When Do Trails Open ?
See Page 22!
New York
November 2014
The Official Publication of the New York State Snowmobile Association
Your comments are needed!
See page 2 - 5
SEE PAGE 18-20
NYSSA Online Magazine
Please attend November
by December 5!
RAY BROOK, NY – The Adirondack Park Agency (APA) will hold a series of
public listening sessions to solicit comments regarding possible amendments to the
Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (APSLMP) including proposals identified
as part of the Essex Chain Lakes classification. As part of the Essex Chain Lakes
Complex classification, the APA agreed to consider amendments to the APSLMP
that would allow the use of all-terrain bicycles in the Essex Chain Lakes Primitive
Area and the use of non-natural materials for the construction of a bridge over the
Cedar River.
The public will have the opportunity to make suggestions about changes to the
APSLMP in relation to the Essex Chain Lakes commitments as well as suggest additional recommendations
during a series of four public listening sessions. The meeting format will include opportunities for individuals
to interact directly with APA staff, ask questions and provide suggestions about possible revisions to the
APSLMP for further consideration. The public is encouraged to bring written comments to support their input.
At the conclusion of each listening session, agency staff will present an overview of the process required to
amend the APSLMP.
The APA has two upcoming public listening sessions to be held at the following times and locations:
November 17, 2014 - 11AM-2PM
NYS DEC Headquarters
625 Broadway
Albany, New York 12233
November 18 - 5PM-8PM
Town of Webb Union Free School District, School Gym
3002 State Route 28
Old Forge, NY 13420
In addition to the listening sessions, APA will accept written comments on APSLMP amendments until
December 5, 2014. Please submit written comments to:
Deputy Director, Planning
Kathy Regan
PO Box 99
Ray Brook, NY 12977
Or via email –
At the conclusion of the public sessions, the APA will discuss topics for further consideration with DEC and
engage stakeholders to identify amendment recommendations. Following public and stakeholder engagement,
the APA will undertake the State Environmental Quality Review Act process on the Essex Chain Lakes Complex proposals. APA will also develop a timeline to consider other possible APSLMP amendment recommendations.
The Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan defines permissible activities on State-owned Forest Preserve
land in the Adirondack Park. The APSLMP was written in 1972, but since 1987, there have been no major
amendments to the APSLMP, despite changing recreational activities, such as mountain biking.
The mission of the Adirondack Park Agency is to protect the public and private resources of the Adirondack Park through the exercise of
the powers and duties of the Agency as provided by law. For more information, call the APA at (518) 891-4050 or visit
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 2
NYSSA Online Magazine
Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor
The State Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Transportation (DOT) have
announced that they are seeking public input
through December 15 on an amendment to the
Unit Management Plan (UMP) for the RemsenLake Placid Travel Corridor (the Corridor). The
UMP governs the use of the 119-mile rail corridor,
which has been the subject of much recent debate
over the future of the historic rail line. Four public
comment sessions are scheduled to discuss the possible amendment.
Please comment by
According to the notice issued to the press: “DEC
and DOT will develop a draft UMP amendment to
evaluate the use of the Tupper Lake to Lake Placid
segment for a recreational trail. The agencies say
they are also examining opportunities to maintain
and realize the full economic potential of rail service from Utica to Tupper Lake, and reviewing options to create and expand alternative snowmobile corridors, and other trails, to connect communities from Old Forge to
Tupper Lake on existing state lands and conservation easements.”
Public comment on amending the UMP is being accepted until December 15. Comments can be sent by
email to, or mailed to NYS Travel Corridor, NYS DOT Freight and Passenger Rail Bureau, 50 Wolf Road, POD 5-4, Albany NY 12232. Verbal comments were accepted during four public comment meetings.
“Community input is vital in determining future uses for this unique corridor and we encourage people to attend these public meetings to make their voices heard,” DOT Commissioner Joan McDonald said a prepared
statement. “DOT is partnering with the Department of Environmental Conservation and the public to examine
the best course of action to maximize economic, environmental and transportation benefits from the corridor.”
“We are taking a comprehensive, careful approach to this major transportation corridor in the middle of the
Adirondack Park because we realize how important future uses of this artery are to the people and communities of the Adirondacks,” DEC Commissioner Joe Martens’ statement said. “The upcoming public comment
meetings will give the public and stakeholders a great chance to help the two agencies craft an amended UMP
that serves the public good.”
“Amending the 1996 UMP/EIS will enable DEC and DOT to thoroughly review those aspects of the 1996
UMP/EIS that recommend enhanced recreational opportunities and community connections, and to examine
alternatives for the best future use of the Corridor along the Tupper Lake to Lake Placid segment. DEC and
DOT will work with the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) and public stakeholders, including local officials and
residents, to assess alternatives that reflect current realities along the corridor and potential environmental and
economic impacts.
(Continued on page 5)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 3
NYSSA Online Magazine
Open Space Conservation Plan
Public Comments Accepted Through December 17.
Please comment by
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens
and Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (State Parks) Commissioner
Rose Harvey today released the 2014 State Open Space Conservation Plan for public
comment. The plan guides State Environmental Protection Fund investments in open
space protection. Comments on the draft plan will be accepted until December 17.
The Draft Plan makes recommendations on how open space conservation will
help accomplish Governor Cuomo's goals, which include: ensuring clean water, air and
land for a healthy public and vibrant economy; greening New York's economy; protecting natural resources and promoting outdoor recreation; increasing and improving the
visitor experience; creating a 21st century parks system that is aesthetically compelling,
energy and operationally efficient, and built to last; and working to address climate
Building upon the recommendations of Regional Advisory Committees, the Commissioners now ask
the public to make recommendations on how open space conservation programs can make the state better prepared and more resilient in preparation of future storms and climate change. Governor Cuomo created the NYS
2100 commission in response to Superstorm Sandy to generate recommendations to improve resilience and
strengthen the state's infrastructure in the face of natural disasters and other emergencies. Many of the open
space recommendations included in the 2100 Commission report are integrated into the draft plan.
The draft plan was created through the work of nine Regional Advisory Committees composed of representatives of county governments and people knowledgeable in open space conservation selected by DEC
and State Parks. The nine committees correspond to DEC's nine administrative regions. Each committee was
asked by the Commissioners to review the existing 2009 plan, including the list of priority open space conservation projects, as well as policy recommendations, to make New York's comprehensive open space conservation program stronger in the future.
The Commissioners invite the public to comment in writing and at the public hearings. Specifically,
comments could offer suggestions on:
how the state and its partners can promote and enhance existing and new state lands as tourism destinations as part of a comprehensive open space conservation program;
how the state can make public lands attractive to a diversity of New Yorkers;
how DEC and State Parks can offer better access for sportsmen and women;
how DEC and State Parks can work to provide outdoor recreation opportunities for New Yorkers
and visitors of all abilities through Universal Access;
where DEC and State Parks can further develop Universal Access; and
what the state can do to acquire and make more accessible lands near and in urban centers.
"The draft plan covers a lot of ground," Commissioner Martens added. "We urge the public to review the draft
plan and give us comments that can strengthen the State's Open Space Conservation program in the future."
State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball said, "Open space and agriculture are inherently con(Continued on page 5)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 4
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Remsen-Lake Placid, Continued from page 3)
“The 60-day public comment period will provide a transparent and public means of gathering information for
use in a proposed amendment of the 1996 UMP/EIS that would maximize benefits from public use of the corridor and conform with the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan.
“Following public comment, DEC and DOT will prepare a Draft UMP Amendment and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement EIS) in 2015, which will explore opportunities to increase recreational use of the
rail corridor and ensure it promotes tourism and economic growth in the surrounding communities. Additional
public input on a draft UMP Amendment will be conducted by APA, with the goal of completing a final UMP
Amendment later in 2015.”
( Open Space Plan, Continued from page 4)
nected. Farms not only provide an opportunity to grow local products, but a habitat for wildlife and scenic vistas that are a draw for tourists across the state. Many of the goals of the open space plan such as maintaining
critical natural resources and enhancing scenic, cultural and historic resources are made possible in large part
due to the existence of working farms and woodlands. Updating the state's Open Space Plan every three years
is a good way to ensure that our existing open space resources are inventoried and enables the state to better
plan for future open space protection efforts."
Public comments can be submitted by email to or mailed to DEC by
December 17 to: Open Space Conservation Plan, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233
An electronic version of the draft plan is available on DEC's website.
Since 1992, the Open Space Conservation Plan has served as the blueprint for the State's Open Space Program, guiding the investment of land protection funds from the Environmental Protection Fund. As required
by law, the Plan is updated periodically, relying heavily on the work of the nine Regional Advisory Committees, which have worked with staff from both agencies and the public to produce a draft for public hearings
and comments in 2014. Following the public comment period the Plan will be finalized and submitted to Governor Cuomo for approval in 2015.
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 5
NYSSA Online Magazine
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 6
NYSSA Online Magazine
New York
The New York State
Snowmobile Association
P. O. Box 1040,
Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040
Anne O’Dell
888-624-3849 x101
November Features:
Your letters are needed
P. 2 - 5
President’s Message...Jim Elmore
P. 8
From the Desk of the Executive Director ...D. Jacangelo
P. 10
What’s been happening at NYSSA ...Rosanne Warner
P. 16
TRAILS: Trail Coordinator Report ...Jim Rolf
P. 18
When Do Trails Open?
P. 22
2014-15 Officers
Jim Elmore, 585-813-4610
Randy Phillips, 585-265-1753
Rosanne Warner, 315-697-8130
John Occhino, 845-225-3140
Dominic Jacangelo, 888-624-3849 x104
Jim Rolf, 888-624-3849 x102
Anne O’Dell, 888-624-3849 x101
Membership 888-624-3849 x103
Join or Renew Membership Online:
Our Website:
Renew Your Club Membership
and Register your Sled with DMV Online!
See page 27-28!
Another New Business Member!
Are you a business owner? Business memberships include one free ad in this magazine!
Click here to join as a business member.
The Henrietta House
New York State Office of Parks,
Recreation & Historic Preservation’s
DMV, Register a Sled: NY Resident
DMV, Register a Sled: Out of State
Available for Rental
Route 8, Speculator, NY
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 7
NYSSA Online Magazine
President’s Message
by Jim Elmore, NYSSA President 585-813-4610
The NYSSA Board of Directors finished up a very productive meeting on November 1 at Drivers Village in Syracuse. On the plus side, while driving home west on the Thruway we encountered snow.
It was just enough to cover the cars in area parking lots and a great reminder that our season is underway. Many snowmobile club volunteers are already marking trails and getting the grooming equipment ready for
the upcoming season. If you have not renewed your club membership and snowmobile registration(s) and club dues,
please do it today. The State has not been able to process the Phase 1 applications for the trail grant and this may
delay reimbursement to the clubs. NYSSA is in contact with State officials to help speed this process up and we are
willing to assist the State in getting these Phase 1 applications processed. In the meanwhile,
it is very important to renew your club membership dues immediately! Clubs need the early
season revenue to purchase materials to open the trails.
Clubs need
the early
revenue to
materials to
Our Directors have passed a trail inspection program for clubs to utilize for the inspection of
the trails across the State. This program will help identify those clubs who blatantly disregard
trail signing. The majority of the clubs do a great job in trail signing, staking and maintenance
of the program. This inspection will not hurt clubs that currently strive to mark and stake their
respective trails. Our Directors are also volunteers in the respective Counties they represent
and they are not out to hamper clubs that are doing it correctly. In addition to identifying
problems, they have also written in to the inspection program to recognize clubs that do a
good job on the trail signage. The inspectors are not there just to find fault, they should be
helping the clubs to strive to accomplish their staking & marking goals. Our Trail Coordinator,
Jim Rolf will head up this program and he will be training the inspectors. Jim is also a club
volunteer and he understands that we are all volunteers trying to do a good job for our members. I personally do not want to hear any statement from an inspector to any club official
“I`m here to find fault with your trails” If this happens, please contact me and I will address this issue with our Trail Coordinator. If you have any questions please contact your local Director and they will
be glad to help with any concerns you might have.
I attended the Sleds of Stafford annual steak dinner after the NYSSA November Board meeting. This is their annual
season kickoff for area snowmobilers to meet and enjoy a great dinner at BW’s Restaurant in Pavilion, New York. This
event sells out early every year and almost every one of the 150 snowmobilers in attendance wins some type of door
prize. This is a simple fundraising event, feed the snowmobilers a great meal and raise some revenue from many great
prizes they offer. Club President Ken Radley and many of the club volunteers put a ton of hours into this event, from
securing all the door prizes to printing and selling the tickets. They have become so successful in this annual dinner
they make it look easy to do. If any club is looking for any type of different fundraising event, I would suggest contacting the Sleds of Stafford and ask them for advice on their dinner.
While I was attending the dinner, I noticed a very large contingency of Hilton Sno-Flyers enjoying their steak dinner.
Hilton had about 25 members there supporting this event. President Tom Francis, reminded me of their big event that
is coming up in a couple of weeks. Their annual show will again be held at the Garden Factory in Gates, New York on
November 22 and 23. This is a great snowmobile event for everyone in the family to attend. The Garden Factory is an
amazing place this time of year, they have a Santa`s village display and a large model train layout in the middle of the
facility. It is well worth a drive from almost anywhere in the State to attend this event. Kids of all ages will enjoy this
event, how can you go wrong with Trains, Santa and Snowmobiles all under one roof. Please check the Hilton SnoFlyers website for more information on their annual event.
I would like volunteers to send pictures to us for use in future magazines or publications. Please share your events and
pictures of activities that you and the club participate in. If you are very proud of the work you performed marking a
trail or working on a groomer or bridge, please send the pictures into us. We will use them for the On-line Magazine or
we might find a use for them at the Annual Education Forum for all the delegates to see.
Members, the busy part of the season is fast approaching and please make the time to enjoy your families and friends.
I would like everyone to stay safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Jim Elmore, President
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 8
Adirondack Powersports
Bibben’s Sales
Bob Weaver’s Motorsports
Buck’s Motorsports
Caprara’s Outdoor World
Cycle Motion
Cycle Shack
Della Motorsports
Don’s Polaris
Edelmann Sales, Inc
Excell Motorsports
Fun Unlimited
Gamble Distributors
Griffin Motorsports
Hermans Performance
Ingles Performance
Ithaca Recreation
Jan-cen Automotive
K&H Kawasaki
Kubecka’s Polaris
Leisure Time
Matt’s Cycle Center
Menneto Powersports
Moody Polaris
O’Neil Sales
Pioneer Motorsports
Polaris of Riverhead
Powerhouse Motorsports
Precision Power
Preferred Powersports
Schoff Polaris
Sled Shop Racing
Sportline Power
Sports Unlimited
T. Nelson Sales
TC Sports
Teixeira’s Polaris
Waite Motorsports
Zahm & Matson, Inc.
Zambri Motorsports
NYSSA Online Magazine
From the Desk of the Executive Director
By Dominic Jacangelo, Executive Director 888-624-3849 x104
Much to Do!
Mid fall has started to tease us with early snows. Before you know it, the ground will be frozen and the real
snow will be falling! (Hopefully, in that order!) I think you know what I am going to say next: 1. Have you joined your
club? The clubs need your membership now! Club finances are basically running on empty and their state grant
will not show up anytime before two months from now. At NYSSA we are working on speeding that up, but we don’t
write the grant checks. The clubs need your membership to brush out the trails, repair bridges and culverts, sign the
trails and to pay the bills for that equipment they had repaired last summer. 2. Have you registered your sled? Early
registration gives the state confidence to fully fund the grant program. Please do not wait until the last minute.
November 4th was Election Day!
Let me begin by saying NYSSA does not endorse candidates. I am sure you are all aware that Governor
Andrew Cuomo was re-elected to another term. No matter what you think of the Governor, the fact remains that he
understands and appreciates what we do more than most statewide elected officials. We do have a brand new
Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul. She is from the Buffalo area and is not unfamiliar with snowmobiling. We will see if we
can get her on a snowmobile this winter. The State Senate is now firmly in Republican hands. We have some great
Democrat State Senator friends like David Valesky. However, on our issues it is just easier to get the attention of a
Senate leadership that has its roots in upstate and the suburbs. Senator Betty Little, Chair of the Tourism Committee
returns as well as many others. In a very hard fought race, George Amedore returns to the Senate. In the Assembly,
we have many old friends returning including Anthony Brindisi from the Rome area and Assembly Joe Morrelle who
has been a strong supporter of our sport for many years.
On the Federal level we have several Members of the House returning including Richard Hanna who was very
helpful during the last Transportation Act reauthorization. Coming into the House for the first time are John Katko and
Elise Stefanik. Katko is from the Central NY area and Stefanik will represent the Adirondacks and surrounding counties. We’ll need to ensure that both Representatives understand the federal issues which are important to snowmobilers. With both Houses of Congress controlled by a more conservative majority it will be interesting what will happen
with many Federal issues. The attacks on motorized recreation on federal land will be cushioned by the new majority
in the US Senate. While this is good, we will have to work twice as hard to keep the Recreational Trails Program alive
which supports motorized recreation with grants for groomers and the expensive equipment our clubs depend on.
On both the Federal and State level we will have our work cut out for us to get across to both levels of government that snowmobiling is not just fun, it is tens of thousands of jobs and billions in economic activity across the
Time to Speak up!
Over the past few weeks there have been several announcements regarding government initiatives in NY that
are important to us in the snowmobiling community. (For complete details see the press releases on pages 2-5)
The State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and NYS Department Transportation (DOT) have
announced that they are seeking public input through December 15 on a possible amendment to the Unit Management Plan (UMP) for the Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor (the Corridor). The UMP governs the use of the 119
-mile Corridor. Four public comment sessions on the possible amendment will be held in the coming weeks.
Be sure to read Trail Coordinator Jim Rolf’s story on this initiative and his suggestions on what comments our
members could be making.
A series of public listening sessions will be held by the Adirondack Park Agency on possible amendments to
the State Land Master Plan (SLMP). These sessions are a direct result of the recreational use plan that came out of
the classification of the Essex Chain of Lakes tract of state land. The vision would result in a reestablished crossing of
(Continued on page 11)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 10
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 10)
the Cedar River and allow mountain bikes to be used in the primitive classification of the forest preserve. This is the
first time that the APA has put on the table the opening of the State Land Master Plan in a very long time to consider
what would be significant changes to the SLMP.
We should not miss this opportunity to get our views across that the SLMP needs to be updated and brought
into the 21st Century. Some thoughts:
The prohibition on man made materials for infrastructure construction should be removed. The prohibition
many time results in higher construction costs and shorter useful life of the improvement. In the case of the
Cedar River bridge it will greatly increase cost and result in the construction of a much larger structure. Each
project should be evaluated on its own merit and the materials chosen should be on the basis of useful life impacts including maintenance, durability and safety for users.
We should support allowing the use of mountain bikes in primitive use areas. We are all trail users and should
support other trail users in their pursuit of recreation.
It is time to eliminate the reference to snowmobile trails having “essentially the character of a footpath.” No
one seems to know just what that means. Some footpaths have grown to being wider than snowmobile trails.
The state constitution has and will always protect the cutting of trees. This subjective term has resulted in unnecessary lawsuits that comes down to “the eyes of the beholder”.
The SLMP needs to protect the environment but it must also recognize the importance of the people who live
and must make a livelihood in the Park. The state law which created the APA and the SLMP calls for this balance.
The state has acquired hundreds of thousands of acres to add to the Adirondack Forest Preserve yet the allowed
mileage of snowmobile trails has never been increased. When and if new lands are acquired by the state the
mileage of snowmobile trails should be adjusted to allow existing trails to be incorporated into the system and
should not be considered in relation to a “material increase” in snowmobile trails.
Please let your views be known to the APA. The Adirondacks are an important area for snowmobiling in NYS.
Approximately 37% of all snowmobile rides occur within the Blue Line of the Adirondack Park. We must ensure that the
APA understands our concerns and considers the human environment within the Park as much as it considers the flora
and fauna!
The NYS DEC and OPRHP have also release an update to the Open Space Plan. Depending on where you live
in the state the plan either does or does not give adequate thought regarding recreational use of state lands. In most of
the upstate regions snowmobile use is recognized and considered. I would suggest that you take a few minutes to look
at the section of the plan for the area you are most concerned with and comment accordingly.
Registration is open at
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 11
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 11)
A note on comments.
Whether you appear in person or submit written comments on any of the above items they are all considered equally by the rule making body. This equal consideration is required by the State Administrative Procedures
Act. While it is rewarding to have a great many snowmobilers show up for one of these meetings, it is just as important
to submit comments, written or verbal.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and remember those who may be less fortunate than ourselves! Stay safe and
I will see you on the trail!
Got a friend that might like to try snowmobiling?
Hand them the form below, and we’ll arrange for a ride!
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 12
NYSSA Online Magazine
Does your child need to take a Snowmobile Safety Course?
They are listed at: courses are added throughout the season, if you don’t see one offered in
your area. Also check with your local club.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 13
NYSSA Online Magazine
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 14
NYSSA Online Magazine
Identification # 31-215-850-08920
Sponsored by
Raffle License # 15327
NYS Arctic Cat Dealers
NYS Polaris Dealers
NYS Ski-Doo Dealers
2015 Polaris
Indy Voyager 550 SLED
2015 Skidoo
MXZ Sport 600 SLED
$5,000 Cash courtesy of NYSSA -
5th Prize:
6th Prize:
7th Prize:
8th Prize:
The 1st Prize Winner will select one of the four prizes above; 2nd will choose next;
3rd will choose next; and the 4th prize winner gets the remaining prize.
$1,400 2014 Triton XT10-101 Open Snowmobile Trailer - Fisk Distributing, Lyndonville, NY
$1,000 Cash donated by the Snowmobile Clubs of Chautauqua County NY
$1,000 Cash donated by the Tawaeri Taqui Trailblazers, Ulster County NY
$615 Woody’s Complete Traction Package, Gear Bag & Golf Balls -
1 night stay for 2, honeymoon suite plus breakfast - Inn at The Beeches, Rome
$400 Cash - Onondaga County Snowmobile Association
SMH10 Dual Pack Communicators for Snowmobiles - Sena Technologies Inc
Gift Certificate - 2 night stay in a jacuzzi suite - The Edge Hotel, Lyons Falls
$300 Gift Certificate - Fun Unlimited, Gouverneur
$300 Cash - Seven Valley Snow Goers Inc
2 pack Ride Lite System w/Mounts - Quad County Snowmobile Club
GC for Overnight Golf Package for Two - Byrncliff Resort & Conf Ctr, Varysburg
1 nite stay Sun-Thur Oct 15-Apr15 - 1000 Islands Harbor Hotel, Clayton
$250 Cash - Delaware Valley Ridge Riders
$250 Cash - Northern Erie Sno Seekers
$250 Cash - Shawangunk Snowmobile & Rescue Club
$250 Cash - Snow Rats Snowmobile Club
$250 Cash - Wayne County Snowmobile Federation
$200 Gift Certificate - Bibbens Sales & Service, Weedsport
2 night stay at Charlie's Inn & Dinner for 2 - Charlie's Inn, Lake Clear
1 Night stay, best available room type - Country Inn & Suites, Mt. Morris
$200 Gift Card - DDS Motorsports, Utica
$200 Gift Certificate toward Stay - West Wind Motel & Townhouses, Turin
$200 Cash - Caledonia Trailblazers Snowmobile Club
$200 Cash - Cattaragus County Director George Couell
$200 Cash - Cattaraugus County Snowmobile Federation
$200 Cash - Chenango County Snowmobile Federation
$200 Cash - Cranberry Lake Mountaineers
$200 Cash - Erie County Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
$200 Cash - Ful-Mont Snow Travelers Snowmobile Club
$200 Cash - Genesee Sno Packers
$200 Cash - Niagara County Snowmobile Federation
$200 Cash - Oneida County Area Snowmobile Association
$200 Cash - Penn Mountain Snow Riders
$200 Cash - Salmon Creek Snowmobile Club
$200 Cash - Shawnee Sno-Chiefs Snowmobile Club
$200 Cash - Tioga Ridge Runners
$200 Cash - Wyoming County Snowmobile Federation
1 night luxury overnight stay - Tailwater Lodge, Altmar
$150 Cash - Cayuga County Snowmobile Association
$100 Cash - Childwold Sno Packers
$100 Cash - O-T-GO Snowgoers
$100 Cash - Pulaski Boylston Snowmobile Club
$100 Cash - NYSSA Staff
$50 Cash - Onondaga County Snowmobile Association
$50 Cash - Onondaga County Snowmobile Association
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 15
NYSSA Online Magazine
Did You Know?? What’s Been Happening at NYSSA.
by Rosanne Warner, NYSSA Secretary,
The New York State Snowmobile Association is working to keep its members
better informed of the issues that NYSSA faces on a daily basis. Here is a re-cap
of what happened at the November 2014 NYSSA Board of Directors meeting.
The Board of Directors agreed to transfer the administration of the Trail Defender Fund
from NYSSA to SledNY. Trail Defender donations will still be accepted on the NYSSA
Membership site but also accepted at SLEDNY.ORG. This will allow any donations made by
donors to the trail defender fund to be eligible for a tax deduction credit under IRS Tax
Forum 2016-2017: The location of the 2016-2017 Forum has been decided by the Events
& Promotions Committee after months of review. The event venue chosen to host the
Forum and Annual Meeting is Lake Placid, New York. A huge thank you to all of the venues
who submitted proposals.
 NYSSA has partnered with Allstate Insurance to do
Trail Defender!
an informative membership mailing. This will be a direct
mailing from NYSSA. The mailing will focus on information regarding Snowmobile Safety, NYSSA activities, introducing new riders to the sport, and
Benefits opportunities available to NYSSA members.
 NYSSA applied for and was awarded a $4,000 grant from the
International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA) to promote Snowmobile Tourism in New York
State. Video Mike Grant of Snow Trails TV will be in New York State this season to shoot video of the
Chautauqua region and its trails as well as to document one of our Take a Friend Snowmobiling events.
NYSSA is working with the State of New York and the Governor’s office to participate with a Free Weekend.
In this initiative, snowmobilers who have sleds registered in other states would be allowed to
ride in New York for one weekend.
NYSSA awaits the announcement by NYS Office or Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
(OPRHP) of the new Snowmobile Unit Director. We hope that the state will have someone
chosen soon to take over the program oversight soon. Steve Lewis, the previous Director,
retired in September 2014.
Phase I Grant Application returns have not been completed to date. OPRHP has 29 of the 54
applications processed. Based on the progress to date it is unlikely that the 70% trail funding
will be paid to the local sponsor prior to January 1. NYSSA will work with Parks to try to
move this along as best we can.
The Open Space Plan update is available for public comment through the beginning of December.
Comments are also being accepted on the State Land Master Plan for the Adirondacks and the Unit
Management Plan for the Remsen to Lake Placid Travel Corridor (the Adirondack Railroad Corridor).
The Unit Management Plan for the St. Lawrence County Flatlands is open for comment. NYSSA
Members are encouraged to write letters to express their view on all these state actions. For more information
on the issues facing snowmobiling in NYS, please visit
As of the NYSSA meeting on November 1st there were 17,939 members who renewed their membership.
 Through NYSSA’s partnership with Supertrax Magazine, NYSSA will again be
bringing you 2 print copies of the NYSnowmobiler magazine. One will be
mailed in November and another will be mailed later in the season. Please look
for these issues along with the complimentary Supertrax magazine - sent to all
members. NYSSA is always looking for articles and photos relative to riding
different areas of the state.
Check out NYSSA’s YouTube page for event videos at:
NYSSA renewed its membership with Parks and Trails New York, an organization that advocates for trails.
(Continued on page 17)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 16
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 16)
Safe Trails Education Program (STEP)
training sessions will be held throughout
the state. For more information on becoming a STEP Advisor, please contact the
NYSSA Trail Coordinator, Jim Rolf at:
NYSSA’s Membership & Communication
Committee will be rolling out a new membership campaign in an effort to regain
members. NYSSA has noticed a drop in
memberships and DMV Snowmobile Registrations over the last several seasons. This
has led to increased law enforcement
and an increase in tickets for those who are
failing to register their snowmobiles. While
many think they are bilking the state, they are in fact bilking the sport as registration money
goes to the clubs to construct and maintain the more than 10,000 miles of funded snowmobile
trails in New York State.
NYSSA continues to plan the 2015 International Snowmobile Congress (ISC) event that will be held in
Niagara Falls, New York June 10-13, 2015. Clubs and New York State snowmobilers are encouraged to attend
this international event that showcases educational sessions, various snowmobile organization meetings and
fun. Snowmobilers will be coming in for the event from all over the world. See
NYSSA is also working on finding New York Business Sponsors to help with the funds needed to put on the
ISC event. We will be reaching out to clubs and snowmobile friendly businesses in the near future. If you are a
snowmobile friendly business or know of one who may be willing to help sponsor the event, please contact me
Have a COOL Snowmobile Pic?
Send it in! We just may use it in the Online Magazine!
Send to:
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 17
NYSSA Online Magazine
Trail Coordinator Report
by Jim Rolf, NYSSA Trail Coordinator
888-624-3849 x 102
I am sitting here writing this article after driving though some snow in the ADIRONDACKs this past week and
looking at this next week’s exciting forecast…EXTREME COLD and heavy lake effect snows are predicted for Upstate NY
in mid-November! WOW! Let’s hope this is a great indicator of what is in store for us this winter!
Adirondack Rail Trail proposal…
I’m going to spend most of this month’s article on the much-anticipated proposed Unit Management Plan
(UMP) amendment going on in the Adirondacks. I will also touch on others UMPs that are no less important, but it is
my contention that the rail-trail UMP and the need for positive public comments supporting the conversion of this travel
corridor into a recreational trail is something that we, the NYS snowmobiling community, should take note of and be
fully informed about.
As previously announced last month, the NYS DEC and DOT joint news release came in positively for the reopening of the Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor UMP with “listening hearings” and public comments being sought.
(Continued on page 19)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 18
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 18)
The State has held 4 hearings across the Western Adirondacks area…one each in Old
Forge, Utica, Lake Placid, and Saranac Lake. Public comments are being accepted up until Dec 15th. The link to the DEC announcement about the UMP is: .
Originally, the NYSSA Board of Directors approved a resolution in Oct. of
2012 that supported the State leaving the excursion scenic train services at both
ends of the corridor, believing that a trail alongside the rail was a viable option that
could be completed from Tupper Lake to Lake Placid. But the State has now proposed removing that service on the north end between Saranac Lake and Lake Placid
and removing the rails from Tupper Lake to Lake Placid, since they have determined
that a trail along the rails there within the corridor is NOT feasible. We obviously will
support that proposal, as it will be much easier for snowmobilers to get from Tupper
Lake to Lake Placid on such a trail.
Additionally, the NYSSA resolution called for removal of the rails and converting the corridor to a multi-use trail
between Thendara and Saranac Lake. Since then, NYS has put $1.4 million dollars into extending rail service to Big
Moose. They have also proposed the possibility of bolstering rail service between Big Moose and Tupper Lake. That
proposal seems to be completely missing the point…there are no trails that snowmobilers can use that connect the Old
Forge area and the Tupper Lake area. So, we cannot support bolstering rail service on this section as that would be the
most logical segment to convert to the trail.
I have attended all 4 of the listening sessions in person. I have interjected some of my opinions and thoughts
as a life-long snowmobiler, who also enjoys riding in the Adirondacks and specifically, who has ridden the section of
corridor on top of the rails between Remsen and Tupper Lake. I have had my skis ruined due to the tracks, and
understand the difficulties the 6 clubs have in maintaining the trail on top of the rail.
Both NYS DOT and DEC agencies jointly came up with a presentation that attendees viewed at the beginning of
each meeting. During the first meeting, I immediately felt that the
numbers were skewed to make the rail look more attractive than the
trail. Figures did not add up to me, and I asked questions to our State
agency representatives that were there running the meetings. Their
opinions seemed to be all over the spectrum and all those attending
these listening sessions believed that the numbers were reflective of
research these agencies had performed prior to finalizing this presentation. While I respectfully appreciate the time and effort that both agencies put into coming up with a presentation, I personally believe there
are much more accurate numbers that should have been included, and
those numbers would have portrayed much less in favor of rails, as
many of the attendees also felt the presentation showed. View the
presentation by clicking the image at left, or go to .
A few of the things that stood right out as questionable from the presentation are:
the amount of money the DOT feels it would “cost NYS” to recycle the steel rails, spikes, plates, switches,
and wooden ties was off. I have personally seen 2 different quotes that show the State would enjoy a
profit, NOT a loss, through the recycling of the rails. It is unclear where the estimate to remove the rails
that the presenters showed came from, but it is not accurate at all. DOT numbers reflect only $1.1 million
in recycling reimbursement, with trucking taking up well over that amount. But Metalico, of Syracuse,
quoted almost $8.6 million dollars in recycling dollars for all the steel.
the numbers of train riders that the DOT portrays “could” be a result of bolstering the rail use between Big
Moose and Tupper Lake, by comparing it to an excursion train near Cleveland, OH (where the population is
5 times more than the Utica to Saranac lake run has) at 210,000/year was quite a bit high. Especially when
(Continued on page 20)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 19
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 19)
the railroad’s own study showed them carrying only 7,000 additional riders per year IF their train went all
the way to Lake Placid on top of the 70,000 they claim they carry now.
comparing the Genesee Rail Trail State Park figures to the proposed Adirondack Rail Trail seemed to make
little sense, as the figures for both trails did not include snowmobiles. The last time snowmobilers were
counted on the travel corridor in Forestport and Beaver River, over 127,000 sleds passed by those counters
in just under two months’ time. There were no snowmobile numbers on the Genesee Rail Trail to compare
it to.
DOT included an anticipated cost to build the trail to be over $200,000.00 PER MILE. In complete contrast
to Rails to Trails Conservancy figures that show an average of $58,000.00/mile for similar projects.
DOT presented the cost to maintain a complete trail or the rails as the same, at $1,500.00/mile. But in the
past 8 years, DOT has paid out over $9,000.00/mile in maintenance expenses for only the 2 sections that
are being utilized now for Lake Placid - Saranac Lake AND Utica – Thendara excursion train rides. That
$9,000.00 per mile is NYS tax-dollars to keep the corridor open for a private company that NYS has no financial control or oversight of. Train tickets cost riders money, while this trail would be FREE to use by the
allowed users.
This past season, DOT placed 2 “trail use counters” along the corridor, … one in Sabattis and the other in
Big Moose. The DOT chose to use the “maximum daily snowmobile count” from March 22nd, 2014 and left
off the more compelling figures that actually tell another story…the number of days between February and
the end of March that ZERO or very few sleds were able to use the corridor due to rails showing through
the low snow that made the corridor trail un-rideable. THAT is a much more descriptive analysis of the
situation we, snowmobilers, as well as the communities along the corridor faced last year. There were 69
days of recorded snowmobile use, days the counter was in place, in Sabattis right on the corridor. 11 days
had ZERO sleds pass by, another 9 days only saw 1 sled pass by this counter, and another 28 days showed
fewer than 30 sleds per day. That means that 47 of the 69 days of recording sleds in Sabattis showed under 30 sleds passing by the counter, while the local trails adjoining the corridor were being ridden during
that same timeframe! WOW! Image if the rails were removed how many sleds could have accessed the
communities along or near the corridor! Conversely, 19 days had over 50 sleds pass by including 8 days of
which were over 100 sleds (all during the 2 week time period from March 14th to March 29th, 2014…when
the ADIRONDACKs saw a few significant snow storms back to back in the late season).
As you can see, there is still work to be done to come up with more accurate figures from quotes and bids. I
am suggesting that every snowmobiler that can write-in to the DOT and DEC supporting conversion of the underutilized section of the Remsen-Lake Placid Travel Corridor do so soon. Yes, we have until December 15th, but let’s not
allow that date to come and pass us by procrastinating.
Comments can be sent by e-mail to OR mailed to:
NYS Travel Corridor
NYS DOT Freight and Passenger Rail Bureau
50 Wolf Road, POD 5-4
Albany NY 12232
Points to include in your comments can be similar to the following:
A multi-use trail between Big Moose and Lake Placid will result in much more economic revenue
to the communities along and near the corridor, with much more use by residents and tourists
Keep New York State as the corridor owner, under the jurisdiction of the Dept. Of Transportation,
and maintained by NYS DOT in the same manner as they currently do
Retain the travel corridor as a complete UMP between Remsen and Lake Placid, under the Dept.
of Environmental Conservation’s land management control
(Continued on page 21)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 20
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 20)
Support the Adirondack Scenic Railroad’s south terminus scenic train from Utica to Thendara
Snowmobiles must remain a permitted user-group on the corridor
Opportunities to develop trails for snowmobile use between the Old Forge and Tupper Lake are not
feasible. Land management issues, environmental roadblocks, and lawsuits would end that plan
Other UMP’s and Land Access Issues
The Draft NYS Open Space Draft Plan is available online at: (or click image at left).
Public comments will be accepted until 4:45 on December 17, 2014 via email to or by mailing:
Open Space Conservation Program
NYS DEC, 625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-4250
The Adirondack State Land Master Plan is also being
considered for amendments, some of which NYSSA will recommend
to allow for subtle changes to be made in regards to snowmobile
trails, groomers, and bridge materials. The APA will accept written comments until
December 5, 2014 via email to: OR mail to:
Deputy Director, Planning
Kathy Regan
PO Box 99
Ray Brook, NY 12977
The St. Lawrence Co. Flatlands UMP draft plan was recently announced. Here is the
link to that: .
And the Wilmington Wild Forest UMP amendment plan was also announce. That
plan can be viewed at right or at the following link: .
Trail Opening Dates
Each year we like to put out the dates when most landowners require clubs to delay opening the trails, mostly
due to hunting but also due to livestock still being in the fields and crops possibly needed to be harvested. The Northern Zone gun firearms season ends December 7th, but in some areas the late bow season runs until 12-14. The Southern Zone regular firearms season also ends on December 7th, but the late muzzleloader and bow seasons end on 12-16.
Here is a link to the NYS 2014 hunting seasons: The
chart is reproduced on the next page for your convenience.
Please be aware that clubs sometimes have land use agreements with their landowners outlining specific dates
the trails must remain closed until. If in doubt, contact the club(s) in the area that you want to ride IF there is sufficient
snow cover to allow riding before the date above. Please don’t jeopardize land access because you want to ride before
our season begins. Yes, it is a short season for us, but landowners are the ones who generously allow for the snowmobile trails to be allowed in the first place. It’s about RESPECT!
THINK! You are an ambassador of this sport.
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 21
NYSSA Online Magazine
When Do Trails Open?
IN GENERAL, trails open after regular deer season ends. Clubs and the generous landowners who are opening their land for
our trails, are the only ones that can officially open our snowmobile trails. The NYS DEC dates below are what most Clubs
use for guidance. Please check with the club(s) in the area you intend to ride for the date their trails will be open.
Club contact info can be found at
More info regarding hunting may be found at the NYS DEC website:
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 22
NYSSA Online Magazine
Hiltebrant Recreation Center Pavilion
Old Forge, NY
* 2015 Snowmobile Models *
* Vintage Snowmobile Show *
* Kitty-Cat/120cc Races *
* Vendors & Raffles *
Free Admission, Free Parking & Shuttle Bus.
Friday, 12/12 3pm - 7pm
Saturday, 12/13 9am - 5pm
Sunday, 12/14 10am - 2pm
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 23
NYSSA Online Magazine
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 24
NYSSA Online Magazine
NYSSA encourages its individual members and its Clubs to support
the following charitable organizations:
Pink Ribbon Riders
The Pink Ribbon Riders mission is to promote awareness of breast
cancer in the motor sports industry for both men and women while
raising funds for those in need.
Easter Seals
Easter Seals has been helping individuals with disabilities and
special needs, and their families, live better lives for over 85 years.
The USO is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to
support the troops by providing morale, welfare and
recreation-type services to our men and women in uniform.
Safety Question:
Answer: B
Q: Wearing a helmet isn’t enough. What
must you do to insuer that it will protect
you properly?
A) Wear a balaclava underneath it
B) Buckle your helmet snugly on your
C) Pull up your jacket collar
Our model: Bennett Campbell of NYS OPRHP.
Note: we don’t make these questions up - they’re right out of the Safety Program workbook!
Safety Courses are listed at
-- beginning in September each year.
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 25
NYSSA Online Magazine
Check out the local lodging available too, and many more discounts!
Old Forge Camping Resort
Charlie’s Inn
Rocky Acres Inn
Country Inn & Suites
Tumble Inn
Junction Campground
Water’s Edge Inn
Available all year long at:
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 26
NYSSA Online Magazine
How to Renew Online and Print your Voucher
1. Go to and click on the Big Green Button at the upper left.
2. Enter your Member ID and password.
Don’t know your Member ID? Use the “Forgot” link:
Don’t know your Password? Use the
3. Once you are logged in, you may renew your membership with your existing Club, or join a
different club, or join several clubs. Be sure to select the “Individual” or “Family” membership type as appropriate.
4. Fill in your credit card info and press PAY NOW!
5. Once the transaction is completed, return to the home page. To the right of the Club Name
is the word ‘Voucher’. Click on that to view and print your Voucher.
Still need assistance? Email us at, or call the Membership
Help Desk at 888-624-3849 x 103.
Turn the page to learn how to register your sled(s) online
with the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles! -->
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 27
NYSSA Online Magazine
How to register your sled(s) online with
the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles
1. Let’s get you to the right place:
If you are a New York State Resident, go to this website:
If you are Out of State, go to this website:
2. Follow the on-screen instructions (they are different for NY Residents and Out of State,
so we can’t reproduce them here).
3. Remember to enter your 12-digit NYSSA Voucher ID (located above the barcode on your
2014-15 Voucher) with no dashes or spaces.
4. Print your Temporary Registration - your permanent registration and stickers for your
sled will be mailed to you by NYS DMV within ten days.
You are now…
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL -
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
November 2014 - Page 28
As the unified voice for NY Snowmobiling, NYSSA works year-round to promote
the sport and protect the trails needed for winter enjoyment. NYSSA is recognized
and accepted in Albany, across the state, and nationally as the organization that
represents the rights and needs of New York’s snowmobilers.
Season 2014-15 NY Snowmobiler Publication Dates:
(11days after each BOD Meeting).
April 16, 2015
December 17, 2014
May 13, 2015
January 21, 2015
February 18, 2015
March 18, 2015
PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040
888-624-3849 / Fax 888-317-2441
NYSSA Calendar of Events
December 6
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Maplewood Inn, 400 7th North St,
Liverpool, NY
January 10, 2015
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting & Sunday, January 11
“Take a Friend Snowmobiling Event”
Batavia, NY
January 24, 2015
“Take a Friend Snowmobiling Event”
Grafton WinterFest
Cropseyville, NY
February 7, 2015
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting & Sunday, February 8
“Take a Friend Snowmobiling Event”
The Beeches Inn & Conference Ctr
Rome, NY
March 7, 2015
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Carnegie Conf Ctr - upstairs at
Drivers Village, Cicero, NY
April 10 - 13, 2015
SLEDNY Educational Forum & NYSSA Annual Meeting
Rochester Riverside Convention Ctr
Rochester, NY
April 4
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Carnegie Conf Ctr - upstairs at
Drivers Village, Cicero, NY
May 2
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Carnegie Conf Ctr - upstairs at
Drivers Village, Cicero, NY
June 10 - 13, 2015
International Snowmobile Congress
Niagara Falls Convention Center
Niagara Falls, NY
Club Events are listed on our website:
Safety Courses are listed at