CALL FOR PRESENTERS Embassy Suites Hotel, Little Rock, Arkansas Arkansas Association for Continuing and Adult Education & Arkansas Literacy Councils GENERAL INFORMATION The Arkansas Association of Continuing and Adult Education (AACAE) and Arkansas Literacy Councils (ALC) invite you to present at the annual conference, November 12-13, 2015. AACAE or ALC is unable to reimburse program presenters for travel or hotel expenses or provide an honorarium unless otherwise arranged. All program presenters attending the conference must register and pay regular conference fees. In order to provide a balance in program planning, the program committee reserves the right to suggest modifications in proposals or disqualify incomplete proposals. Proposals should be postmarked no later than July 31, 2015. All applicants will be notified of the program committee’s decision. THEME The theme for the conference will be “Moving On Up: Progress, Partnerships, & Possibilities”. PROGRAM FORMAT The one hour SESSIONS are designed for presenters to provide an overview of a specific topic or a research report related to a strand. Two hour WORKSHOPS are designed to provide in-depth coverage of a specific topic. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION Relevance of the topic to the conference theme and its major strands, quality and clarity of objectives, content, organization, and method of presentation are major factors in considering proposals. Disqualifying factors include but are not limited to the promotion of commercial materials or programs, content unrelated to adult education or literacy, and failure to complete the proposal according to the guidelines. CALL FOR PRESENTERS AACAE & ALC Conference November 12-13, 2015 Moving On Up: Progress, Partnerships, & Possibilities I. PERSON SUBMITTING PROPOSAL (Please type or print.) Dr., Miss, Mrs., Ms., Mr. _____________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle Initial) Title or Position ____________________________________________________________ Program __________________________________________________________________ Street Address _____________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number(s) ___________________ (H) ___________________________ (W) E-mail Address __________________________________FAX #____________________ Are you a member of the AACAE? �Yes �No II. TYPE OF SESSION � WORKSHOP (2 hours) � Thursday � SESSION (1 hour) Time Preference: _________ � Friday Time Preference: __________ III. TITLE OF SESSION ___________________________________________________________ Description _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ CALL FOR PRESENTERS AACAE & ALC Conference November 12-13, 2015 Moving On Up: Progress, Partnerships, & Possibilities I would like to submit my proposal under the following strand(s): �Standards/Frameworks/Curriculum Alignment �Assessment �Instructional Strategies �Systemic Change Process �Advocacy/Leadership �Content (K-12) �Supervision �Mentoring/Coaching �Educational Technology �Principles of Learning/Developmental Stages �Research �Building a Collaborative Learning Community I would like to submit my proposal under the following topic(s): �ESL �WAGE �Literacy Council �Math �Retention �RLA �Science �Social Studies �Technology IV. TARGET AUDIENCE � Instructor � Administrator � Paraprofessional � Tutor � Volunteer � Other _____________________ V. AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT REQUEST Every presentation room will be equipped with a screen and an LCD projector. AACAE encourages every presenter to bring his/her own laptop which will almost guarantee a flawless technical arrangement. If you have an Apple laptop, don’t forget to bring your special connection cable to hook up to the LCD projector. In addition, a) Will you need speakers? �Yes �No b) Will you need a flip chart & easel? �Yes �No Do you have a request for other AV equipment? Please list below: CALL FOR PRESENTERS AACAE & ALC Conference November 12-13, 2015 Moving On Up: Progress, Partnerships, & Possibilities I understand that I will not be reimbursed for any expense by the AACAE & ALC CONFERENCE, and I must register and pay regular conference fees if I am attending the conference. _______________________________________ (Signature of person submitting proposal) Please check to be sure that all information is included. Incomplete proposals may be disqualified. Questions should be directed to Regina Olson, . Send the application form to: Regina Olson, AACAE Vice-President C/O Arkansas Adult Learning Resource Center 801 S. Louisiana Little Rock, AR 72201 Fax 501-907-2492
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