echo Estate Scoff pop-up Cafe a Success Cafe Open

s Echo
Issue 18 2014
Scoff pop-up Cafe a Success
Scoff’s Community
Cafe Op
Every W
12-4pm ay
During half term the
South Skipton Project
ran a pop up community
café called Scoff at the
Greatwood Community
Centre. The café served
hot breakfast sandwich’s,
jacket potatoes and pie
and peas and was very
popular with residents.
Pat Haygarth from the
Residents Association
said “its been great to
have a café on the estate
to give residents a place
to meet up and have a
coffee and a chat without
Check out our exciting competition!
Your Chance to win an iPad or £300 - See inside
having to go all the way into
Skipton. I hope that we can get a
permanent café up and running
soon as it really is a great way of
getting the community together.”
We hope to be able to get funding
so that we can expand the idea in
the future and have a permanent
café on the estate which will offer
a place for people to meet on the
estate, cooking classes and offer
catering training and qualifications
to residents .
If you would be interested in
volunteering with Scoff’s café
in the future please pop into the
community centre or telephone
01756 701386.
A huge thanks to everyone who
volunteered their time to run the
café during half term.
Update on the S Skipton Project
New Beginnings and an Exit Strategy
The South Skipton project has quickly gained
momentum and is rapidly becoming a best practice
example for other areas to learn from. It helps that
Greatwood and Horseclose is such a great place to
start with and there are people who live in the area
that have shown potential, enthusiasm and ability to
get involved and make things happen. What has also
helped enormously has been the commitment of local
delivery partners and in particular the enthusiasm of
the individuals who work in those organisations
Over the past year three task and finish groups
have emerged delivering a number of projects and
If you would like to be more closely involved on any of
these groups or have information to share relevant to
the projects the contacts for each group are:
1. Boosting educational achievement at secondary level for
Future task and finish groups will be put forward via
the steering group if they align with the objectives of
south Skipton and if there is an element of innovation
or breakthrough thinking in the project. For example,
it is expected in the short term a health sub group
will be formed building on the positive work taking
place between the public health team and the Skipton
surgeries. Consultation with the community on specific
health initiatives is expected followed by a specific
health focused project.
The work that has been carried out has started to lay
the foundations for innovative breakthroughs. The
community café and the Ipad competition are two
examples but there will be many more emerging in
the future. It is with much hope and optimism that we
all look forward to seeing new projects emerge in this
area in the future.
Jemma Basham
S Skipton Project Co-ordinator
Nov 2014
the young people of Greatwood and Horseclose
The group is led by Mick Banks at NYCC mick.banks@
2. Communications and consultation on the Greatwood
Greatwood & Horseclose
Residents Association
and Horseclose estate
The group is led by Michael Hewson at Michael.
3, Community centre: Supporting the ‘hub’ of the
The group is led by Harriet Steventon at HSteventon@
Tool hire has now slowed down after a successful summer;
a rotavator will be added to the itinerary in the spring
thanks to a successful bid from Skipton Town Council.
The library is now open all day everyday where residents
are welcome to browse the vast choice of books, cds,
dvds and jigsaws and borrow and return items at their
leisure lots of winter reading etc.
Residents Association also run a soup group once a
fortnight which provides homemade soup and good
company and more recently Residents Association are
hoping to run the Scoff café on Wednesday afternoons
12-4pm which was a success over half term, food will be
very affordable and homemade so please support these
community initiatives if anyone would like to volunteer at
any of the above or join the Residents Association please
get in touch with Pat or Doug for meeting times/dates etc.
on 01756 701386 you would be very welcome.
The basic focus for the work is summarised in the
diagram below.
Top down vision for the change
Where these two factors align,
change can happen more easily
New Housing Officer for
Amanda Browning has taken over as Housing Officer
for the area and has worked for Sanctuary Housing for
nine years she is responsible for managing properties
in Greater Manchester and the Craven District. Amanda is contactable through Sanctuary’s Shared
Service Centre on 0800 131 3348 or 0300 123 3511.’
Bottom up Concerns and
recommendations of the people
who will implement the change
Win an IPad competition launched for new identity
Local people from the Greatwood and Horseclose community
are being encouraged to come up with words and pictures to
show the great in Greatwood and Horseclose. This is part of
a project to create a sense of pride in the community.
Community Development Adviser, Karen McIntyre based
at the Greatwood and Horseclose Community Centre, said:
“We are looking to put the great in Greatwood and
Horseclose. To encourage local people to respond we have
created a competition to win an IPad or £300 in shopping
vouchers. We are designing a new identity using words and
pictures to create a fresh positive image for your community.
The winning entry will be used widely to promote the area.
No matter what age you are or design ability, we want you
to be as creative as you can.
Little Feet Creche
Runs from the Community Centre on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday Mornings
(during term time)
10-12 noon and is currently £4 per session
Children must be 15 months and preferably
Creche are selling Raffle Tickets for their
fantastic Christmas Raffle with prizes donated
from many shops and restaurants in Skipton
call down to centre or ring 01756 701386 to buy
your raffle tickets.
Little Feet Creche would also like to say a big
thank you to Skipton Charities Gala for their
Please contact me on 01756 701386 to find out more before
the competition closes on 30 November.”
Resident Association Chair Pat Haygarth, said:
“We hope many people will submit their ideas about the
area. It will help bring about a new vision and fresh future
perspective. There is already a lot to be proud of here, so
it shouldn’t be hard to receive lots of entries and chance to
win an iPad.”
Please note this competition is open to all ages of Greatwood
& Horseclose residents
For further information ring Karen on 01756 701386
Skipton police
continue to be a key partner of the South Skipton Project. Could we also
add that PCSO Chris Upton unfortunately doesn’t work with us anymore
and we have a new PCSO 5495 Amy Sharrad who will continue the good
work that Liz and Chris have started. It’s that time of year again when
the clocks go back so we would like to encourage residents to “Leave a
light on” it makes the house look occupied when out. Unfortunately we
have had 2 burglaries on the estate since 1st July this year so it is worth
bearing in mind. On a positive we arrested 1 individual for the offence.
Anti social behaviour continues to fall with a 30% decrease of all ASB
across the estate compared with same period last year 01/07/2014 –
23/10/2014 – 69 incidents down to 48, so a real positive.
Residents can follow us on Twitter and Facebook – addresses are as below
PS Paul Evans, Collar No. 1006, Beat Manager Sgt
Skipton Safer Neighbourhood Team
North Yorkshire Police
Twitter @ Skipton_police
Facebook Skipton Safer Neighbourhood Team
Just Ask
Press Release
Winter Warmer at
Embsay Village Hall
Domestic Services
With winter on its way, Fisher Medical Centre and Age
UK are hosting an event to make local residents feel the
warmth of the local community. Literally called a Winter
Warmer session, it has been organised to give a message
of help and practical support to people living in North
We couldn’t ask for a better base for Just Ask Domestic
Services than being on Greatwood. We are a not for
profit community interest company providing home
help and cleaning services in the Craven district. We
were delighted to win a Craven Community Champion
award for business innovation in October. This
recognised our unique business model which enables
us to offer a subsidy for eligible elderly clients.
“Conscious of how the cold and dark can isolate people
in some communities, the Practice Health Champions
(Volunteers of Fisher Medical Centre), are inviting people
to spread the warmth at a Winter Warmer event,” said
Health Promotion Officer, Emma Taylor.
“Winter can be a dangerous time and, according to Age
UK, one person dies every seven minutes due to the cold.
“This is a very sobering thought and something we need
to work harder to prevent. The event will highlight how
residents and the elderly in particular, can stay warm and
keep healthy during the winter.”
“It’s also a chance to meet neighbours and other members
of the local community - and emphasizes the importance
of watching out for each other during the difficult winter
Several agencies will be on hand to offer free information
and advice. There will also be free soups and rolls,
games and an opportunity to buy homemade gifts for
The day will run from 11am until 2.00pm at Embsay
Village Hall on Thursday 20th November 2014. Buses are
running from Skipton Bus Station (stand 6) to Embsay at
11am and returning at 2:10pm.
To find out more, contact the Health Promotion Officer
on 01756 799622 or email
Our services include cleaning, shopping, meal
preparation and general home help.
You can read more about us at www.justaskdomestic.
com or give us a call on 01756 792834
GTS Performing Arts
e t ti
to Know...
ts a
Skipton Town Hall
Free childcare places
available for local 2 year olds
Recent changes to legislation mean that more Craven two
year olds may be entitled to up to 15 hours per week free
In order to receive a free childcare place, families must be
in receipt of certain benefits – Income Support, JSA, Child
Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit and have a household
income of £16,190 or less.
Children who meet these criteria become eligible the
term after they turn two so a child with a birthday in
September through to December would be able to take
up their place in January 2015 whilst a child who turns 2
between January 1st and 31st March could start on April
Across Craven there are a number of Ofsted registered
childcare settings who offer this provision and a full list
can be obtained from the Families Information Service
(FIS) on 0845 6011630 or visit Skipton Children’s Centre
for further information.
Music by
Lyrics by
An amateur production by arrangement with R&H Theatricals Europe
Musical Preparation by JOHN HIGGINS
Adaptation and support materials developed by iTheatrics
under the supervision of Timothy Allen McDonald
T h u r sd ay 1 8 D ecem ber 2 0 1 4 (cha ri ty ni g ht)
Fr id ay a nd Sa t 1 9 / 2 0 D ecem ber 2 0 1 4
Doors open a t 7 p m Cur t a i n up a t 7 .3 0 p m
Tickets £8.00 Concessions £6.00
Available from:
Skipton Tourist Information Centre or call 01274 815524 or 07947 185144