A newsletter of the Greater Madison Area Chamber of Commerce October/November 2014 Leadership Madison – Growing Leaders and Community Involvement Chamber Leadership Madison begins for the 13th year. Twenty five participant Chamber members are a part of the 2014-15 class with the Mission “to grow future leaders”. Front L-R: Mitchel Nuttelmann – Falcon Plastics, Inc., Lexy Sattler – Dakota State University Foundation, Breanna Terry – PPD UHMW Industries, Lindsey Callies – Farmers Insurance – Herr Insurance Agency, Amber Alfson – Dakota State University, Mike McGillivray – City of Madison, Daniel Coomes – East River Electric Cooperative. Middle L-R – Megan Schneider – FirstLine Funding Group, Garry Eggert – Manitou Group-Gehl Company, Stacy Mueller – State Farm Insurance-Randy Schaefer, Mandie Miller – East River Federal Credit Union, Jami Kooiman – Manitou Group-Gehl Company, Charlotte Charles – Madison Community Hospital, Melanie Anderson – Wells Fargo Bank, Kirsten Thuringer – Madison Daily Leader, Roger Olson – PPD UHMW Industries. Back L-R: Troy Long – Manitou Group-Gehl Company, Neisha Bjorklund – FirstLine Funding Group, Stephanie Johnson – Persona Inc., Kaitlin Thomas – Golden Living Center, Cassie Potter – Madison Farmers Elevator, Carrie Mennis – Montgomery’s Furniture, Aaron Olson – Manitou Group-Gehl Company, Dustin Ragsdale – Wireless World, Amber Schmidt – Dakota State University. On September 16 the twenty five participant class of Leadership Madison were very busy learning about themselves, one another, and the community. In thirteen sessions, from September 2014 to March 2015 Leadership Madison teaches the skills that will help enable participants to reach their leadership potential as well as an increase awareness of and involvement in the Madison Community. Program goals are in leadership, personal growth, awareness, involvement and networking. One goal is to increase participation and responsibilities in community activities and networking with others interested in improving the community. To meet this goal, the group is divided into five small groups to work on a community project of their choosing. The committee shared past projects and outcomes while also providing project ideas for consideration by Leadership Madison participant groups from member non-profit and service organizations. In addition, each participant will donate hours to assist member organizations or the Chamber with events and services to benefit the community and their awareness. A goal is also to familiarize the participants of the opportunities, needs, and resources of the Greater Madison Area. Many Chamber businesses, organizations and individuals are asked to provide tours, explain what they do and the impact upon our community or present to the group on leadership. To date, one session explored healthcare in the community including visits to Community Counseling Services, Golden Living Center, Bethel Lutheran Home, and a presentation from the Madison Community Hospital. In a session at Orland Colony, participants saw culture differences, the overall operation and the leadership style of the colony. Other visits will include business, industry, manufacturing, and energy provider tours, along with gaining an increased understanding of local government leadership and services through visiting City and County Offices plus attending Madison/DSU Hosts the Legislature in January. Another session will include local volunteer organizations where participants will hear about the mission, objectives, and services offered and their impact on the community. Participants are encouraged to become involved in and join community groups. Other goals include cultivating leadership skills and enhancing the knowledge, confidence, and skills of the participants while improving their effectiveness in interpersonal situations. Maria Harder, Human Resource Director of Dakota State University, helped participants identify their personalities and communication styles, leadership traits and those of others. Brenda Hanley, a motivational speaker, of You Can Too, Inc. gave a presentation about working in groups, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a vision to accomplish goals. Tom Simmons, Senior Vice President of Midcontinent Communications, visited on the deliberate pursuit of a culture of excellence as leaders and more will present on leadership including Interim President Marysz Rames of DSU and a panel of local leaders. Call us at 256-2454 | www.chamberofmadisonsd.com Continued on page 4 2 October/November 2014 BOARD OFFICERS Bernie Schuurmans President Ph: 256-2670 Madison Family Dental Cotton Koch Vice-President Ph: 256-7717 Madison Central School District Donna Fawbush Secretary/Tresurer Ph: 256-5666 Dakota Prairie Playhouse - DSU BOARD MEMBERS Liz Avery Ph: 256-4536 East River Electric Cooperative Scott Backus Ph: 256-2049 Power Promotions Cindy Callies Ph: 256-6134 First Madison Insuranc Shari Eliason Ph: 256-4441 2nd Street Diner Eric Sinclair Ph: 256-4000 Montgomery’s Furniture Dennis Slaughter Ph: 256-2851 Krug Products, Inc. Brenda Thompson Ph: 270-0482 HJN Team Real Estate EX-OFFICIO Kelly Johnson Madison City Commissioner Ronald Golden Lake County Commissioner Dr. Marysz Ranes DSU Interim President Vince Schaefer Madison Central School Superintendent Aaron Walter Community Center Director SFC Darin Rus 211th En. Co. National Guard Julie Gross Lake Area Improvement Corp (LAIC) Director STAFF Rosie Jamison Executive Director Jennifer DeKam Office Manager Danese Johannsen Special Projects From the Board. . . Happy November everyone! As I write, it is the final days of October and election advertising is flooding my TV, radio, computer, even my drive to work! In only a few days, it will all be in the history books. As annoying as the constant advertising gets, we must remember how fortunate we are to have a voice in elections. If I were writing earlier, I could tell you all about my feelings about the candidates and ballot issues and how they affect my family and business. Luckily, no one will have to endure my ranting, just my appreciation to live in a country where I can freely speak my mind. In this season of thankfulness, I am grateful to the men and women who selflessly serve in our nation's armed forces. Because of their dedication we enjoy these freedoms and so many more. Take a moment this week to thank them for their service. My family has called Madison home for nearly eighteen years. We love this town! We chose Madison to put down roots. We have raised our children, run our business, and built relationships. We are so thankful for this community of schools, businesses, churches, and the people who make it all possible. So how might we show our gratitude? The holiday season is certainly a perfect time to give back. Many organizations make it easy to help those in need in our community. The Angel tree, Food Pantry, St. John's clothing room, and new this year, Christmas for the Kids, an event to raise funds for Christmas gifts for children in need. The lunch, bake sale and country store will be held on Sunday November 16 starting at 11:30 at St. John Lutheran. Perhaps you have more time than money to help this year. Simply volunteer your time! Any of these organizations, your church, or the Chamber of Commerce has lots of opportunities to make a difference in our wonderful community. Please consider a way in which your family can give back this holiday season. Shari Eliason GMACC Board of Directors 2nd Street Diner Note from the Director ROSIE JAMISON, Executive Director Since my last update much has been happening throughout your Chamber and community. The Chamber hosted the Welcome to DSU Students with 16 businesses providing “A Taste of Madison” and 60 members participating in the Community Promotions event and over 320 DSU students attending. We appreciate the partnership with DSU as we promote the Madison area so the students want to call this community their university home. Welcome to DSU Interim President Dr. Marysz Rames from your Chamber. We appreciate her cooperative efforts with the Chamber. Chamber Leadership Madison Committee began its thirteenth year with another record number of twenty five participants. On September 20 DSU Trojan Day Parade and Football Game brought thousands of people to our community to watch bands, parade entries and friends/dignitaries on Egan Avenue and Trojan Field. Your Chamber had five parade entries promoting Chamber committees activities and awarenessEducation, Community Promotions, Rec & Tourney and Ag who partnered with the Madison FFA Chapter. Rounding out the five was your Chamber Board of Directors with 2014 Distinguished Service recipients Val Burg of B&G Transportation and Bob Sahr of East River Electric Power Cooperative. All of which represented our strength of now 317 current members to promote business and our community. Madison Central School has been successfully implementing the Career & Technical Education Grant working with businesses for student hands on learning for credit and gaining experience in valuable trade skills for high demand careers. On September 27 the Rec & Tourney Committee hosted the first GMACC Rooster Rush Golf Social at the Lakes Golf Course and Bar & Grill as an appreciation to Chamber. October marked the 2nd Annual Madison Manufacturing Days with tours and this year an added - “Pride in What We Build” Manufacturing Show Case promoting SD Manufacturing Week and our member business and industry. There are twenty six manufacturers in the greater Madison area and nearly 400 from the public, high school and Chamber membership toured five member plants learning more about products produced and the economic impact our manufacturers have upon our community and beyond. Prairie Village hosted a record number at Hobo Marlin’s Pumpkin Train as their final event of the season with 646 children enjoying a great October Saturday in Madison. Ag Committee members showed their appreciation to Ag producers during soybean harvest for doing business with Chamber members and also helped support the Madison FFA Chapter Save Our Farm Youth Continued to page 3 3 October/November 2014 GMACC Ag Committee - Ag Appreciation Note from the Director Continued from page 2 October 10 at the new program. Tourism, another major industry to our community, was noted by our office as Madison Farmers Elevator Jennifer and I attended a regional association GMACC Ag Committee Members on the new scale before trucks came through. Weighing in at a combined weight of 1940 pounds! Pictured L-R Rob Thuringer, Committee Chair-Peterson Farm Seeds/individual member, Susan HilmoeSioux Valley Energy, Kevin Jaspers-Farm Credit Services of America, Craig WalkerGreat Western Bank, Mark Stoller-Madison Farmers Elevator, Carolyn Rudebusch-Lake County Conservation District, Dave EllensLakeco Crop Services and Darrell Gerdes– Wells Fargo. Not Pictured here is Kasey Gehrels – Helena Chemical Co. meeting. These meetings deal with industry updates, trends and 2015 opportunities for our attractions and businesses. Opening week of pheasant season was promoted by 50 Chamber businesses and the Rec & Tourney Committee through Rooster Rush. Orange Jack O Lantern posters were hung in over eighty Chamber member businesses and organizations, inviting children to participate in the Chamber Trick or Treat event. Other options were provided by member organizations for safe and fun child activities. Members had 2 ribbon cuttings, 1 ground breaking and 2 open houses - Community Counseling Services, Trolley’s, ECCO Foundation residence home, Lake Area Town Homes and Persona 20th anniversary. During the last 2 months of 2014, six more Chamber member recognitions are planned representing growth, progress and member pride. We appreciate the public and member supporting these recognitions, welcoming and congratulating business and organizations by attending these important events. The Education Committee is coordinating American Education Week activities and an appreciation to educators throughout November 16 - 22. Check out school children’s’ art work displayed at Chamber member eating establishments and more. The Diplomat Committee Chamber Show and Sell will be the largest ever with over 100 vendors inviting visitors and residents to experience shopping in Madison. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 29th as your traditional shop the Saturday after Thanksgiving at the DSU Fieldhouse and Dakota Prairie Playhouse while coming to Madison for holiday shopping. 2015 Chamber Board member replacements are needed as terms are ending for current board members. We depend upon volunteer leadership and thank those who have served as board members through our mission “To promote our members, our community, and economic development resulting in a better quality of life.” Holiday Promotions for the season will include great options as you shop locally. New this year is a store front holiday decorating competition. Members will be competing for Chamber recognition and to encourage area shoppers to first look local to purchase Christmas gifts. This helps fuel our community economy and future growth. Also, the Community Promotions Committee will coordinate Hot Friday Holiday Promotion with drawings for Chamber Bucks valued at $500 over Thanksgiving Friday and Saturday. In addition, the 12 Days of Christmas promotion will begin November 30 offering $3,000 over the 12 days with Chamber business gift certificates weekdays from Dec 8 to 22 to encourage holiday shoppers to choose to buy from Chamber businesses and register often for the drawings. The holiday season would not be complete without the Day with Santa on Saturday, December 13, an event full of activity, rides, give away/drawings for toys and an opportunity to have pictures with Santa from 9:30 to 12:30 at the City Armory. Watch for many holiday events your Chamber members are hosting by checking the Chamber Calendar of Events and be sure to contact our office with your events to share with the community. Your holiday season is soon here. Consider Chamber Bucks, redeemable at Chamber members for a full year as a great option to fill your holiday shopping lists of friends, employees and loved ones. I hope you enjoy the upcoming holiday activities and events as you “discover the unexpected’. Did we miss something? Send it to director@chamberofmadisonsd.com or call Rosie Jamison at 256 2454. Candidate Forum held on October 21st GMACC Governmental Affairs Committee and American Association of University Women coordinated a District 8 and Lake County Candidate Forum on Tuesday, October 21. Nancy Moose of AAUW pictured and Jada Emery of GMACC Governmental Affairs served as moderators for candidates L-R Scott Parsley, Chuck Jones, Jeff Nelson, Leslie Hein. District 8 Senate Candidates L-R Scott Parsley and Chuck E. Jones, House of Representative Candidates – Jeff Nelson, Leslie Heinemann and Mathew Wollmann, Lake County Sheriff Candidates – Tim Walburg and Scott Knisley and Lake County Commission candidates Charles Scholl, Scott Pedersen and Kelli Wollmann. Over 80 attended the forum at the DSU Science Center Auditorium. 4 October/November 2014 Leadership Madison continued from page 1 Thank you to members, the Chamber Leadership Madison Committee, sponsors, presenters and employers of registrants making this a valuable program benefiting all in the greater Madison area. Leadership Madison Committee members coordinating the program – Chair Kim Wermers, Carrie Callies, Alicia Entringer, Gina Peak and Board Liaisons Donna Fawbush and Dennis Slaughter with the mission to “Grow Future Leaders”. Leadership Madison sponsors are listed below. THANK YOU! Jim Iverson, Bethel Lutheran Community Administrator showing Chamber Leadership Madison participants the Adult Day Care area of New Hope Day Services Christmas at the Museum and 6th Annual Tree Display Lake Country Historical Society/Smith-Zimmermann Museum will host a holiday gathering and Christmas tree display in December. From December 4 – 31st trees will be decorated by participating organizations of the community. Plan to visit the museum throughout December and vote on your favorite tree through a donation that is then given to a local charity or non-profit organization after the season. On Sunday, December 14th Smith Zimmermann will celebrate Christmas at the Museum featuring the Lebahn Family Train and musical entertainment that afternoon. Plan to take part in the holiday through one of these opportunities by celebrating Christmas at our local Smith Zimmermann Museum. Thank you to 2014-15 Chamber Leadership Madison Sponsors Gold Bethel Lutheran Community City of Madison Dakota State University East River Electric Power Cooperative Falcon Plastics, Inc. Midcontinent Communications PPD UHMW Industries—USA Wells Fargo Bank Silver Aramark/DSU Dining Services First Bank & Trust Great Western Bank Heartland Consumers Power District Lake Area Improvement Corporation Madison Community Hospital NorthWestern Energy Bronze AmericInn Lodge & Suites Amert Construction Co., Inc. Dairy Queen East River Federal Credit Union Farm Bureau Financial Services—Amber Steinberg Agency First Madison Insurance Jencks & Jencks, P.C. King Insurance Agency, Inc. Krug Products, Inc. Lakebrook TV & Appliance, LLC Madison Airport/Riggin Flight Services Madison Central/Middle School Madison Daily Leader Madison Family Dental Nicky’s Restaurant & Lounge One Stop Pizza Ranch of Madison Sportsman’s Steakhouse & Lounge Stan’s Men’s & Women’s Apparel State Farm Insurance—Randy Schaefer Sunshine Foods The Eyecare Center The Pampered Chef—Rita Feldhaus We Care Dental Weber Abstract Company Your investment makes this program possible to grow leaders for the future! How Parents Can Be Involved In Your Child’s Reading Submitted article by 2014 Educator of the Year – Dr. Vicki Sterling The ability to read is truly a miracle. Think about the straight and squiggly lines which make letters and the brain is supposed to quickly understand how those scribbles are forming words. Those words, which are not pictures, are to be read at a speed to form pictures in the mind. Image all those scrawls producing knowledge and reading for pleasure. Learning to read is a miracle classroom teachers see daily. Primary teachers see children learning to read while the upper level teachers are continually challenging students to gain more knowledge. Research show children whose parents read to their children will have more success in school. Parents can help with the evolving process of reading skills and support the growth of their children as readers. As adult readers, you use good reading techniques which can guide your child’s grow to be a strong adult reader. First, you prepare yourself for what you are about to read. If the reading is work related, you scan through the text to see the basic outline of the materials, look at any bold print, charts, etc. before you start to read. Your brain is preparing to learn. If you are reading a novel, you have prepared your brain because you have read books by this same author or genre or the summary seems inviting. Students’ need the same preparation whether it is looking at the cover and guessing what the book contains or scan a science/social studies chapter to prepare the brain for the new information. A second way to help comprehension is done during reading. Active reading adults use a variety of strategies. Making connections is one way. The text relates to something you have already read or seen or hear about. Visualizing is when the brain can see what is happening while reading. This can occur when following direction or reading a novel; your mind’s eye knows what is happening. Another technique is predicting. It is the anticipation question of what will happen next. Parents can reinforce active comprehension with simple questions. What other book have you read like this one? What pictures do you have in your mind as you are reading (or listening)? Think about what was just read, now, what do you think will happen next? If text information is to be retained, students need to think about what they have read, just as they need to do in their future adult reading. When adults get done reading they share their knowledge maybe at the office or use the new knowledge on a project. Adults share novels giving others reasons for reading. Students can be asked simple memory questions like: What were two things you learned? What was the best part? What was most interesting? The ability to read is a miracle and understanding is a skill which can be honed from birth to adulthood. Reading research has helped teachers in strengthening students’ comprehension based on strategies which good readers and adults use. Support your child with some easy to use techniques at home as they grow in their reading. Holiday Jam with the Hegg Brothers Return to Celebrate 6th year in Madison! Article submitted by Donna Fawbush Dakota Prairie Playhouse in Madison, South Dakota is happy to announce the return of the popular holiday concert tour: Off-the-Cuff’s production of Holiday Jam with the Hegg Brothers, on Friday, December 19, 2014 at 8:00 pm. This musical showcase features the talents of a 10-piece band playing Christmas Classics and contemporary new arrangements in the lush, funky and soulful sounds of Jeremy Hegg, Jon Hegg, and friends. This year’s tour again includes Allison Nash and Charles Sanders, recently returning from their international tour. 2014 also marks the return of multi-percussionist Derek Hengeveld. Horns, sax, piano, guitar, and percussion round out the ensemble. Holiday Jam is a long-running holiday tradition that continues to highlight new musical twists. This year’s two-hour show features stories of the season, messages for the heart, and music to lift the spirits. Holiday Jam is a twist on the season audiences will not soon forget. You won’t want to miss it! Tickets sales began on November 1st. For additional information or to purchase your tickets for the Madison show, call the box office or e-mail, 605-256-5666 or donna.fawbush@dsu.edu 5 October/November 2014 EPA regulations will be costly for consumers Submitted by GMACC Members: East River Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. - General Manager Thomas R. Boyko, Heartland Consumers Power District - CEO Russell Olson and Sioux Valley Energy - General Manager/CEO Tim McCarthy On June 2, 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a proposed rule aimed at reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from existing power plants called the Clean Power Plan. After months of review, it is clear to us, the electric power suppliers in the Madison area, these rules will raise consumer electric rates. The proposed rule mandates each state develop a plan to reach an EPA-prescribed level of CO2 emissions. In order to meet the EPA requirements, existing coal generation must be replaced with lower-emitting sources such as natural gas, renewables like wind or solar, or through energy conservation. Unfortunately, it is very costly to replace existing generation sources that still have useful life and, in some cases, are not completely paid for, resulting in stranded costs. Very likely, many coal plants, which supply over 62 percent of our electricity here in the Midwest, will be taken out of service. Both the municipal and cooperative power suppliers serving this area are already leaders in the development of renewable energy. Over 20 percent of our power portfolio comes from renewable generation, without considering our hydropower resources. While we look for opportunities to add to our renewable mix, in reality, it’s not a base-load resource; the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The EPA also suggests the goal could be attained through energy conservation. In this region, your power providers have been promoting energy conservation for over 25 years and have invested millions of dollars to assist you, the consumer, in purchasing energy efficient appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling equipment as well as made commercial energy efficiency investments. We plan to continue these programs because they make sense, but unless we receive credit for our existing achievements, we will be penalized for being early adopters of energy efficiency. We need to make sure the investments that have already been made (and paid for by YOU— the consumer) are taken into consideration in the proposed EPA rule. Finally, we believe the timeline laid out by the EPA is unattainable and will lead to significant increases in electric bills. We have worked hard over the years to provide our customers with reliable, affordable service while minimizing our impact on the environment. The EPA wants to impede our ability to keep doing that. SD Great Star Service Award Received The South Dakota Department of Tourism has recognized 156 businesses and organizations in 46 communities across South Dakota for their outstanding customer service with 3 from Madison- Lake Herman State Park, Walkers Point Recreation Area and Greater Madison Area Chamber of Commerce. The Great Service Star Program is designed to identify and recognize businesses that develop and complete hospitality training programs for their staff, recognize and reward employees Lake Herman and Walkers Point - Louis Reif-Park Maintenance, John Bame-Manager, Patty Heermann-Asst Manager and Sally Wolf-Campground Attendant for offering great service, and find unique ways to show customer appreciation. Jim Hagen, Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Tourism said, “The Great Service Star program encourages the continued development of skills and techniques that make South Dakota stand apart from other states. The recipients of the award for 2015 designation have continued to provide top notch service to GMACC – Jennifer DeKam-Office Manager, Rosie Jamison-Executive Director, Danese Johansen-Special Projects guests and are committed to the success of the visitor industry in South Dakota throughout 2014. Businesses interested in pursuing the Great Service Star designation and/or to provide free customer service training for their employees are encouraged to visit or contact the Chamber. http://sdvisit.com/programs/service/greatser vice.asp. AmericanNovember Education Week 16-22, 2014 93rd Annual "Raise Your Hand for Student Success" S P O T L I G H T The Greater Madison Area Chamber of Commerce Education Committee is taking this opportunity to familiarize you with the goal of American Education Week: “To increase public awareness and appreciation for the nation's schools, to encourage people to visit our local schools, and to build community pride and support for education.” Here is a reminder of the economic impact of Madison educational facilities to our community. FACILITY STUDENTS EMPLOYEES PAYROLL Dakota State University Madison Central School St. Thomas School Madison Christian School * Includes Preschool 3,047 1,133 80* 31* 517 148 14 5 $21,854,795 $ 7,015,269 $ 294,321 $ 56,452 BUDGET $37,614,192 $11,224,638 $ 456,304 $ 87,000 Appreciate the IMPACT of Education! OVERALL MADISON'S EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT Unduplicated Students 4,291 Employees 684 Annual Payroll: $29.2 Million Annual Budget: $ 49.4 Million 6 October/November 2014 Madison Landmark Returns – Prostrollo White Buffalo Restored White Buffalo returns home with Prostrollo children near In late August this year many area residents and visitors found when stopping at the corner of Washington and SE 10th Street there was not the familiar Prostrollo All-American white buffalo under the flowing American Flag that we are so accustomed to seeing. Children commented when it was gone, Steam Threshing Jamboree visitors and new DSU families driving into Madison were confused when given the traditional directions “turn or keep going straight at the white buffalo” and it was not to be found. Those of us using the white buffalo in giving directions needed to change because the familiar landmark was removed for refurbishing. Beginning in 1978 the white buffalo became the trademark of Prostrollo All-American Auto Mall. Since that time, it has only been removed for refurbishing twice, once to Sparta, Wisconsin where it was originally purchased and again this fall to Huron by air brush artist, Schaun Schnathorst. It is the only one of its kind and stands 12 feet tall, 20 feet long and weighs 2000 pounds. It is the fiberglass replica of Big Medicine, the most famous white buffalo ever born. The Founder of Prostrollo All-American Auto Mall, the late Jerry Prostrollo, chose the company trademark as a tribute to our Western Heritage and the important role of the American Buffalo. It was believed by the Plains Indians that anyone who gazed upon the rare white buffalo was a favored one. Similarly, by using the white buffalo as a trademark, Prostrollos wants their customers to feel that they are favored ones. Because of the significance of the white buffalo and Jerry Prostrollos induction to the Order of the White Buffalo for exceptional work in economic development by Governor Frank Farrar, 1969-1971, the Prostrollo Company established it as their trademark. The Prostrollo White Buffalo, has returned to his stand under the American flag this fall for all to enjoy and once again be a Leaving for refurbishing resource for directions, topic of interest and a tribute to the American West as we pass by the busy intersection at the southeast entrance to Madison. More can be found on the story of the Prostrollo white buffalo and “Big Medicine” on their website at prostrolloautomall.com. Chamber Rooster Rush Golf Social On September 27 the Chamber Rooster Rush Golf Tournament was held at the Lakes Golf Course. This was an event coordinated by the Chamber Rec and Tourney Committee promoting hunting season and as an appreciation for members and guests. Six teams participated in this initial event to promote Chamber members and Fall Hunting Season. The winning team with a score of 33 (3 under Par) on the 9 hole round was: left to right Dr. Leslie and Libby Heinemann, Charlotte Hart and Nancy Jacobson. The event included theme games, food and beverages after the golf tourney at the Lakes Bar and Grill promoting hunting due to its economic impact. 7 October/November 2014 Rooster Rush Promotion GMACC Rec and Tourney Committee promoted the importance of hunting season with the opening weekend of pheasant season. Sixty five Chamber businesses were given posters, door clings, hats and orange t-shirts promoting this important impact upon the state’s and our local economy annually. Drawings for a SD Rooster Rush hunting shirt were held at Classic Corner won by Tasia Hart and at One Stop by Jason Kearin. All promotional items received were requested through apllication by Greater Madison Area Chamber and Lake Area Improvement Corporation from the SD Department of Tourism. Enjoy safe hunting with family and friends the rest of the season for all wildlife in 2014! Successful Prairie Village Pumpkin Train Information submitted by Stan Rauch, Prairie Village Manager The 2014 Prairie Village Pumpkin Train held on October 4th was a tremendous success, thanks in part to the good weather. There were a record number of 646 kids under the age of 12 that rode the Prairie Village train to the pumpkin patch to pick their pumpkins. They were accompanied by well over 1000 adults and teens. The previous record was 492 kids in 2012. People from several counties in South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa attended the annual event. Depot Room & Railroad Museum GMACC Rec and Tourney Committee members Tory Bickett and Laura Reed of DSU promoted Rooster Rush at DSU just prior to opening weekend! CHAMBER SHOW AND SELL Plan to attend November 29th. . . registrations are still being taken Continue the tradition or start one by planning to join your friends, shop at your leisure anytime from 9:00 to 3:00, and grab a treat while there from concessions provided by area groups. Variety of items from Home Distributor items, wood crafting, handmade jams & Jellies, holiday crafts and décor and many more means there is a little something for everyone! As of press time, there is still space available for the 2014 Greater Madison Area Chamber of Commerce Show and Sell set for Saturday, November 29th the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This is the 6th year for the combined locations across the street from one another with convenient parking. Contact the Chamber to register for the event at office@chamberofmadisonsd.com or 256 2454 for more information. Discover the Unexpected at the area’s largest show on November 29th in Madison! The Depot Community Room is available for rent to the public as well as Chamber Members. The Depot room is a great option for your personal and business needs including: baby & bridal showers, business meetings, receptions, graduations and more. It is also is our local railroad museum. Reservations and rental agreement may be made through the Chamber office at 256-2454 or office@chamberofmadisonsd.com. “We would like to welcome the following NEW members to the Chamber” Bei Capelli Salon & Spa – Lacey Reuman 211 N. Egan Ave., Madison, SD 57042 – 605-256-3174 Founded in 1962 by A Rustic, Romantic Salon & Spa that tailors to your every need with haircuts, colors, foils, waxing, facials, pedicures, manicures, acrylics, shellac & gels, styles & wedding accommodations. designArc architecture + design – Gary Zay Groundbreaking ECCO Foundation 408 4th St., Brookings, SD 57006 – 605-692-4008 www.teamdesignarc.com A design firm that provides affordable, responsible and creative architecture and interior design solutions throughout eastern South Dakota. Les Rowland owner in Brookings and Gary Zay (resident architect of Madison). Recent area design services in Madison are: Madison Community Counseling Center Expansion, ECCO Foundation House and the Madison Central School Bus Garage. Lakeview Runners – Janet Weber PO Box 295, Madison, SD 57042 – 605-256-2172 Opening in 1997, Janet Weber is an owner & breeder of thoroughbred racing horses and competes at a national level. Lakeview Runners has a 14 stall operation with pastures, hay barn, stall barn & run-in sheds. Services include breeding, boarding & lay ups. Madison Area Career Learning Center – Sandy Salley 223 S. Van Eps Ave. Suite 103, Madison, SD 57042 – 605-256-5320 Established in 1984, Madison Area Career Learning is non-profit organization that provides adult education including literacy instruction, training for the GED exam, English as a second language instruction, personal tutoring, community education courses and parenting classes. The Edge 24 Hour Fitness – Adrian & Linda Smith 720 S. Washington Ave., Madison, SD 57042 – 605-310-1510 A convenient, comfortable facility specifically designed to assist members in transforming their physical fitness. The vision of The Edge is to impact individual, family and community fitness, health and wellness to a degree that positively affects their entire lives. The ECCO Foundation held a groundbreaking at the site of future new home at 103 S. Liberty Ave. on September 12th. The home will be single level and have the capacity of housing 8 individuals that are served by ECCO, Inc. with 24-hour staffing. ECCO, Inc. Executive Director, Vick Kommes thanked members of the ECCO Foundation Board of Directors, the people that ECCO serves, and their employees for making this project become a reality. E-Cig lounge - CJ& Brian Jordan 102 S. Egan Ave., Madison SD 57042 - 605 291-6583 Opened Fall of 2014, E-Cig Lounge is a relaxing lounge area to purchase multiple flavors and different styles of e- cig devices for ages 18 and older as a healthier alternative to smoking. 8 October/November 2014 GMACC promoted at 2014 TROJAN Day GMACC BoD & Distinguished Service Award 2014 Recipients L-R: Shari Eliason, Dennis Slaughter, Cotton Koch, Eric Sinclair, Liz Avery, Donna Fawbush and truck bed – President Bernie Schuurmans, with 2014 Distinguished Service Val Burg and Bob Sahr Not Pictured: Scott Backus, Cindy Callies and Brenda Thompson GMACC Recreation & Tournament Committee members Laura Reed & Tory Bickett GMACC Education Committee entry with 2014 Friends of Education Bob & Christine Sahr and Educator of the Year Dr. Vicki Sterling. Driver Robb Graham. Combined Madison FFA Chapter members & GMACC Ag Committee Entry GMACC Community Promotions Entry - Ron Wise of F&M Co-op driving 9 October/November 2014 Education is a Team Effort By Bob and Christine Sahr 2014 GMACC Friends of Education We are fortunate to live in a community like Madison with a high quality educational system starting with our preschool programs running through K-12 and Dakota State University. Our teachers, administrators, and employees do such a great job that it may be tempting to watch from the stands and cheer instead of getting into the game. However, what greater service to our community and to our future exists than to play a role in educating our youth? Little things do add up, and we, as community members, have a great opportunity to become more engaged in our educational system. Let’s look at one example. We act as the Kids Voting Coordinators for the school district. While there are many Kids Voting activities leading up to the election, one day—Election Day—is the big day with twelve hours of the polls being open for kids to participate in a mock election. When you add up the number of people involved from the community in making Kids Voting a reality, it totals more than 100. These range from Sioux Valley Energy’s Operation Round Up program providing our funding, to the help of teachers, administrators, and the local media promoting the event, to the Prairie Playhouse providing the space for our voting booths, to the volunteers staffing the polls. All told, a lot of people donate just a little time each to make Kids Voting a success. What’s the impact? Hundreds of students, even those who don’t vote, learn more about democracy, and 200-300 kids come, with their parents, to the polls on Election Day. Take away the volunteer support, and the program would fail. So, our message to you is that even a little help in the classroom, around the school, or with an extracurricular activity makes an impact when it is coupled with similar efforts from others. We thank the Education Committee for the Greater Madison Area of Chamber of Commerce for awarding us the 2014 Friends of Education Award. We know there are far more deserving recipients and are grateful to all who help educate our children. HAVE SOMETHING TO ADD? Send your stories or events to director@chamberofmadisonsd.com or call Rosie Jamison at 256-2454. Open House Mills Property Management – Lake Area Townhouses The new housing development Lake Area Townhouses located at 418 SW 8th Street, were open for viewing on August 27th. Twenty-eight new townhomes offer 1, 2 & 3 bedroom floor plans that feature a range of premium amenities including: attached garage, private patios, and a washer and dryer. Madison contact is Jamie McKinney at 720 S. Washington Ave. Open House & Ribbon Cutting Community Counseling Services On September 18th over seventy five visited the 10,000+ square foot newly remodeled facility from the previous 3,500 square feet. The Madison CCS location now includes a board conference room, activity and family rooms, enhanced caseworker offices and client meeting rooms, reception area plus green space and more that are all ADA compliant. CCS serves 7 counties with the Mission “to promote healthy individuals and families in the communities we serve” and has been located in Madison since 1990. New CEO, Belinda Nelson (center) extended appreciated to all - the CCS Board, GMACC and the Madison community at the event. Do your Shopping Locally for the Holidays November 22-23 Holiday Kick Off November 28 -29 Hot Friday $500 in Chamber Bucks Nov 30 – Dec 22 12 Days of Christmas $3000 in Chamber Business Gift Certificates 10 11/11/2014 11/12/2014 11/13/2014 11/13/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 11/14/2014 11/15/2014 11/16-22/2014 11/17/2014 11/17-24/2014 11/17/2014 11/17/2014 11/17/2014 11/18/2014 11/18/2014 11/20/2014 11/21/2014 11/21/2014 11/21-12/24/2014 11/28 - 12/31/2014 11/29/2014 October/November 2014 NOVEMBER 10:00 AM .......................................................... Madison High School Veteran's Day Program MHS Gymnasium 6:30 PM .............................................................................................. Creative Spirits Painting The Lakes Bar & Grill 6:00 PM ................................................................................................ Billy Lurken Live Music Mochavino 7:30 PM .................................................................. State High School Football Championship Vermillion SD Dakota Dome 12:00 PM .............................................................. National Geographic Producer Kelly Sweet DSU Science Center Auditorium 12:15 PM ................................................ The Edge 24 Hour Fitness Chamber Ribbon Cutting 720 S. Washington Ave. 6:00 PM ........................................................................ Larry Green & Gary Snow Live Music Mochavino 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM .................................................... The Edge 24 Hour Fitness Open House 720 S. Washington Ave. 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM.................... American Education Week - GMACC Education Committee 2:00 PM .......................................................................... Long Term Care Educational Session Lake County Courthouse - Commission Meeting Room 4:00 PM – 11:00 PM ........................................................ Operation Christmas Child Drop Off Good Shepherd Free Lutheran Church 120 S.W. 2nd St. 5:30 PM ........................................................................ DSU Foundation Scholarship Banquet Dakota Prairie Playhouse 6:00 PM ...................................................................................... Men's City League Basketball Madison Community Center 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM .......................................................................................... Baby Care Class Madison Community Hospital 4:00 PM .................................................. GMACC Governmental Affairs Committee Meeting Depot Community Meeting Room 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM ...... CJ's Salon & More Open House & Chamber Ribbon Cutting at 5:15 102 S. Egan Ave. 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM ...................................................... Madison Area Career Learning Center 30 Anniversary Celebration and Chamber Reception 223 S. Van Eps Ave Suite 103 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ........................ Bei Capelli Salon & Spa - Ribbon Cutting & Open House 211 N. Egan Ave. 6:00 PM.................................................................................................................. Dive in Movie Madison Community Center .................................................................................. Chamber Business Shop Locally for the Holidays 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM ........................................ Chamber Member Store Front Holiday Display Participating Chamber Members 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM .................................................................... Annual Chamber Show & Sell Dakota Prairie Playhouse & DSU Fieldhouse DECEMBER 12/02/2014 5:15 PM ...................................................................... Lake County Historical Society Meeting Smith-Zimmerman Museum 12/03/2014 12:00 PM .................................................................. GMACC - Education Committee Meeting Nicky's Restaurant 12/04-25/2014 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM .............................................................. Foot Care Clinic - every Thursday Madison Community Hospital 12/04/2014 6:00 PM ................................................................................................ Diabetes Support Group Madison Community Hospital 12/05/2014 7:00 AM .................................................................................. GMACC Ag Committee Meeting 2nd Street Diner 12/05/2014 8:00 AM.............................................................................. DSU Discover Day - Tentative date Dakota State University 12/05/2014 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM .............................................................................. Chamber Holiday Mixer Depot Community Room 12/05/2014 7:30 PM .............................................................................. Master Singers Christmas Concert St. John Lutheran Church in Howard 12/06/2014 8:00 AM...................................................................................... Youth Basketball Tournament sponsored by MHS Booster Club, St Thomas School and Seizing SD Men's DSU Basketball group Multiple Basketball courts in Madison 12/06/2014 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM .............................................................. Living Hope Wesleyan Toy Shop Living Hope Wesleyan Church 12/06/2014 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM ................................................................................ Reindeer Day• Lewis 12/07/2014 1:30 PM .................................................. 27th Annual Community Holiday Memorial Service Ellsworth Funeral Chapel 12/07/2014 4:30 PM .............................................................................. Master Signers Christmas Concert St. Thomas Catholic Church 12/08/2014 3:30 PM ............................................................................ GMACC Board of Directors Meeting Depot Community Room 12/13/2014 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM ...................................................................... Chamber - Day With Santa Madison Downtown Armory 12/19/2014 8:00 PM .......................................................................... Holiday Jam with the Hegg Brothers Dakota Prairie Playhouse Greater Madison Area Chamber of Commerce & Member Upcoming Happenings MARK YOUR CALENDARS November 14th The Edge 24 Hour Fitness Chamber Ribbon Cutting 12:15 PM at 720 S. Washington Ave. November 15th The Edge 24 Hour Fitness Open House 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM at 720 S. Washington Ave. November 16th -22nd American Education Week – GMACC Education Committee November 18th CJ’s Salon and More & E-Cig Lounge Open House from 4:30 – 6:00 PM with Chamber Ribbon Cutting at 5:15 PM November 20th Madison Area Career Learning Center 30th Anniversary Celebration & Chamber reception 4:00 – 7:00 PM at 223 S. Van Eps. Ave. Suite 103 November 21st Bei Capelli Salon & Spa Open House 4:00 – 5:00 PM with Chamber Ribbon Cutting at 4:30 PM at 211 N. Egan Ave. November 28th – December 31st Store front holiday display Saturday, November 29th Annual Chamber Show & Sell from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM at the Dakota Prairie Playhouse & DSU Fieldhouse December 5th – Chamber Member Holiday Mixer from 5-7 PM at the Depot Community Room Saturday, December 13th Chamber Day With Santa from 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM at the City of Madison Armory January 27th GMACC – Madison/DSU Hosts the Legislature Day in Pierre Madison Area Chamber of Commerce MISSION STATEMENT To promote our members, the community, and economic development, resulting in a better quality of life. Open House & Ribbon Cutting Trolleys JANUARY 01/02/2015 01/07/2015 01/08/2015 01/11/2015 01/16/2015 01/18/2015 01/25/2015 01/27/2015 02/15/2015 7:00 AM .................................................................................. GMACC Ag Committee Meeting 2nd Street Diner 12:00 PM .................................................................. GMACC - Education Committee Meeting Nicky's Restaurant 4:00 PM ................................................GMACC-Community Promotions Committee Meeting Depot Community Room 1:00 PM .................................................................................. Outlaw Ice Races on Lake Brant Shore of Shipwreck Bar & Grill - Lake Brant 8:00 AM.............................................................................. DSU Discover Day - Tentative date Dakota State University 1:00 PM............................................................................................................ Outlaw Ice Races Shore of Shipwreck Bar & Grill - Lake Brant 1:00 PM............................................................................................................ Outlaw Ice Races Shore of Shipwreck Grill - Lake Brant 6:30 AM – 11:00 PM .............................. GMACC - Madison/DSU Hosts the Legislature Day Pierre State Capital Shore of Shipwreck Grill - Lake Brant 1:00 PM............................................................................................................ Outlaw Ice Races Shore of Shipwreck Bar & Grill - Lake Brant www.chamberofmadisonsd.com/events Trolley’s old fashion ice cream parlor and homemade chocolate shop open house and Chamber ribbon cutting was held on October 23rd. Over 50 came to sample pumpkin cider, dipped strawberries, delicious chocolates and a dish of ice cream with members and friends. Stop in for lunch, grab a treat in the afternoon or gather with friends for an evening in downtown Madison at Trolley’s 201 S. Egan. Congratulations owners Vicki and Ricky Johns! 11 October/November 2014 Save Our Farm Youth – The Madison FFA Chapter provided SOFY for the 3rd and 4th grade Madison School students. This event was partially sponsored by GMACC Ag Committee and provided farm and outdoor safety education along with fun for the children while there. Stations were - tractor, livestock, crops/plants, hunting and lawnmower; then they have an opportunity to experience a petting zoo and hay bale maze. Pictured are all of Madison FFA Members involved in SOFY and advisor Lori Christensen and Ag Committee member Jack’s “The Meat Store” 208 SW 1st Street . Madison www.lakeviewrealty.org 256-2556 Gary’s Jay Van Liere 270-2142 483-3322 For all your lock & key needs! 256-6160 • Cell 270-1471 214 S Egan Ave in Madison www.DailyLeaderExtra.com 256-4555 or 1-877-635-7323 256-4747 302 S. Egan Ave. • Madison, SD Bud's Clean-Up Service LOCK & KEY 45904 Sharon Lane • Lake Madison, SD DAILY LEADER We cover your part of the world. First Madison Insurance 109 S Egan, Madison, SD • 605-256-6634 www.firstmadisoninsurance.com F&M Co-op Commercial, Residential and Rolloff Waste Services 22925 455th Ave • Madison, SD 57042 (605) 256-2518 215 N. Van Eps • 256-3541 256-3888 OUR ENERGY COMES THROUGH.TM 432 SE 12th St., Madison 256-6536 Got Pests? Call the Experts. A&B MARK SIMONSON PEST CONTROL 270-0601 Residential • Commercial • Agricultural HIGHLIGHT YOUR BUSINESS HERE 211 NW 1st St., Madison, SD 121 South Egan, Madison, SD 57042 256-1525 www.madisonsdrealty.com Golden Living Center 718 NE 8th St. • Madison 256-4531 Madison Area Group Timothy A .Campbell, FIC, LUTCF Financial Associate 1527 NW 2nd St., Madison • 605-256-4609 Registered Representatives for securities and investment advisory services offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. 690526 If you are interested in this great offer please call YOUR LOCAL MADISON TEAM BRENDA THOMPSON THERESA SCHAEFER BRAD BENSON 605-270-0482 605-480-8003 Broker Associate Broker Associate 605-270-2693 Broker Associate 427-7777 • 730 South Washington Ave., Madison www.MadisonSDRealEstate.com 218 S Egan Ave in Madison www.LeaderPrinting.com 256-4444 or 1-877-LPC-PRINT 301 North Egan • Madison • 605-256-6532 www.greatwesternbank.com Melissa, Kirsten or Kristen at 605-256-4555 Promote your business in the Chamber Business to Business Directory for only $10 a month 12 October/November 2014 CHAMBER MEMBERS RECOGNIZED First Bank & Trust Recognized Nationally in 2014 First Bank and Trust ranked 60th of the top 200 healthiest banks nationally for 2014. DepositAccounts evaluates the financial health of federally insured banks in the country and grades each based on capitalization, deposit growth and loan-toreserve ratios to come up with a health score. Those with exceptional health are listed among the top 200. This ranking is for First Bank & Trust branches in Madison, Sioux Falls, Garretson, Canton and Watertown. First Bank is the 15th largest bank in South Dakota with assets of $603.6 million and has an A Plus health rating. The bank was established in 1987, and has 120 employees in seven locations. The bank had an 11.2 percent return on equity and $14.7 million in interest income. More may be viewed at and www.depositaccounts.com/banks/firstbank-trust-sd.html#health or https://www.depositaccounts.com/banks/he alth.aspx#healthiest Congratulations from your Chamber! Madison CTE Program Pushes Manufacturing Industry Information from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development Spotlight series during the 2nd annual SD Manufacturing Week Sept 29-Oct 3 The Madison Central School District hopes that its new CTE (Career & Technical Education) program, a program funded partially through a Future Fund grant from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED), can prepare and educate its students to fill the growing demand. In 2012 to 2013, South Dakota manufacturers alone added 343 jobs. The idea started a year ago—at the conclusion of SD Manufacturing Week 2013. “When we took our kids out to tour the local manufacturing companies during last year’s Manufacturing Week, they were completely mesmerized by what was happening and being produced right here in our hometown,” said Adam Shaw, Madison High School’s principal. “That really got us thinking we should implement some kind of program promoting our manufacturing industry.” And so, planning for a CTE program began. Dustin Williams, plant manager for Manitou-Gehl in Madison, was a key player early on in the planning stages of the future CTE program. “When Dustin said, ‘I need welders, like 40 right now,’ we knew welding needed to be a focus of this CTE program,” Shaw said. “And thanks to his openness to training, education and forward thinking, he’s letting us use Gehl’s welding lab to train our welding students.” Through Madison’s newly established CTE program, students are able to earn dual credits for graduation, as well as earn credits to begin completion of a welding program offered through Lake Area Technical Institute. “Not only are we teaching these kids a valuable trade skill, one that is in high demand right now, but we are hoping they go to a vocational school to complete the welding program they’ve already started. So often we lose valuable, highly-skilled students to other states. Our hope is that we can keep them here and hopefully see them return home to a job right here in Madison,” Shaw added. There’s room to grow too. Madison’s CTE program is offering other CTE courses in specialty areas like culinary arts, automotive and biomedical sciences. “It’s more than sitting and learning in a classroom. The kids will get hands-on training that will eventually open many more doors for them,” Shaw said. MCH Received 2 National Awards Submitted Article by Madison Community Hospital – Carol Kleibacker Madison Community Hospital has been recognized as one of the Top 20 Critical Access Hospitals in the country by the National Rural Health Association. MCH also ranked in the Top 20 Best Practices in Quality among all critical access hospitals in the nation. CEO, Tammy Miller, and Madison Hospital Board of Trustees President, Brad Wilkens, accepted the awards at the organizations Critical Access Hospital Conference on October 3 in Kansas City Mo. The Top 20 CAHs were based on ten indices of strength including competitive strength, competitive intensity, market size and growth, population risk, cost, charge, quality, outcomes, patient perspectives, and financial stability. The ranking is based on data compiled by iVantage Health Analytics. From that ranking, The National Rural Health Association, choose the Top 20 Critical Access Hospitals. NRHA, a non-profit organization working to improve rural health care, considers Madison Community Hospital an exemplar of best practices in all of rural health care in the United States. Miller said, "MCH is proud of the efforts of its physicians and staff who have contributed to our hospital achieving this designation. The primary goal of MCH is to continue as a progressive, efficient and well-managed health care institution committed to quality medical practice and high ethical standards. As always, excellent local medical care is a top priority of the Madison Community Hospital now and for the future.” Chamber note – Madison Community Hospital employees 199 and has been providing quality health care to the Madison community for 125 years. The new $36.8 million facility being built on the south edge of Madison will allow them to continue this tradition. We are proud of this recognition earned by the Madison Community Hospital healthcare providers, staff and leadership. Visit their website or Facebook page on the building progress http://www.madisonhospital.com/newhospital-progress.aspx Kiwanis 49th Annual Pancake Feed October 21st L-R Chuck Robbins, Sheriff Tim Walburg, Jeff Pearson, Leland White and Dave Westbrock members serving Denny Poppen and Chad Comes GMACC Rec and Tourney Committee members Tory Bickett and Laura Reed promoted Rooster Rush at DSU just prior to opening weekend! 13 October/November 2014 CHAMBER MEMBERS RECOGNIZED 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF PERSONA IN MADISON Persona Sign Makers | Image Builders Celebrated 20 Year in Madison at an event held at the Madison plant including tours, activities and a picnic on September 25 with over 100 attending. Pictured are Neil Gilbertson Plant Mgr. with owners Dennis Holien and David Holien seated. Congratulations! Chamber Welcome to DSU Students The Chamber Community Promotions Committee hosted 320 students for the Chamber Welcome to DSU Students held on September 4th in the Madison City Armory. Thank you to the 16 eating establishments who provided “A Taste of Madison”, Chamber members who welcomed the students on behalf of the Chamber and encouraged them to use our services, shop our businesses and become a part of our community while here. In addition, 19 Chamber businesses and organizations provided coupons or gifts for the Welcome to Madison bags, assembled by people that ECCO, Inc. serves, encouraging students to stop in and do their business or get involved in the greater Madison Community. The Chamber also appreciates the assistance of the DSU basketball & baseball teams and coaching staff for assisting with the setup and clean up for the event and Jim Stearns allowing us to use the American Legion tables and chairs, the City of Madison allowing the event to be held in the City Armory. THANK YOU TO ALL! Secure Banking Solutions 3850 of Inc. 5000 List of Fastest Growing Companies in America From Submitted Information by Tom Church – SBS In September INC. magazine ranked Secure Banking Solutions (SBS) No. 3850 on its eighth annual Inc. 500|5000, an exclusive ranking of the nation’s fastestgrowing private companies. The list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy—America’s independent entrepreneurs. SBS joins Tough Mudder, WeddingWire, and GoPro, among other prominent brands featured on this year’s list. “Secure Banking Solutions is proud to be included on this exclusive list of America’s fastest growing private companies for two consecutive years. Growth like this is not possible without the outstanding teamwork and innovation of our employees. This is also not possible without all of the SBS customers and partners who have put their trust in us to help them protect their valuable data. We thank you and look forward to continuing to grow and improve into the future.” – Kevin Streff, Managing Partner Secure Banking Solutions is an information security consulting firm, founded in 2004 and headquartered in Madison, SD, that helps small to medium sized financial institutions protect their sensitive data. SBS has expertise to help these institutions identify shortcomings in their technology security structure and IT regulatory requirements, and also offers services to help correct these deficiencies. Currently, SBS works with over 750 financial institutions in nearly every state in the US, and has earned the endorsement of bank and community bank trade associations in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio. SBS has grown to nearly 50 employees, and has sales offices in Kansas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Arkansas. To learn more about Secure Banking Solutions visit www.protectmybank.com. Inc. 500|5000 Selection process Companies ranked by Inc are based on their revenue growth over a four-year period and must have had a full calendar year of revenue in year one of the four-year period. Additionally, they have to be USbased, privately held, for profit, and independently owned. Thank You Members Providing “A Taste of Madison” at the DSU Student Welcome Food & Beverage Contributors 2nd Street Diner Casey’s General Store Classic Corner Dairy Queen Gary’s Bakery & Café Madison Discount Liquor McDonald’s Restaurant Mochavino, LLC Nicky’s Restaurant One Stop Pizza Ranch of Madison Scooby’s Convenience Stadium Sports Grill SUBWAY Taco John’s Trolley’s GMACC Community Promotions Committee 14 October/November 2014 Madison Manufacturing Days in 2014 October 1st and 2nd marked the 2nd annual Madison Manufacturing Days promoting the impact and opportunities in manufacturing throughout our community and beyond. Five Chamber businesses and industries hosted community tours with nearly 400 people attending. In addition, 18 manufacturers and businesses displayed their products to over 90 visitors during a “Pride in What We Build” showcase that are distributed locally, regionally, nationally and internationally made right here in Madison. Our local manufacturing statistics include: 26 businesses, employing over 1,000 people, with an average wage/salary of $35,975. These twenty six generated $355,090 in 2013 tax revenue for our city and Madison area manufacturers generated $17,737,634 in 2013 taxable sales (source: SD Dept of Revenue). Thank you to all participating in the activities. We look forward to the continued positive impact our manufacturing industries have upon our economy and future opportunities. Tours were held at - Persona Sign Builders/Image Makers, Manitou Group (GEHL), Falcon Plastics, Rosebud Cabinetry and Lodging Furniture and Custom Touch Homes by owners, managers and employees. More photos are available on www.facebook.com/MadisonSDChamber. PERSONA Sign Makers Image Builders Tours were led by Plant Manager, Neil Gilbertson and Asst Plant Manager and H.R. Manager , Stephanie Johnson for nearly 100 on October 1st. Persona is the 5th largest sign maker in the country and produce channel letter signs, large frames and vinyl made signs in the Madison plant. They are the largest producer or McDonalds Restaurant signs, and the largest sign manufacturer internationally for hotel/motel signs. 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the Madison location. More on http://www.persona-inc.com/ Falcon Plastics of Madison hosted public and students tours for over 60 where they make injection and blow molded plastic products or components. Tours were led by co-owner Shaun Riedesel and plant manager Ken Hatlewick along with Randy Morehouse, production manager Greg Hudson and Human Resource Director Janet VanRosendale. Madison is one of their 5 plant locations which employs 63 of their nearly 250 company employees in the world – BrookingsX2, Lexington TN, China and Madison, SD. Learn more at http://falconplastics.com/ Manitou Group -Gehl Company –130 community members and Madison High School students toured the Madison facility given by several guides. Plant manager Dustin Williams (pictured) welcomed all touring the Madison plant about the company that manufactures Gehl and Mustang skid steer loaders. The company began in 1859 and has been in Madison for 41 years, since 1973. Manitou/Gehl does business in over 70 countries and has over 80 different models manufactured from a sheet of steel to an operational skid steer. Currently they manufacture the largest skid steer in the world the V400. The Madison plant employs 325 and manufactures in excess of 5,000 skid steers annually. Find out more at http://www.gehl.com Custom Touch Homes Inc. -tours were led by Virginia McDonald, Chad Aker and Jim Larson to over 75 community members and students on October 2nd. Customized homes are built in this climate-controlled business in Madison. At the time of the tours, twenty three homes were within the facility at various stages of completion. Their 60 employees build single and multifamily homes, light commercial and more structures that are moved once completed to local locations and to multi-states. 15 October/November 2014 Rosebud Cabinetry & Lodging Furniture – has been in Madison since 1972 and in business since 1965. Owner, Brian Kern pictured below welcomed nearly 100 community members and students to the plant along with John Aus, Chris Gabriel and Kenny Blake who provided plant tours. Rosebud makes cabinets from 9 different wood species with 24 door styles, 12 stain colors and 6 painted colors. They employ 65 in their 62,000 square foot facility in Madison and close to 100 in their four locations: Madison & Tea SD, Owatonna MN and Dickinson ND. Their kitchen cabinetry and lodging furniture is delivered in 12 states by their own trucks and furniture is sold in all states. In addition, they sell overseas through government contracts. -Visit http://www.rosebudmfg.com/ Custom Touch Homes Inc. Pride in what we Build Showcase “Pride What We Build Showcase” held at the Dakota Prairie Playhouse on October 1. Eighteen of our companies displayed what they make with complimentary Gaylen’s Homegrown Popcorn for all to enjoy while learning from our local companies. A few are shown below. Global Polymer Industries Sly Dog Brandon Bunker and JoEllen TeKrony Susan Overholt - Dakota Fixture & Cabinetry & Susan Solid Surfaces Specialties Keith Ulvestad Raven Industries/AEROSTAR Chris Gabriel & John Aus Rosebud Cabinetry & Lodging Furniture Dennis Slaughter Krug Products 16 October/November 2014 It’s Getting to Look A Lot Like Christmas This season the GMACC Community Promotions Committee will have a Storefront Window Decorating Contest. You are invited to join the fun of the holidays by supporting Madison area businesses when holiday shopping. Chamber Member contestant storefronts will be on display from Nov. 28th – Dec. 31st. The winning business will receive a prize and Chamber recognition for their holiday inspiration and contribution to community cheer. “Discover the Unexpected” in Madison this Holiday Season! Chamber Bucks the Perfect Gift The holiday season is near. Chamber Bucks are a great gift for your employees, teachers, coach, pastor, Secret Santa, family or friends. Chamber Bucks are convenient and can be used at over 290 Chamber member businesses for everything from gift items to entertainment to recreation to gas to utility bills to cell phone/Internet and groceries. They are extremely versatile for anyone and any age plus ensure your gift is supporting the local economy. Chamber Bucks . . . they are fast, easy and convenient. Contact the Greater Madison Chamber at 256-2454 or office@chamberofmadisonsd.com to place your order. Thank you for shopping Madison!
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