St. Peter Baptist Church Organized 1882 2040 Mountain Road Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Church Office: (804) 262-0230 Fax: (804) 262-4651 E-Mail: Website: Kirkland R. Walton, B.S., M. Div., D. Min., Pastor Sunday, November 16, 2014 3rd Sunday Service Even When I Was Sinking… The LORD Saved Me. “Something By Which to Live” Isaiah 38:16-20 SPBC 2014 Theme: “Proclaiming and Practicing Fruitfulness” John 15:8 “We are a people of God committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ.” Enter to Worship………Sunday, November 16, 2014 Announcements Senior Citizens’ Ministry 8:00AM & 11:00AM Worship Observances 3rd Sunday Service The Worship Prelude………………………...Mr. Christopher A. Redd, Assistant Church Music Coordinator *The Call to Worship…………………………………..(Congregation Stands) Charleston South Carolina Trip The Senior Citizens’ Ministry of St. Peter is hosting a 3 day - 2 night trip to Charleston, S.C., on May 26th - 28th, 2015. The package includes fantastic amenities, guided tours, and 3 days packed of fun-filled activities. For more information and reservations contact Annette Bonaparte at 804-262-4169 or Evelyn Carter at 804-264-0462. Flyers are available in the Narthex and the fellowship hallway. *The Invocation………………………………………..(Congregation Stands) **The Opening Hymn/Praise Song…...The Worship & Praise Ministry The Pulpit Greetings & Announcements Thanksgiving Eve Service The Choral Selections………………………….The Senior Choir (8AM) Wednesday, November 26, 2014, The S. H. Thompson Memorial Choir (11AM) The Altar Prayer The Offertory/Response………………Diaconate & Ushers Ministries at 7:00 p.m. “Doxology” The Choral Selections………………………….The Senior Choir (8AM) The S. H. Thompson Memorial Choir (11AM) The Sermonic Scripture/Preached Word……….Dr. Kirkland R. Walton “Something By Which to Live” Isaiah 38:16-20 In Observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday The Invitation to Christian Discipleship The Closing Selection…………………………...Choir & Congregation The Benediction…………………………………………..Pastor Walton Nov. 27th & 28th Depart to Serve *Congregants Stand **Congregants Stand/Late Worshippers May Enter Please contact your Diaconate Team Leader for any urgent needs. Announcements Looking Ahead Health & Wellness Ministry Wednesday, November 19th - 7:00PM……………………………………….Young Adult Bible Study Thursday, November 20th - 12:00PM & 7:00PM……………………………………Adult Bible Study November is National Alzheimer’s and Caregivers Month Sunday, November 23rd - 8:00AM & 11:00AM……………Worship Services/Youth Emphasis Wednesday, November 26th - 7:00PM……………………………………...Thanksgiving Eve Service During this month the Health and Wellness Ministry will strive to shed a little light on this disease and recognize caregivers who provide compassionate care for persons living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Each Sunday a question/answer will be in your bulletin, and literature distribution is coming soon. How does Alzheimer’s affect the brain? The brain has 100 billion nerve cells (neurons). Each nerve cell connects to many others to form communication networks, and each nerve cell grouping is involved in special jobs such as thinking, learning and memory. Others help you to see, hear, smell, and tell your muscles when to move. Brain cells act like tiny factories. Keeping everything running requires lots of coordination. Scientists believe Alzheimer’s disease prevents parts of a cell’s factory from running well. They aren’t sure where the trouble starts. But like a real factory, backups and breakdowns in one system causes problems in other areas. As damage spreads, cells lose their ability to do their jobs. To learn more about Alzheimer’s affect on the brain, go to Next week learn what emerging research says about brain health and reducing risks for Alzheimer’s disease. If you are providing care for someone living with Alzheimer’s, you may get information and support from your local Alzheimer’s Association at 804-967-2580 or go to Remember the work you do is important, but you also need to take care of you. Your physical and emotional health matters too! Thursday, November 27th……………………………………Thanksgiving Day/Church Office Closed Friday, November 28th…………………………………………………………………….Church Office Closed Sunday, November 30th - 10:00AM……………...Unity Worship Service/Missions Emphasis/ 1st Sunday in Advent - 10:40AM…………………………………………………………..Youth Summit The Call to Worship Leader: Do not be afraid for God is near. People: Whom shall we fear? Leader: Do not be afraid, salvation is at hand. People: What is there to dread? Leader: Come and be sanctified in the Lord. All: In Christ, we find comfort and hope. The Invocation (In Unison) Holy God, Caretaker of your people, we come to you with questions for which there seem to be no answers. We come to you with doubts that will not go away. Ease our troubled minds, that we may proclaim your truth with confidence. Unburden our hearts, that we may offer our love freely to all those we meet. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. B.Y.O.B. ~ “Bring Your Own Bible” O Lord, I’m Armed & Ready; Got My Bible in My Hand; Help Me Remain Steady & Obey Your Commands. Daily Bible Readings . . . Announcements Youth Ministry Monday, November 17..…..……..…..……..…..….……………………………………………..Isaiah 42:5-9 Tuesday, November 18.....…..……..…..……..…....……..……………………………….Isaiah 42:10-16 Wednesday, November 19…..……..…..……...…..……..…................................Psalm 51:1-13 Thursday, November 20...............…..……..…..………………………….Lamentations 3:19-26 Friday, November 21……….……….…………….…………….……………………………………..1 Peter 1:1-7 Saturday, November 22............…….…………….……………....................................Acts 2:37-47 Sunday, November 23………………………………………………………………………….Ezekiel 47:13-23 Christmas Town @ Busch Gardens The Youth Ministry is going to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, VA on Saturday, December 6th at 12 noon. Tickets are $20. Register today and Sunday, November 23rd, in the Narthex immediately following worship services. Come join us for a fun-filled fellowship with friends and family. Contact Rev. Stanley for further info and to purchase tickets. Announcements ~ NOTE OF THANKS ~ From The Brayboy Family: We would like to express deep appreciation to Dr. & Mrs. Walton, (Team 3) Diaconate Ministry and the St. Peter church family. For the many prayers, phone calls and other acts of kindness, for our father/husband Otis L. Brayboy, Sr., during his recent surgery. Please continue to keep our family in prayer. May God bless you all. Diaconate Team #3 Annual Team 3 Christmas Family Fellowship Please plan to join us for a time of festive enjoyment and great food and games at our “Annual Team 3 Christmas Family Fellowship.” This holiday event will be held on Sunday December 7, 2014 following the 11:00 a.m. worship service in the Old Sanctuary. Team 3 families are asked to donate a dessert of your choice. Please RSVP to your Diaconate if you plan to attend. Floral & Decorating Ministry Wreath Workshop Come join us for fun and fellowship! The Floral and Decorating Ministry will host a Wreath Making Workshop on Wednesday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m., in the Large Multi-Purpose Room. Ministry members will be in the Narthex today with sign-up sheets. We invite all to join us. Light refreshments will be served. St. Peter BC God Squad GO JESUS GO JESUS GO! All girls ages 4 to 12 years old are invited to join the St. Peter BC God Squad: a ministry that teaches praise and worship through cheerleading instruction. Register your child at the table set up in the Narthex on today, and on Sunday, November 23rd immediately following the 11 a.m. worship. For further information please contact Karen Anthony or Terri St. John. ~ OUR SINCERE CONDOLENCES ~ To: Mrs. Bertha Carter & Family Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time; The homegoing of your uncle, Dr. Edward D. McCreary, Jr. We, your church family, stand ready to love you, support you, and assist you in your hours of need. As you walk through this time of loss, may you know that the Lord walks with you and He will comfort you. With Love, Your St. Peter Church Family Announcements Announcements ~ NOTE OF THANKS ~ From Mrs. Margaret Branch and Family: To Pastor Walton and the St. Peter Baptist Family, Our continued thanks to all of you. It is our prayer that God will send you peace, joy and love, which are only a few of the gifts that the entire St. Peter family gave us during the loss of my husband, Mr. Robert Branch. Thank you for all acts of kindness and love. ~ OUR SINCERE CONDOLENCES ~ To: Mrs. Marlene M. Hall, Mrs. Carolyn H. Battle-Alston & Family Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time; The homegoing of your mother-in-law/grandmother, Mrs. Lucinda Allen Hall. We, your church family, stand ready to love you, support you, and assist you in your hours of need. As you walk through this time of loss, may you know that the Lord walks with you and He will comfort you. With Love, Your St. Peter Church Family GOAL $204, 000 Couples Ministry Over 5 years or sooner. Fellowship Dinner Save the date and celebrate the season with the Couples’ Ministry! When: Friday, December 19, 2014 Where: The Tobacco Company Restaurant & Club 1201 East Cary Street - Richmond, VA Time: Social Hour begins at 6:15 pm Dinner seating at 7:00 pm Forty seats (20 couples) are reserved (more if needed). We have reserved the most economical menu, the Cobblestone Dinner which is $45 per person. If you are interested in joining us, please see or email Sylvia Braxton at or Carol Watkins at The restaurant has requested firm counts by December 1, 2014. Stewardship Ministry 2015 Ministry Officers Well, it's that time start thinking about new and continuing ministry officers! If there has been a change or if there is an upcoming change in officers for your ministry, please submit the new information to Carol Watkins at The information needed is the name of the chair and co-chair, best phone numbers to be reached, and email addresses. Please submit the information by November 24, 2014. God bless each of you and thank you! Finance Ministry $35,436.00 As of 11/9/14 Video Media System Debt Retirement We kindly thank you for all of your support thus far, as we continue forward with this endeavor. Remember to address your envelopes accordingly so that they may be properly recorded. Thank you! Missions & Evangelism Ministry Donation Collection/Volunteer Opportunities HomeAgain has clients who are in need of the following: Sofa and Baby Items (Porta-Crib, swing, baby bed, mattress, stroller, clothing for newborn, towel/wash cloth sets, etc.) Powdered laundry detergent, wash cloths/towels and blankets (twin & full); Deadline 11/23. If you would like to donate any of the above, clothing or other household items, please contact Richard Hamm at or (804) 301-0739. If you would like to receive information about volunteering or wish to receive electronic notices of HA’s client needs, please send a request to Announcements St. Peter Baptist Church Organized 1882 Missions & Evangelism Ministry Thanksgiving Dinners The Missions Ministry will be delivering Thanksgiving Dinner to those in need. We will be delivering to the sick & shut-in of St. Peter, St. Joseph Villa, and anyone in need of a dinner. Requested dinners must be RSVP’d by November 11th. We are also looking for volunteers to assist on November 27th from 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., and at 10:15 p.m. Please call Marcy Lucas at 804-332-2426 to RSVP or to volunteer. Cultural Heritage Ministry “St. Peter’s Got Talent” ST. PETER’S God has blessed our church family with an overabundance of talents! On Friday, February 27, 2015, we will celebrate these gifts at our very first “St Peter’s Got Talent” production. If you have been blessed in the areas of instrumental or vocal music, drama/ storytelling, dance, or visual arts, please sign up in the Narthex after today’s service. Diaconate Ministry Caroling Service Come, Praise, and Rejoice! Thursday, December 4th at 6:30 P.M. Please join the Diaconate Ministry for a special Caroling Service to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. This evening of caroling will feature the melodious Diaconate Chorus singing carols that embrace the Christian faith. Also, members of the ministry will be sharing information about the songs of the season that focus on the celebration of the birth of Jesus - “The Reason for the Season.” This service is designed to encourage the spirit of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace during the celebration of Christmas, a centerpiece of our faith. Come, Praise and Rejoice! 2040 Mountain Road Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Church Office: (804) 262-0230 Fax: (804) 262-4651 E-Mail: Website: Pastor Kirkland R. Walton, B.S., M. Div., D. Min Director of Ministries Reverend Steve D. Parker, M. Div. Financial Operations Administrator Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson Minister of Youth Reverend Shirley M. Stanley, M. Div., M.S. Operations Administrative Clerk Mrs. Mary Ann Coleman Chairperson of the Diaconate Deacon Betty L. Pinn Ms. Renee C. Sledge Chairperson of the Trustees Mr. Calvin D. Farr Culinary Procurement Coordinator Mrs. Bernice Branch Church Music Coordinator Ms. Juana E. Thompson Church Clerk Mrs. Courtney M. Butler Assistant Church Music Coordinator Mr. Christopher A. Redd Assistant Church Clerk Mrs. Quanda L. Baker Office Administrator Treasurer Ms. Pamela E. Moseley Child Development Center Director Mrs. Lavasia Williams 804-262-6562
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