Harrisburg Views 2014

Hello to our HEOA Family
Oh my! Where has this year gone? We're
already into November and the cooler weather is
settling in. Those long summer days will soon be
just memories. We're in that transition period
when our air conditioners aren't needed as much
and our furnaces will be kicking on. Lawns are
slowing their growth and watering is being cut
back. The mornings and evenings are cooler.
Some of the leaves are starting to change on the
trees. Our snowbirds are making their way back.
It's good to see them again. Welcome back
Changes are taking place. The work is going
forward on the shop. The new roof of the club
house will be in place by the time this newsletter
goes to print. How nice it's going to be to not
have any more leaks in the club house. Work will
be starting on the hot tub so we can get that open
as soon as possible. We're excited to see things
getting done. After the work is completed and the
dust settles things will look great.
Thank you all who are assisting in the work!
We appreciate your help more than you know.
There's still more to be accomplished so we need
your continuing support. My grandma (and
possibly yours, too) said, “Many hands make work
light.” How true that is! Please come out and
help in whatever way you can.
As the former vice president, and now HEOA
president, I want to express my appreciation to
our board members. They volunteer their time
and their energy to serve on the board. It's a no
pay and on occasion a no thank you job.
It's difficult to please all of the residents so we do
the best we can to maintain the integrity and the
beauty and quality of life here in Harrisburg Estates.
Thank you Bob, Donna, Ed, Joe and Betty! You are all
fantastic! In the same light I want to thank Marlene,
Steve and Warren, and also those who serve on our
committees. They spend many, many hours working
to keep Harrisburg running smoothly.
Last but not least, Bob and I want to thank all of
you for the many thoughts, prayers, cards, and acts of
kindness that have been extended our way. It's been
a difficult year losing Bob's father and two of my
younger brothers. The support and the love we feel
here from our friends and neighbors mean so much.
We're grateful to live in such a wonderful community.
Kathy Van Dyke, HEOA President
Next Bi-Monthly Board Meeting
November 15, 2014
10:00 AM
Treasurer’s Report
By Donna Jo
Balances as of October 2014
Operating(checking) Account
Payroll Account
Village/Cache Valley CD’S
Town & Country Bank CD
Town & Country Bank CD
Wells Fargo Bank
$ 16,735.11
$ 6,606.31
Petty Cash
Committee Accounts:
Harrisburg Improvement
Harrisburg Views
Maintenance Report
By Steve Anderson
Summer is really
winding down now. The
pool is closed for the
season. Watering is a lot
less, and the lawns aren't
growing very much. The
lawn crew just sprayed
for weeds in the lawns, and has done the fall
fertilizing. Pretty soon it will be all about
cleaning up the leaves and then tree trimming,
like usual. With the completion of the projects
around the shop, I will be able to get back to the
list of regular maintenance work that has piled
up. Have a good Thanksgiving!
$ 847.72
$ 744.02
Verne and Shirley Nelson purchased the
property at 40 Cottonwood from Warren and Sue
Brooks. They have a second home in
Cottonwood Heights, Utah.
Maybe one of the main reasons they bought in
Harrisburg was to be closer to their son, Matt and
his family. Matt and his family have a second
home at 53 Pioneer Way. Verne and Shirley
actually stayed in Matt’s home several times and
fell in love with Harrisburg during those times.
Verne and Shirley have 7 children, 32
grandchildren and 40 great grandchildren.
They would love to retire here. They think the
people here are so friendly and it quiet and safe
here with beautiful surroundings, well-kept lots,
houses, and common areas. Plus very dog
Happy Birthday!
Peggy Coleman 11-2
Pat Coats 11-2
Roger Brunette 11-5
Rod McDonald 11-8
Bob Jackson 11-15
Jim McCullough 11-18
Tracy Thomson Nov 24
Bob Harrison 11-24
Lou Anne Robertson 11-25
Step up to the Plate!
We all know that during the homeowners’
open forum at the end of the meetings, there are
often times many complaints, but no remedies.
There are often complainers, but no one ever
offers any solutions. It would be nice if you bring
a complaint or problem before the board – you
must also bring three solutions – one of which
costs no money. Interesting, huh?
While there is no way in the world all
homeowners will be happy all the time, the best
board and management can hope for is to do the
best for the majority of homeowners and the
community as a whole. If there is a particular
issue that really bothers you – before you make
a complaint – think of a solution.
Would you be willing to volunteer to go
around and deliver items door to door to save
postage? Maybe the landscapers miss trimming
or cleaning a certain area. Would you be willing
to volunteer with the improvement committee
and work to help trim or rake in the park? How
about helping wash windows or screens at the
As you can see others besides the board and
management need to step up to the plate, and
get involved. This is YOUR community –why not
invest a little time in helping it run well?
While on the subject of stepping up to the
plate ----how about running for a position on the
board? Or volunteering for a committee?
Almost every HOA has trouble getting volunteers
to serve on a board of directors. It is a minimal
amount of time, and the most important
qualification is that you care about your
community. If you’re not happy about something
that’s going on---help fix it. Take some
responsibility and make an effort to make some
improvements. Be a part of the solution and not
just always part of the problem. STEP UP TO
The Bargain Dale table earned $102.00
for the month of October. Thank you for all
your donations and support of the table.
Remember all your donations are coming
back to you in activities, functions, dinners,
items for the clubhouse.
Thank you, Jessie Simmons
View our Newspaper Online and in Color at
Harrisburg Estates Website:
Committee Members:
Marlene Stephenson
David Gibbs
Kathy Petersen
Contact: Marlene Stephenson, Editor
Don’t forget to mention to our advertisers
when you visit that we appreciate them – let
them know that we are supporting their
Our Deepest Sympathy
Dave Pendleton of 63 Cottonwood passed away several weeks ago, and I just wanted
to say goodbye! He had a number of health issues that plagued him recently, and during
some surgery the doctors discovered cancer that was quite advanced. As it turned out he
only lasted another week before passing. But at least that allowed enough time for his
family and friends to gather around him and say goodbye, so he was surrounded by
everyone that was important to him. He was able to make it home for the afternoon for
one last visit to the place he loved, before passing later that day. So while he went
quickly, he didn’t suffer, and had been able to do many of the things he loved right up until
the end. And now he is in peace. – A neighbor
Cheryl McNiell of 62 Cottonwood passed away recently in her home. She just recently
moved into our park in March and made several close friends. Our deepest sympathy
goes out to her family.
Remodeling Updates
By Steve Anderson
By the time you read this the re-roofing of the clubhouse should be complete. We have
replaced everything up there. Once I got the platforms up around the chimney more
deterioration became evident at the top, so we ended up chipping all of that off and putting
in a new base coat. It now has a nice new metal cap to top it all off. Our stucco contractor
did a great job - it was a lot more work than you might think. I kept a close a close eye on
the roofing work and it is all of good quality, and this roof will last a long time. The Board
opted for an upgrade to a heavier weight of shingle which will help too. Next up is the
plastering of the Spa, and replacement of the cement coping right around it. This is the
original spa, and just like the roof is showing signs of wear after 26 years. The plaster we
selected will have blue quartz in it so it will look similar to the old plaster - just much better!
We will be coloring the cement around the coping an earthy red, which should look similar
to the pool. I anticipate that the spa will be reopened around the middle of November.
The next and final project will be to put a stucco exterior on the shop. This will start in
the first week of November, and take a week to ten days to finish. We are using the same
crew that did the dormers since they did such a good job on those. As more homeowners
have been returning, I've been getting more helpers - and I just wanted to say thanks! And
especially to Warren Brooks, who steadfastly has helped day in and day out. Whenever
someone comes into the park looking to buy, I always see them touring around the
clubhouse. Enhancing these areas really helps to draw new buyers to our park. And
provides better facilities for our use!
October 23, 2014
The special Board Meeting was called to decide what to do with the “driveway area”
behind the new shop/ storage building.
Board members present: Donna Jo Judson, Kathy Van Dyke, Bob Colman,
Joe Lamb, Ed Nowak. Steve Anderson was also present.
Call to order: 3:00 P.M.
The area under consideration lies between the present concrete and the existing grass.
Steve presented options and expected cost for each.
Discussion followed as to the best way to complete this area. As it will be mostly a
footpath as opposed to a cart path and it was decided to exclude concrete as an option.
Stone planters were discussed along with the use of “chat” for a footpath. The Board
members present unanimously adopted the idea to extend the existing “xeriscape” located
on the West side of the clubhouse, using chat along with pea gravel and larger gravel.
Water lines are present and a few plantings will complete the area making it attractive and
useful as well as tying it in with the existing landscape at very reasonable cost.
Meeting adjourned 3:45 P.M.
Submitted by Ed Nowak
HEOA Secretary
Baked Ribs
Recipe by Quincy Jones
“Not Barbequed or any BBQ Sauce”
5 lbs. Baby Back Ribs – You can use regular Pork Ribs
2 Green bell peppers – finely chopped
2 Red bell peppers – finely chopped
2 Yellow bell peppers – finely chopped
2 Onions – finely chopped
6 – Cloves garlic – finely chopped
2 – Jalapeno peppers – finely chopped
Season ribs with Lawry salt and pepper. Rub in garlic and Jalapenos and layer ribs – 1
layer, then spread peppers and onions and continue layering or you can individually wrap
ribs, peppers and onions in foil and put in your fridge for 24 hours to marinate.
Take ribs out and warm up to room temperature. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees, then
turn it down to 300 degrees and bake for 6-8 hours in foil.
Hand & Foot
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Pot Luck
5:30 PM
Hand & Foot
10:00 AM
Savings Ends
Board Meeting
10:00 AM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Social 5:30
Crafts $3.00
Hand & Foot
Hand & Foot
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM