Let Us Give Thanks! Weekend Collection – $5,490.50 (loose…344.50) $185.00 Building Fund 504 Envelope holders – 218 used The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Fri Sat Sun Sun Nov Nov Nov Nov Mass Schedule 21 9:00am 22 5:00pm 23 8:30am 23 10:30am St St St St John chapel John Joseph Columbkille Readings for the Week Monday, November 17th Revelation 1:1-4; 2:1-5 & Luke 18:35-43 Tuesday, November 18th Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22 & Luke 19:1-10 Wednesday, November 19th Revelation 4:1-11 & Luke 19:11-28 Thursday, November 20th Revelation 5:1-10 & Luke 19:41-44 Friday, November 21st Revelation 10:8-11 & Luke 19:45-48 Saturday, November 22nd Revelation 11:4-12 & Luke 20:27-40 Sunday, November 23rd Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 & 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 28 & Matthew 25:31-46 Christian Initiation ST. Nov Nov Nov COLUMBKILLE LOCATION Counters: 16: Jeff Sweeney and Charlotte Baker 23: Vicki Tordai and Dan Cregeur 30: Amy Sweeney and Mark Brown ST. Nov Nov Dec JOHN LOCATION Counters: 17: Rose Maikrzek, Reta Pollum, Bernice Weber 24: Lynn Tyll, Evelyn Peruski, Olave Bukoski 1: Kay Peruski, Bernice Weber, Mary Jane Zurek Eucharistic Ministers visiting Courtney Manor: Sun. Nov 16: Mary Sun. Nov 23: Dennis and Diane Sun. Nov 30: Ted Congratulations and best wishes goes out to the newly married Nicholas and Amy (Rutkowski) Dumouchelle! May your life together be filled with faith, peace, and happiness. Good Shepherd Parish October Counts Average Weekend Attendance St Columbkille St John St Joseph 2013 187 200 160 Please come and join us for more information on becoming Catholic. We will be gathering at St. Columbkille Church of Good Shepherd Parish on Sunday evenings twice a month. Our next sessions will be Sunday, November 9th & 23rd at 6:30pm. If you have any questions please call Valerie @ 989-269-2243 or Dana Irion @ 989-553-0585 or Fr. Charlie @989-6588145. Please remember your parish when planning your estate 2014 192 192 145 Religious Education/Faith Formation Bulletin Information, Religious Education, and Youth Group Activities are available at www.goodshepherdubly.com Our religious education program of Good Shepherd Parish continues. Please pray for all who come together on Wednesdays and Sundays (youth group). Our Wednesday program includes children kindergarten through 6th grade. Ubly: 3-4:45pm (Nov 19, Dec 3, 17) Argyle: 6-7:30pm (Nov 19, Dec 3, 17) Sheridan Corners: 6-7:30pm (Nov 19, Dec 3, 17) Sacramental Programs – 2nd Graders only Classes are as follows: Sheridan Corners – Sunday – November 9 Argyle – Monday November 17 Sacrament of Reconciliation – Thursday, Nov 20th 7pm, St John Sacrament of Confirmation – Saturday, March 28th 11:30am at Parisville First Eucharist – Saturday, May 9th 5pm, St John YOUTH GROUP: We will meet next on Sunday, November 23rd from 6:30 - 8pm at the parish center in Ubly. We will be discussing caroling for members of our parish. We will also meet on Dec 7th at which we will be making advent wreaths with fresh greens. If you have gloves and small pruners please bring. We will also meet on Dec 21st (or 22-23 depending on possibility of caroling.... not sure yet... details still being worked on.) As always there is NO CHARGE for youth group so invite a friend! SCHEDULED VOLUNTEERS 5:00pm Saturday Mass November 22 - St John Lector: Del Czewski EM: Del Czewski, Victoria Rutkowski, Betty Kubacki Altar Servers: Arisa Osentoski, Alexis Schmidt Greeters: Rose Allen, Marlene Bukoski Ushers: Rich Sadro, Whitey Pawlosky, Shane Osentoski, Paul Essenmacher 8:30am Sunday Mass November 23 – St Joseph Lector: Justin Faber EM: Paul Deo, Chuck Izydorek, Karen Gornowicz Altar Servers: Katie Heilig, Natalie Freiburger Greeter: Chuck Izydorek Ushers: Al Farrelly, Steve Briolat 10:30am Sunday Mass Nov. 23 - St Columbkille Lector: Kevin Romzek EM: Noel Tyrell, Marge Messing, Tom Morneau, Jerry Fischer, Stacie Vogel Gift Bearers: Matthew Kubacki, Brooke Kempisty Altar Servers: Noel Tyrrell, Jacie Tyrrell Greeters: Matthew Kubacki, Jack Kubacki Ushers: Dennis Sweeney, Terry Sweeney, Jay Vogel Knights of Columbus Ubly/Sheridan Council #12850 Next Meeting: Wednesday, 12/10, 7:30pm, old hall K of C Activities available at www.kofc.org K of C’s are always looking for New Members – call Jeff Maurer @553-4224. Our food pantry is available for anyone in need, located in Ubly. This is completely confidential and anonymous - call Jerry at 989-6588467 to stop by and pick up some items. Donations are still accepted in the boxes at the church entrances. Gary Krause Grand Knight of Ubly/Sheridan Council-12850 The rosary will continue on Mondays at 2pm at St John Church – please enter at north door. All welcome. Senior exercise class – We will be working out on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am all fall/winter/spring. Wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. For more info call Marlene Bukoski 658-8858 or the parish center. Join us for fun and to loosen up! St John Cemetery Fall clean-up will begin on November 1st! Ubly Craft Show/Market Day is going to be held on Fridays, Nov 21, Dec 5 and Dec 19 at Sleeper Public Library Senior Center. The Market will be open from 10am till 4pm. Local vendors with many handmade items and baked goods. Stop in and check us out. Many Christmas shopping opportunities. Please remember your parish when planning your estate Up & Coming Here in November, we look forward to the fulfillment that God has promised us through Jesus, our Risen brother. With the feasts of All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day, with our parish memorials for those who have died, we focus on the future fulfillment that God offers to each of us when our earthly lives come to an end. So for the month of November a candle will be lit for those who have died from our family of faith this past year. John Beaudin, Georgeann Booms, Kenneth Bukoski, Sylvester Bukoski, Donna Czewski, Edward Czewski, Gary Franzel, Raymond Gibson, Clifford Glaza, Gertrude Glaza, Richard Haley, Judith Harrington, Vernon Harwood, Helen Kociba, Ruth Krug, Kay Muma, Marshall Osentoski, Troy Osentoski, Frank Particka, Dennis Peruski, Raymond Peruski, Ervin Sadro, Madelyn Schrader, Joseph Skrzypinski, Tina Smith, Cy Stierman, Kathryn Stomack, Louise Walsh, and Linda Wroubel. ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT- Fri. Dec 12th, 68pm- Ladies reserve a table for you and 7 friends for an evening you won't want to miss. Catholic singer, mother, and theologian, Jenny Klement will treat us to a beautiful evening of music and women's ministry as we enjoy fellowship, food, and reflections of advent. You may reserve a table of eight for $10, or register as an individual for $3. Each table provides their own decor and finger foods. For more info contact Carol Lewis at (989) 714-9876 or by email at irishmommy@hotmail.com or Julia Hoving at (989) 2726981 In the true spirit of Christmas, the Good Shepherd Parish will be sponsoring families in the Christmas Wish Program. Each location will have a giving tree. More details to follow next week! Look for the tree in the churches and grab an ornament to help out! Dear Fr Charlie and Parishioners, We are very grateful for being at your parishes this last weekend. The warmth of the people and the prayerful singing and presence that filled each church: Good Shepherd-St John, St Joseph and St Columbkille remain within our memories as we hold you all in our prayer. Thank you so much for your generosity. It is your support that enables us to hold the needy, the lonely, the sick and grieving in our prayers. We welcome your prayer requests at: http://srsclare.com/prayer-request/. Remember you are not alone, we pray with and for you. Sister of St. Clare, Laura Hammel & Dianne Doughty, Your Companions in Prayer We have already felt the drop in temperature, and now is the time to pull out the coats, gloves, and hats that get us through the winter. Please, if you have outgrown winter-wear, bring your clean donations to the Parish Center or church for the COATS FOR KIDS collection. New and clean items are needed. GLUTEN FREE HOSTS We offer gluten free hosts to those who are in need of them at all locations. Please see Fr. Charlie to make sure he knows to offer it to you during communion. Thanks. Please remember your parish when planning your estate
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