f r i d a y FREE! VOL. 10 ISSUE 103 november 14, 2014 Adel Adviser Brought to you every Tuesday and Friday by Horizon Printing Co. This spot is available! Call 993-1187 or email adeladviser@aol.com ȋơȌ ͘͞͠ Ȉ 515-993-4992 25 Years of Experience All Phases of Construction 515.393.0600 Kitchens Baths Cabinetry Trim Work Decks Tile Custom Furniture Built-ins Timber.Ridge.Custom.llc@gmail.com Arnold Motor Supply Home of the “Parts Smart” people. 602 Greene Street, Adel, IA 50003 800-229-3473 • 993-4228 • Fax: 993-4220 There’s a new way to SAVE with our Advantage Money Market account! Call us today! 804 Greenwood Hills Dr., Adel, IA 50003 www.ptsbank.com 515-993-5680 Specialized Care is Close to Home 610 10th Street Perry, Ia 50220 (515) 465-3547 dallascohospital.org Digital Mammography Take advantage of the latest in digital imaging and call for your appointment today 515.465.7525. You have a choice for your healthcare and we hope you choose Dallas County Hospital annual turkey toss Adel Park and Recreation is hosting the 8th Annual Thanksgiving Free-Throw 'Turkey Toss' Competition on Saturday, November 22 at 2 p.m. at the ADM Old Middle School Gym. A fun holiday event, teams must consist of one parent and one child from the same family. Teams will shoot 30 free throws, 15 per person, from the free throw line. The winning team from each age division wins a free farm fresh turkey from Fareway in Adel. Pre-register at Adel City Hall or sign-up the day of competition. Cost is $8 per team. For more information call 993-4525. THANKSGIVING soup supper and worship The annual Adel Community Thanksgiving Soup Supper and Worship Service will be hosted by the Panther Creek Church of the Brethren on Tuesday, November 25. The soup supper will begin at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall, with a worship service following at 7 p.m. The menu will include a variety of soups, crackers, breads, relish trays, pumpkin bars and cookies provided by Adel United Methodist, New Hope Evangelical Free, Adel First Christian, Saint John's Catholic, Grace Lutheran, Faith Lutheran, and Panther Creek Church of the Brethren. John Fieck, discipleship pastor of New Hope Evangelical Free Church will offer the message, and the Panther Creek Church of the Brethren Vocal Choir will sing "Thank You, Lord." All proceeds from the soup supper and worship service will help support the ADM Ministerial Association Emergency Fund. In recent years, the ADM Ministerial Association Fund has been used to fill automobile gas tanks, purchase groceries, clothing, and basic household items, assist with rent, pay for medicine, and help with heating and utility bills. Through this fund the Christian community in Adel is reaching out with God's love to the "least" (Matthew 25:3146) among us – the widow, the orphan, the stranger, the poor, the sick, and the homeless. The Panther Creek Church of the Brethren is handicap accessible. Please call 993-4096 for directions. 25th annual adel community thanksgiving dinner Everyone is invited to the 25th Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, held at the ADM High School Commons on Thursday, November 27 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come enjoy a FREE traditional Thanksgiving Dinner! No reservations are required. Home delivery is available for elderly and handicapped Adel residents (limit 4 dinners). Donations will be happily accepted. For more information including delivery arrangements or to volunteer, call Ellen at 422-0995 or Shirley at 993-4481. FREE Community Breakfast at dch Dallas County Hospital would like to invite the public to sign up for a FREE Breakfast, courtesy of the Dallas County Hospital Foundation on Wednesday, November 19 at 8 a.m. in the Community Room. Besides enjoying a breakfast buffet, attendees will be provided information on the healthcare services available in Dallas County, updated information on the impact the DCH Foundation has made on surrounding communities, and information on understanding medications. Space is limited. For more information, or to register, please call 515-465-7516. iowa in a cloth bag Adel Quilting & Dry Goods Co will host speaker Michael Zahs, from Humanities Iowa Speakers Bureau, for a program titled "Iowa in a Cloth Bag." The public is invited to attend this free presentation at 11 a.m., Saturday November 15 at the Adel Public Library. 3 adeladviser.com Forecast Day sunday High 28 Low 15 Partly cloudy saturday monday High 31 Low 18 Snow high 23 Low 10 Windy Now offering FULL SERVICE BANKING Lae;Yff]q;gdZq<Yo]k Cjakla>mdd]j 0$,1675((7$'(/ Adel Public Library Downton High Tea Party Monday, Nov. 24, 4 p.m. Free, food and drink provided. Wear large hats and gloves RSVP 993-3512 NOVEMBER CALENDAR S M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 ADM Schedules Nov. 14-15 Fall Musical: 7 p.m. Nov. 16 Fall Musical: 2 p.m. Nov. 17 7 girls BB vs. Carlisle: 4:15 p.m. Nov. 20 All state music festival FULLER'S JCT HWY 6 & 169 993-4001 S 1 8 15 22 29 Adel Adviser Custom Designed Yard Signs, Banners & Posters Many sizes available to meet your budget! (SFFOF4USFFU"EFMt Mike’s ADEL POWER EQUIPMENT Call 993-1187 or email adeladviser@aol.com New patients always welcome! 0RQ)ULDPSP6DWQRRQ *UHHQH6WUHHW$GHO,RZD(515) 993-4656 'U6XH'RQDKXH0DFH%RVKDUW3$& 0LFKHOOH.XUW]3$&'DYLG0LFKDHO3$& FLOORING - CABINETS FLOORING - CABINETS ELECTRONICS - APPLIANCES - FLOORING - CABINETS - COUNTERTOPS - BLINDS ELECTRONICS - APPLIANCES - FLOORING - CABINETS - COUNTERTOPS - BLINDS Call 993-1187 or email adeladviser@aol.com Jerry Ray 6LGLQJ Qu ality :LQGRZV 5RRÀQJ 515-988-8199 Soup Supper, Silent Auction to Help Adel Family A soup supper will be held Saturday, November 15 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the ADM Middle School commons. Free-will donations will help defray medical costs beyond insurance coverage for Adel resident Wendi Crow as she battles cancer. All proceeds will be administered through Lincoln Savings Bank "Crow Crusaders" account. Homemade soups, bread, desserts and lemonade will be served. Many fun items to bid on at the Silent Auction. Winners announced at 6:30 p.m. farm succeSsion: determining your legacy Mary Swander’s “Map of My Kingdom,” a play commissioned by Practical Farmers of Iowa, tackles the critical issue of land transition. It will resonate with those who have been through or are working through challenging land transfer issues including division of land among siblings, selling to a neighbor or attempting to preserve the land’s integrity against urban sprawl. This drama will start the critical conversation that cannot wait. David Baker of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach’s Beginning Farmer Center will share effective ways to make a farm succession plan and will also hold a discussion to discover additional ways Extension can serve Iowa farmers. Guests will also have the opportunity to tour the Carnegie Library Museum, set up with historical farm relics on Wednesday, December 10 from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. at Carnegie Library Museum in Perry, 1123 Willis Ave. Cost is $15 in advance and $20 at the door and includes lunch at the Hotel Pattee. Pre-register by Friday, December 3 by contacting Caitlyn Ryan of Iowa State University Extension of Dallas County at 993-4281 or cryan@iastate.edu. Check in will begin with coffee and a light breakfast at 9:30 a.m. “Map of My Kingdom” begins at 10 a.m. followed by lunch. This spot is available! This spot is available! Horizon PRINTING CO. • 412 Greene STREET, ADEL annual harvest dinner & bake sale Adel United Methodist Church, 115 S. 10th St. will hold their annual Harvest Dinner & Bake Sale on Sunday, November 16 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. On the menu will be ham balls, mashed potatoes, green beans, applesauce, roll, fall desserts and beverages all for $7 adults and $4 children 10 and under. Carryouts are available. 27836 Fairground Road $GHO Call 993-4241 Today! archerhomecenter.com november 14, 2014 Adel Veterinary Clinic Puzzle of the week: IceAcream parlor, tank, thimble, a Toilet top hat, Macy'saThanksgiving terrier dogparade See answer Friday’s They inhave floatsAdviser. Dr. Pat Rohret Dr.Dr. Elizabeth Holland Pat Rohret Dr. Scott Beeman Dr. Elizabeth 619 Greene St. Phone: 993-4707 ADEL ACRES Long-term and skilled care 515-993-4511 Caring Is Our Specialty NOW OPEN Laura Juffer • Owner/Groomer 504 S. 11th Street, Adel • 515.371.8459 www.handsomehoundspetgrooming.com IOWA mini storage 0XOWLSOHVL]HVDYDLODEOH·[·WR·[· 6HFXUHIDFLOLW\KRXUDFFHVV *UHHQH6W$GHO,$ www.iowaministorage.com LSB Financial / Insurance Wildlife rehab Get Together “Protecting your dreams today, tomorrow and beyond” Interested in wildlife rehabilitation? A group of wildyou know LSB Financial operates a full service, independent insurance agency serving the life rehabbers will get together on Sunday, November 16Did insurance needs of thousands of Iowans. As an independent agency, LSB Financial works with from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the Veterans Reception Center, 910multiple insurance carriers to deliver the best possible coverage to our customers. Our customers have come to expect honesty, integrity, solid advice and an agent that will be with every step of the way- from selecting appropriate coverage to settling claims. In my role as Main St. in Van Meter. The meeting will help to connectthem multi-line agent, I will put my knowledge of the market and the many different insurance offerings volunteers with others currently licensed with the Iowaavailable to work for you! Lines DNR, exchange successes and failures, and encourage oth-0Personal • Auto - Coverage for your car, truck, van or SUV • Recreational Vehicles - boat, motorcycle, jet ski, snowmobile, ATV or camper ers to join us. Please bring a snack to share and your own • Home - Whether you rent or own • Farm - Buildings, blanket, including crop drinks. For directions or more info contact Terry Jones • Umbrella - Excess liability coverage 0Commercial Lines (licensed rehabber for over 20 years) at 515-681-6887. • Property Coverages - For building, inventory, equipment, etc. • Liability Coverages - Make sure your business is protected • Auto - Liability and physical damage • Workers Compensation - Including employer liability • Bonds - Multiple bond offerings, i.e. bid, performance, fidelity, etc. • Umbrella - Excess liability coverage to the community: send in your free ad by 2 p.m. mon. & thu. Found: Compound box and case. Call 250-0399 to ID. Health Wanted: Old stereo stuff, receivers, speakers, guitar0Life and • Term and Permanent - Protection for your family Annuities - Safe and secure investment alternative or amp etc. Also Sony Walkman and military radio. Any •• Fixed Medicare Supplements - In addition to what Medicare provides • Long Term Care - Covers at home or in nursing facility costs LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK condition is ok. Call 238-3343. Sincerely, Insurance For Sale: PS3 video gaming console in great conInsuring Central Iowa dition. 2 controllers, charging cords, gaming headset andJoshua M. Heisterkamp Joshua Heisterkamp Modern Warfare3 game, $200. Additional games $20 each. AVP / Insurance 805 Main Street 13523 University Avenue Adel, IA 50003 Clive, Iowa 50325 Call 515-707-0443. 0$,1675((7$'(/ Attention: I sold a Nordic Track exercise machine and the buyer forgot to take one ski that it requires to function. Stop by Adel Manor or call 205-3381. For Rent: Tables & Chairs, 60” round white tables & sturdy white chairs. Reasonable prices. Can deliver if needed. Call 480-8580. NEED HOME TO RENT OR RENT TO OWN: At least 3BR, must be pet friendly for our 2 dogs within the Adel, Desoto area as we have a son in school. Need asap, as our current rental of 3 years is being sold. Call, text, or email jngreen0818@gmail.com or 515-478-0791. your local classified ad runs for free! adeladviser@aol.com www.adeladviser.com like us on facebook drop off or mail to: 412 Greene St., Adel, IA 50003 This spot is available! Call 993-1187 or email adeladviser@aol.com Joshu AVP Cont 8 Offi Fax Ce Email w
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