42 W

7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00 noon
Phone: 856-235-0181
Email: parish@olgcnj.org
Emergency Sick Calls: 856-425-0181
Very Rev. Damian McElroy, V.F. , Pastor
Rev. Matthew Pfleger, Parochial Vicar
Dr. Frank McAneny, Principal
Phone: 856-235-7885
Email: school@olgcnj.org
Joseph A. Paul, David Papuga, Ed Heffernan
Tom Kolon, John F. Bertagnolli, Jr.
and John Scanlon
Dr. Linda M. Dix, Director
Phone: 856-235-7136
Email: reprogram@olgcnj.org
November 16, 2014
Page 2
All Seniors and Nine O’Clockers
Saturday, St. Albert the Great, November 15
9:00 AM Millie and Domenic Cristinzio, Joseph Nicholas
5:00 PM Helene Frelicot, Emma Bevan
Sunday, Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16
7:30 AM William and Antoinette Clark, Ed Wittenberger
9:00 AM Stanley and Ruth Staniski, Antonio Barbato
10:30 AM Joseph Corosanite, John Duca
10:30 AM (Gym) Bernadette C. Carney, Dr. Rolando Segovia
12:00 PM Joseph Banas, Matthew Dumser
Monday, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, November 17
6:30 AM Lauds
9:00 AM Nancy Calcerano, George Gaydosh
Tuesday, The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and
Paul, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, November 18
6:30 AM Lauds
9:00 AM Leonora Sbraccia, Tommy Webb
Wednesday, Weekday, November 19
6:30 AM Lauds
9:00 AM Felino Singh Sr., Beth Harrigan (5th Anniversary)
Thursday, Weekday, November 20
6:30 AM Lauds
9:00 AM Phyllis Roadside, Thomas F. Harwood
Friday, The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
November 21
6:30 AM Lauds
9:00 AM Maria Edelstein (Healing), Raymond Dion
Saturday, St. Cecilia, November 22
9:00 AM Rev. G. William Evans, Joanne Stone
5:00 PM Frederick T. & Louise Passey, Bill and Ann McGurk
Sunday, Christ the King, November 23
7:30 AM Florianna Glinska, Loretta Barone
9:00 AM Amelia Canuso, Deceased members of the Pennell,
Gamba, and Evangelista Families
10:30 AM Rose Lanzilotta, Alejandra Lapiedra
10:30 AM (Gym) Bernice Schulthese, Russo Bonifacio
12:00 PM Kevin Kavanagh, Mary B. O’Neill
Sanctuary Lamp
The Sanctuary Lamp will be burning during this week for the
following intentions:
Main Church: Cristal McKinnon
Crypt: Special Intention
Candles can be designated for the intention of anyone.
Parish Sacramental Information
Baptism: 1:30 pm First and Third Sundays of the month.
Parental Preparation Session: Second Sunday of the month at
1:15pm in the Heritage House. Please call the Parish Office to
register for both.
Reconciliation: 3:30 pm Saturdays in the Crypt Chapel.
Marriage: Arrangements are to be made a year in advance and
at least one person must be a registered member of the
parish. Couples are asked to call the parish office to schedule
an appointment with Fr. Matthew.
Please visit the Sacraments page of our website for more
information. www.olgcnj.org/parish/sacraments/
All are welcome to join us for our monthly socials which are
held on the second and fourth Tuesdays in Heritage House
following morning Mass. On Nov. 25th our presentation will be
Icons and Sacred Art presented by Mrs. Cristina DeVore.
Because December is a busy time for all of us we will meet only
once this month for our annual Christmas luncheon at the Field
Club. More details to follow. For suggestions and concerns
please feel free to contact Jane McCorkell at 235-2374 or
Noah’s Ark Ministry
Noah’s Ark is a supervised Childcare and Church Readiness
Program for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten children.
Noah’s Ark is available weekly during the 10:30am Mass and
meets in the Early Childhood Center. There is no fee for using
the services of Noah’s Ark. New “passengers” may register at
any time during the year, and parents may use these services
as often as they choose. Please visit the Noah’s Ark page on
the parish website: www.olgcnj.org. You may also contact the
Captain, Ms. Laura Kowalick at (856) 235-7136 x 4 or
Religious Education News
Registration for 2014-2015 RE Classes:
Registration is underway! Forms are available on the parish
website and in Heritage House.
Home Program: Materials will be available for pick up in the
Heritage House – Monday, Wednesday or Friday during normal
business hours.
Prayer Service and Outreach:
Monday and Tuesday,
November 17 and 18.
Grades 1- 6: Benediction Prayer Service. Children report to
and are dismissed from school building.
Grades 1 – 8: All students are asked to bring canned goods to
class, which will be brought to Catholic Charities, Emergency
Services for local families in need. Canned goods may be
brought to class throughout the month of November.
Confirmation Candidates 2015:
Books of Commitment: Will be presented at a special prayer
service: RE: December 2. OLGC School: 9:00am Mass.
Please continue to work on completing service experiences,
reflections, and all aspects of the book.
Information Sheet, Sponsor Eligibility Certificates, Retreat /
Related Expenses, Gown Orders: Forms are now due.
Confirmation Candidates 2015 and 2016:
Service Opportunities: Please check parish website for
service opportunities. Parents are asked to contact the RE
Office to register. Opportunities include: Assisting at Mass of
Remembrance, Advent Family Mass, Breakfast, Puppet Show,
caroling at Lutheran Crossings, baking casseroles, helping in
Religious Education classes, and bringing in canned goods for
families in need.
Honeywell Instant Alert: All families and volunteers are asked
to activate / update emergency contact information. Link is
available from parish website under News and Announcements.
We encourage you to check the parish website regularly
November 16, 2014
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Whole Community Catechesis
Gospel - Matthew 25:14-30
Jesus told his disciples this parable:
"A man going on a journey
called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them.
To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third, one—
to each according to his ability.
Then he went away.
Immediately the one who received five talents went and traded
with them, and made another five.
Likewise, the one who received two made another two.
But the man who received one went off and dug a hole in the
ground and buried his master's money.
"After a long time the master of those servants came back
and settled accounts with them.
The one who had received five talents came forward
bringing the additional five.
He said, 'Master, you gave me five talents.
See, I have made five more.'
His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful
Since you were faithful in small matters,
I will give you great responsibilities.
Come, share your master's joy.'
Then the one who had received two talents also came forward
and said,
'Master, you gave me two talents.
See, I have made two more.'
His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful
servant. Since you were faithful in small matters,
I will give you great responsibilities.
Come, share your master's joy.'
Then the one who had received the one talent came forward
and said,
'Master, I knew you were a demanding person,
harvesting where you did not plant
and gathering where you did not scatter;
so out of fear I went off and buried your talent in the ground.
Here it is back.'
His master said to him in reply, 'You wicked, lazy servant!
So you knew that I harvest where I did not plant
and gather where I did not scatter?
Should you not then have put my money in the bank
so that I could have got it back with interest on my return?
Now then! Take the talent from him and give it to the one with
For to everyone who has,
more will be given and he will grow rich;
but from the one who has not,
even what he has will be taken away.
And throw this useless servant into the darkness outside,
where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.'"
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time:
The week we are back to readings about the end of the world.
Jesus is talking about spiritual treasure, not money, and
experience has already proved him right. Even in this life, the
more we treasure God and pray and live in him, the more we
desire him and the more we find him, the more our love and our
enjoyment of God grow.
Questions of the Week:
Adult: In what ways have you used the gifts God has given
you for the building of the kingdom?
Child: How do you use the gifts that God gives you?
Page 3
Youth Group News
Sun. Nov. 16: Jamaica Mission Trip meeting at 2:00pm in
Heritage House. Teens interested in participating in this year’s
Mission Trip MUST attend this meeting with a parent or
guardian. Youth Group will begin an Icon class from 7:009:00pm in the cafeteria. All Retreat forms and money are due at
this gathering.
Sun. Nov. 23: Youth Group will be participating in an Icon
class from 7:00-9:00pm in the cafeteria.
Sun. Nov. 30:
General meeting
Gym/Cafeteria – Theme: Game Night
Fri. Dec. 5 – Sun. Dec. 7: Annual Youth Group Retreat – Preregistration by Nov. 16 is required.
Children & Youth Music Ministry
The Children and Youth Choirs/Ensembles will lead music at
the following Masses:
• HS Praise Band: 10:30am Mass in the Gym every Sunday,
12:00pm Youth Mass on Sunday, Nov. 16th in the church
• Youth Choir & Chapel Choir: Sun. Nov. 16 at 10:30am Mass
• Junior Choir: Saturday, Nov. 22 at 5:00pm Mass
For more information, please contact Paula Quann;
OLGC Alumni Mass
All OLGC alums are invited to celebrate the 10:30am Mass with
Fr. Damian on Sunday, Nov. 30 (Thanksgiving weekend). A
reception will be held in the cafeteria following Mass and tours
of the school will be available until 2:00 pm. Please RSVP by
Nov. 21 to Lorraine Turowski, 856-235-7885 or email
school@olgcnj.org. Hope to see you there!
Knight’s Corner
As we come to the halfway point in the month of November we
realize that the warmth of summer is far gone and the chill of
winter approaches. So too does the holiday whose name-sake
suggests the idea of giving thanks for anything and all things
that are good in our lives. Before we let the busy-ness and
hectic nature of the Christmas season envelop us, let us
remember to give thanks! The Knights of Columbus personally
offers our thanks for the participation of the parish in events,
raffles, and all your help with donated needs. Visit our website
www.moorestownknights.org and learn more about this Catholic
male fraternal organization. Who knows, maybe you could be
the next leader we are looking for.
Respect Life Quote
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I dedicated you,
a prophet to the nations I appointed you.”
— Jeremiah 1:5 (NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.)
November 16, 2014
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
March for Life
The March for Life in Washington, D.C., began as a small
demonstration and rapidly grew to be the largest pro-life event
in the world. The peaceful demonstration that has followed on
this somber anniversary every year since 1973 is a witness to
the truth concerning the greatest human rights violation of our
time, legalized abortion on demand. Would you like to
participate in the march on Thursday, January 22, 2015?
OLGC will have a bus to take you there with no expense to you!
Call Claire Howson at 856-234-6198 for more information or to
secure your seat!
Faith Sharing Program
Pope St. John Paul said that we Christians need to promote a
spirituality of communion so that the Church may become “the
home and school of communion.” Let’s discover together what
he might mean with these words and how we in our parish
community can contribute to making it a reality. You are invited
to participate in Called to be community: living a spirituality
of communion. Join us Thursday evenings from 7:30 to
8:30pm in the Heritage House, Columbus Room. There will be
two sessions: October 30 to December 11 (6 sessions) and
from March 5 to April 9 (6 sessions). For more information
contact Mary Ann at 856-313-6315.
Keep Christ in Christmas
After weekend Masses on November 22 and 23, the Knights of
Columbus will be offering Keep Christ in Christmas lawn signs.
While supplies last, families can take one home for a $5
contribution. 40% of all contributions will benefit Options for
Women, a local crisis pregnancy center. If you have a sign from
last Christmas consider buying one for a friend or family
member. Or consider making a donation, 100% of that will go to
Options. Thank you for your support.
Afternoon Bible Group
The Monday afternoon Bible Group sessions start at 12:30pm
and usually finish about 2:00 or 2:30pm the latest. Beginning
Monday, November 17th a program on "SACRED ART" will be
offered. This program will run Mondays: Nov 17th; Nov. 24th
and December 1st. This will also conclude the Bible Group's
sessions for 2014. We will resume the Great Adventure series
on February 2nd of 2015.
The “Sacred Art” program is presented through a series of
video presentations by Jem Sullivan, Ph.D. In the video, Dr.
Sullivan will teach us how to rediscover Christian art, (painting,
sculpture, or fresco) and how to appreciate these religious
masterpieces in our contemporary visual culture.
I am looking forward to continuing our Faith Journey together
again. If you have any questions please email:
hofretta@comcast.net or telephone: 856-234-8426.
Miraculous Medal Novena
The Miraculous Medal Novena will be prayed
Monday through Friday's after the 9:00 a.m. Mass
beginning November 24 through December 5
(excluding Thanksgiving). We will continue this
devotion every Monday.
Page 4
Catholic Charities’
Annual Thanksgiving
Food Drive
You can make Thanksgiving Dinner special for a family in your
community. You can donate individual items or make up a
basket/box that includes everything.
Items needed to make up food baskets:
Turkey - Stuffing – Canned Ham –Canned Vegetables –
Bisquick – Instant Potatoes – Canned Fruits – Cranberry Sauce
–Gravy – Muffin Mixes – Pie Mixes/Fillings –Grocery Gift Cards
All turkeys can be dropped off at the Rectory any time between
9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. All other food
items can be placed in the food collection boxes in the back of
the church. Thank you for helping people in need to have a
fantastic Thanksgiving dinner.
Lunch With Santa
Our annual LUNCH WITH SANTA event is right
around the corner! This year’s Lunch will be held
December 6th, immediately following the
Moorestown Holiday Parade (Approximately
12:30 - 3:00pm) 23 W. Prospect Ave. in the
OLGC Cafeteria. Cost is $5 per person or $20
per family for an all you can eat hot dogs, mac & cheese,
snacks and beverages. Santa will be there, and parents are
encouraged to bring their own cameras for pictures.
Annual Mission Trip
There will be a meeting on Sunday November 16th at 2:00pm in
the Heritage House for all those interested in joining us on our
yearly mission trip to Kingston Jamaica. Details of the trip will
be discussed at that meeting.
Our Lady’s Parish Statue
If you would like the Our Lady of Fatima statue
to visit your home, please call Marylou Relovsky
at (856) 234-0094.
Loving Life Logo Contest
Calling All High School Students – Here’s your chance to
compete to win an Apple MacBook! Here’s the challenge: use
your own unique artistic and creative skills to design a pro-life
logo for Loving Life 2015. The logo can be computer generated
or hand drawn. Most importantly, the logo should reflect your
understanding of how we show respect for God’s gift of life.
Your logo can be submitted electronically or by mail and must
include a signed release. The contest is open to all high school
students living in or attending school in the Diocese of Trenton.
The five finalist logos will be posted on the Diocesan website
and the contest winner will be chosen by the number of votes
received on the website. The winning logo will be displayed on
Diocesan respect life promotions.
The deadline for
submissions is December 1, 2014.
Please see
www.DioceseofTrenton.org/RespectLifeMinistry for contest
rules or contact Donna Goodwin at 609-403-7192 or
November 16, 2014
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
AARP Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest, free volunteer-run tax
counseling and preparation service.
Each year AARP
volunteers assist middle-income, low-income and senior
taxpayers in the preparation of their Federal and State tax
returns and their Homestead/Property Tax Rebate applications.
Counseling for Moorestown takes place on Fridays from the
beginning of February through mid-April. Several training
sessions are required for certification.
Last year, Moorestown volunteers assisted over 300 people
with non-complex returns. We use a computer program
provided by the IRS and e-file all returns. Laptops are
provided, although you may use your own computer if you
prefer. Volunteers are also needed for the Mount Laurel site.
(Fridays, Mt. Laurel Library)
To join a great team of volunteers in Moorestown please call
Tom at 856-234-7731. For Mount Laurel, please call Connie at
The following is a list of active ministries at Our Lady’s Parish and
the representative(s) for each one. If anyone is interested in
learning about these ministries, please contact the representative
Altar Linen Ministry: Bernie Moloney (856) 235-7818
Altar Servers: Deacon Ed Heffernan (856) 235-0873
Bereavement: Frank Kilkenny (856) 273-8036
Bible Study: Frank Kilkenny (856) 273-8036,
Lorraine Santarlas (856) 234-8426
Dick Lohkamp (856) 234-4322
Casserole Ministry: Colleen Ochman (856) 802-0976
Christopher Ministry: (Bus to Mass): Joe Graham (856) 778-0043
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon John Bertagnoli (856) 235-0181
Gardening Ministry: Deacon David Papuga (856) 235-0181
Gathering Sundays: Jeanne Berinson (856) 273-1248
High School Confirmation Program: Joanne Campbell (856)
Hospital Ministry (Virtua Memorial Hospital, Mt. Holly) Toni
Mulqueen (609) 877-3382
Hospitality Ministry: Deacon Ed Heffernan (856) 235-0873
Icon Ministry: Cristina DeVore (856) 313-9540
Initiation Ministry (R.C.I.A.): Deacon John Scanlon (856) 2350181
Knights of Columbus: John Sherry (856) 234-3155
Lector Training: Joanne Campbell (856) 866-8884
Mission Volunteers: Deacon John Bertagnolli (856) 235-0181
Noah’s Ark: Laura Kowalick (856) 235-7136
Nursing Home and Homebound: Jane McCorkell (856) 2352374
Our Lady of Fatima Home Statue: Marylou Relovsky (856) 2340094
Parish Health Ministry: Jane McCorkell (856) 235-2374
Religious Education Program: Dr. Linda Dix (856) 235-7136
Respect Life Committee: Deacon Tom Kolon (856) 235-0181
Sacred Music/Adult Choir: Steve Lucasi (856) 235-5395
Sacristan Ministry: Deacon Ed Heffernan (856) 235-0873
Senior Citizens Ministry: Jane McCorkell (856) 235-2374
Social Outreach: Deacon David Papuga (856) 235-0181
Special Needs Ministry: Darlene Altschuler (856) 235-7136
Summer Camp: Sr. Rosemarie Wdzieczkowski (856) 235-5371
Wedding Ministry: Fr. Matthew Pfleger (856) 235-0181
Youth Group: Sue Dowiak (856) 235-1733
Youth Music Ministry: Paula Quann (856) 235-5395
Page 5
New Diocesan Cemetery
Bishop David O'Connell will soon be breaking
ground for a new Diocesan Cemetery in
Burlington County, Jesus, Bread of Life
Catholic Cemetery. This cemetery, the first
diocesan site in our county is located at 3055
Fostertown Road in Mount Laurel. It offers a
wide variety of in-ground interment options,
Mausoleum entombment options, as well as
niches for cremated remains. For information
regarding pre-need arrangements or for all questions please
contact Deacon Ed Heffernan at (609) 847-9487.
Bulletin Articles
Articles for the bulletin need to be submitted on Fridays to
appear the next weekend (9 days prior). Submissions can be
emailed to parish@olgcnj.org.
Faith, Hope and Love at Life's End: A
Catholic Perspective on End-of-Life
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014, 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM, St. Robert
Bellarmine Parish, 61 Georgia Road, Freehold, NJ 07728.
Presenters and topics include: Rev. Mr. James Grogan on
When I Become the Matriarch or Patriarch of My Family; Rev.
Michael Manning on Catholic Doctrine and End-of-Life Medical
Decisions; Rev. Anthony Sirianni on Prayerfully Considering
End-of-Life Medical Decisions; and Rev. Msgr. Sam Sirianni on
Funeral Rites and My Faith. The cost is $10 and includes a light
www.dioceseoftrenton.org/FaithHopeLove or call 609-4037192. Co-Sponsored by the Diocese of Trenton Office of
Worship and Department of Pastoral Care.
Mary Undoer of Knots Adult Group
Our Group is for Catholic adults 21-40 who are single or
married. If you want to learn more about your faith, volunteer
some of your free-time, or socialize with others come to one of
our events.
11-17-2014 (Monday) – Bowling Night at Pinsetter’s,
Merchantville, NJ. We will meet on the benches across from
the bowling alley counter at 7:30pm. The fee for bowling is
$2.00 per game & $2.00 for shoe rental. In addition, drink &
food specials are available. Come join us for a cheap night
out! Please e-mail Rosanne at persistent21@verizon.net to be
included in the head-count.
11-23-2014 (Sunday) – “God Is” Presentation @ Francis House
of Prayer, Rancocas, NJ. This is a presentation by Jill Snyder.
Come discover God’s presence in your everyday life. Her talk
is from 2:00-4:00pm. The fee is $10.00. Please e-mail
Rosanne at persistent21@verizon.net to be included in our
12-6-2014 (Saturday) - Gift Wrapping for the Ronald McDonald
House at Deptford Mall. We will meet at 9:45am in the lower
court at JC Penny’s. Our shift is from 10:00am to Noon.
Immediately following our day of service, we’ll have lunch at
Seven Star Diner in Sewell. Please e-mail Rosanne at
persistent21@verizon.net to be included.