Parish Priest: Canon Tom Gunning
Tel: (01453) 762442
Permanent Deacons: Steve Bentley Tel: (01453) 751101
Bogdan Wasylkiw Tel: (01453) 750154
Parish Administrator: Marilynne Morgan Tel: (01453) 762442
email:immac.concept@btconnect.com website:www.stroudcatholicchurch.com
Parish Safeguarding Representative: Caroline Rush Tel: (01453) 750697
Ordinary Week 32
Psalter Week 4 and of the Saint
Lectionary: Sunday Cycle Year A Weekday Cycle Year 2
Immaculate Conception Mass Timetable
Saturday Nov 8th
Deceased of O’Neill Family 
Fr. Kevin Knox-Lecky 
Sunday Nov 9th
The Fallen in Conflict 
Stephen Hassall
Dominic Soares
Monday Nov 10th
Helene McDermott
Tuesday Nov 11th
Deceased members of the
Dolan & Helliwell Families 
Deceased members of the
Conboy Family 
Bussi / King Families 
Carmel Ryan
Feast of Dedication of
The Lateran Basilica
Wednesday Nov 12th
Thursday Nov 13th
James Knight’s intention
Friday Nov 14th
Saturday Nov 15th
Deceased members of the
Hancock & Webb Families 
Alan Smart 
Gerard Thorley 
(Ordinary Week 33)
Pat King
Dermot Mullen
Steve Moss
Bernard Kelly
Pat King
Parish Council Meeting
Helene McDermott
Pat King
Diana Bingle
Stephen Bryden
Reconciliation: Sat 11 - 11.30am
Morning Prayer: Mon-Fri 9.45am; Sat 10.15am The Rosary: Sat 11.00-11.20am Exposition is on Wednesday & Friday until 12.30pm
Mass Times at other Churches/Chapels
St Joseph’s, Stonehouse - Sunday 9am; this week: Monday, Thursday & Saturday: 10am
Our Lady & St Bernard, Brownshill - Sunday 9am Weekdays: 8.20am - Terce followed by Mass
Our Lady & St Therese, Painswick - Sunday 8.30am St Mary of the Angels, Bisley Sunday 5pm
St Benedict’s (More Hall), Randwick - Sunday 11am Weekdays 8:15am
The Annunciation, Woodchester - Sunday 11am and 5pm
In your love and concern please pray for all the sick and housebound of our parish community:
To add a name to this list please contact the office or email/phone the Editor – please ensure you have the agreement of the sick person
Susan Green, Niall Walker, Derrick Dickens, Lola Long, Stephen Carden, Joe Moore, Zita Drummond, Valerie Gamble, Margaret & Claude Helliwell,
Audrey Sellick, David Hanks, Finley, John Stephens, Christina Walker, Phyllis Bruton, Ann Hanley, Yvonne Gobel, Alan Ebrell, John Pooler, Lilian Jones,
Norman Kirk,Doreen Ireland, Dorothy Cipriani, Clare McDermott, Peter Stephens, Molly Driscoll, David Gummer, Desmond Kyne, Murray Dolan,
Harold Colcombe, Mervyn & Maggie, Peter Tay, Oscar Hawes, Pilar Bevan, Thomas Riley, John Cibulskas, Paul O’Keith, Simon Terry, Pat McGrath,
Imelda Kucharzyszyn, Stephen, Anthony & Paul Coupe, Marilyn Anderson, Eleonara Osmanski, Jim O’Leary, Lucia & Michael Mirkovic, Kate Thorley,
Alicia Penrose, June Miller, Amanda Mullins, Chris Strong, Helen Hursthouse, Maisie McGinley, Nicollete Dallas, Anthea Van Venroy, Riely,
Anna Dowdeswell, Eileen Fry, Ron Taylor, Teresa Nolan.
Feasts of the Week
DPL: Frome: St Catharine with Mells
† In Memoriam †
10th Nov St Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor
11th Nov St Martin of Tours, Bishop
12th Nov St Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr
13th Nov Weekday in Ordinary Time
14th Nov Martyrs of the Diocese
15th Nov St Albert the Great, Bishop & Dr of Ch.
Your charitable prayers are asked for
the repose of the souls of
all who have died recently and
for those whose anniversary
occurs at this time.
May they Rest in Peace, Amen.
Collecting items this weekend for:
The St Nicholas Fair
Collections for Week Ending
1st/2nd November
Offertory Collection: £743.31
Standing Orders: £532.23
VOCATIONS MATTER: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
“And their fruit will be good to eat and their leaves medicinal”
“God wants spiritual fruits not religious nuts” is one of those car stickers which gets a lot of people hot under the collar.
However one may read into this, it cannot be denied that Jesus says of his true followers that, “by their fruits you will know
them”. On this Feast Day, we are encouraged to dive into the river of the Spirit, where fruit grows all along the banks. Whilst
it’s a river which we cannot cross, it is a river which we can be safely immersed in. It’s a river which flows from the side of
Jesus and into the sacramental life of our holy Church. It’s a river which allows us to bear fruit according to our calling.
St Nicholas Fair, 6th December
this Sunday 9th November, 10.00am
We have an urgent need for
All ex-Service Men and Women personnel including
National Service, Allied Services and Civilian Organisations,
ie Civil Defence, Land Army, Police, Nursing Professions and
others past and present are invited to take part
in this year’s Remembrance Service.
Parishioners from all our Mass Centres are invited to take part
Jewellery: Cakes & Homemade Preserves etc
During Mass the congregation will be invited to place their own Poppy at
the foot of the Ceremonial Wreath. There will be a “ONE MINUTE SILENCE”
following the sounding of the “LAST POST”
Those taking part should assemble in the Parish Hall by 9.45am
Uniforms and medals as appropriate should be worn
Please take raffle tickets with you, sell them and return counterfoils
and money to the Office - See poster for further details
Please contact Bogdan on 01453 750154 for further information or if
you would like to help on the day. Use the answer machine if
necessary. We are collecting NOW – don’t delay‼
Would you like to pack a shoe box for a child this Christmas?
Details of how to do this are at the back of Church today.
Boxes need to be brought to Church by 14th November
at the very latest - so get packing
CAFOD’s Ebola Appeal
A Mass for the Deceased of the Parish
CAFOD have made an urgent Appeal for support following
the outbreak of the Ebola virus, particularly in Sierra Leone,
Liberia & Guinea. It is reckoned that more than 9000 people
have already GRAND
been infected
over 5000SALE
killed so far.
and for the deceased relatives and friends of the
donors of the Memorial Wall will take place on
Saturday, 22nd November at 10.30am
this will be followed by
Any parishioner wishing to make a donation towards this appeal
next Friday 7th November at the Painswick Centre
this weekend can do so. Please put your offering inside a CAFOD
envelope and complete the Gift Aid Declaration on the back of the
envelope if you are a UK Tax Payer. Please make any cheques
payable to ‘CAFOD’. Helene will be at the back of Church to
receive any offerings.
You can also make a donation online at: www.cafod.org.uk
What is the Spirit saying to the Church?
You are invited to The Immaculate Conception Church
on Saturday 29 November
For Prayer, Praise, Listening &
Sharing where the Spirit is leading us
Begins with Mass at 10.30am - & Finishes 2pm.
Please bring a packed lunch and cakes to share!
Come and give time to listen to, and share together as the body of
Christ, what the Holy Spirit is calling us to. ALL welcome!
Transport needed
We know of two ladies who live in the Nailsworth/Forest Green
area who are in need of transport to & from Mass at weekends.
Can you help with transport? Please contact the Office asap
Monastery of Our Lady and St Bernard, Brownshill
Christmas Card-making day
Monday 10th November. 10.30 - 11am arrivals
The Annual Blessing of Graves at Stroud Cemetery
The visit will be at 11.30 (approx) & last about 30 minutes
Dates/Notes for Your Diary
RCIA/Journey in Faith: continues this Sunday 9th November, 7pm
in the Presbytery for those interested in becoming a Catholic.
All enquirers welcome
World Gift Catalogues: at the back of church – please take one
Bethany Group: meets Tuesday 11th November, at Rae’s, 12 noon
Parish Council Meeting: Thursday 13th Nov. 7.30pm - Upper Room
Mother Teresa Group: working meeting Monday 17th November
10am to 12 noon in the Pastoral Centre
Friendship Circle: Tuesday 21st November in Hall, 1;15pm to 3pm
Christ the King and Youth Sunday: Sunday 23rd November –
invite our young people and families! Bring a cake to share after Mass
More Hall Winter Fair
Sunday 23 November, 2 to 5pm
Exploring St Mark’s Gospel: Weds 26 November, 7.30pm:
The Ministry in Galilee and the Road to Jerusalem: Part One
here in The Immaculate Conception, 7.30-9.00pm.
An Advent Taize evening: of prayer and worship – more info later
Parish Patronal Feast Day: Celebration Monday 8th December
Mass & a Fish & Chip supper! More information to follow!
The Repository: is now well stocked with Advent calendars,
Christmas Cards; 2015 Diaries & other items. It is normally
open after Sunday Mass - Come & buy early
A great Practical & Social Day – everyone welcome
Suggested offering £15 (to include materials and cooked lunch
Missio/APF Red Missionary Box Holders
Come Lord Jesus
Please return boxes by the end of November for counting. Autumn
magazines at the back of Church. A limited no of 2015 Calendars are
available. - let me know if you want one, or call Richard on 766143 if
you would like a Red Missionary Box for next year. They are FREE‼
Advent Retreat Weekend 28 - 30 November
Suggested offering £85
Contact S M Johanna on 883084 or brownshillbookings@bernardine.org
Editor. Richard McDermott email: rj3mcd@yahoo.co.uk or Tel: 766143 or by post
NB: To avoid disappointment, items for inclusion in the Bulletin