NEWSLETTER Week 6 11/11/2014 Term 4 Upcoming Events P&C Meeting in the Staffroom 7.30pm PSSA Cricket Junior – North Ryde RSL Oval PSSA Cricket Senior – North Ryde Oval PSSA Softball/T-Ball – Morrison Bay Year 6 Cake Stall Stage 3 Science Incursion All day Stage 3 Science Incursion All day Music Information Evening 6.30pm in Hall Wednesday 12 November Friday 14 November Friday 14 November Friday 14 November Tuesday 18 November Wednesday 19 November Thursday 20 November Tuesday 25 November For additional events please click here Quick Links Principal’s Desktop SchoolBiz P&C Update Award Recipients Sport News Canteen News Community News Principal’s Desktop Mrs Anne Thompson Retiring: Mrs Anne Thompson, one of our classroom teachers has announced that after over 30 years of service to Denistone East PS she will be retiring from teaching on Friday 28 November. On behalf of the teachers, students and Denistone East community, I would like to wish Anne all the very best in her retirement years and thank her for all her hard work, dedication and commitment to the school over the many, many years she has worked here. Anne has made valuable contributions to the lives of many of our students and to the school over the years and will be sadly missed. I am sure you will join me in wishing Mrs Thompson all the best for her impending retirement and the challenges and adventures that lie ahead. The school will be hosting a farewell for Anne on Friday 28 November. Enrolments 2015: If you are aware that your circumstances have changed and you will not be joining us for the 2015 school year could I please request that you contact the school office this week to inform them of your changing circumstance. As we have already commenced our ongoing planning for the class structures, room allocations and teacher appointments for 2015 it is vitally important that we are aware of any students who may not be returning to Denistone East. Your support in keeping us informed is greatly appreciated. High School Selective Applications - Applications close 17 November 2014: A reminder that High School Selective Application Forms for Year 5 students for placement in 2016 is open. Parents must apply online at Applications close 17 November 2014. Community Thank You Breakfast: On Tuesday 2 December from 8.00am – 9.15am the staff in conjunction with the Student Representative Council will be providing a thank you breakfast to our school community. This is a small gesture of thanks for all the support received over the past twelve months from the community in so many different ways. We look forward to seeing many of you on the morning. Remembrance Day: Each year Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11 am on 11 November, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. This morning, our students participated in a ceremony to recognise this important event led by our school leaders and supported by the SRC with the laying of poppies. I would like to thank Corporal Raccosta, one of our Defence Force parents, for his attendance at the ceremony. Semester 2 Reports: Teachers are in the process of writing the K-6 reports. Reports will be sent home on Friday 12 December. Tania Bogdanovic, Relieving Principal Top Award Recipients The Gold Badge Award Assembly will be held in Week 9, students will be published in the school newsletter in Week 8. Silver Badges: Esther C, Shirley K, Sofia P, Jack E (KP), Myra M (KR), Daniel C (1H), Lindsay L, Robert P (1J), Zara J (1O), Stanley L, Rikesh G, Tom B (1P), Ryan L, Holly T (1S), Aarish M (2B), Paulina L, Shireen M, Timothy C (2E), Stephanie K (2R), Jack L, Michael H, Noah C (2T), James M, Grace R, Kelly L (3B), Mila A (3L), Emily C (3M), Ryan V (3S), Madeleine I, Darren Y (4B), Subin H, Imogen D, Laynie L (4H), Mia P, Zak D, Ryan C (4K), Elisa Y, Mallory L, Christina C, Dillon L, Maggie L, Evelyn H, Royale C (4M), Andrea T, Elena K, Nixie N (4RB), Eddy W (5C), Justin L (5J), Matthew T (5R), Lily W (5T), Briony K (6B), Anaya M (6K), Will C (6T) Bronze Badges: Elliott L (KP), Junyi L, Sophia K, Elizabeth Y, Abi R, Sophia L (KY), Eliot W, Sienna S, Joy K (1H), Fatimah S (1J), Ellie H, Seraphina L, Nathan T (1M), Harry L (1O), Iris H (1P), Rex Z (1S), George X, Ryan C, Ashwin T (2B), Angelo M (2E), Jeffrey L (2H), Isaac L, Tarun S, Dylan Z, James C (2R), Ben M, Maya U (2T), Jake I, Jimmy M, Anthony I, Ethan O, Macey K, Anabel L (3B), Patrick C, Natasha G, Matthew L, Angus K, Owen J, Hamish I (3L), Simon Z, Spring L, Austin H, Emily X, Andrew B, Charlie P, Seojun J (3M), Sevana J, David M, Aryaman S (3S), Thomas L (4B), Charlie L, John D (4H), Andre E, Noah C, Matthew M (4K), Jack A, Alyssa M, Lucas V, Nadine K (4RB), Abraham A (5C), Lily A, Jayden T, Lucas E, Nathan N, Harrison N (5J), Joanna K, Nathan L (5R), Brian M (5T), Meg J (6B), Nicolas F, Eugene K (6S) Australian Mathematics Competition 2014: In the 2014 Australian Mathematics Competition the following seven students were awarded a High Distinction: Ethan, Maggie, Jason, Mallory 4M, Matthew 5R, Bryan, Kai 6S. Another fifty-two students received a Distinction: Alicia 3M, Joanne 3B, Austin 3M, William 3M, Angie 3M, Anisa 3M, Jonathan 3B, Brian 3B, Joshua 3S, Edlyna 3M, Sunny 3L, Lachlan 3M, Danny 3M, Christina 4M, Sally 4B, Selina 4M, Peter 4K, Melissa 4M, Elissa 4M, Harry 4M, Liam 4M, Winston 4M, Angela 4M, Kayleig 4M, Darren 4B, Sarah 4M, Daniel 4K, Dillon 4M, Royale 4M, Brandon 5R, Luca 5R, Raymon 5R, Justin 5J, Isabella 5R, Yi Ming 5R, Vaheeson 5R, Angus 5R, Joanna 5R, Melissa 5R, Christopher 5R, Tiya 5R, Nathan 5R, Isabella 5R, Eugene 6S, Tiffany 6S, Stella 6S, Tara 6S, Briony 6B , Hera 6S, Sarah 6S, Chris 6S and Oneli 6S. A special congratulations to the following students who received a prize for achieving a near perfect score: Emily 3M, Patrick 3M and Sriram 4M. These students will receive their awards at the end of year Presentation Day on the 12 December 2014. Top SchoolBiz Kindergarten Enrolments: Any parent who is yet to complete an enrolment form, or who is required to submit further documentation should contact the school office to finalise enrolment requirements. PBEL Focus: Congratulations to all the safe, respectful, learners who have earned their bronze, silver and gold certificates, and bronze and silver badges this week. It is great to see so many students modelling and practising our school core values. The PBEL focus for week 6 is ‘Before school’. Be safe by staying seated until the bell rings, play appropriate games and remember to wear a hat or play in the shade. When playing games in the morning, be considerate of others, share the space and play only with small balls. When you arrive at school, drop your bag off in your designated area, and when you hear the music, move to lines and get organised for the day ahead. Teachers will be awarding strives to those students who are demonstrating these core values before school this week. Lucy Besson, PBEL Coordinator PBEL: Could you please find the time to access the school website in the next week and follow the link to the PBEL parent survey. The links that has gone out via school email and in the newsletter do not let you bypass the school server but accessing it through the school website will work. Thank you, PBEL Team Cake Stall: Year 6 will be holding the final cake stall for 2014. The stall will be next Tuesday 18 November. The proceeds will go to the Year 6 fundraising instead of Wakakirri. They will still be eligible for the grand prize. So get baking as we can't wait to sample the treats from the final Cake Stall this year. Chriss Roberts MINI-FETE: The mini-fete is 2 weeks away! This year the annual mini-fete for the students of Denistone East will be held on: Thursday, Week 8 27 November 2014 10:10am – 11:25am As with every year we will be raising funds for Stewart House, so we encourage everyone to get involved! (Visit for details) All Students: Keep saving your coins so you can bring plenty of change to spend at the mini-fete… remember that you will be able to buy lots of wonderful things, play some fun games and support a great charity at the same time! 4-6 Students: We have received nearly all of your green mini-fete stall plans and, so far, we are very impressed! It’s great to see so many groups coming up with creative ideas to help ensure that this year’s fete will be the best one yet! Thank you and well done on your efforts so far! If you are yet to submit your stall plan then please be quick: We’re starting to organise your stall locations today! The Mini-Fete Team This week’s bell song Party in the USA was chosen by Mrs Marsic Top Sport News 2015 Swimming Carnival: We have managed to secure a booking at Ryde Aquatic Leisure Centre for the 2015 Swimming Carnival in Term 1. This means that it is no longer necessary to hold the carnival in Term 4. The date will be Thursday 5 March. More information will come at the start of next year. Lucy Besson, Sports Coordinator Softball: The softball teams played Truscott Street. Ji-su took a good catch and Eleanor did some good fielding. Sousada also did some good pitching. Our hitting was unstoppable with a special mention to Isabella, Sarah and Brianna. We won 17-3. A great result! Player of the Match goes to Eleanor and Most Improved to Sarah. Olivia W - co coach The boys had a very close game against Truscott Street. Unfortunately the opposition had a very strong third innings and beat us 5-3. Kai had a great fielding game and is awarded Player of the Match. Most improved goes to Liam! Lucy Besson T-Ball: Last Friday the Junior Boys and Junior Girls T-ball teams played Truscott St at Meadowbank Park. In a very closely contested game the boys tied 13 all. Even though the boys batted and fielded extremely well, the students from Truscott St fielded extremely well and kept the scores close. Player of the Match was Ethan. The girls continue to improve especially Charlotte who was named Player of the Match. The final score was Denistone East 14 to Truscott Street's 4. Well done to all. Deb Ricketts Cricket: Junior boys played an excellent game of cricket against Truscott St Primary. The score went to our boys; 59-28. Player of the Match was Cooper; the Skills Award went to Sriram while the Sportsmanship went to Sam P. Well Done boys under difficult conditions. The senior boys had a very close game this week. Some outstanding fielding and an unnerving attitude by our boys sealed the game at a very close 1/52 to 3/50. Player of the Match went to Steven, the Skills Award went to Max and the Sportsmanship Award went to Denzel. Lee Magri Top P&C Update Save the Date: P&C Meeting: Wednesday 12 November at 7.30pm The next P&C Meeting will be held THIS Wednesday 12 November at 7.30pm in the staffroom. Please come through the office doors and through the door on the right. Please note: This is the last P&C meeting for this year All welcome WRAP UP!: DEPS Annual Moonlight Market Night Again thank you to everyone for such a great night. We did quite well considering we were down a few regular stallholders who couldn’t make it this year. Bigger and better next year then! To date the profit from the Market night sits just over $16,800!! Woohoo!! We would like to take the time to thank those who volunteered their time and effort leading up to and on the night. Many people worked very hard to make this night a success. Set Up: Justine E, Rowena H, Kelly H, Maria H, Gracie P, Dave I, Steph V, Michelle M, Sarah A, Ping H, Melissa N, Margaret Z. P&C stalls – gift baskets, glow products, info stall etc: Thank you to Rebecca W, Yan, Gabrielle S, Lin, Elizabeth B, Sue H, Jeremy F, Shirley, Ying, Michelle A, Justin D, Naushad M, Joan, Sophie H, Ivy R, Frances D, Jane Q, Nancy G, Joanne C, Jo T, Jenny Z, Dena F, Nancy K, Jono E, Kate C, Jo C, Yanping, Louli C, Shilpi S, Ashok, Muna I, Jane Q, Michelle M, Grace K, Dale B, Megan C, Samit K, Josephine L, Dee C, Cathy T, Ke Z, John H, Rae L, Penny Z, Neal S and Paul R. If I have forgotten anyone, please accept my apologies. Chinese Food Stall: Helena and Carmen, Isabella H,Faith Y, Lili C, Phyllis F, Lina Q, Iris P, Connie L, Amy W, Mei R, Nancy C, Kwan L, Amy P, Lisa N, Michelle M, Diane C, Penny W, Emily K, Tracey C, Shih mei L, Jian R and Michelle L. Korean Food Stall: Soojin L, June K, Melissa S, Sun Hye P, Elise K, Sung Mi S, Sally S, Namju K, Mihyun S, Seung Eun L, Mina N, Hyun Jeong Kim, Julie Y, Annie J, Hyewon J, Ellen K, Hyo Kyoung J, Joo Young L, Man Keum S, Young K, Yu Mi K, Eun Mi B, Sunhee K, Ldyia P, Youngae Y, Sarah M, Sally S, Hyo Kyoung J, Soojin L, Min Sook K, Seung Lae S, Ae Ran C, Esther Y, Cecillia C, Suk Kyung C, Catherine C, Yu Mi K, Namju K, Sandra L, Hye Kyoung K, Yujung L, Ellen K, Mi Young L, June K, Ki Young Kelly Y, Lydia L, Sylvia H, Kipil L, Sung Hee K, Sohyun P, Jungmi K, Heekyung K, Annie J, Celina C, Jung Min K, Julianna L, Lydia P, Claire K, Seung Lae S, Mihyun S, Eunah P, Jin B, Sarah M, Ae Ran C, Sang Sook L, Jonghee L, Hyun Jung K, Ji Hyun C, Jin B. Sri Lankan Food Stall: I am so pleased to let you know that this year’s Sri Lankan food stall at the moonlight market night was a great success. I would like to convey our sincere thanks to following wonderful Sri Lankan families at Deno. Ms.Vehalle, Mr. & Mrs.Kamarage, Mrs.Tompoe, Mr. & Mrs.Vithanage, Mr. & Mrs. Gunasinghe, Karu Pallegedera ,Mr. & Mrs.Vijekuma, Ms. Liyanage, Mrs. Deva, Mrs.Sanjayan, Mrs. Suresh Kumar ,Mrs. Kumaran, Mr Nagarajah , Mrs.Siva Vishnu and Mrs.Perera. I could not have done this without your generous support. You all helped, make this possible and a great success! Priyanka Pallegedera (Sri Lankan Food Stall Co-ordinator) Indian Food Stall: To Seema M and all her helpers on the night. Please send a volunteer list so I can include in next week’s newsletter. Last but not least I need to thank those of the P&C who have put in a lot of time and hard work not just for the Market but throughout the year: Cindy L, Michelle M, Anna P, Bron P, Carmen C, Helena Y, Jo T, Jenn C, Jane C, Tammy S, Suzanna H, Elizabeth B, Des C, Chris G, Naomi M, Rachel Y, Evelyn L and to those I have forgotten to thank in this newsletter. Sincere thanks again to all of our volunteers, including our school executive, admin and teaching staff from set up to clean up. We did it!! Kathleen Pedersen 0408 722 317 News: School Kiss and Ride/Drop off and Pick up Areas A ‘Kiss and Ride Zone’ or ‘Drop-off and Pick-up’ area utilises existing 'No Parking' zones around schools. In these areas, drivers may stop to drop off or pick up children, however No Parking rules apply: Maximum stop time is 2 minutes Driver must remain in or within 3 metres of the vehicle Vehicle must not be left unattended Fine Level: 3, Rule 168 (1) Penalty $173 + 2 Demerit Points (School Zone) Updated fine / penalties as at 1.7.14. Rangers are about – Keep it Safe and Keep it Legal. Walking Wednesdays: All kids are reminder to WALK to school EVERY WEDNESDAY and put up your hand for the class tallies. Don’t forget to SLIP, SLOP SLAP! Active Kids = Healthy Kids. P&C Traffic Committee - Jenn Clifton 0412 172 450 Save the Date: Family Portrait Fundraiser – LAST CHANCE THIS Sat 15 November:. Only a short time left to take advantage of this amazing offer! BOOK NOW and pay only $20 for a 15 minute sitting including 3 separate poses with a professional photographer and receive a complimentary framed 10” x 13” portrait. Convenient on-line booking system, go to: before it gets booked out Karen Cokely News: Trivia Questions (prepping for camp) 1. Which composer was able to write in spite of becoming almost totally deaf in later life? 2. To which family of musical instruments does the bassoon belong? 3. La Boheme, The Marriage of Figaro, Rigoletto and Aida are all examples of what? (Answers further down) DEPS FIRST MUSIC CAMP UPDATE – Nov 22 - 23 Yes, the End of Year combined item is “Happy” from the “Despicable Me” movie soundtrack. Individual at home practice starts NOW, and combined rehearsals start at Music Camp. Camp also involves tutorials, main ensemble rehearsals, Conducting classes, music composition workshops, combined item rehearsals, organized craft and sport with a Trivia Night on the Saturday evening! Joining the Music Committee in 2015 There are many parents involved in the music committee who support the coordinator and please consider joining the music committee in 2015. Roles available include: a liaison parent for each ensemble / musical instrument coordinator / library / newsletter / events / music camp / School liaison. No musical expertise is required for these roles. Contact Naomi Maslen ASAP We still have many performance opportunities coming up in Term 4 which need volunteer help: Music Information Night (25 Nov), EOY performance night (4 Dec) and DEPS’s first ever “Carols by Candlelight” (12 Dec) Volunteers needed urgently for these events.. Please email Naomi if you are able to help with any/all of these events. – thanks! UPCOMING EVENTS outside DEPS: Music Camp: Saturday and Sunday 22-23 Nov Namaroo Conference Centre, Lane Cove UPCOMING EVENTS at DEPS: Music Info concert: Wednesday 19 Nov 9.30am Training Band + SB helpers Save the Date: Music Information Night: Tuesday 25 Nov 6.30pm. “Have fun making music together as a team” Our ‘Music Information Night’ will be held at Tuesday 25 Nov 6.30pm start in the school hall (for new students/parents) We welcome all students from years 2 to year 4 to try out instruments and meet some of the tutors. We are keen for more students to join our music teams next year. 2015 Ensemble auditions: Monday 1 Dec 9.30am – 11am (all yrs 2-5 band players) Tuesday 9 Dec 8am - 9am (all strings) in the Mandarin Room School Scripture Christmas Service: Tuesday 2 Dec 9.30am combined Senior Band and Grainger to accompany school singing of carols. End of Year Performance Night: Thursday 4 December 6.30 pm in the school hall (all bands, strings, guitars and Sri Lankan drummers involved) DEPS Carols by Candlelight: 12 December - Senior Band/ Intermediate Band, Grainger and Sculthorpe String ensemble and James Ruse HS students with singing by DEPS school students and special guests The Edge dance school show team. (1. Ludwig van Beethoven. 2. Woodwind. 3. Opera) Naomi Maslen Christine Pringle 0411 516 139 CASUAL FRIDAY GARDENING CLUB (CFGC): On Friday we completed laying mulch on the Lovell Rd garden bed, a big thank you to all of the families who have helped with planting, watering and mulching this garden, it is looking lovely. This week We will be weeding, watering and mulching the gardens near the office building, please meet at ‘The Globe’. What to bring: Please bring, garden gloves, garden tools, buckets, water bottles and an afternoon snack for children. All children must be supervised by their parent or carer. SUSTAINABILITY - Schools E-waste Challenge This week we are undertaking the Schools E-waste Challenge. When: Monday 10 November - Sunday 16 November. Where: Our collection bin is inside the DEBASCA building. What: You can drop off your old computers (see list below) that you do not want which can be collected and recycled. The items: If you have any of these items in your home or work place that you want to dispose of please drop them off at DEBASCA this week. Fax Machines printers games / toys Drop your E WASTE into the COLLECTION BIN at DEBASCA Gardening & Environment Committee New Uniform Store: Opening every Thursday afternoon 3-4pm and Friday morning 8.30-9.30am during the term. Second Hand Uniform Store: Term 4 Opening Hours: Week 6 Friday 21 November 8.30am to 9.30am Week 8 Friday 5 December 8.30am to 9.30am Located in the stand alone building behind the demountables on the Henderson St side of the school. Top Canteen News Year 6 School Leavers: Reminder if you are leaving primary school at the end of the year and you have a munch monitor account please remember to use up all your remaining money before you leave as you cannot take it with you to High School. If you have siblings remaining at DEPS your account will remain with them. Remember to delete your “profile” out of the system when you leave DEPS in a few weeks. Volunteers: A reminder the Canteen dinner is on Saturday 29 November, 7.00-7.30pm arrival (at Fedele’s Pizza in East Ryde). Please RSVP by Friday 21 November. All Canteen helpers are invited. Roster Wednesday 12 November Thursday 13 November Friday 14 November Monday 17 November Tuesday 18 November Wednesday 19 November Thursday 20 November Friday 21 November Monday 24 November Tuesday 25 November Wednesday 26 November Thursday 27 November Friday 28 November Noriko Pearson, Carmen Lam Helen Yu Elizabeth & Silvana Bignucolo Leanna Robinson, Maria Sanna Cindy Parry, Lorraine Cronin Lisa Lia, Caroline Chanelian Suzanne Hayes Louli Caramanes, HELP NEEDED Jo Toms Linh Lieu, Jo Campisi Kathleen Pederson, Michelle Moore Sue Hirst, Joanne Craig Julia Duda, Maria Sanna Thanks for all your wonderful help in 2014. Don’t forget to RSVP for our dinner by 21 November and also RSVP for 2015 Rosters. Top Anne-Marie Community News Exercise Class: Every Friday morning during term 9:20 - 10:45 at DEBASCA. Everyone is welcome to join the stretching and toning as well as the (optional) aerobics. Please bring a towel or mat. The class is "toddler friendly". $2 contribution to the school P&C. 2014 College Tours Ryde Secondary College will be conducting College tours throughout the year as follows: Wednesday 19 November 3.30pm Tours run for approximately an hour and a half starting from the school office. Enter via Malvina Street gate and follow the path to the office. Please phone 9809 4894 to book. Also please advise the office if you need to cancel your booking. Parents/Guardians and children are welcome. Single with Children A non-profit social group operated by the Single Parent Family Association Are you a Single Parent? Every week Single with Children provides fun and exciting activities especially for single parents and their children (many activities are subsidised or even free). It’s a great way to meet and get to know people in your area. To find out more and get a FREE copy of our social calendar, contact us today. Call 1300 300 496 or visit website: On December 6, 2014 Friends of Old Government House, Parramatta are holding community Carols by Candlelight in front of Old Government House. Carols by Candlelight at Old Government House, Parramatta (Parramatta Park) Saturday 6 December 2014 Time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm Gates open 6.0 0pm Start the festive season with a night of carols played by NSW Police Band. Enjoy Model Farms High School students as they sing favourite contemporary Christmas songs and enjoy a visit from Santa Claus. Entry is via a gold coin and all funds raised go to support Old Government House and Experiment Farm Cottage (two of our most precious heritage properties) There will be a sausage sizzle, candles, drinks and several Christmas Hampers as a raffle. Please bring rugs or low chairs for seating at the front of Old Government House. Top
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