13 NOVEMBER Dr Allan Meyer will be speaking at the Men’s Conference this Thursday 13th at East. The conference is free for all men and starts at 7pm, see below for more details. Come along to a location near you this Sunday for an inspiring message, then spend some time afterwards over a coffee catching up with friends or making new friends. Missed a service? Go to our website for sermon notes, lifegroup notes and to listen to last week’s sermon. See Luke’s blog for more news on what’s happening around all our locations. www. elimchristiancentre .org.nz whats on where key: NORTH Location CITY Location EAST Location SOUTH Location acrossalllocations MENS CONFERENCE 2014 Calling all Men! With Dr Allan Meyer from Melbourne Australia. Dr Meyer led Careforce Church in Melbourne for 26 years and co-founded Careforce Lifekeys, creating resources for discipleship, church health & evangelism. Dr Meyer also created the Valiant Man programme, focussed on fortifying & restoring the moral & spiritual integrity of men. Don’t miss this opportunity to be encouraged & inspired. No charge, however an offering will be taken. Elim Christian Centre East, 159 Botany Rd Auckland. Thursday 13th November 7pm. EMTC Open Day Come along to open day at EMTC Saturday 15th November 9am to 12.40pm at 198 Mahia Road Wattle Downs to give you a taste of what life is like at College. Join in real lectures, enjoy morning tea with the faculty and students, ask questions about College & tour the campus. Enter the draw for 6 months free study! Text 021 304 075 or call 951 2359 to enrol, email or see our website. Spotlight on Family Spotlight on family Let them speak for themselves. How often do people speak about your child, in their presence, rather than directly to them? “Will he want a drink?” “How’s she getting on with her teacher?” “I bet he loves having a new baby brother.” Kids can be unpredictable, sometimes blunt, and often will need a bit of coaching to take part in a conversation with another adult. Don’t let that put you off - send your child a really empowering message next time someone asks about them by inviting them into the conversation.“I’m not sure, let’s ask her”, or “He can tell you a bit about that himself”, are gentle ways to remind others, and your child, that they are their own person, with their own thoughts and feelings, who can answer for themselves. More parenting Hot Tips from The Parenting Place. Visit our blog for more ideas and stories. NORTH NORTH service times 10am - Steve Green 25 YEARS OF ELIM CHRISTIAN CENTRE IN north A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped to make the 25 years celebration weekend such a success, Steve & I and the team couldn’t have done it without each one of you. We are blessed to have such an amazing North family. BABY DEDICATIONS & WATER BAPTISMS Planned for Sunday 23rd November. If you are interested in being baptised or having your baby/child dedicated & haven’t put your name down please contact the Church Office on 430 4280 or see the info area team on Sunday. LIFE GROUP LEADERS & COACHES LUNCH Sunday 30th November 12pm in the auditorium. Please email your RSVP to marama.maxted@elim.org.nz or see Marama. cit y https://s.yimg.com/ea/img/-/130626/logo_400_18sku89-18sku8f.jpg https://s.yimg.com/ea/img/-/130626/ service times logo_400_18sku89-18sku8f.jpg 10am - Mike Griffiths 2pm - Shane Huang (Mandarin Service) 6pm - Hayley Barrett Sunday Night Live A series of inspiring messages over 8 weeks. This Sunday night – Big Sunday! Pastor Haley Barrett will share a message with us. All Welcome! SATURD AY East ER 15 TH N O V E M B 4PM TOam 8.30am, 10am,12PM 11.30 - Luke Brough 159 BOTA NY ROAD pm - Tamil service STALLS FOOD 5 6 pm –AND Boyd Ratnaraja CONCERT service times A KIDS ZONE SATURDAY INTERNATIONAL DAY C E L E B R AT I N G T H E C U LT U R A L D I V E R S I T Y W I T H I N E L I M Bob Isgrove Sadly Bob Isgrove passed away on Monday after a battle with cancer. He was an old fishing mate of Luke's, with strong ties to the church here. The funeral is planned for next Monday 17th November at 12.30pm in the auditorium at East. More details to follow. Please pray for his family as they prepare to farewell Bob. International Day This Saturday 15th November 12-4pm. Come along and celebrate the diversity of cultures we have here at Elim. With plenty of cultural foods, concert items to enjoy & kids zone. All proceeds go towards Christmas Box. south service times 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am - Boyd Ratnaraja Youth Prayer Meeting Thursday nights in the Chapel from 7pm. We will be praying for our Oxygen youth church and also James Cook High School. See Josh Notton for more info. Introduction to Elim – Sunday 30th November, 1pm Is an opportunity to meet our Pastors and learn about our history, how we are organised, our core Biblical beliefs, our vision and the future of Elim Christian Centre. Lunch will be provided, so please assist us with our catering by letting us know at the info area or contacting the church office if you are planning to attend. KAI + 1 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need (Roman’s 122:13). Do you find you have extra food cooked when serving your meals? Freeze it, bring it to church and we will store it so others may be blessed. Food can be dropped off at the chapel on Sunday mornings or at the office during the week. Team meeting For all ushers/greeters, carpark/security, childrens ministry, worship and hospitality team members on Sunday 23rd November at 1pm. BBQ lunch provided. It is important you come along and hear Boyd’s vision for 2015. Evergreens SENIORS Evergreens A group for seniors. Next meeting Friday 21st November at 12pm. Bring along a plate of food for a shared lunch. Powerzone Christmas Craft day At all services on Sunday 30th November. Invite your friends for a fun day, see you there! 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