WHETHEr Your bACKgrounD is drawn from experience in business districts, small rural downtowns, residential neighborhoods or somewhere in between, we invite you to present your successes, ideas and knowledge at our 2015 Annual Statewide Conference. AbouT THE 2015 THEmE Community development and community health. Pennsylvania Downtown Center’s 2015 Annual Statewide Conference will focus on linking these two issue areas within the communities of the Commonwealth. With a dynamic schedule of educational sessions and mobile workshops, leaders in the field will come together to discuss how downtowns and neighborhoods can cultivate a healthy community that is safe, economically secure and environmentally sound through tackling issues like access to higher quality education, employment, transporation, housing, and preventative and healthcare services. Join us as we bring together both revitalization and health care professionals to hear from state and national leaders; and, to discuss new partnerships for making our communities healthier places and our residents healthier people. In light of this year’s theme, we welcome proposals that touch on a variety of relevant topics, including (but not limited to): • Equitable Access to Services • Economy and Employment Opportunities • Health Care and Preventive Health Services • Sustainability in the Ecosystem • Greening Practices • Civic Engagement • Public Policy • Opportunities for Active Living • Food Systems and Access to Healthy Foods • Neighborhood Safety • Community Health and Development Partnerships in ADDiTion To propoSAlS THAT bolSTEr THE 2015 THEmE, WE WElComE SubmiSSionS THAT TouCH on A VAriETY oF oTHEr TopiCS. SomE poTEnTiAl SESSion iDEAS THAT ArE FrEQuEnTlY in HigH DEmAnD: • Advocacy • Community Branding • Building a more inclusive and stronger board • Business recruitment and retention • Clean and safe issues • Community-based real estate development • Creative funding mechanisms • Developing strategic partners • Encouraging facade improvement • Greening • Improving meeting facilitation and interpersonal skills • Leadership development • New and innovative partnership ideas • Parking management • Partnership strengthening and development P e n n s y l v a n i a D o w n t o w n C e n t e r | Office location | 1230 N. Third Street • Harrisburg, PA 17102 Mailing address | P.O. Box 1265 • Harrisburg, PA 17108 | 717.233.4675 (p.) • 717.233.4690 (f.) | www.padowntown.org • Placemaking • Public and farmers markets • Public art, murals, and arts development • Public relations and marketing Main Street or Elm Street • Retail support • Small business assistance and development • Smart growth issues • Social media • Sustaining a viable organization • Transportation • Volunteer recruitment and management • Weathering an economic downturn submitting your proposal Review Criteria Proposal Deadline | December 19th, 2014 1) Sessions should be interactive, feature no more than three presenters, and be between 75 to 90 minutes in length. 2) Sessions should provide tools, models or strategies that attendees will be able to make applicable to their own unique situations and communities. 3) Overall quality, salience of topic, well-articulated educational goals, clarity of proposal, and presentation skills of the presenter will all be taken into consideration. Proposals that encourage collaboration and interaction among participants are of special interest. Submit proposals electronically to mariawherley@padowntown.org. For questions, call 717.233.4675. Proposals must contain all of the requested materials and information. Please read all of the instructions before submitting a proposal. All proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee. Proposal Requirements Please submit as a Microsoft Word Document: 1) Title of session (limited to 75 characters) 2) Target audience (beginner, intermediate, advanced) 3) Session track (Main Street, Elm Street, Community Development, Community Health or Sustainability) 4) Session format (panel, roundtable, etc.) 5) Learning objectives of the session 6) Contact information and brief biography of presenter(s). Please note: It is assumed that all presenters listed on the proposal have been contacted and have agreed to participate. 7) 50-75 word description 8) One-page session outline KEY DATES Submission deadline December 19th, 2014 Schedule Announced January 31st, 2015 Notification of Proposal Status January 16th, 2015 Session handouts due April 30th, 2015 2015 Annual Statewide Conference June 7th-10th, 2015 P e n n s y l v a n i a D o w n t o w n C e n t e r | Office location | 1230 N. Third Street • Harrisburg, PA 17102 Mailing address | P.O. Box 1265 • Harrisburg, PA 17108 | 717.233.4675 (p.) • 717.233.4690 (f.) | www.padowntown.org TErmS & ConDiTionS By submitting a proposal, it is assumed that the speaker agrees to all terms and conditions for participation. Submissions must be made electronically to mariawherley@ padowntown.org by December 19th, 2014. PDC does not reimburse expenses or pay speaker fees for sessions selected via the proposal process. Presenters are offered a reduced registration fee for the entire conference or a complimentary one-day registration for the day of their session. The primary contact person will be the individual that submitted the proposal. The contact info submitted with proposal will be used by PDC to communicate with the primary contact person. Sessions may be recorded, and the recordings may be made available for registered conference attendees. PDC reserves the right to edit titles and descriptions for accepted proposals. Audio visual: All session rooms will be set with an LCD projector, screen and laptop. Presenters are required to bring their presentation on a flash drive or disc. All presenters will receive and be expected to return a signed speaker agreement outlining terms and conditions. Presenters may not promote a product, service, or anything else representing monetary selfinterest. Failure to comply will affect future consideration for PDC events. The session schedule is determined by balancing topics and target audiences. Individual schedule requests are discouraged and considered only in extreme circumstances. Office location | 1230 N. Third Street • Harrisburg, PA 17102 Mailing address | P.O. Box 1265 • Harrisburg, PA 17108 | 717.233.4675 (p.) • 717.233.4690 (f.) www.padowntown.org
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