NEWSLETTER OF THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST SWITHUN WELLS 16th November 2014 Our Mission: LOVE GOD – LOVE OTHERS – MAKE DISCIPLES Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No. 246871 Sunday Cycle: Year A. Weekday Cycle: Year II Psalter Week 1 Solemnity of St Edmund of Abingdon St Edmund Rich was born at St Edmund’s Lane, Abingdon, on 20 November, probably in the year 1175. His father was a rich merchant, hence the surname (which he never in fact used himself). Under the influence of his mother he led an ascetic life. He studied at Oxford and Paris, and became a teacher in about 1200 or a little earlier. For six years he lectured on mathematics and dialectics, apparently dividing his time between Oxford and Paris, and winning distinction for his part in introducing the study of Aristotle. He is the first known Oxford Master of Arts, and the place where he taught was eventually renamed St Edmund Hall. Between 1205 and 1210 he changed direction, studying theology and being ordained a priest. He took a doctorate in divinity, and soon won fame as a lecturer on theology and as an extemporaneous preacher. Some time between 1219 and 1222 he was appointed vicar of the parish of Calne in Wiltshire and Treasurer of Salisbury Cathedral, and finally became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1233. He was a notable and effective reforming Bishop. His love for discipline and justice aroused opposition, and he found himself ranged against Rome as champion of the national Church. Eventually, like his predecessors St Thomas Becket and Stephen Langton, he retired to Pontigny, where he is buried. He died at Soisy-Bouy on 16 November 1240. His cultus was especially marked at Abingdon, and at Catesby where his sisters were both nuns. PRAYER FOR NOVEMBER Lord, be good to them, And show them all your love. Lord, be kind to them, And grant them peace above. Lord, be merc8iful to them, With all my heart I pray. Lord, be gracious to them. For the good that the have done. Lord, be gente to them, For sufferings undergone. Lord, may we meet again at last, When heaven’s Crown’s been won. Fr Patrick Sayless SSC “Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, you will have been all of these.” BLESSING OF THE GRAVES Sunday - 22nd November Romsey Cemetery (Botley Rd) at 10.45am Woodley Cemetery at 11.30am Bereavement Mass of the Parish The Annual Mass for the Bereaved will be celebrated at St Edward the Confessor Church on 18th November at 7pm Parish Office: Holy Cross Church, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9DU Tel.: 023 8027 3882. Email: Office hours:: Wed 8.30am-4.30pm Thurs 8.30am - 4.30pm Fri 11.30am - 3.00 pm. Newsletter items should be received by Wed 9.00 am Readings for next Sunday 23rd November Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King Gospel: 1st reading: Psalm 95 2nd reading: Matthew 25:31-46 Ezekiel 347:11-12.15-17 ‘The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want’ 1 Corinthians 15:20-26.28 ST. SWITHUN WELLS CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL Hillcrest Avenue, Chandler’s Ford CHRISTMAS FAYRE - FRI 5th DECEMBER - 6-8.30pm Please come and join us for festive fun!. There will also be a grand prize draw - tickets will be on sale after weekend Masses or from the school office. Prizes include £100 vouchers, Android Tablet, Bumper Sweet Hamper and many more. If you could spare 1/2 an hour to help on a stall please contact the PTA, either via the school office 023 8026 6210 or email COFFEE STOP Open every Thurs 10am - 12 noon in the Resource Centre behind Anchor Training for Catechists 22nd November, 10am-1pm St Edward the Confessor, Chandler's Ford with an optional workshop in the afternoon. Bring a packed lunch. The day is free of charge. Come and find out about this simple, interactive faith formation for adults. Anchor is a simple Faith resource which allows adults to discover or rediscover the essentials of the Catholic Faith through Scripture and art. 60 Club ~ Mon 17th November 2-4pm at the Resource Centre behind Holy Cross Everyone very welcome Enq: Maureen Westwood 023 80 692682 Journey in Faith (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Wednesdays 7.30-9pm NEXT MEETING 19th NOVEMBER St Edward the Confessor Contact Deacon Paul Owen on 023 8065 8251 Parish Pastoral Areas - Valley Park Monday, 17 November at 2pm. There will be a Scripture Reading and Social Afternoon at the home of Joan Lake, Flexford Cottage, Flexford Road,SO52 9DF. Department for Schools Vacancy - School Standards Support Officer A new post has arisen for a School Standards Support Officer to work in the Diocesan Department for Schools which is located at Park Place Pastoral Centre, Wickham. This is a new and exciting post which may suit someone who has recently retired or is in employment looking to further their own professional development. The post is fulltime but part-time arrangements may be possible. For more information about the post and salary details please contact:Urszula Topp, Interim Director, Department for Schools, Telephone: 01329 835363 Email: For an application form and job description please go Closing date: Thursday 20th November 2014 (4pm) Future Events Pyramid Boxes will be collected at St Edward’s week ending November 22nd/23rd Christmas Goodies Stall week-end 13th/14th December Hamper Raffle. More details to come. from CAFOD for your generosity. We raised an amazing total of £1,727.69 An evening of healing with Little Way Healing Ministries 7 - 9.30pm, Monday 1 December Highfield House Hotel, Highfield Lane, SO17 1AQ ST. SWITHUN WELLS FELLOWSHIP GROUP at St. Swithun Wells Church, Fair Oak Our next meet on 19th November 7.45pm We shall continue to look at Pope Francis' "Evangelii Gaudium" led by Rev Deacon Bob Birtles. Everyone very welcome. Enquiries: Peter Baggott: 023 8069 4060 Fr. Laurence Brassill OSA & Mrs. Pauline Edwards and team offer an evening of teaching and healing. Everyone is welcome so bring your friends, neighbours and relatives. No need to be a churchgoer to attend. Tea and coffee provided. Jesus said: ‘Lay your hands on the sick and they will be healed’. Come and see. ‘Inter-Faith and Prisoners’ Week Lock-in at HMP/YOI Portland’ Thursday 20th November 2014 Our new Deacon Paul Wilson, who is the RC Chaplain at HMP Winchester, will be ‘locked-up’ with 6 others from differing world faiths. Will they survive a night in prison? Deacon Paul Wilson is hoping you will sponsor him to undertake this ‘lock-in’ experience, and likewise support the work of Footprints and their volunteer mentors, who reduce reoffending by helping those released from prison back into our local communities. Sponsorship sign up forms will be available at the back of the Church Contact Paul via or Parish Office TOYS WANTED. A small charity in North London gives toys at Christmas to children living in very low income families, where the children are suffering poverty. They will be extremely grateful for any unwanted toys in good condition. Also the charity would welcome good quality used baby clothes, no longer needed by parishioners. Please contact Roger Lillie on 07729 368195 or EXHIBITION OF CRIBS St Peters Church in Bishop's Waltham From Thursday 4th December to Saturday 6th December,2014 Organised by St Peters Church Social Committee.They are keen to get the wider community involved and this involves children’s art work and persons willing to lend their Cribs for the exhibition. Further information and entry forms, please contact Vanessa Emmerson 01489 895079 or enquire from Angela Fairweather. A Christian film "Touched by Grace"(PG) is coming to Eastleigh Vue cinema for one performance only at 7.30pm next Mon. 17th November. Details including the trailer can be found at There may be further screenings the week after. (You will be able to find out by looking at from the Tuesday afternoon.) Saturday 22nd November 11am-4pm Carol Singing - Town centre lights ‘switch on’ event Churches Together in Eastleigh will be based at Wells Place Centre, Eastleigh Baptist Church. Parade at 5.15pm followed by switching on of Christmas lights and fireworks. Partnership in Mission 2014 Many thanks to everyone who helped to move the office from Chandler’s Ford to Eastleigh GRIEF, LOSS and PAIN in CHURCHES A free workshop with Rev Bill Merrington Lead Chaplain at Bournemouth University, suitable for all Christians with an interest in the subject of grief Saturday 29th November, 9.30-12.30pm St Thomas’ Church, Fair Oak Why do we grieve? Why do traditional models of bereavement fail? A Christian approach to Ministry to those in loss situations. To book: - 02380 695786 HCPT Pilgrimage to Lourdes Easter 2015 - Fundraising and Pilgrims Over the years a number of young people from Our Lady Queen of Apostles have travelled to Lourdes with HCPT in support of disabled children. In 2015 we are continuing this tradition but in addition to, hopefully, Rose (17) and Edward Adams (14), a number of adults are planning to participate in the pilgrimage. We are fundraising to help provide the essential support to the disabled during this very special Easter Week pilgrimage by selling HCPT raffle tickets (top prize £4,000) in the next few weeks. Details about HCPT can be found at: Please be generous. Perhaps you might consider taking some books to sell at work or from your home? Should any parishioner wish to join the group, or know of a disabled child who might benefit from the trip, please make contact with Anthony McEwen (01489 877448) . After a friendly, informative evening with a shared meal & some video of Zambia, singing a Zambian Catholic song and trying out a Zambian dance a big thank you to all those who attended for your support and generosity. We can now send £327 to Father Oswald which will use set up the first ever community school in one of the poorest villages in Zambia. To find out more, come to the next African Evening! The Nightshelter has two fantastic Christmas cards on sale this year! available via the Nightshelter office, the Discovery Centre and Winchester Guildhall's charity Christmas card shop. Images kindly donated by local photographer Joe Low.A majestic image of Winchester's iconic cathedral and a vibrant view of Winchester's High Street during the city's famous Lantern Parade. In packs of 10 @ £4 per pack. All proceeds go towards our work helping Hampshire's homeless. More information, please visit WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS Last week’s collections (incl weekly standing orders) St Edward the Confessor: £ (S/O £816.15) Special Collection for Bamenda: £696.39 Spec Collection for Ebola Appeal: £1009.87 incl. of £114.87 Gift Aid Our Lady Queen of Apostles: £245.44 (S/O £438.46) Special Collection for Bamenda: £65.50 for Ebola Appeal: £90.95 Holy Cross & St. Swithun Wells: £367.54 (S/O £315.02) Special Collection for Bamenda: £370.34 for Ebola Appeal: 146.39 St. Joseph’s & St. Andrew’s: £637.93 (S/O £409.78) Special Collection for Bamenda: £574.16 for Ebola Appeal: £480.48 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: St Swithun Wells Primary School 023 8026 6210; St George Catholic V.A. College 023 8032 2603; St Anne’s Catholic School 023 8032 8200; Charlton House 023 8067 7575 / St Mary’s College 023 8067 1267 Mass Times for our Six Church Communities DATE TIME CHURCH Sat 15th Our Lady on Sat 9.30am HC Luis M Castro & Hilda & Richard Marin RIP Sat 15th 5.00pm St Sw People of the Parish Vigil Masses 6.00pm OLQA 6.00pm St J 6.30pm St Ed Rosemary Oxby RIP Sun 16th 9.00am 9.00am HC St Ed Polska Msza Święta Tom & Grainne Cantwell RIP Solemnity of St Edmund of 9.15am 9.30am SA Agnes Fowler RIP OLQA Abingdon 11.00am 11.00am SA HC Mon 17th 9.30am HC St Hilda 9.30am St Ed 10.00am OLQA Tues 18th 9.30am HC Dedication of the Basilicas of St 9.30am 10.00am St Ed SA Peter & St Paul 19.00pm SE BEREAVEMENT MASS Wed 19th 9.30am HC Francesco & Agostino Papallo RIP 9.30am 10.00am ROSARY AND PRAYERS St Ed HC St Sw St A St J OLQA MASS INTENTION DATE Thurs 20th 9.30pm St Ed Dolores y Jeronimo Patiño Porto & Family RIP Fri 21st 9.30am HC Presentation of the Blessed 9.30am St Ed Virgin Mary 6.00pm St J Dominic Brown RIP Phil Talbot RIP Sat 22nd 9.30am HC Danny Connolly RIP Sat 22nd 5.00pm St Sw 6.00pm 6.00pm OLQA St J 6.30pm St Ed Mary Ellen Connolly Spec. Int Sun 23rd 9.00am HC Constance Brixey FM Our Lord Jesus Christ, 9.00am 9.15am St Ed SA Universal King 9.30am OLQA 11.00am SA Benjamin St John Martindale RIP 11.00am HC Francesco Vallelonga & Family Deceased Members of Baker Vigil Masses & Hanrahan Families Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Friday Sunday Beryl Postlethwaite RIP Patrick Burke FM Polska Msza Święta Lobo & DSouza Families RIP The Holy Rosary in the Oratory of Marie Louise House, Newton Lane, Romsey The Holy Rosary Evening Prayer with Word and Communion Morning Prayer with Word and Communion The Holy Rosary HC No Adoration. Holy Hour 7-8pm St Ed after Mass, closing with Benediction 8.30pm St J from 12.00 noon until 6.00pm. St A following Morning Prayer until 11.00am 10.00am Holy Cross Church 12 noon St. Edward the Confessor Church 5.30pm Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church 5.30pm St. Joseph’s Parish Centre. 8.45am St. Andrew’s Church. Requiem Mass - Alan George Endersby RIP St Cecilia CONFESSION (SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION) Sundays: HC St J ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Saturdays: 9.30am MASS INTENTION 6.00pm St. Edward the Confessor,191-193, Winchester Rd, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2DU Holy Cross, 53, Leigh Road, Eastleigh. SO50 9DF St. Swithun Wells, Allington Lane, Fair Oak, SO50 7DB St. Andrew’s, Fleming Avenue, North, Baddesley SO52 9EP St. Joseph’s Oratory, 26 Abbey Water, Romsey, SO51 8EJ Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Martin Street, Bishops Waltham. SO32 1DN Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday - CHURCH 10.00am OLQA St Ed Norwa Phelan’s Birthday OLQA St J 7.30 pm St Ed 9.00 am St J 6.00 pm St A 10.00 am St Ed 8.25 am TIME Malayam (Syro-Malabar) Rite 1st Friday of the month 5.00 pm The Holy Rosary, followed by Mass at Holy Cross. Fr David O’Sullivan Tel: 023 8061 2430 (Parish Priest) mob: 07554 427063 Deacon Bob Birtles Tel: 023 8069 2416 Fr George Ngwa Tel: 02380620795 Tel: (Assistant Priest) Deacon John di Meo Tel: 01794 515688 Canon Alan Griffiths (Assistant Priest) POLISH PRIEST : Fr Zbigniew Budyn Tel: 023 8178 6316 RETIRED PRIEST: Fr David Whitehead Deacon Paul Owen Tel: 023 8065 8251 Deacon Paul Hollingworth Tel: 01794 524287 Co-ordinator & Adviser for Catechesis & Formation: Holy Cross Resource Centre & Fin Admin: Richard Martin Tel:023 8065 8338 Linda Roberts Tel: 023 8065 8339 Parish Administrator: Cristina Carretero Tel: 023 80 27 3882
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