Document 436900

Joy and Peace in ALL things… Philippians 4:1‐13 TFCA TABERNACLE SEASON UPDATES
TFCA Weekly
The latest information is on the website at
Check the “Full Calendar” on the home page. Staff phone numbers and
e-mail addresses can be found in “Full Contact Info” footer (home page).
That Christ Be King in Our Lives and in the Lives of Others REGULAR SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE
8 am Eucharist
Columbia Baptist Church in the Chapel
103 W. Columbia St, Falls Church, VA 22046
9 & 11 am Services
Primary Location:
Bishop O’Connell High School (BOC)
6600 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22213
Alternate Location:
Falls Church High School (FCHS)
7524 Jaguar Trail, Falls Church, VA 22042
Important Upcoming Dates for Our Church
The falls church Anglican
Parish Vote at morning Services
Evening Prayer
Commitment Sunday + Operation Christmas Child
November 27
Joy and Peace in ALL things… Philippians 4:1‐13 † Services †
Rector’s Message
Columbia Baptist Chapel
8 am · Eucharist Rite 1
Bishop O’Connell H. S.
9 am · Holy Communion
11 am · Holy Communion
Columbia Baptist Sanctuary
Noon · Healing Service
Parish Vote
November 16
November 23
Week of November 16‐22, 2014 “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.”
Joel 2:28 Encounter With God Memory Verse for the Week
See Page 2
In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS)
refused to review a Minnesota Supreme Court case in
which that court had ruled there was no constitutional
right for a same sex couple to be married—the SCOTUS rationale for not taking the case then was that “it
did not raise a federal question,” i.e., this was not the
business of the federal courts.
Pledge Sunday
& Operation
Christmas Child
See Pages 2, 11
November 30
Vestry Nominations close
A Note About TFCA Worship Locations 2014-2015
The above locations are our primary places for worship. Occasionally
Bishop O’Connell is not available, and at those times we use Falls
Church High School as our alternate site. Normally when there is a
change of venue, we will notify the congregation via e-mail along with
an announcement on the website and here, on the back of the Weekly. If you are attending TFCA and do not receive mailings or e-mails from
us, you may not be in the database. You can fill out a Parishioner
Information Form (PIF) on the website at
Questions? (571) 282-0505 or
TFCA Weekly Nominations in Nov
See Page 2
Sermon Series:
Questions Jesus Asked
Nov 16:
Have You Any Fish?
(see page 6)
Next Week:
Commitment Sunday
Sermon schedule on web:
“Featured Events” at
Search/download new or
archived sermons from Sermons” (on home page).
Last week the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth
Circuit (Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Michigan)
decisively upheld state bans on same sex marriages. In
view of the rapid move in various courts to invalidate
such laws and thereby legalize same sex marriage, this
is a big decision. The main point in the decision is the
Circuit Court’s conclusion that this is an issue that
should be decided by the people rather than judges,
and that if society does indeed define marriage as the
union of a man and a woman and as having to do
with reproduction and procreation, this is a rational
basis for traditional laws regarding marriage.
In 2013, when SCOTUS ruled in the Windsor case
by striking down the Defense of Marriage Act, this
prior decision by SCOTUS was not mentioned
(debated) because the cases were quite different. So
the Court has not yet ruled on whether or not restricting marriage to a man and a woman is unconstitutional.
Those pressing for the legalization of same sex
marriage have claimed that the 14th Amendment renders restrictions on same sex marriage unconstitutional. But the Sixth Circuit’s opinion states “[n]obody in
this case, however, argues that the people who adopted the 14th Amendment understood it to require the
States to change the definition of marriage.”
(continued on inside cover)
For information or to comment on this publication: (571) 282-0505.
Publishing Team: Susan Fertig-Dykes, Geary Morris, Anna Lacey, Jim Long.
Volunteers needed for collating, 9 am on Fridays.
The falls church Anglican
The Falls Church Anglican Main Office: 3190 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 Youth Ministry: Marcoin Building, 150 S. Washington St, Falls Church, VA 22046. (571) 282‐0100 · · EVENTS THIS WEEK OR COMING SOON
Connections Center
Please drop by our Center on
Sundays to find out more about
TFCA. Stay connected and fill out
the form at
Contact: Erin O’Keefe at,
(571) 282-0700.
TFCA Bookstore:
Today is the last
planned Sunday for
Christmas and
Advent sales on-site at
Bishop O’Connell.
Today: Parish Vote & Evening Prayer.
After our voting process is complete this
morning, we will come together again as
a church family this to worship, hear the
results of the vote, and share in a time of
celebration thanking God for His plan for
us—whether that plan is for us to have
this new home or not. We hope our
entire congregation can be part of this
special Worship Service at 5 pm at
Bishop O’Connell High School
All are warmly invited to attend Mary
Amendolia’s Ordination to the Priesthood
to take place 7 pm, Thu, Dec 4, Restoration
Anglican Church, 1815 North Quincy Street,
Arlington. Reception to follow. RSVP: Mary
Please pray and nominate potential Vestry candidates for election to the
Vestry in 2015. To serve on the Vestry, nominees must be Confirmed TFCA
members, age 18 or older and are expected to be mature in faith, experienced
in serving the church, making regular contributions, taking Communion, and
confident of their unearned place in heaven by Jesus' grace-filled act of
redemption. Elected Vestry members serve for 3-year terms. Send nominee's
full name and contact information to David Andrukonis at for consideration. The Vestry asks that you not contact the individual before submitting a nomination, as the Vestry will engage in a
vetting process before contacting nominees. Nominations are open through the
end of Nov 2014.
Rector’s Message (continued from cover):
Judge Sutton, who wrote the majority opinion for this Sixth Circuit panel of
judges, stated:
[a] dose of humility makes us hesitant to condemn as unconstitutionally irrational a view of marriage shared not long ago by every society in the world, shared by most, if not all our ancestors, and shared
today by a significant number of the States.
The majority opinion doesn’t question the fact that society’s perspective on
this question is shifting, but its point is it is the American people who should
affirm this expansion of marriage definition and not the judiciary, i.e. this
judge is saying that the recent trends in the courts to allow same sex marriage
are anticipating a social change that society has yet to make. Until this ruling
not one federal circuit appellate court had decided to uphold even one state
constitutional ban on same sex marriage. Now there is a split in the U.S. Circuit Courts. It seems as though SCOTUS will have to confront this question,
and that is something to be praying about.
TFCA’s Fall Congregation Event: Sun, Nov 23!
A Shoebox Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child!
**TODAY: Pick up a few ornaments with info about what
to bring! Ornaments available today and next Sunday from
the Christmas trees in the Lobby or Cafeteria. Instructions available in the
Cafeteria or online:
**Next Sunday: Bring your purchased items and drop them off on your way
into church. Then after the 9 & 11 am Services follow the crowd to the Small
Gym to serve side by side, packing Christmas boxes.
It’s not too late to volunteer! Contact Kathryn:
Serve with TFCA Ministry Partners in our community:
New Season of TFCA’s Tax Help Ministry: Greeters, Translators, and Tax
Preparers Needed! Every year TFCA volunteers help file taxes for low income
individuals in the community. No experience necessary; training provided. To
learn more, contact Nar at
Thanksgiving for the Homeless: Donate food or volunteer your time! New
Hope Fellowship is hosting a Thanksgiving Worship Service and meal for the
guests of The Lamb Center. Sign up to help: donate/bring food, help set up/
cleanup, or help serve the meal. More info:
or contact Nar at
Volunteer with Falls Church Homeless Shelter! A variety of ways to volunteer,
with varying commitment levels. Make a meal or pack lunches, drive/deliver
laundry to be cleaned, collect/deliver food staples and supplies for a week,
serve as volunteer staff at the shelter. For more information go to:
www.fallschurchshelterfriends. org /volunteer/.
No experience necessary: Samaritan Advocates is a Christian nonprofit,
providing free legal advice and prayer to individuals/families in the Culmore
area. Greeters, prayer ministers, and translators needed the 4th Sat/month.
More info: Nar Coleman at or (571) 282-0802.
Racing... to Feed the Hungry, Nov 22: Support the Columbia Baptist Food
Pantry! Spend Yourself® 5k run/3k walk at 8 am, Nov 22. Participants
encouraged to bring canned or dry goods to race day. For more information
go to:
Find other ways to serve our community in the volunteer opportunity
Scratch Pad to Hatch Plans SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
SENIORS (All welcome regardless of church affiliation.)
Wed Bible Class: 10 am-Noon. Study of Psalms with Rev. Lubelfeld.
Columbia Baptist, Room 115.
A Day at National Harbor: Nov 20, 10 am-4 pm. Shop, ride the Capital
Wheel, dine, visit The Awakening. $15 Covers van transportation. RSVP to
Jenny Byrne.
 Christmas Tea and Tour: Dec 18 at Oatlands Plantation in Leesburg. Cost
$35. RSVP to Jenny Byrne.
 Bridge: Every Tue, 9:30-Noon. All welcome: beginners or seasoned players.
Call for location.
Contact: Jenny Byrne, (571) 282-0206,
Spiritual Formation & Discipleship
All rooms listed below are for current Sunday at
Bishop O’Connell High School.
Class descriptions may be found at:
Verse by Verse: 9 am, Richard Eldridge (ongoing, Room 118)
In the Word: 10:45 am, Richard Campanelli, Vern Grose, and Rich Dean
(Room 117)
Love and Respect: 9 am, Bob Varney (Library)
33 The Series: (Men) 9 am, Steve Pittman, Room 117. A 6-week video series
about authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus in his 33 years on earth. Drop
in or e-mail Steve Pittman at
Course in Biblical Peacemaking: 11 am, Sun (8 weeks) (Room 115)
Young Adults Class: 9:30 am, Karla Petty (Room 116)
Marriage Matters Now: “God’s Marriage Blueprint” utilizing Chip
Ingram’s video series: Experiencing God's Dream for Your Marriage, 11 am,
Henry and Madelin Barratt (Library)
Upcoming Programs
Young Adults at TFCA: You may be fresh out of college and starting out in
a new city. You may be a seasoned professional and a Washingtonian.
Wherever you are, however long you’ve been here, we’d love to meet you.
Our goal is to help young adults at TFCA connect in community and you’re
invited! Check out our newsletter, website or Facebook page for information
on our Sunday School class, lunches, and regular social outings. If you want
to receive our newsletter, you can sign up to do so on our Website:, Facebook:, or
e-mail us at:
An Advent Retreat at Corhaven on Dec 6! Advent gets so busy that it’s
all too easy to miss enjoying it with God and reflect on the coming of Jesus.
This retreat, led by Bill Haley on Sat, Dec 6 from 9:30 am-5 pm at Corhaven,
will help us engage Advent sweetly and deeply for a day, and make the
whole season special. See for more information and to
Please join us for our Christmas Gathering, Thu, Dec. 4, 7:30
-9:30 pm at Cherrydale Baptist to celebrate the “Good News of
Great Joy!” A joint event with the women of Cherrydale, we’ll
enjoy a time of fellowship, food, Christmas carols, Scripture reading and reflection, and a short message from our own Caryn
Dixon. A great opportunity to bring friends and neighbors. Questions, or want
to bring food? Contact Lisa Hannibal at
Advent Quiet Day: As the holiday crush approaches, hear the invitation to
make room in your life for Christ again. Join us the morning of Dec 4 at the Thu
Women’s Bible Study for a time of Advent quieting, waiting and listening prayer
to help you be present with the true (Holy) Spirit of Christmas this season. At
Cherrydale Baptist, 9:30-11:45 am, in the Sanctuary. Questions? Contact Libby
Cannizzaro at
Volunteer Opportunity: Andrew Peterson Concert
Interested in making the Andrew Peterson concert a HUGE success? We
need over 50 volunteers to make this concert possible. We are seeking
volunteers to help with all aspects of the Dec 19 concert. Whatever your
skill set, we have a place for you. To find out how you can help, contact
Lindi Jenkins at
Tickets for the concert available at
TFCA Employment Opportunities
Visit for full information.
Contemporary Worship Leader  Full-time
IT Support Specialist  Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
Director of Children & Family Ministry  Full-time
YOUTH MINISTRY Healing Prayer Hour: Sun, 11 am-12:30 pm, BOC, Room 116. May we pray for
you? This isn't a class, it's an opportunity for prayer. We pray for anyone who
stops by. For more information, contact Martha Cooper, (571) 232-7295,
Prayer at the Rail (PAR): Following scheduled Sun morning Services, prayer
teams are available to pray confidentially with you.
Wednesday Healing Eucharist: Noon Service of Holy Communion and healing
prayer in the Columbia Baptist Chapel.
Weekly “Call-Ahead” Prayer: Available on a first-come-first-served basis, Tue,
1:30-4 pm, Columbia Baptist Church, Room 203. Call TFCA’s Receptionist at
(571) 282-0100 to sign up for a half hour prayer appointment with a prayer team
who will pray for you.
Intercessory Prayer: Call our Confidential Prayer line, (571) 282-0220, and
leave your prayer request in the confidential message box or send an e-mail to: A team of intercessors will pray daily for 2 weeks
for individual requests and 4 weeks for marriages. For continued prayer, you may
resubmit your request. We welcome updates and praise reports! Be assured all
requests are kept strictly confidential, and no one will contact you concerning
your request. For requests for those in the military and their families, call the
Confidential Prayer line at (571) 282-0221.
Every Sunday, All are invited to Pray for Our Nation from 10:30-11 am outside
the Chapel at Bishop O’Connell High School. For information contact Judy Stokes
at or (703) 941-7828.
Evening of Healing Prayer, Tue Dec 9, Columbia Baptist, Room 146. Do you
need prayer for physical healing or inner healing? Our specially trained prayer
teams are available for one hour sessions. Please contact Scott Thompson at (571)
282-0224 or to schedule 7-8 pm or 8-9 pm. Reservations
in advance are required.
A Testimony from Our Recent Conference
In preparation for the retreat the words "Where the Spirit of God is there is
liberty" came to mind, over and over again. During my personal prayer time on
Thursday evening with two members of the prayer team I shared some events that
had occurred in my life that I thought possibly were the cause of my not
having the true liberty and freedom that Christians should have. In prayer we
walked down some events in my life but to no avail. There seemed to be something
else. And then it happened. Judith McNutt mentioned the encounter of the rich
young ruler with Jesus and the fact that it is easier for a camel to go through the
eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. I had read
the story many times and have been reminded that things that are impossible with
man are possible with God because all things are possible with God and God can
do miracles. But when she said that the only way for this to happen was for the
camel to get down on all fours and then have everything taken off of him then
squeeze through the “eye” door, I realized I had missed something. The camel could
not squeeze through with all the things that he had to carry. Likewise I could not get
close to God the way that I wanted to unless I was willing to be stripped down and
removed of all that baggage I had been carrying around all the these years. That was
my role. He was willing to do His role but I had to b e willing to play my role and
let Him do His role or else it would not happen. So I said yes to Him and He has
been removing all the baggage layer by layer ever since the retreat and if I continue
to be willing I am sure He will continue this process until I go to meet Him. And
now I can say with fresh meaning and understanding, "Where the Spirit of God is
there is liberty." And it's real. ( Bob Mannon)
Director: Jim Byrne, (301) 704-2732
Youth Office (571) 282-0300,
The Purpose of The Student Ministry of Crossroads and Cornerstone is to bring glory to
God by helping young people come to healthy maturity in Christ Jesus.
CROSSROADS (middle school) Grades 6-8:
Preston Hansen, (703) 303-5699 or
Bekah Valerio, (571) 277-3781
BREAKAWAY (MAR 6-8) REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Register online at or pick up flier and return to
Youth Office. Don’t miss out! Plan today and invite lots of friends!
Crush: Middle School, Sun morning class 9-10:30 am, in Cafeteria.
Crossroads tonight: 4:30-6:15 pm at Capital Life Church, 1800 N. Glebe
Rd, Arlington. Bring friends & money for Snack Shack treats.
Operation Christmas Child: Next Sun, Nov 23, 10:30 am & 12:30 pm in
Upper Gym. Come help fill boxes (the goal is 1000!) and bring Christmas
joy to kids around the world!
The Gift: Sun, Dec 14. Middle School 6-8 pm at Cherrydale Baptist, 3910
Lorcom Ln, Arlington. Bring Homemade Cookies to share! Start inviting
your friends now for a great Christmas celebration!
Save the Date! The Gift: Dec 14; 7th Grade Snow Day: Jan 24; Breakaway
2015: Mar 6-8; Overflow Spring Brk Missions: Mar 31-Apr 2; 8th Grade
Weekend: Apr 17-19; Fusion: Jul 6-10; Pittsburgh Mission Trip: Jul 13-17.
CORNERSTONE (high school) Grades 9-12
Mike Steenhoek,, (703) 635-8865 or
Rachel Hansen,, (540) 908-5158
BREAKAWAY (FEB 13-16) REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Register online at or pick up flier. Don’t miss out!
Start inviting your friends!
Class of 2015! Senior Florida Trip 3/28-4/3: Registration is open! $200
deposit saves your spot:
Crew: HS discipleship class, Sun mornings 9-10:15 am, Room 113.
Cornerstone Tonight! 6:30-9 pm, Capital Life Church, 1800 N. Glebe Rd,
Arlington. Invite friends and bring $5 for food.
Operation Christmas Child: Next Sun, Nov 23, 10:30 am & 12:30 pm in
Upper Gym. Come help fill boxes (the goal is 1000!) and bring Christmas
joy to kids around the world!
The Gift: Sun, Dec 14, High School 6:30-8:30 pm at Cherrydale Baptist,
3910 Lorcom Ln, Arlington. Bring homemade cookies to share! Start
inviting your friends now for a great Christmas celebration!
Youth Confirmation Class for High School Age Students: Begins Sun, Feb 1.
This class is taught by David Gustafson,, and
consists of 10 required sessions. HS students who complete the requirements of the course (class attendance, memorization, reading, quizzes, and
interview with clergy) will be confirmed on May 3 at the annual
Confirmation Service with Bishop John Guernsey at Bishop O'Connell
HS. Text is Your Confirmation by John Stott (available in class).
Save the Date! The Gift: Dec 14; Cornerstone Breakaway 2015: Feb 13-16;
SR FL Trip: Mar 28-Apr 3; Pittsburgh Mission Trip: Jul 13-17.
My Thanksgivings
Helping Families Love and Follow Jesus in Community With One Another Regular Sunday Morning Kid Connection
Nursery care and small groups for children birth – grade 5
are offered during the Services at 9 & 11 am.
Visitors: Sign in at Nursery or Kid Connection Welcome
Nursery: Care is available for children under the age of 2.
Preschoolers: Meet in classes grouped by age.
Elementary-age: Children meet in small groups by grade.
Please pick up children promptly after the Service.
Nursery TODAY: 9 am Team D (Serebrov/Bardot/Olsen); 11 am Team K
Nursery 11/23: 9 am Team E (George); 11 am Team L (Vakerics).
Joy and peace in ALL things…. Philippians 4:1‐13 My Thanksgivings
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child church-wide
shoebox “packing party” to be held after each Service.
This is the last week to pick up a few ornaments with info
about what to bring on 11/23! Ornaments available on the
Christmas Trees in the Lobby or Cafeteria. Instructions
available in the Cafeteria or online:
Are You a New or Expectant Mother? We would love to pray for you and your
family! Contact Guild of the Christ Child Prayer Coordinator, Kelly McFadden,, to be added to our prayer list.
CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY SERVICE: Would your 3rd, 4th or 5th
grade child like to be a part of our Christmas Eve drama? If you
did not receive the informational letter or e-mail and have a
child of this age, please contact Rachel Hinkle at, so that we may forward that
information to you.
Advent Materials for Families available starting today. There are two options to
choose from based on the age(s) of your children. One Advent material per
family, please. Get yours while supplies last!
Need to speak to someone on the Children & Family Ministry staff team?
Carolyn Wright –, (571) 282-0402
Tammy Palusky –, (571) 282-0405
Rachel Hinkle –, (571) 282-0400
Joy and peace in ALL things…. Philippians 4:1‐13 -8-
Need some help and don’t know where to turn? The Care Team is a core of TFCA
trained volunteers dedicated to assisting parishioners with a variety of needs. The
Team is led by the Rev. Lisa Henderson. Contact us Mon-Fri, at (571) 282-0201,
Alone on the Holidays? Would you like to attend a holiday meal with another
TFCA family? We have gracious hosts who would love to include you in their
Thanksgiving celebrations! We will do our best to accommodate special needs.
Please call the Care Team at (571) 282-0201.
Have you been looking for a way to reach out and encourage others...but don't
know quite how to do that? We would love to have you join us as a sermon
transcriber. A member of our team types the Sunday sermon from the audio that is
recorded each Sunday morning. The electronic and printed versions are available
to parishioners to share with others so that even more folks can be enriched by
God's word to us. Each transcription takes 2-4 hours and can be done at home on
your own computer. Guidelines will be provided; typing and basic editing skills are
useful. Team members participate in a rotation schedule of once every 4-6 weeks.
Hospitalized? We want to offer ways your church can pray for and share the
love of Jesus with you at this time. If you wish, lay volunteer visitors & clergy
would love to visit you. Please call the Care Team at (571) 282-0201 or TFCA’s
Receptionist at (571) 282-0100.
Light for the Path: A safe, confidential support group for women whose husbands
have struggled with sexual addiction, pornography usage, or extramarital affairs.
Meets Mondays 7:30-9:15 pm. Contact or call the
Rev. Lisa Henderson at (571) 282-0204.
Needs & Blessings
Submission to Needs & Blessings from TFCA parishioners and ministries only, subject to approval/
editing by Glenis Pittman, Ads run 2 Sundays and are posted on the website in TFCA Weekly. Deadline 5 pm Sunday. No business promotions. Ad can be submitted for a maximum of 3 times as space allows. TFCA does not guarantee, recommend, or endorse any of the jobs, goods, or services being offered or those making the offerings. Seek Family for Nanny-Share in Arlington, Alexandria or Falls Church: We are looking for a
family with whom to share our wonderful nanny. She has been caring for our 14-mo-old
daughter for about a year. We live near Shirlington & are open to hosting/co-hosting.
Hours: 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri. Reply to
Young Newlyweds Seek Temporary Housing: Needed for up to one year. Clean,
responsible, with excellent references. Interested in private living space with kitchen, up to
$1200/mo. Open to location; inside Beltway preferred. Contact:
Seek Room/Apt w/ Metro Access Jan 10-May 3: For 21-yr-old male, junior from Rice Univ
in Houston. He’s selected to be a White House intern. Can pay minor rent if required & will
gladly assist w/ house chores. We vouch that you will enjoy meeting this outstanding
student. Contact Neil & George Hooper at, (202) 686-9250.
Seek Babysitter 4-5:30 pm Sundays during group Bible study. Care for children under 5
during our weekly Bible study. Will pay. Contact Daniel Byler at
Seek Rental Housing Starting Feb/March: For retired pastor parents moving here to support
young couple w/ baby as son-in-law receives surgery/treatment at NIH for returning brain
cancer. 4 adults & 6-mo-old hoping for 3-4 bedrooms. The young family’s current housing is
too small to add people. Please call Mary Hamilton at (703) 343-5713.
Seek Estate Sale Management: My uncle, Hal Davis, delighted in serving in Jesus & TFCA for
many years. As he is with the Lord now, is someone within our church able to manage the
estate sale in a way that glorifies God? Contact Nancy Ziegelbauer at or TFCA’s Care Team at (571) 282-0201,
Seek New Home for 1 or Both of Our Beautiful Cats: (5 yrs & 3 yrs old). Kristin’s allergy is a
factor necessitating this change. Contact Kristin at (805) 501-6918.
Seek Babysitting/Child Care: For my 11-mo-old once or twice/wk, 8 am-2:30 pm. Contact
Kristin at (805) 501-6918;
Sermon Notes
Sunday, November 16, 2014
The Rev. Nicholas Lubelfeld, 8 am, Columbia Baptist Chapel
The Rev. Dr. John W. Yates II, 9 and 11 am, Bishop O’Connell Auditorium
Sermon Series: Questions Jesus Asked
“Have You Any Fish?”
Scripture Readings: John 21:1-14; 1 John 5:1-12
Two thoughtful comments on this strange story:
“How dreadfully easy it is for Christian workers to get the impression that
we’ve got to do it all. God, we imagine, is waiting passively for us to get
on with things. If we don’t organize it, it won’t happen. If we don’t tell
people the good news, they won’t hear it. If we don’t change the world, it
won’t be changed. ‘He has no hands but our hands,’ we are sometimes
“What a lot of rubbish. Whose hands made the sun rise this morning?
Whose breath guided us to think, and pray, and love, and hope? Who is
the Lord of the world, anyway?” (N.T. Wright)
“Jesus doesn’t need the work of our lives any more than He needs anything
else from us, yet He commands us to bring Him our fish. He holds all the
power and authority and is complete in Himself, but the risen Christ asks
for our labor. And He is somehow pleased with it. The Lord values our
work. He sees our work as part of His creative endeavor. In our work we
become creators made in the image of the Great Creator; and our work is
beautiful to God because it is a created thing that imitates His great work of
the creation of heaven and earth...Work is to be a legitimate expression of
our identity, but it is not our identity, and therein lies all the difference.
When we make work our identity, we make it an idol. When you say, ‘I
am what I do,’ or ‘I am my success,’ then what happens when you cease to
be a success? What happens when you are too old to work or you get
fired? Are you still your work? Do you see the balance that the risen Lord
of glory wants? We love our work and we should, but we must not idolize
it. We must count out our clients, count out our fish to Him. He is pleased
as we do that, but not if we make it an idol.” (Skip Ryan)
Week of November 16, 2014 (Please place this in your Bible for easy reference.)
Pray for: Bishops in the Anglican Church, specifically: Foley Beach; John Guernsey; Julian
Dobbs; “Daughter” Churches: Potomac Falls Anglican, Potomac Falls, VA; St. Brendan’s,
Washington, DC; Christ the King, Alexandria; Christ Church Vienna; Restoration Anglican,
Arlington; All Nations DC, Washington, DC; Winchester Anglican; Incarnation Church,
Williamsburg, VA
DOMA: Christ the Redeemer Church, Centreville, VA.
Sue Vernalis with Christian Embassy; Ludy Green, Second Chance Employment Services;
John and Debbie Hervey serving with Frontiers; Jim and Grace Harrelson, Samaritan’s Purse
Parishioners in Ministry in the Community: Vicki Peterson, Business Admin; Ana Petillo,
Student; Lucy Petillo, Student
Parishioners Serving Abroad: Timothy Allen; Phil & Debbi Barth; Robert & Sara Buckley;
Jonathan & Laurie Howard and family; Bernard & Patricia Myers and family; Lisa Pittman;
Roberta Rossi; Schleicher family; Kevin Somers; Robyn & Daniel Russell
Friends Serving Our Country Abroad:
Wesley Chapman; Austin Jackson; Major Michael Starz; Daniel Lyell
Births and Adoptions:
Parishioners in Hospital: Bishop Julius Gachuche
Others in Hospital: Eli Gladdens; Patricia Bisenius
Parishioners in Need of Prayer:
Bob Wormald; Liz Mullan; Arianna Aggen; John Alexander; Homer Ambrose; Kay Anderson; Allyson Armistead; Whitney Ball; Carrie Beresford; Sharon Betts; Agnes & David Burke;
Chris Butler, Jim Byrne; Bill Clayton; Nar T. Coleman; Lorraine Counihan; Mike Cromartie;
Krista Cummings; Liangliang Feng; Sam Gillespie family; Phyllis Gross; Donna Forester;
Karen Fowler Foster; Bing Fuller; Chester Gore; Steven Grossmann; Heidi Knechtle; Bob,
Debbie & Katie Koth; Rolf Lang; Audrey Leonard; Suzanne Martinez; Joyce McCarten; Sue
Munson; Gail Nolan; Maureen Olbon; Ann & Dick Pellerin; David Pugh; Victor Reese;
Gretchen Robertson; Betsy Robson; Ann Schultz; M.E. Shehata; Henry Smith; Loring
Starnes; Tom Tarrants; Anna Van Lier; Samuel Waters; Marie Wheat; Donna Wills; Mal
Others in Need of Prayer:
Sophia Jane Anderson; the Barkes Family; Susan Harding; Nancy Giere McKay and twins;
Art Coppersmith; Joyce Reed; Joan Delaney; Will Clark; Len Taing; Phillip Chumley; James
Holman; Jerrie Dearborn; Allen Moses; Stuart Williams; Tori Blake; Unborn Baby Mejia;
Fae Brunson; Patsy Casey; Joe Colucci; Cheryl Coltrin; Robert Cornwell; Jim Firth; Bill
Forester; Jimmy Howard; Katharine Ketron; Ann Knechtle; Robert Oakley; Charles A.
Pellegrini; Joyce Reed; Jasna Rosera; Chris Schelble; Carol Slaton; Sandra Sundin; Ron
Uphill; Gregory Veres; Carl Zdarstek
Harry Reed, stepfather of Toni Hill (Nov 8); Ollie Bell Clinard, sister of Henry Smith
Flowers Given in Memory of: John Emack Duvall
To request a Sunday flower memorial, contact Lee Howard at To request a name be added to the Prayer List, call (571) 282‐0100 or e‐mail Names remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks, unless an extension is requested ahead of time. Sermon podcasts and text can be found on the website at Link to the
entire sermon archive from the “Sermons” tab on the home page.
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons
and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men
shall see visions.” Joel 2:28 Encounter With God Memory Verse for the Week