: Doloris Martin and Peggy Peterson Questions/Answers/Help, any of the above will be more than willing to do so. PGA member, Phyllis Shoemake was not noted last month of her acceptance in the Western Washington Puyallup Fair Fine Art Show. I neglected to list. Sorry Phyllis….late Congratulations!!!! Our prayers & thoughts go with their families. Please keep members and others we know not of in your prayers as they struggle with and/or recover from health challenges or deal with losses. If you know of anyone not feeling well please let us know or Jan Karroll (Sunshine Chairperson) 253-756-7618 November 21st Newsletter Items Due! Liz McDevitt mcdevitt5@juno.com Snail Mail: 13505 Waller Rd. E Tacoma, 98446 253-539-1165 I prefer e-mail messages due to my hearing loss. Tis Huberth classes @ Myrna Hume’s studio Tis’s fall schedule 2014 All classes 10am-1pm Cost: $45 per Class—$120 for full session. Thursday Nov. 13th - “Understanding Red-Yellow-Blue + Color basics 1/13/15 and incidental figures. Preregistration is required: 253-839-5623 206-661-4384 e-mail: tiswatercolorsetc@yahoo.com Tis was October guest speaker @ Olympia Art League . Tis is exhibiting at Lakewood City Hall “If you don’t have a plan, you can’t make a mistake.” Experimental Watermedia ARTESCAPE March 15-20 2015 @ Camp Arnold, Eatonville. See insert! Urban Sketchers This group of artists meet once a month at a disclosed spot. Further info: Pat Graham 253-584-2841 1st time guests responding to listing on Artsmonth…..Edward Bentley emerging artist, scuplture & painting Edra Zook - Artist Barbara Meadows Guest of PGA Member When I was a young turkey, new to the coop, my big brother Mike took me out on the stoop. Then he sat me down and he spoke real slow. His look and his tone I will always remember, when he told me of the horrors of ..Black November. “Come about August Tanya Lemma’s “The MAGIC of Watercolor each day you’ll get 6 meals instead of just 3, soon you’ll Painting” are Mondays 10-1pm $25/class @ Myrna be thinking once you were thin and you’ll grow a big Hume’s Studio rubbery thing under your chin. Then one morning when Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced you’re warm in your bed, in will burst the farmer’s wife INFO: tanyalemma@comcast.net 253-460-2841 and hack off your head. Then she’ll pluck out all your Tanya says “We choose watercolor because of its feathers so you’re bald ‘n pink and scoop out all your transparency and luminosity. Yet, we can be chalinsides and leave ya lying in the sink. Then comes the lenged-and frustrated– in the endeavor to get the re- worst part.” he said not bluffing. “She’ll spread your sults in our painting that we see in our mind’s eye. cheeks and pack your rear with stuffing.” ”Learn the craft of transparency. Well, the rest of his words were too grim to repeat. I sat Learn what color mixtures fall short and look on the stoop like a winged piece of meat and decided on muddy. Learn how to achieve the GLOW. the spot that to avoid being cooked I’d have to lay low Find out what will DESTROY the glow. and remain overlooked. I began a new diet of nuts and We will learn the concepts of watercolor paints granola, roughage salads, juice & diet cola. As they ate and be able to select logical combinations for pastries, chocolates & crepes I stayed in my room doing producing your own paintings. Jane Fonda Tapes. I maintained my weight of 2 1/2#. I “Watercolor cannot be mastered, tried not to notice when the bigger birds laughed. But only handled masterfully.” ‘twas I who was laughing under my breath as they chomped and they chewed, ever closer to death and sure enough when Black November rolled around, I was the last turkey lifted in the entire compound So now I’m a pet, in farmer’s wife’s lap. I haven’t a worry, so I eat and I nap. She held me today while sewing and humming. She smiled at me and said… “Christmas is a’comin…” October “Intuitive Art Painting” Angela Rocket of the Painted Crow Studio located in the Merlino Art Center - 508 6th Ave. (Tacoma) had a hands on for us “expressive interactive exercise” using oil pastels. Considered a process painting, we were not to care what it looked like. Reclaiming creativity’s sacred power and feel your soul come ALIVE! Jan Karroll said “She colored outside the lines.” Pat Graham was back in kindergarten having fun with crayons. For Nola Tresslar, this was right up her alley. Her own experiences she just keeps drawing, leaves the piece, comes back & eventually even a title will come to her. Have fun...don’t judge….. Info for class schedule: 253-250-7250 Angela Wales Rockett Joann Hayden, Nola Tresslar, Jerry Martin and Bill Havens really getting into the exercise. Mary Schossow Schumaker won Best of Show in Peninsula Art League Open Show, and a hefty award ($1200). Yea Mary! Much deserved!!! She is in the NWWS Waterworks in Seattle. Info: 253-565-8740 Mary teaches @ Frank Tobey Jones Retirement facility. “Art Shows, classes and other opportunities” Aletha Deuel teaches adults Monday 6-8pm Beginning & Beyond. Tues. 6-8pm Intermediate/Advance Wednesday 4pm Teen class 11-up Advance/Little Bit of Everything at the Fred Oldfield Western Heritage Center. Gig Harbor Thursday night out. “Meet me on the Waterfront” November 13th 5-8pm Downtown “ART MINGLE” - 3rd Thursday November 20th FREE 5-8pm A tour bus is available: Cost $10 Meet @ Tacoma Art Museum 5pm Peninsula Art League - Tuesday November 25th. Olympia Art League meets 3rd Thursday 6:30-9pm @ VFW Post 318 2902 Martin Way E. Olympia Lucas Art & Frame “Gallery on the Hill” Variety of classes: Woodburning; Painting a glass ornament; Paint Cardinals on a Feather; Oil; W/C; Basic drawing. Mixed media workshop Dec. 12th & 13th; Paint Union Station in Portland Dec. 5th “Art Comes Naturally” theme for our members closed show @ “The Nature Center” (19th & Tyler) April-May 2015 show dates. Prospectus will be out soon. No Entry charge. Awards too. If you can help with this show please let Gail Janes know. 253-564-1150 Gail & Nola Tresslar have been responsible for our closed show for a number of years, they would gladly like someone else to be in charge, but will help if needed. Fumiko Kimura will be our Juror. PGA Board Members President Werner Dillenburger 253-589-4735 Vice President Nola Tresslar 253-566-2728 Secretary Joanne Weaver 253-475-5615 Treasurer Shirley Petersen 253-582-8883 Info: 253-847-0858 Tacomaart@cityoftacoma.org - Artsmonth www.OnlineJuriedShows.com Check this site for ongoing shows around the country. www.Plein Air Salon Competition I have entered this show 3 times this year and accepted twice. Going through the many entries, the only artists I recognized were Ned Mueller and Mary McInnis. Metal - Urge a community event to galvanize Tacoma around the metal arts. A city wide celebration of the metal arts. October —November 30th Metal-Urge coincides with 3 major metal arts events. Exhibits; events; Workshops... INFO: TacomaMetalUrge.com Concerns, ideas or applauding! Let these members know. Whether you have turkey, roast beef, fish or even lasagna, have a blessed Thanksgiving! Whether you are with family or friends or if no one, seek someone out and share yourself Kim Gunns, attended the opening September 9th in Winchester, VA.. Her piece one of 287 of the 1041 collection is in the Museum of Shenandoah Valley Exhibition now thru March 2015. 450 people attended the opening with 2400 over the weekend after their (Mom and Carla) departure. Kim has a 3 month solo show at White Dove Gallery thru-Dec. Yes Kim has been very busy returning from her museum show, but 4 days before Kim was to deliver the 57 pieces to White Dove Gallery she had an unexpected trip, 5:30 am, down the wooden stairs. Woke Doug up real quick. Well the short of it she is limping around yet with a cane and still pretty sore, but her friend and her managed to get the art delivered to the Gallery. A great article in The Puyallup Herald regarding her solo show with more than 25 pieces are featured. Up for 3 months, her show goes thru January 12, 2015. Reception was Oct. 21st. Address: 333 South Meridian - Puyallup 2015 at the Puyallup City Hall. Take the elevator to 5th floor… Open daily 9-5 M-F. Thank you Pat Graham, Werner Dillenburger, Bill Havens, Liz McDevitt & Joanne Knox for bringing your art work for members to view. I (Liz) had picked up Marcy McPherson’s art pieces from the Fair, but she slipped her work out to her car. Didn’t even think about having her display her work ...sorry Marcy. Don’t forget Nov. 11th to bring your art piece or pieces. Good critiquing from members I have found…... “Energetic Abstracts - Movement, Line & Form in Bold Color”
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