Newsletter Fall 2014 FEDERATION GOVERNING BOARD OFFICERS Snohomish Cty Alli Richards (425) 923-7945 President: Dick Parshall (425) 486-6163 Vancouver Tina McNabb (604) 572-8981 Vice President: Brad Freeman (425) 885-2824 Washington St. (253) 848-6251 Secretary: Terry Schroeder (360) 479-6362 Treasurer: Rosemary Freeman (425) 885-2824 Gretchen Kulpa Art Wuerth (360) 786-1579 Portland Art Chmura (425) 271-6668 John Ensminger Wally Kurth Grays Harbor John Ensminger (360) 459-2450 (604) 626-0323 Kitsap County Drew Brant (360) 830-4137 North Central WA Linda Holmes-Cook (509) 679-3424 Puget Sound Al Kaas (425) 483-9558 Seattle Dave Blackmer (425) 481-5240 Skagit Valley Dick Ambrose (360) 387-2374 South Sound Carol Howard (360) 455-4320 Max Ollieu Victoria Connie Young-Davis (360) 459-2654 (360) 687-1536 (250) 472-8083 COMMITTEE CHAIRS AFFILIATED SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVES Fraser Valley (360) 305-9600 ASSOCIATE SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVES Evergreen St Les Connell At Large: Whatcom Cty. (253) 848-6251 Past President: Vivian Connell Classification Wayne Lobaugh (360) 748-4364 Dahlia Annual Terry Schroeder (360) 479-6362 Education Bob Schroeder (360) 479-6362 Innovation Brad Freeman (425) 885-2824 Judges Eval Chris Stout (253) 538-1091 Judges Trng Dick & Danielle Parshall (425) 486-6163 Membership Rosemary Freeman (425) 885-2824 Page 2 CALENDAR OF EVENTS February 14, 2015 - Federation Winter Board Meeting, 9 am to Noon, Faith Lutheran Church, 8208 - 18th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA March 21, 2015 - Federation Spring Workshop 9 am to 3 pm, Faith Lutheran Church, 8208 18th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA July 18, 2015 - Federation Summer Board Meeting, 8 am to 9 am, Mt. Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland Avenue, Mt. Vernon, WA July 18, 2015 - Federation Summer Workshop 9 am to 3 pm, Mt. Vernon Senior Center, 1401 Cleveland Avenue, Mt. Vernon, WA July 25, 2013 - Judges Training - Mount Vernon Senior Center (Mount Vernon) and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (Olympia), 9 am to 3 pm September 17-21, 2015 - ADS National Show Centennial Event Hosted by the Mid Island Dahlia Society, Long Island, NY September 15-18, 2016 - ADS National Show , Hosted by the Carolinas Dahlia Society Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Officer Reports President’s Report Dick Parshall Dick thanked everyone who worked to make the National Show a success. He heard no complaints about how things went; everyone helped and did a great job. It was a great team that put together the show and those who participated had a wonderful time! The cooperation among the committee members was fantastic. Vice President’s Report Brad Freeman This is an election year for the ADS. The following Officers were elected and will take office on November 1: President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Trustees Don Dramstad Brad Freeman Mark Oldenkamp Ken Jensen Terry Schroeder Mac Boyer Harry Rissetto and Wayne Shantz The Classification Committee recommended and members approved to add a pure white to the white color chart, so WH-0 is the border of the white color chip page. Another endowment for virus research was made for Jim Chuey. Jim had gotten interested in Dr. Pappu's research. This money will be added to the Gullikson endowment. Dr. Pappu has been able to leverage that money to get grants so that the funds go farther. ADS leadership met with Dr. Pappu and encouraged him to write more articles that can be understood by the general public. Any time Dr. Pappu writes an article, he acknowledges the ADS and the support he receives. Clubs should send in reports for the Bulletin. The deadline is October 20. The major emphasis of the ADS Board in 2015 will be improving the Bulletin and getting it out in a timely manner. (Continued on page 5) Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Committee Reports Classification Committee Wayne Lobaugh Two blooms are being added to the NW Supplement: Light Accord B-SC-Y y1 Lorona Dawn NO-Pr Education Bob Schroeder As always, I am looking for ideas for both the spring and summer workshops. If you have any suggestions, let me know ~ 360-479-6362 or . This year the Spring Workshop will be held in Seattle at Faith Lutheran on March 21 and the Summer Workshop will be held in Mount Vernon on July 18. The workshops begin at 9:00 with refreshments and 9:30 am for reports. As always, at the Spring Workshop, there will be the Jack Crawford Memorial Tuber Auction and I will be contacting members for donations. Judges Training Dick & Danielle Parshall No report. Judges Evaluation Chris Stout Please don't forget to return your judging questionnaire; this is the only way to advance your judging status. They are due by the end of November. If you haven’t returned yours yet, do it TODAY! Membership Rosemary Freeman This year we had our largest membership ever with 314 memberships! Be sure to get your membership information in. See Treasurer’s Report! Dahlia Annual Terry Schroeder In January, I’ll begin working on the Dahlia Annual. I need to have everything done by the third week in February so I can get it sent to the printer in early March so it will be completed and available at the Spring Workshop. Show Chairs should send their information to me no later than February 21 so that I can get it into the book. Again, any club who has their show information to me by February 10, I will print out what your page will look like in the Annual and bring it to the Board meeting for you to look over. Page 3 Page 4 Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers AFFILIATED & ASSOCIATED CLUB REPORTS Fraser Valley Wally Kurth They had a good show with 1065 blooms. They are working on booking their site for the 2015 show on September 19-20. Their tuber sale will be on April 18. Grays Harbor/Evergreen John Ensminger No report. Kitsap County Drew Brant No report. North Central WA Vancouver Another season has come to end. The VDS had it last meeting of the year in October; we meet again in February. Peter Krueger will continue as our president for 2015. Our tuber sale for 2015 will be a one day sale on Saturday, April 11. Our show will go back to the Labor Day weekend. See you all next year! Washington State Linda Holmes-Cook Tina McNabb Vivian Connell Their show was the last in the state and they had a good turnout with 15 judging teams. Thanks to all who made recommendations to their club on how to improve their club garden. They will be making some changes that will hopefully improve the garden. They did not have a show this year, but did have several members working on the National Show. Their show will be at the South Hill Mall again, on August 15 & 16. In October their program will be on dividing and storing tubers, November will be a clump auction and December is their Holiday Party. Puget Sound Whatcom County Al Kaas Their show will again be held at Sky nursery. Thanks to all who participated in this year’s show. They are getting ready for tuber sales. Seattle No report. Dave Blackmer Skagit Valley Dick Ambrose No report. Snohomish County Alli Richards Their show was a colorful display of dahlias for the public. It was very nice to see exhibitors from the southern clubs in attendance. Their novice exhibitors had a great show season this year with many trips to the head tables. At our October meeting there was a demonstration on digging and dividing tubers from start to storage. This included various stations for our members to have hands on instruction and practice. There was also a display of seed heads and we saw how some of the different varieties develop differently. November will be our clump auction followed by the Christmas potluck. South Sound Art Wuerth Their show this year was smaller than normal, but they did have a lot of novice exhibitors and there were lots of blooms. Their show continues to be the weekend after Labor Day. Gretchen Kulpa This year’s show was a success. Best of Show went to Steve Santose for his Edna C for single and Kenora Clyde for triple. They have a new Membership Chair, Ed Thompson. The WCDS Flower of the Year for 2015 will be Vista Minnie. In October, their meeting will be Digging, dividing and storing tubers. Portland Max Ollieu No Report. Victoria Ryan Barry It has been an unseasonably warm October in Victoria and throughout Canada’s west coast. This has extended the growing season and has been accompanied by more rain than last year, but the threat of frost seems further off. This has been a nice end to a terrific growing season with the dahlias flowering spectacularly. In August, Wayne Lobaugh presented various topics on judging dahlias to the Victoria Dahlia Society. Seedlings were judged and Susanne Daviau and Paton Hetherington were inducted as new Candidate Judges. On the third weekend of August we hosted the 68th Annual Victoria Dahlia Society Show which was a huge success featuring nearly a thousand blooms. Connie Young-Davis won Best Single and Best Triple Bloom entry overall with Edna C and Kenora Jubilee respectively. (Continued on page 5) Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Page 5 OFFICER’S REPORTS (Continued from page 2) Treasurer’s Report Rosemary Freeman Society dues are due by December 31 for ADS and January 15 for the Federation. Please double check information, such as email, address, judging status so that the information is correct in the Dahlia Annual. Secretary’s Report SHOW DATES - 2015 August 1 & 2 – Kitsap County Dahlia Society August 8 & 9 – Grays Harbor Dahlia Society August 8 & 9 – Skagit Valley Dahlia Society August 15 & 16 – Washington State Dahlia Society August 22 & 23 – Snohomish County Dahlia Society August 28 & 29 – Puget Sound Dahlia Association August 28 & 29 – Victoria Dahlia Society September 5 & 6 – Vancouver Dahlia Society September 5 & 6 – Portland Dahlia Society September 12 – 13 – South Sound Dahlia Society September 12 & 13 – Whatcom County Dahlia Society September 18 to 21 – ADS Centennial Celebration/National Show Long Island, NY September 19 & 20 – Fraser Valley Dahlia Society September 19 & 20 – Seattle Dahlia Society September 26 & 27 – North Central Washington Dahlia Society Terry Schroeder No report AFFILIATED & ASSOCIATED CLUB REPORTS Over the Labour Day long weekend six members of the VDS travelled to Tacoma to attend the National Show. Connie Young-Davis had four entries judged Best In Show for their classes, and Ryan Barry & Paton Hetherington won two special classes. Back at home, Jean Vantreight, who is a spry and vital ninety-one years old this year, won Best Dahlia and Best Bloom Overall at the 147th Annual Saanich Fair with R Nia. At the VDS Parlour Show in September, Judith Powell won the Hank Iverson trophy for best bloom with Jomanda, and yours truly with Paton Hetherington won best seedling, a purple orchid whose seed parent is Midnight Star. I always think of the winter as a welcome respite from all the busy work of the rest of the year – we’re fortunate the tubers go dormant! Here’s hoping you’ve had a successful tuber harvest and are enjoying visiting family and friends over the holidays. Website for Tina’s calendars: Page 6 Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Hall of Fame ~ 2014 Bill Beer The Vancouver Dahlia Society nominates Bill Beer for inclusion into the Federation Hall of Fame. Bill and his wife Rosa Beer were bitten by the dahlia bug in the early 1990’s and immediately began to actively support and promote the growing and judging of dahlias by the general public. His passion for dahlias was infectious and his commitment to educate and train new judges was an inspiration to all. Bill made sure that he and Rosa traveled to most of the yearly ADS National Shows where their input on policy, classification and judging was greatly valued. Bill took an active role in building the Vancouver Dahlia Society throughout the 1990’s and on into the new century. Bill and Rosa both served in many positions on the VDS executive including President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. He co-chaired many annual VDS shows where Bill and Rosa welcomed competitors from all over the Pacific Northwest. He was instrumental in organizing and cochairing the American Dahlia Society’s National show held in Vancouver in 1996. Bill took an active role in the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers and the American Dahlia Society. He co-chaired the Membership Committee of the Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers, was the VDS Rep’s for the Federation and taught many Workshops on judging and clerking. Bill passed away in 2001 but his wife maintained her work for the Federation, VDS and ADS for many more years. There are many judges and society members today in the Pacific Northwest that can trace their inspiration, passion and education about dahlias to Bill Beer. Richard Williams Dick is an outstanding contributor to the dahlia world for his Skipley Dahlia originations. Currently, 13 of his originations are still listed in the 2014 ADS Classification Book. Dick has disseminated 37 introductions beginning with Skipley Road (B-IC-DP) in 1989. Many of his introductions have been shown and won higher awards since Skipley Road arrived. Dick has also won many Dahlia Show awards for his own entries, including Best in Show at the 2004 American Dahlia Society Show (hosted by the Pacific Northwest Federation of Dahlia Growers) for the cultivar Embrace. For approximately 20 years, Dick planted and maintained the Everett Train Station Dahlia Garden as a member of the Snohomish County Dahlia Society. As a dahlia grower for about 40 years, he has also been a Senior Judge for many years in the Federation and has consistently supported and exhibited at Federation Shows entering the highest quality blooms, whether his originations or other cultivars. Both Dick and Gloria have also supported the Seattle Dahlia Society in many roles. Dick has been Chairman of Judges for the Seattle Show for many years and a Trustee of both the Seattle and the Snohomish County Dahlia Societies. . Skipley Spot (Continued on page 7) Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Hall of Fame ~ 2014 Page 7 ADS National Shows (Continued from page 6) As a respected dahlia expert, he has routinely contributed educational programs for fellow members of local dahlia societies and offered mentoring for novice growers. In addition, Dick has won the Derrill Hart Medal (highest 3 average Trial Garden scores of the year) for Skipley Fair Lady, Skipley Spot O’Gold, and Skipley Grande. He has also won the Lynn B. Dudley Medal (highest Seedling Bench scoring) for Skipley Bonanza and Skipley Lois Jean (2012 National Show Seedling Achievement Award scoring 91.56). We are pleased to nominate Dick Williams to the Federation Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame ~ 2014 Bill Beer Richard Williams 2015 National Show ~ Long Island, NY The American Dahlia Society Centennial event is less than one year away. This event will be held on Long Island, New York in September 2015. Thursday Sept. 17, will feature a cruise around Manhattan, including the Statue of Liberty. On Friday Sept. 18, there will be a Great Gatsby Tour of Coe Hall at Planting Fields. Saturday Sept. 19 will be the dahlia competition, followed by the awards reception in the evening. Sunday Sept. 20 includes a brunch at the Eastern Trial Garden followed by an exciting day of racing at Triple Crown site, Belmont Racetrack. (Will Retribution be running again??). Monday Sept. 21 we will head into New York City offering personalized site-seeing options. You can now reserve your room at the Long Island Marriott under a special ADS rate of $159 per night. Call 516-794-3800 or go to the website, http:// Be sure to mention the ADS group rate. Tom Cleere, Event Chair 2016 National ADS Show The 2016 ADS National Show will be sponsored by the Carolinas Dahlia Society from September 15 to 18, 2016. Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Page 8 Pacific Northwest Trial Garden Below are the results of the entries that scored at the Pacific Northwest Trial Garden in 2014: Row # Score Name Originator Class Form 1 87.8 Sandia Suncatcher S & S Boley 2 86.13 Sandia Sunbonnet 4 87.9 5 BB LC V YL/R S & S Boley AN Y Barbara’s Favorite Ron Miner S DP/yl 87.05 Baron Christopher Ron Miner MB FL 8 88.09 KA’s Cloud K. Albrecht ID W 9 86.66 Mt View Imogene Mike Alexander O DP 10 85.5 Skipley Ida Bella R Williams SC PR 12 87 NTAC Debbie Don Filand CO OR/YL/yl 13 88.1 Glencoe Fluff A & J Chmura BB LC PR/wh 17 88 Clifton Ken Percy Clifton B C OR 20 88.2 AC Casper Ken Greenway A ID W 21 86.79 AC Lindsay Ken Greenway M SC DB PR/wh 25 88.41 Bloomquist Scott Paul Bloomquist BB SC DR 28 88 Bloomquist Paxton P Paul Bloomquist B SC DB OR/YL 30 85.3 Bloomquist Tory P Paul Boomquist BB FD PK 32 89.86 MAKS Lori Jean Al & Shelly Kaas B SC LB YL/PK 34 85 MAKS Crazy 8 AL & Shelly Kaas O DB DP/wh Roland Verrone CO BR PK/wh T & M Kennedy MB FL MB R A BB Color 35 85.2 38 85.55 Verrone’s “14 OGC 90th Hollyhill Hotshot 40 87.42 Hollyhill Rudolph T & M Kennedy 53 90.44 GG’s Red Russian Glenn Gitts B IC R 54 89.1 Clearview Sharron R & D Parshall B C Y 56 86.1 Clearview Bold R & D Parshall B SC DB DP/YL 57 90.57 Clearview Dorothy R & D Parshall B SC L 61 85 Tahoma Lizzie L & V Connell BB ID LB W/lv 63 86.24 Tahoma Bonnie Lass L & V Connell BB FD W 64 90.33 Bloomquist Mark B Paul Bloomquist O DR 65 88.39 Bloomquist Doug C Paul Bloomquist P R 66 87.33 Bloomquist Sunrays Paul Bloomquist ID LB Y/pr 68 90.3 Bloomquist Dan E Paul Bloomquist MB DR 70 88.92 Bloomquist John F Paul Bloomquist LC LB Y/OR BB A Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Page 9 CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE In order to meet the needs of Pacific Northwest dahlia growers and exhibitors, we establish the FEDERATION of NORTHWEST DAHLIA GROWERS. The purpose of this federation is to provide a clear, progressive voice specifically for Northwest growers and originators who exhibit dahlias. By articulating the concerns of these enthusiasts, we desire to complement the chosen objectives of all other dahlia organizations - local, regional, and national. ARTICLE I - NAME and TAX STATUS Section 1 This organization shall be known as the FEDERATION of NORTHWEST DAHLIA GROWERS. Section 2 The FEDERATION of NORTHWEST DAHLIA GROWERS shall be a non-profit organization. Section 3 No part of the net earnings of this organization shall accrue to the benefit of any private shareholder or member. ARTICLE II - OBJECTIVES Section 1 To provide an organization of dahlia societies and Northwest dahlia hobbyist with common goals, who grow and exhibit dahlias. Section 2 To provide leadership in dahlia culture and improve through experiments and research the quality of exhibition, garden, and cut flower cultivars. Section 3 To educate and train dahlia judges through field experiences and workshops. Section 4 To support a trial garden with financial assistance and expertise. Section 5 To promote inter society communication by proposing solutions for common problems. Section 6 To provide yearly publications dedicated to the latest advances in dahlia culture and dahlia news around the world. Section 7 To encourage the free exchange of new ideas and methods concerning dahlias and support such innovations as merited. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 Any individual who grows and exhibits dahlias, or helps with growing and exhibiting dahlias, and seeks to further the common goals of dahlia organizations shall be eligible for membership upon application to the Governing Board and payment of the required dues, subject to the provisions of the by-laws. Section 2 Regionally unaffiliated dahlia societies hosting an annual dahlia show shall be eligible for membership upon application to the Governing Board and payment of the required dues, subject to the provisions of the By-Laws. ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS Section 1 The officers of the FEDERATION shall consist of: 1) PRESIDENT Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Page 10 CONSTITUTION 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) REGIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT to ADS SECRETARY TREASURER Two (2) MEMBERS-AT-LARGE IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Section 2 All officers must be members of the FEDERATION. Section 3 The Governing Board shall be composed of: 1. all elected officers listed in Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution, 2. one (1) home society delegate selected by each member society and 3. The Chairs of the Standing Committees (Education, Classification, Membership, Judges’ Training, and Judges’ Evaluation) as defined in Article VI - Committees, Section 1 of the ByLaws. ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1 A general meeting of the membership shall be held in the fall of each year at a place and time determined by the Governing Board. Section 2 The Governing Board shall meet at least twice annually subject to the provisions of the ByLaws. ARTICLE VI - AMENDMENTS Section 1 Amendments to the Constitution, submitted in writing by a member of the Governing Board, must be discussed at the next meeting of the Governing Board. When a majority of the Governing Board votes favorably on the proposed amendment, all individual and society members will be notified within ten days in writing of pending action. Written notification will include the exact wording of proposed change. Final action shall take place at the next meeting of the Governing Board to be scheduled not less than thirty days after distribution of notification. Section 2 An amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote by the full Governing Board for passage. Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Page 11 BYLAWS ARTICLE I - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 To maintain individual membership status, members must be a home member of at least one northwest dahlia society, and grow and exhibit, or help with growing and exhibiting dahlias on an annual basis. Section 2 To maintain societal membership status, societies shall host a dahlia show on an annual basis. ARTICLE II - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 Elected officers shall assume the duties usually incident to that office and other duties as specified by the Governing Board. Section 2 The Regional Vice-President to ADS shall assume the duties of President in his absence. In the absence of both the President and Regional Vice-President, the order of succession listed in Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply. Section 3 The Governing Board shall be the governing body of the FEDERATION OF NORTHWEST DAHLIA GROWERS. All business and property shall be managed by the Governing Board. Decisions of the Governing Board will be final. ARTICLE III - QUORUM Section 1 A majority of the total Governing Board shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special board meeting. A majority vote is required to pass any business, except an amendment which requires a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Governing Board. ARTICLE IV - DUES Section 1 Society and individual dues shall be set by the Governing Board and shall be paid on or before January 31st of each year. ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Section 1 The Governing Board shall set the time and place for all required meetings. Section 2 Special meetings of the Governing Board must convene upon the request of fifty percent of the entire Governing Board, or by request of the President. Such requests shall be directed to the Secretary who shall immediately notify the President. The President shall then call a special meeting, either by mail or telephone, to be held within fifteen days of such notice. Section 3 The general meeting of the membership to be held in the fall of each year shall be designated as the Annual Meeting of the Federation. Reports of officers and committees will be given. Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be published at least fifteen days prior to the meeting. Section 4 Any member may attend any Governing Board meeting or request a copy of the minutes from any Board meeting. ARTICLE VI - COMMITTEES Section 1 Standing committees shall be: Education, Classification, Membership, Judges’ Training, and Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Page 12 BYLAWS Judges’ Evaluation. Section 2 The President shall appoint all committee chairmen, subject to confirmation by the Governing Board. Section 3 Committee Chairmen shall appoint the members of their respective committees, subject to approval by the Governing Board. Section 4 All committees shall operate under the guidelines approved by the Governing Board. Section 5 The Governing Board may create special committees as necessary. ARTICLE VII - ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1 The election of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting in each odd-numbered year. Section 2 The officers shall be nominated and elected in accordance with the above Article VII, Section 1. A majority vote of those individual members present and voting shall elect. Section 3 The term of office shall be for two years. Section 4 Any vacancy, except the office of President, shall be filled by pro-tem appointment of the President and approved by the Governing Board. A vacancy in the presidency shall be filled by a vote of the Governing Board. Section 2 Special meetings of the Governing Board must convene upon the request of fifty percent of the entire Governing Board, or by request of the President. Such requests shall be directed to the Secretary who shall immediately notify the President. The President shall then call a special meeting, either by mail or telephone, to be held within fifteen days of such notice. Section 3 The general meeting of the membership to be held in the fall of each year shall be designated as the Annual Meeting of the Federation. Reports of officers and committees will be given. Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be published at least fifteen days prior to the meeting. Section 4 Any member may attend any Governing Board meeting or request a copy of the minutes from any Board meeting. ARTICLE VI - COMMITTEES Section 1 Standing committees shall be: Education, Classification, Membership, Judges’ Training, and Judges’ Evaluation. Section 2 The President shall appoint all committee chairmen, subject to confirmation by the Governing Board. Section 3 Committee Chairmen shall appoint the members of their respective committees, subject to approval by the Governing Board. Section 4 All committees shall operate under the guidelines approved by the Governing Board. Section 5 The Governing Board may create special committees as necessary. ARTICLE VII - ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1 The election of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting in each odd-numbered year. Section 2 The officers shall be nominated and elected in accordance with the above Article VII, Section 1. A majority vote of those individual members present and voting shall elect. Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers Page 13 BYLAWS Section 3 The term of office shall be for two years. Section 4 Any vacancy, except the office of President, shall be filled by pro-tem appointment of the President and approved by the Governing Board. A vacancy in the presidency shall be filled by a vote of the Governing Board. Section 5 Each member society will select one of its home members as a delegate to the Governing Board. The delegate will take his seat immediately upon written notification from the society. A society may change its delegate at any time and forward written notification to the FEDERATION. ARTICLE VIII - DISSOLUTION Section 1 Should the FEDERATION OF NORTHWEST DAHLIA GROWERS, through any circumstances, cease to exist, it shall be the duty of the Governing Board to settle all FEDERATION accounts and donate any remaining funds to: Metropolitan Park Department, Point Defiance Park, Tacoma, Washington. ARTICLE IX - PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Section 1 The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern in cases which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws. ARTICLE X - AMENDMENTS Section 1 Amendment to the By-Laws, submitted in writing by a member of the Governing Board, must be discussed at the next meeting of the Governing Board. When a majority of the Governing Board votes favorably on the proposed amendment, all individual and society members will be notified within ten days, in writing, of pending action. Written notification will include the exact text wording of proposed change. Final action shall take place at the next meeting of the Governing Board to be scheduled not less than thirty days after distribution of notification. Section 2 An amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote by the full Governing Board for passage. Section 3 An approved amendment shall take effect immediately. Signed and adopted November 18, 1984. Harold Miller Edgar Corning William Dungan Richard C. Matthies Barney Welch Birdie M. McCartney Lewis G. Bloom C. Phillip Traff Dan Sharp Elsie Dungan Patricia F. Matthies Steve Shackleton William J. Rigby Susan K. Ambrose Pauline Fanning Ed Redd Roger L. Walker Les Connell Linda Shackleton Marvin McCartney Federation of Northwest Dahlia Growers 6343 Tracy ton Blvd. NW Bremerton, WA 98311 Newsletter Place Stamp here Fall 2014 Federation website: Email: Federation Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To provide an organization of dahlia societies and common goals for Northwest dahlia hobbyists who row and exhibit dahlias. To provide leadership in dahlia culture and improve through experiments and research the quality of exhibition, garden, and cut flower cultivators. To educate and train dahlia judges through field experiences and workshops. To support a trial garden with financial assistance and expertise. To promote inter-society communication by proposing solutions for common problems. To provide yearly publications dedicated to the latest advances in dahlia culture and dahlia news around the world. To encourage the free exchange of new ideas and methods concerning dahlias and support such innovation as merited.
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