Saint Thomas More Catholic Parish Church, Towcester PARISH PRIEST: The Rev. Dr. B.C.P. Killeen, 1 Meeting Lane, Towcester, NN12 6JX Tel: (01604) 768483 & (01327) 359151 PARISH WEBSITE: [Northampton General Hospital - Please tell the Cathedral staff if you or a relative are going in - Tel: (01604) 714556] Sunday 16th November 2014 - 33rd Sunday of the Year Sat. 15 Sun. 16 Mon. 17 Wed. 19 Thur. 20 Fri. 21 4.45pm-5.15pm 5.30pm 10am-10.45am 11am After Mass 12.30pm 9.30am 9.30am 8pm 7.45pm 9.30am Sat. 22 4.45pm-5.15pm 5.30pm Sun. 23 11am After Mass (A) Confessions & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Vigil Mass (Int: Eric Gunn RIP) First Communion Class Mass (Int: James & Sheila Collins RIP) Refreshments in the Lombard Room Baptism of Oliver Hall Mass Feria (Int: Ada Jones RIP) Mass St. Hugh of Lincoln (Int: People of the Parishes) SVP Meeting Choir Practice Mass The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Int: Deceased members of the Foley family) Confessions & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Vigil Mass for Christ the King (Int: Ligoury & Greta Aranha, George & Rita Pryke RIP) Children’s Mass (Int: David Fitzgerald Anniv.) Refreshments in the Lombard Room REPOSITORY & LIBRARY - In the Lombard Room. Cards & small gifts available. See the display of new items! REFRESHMENTS AFTER 11AM MASS - To help, please sign up on list. Proceeds go to local work of our SVP. RED MISSION BOXES - Thank you to those who handed them in for emptying. Please don’t forget to collect them. NOVEMBER LISTS - During November there will be a basket in front of the altar. You are welcome to place in it the names of those who have died. They will be prayed for at all Masses. Any donations are optional and will be given to the Northampton Hope Centre. [Please book Mass intentions in the usual way by seeing me personally.] CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP - Meeting at Hunsbury this Monday (17th), 7.30pm-9pm. All welcome! FIRST COMMUNION - Class this Sunday (16th) from 10am to 10.45am. There will be a Children’s Mass next Sunday (23rd) at 11am (please can the children be there for 10.45am). SVP SERVICE & AFTERNOON TEA - On Thursday 27th November at 2.30pm the SVP will be holding a Service of Word & Communion for retired people and the housebound. Followed by afternoon tea in the Lombard Room. Transport can be provided. If you wish to come or know of someone who does see a member of the SVP or me. SVP CHRISTMAS PUB LUNCH - On Wednesday 10th December at 12 noon at the Bull in Towcester. Chris Nash does need to have names beforehand. Please see her in person or phone her (07941188047). CONFIRMATION - Sessions start after Christmas. They will be fewer in number but longer. Details to come. Thanks! EXTRA CHOIR ORGANIST - If interested have a word with Mark (Choir organist), Arthur (Choir Leader) or me. CHOIR - Singing at the Sunday 11am Mass on: Nov 30 th, Jan 25th, Feb 22nd, Mar 29th, [also the Triduum from Apr 2nd to 4th], Apr 26th, May 17th, June 7th, June 28th. Practices beforehand at 10.20am. Also, there will be practices at 7.45pm on the following Thursdays: Nov 20th & 27th; Jan 15th & 22nd; Feb 12th & 19th; Mar 5th, 19th & 26th; Apr 16th & 23rd; May 7th, 14th & 28th; June 4th, 18th & 25th. Newcomers welcome! FOLK GROUP - The Folk Group will be playing at the following Sunday 11am Masses: Nov 23rd, Dec 14th, [also the 5.30pm Children’s Christmas Eve Mass], Jan 11th, Feb 8th, Mar 8th, Apr 12th, May 10th, June 14th, July 12th. There will be practices beforehand at 10am. All musicians and singers are most welcome! PARISH PRAYER LINE - Please pray for those who are unwell, especially Christopher Browne, Michael Ingram, Duncan Robinson, Mirek Pindelsky, Helen Betts, Bridget O’Dwyer, Alison McClements, Sue Fortune, Daniel Souster, Ray Lindsay, David Foster, Mgr. Anthony Bickerstaffe, Margaret Steele, Bet Rodwell, Rebecca Breese, Angela Tilley, Julia Beagley, Sam Boothby, Gail Comerford, Francis Steele, Trevor Hopkins, Bob Jones, Lizzie Jones, Pat Landergan, Joanne Adams, Mike Scott, Mike Day, Tony Lochmullar, Myra Gannon Dwyer, Margaret Griffiths, Ginfranco Cataldi, Anne Howard, Margery Burnett, Alice Neate, Catherine Dickinson, Maurice Roll, Mike Greenhalgh and Mary Mahony. ALSO, we pray for those who have died, in particular Michael Pratt, Ada Jones, Eileen Bohane, Stephen Hewitt, Alison Hughes, Sarah Ferns, Eric Gunn, James & Sheila Collins. Saints Francis & Therese Catholic Parish Church, Northampton PARISH PRIEST: The Rev. Dr. B.C.P. Killeen, Ss. Francis & Therese Church, Overslade Close, East Hunsbury, Northampton, NN4 0RZ Tel: (01604) 768483 PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH SISTER: Sr. Margaret Walsh DHS [Northampton General Hospital - Please tell the Cathedral staff if you or a relative are going in - Tel: (01604) 714556] Sunday 16th November 2014 - 33rd Sunday of the Year Sat. 15 Sun. 16 Mon. 17 Tue. 18 Thur. 20 Sat. 22 Sun. 23 9.30am 10am-10.30am 6.30pm-7pm 7pm 9.30am After Mass After Mass 7.30pm-9pm 9.30am 9.30am 9.30am 10am-10.30am 6.30pm-7pm 7pm 9.30am After Mass (A) Mass Our Lady (Int: The Chukwujekwu family) Confessions Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Vigil Mass (Int: Deceased members of the Lawler & Doyle families) Children’s Mass with Baptism of Chloe Allen (Int: Michael Lawler Spec. Int.) Refreshments in the O’Donnell Room First Communion & Confirmation Classes [until 11.30am] Charismatic Prayer Group - all welcome! Mass Feria (Int: Alan Flint Anniv.) Mass St. Edmund (Int: Sheila Harrington RIP) Mass St. Cecilia (Int: Stephen Hewitt RIP) Confessions Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Vigil Mass for Christ the King (Int: Claire & Joseph Sweetman Anniv.) Mass (Int: Isabella Calder RIP) Refreshments in the O’Donnell Room REPOSITORY & LIBRARY - In the O’Donnell Room. Cards & small gifts available. SILVER JUBILEE DINNER - To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the blessing of our church we are having a parish dinner at the Turnpike Beefeater, Weedon Road, Harpole, NN7 4DD on Wednesday 3rd December at 7pm. Please sign up as soon as possible on the sheet in the Entrance Hall and follow the instructions on it. The cost is £15 per head (drinks can be bought on the night). Please put payment in an envelope marked ‘Dinner’ and place in the collection. Any cheques should be payable to ‘Saints Francis & Therese, Northampton’. If you have any financial problems just see me in the strictest confidence. I hope to see you there! NOVEMBER LISTS - During November there will be a basket in front of the altar. You are welcome to place in it the names of those who have died. They will be prayed for at all Masses. Any donations are optional and will be given to the Northampton Hope Centre. [Please book Mass intentions in the usual way by seeing me personally.] FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION - Classes this Sunday (16th) after the Children’s Mass until 11.30am. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP - Meeting here this Monday (17th), 7.30pm-9pm. All welcome! SATURDAY EVENING MASS - We need some more readers. If you are willing to help please see me - thanks! KEYBOARD PLAYER - If you are interested in sometimes playing at the 9.30am Mass have an informal chat with Alan, either at the end of the Mass or on 07756639199. Thank you! SPIRITUS MUSIC GROUP - Practice 7pm-8.30pm on Wednesday 17th Dec. Playing on Sundays: 16th Nov & 21st Dec (with practices at 8.45am). New members are always welcome - just see the Group. WORLD WAR I - There is a special service of commemoration in Towcester Road Cemetery Chapel next Saturday (22nd) at 11am. Everyone is most welcome and encouraged to attend. PARISH PRAYER LINE - Please pray for those who are unwell, especially David Lewis, Mark Metcalfe, Samuel Dixon, Lawrence Eastbury, Yvonne Liddy, Sadie Hill, Elsie Robinson, Oli Roberts, Mary Baran, Jean Harrison, Francis Beatty, Carmelina Fernandes, Michael Hogg, Julian Lee, Jacob Murphy, Emily Wheeler, Michael Robinson, Carol Robinson, Louisa Crilly, Bernadette Eymard, Waldemar Alvarez, Dora Andreoli, Michael Moore, Richard Mannion, Laura Martinez, Josephine Fordham, Michelle Clinton, Trinidad Terana, Joseph Nickson, John Knox, Sean Willis, Pat Griffin, Tristan Dixon, John McQuillan, Dave Carson, Pam Garrett, Anne Smithson, Bernard McDonnell, Reg Warwick, Kevin Daly, Richard Manton, Eileen Moon, Diane Tompkins, Sister Margaret, James Tallon, Anne-Marie Campbell, Violet Sweeney, Mary Jones, Catherine Dickinson, Patricia Chisholm, Sarah Bryan, José Fernandez, Joan Larkin, Cathy Coe, Pjeter Tuci and Tom Mulhall. ALSO, we pray for those who have died, in particular Peter Walsh, Anna Bell, Mary Dickens, Johana Williams, Stephen Hewitt, Donal Drohan, Sheila Harrington and Alan Flint.
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