here - Pacific Gallery Artists

Saturday June 6th - 10am-2pm
Fumiko Kimura, Instructor
“Playful Design”
Exploring Composition
First 20 PGA members to sign up will
experience her techniques in collage.
Monies donated by past members but earmarked just for Educational Workshops
for PGA members is making this workshop FREE to members.
Next meeting: Tuesday - May 12, 2015
7-9pm @ Asian Pacific Culture Center
4851 South Tacoma Way Tacoma
May 12th Refreshments
Pat Graham and Joann Knox….need at least 2
more members to bring refreshments.
Jade Choe our hospitality chairperson! 253-925-0351
Tuesday May 12th Program! Join us!
Pastel artist Susan Glendenning. Susan earned a
Supply list will be given when you sign
BA in Studio Art and Education at Meredith College
up….basic items: Scissors, w/c or others
in Raleigh, NC in 1971. She has exhibited and won
(pastels, colored pencils for surface embellishawards and honors in Winston-Salem, Raleigh and
ments), etc..
Again thank you Gail & Nola putting the work- Fayetteville, NC where she launched herself into
shop together. We appreciate members making
painting private commissions after winning first
PGA a fun club to belong too. We have enough
place in her first juried show. Four years in Europe
money now to pay for perks (WEB; membership
added romance to her palette, where she painted the
shows/awards demonstrators; newsletter; meetfairy tale scenes she so loved reading about as a
ing room rent; misc. supplies, etc.). Granted
child. Since 2004 she has devoted herself fulltime to
there have been times we haven’t had money.
painting and teaching. She is a signature member of
Membership tends to go up and down. I believe
52 members now. If each one of us spread the
the Northwest Pastel Society; has won local, national
word & support our officers with the choices
and international awards, Best in Shows awards, an
they have to make, we can maintain a stability to
Olympia city-wide Poster Competition and the 3rd
have an active club.
place award for Abstraction in the Pastel Journal
Magazine top 100 for 2011.
Recently she has received
PGA Members Closed Show @
induction into the historical
The Tacoma Nature Center”
membership society of Women
Take down Monday June 1st
Painters of Washington.
“Art That Comes….Naturally”
PGA Board Members
Werner Dillenburger
President Werner says elections are coming up. He even
would like a break. Please volunteer for one year or nominate someone. A number of PGA members have held
positions for a # of years. They would like to pass on to
other members. For your service...thank you!
Marjorie Mankin is on the nominating committee.
Gail Janes & Nola Tresslar have been co-chairs, responsible for our membership shows for a number of years. They
would gladly like someone else to be in charge, but will
help if needed.
Pat Graham will be stepping down in May from her programs Chair position to allow another member the opportunity to plan PGA demonstrations for the Sept. 2015-2016
year to come.
Please consider volunteering - it’s a lot of fun!
Are you a giver or a taker? We each have something to give
back to our group….new ideas and passing on to the next
“generation”. We have come a long way since 1946.
Vice President Nola Tresslar
Secretary - Joanne Weaver - 253-475-5615
Treasurer - Shirley Petersen - 253-582-8883
Hospitality - Jade Choe - 253-925-0351
Membership - Marilyn Ferguson - 253-841-8961
Member’s Show - Gail Janes & Nola Tresslar
Newsletter - Liz McDevitt - 253-539-1165
Programs - Pat Graham - 253-584-2841
Gail Janes - 253-564-1150
Publicity - Joanne Hayden - 253-531-7532
Scrapbook/Historian - Open
Sound System - Jerry Martin
Sunshine - Jan Karroll
Home: 253-756-7618
Cell: 253-431-3991
Video Library - Joanne Knox
WEB Master - Gary Wiffler
Address: P.O. Box 454 Puyallup 98371
Members at large: Doloris Martin
Questions/Answers/Help, any of the above folks will be
more than willing to do so. Concerns, ideas or
applauding! Let these members know.
May 22nd…. June Newsletter Items Due!
Last newsletter until September!
Pacific Gallery Artists is a non-profit organization founded in 1946. The purpose of the organization
is to promote art in the Pacific Northwest, interest the public in the work of local artists and cooperate with local
groups in artistic enterprises.
Membership is open to practitioners of the fine arts, including sculpture, painting and drawing or someone just
appreciating art. Our members are novice, to well known
2D-3D artists, plus many teachers.
Membership Application: Marilyn Ferguson
Yearly dues $30.
Send dues: Shirley Petersen (Treasurer)
7408 71st Ave. Ct. SW Lakewood 98498
Liz McDevitt I prefer
e-mail messages due to my hearing loss.
Our meetings are 2nd Tuesday of each month
Snail Mail: 13505 Waller Rd. E Tacoma, 98446
September thru June.
253-539-1165 Corrections?
Please let me know. PS:
Give Shirley a call...253-582-8883
Anyone interested in taking over
our newsletter this fall? I think someone else should show their style, & I'll help! Change
Checked out our WEB site. Newsletters mailed, black and white good.
print, but at our WEB site it’s in color…...thanks Gary!
Tis Huberth Spring Classes
@ Myrna Hume’s studio
Marjorie Mankin teaches @ Fircrest Methodist Church
every Monday morning 9:30-11:30am. W/C , composition, texture, etc.,
Gig Harbor , Galley Row - 1st Tues of the month - 10-12 & 1-3pm
Children’s classes every other Sat. 10-12pm INFO: 253-389-3591
e-mail: tiswatercolor
All classes Thursdays 10am-1pm. Thru Thursday May 25th
Tis is concentrating on improving everyone’s individual style/how to compose the “whole picture”.
Just bring your regular painting special equipment or supplies are needs.
Experimental Watermedia ARTESCAPE September 13-18 @ Camp Arnold, Eatonville.
The food is great (especially for camp food) and the hosts very accommodating to any special needs. Pat Graham says she especially like the fact that we can stay in the studio for as long (or short) a time as we wish even till one am, if we so choose - and we can leave all of our supplies out for the next day. The surrounding
grounds (650 acres) feature walking trails, a lake and a beautiful view of the mountain on clear days.
Check with Tis for details for classes and ARTESCAPE: 253-839-5623 cell-206-661-4384
Aletha Deuel teaches adults
Monday 6-8pm.
Beginning & Beyond. Tues. 6-8pm
Intermediate/Advance - Wed. 4pm Teen class 11-up
Advance/Little Bit of Everything .
@ The Fred Oldfield Center in Puyallup.
Aletha, Paul Langston (RLA) and Irene
Neal (RLA) are having a 3 person show
@ Premier Gallery in Puyallup
June thru August 2015.
Teaching is an ART!
Mondays in May with
Tanya Lemma!
“Landscapes with
Depth and Drama”
10am –1pm @ South Hill Art Studio
Info: 253-222-1432 or 253-460-2841
May 19th Special Demo
“Making (and finding) Miniatures for the
Fair and other shows.”
@ Rainier League of Arts Monthly Meeting
@ Mid-County Community Center
10205 44th Ave. E Tacoma, 98446
Joanne has made aprons, which she brings to the
meetings for sale. Ideal for cover up when painting.
Bunny Halligan passed away Easter Sunday.
She had resided in Cave Creek,
Bunny was past PGA President
Thank you members who brought art pieces!
Don’t forget to bring your art piece...finished or not to
our meetings….great critiquing from members.
Let’s share our talents, maybe just before our break or
our demonstrator we can chit/chat!
Please continue to keep members
and others we know not of, in your prayers as
they struggle with and/or recover from health
challenges or deal with losses.
We remember members who have passed away
with fondness.
If you know of anyone not feeling well please
let us know or…...
Jan Karroll
Sunshine Chairperson
Home: 253-756-7618
Cell: 253-431-3991
Gail Janes
Werner Dillenburger
Good showing!
Four paintings we do not know the artists names. I think I recognized style,
but not certain whose. Do you recognize
the artists? Let me know who you are.
Push your art & your skills. If you are
not frustrated with your creative abilities you are not growing as an artist.
New Member—Jim Anderson
May Program: Rom LaVediere demonstrated the process of creating prints
using solar plates. Rom, a graduate of St. Johns University in Minnesota earned BFA with emphasis on printmaking. For 55 years he was involved in some form of
printing, whether it was print shop manager @ St. Martin’s University of teaching graphic communication.
Rom introduced A Solar Plate printmaking to our
members which is non-toxic approach to making prints.
An informative enjoyable demonstrations….mmmmm,
my loss to miss this demo. Even though I may never
use a certain technique it sure gives me a better understanding how some processes/things are achieved.
“Art Shows, classes and other opportunities, not all,
too many to list”. Word of mouth works!
Tacoma Art Lister
Gig Harbor Thursday Night Out.
“Meet me on the Waterfront” May 14th 5-8pm
Sandy Holder (Fine Art Arranger Sept. Fair);
Downtown “ART MINGLE” - 3rd Thurs. May 21st
Kathy (Home Arts Superintendant)); Diane
FREE 5-8pm A tour bus : Cost $11 Meet @ Tacoma
Geisler (PGA Member), above,
Art Museum 5pm Check out the Haub Art Collection
along with Aletha Deuel, Marjorie Mankin and
Liz McDevitt judged children’s art (grades 1-12),
too. March 1—June 7 Eloquent Objects:
April 13th at The Washington State Fairgrounds
Georgia O’Keeffe and Still-Life Art in New Mexico.
Rainier League Of Arts. - 3rd Tuesday April 21st. (7-9) Spring Fair. A long day affair but so rewarding,
RLA sponsoring Antique Appraisal Fundraiser @ Mid over 600 entries. Each received blue, red or white
ribbon plus written positive comments to encourCounty Community Center June 26th (11am-3pm).
age them each to develop their talents..
RLA members meeting room is FREE of charge and its
their way to ‘give back’ raising money for the Center. RLA will be selling
Nola Tresslar,
mini’s/etc. raising monies for the Rainier League.
Bill Havens, Jade Choe are in
Peninsula Art League - Tuesday April 28th
Puget Sound Sumi Show
PGA member Mary Schossow Schumaker is featured artist .
@ White Dove Gallery.
PAL 13th Annual Juried Art Exhibition ...deadline for entries July
5th..Exhibition Sept 12th - Oct. 18th
Proctor Art Fest Juried Art Show August 2nd. -
Olympia Art League meets 3rd Thursday (16th)
Lakefair 2015 Juried Art Show June 1st -
Lucas Art & Frame “Gallery on the Hill Info: 253-847-0858 www.PleinAir Salon Competition
Workshops @ The Fred Oldfield Center in Puyallup.
Eatonville Lions Club 44th Festival August 7, 8 & 9th.
Info: Joella Oldfield 752-9708 Deadline for booths, etc. May 31st
Urban Sketchers meet each month: the 1st Sat. and the 3rd Wed….year
round, from 10am-12:30pm. Pat Graham is active with this
Former PGA (1995-1996) President
group. Info: 253-584-2841
Marianne Harlor & Marjorie Mankin
Updates of the 2nd annual Lakewood ArtsFest held
showed off their wonderful sketches from
in conjunction with Lakewood Sister Cities, June issue.
their excursion with Urban Sketchers
Many PGA members entered!
earlier in the morning, then joining us at
PGA reception at Snake Lake.
Karen Petrillose entered the Jerry’s Artarama self
Good to see you Marianne.
portrait contest. Voting started in April, so please log on and
do a search for portrait contest and vote for Karen!!
Thank you Pat Ducolon, Marcy McPherson, Marjorie Mankin, & Werner
helping Nola & Gail with the entries & those who brought refreshments.
Esther Vine
Joann Dorsey Hayden
Peggy Peterson
Memorial Award
Joanne Knox
3rd Place
Fumiko Kimura said it was
difficult to make choices as
there were others worthy of mentioning. She concluded: 1)Personal emotional response, “painting ‘spoke to her”,
2)Techniques; unique use of material
3)Visal impact based on compositional
Joanne Knox children; grandchildren &
great grandchildren supporting her at the
1st place: Artist knowledgeable use
reception & excited for her and her award.
of w/c media, stimulating energetic
brush work in a work in a peaceful
2nd Place: Perspective suggested by
cut up material worked well with surprise large pine needle in foreground.
3rd Place: What a provocative painting! ‘out of the box’ approach; no shadows to suggest 3dimentionnality, only
the sun’s warmth; no depth….many questions remained. Did the artist paint without thinking of the rules of design, but expressed pure interest in painting from the heart. If so, I appreciated for that courage.
Honoring Peggy Peterson: Has originality in barren tree treatment & near abstraction in the expression toward
simplifying the middle & distant forms. Viewers usually enjoy seeing living object like animals, birds, insect, etc.
incorporated in the art as they feel connected to the imagery in a personal way.