ST. MARY’S CHURCH Church, Business Offices, Meeting Rooms and Rectory 14833 Kutztown Road ▪ Kutztown, PA 19530 Phone: (610) 683-7443 ▪ Fax: (610) 683-7625 Email: Religious Education Center: (610) 683-6454 PASTORAL MINISTRY Rev. Msgr. Walter T. Scheaffer Pastor Permanent Deacon Dcn. James Russo Pastoral Assistant Sr. Marie Clark, MSC Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Denise Krell Coordinator of R.C.I.C. Mrs. Carol Bogansky Coordinator of Home-Based Mrs. Denise Krell Religious Education Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Anne Sitarik Parish Secretary Mrs. Anne Sitarik PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Baptismal Preparation Mrs. Denise Krell Building Committee Msgr. Scheaffer Faith Justice Committee Mrs. Louise Olsheski Finance Committee Msgr. Scheaffer Ladies Auxiliary Ms. Valetta Eshbach Liturgy Committee Msgr. Scheaffer Men of St. Mary’s Mr. Mike Keeney Pastoral Council Msgr. Scheaffer Pro-Life Committee Mr. John Tucker, O.P. R.C.I.A Msgr. Scheaffer Scripture Study Msgr. Scheaffer Small Faith Sharing Groups Mrs. Darla Molnar DIOCESAN INFORMATION Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Wendy S. Krisak Confidential Telephone: (800) 791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sister Meg Cole, S.S.J. (610) 866-0581 xt. 19 LITURGIES Sunday 9:00, 11:00 AM Saturday Vigil 4:30 PM Daily Masses 8:15 AM ADORATION First Friday of the Month, 2PM-4PM Third Wednesday of the Month, 7-8 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - Third Sunday of the month at 11AM Liturgy, except during Lent. Baptismal Prep Class required. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - Saturday, 4:05 to 4:25 PM, before Masses, or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK - Call the Rectory to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY - Contact the Rectory one year in advance. Couples must attend the Marriage Preparation Program or Engaged Encounter. CERTIFICATES - Parishioners in full Communion with the Catholic Church may submit requests to receive sponsorship certificates (for the Rites of Baptism and Confirmation). Please allow two weeks to process requests. One is required: to attend Mass regularly. to have celebrated the Sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation. Married individuals should be validly married in the Catholic Church. HOMEBOUND - Call the Rectory to arrange visitations, made once a month by a Priest and at other times by a Eucharistic Minister. HOSPITALIZED - Call the Rectory to notify of someone in the hospital so we can pray for and possibly visit him or her. Each hospital in our Diocesan boundaries is either covered by a local parish or has a priest on staff at the hospital. PARISH MEMBERSHIP - Welcome to St. Mary’s Parish. Please register for Parish membership by calling the Business office. Please inform us if you are moving. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - Please call the business office for more information: Center-based ▪Levels Pre-K to 5 meet every second week, Sunday mornings. ▪Jr. High and Sr. High meet every second week, Sunday evenings. Home-based ▪Families share faith at home and come together several times a year. Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16, 2014 0195-1 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 16, 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-22 11-23 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 8:15am 4:30pm 9:00am 11:00am Souls in Purgatory John Fry Souls in Purgatory Frank Schwab Souls in Purgatory Mary Ehrets Salvatore Alaimo For the Parish READINGS & CELEBRATIONS FOR THE WEEK Mon 11-17 Rev 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 Tue 11-18 Rev 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 Wed 11-19 Rev 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 Thu 11-20 Rev 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 Fri 11-21 Zec 2:14-17; Mt 12:46-50 Sat 11-22 Rev 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 Sun 11-23 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Co 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Collection Info from Regular Collection Building Fund Capital Campaign Other Regular Income Parish Partnership Income 7,344.07 1,500.00 912.00 100.00 75.00 Expenses 16,447.29 Altar flowers are in memory of Frank and Joan Cochrane Please Pray for the Sick, and their loved ones: Sylvia Austermiller Kathy Bailey Mary Beth Benedict Betty Bennett Joe Bennett Bob Beres Marilyn Berg Alayna Biltcliff Dottie Boyle Kayla Brown John & June Bruno Ed Caffrey Nadia Cahill Meaghan Clark Barbara Darrow Brendan Deely Vincent DiFrancia Kolby Jos. Doerr Annabeth Rose Ebert Dave Ebling Floyd Falcone Helen Falcone Patricia Farabaugh Jeannette Fayewicz Niki Ferrizzi Kathleen Fink Ruth Fitterling Chloe Flowers Connie Fry Eleanor Fry Jim Fry Sue Fry Gary Geiger Sandra George Garrett Goebel Jim Goebel Ken Gorski Jean Green Hope Gunn Anna Halderman Linda Haurus Philip J. Haurus David Heffner John Heffner Helena Heffner Walter Heller Joan Hullinger Allison Marie Innella Justin Kane Ramona Kemp Edward/Rosemary Law Julie Lindsey James Long McKently family Loretta Montagner Dorothy Opilla Brian Otruba Joanne O’Connell Jane Pasquale Alma Rhoades Norma Roche Dawn Rosales Richard Rusconi Mary Rutkosky Helen Sadz Dannielle Sands Anna Savage Charles Scanzella Karen Schinski Rev. James Schlegel Jayne Serino Mark Sidler Faye Smith William Stadalnik Charles Stover Jr. Helen Tobias Eduardo Valentin Jr. Paul Vasko Randall Vresko Joe Warkala Janet Watson Susan Wechezak Russeline Wily THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK MUSIC MINISTRY Sitarik, Anne Spanier, Chris 4:30 Casey, Peggy Casey, Peggy Strzelecki, Tom Spanier, Nicole 9:00 Lazar, Anne Cebenko, Steve YOUTH Sedlack, Christina NONE/Lvl 2 Liturgy Henry, Kathy Pirnot, Tom 11:00 Talarico, Tim Klopp, Tom EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Heffner, David Arentz, Bill 4:30 Shurilla, Donna Arentz, Stephanie Stadalnik, Arlene Arnold, Ellen Otruba, Pam Ballantyne, Marie Zawaly, Joe Hadnagy, Muriel Zawaly, Sue Ruh, Mike Bogansky, Carol Coyle, Bill 9:00 Cengeri, Tom Dunkle, Kim Coco, Joe Klopp, Daryl Phillips, Rita Kokinda, Jeff Sedlack, Tom Krell, Denise Snyder, Pat Sanchez, Mike Cook, Bradley Augustin, Loretta 11:00 Faccenda, Peter Bennett, Jane Jones, John Neumann, Sue Keeney, Mike Pirnot, Ann Kropf, Walter Sitarik, Tim Smeltzer-Schwab, A. Thomas, Cathy LECTORS: c-Eshbach, Valetta c-Osenbach, Anne 4:30 l-Betts, Tom l-Zawaly, Patty c-Kaskey, Richard c-Mehltretter, John 9:00 l-Pettit, Bill l-Spevak, Joe c-Brooks, Michael c-Tabor, Ed 11:00 l-Kopchick, Karen l-Smeltzer-Schwab, A ALTAR SERVERS: Betts, Sarah Betts, Sarah 4:30 Domyan, Nicholas Costello, Ann Neeka Hayduk, Nathan Spanier, Amelia Cebenko, Sophie Cebenko, Stevie 9:00 Costello, Robert Fullington, Jesse Sedlack, Luke Quinn, Devin Cook, Adam Alicea, Adrian 11:00 Cook, Celeste Alicea, Melinda Cook, Isaac Wanner, Zachary GREETERS: 4:30 Hadnagy Family Cook Family 9:00 Talarico Family Sedlack Family 11:00 Fortna Family Hosterman Family 9:00 – CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: LEADER Osenbach, Carol Zawaly, Patty NONE/Lvl 2 Liturgy READER Osenbach, Annie ROSARY LEADER: 4:05 Zettle, Steve Schmura, Barry Traffic help Wessner family 0195-2 EVENTS THIS WEEK Sun 11.16 DISABILITIES AWARENESS SUNDAY 2nd Collection – Poverty Relief/Diocese of Allentown Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 9a Track 1, 10:30a-12:15p Baptisms, 11a Mon 11.17 Pastoral Council, 7p Tue 11.18 Faith Sharing, 9:30a Wed 11.19 Adoration of Blessed Sacrament, 7-8p Catechist formation meeting, 6:30-8:30p Thu Choir practice, 7p 11.20 11.22 Pray the Rosary, 4:05p 2nd Collection – Parish Partnership Sun 11.23 NEXT WEEK CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY 2nd Collection – Parish Partnership 1st Reconciliation Enrollment Liturgy with Level 2 Class participation, 9a Track 2, 10:30a-12:15p Junior High ministry, 6-8p Tue 11.25 Faith Sharing, 9:30a Thu 11.27 THANKSGIVING DAY Thanksgiving Mass, 9a Sat 11.29 Pray the Rosary, 4:05 2nd Collection–Christmas Flower memorials EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINES: Submit info for Nov. 30 by Tue. Nov. 18; for 21 by Dec. 08; for Dec. 28 by Dec. 11 and for Jan. 04 by Dec. 17. For publication on any other Sunday please submit items by 12 noon Monday. Submit full page items one week in advance. PROJECT HOPE: November’s Project HOPE assistance contact is Louise Olsheski: 610-682-0672. Learn more or join the Project HOPE team; Louise: Giving From Our Bounty: DISABILITY INCLUSION AWARENESS SUNDAY-Nov. 16: “We must recognize and appreciate the contributions that persons with disabilities can make to the Church’s spiritual life and encourage them to do the Lord’s work in the world according to their God-given talents and capacity.” -U.S. Catholic Bishops. Faith Justice, 7p Sat The next Soup Kitchen project St. Mary’s will sponsor approaches on Dec 20/21. The Soup Kitchen serves 200-400 people. All items need to be returned by Dec 13/14. Cooking for the soup kitchen will take place on Dec. 18 (14pm). A few addn’l. volunteers could be used. Call Mary Alkons with any questions at 610-683-5443 As we think of the blessings for which we are thankful, it is also good to think of the blessings we can share. Giving From Our Bounty, supported by the Senior High ministry, is now underway. The gathering area display table has baskets of gift tags with needed items suitable for giving by either children or adults. Your generous sharing allows people supported by such worthy organizations as Lifeline, The Hamburg Center, Berksheim County Home for the Aged, and the Kutztown Manor to enjoy the spirit of holiday giving. Please wrap gifts in Christmas paper and securely affix gift tags to each gift. Gifts must be returned here no later than Dec. 07. Thank you for your generosity. This Sunday is Diocesan Disability Inclusion Awareness Sunday. Let us join with fellow parishioners and celebrate the gifts of all people. All Are Welcome! DISABILITY ISSUES and CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING: Today as we celebrate Diocesan Disability Inclusion Awareness Sunday at St. Mary’s, this is a perfect time to highlight the social issues that many of our parishioners and others with disabilities currently face. It is also a good opportunity to see how these issues tie into our Catholic Social Teaching. Please take time to learn more by viewing the display in the Gathering Space. ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: Last May the Diocese of Allentown updated the Sexual Abuse Policies and Code of Conduct. The diocese is now requiring ALL volunteers, reasonably expected to come into contact with children, to read these documents and sign the accompanying forms. Visit the gathering area information table for forms and a copy of these documents or visit: “Protecting God’s Children” in the lower left hand corner. If you are one of our most appreciated and valued volunteers, who has not yet done so, please complete these forms and return them to Sister Marie. SCRIPTURE REFLECTION: The Thessalonians wanted to know the exact time of the “Day of the Lord.” Paul assured them that the chronological time, the exact day and hour was not as important as being alert at all times, living in the presence of God and following His plan. We do this by being like the good wife who admirable in faithfulness, taking material good and ministry to her family and reaching out to the poor while embracing them as her family. When the Day of the Lord comes God will be pleased with us if we, as the two stewards, followed the example of their master and doubled the treasure he left them. He was pleased with them not just for doubling the treasure but using him as an example of how to use their talents. As the master had been successful, so were they. 0195-3 Please pray for these persons serving our Nation. Keenan Albright Kyle Albright Michael Barron Andrew Barthol Frank M. Bieda John Boyer Matthew Boyer Jonathan Cardé Ryan Cengeri Eric L. Cunningham Timothy J. DeVall Anthony Di Pietro Charles Douglass Keith Essig Shawn Gring Michael Allen Haak Diane Henry Cory Holden Dan King James Knight Nick Marakovits Melissa Marks Laura Miller Heather O’Donnell James Quinn Molly Riegel Theodore Rhoades IV Paul Schmura Phillip Talarico Nathan Werner Patrick Vymazal Steve Ziegler Call the office to add/remove names from this list. THE LADIES AUXILIARY APPRECIATES the efforts of all those who made the Bazaar a success again this year. It was wonderful to see so many enjoying themselves during the day. Thanks to the many who helped bring all the activities together and transformed our Religious Ed Center into a Winter Wonderland. to all volunteers at this past Kutztown Kitchen dinner and the many donations to make it a success. We fed over 100 people in the community and hopefully will continue to do so. To assure continued success for the Kutztown Kitchen project new leadership will be needed. Please consider your personal “Time and Talent” inventory. If you think you can guide this fulfilling community project contact Judy Mehltretter and she will gladly help you get started. THANKSGIVING DINNER DRIVE: Purchase a needy Berks County family’s Thanksgiving dinner; deliver it to the Catholic Charities’ Reading office by 12n on Nov. 24, or make a cash donation. To determine how many families we can serve please call Catholic Charities at 610-376-7144 asap. BCHS NOW ACCEPTING: Berks Catholic High School accepting applications for 2014-2015 school year. For more info: Admissions Office 610.374.8361 ext 244 or Financial Aid and Transfer Grants are available. 3RD ANNUAL BERKS FESTIVAL WINE TASTING w/Tapas Stations: 5-8P, Nov 16, at Crowne Plaza Reading Hotel, 1741 Paper Mill Road. Join Catholic Charities, Diocese of Allentown, in its mission of providing compassionate human services in the Berks County. Bishop John Barres will be in attendance. Tickets $75 each; sponsorships are available. To receive an invitation, sponsor the festival or make a gift, please contact Sandra Gaspar, Catholic Charities Advancement Director, at 610-435-1541 ext. 328 or GETHSEMANE Cemetery personnel will be cleaning the cemetery Monday, Nov 17. Please take all plants, containers, etc. that you would like to keep. Please refrain from bringing new decorations until after Nov 21. Thank you! UPON THIS ROCK: 5:30-7:30p, Nov. 17, at the Lehigh University Newman Center, a new young adult speaker series sponsored by the Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry open to all young adults, 18-35. Rev. Allen Hoffa, Chaplain of Lehigh University & Allentown Central Catholic HS will speak on “Who Am I To Judge? Pope Francis & Homosexuality.” Food and beverage will be provided; event is free of charge. For more info visit or email Alexa Doncsecz, ROAD TO COLLEGE: 6:30p, Nov 20 at Berks Catholic HS. This interactive program provides an overview of the college search process and is designed for 8-11 gr. students & families. This program is open to the public; please bring a non-BC friend(s). Visit for more info. Berks Catholic HS FALL SHOW: THREE INSTANCES OF INTRIGUE- 7pm Nov 21 and 22 in Franco Post Aud., w/3 oneacts: SORRY, WRONG NUMBER, THE NEW MARGO, and TWITCH. Tickets on sale Nov 3; $8/person, for ticket info, contact Judi Kane: 215-651-2391/ CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: 8a-1p, Nov 22, St Mary’s, Hamburg. Crafts, theme basket raffle, homemade cookies, quilt raffle, soups/sandwiches. More info at: 610-562-7657 or The Holy Family Manor Auxiliary Holiday Craft Sale: 10a3p, Nov. 22/23 at Holy Family Manor, 1200 Spring St. Bethlehem. Begin your holiday shopping with Holiday Crafts/Vendors/Bake Sale. Proceeds benefit programs and services for residents. Last year Holy Family Manor provided $4 million+ in charitable care. For info contact Rose: 610-8655595 x 522 or Ann: 610-997-8409. GROUP SESSIONS at FRIEND, INC. COMMUNITY SVCs. Join monthly sessions 10:30a-12p with Friend Inc.’s Family Guidance Center therapist Jamie Hogan. Nov.25 topic: Coping with the Holidays; Do the Holidays stress you out? Review things you can do to manage the holiday blues and all the stress of preparing for the Holidays. Call 610-374-4963 x105 to reserve. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: 12-4p, Dec. 6, Nativity of BVM Ukrainian Catholic Church, Reading. Pierogies, Halushki, Holupchi, nut-apricot-poppyseed rolls, arts & crafts and more. For more info: 610-376-0586 or: CONSIDER ADVERTISING in the PARISH BULLETIN. It helps fund bulletin publication and brings the business of our loyal, appreciative parishioners. Call our parish representative Jim Finnen 610-653-2145/610-838-2238. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Life rolls on & keeps you busy. Plan now for a break for the two of you: WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER weekend. 0195-4 REFLECTION… by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson The ratings prove that TV viewers like watching shows like “The Voice” and “America’s Got Talent.” For me and others “of a certain age” who can recall TV’s pioneer days, there was once a weekly program that could count as great grandfather to these modern offerings. It was known as “Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour.” I smile as I recall the avuncular host Ted Mack interviewing the guest talents as if it were yesterday. One person came on the show and announced to Mr. Mack that he played the handsaw. “Really?” asked the host. Then we would all HELP WANTED: Berks Encore is always looking for Meals on Wheels volunteers to deliver meals weekdays throughout watch and listen as the man used a violin bow to produce a pleasant if not haunting sound from his saw. That early Berks County. In addition to individual volunteers, we encourage local businesses to adopt a route. Volunteer once TV show not only showcased people’s talents, but a week, once a month or as often as you like. Choose to be a exemplifies the innocence of a bygone era in substitute volunteer and fill in when the regular volunteer is entertainment that I wish we could bring back. unavailable. For info about Meals on Wheels volunteer Returning to this matter of talent, we have to remember opportunities, contact or 610-374- and celebrate the fact that God in His love has given each 3195, x 220, or call Berks Encore-Fleetwood: 610-944and every one of us an ability or aptitude that no one else 9242 has. Jesus reminds us today that God expects us to use that special something to benefit others. All of us are PROLIFE: “If we understand the human person as the traveling on this relatively little blue ball floating in the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’—the living house of God—then universe amid the stars enroute to a heaven beyond our these latter issues fall logically into place as the powers of imagination. Each individual is charged with crossbeams and walls of that house. All direct attacks on innocent human life, such as abortion and euthanasia, strike making the journey better for the rest of us. We know that some of us are able to do that for at the house's foundation. These directly and immediately violate the human person's most fundamental right – the millions of others through the so-called “magic” of our right to life. Neglect of these issues is the equivalent of inventions. Recall the many tributes given recently to building our house on sand.” “Living the Gospel of Life: A Robin Williams and Joan Rivers. Of course, we don’t have Challenge to American Catholics” (A Statement by the to reach millions. We are successful in God’s eyes if we Catholic Bishops of the United States), no. 22, (USCCB) reach but one other. Our belief in Jesus empowers us for this project. So we need not fear or be daunted by the challenge of it. However, there is a “downside” if you will to all this happy talk of our individual gifts. It is captured in the sad phrase “could have been.” We are not talking here about some human prize lost. But just put your name in front of “could have been” and the words “a saint” behind that verb and see the potential for a bitter eternity. Luckily for us all, that sentence does not have to describe us. We are blest to have the time and place right here and now to change “could have been” to “became” with a sincere decision to follow Christ’s plan for our talents, and be a light in the darkness. Once upon a time, a little boy attended a church that had beautiful stained glass windows. He was told that the windows contained pictures of Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke, Saint John, Saint Paul and others. One day somebody asked the boy “What is a saint?” And he answered so wisely and well: “A saint is a person whom the light shines through.” JOHN PAUL II CENTER for SPECIAL LEARNING: If someone you know has a child with special needs JP II Center provides social, educational and spiritual programs for children and young adults, ages 3-21, with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Like everyone else, they have the capacity to make significant contributions to the community by utilizing their God-given talents; JP II Center is dedicated to making that happen. Visit or call Mary Adams, Principal 610-7770605 to learn more. 0195-5 0195-6 Diocese Member RUSSELL E. CONRAD, INC. HEATING OIL • KEROSENE DIESEL • GASOLINE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE 111 South Maple Street, Kutztown 610-683-8241 610 683 8736 610-683-8736 Stephen C. Block TREE SERVICE Pest Control Pruning • Removal 23 Yrs. Experience 15530 Kutztown Road, Kutztown Proud to Support St. Mary’s Parish 610-756-3109 484-641-5097 CALL US FOR ALL YOUR DENTAL NEEDS 154 W. Main St., Kutztown Kathleen DeVaul MSN RN Parishioner HEALTH COACH OFFERING INTEGRATIVE HEALTH COACHING SERVICES THAT ARE INDIVIDUALIZED TO MEET YOUR NEEDS OR GOALS 484-661-6786 Justin Xander GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction Additions • Remodeling Kitchens • Baths • Door Windows • Roofing Siding • Flooring • Tile Basements • Decks Electrical Wiring Pole Buildings “Make Your Move With Monaghan” Our Parish’s Local Real Estate Company 610-683-5333 Randy Quinby 1-484-648-2395 REALTOR® ...Leading you home! Serving All Our St. Mary Families Dr. William J. Messersmith DMD Homesale Realty Direct: 610-685-4749 Office: 610-372-3200 Dr. C. Matthew Keller DMD 162 A Trexler Avenue Merra Lee Moffitt Our Local Neighbor CFP®, AWMA, CMFC, AIF® Financial • Retirement Business & Educational Planning 610-488-7353 Kutztown, PA 19530 Making a donation to St. Mary’s when work is done for Members Our Fleetwood Neighbor • PA072556 Accepting Credit Cards 610-597-8993 HAHN EXTERIORS Decks • Fences • Sunrooms Windows • Siding Honest High Quality Work For St. Mary Families 3617 Kutztown Rd., Laureldale 610-929-2832 JOHNSON’S REMODELING & CONSTRCUTION SERVICES Additions • Decks Roofing • Windows Kitchens • Doors • Plowing Basements • Hauling Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. 610-509-4052 Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE INSPECTIONS Check out our reviews on: LICENSED & INSURED 195 Saint Mary’s Church ~ Kutztown, PA (inside) Rt. UPS conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Jim Finnen this week Direct number: 610-653-2145 1-800-333-3166 extension #145 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Kutztown Animal & Bird Hospital FAMILY CARE FOR YOUR SPECIAL PET Dr. Bridget McMahon, DVM, Owner Birds • Cats • Dogs • Exotics • Reptiles FULL SERVICE PET CARE INCLUDING: SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Kittens • Puppies • Senior Pets • CERTIFIED CHIROPRACTIC CARE New Clients Always Welcome 610-683-5353 15620 Kutztown Rd., Kutztown,PA KUTZTOWN AUTO PARTS Complete Line of Auto Parts Hours: Mon-Fri 7AM-7PM Saturday 8AM to 2PM ~Parishioning Family~ 610-683-8231 15140 Kutztown Road HANDYMAN • LASER SURGERY • DENTISTRY The Kutztown Area has its own radio station and you can listen on your TV! Tune in to Service Electric Cable Channel 24 for lots of cool jazz and specialty shows! WEBSITE: EDWARD J. HILDENBRAND JSCHENCK56@GMAIL.COM Jeffery J. Jones, D.O. Holly A. Hildenbrand, Supervisor Edward J. Hildenbrand, Funeral Director 610-683-3526 346 West Main St. • Kutztown 610-682-7131 72 E. Washington Street Topton, PA 19562 Office Hours By Appointment Doors • Windows •Siding General Contracting Rewiring • Service Upgrade Standby Generators Parish Member JEFF SCHENCK 484-336-4278 Joseph J. Blasiol, D.O. FUNERAL HOME INC. MARK D. CROSSLEY Attorney At Law SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZE HOME MAINTENANCE REPAIRS AND REMODELING T O P T O N F A M I LY P R A C T I C E A S S O C I AT E S Home Improvement Company 512 Walnut St., Allentown, PA 18101 610-437-1100 PARK ROAD LOCK N STORE Wedding Cakes All Occasion Cakes Cupcakes 24-7 Access 610-683-3104 3534 Kutztown Road • Laureldale, PA 19605 610-929-1702 DR. JOHN P. BOYLE SELF STORAGE Walnuttown, PA Electric Services & Contracting 484-552-4071 RICHARD L. GESCHWINDT FAMILY DENTISTRY Office Hours By Appointment 15295 Kutztown Road Main Street East End 610-683-6955 Mae A. Stump Funeral Home, Inc. David W. Weber,, Supervisor p ATTORNEY AT LAW 203 E. NOBLE AVENUE SHOEMAKERSVILLE, PA 19555 Phone: 610-562-7125 117 West Main Street • Fleetwood 610-944-7621 W Open 7 Days A Week Homemade Dinners Party Trays SUNDAYS Buy One Dinner Get One 1/2 OFF With this Coupon No Other Offers 15260 Kutztown Rd. Kutztown PA 19530 (Next to Weis, in Weis Plaza) 484-641-5200 195 Saint Mary’s Church ~ Kutztown, PA (back) Rt. UPS WALBERT FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES, PC Russell P. Walbert, F.D., Supervisor 14390 Kutztown, Rd. Fleetwood, PA 19522 (610) 944-9900 Fax: (610) 944-9911 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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