PhilanTopics December 2014 this issue December meeting P.1 Board of Directors PRESIDENT Kimberly Weeks, CFRE 309-242-3960 Ethical Standards and Reservation Form P. 2 Proposed Board Slate P.3 Job Ad P.4 PRESIDENT-ELECT Robin Ballard 309-694-8511 PAST PRESIDENT/GOVERNANCE Kristen Berchtold, CFRE 309-689-3608 TREASURER Jamie Messmore 309-681-1100 ASSISTANT TREASURER Jonathan Meester 309-566-5665 SECRETARY Rachel Sprenkle 309-669-9640 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Beth Reusch 309-637-2787 PUBLIC RELATIONS Jeff Scheirer 309-434-2816 PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT Robin Ballard 309-694-8511 EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Emily Prouty 309-687-7299 CHAPTER COMMUNICATIONS Danielle Easton 309-674-0105 EVERY MEMBER CAMPAIGN Debbie Ryva 309-676-2400 DIVERSITY CHAIR Shelly Smith, CFRE 309-677-3091 DIRECTORS Rich Draeger, CFRE 309-655-1348 Susan Monroe 815-224-0253 Jennifer Davis 309-495-0525 Stephanie Holmes 309-694-8420 NEWSLETTER QUESTIONS? Danielle Easton 309-674-0105 MEETING RESERVATIONS? ADDRESS/CONTACT CHANGES? Danielle Easton 309-674-0105 Every Member Campaign Update P. 5 Planned Giving 101 On December 10th, Ketra Mytich, a veteran Peoria attorney focused on estate planning and charitable giving, presents “Planned Giving 101”. Ms. Mytich will discuss how non-profits that are new to planned giving can approach it. How do you start the conversation? What basics should development professionals know to sound informed? Are there any recent legal or tax changes non-profits should be aware of? How can development staff get on the radar screen of attorneys who specialize in estate planning? These are some of the questions we will explore. Ms. Mytich is a contributing author of three estate-planning books: Generations, An In-Depth Guide To Estate Planning; Ways and Means, A Text On Retirement Planning and Your Life; and Your Legacy, Mytich has also written articles for the State Bar Association financial and local publications and has done editing for Bloomberg Press. Ms. Mytich is a frequent speaker at local colleges, universities and public forums. She is a member of the Illinois State Bar Association, Peoria County Bar Association, Central Illinois Estate Planning Counsel; a member of the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys (NNEPA), a national organization committed to a philosophy of trust centered planning; a member of the Illinois/Wisconsin Forum of the NNEPA; and a co-founding fellow of EPICOR (Estate Planning Institute of Collaborative Resources), a wealth strategies collaborative; currently it's chancellor and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. Ms. Mytich has been awarded the 25 Women in Leadership Award, The Women In Management's Women of Achievement-Professional for 2004 and was recognized by Bradley University & WMBD as the first recipient of the Leadership Award For The Business Community. She also believes in giving back to her community. She has been active in the American Cancer Society, Peoria City Beautiful, YWCA, WTVP Channel 47 Public Television, the National Association of Women Business Owners, the Public Building Commission of Peoria and the Planned Giving Advisory Committee of the American Heart Association. Our December 10th meeting will be held at Lutheran Hillside Village, located at 6901 N. Galena Road (one mile south of Detweiller Park). The cost is $15 for AFP members and $25 for guests. Registration and lunch begin at 11:30 a.m. with the program starting at noon and concluding at 1:00 p.m. Parking is located in front of the Lutheran Hillside Village Community Center. Directions from Bloomington: Take I-74 west towards Peoria. Upon crossing the Illinois River, take exit 93 and turn right onto Adams Street/IL-39 North. Proceed approximately 6 miles, then turn left onto the Lutheran Hillside Village campus. Veer to the right for parking. Enter the building where you see the “community center” sign and the covered walkway. AFP Guidelines to the Code of Ethical Principles and Standards Each month, we will be highlighting one of the Code of Ethical Principles and Standards, as set forth by AFP. This month we are focusing on: Standard No. 9 Members shall refrain from knowingly infringing the intellectual property rights of other parties at all times. Members shall address and rectify any inadvertent infringement that may occur. Guidelines a. Members shall not engage in plagiarism and shall ensure that all materials which they prepare and/or present are original creations, or that the member has appropriate approval of the author/owner to use the material. b. Members respect all copyrights. c. Members shall provide appropriate remedy when inadvertent infringement of the intellectual property rights of others occurs, where such IP rights can reasonably be asserted. d. Members shall adhere to any timelines and/or limitations for usage of intellectual property granted by owner. e. Members shall not claim ownership of intellectual property when they know that such property is owned by another individual or entity. Examples of Ethical Practices 1. Attributing discussion, analysis, presentations, illustrations, graphs, research, conclusions, and any other intellectual property to the owner(s). 2. Requiring proof of copyright ownership, or appropriate permission for use, from the authors of written materials used for any purpose. 3. Upon discovery of inadvertent infringement of intellectual property rights of others, immediately discontinuing use of the infringed property and taking appropriate steps to provide notice of the infringement and/or procure permission from owner for continued use. Examples of Unethical Practices 1. Claiming written or other graphic material to be one’s own when the member knows that is not accurate. 2. Failing to do the due diligence to learn creator/owner of intellectual property before presenting and/or using and presenting intelligence as own property. 3. Continued use of intellectual property after agreed-upon timeframe or purpose for usage. Reservation Form Wednesday, December 10th. Registration at 11:30 am, Program at 12:00 pm Name: Organization: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: E-Mail: $15 per AFP member, $25 per guest Amount Enclosed $__________ To make your reservations for the December meeting, contact Rachel Sprenkle at Please send this form with a check marked “December 2014” payable to: AFP Central Illinois Chapter, Central Illinois AFP, P.O. Box 5323, Peoria, IL 61601. RESERVATIONS ARE DUE BY DECEMBER 5TH. Proposed 2015 AFP Central Illinois Chapter Board of Directors It is our pleasure to present the slate of candidates for the 2015 AFP Central Illinois Chapter Board of Directors. If you are a member in good standing, you are eligible to vote for the slate. To cast your vote, please send an email to Kristen Berchtold at with a "YES" or "NO" vote by Friday, November 28 to adopt the slate as presented below. Thank you for your participation in this important governance process and also for being a part of AFP! AFP- Central Illinois Chapter Slate for 2015 Chapter Officers & Board (term expiration in parenthesis) Chapter President, Robin Ballard (2016) Vice President and CDO, Illinois Central College Educational Foundation / President-Elect, Danielle Easton (2016) Development Director, Boy Scouts of America, W.D. Boyce Council / Past President/Governance & Scholarship Chair, Kimberly Weeks, CFRE (2016) Development Director, South Side Office of Concern / Secretary, Rachel Sprenkle (2015) Director of Annual Giving, Wildlife Prairie Park / Treasurer, Jonathan Meester (2016) Foundation Application Systems Analyst, OSF Healthcare Foundation / Assistant Treasurer, Kristy Rashid (2016) Development Coordinator, Common Place / VP Membership Services, Beth Reusch (2015) Executive Director, Peoria Art Guild / VP Professional Advancement, Stephanie Holmes (2016) Manager of Resource Development, Illinois Central College Educational Foundation / VP Chapter Communications, Carla Payne (2016) Director of Development, The Center for the Prevention of Abuse / VP Public Relations, Jeff Scheirer (2015) Development Director, Miller Park Zoological Society / Every Member Campaign Chair, Danielle Easton (2016) Development Director, Boy Scouts of America, W.D. Boyce Council / Diversity Chair, Toni Burningham (2016) Associate Director of Development, Illinois State University, College of Business / At Large Directors Rich Draeger, CFRE (2015) Assistant Development Director, The Salvation Army / Jennifer Davis (2015) Director of Development, WTVP / Jamie Messmore (2016) Development Director, Alzheimer's Association Central IL Chapter / Michael Lane (2016) Development Director, Snyder Village / VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT ~ Development and Marketing Director To apply, please provide resume and cover letter to: Keri Hattan, Interim Executive Director Crittenton Centers, 442 W. John Gwynn Jr. Ave., Peoria, IL 61605 POSITION SUMMARY: The Development and Marketing Director is responsible for the planning, coordination and execution of a comprehensive development and marketing program for the agency, as well as development and oversight of the agency special events and volunteers, with the exception of Board of Directors (BOD) Members. This position includes supervision of development staff. The Development and Marketing Director is an active organizational leader who supports, promotes and exhibits the mission, goals and values of Crittenton Centers. PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES Provides planning, coordination and execution of comprehensive Development Program Creates a development plan in collaboration with the Development and Marketing Committee Designs, implements and manages all fundraising activities including annual giving, endowment and capital campaigns, and special projects. Manages all strategies and activities for donor cultivation, solicitation and stewardship. Identifies prospective individual and corporate donors, using BOD contacts, current donors and traditional research. Creates an annual report of funding activities, which is presented to stakeholders. Develops a comprehensive planned giving program in collaboration with the CEO/President. 2. Provides planning, coordination and execution of comprehensive Marketing Program. Directs and implements a marketing plan that promotes the mission of Crittenton Centers, with the assistance of the CEO/ President and the BOD. Utilizes effectively multiple media/print resources to promote and educate the community about Crittenton Centers. Conducts tours, speaking engagements and various public relations activities on behalf of the agency. May designate these duties to development staff or program staff as appropriate. 3. Directs special event activities. Develops and directs new and existing fundraising special events in collaboration with the CEO/President. Oversees the planning and coordination of all special events associated with the agency in collaboration with the events committee. Recruits BOD members for event committees, with the assistance of the Development and Marketing Chair, development and marketing staff, events committee, and/or CEO/President. Oversees procurement of major sponsorships and major event underwriting. 4. Directs Volunteer Program. Directs the volunteer program including recruitment, training, monitoring and recognizing volunteers through the supervision of the Special Events & Volunteer Coordinator. QUALIFICATIONS: Education and Experience Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in a field related to communications, public relations, marketing, fundraising, or business administration. At least five years of related work experience. Previous fundraising experience required (including major gifts experience). Marketing or public relations education or experience preferred. Experience with developing and implementing volunteer training programs preferred. Skills and Attributes: Possess exemplary skills in written, verbal and presentation communications. Ability to be a positive, professional role model and serve as an effective ambassador within the community. Ability to cultivate positive partnerships within community resources. Ability to work evenings and weekends as required. Ability to drive and hold a valid driver’s license. Membership News Beth Reusch On behalf of the AFP Board of Directors, I would like to welcome the following new members who joined our AFP chapter: Terry Madsen, ICAHN Catherine Dye If you or someone you know would like information on becoming an AFP member, please contact me at 309-637-2787 or email at and I will be happy to send information or talk with you about it. Every Member Campaign The Every Member Campaign (EMC) is one of the easiest ways for us to join together and further support the best-in-class fundraising professionals in central Illinois!! Please help us reach 100% participation this year by giving to the EMC! Your gift helps our chapter bring top notch presenters to central Illinois to advance our knowledge and network with other fundraising professionals. This money helps our chapter support YOU in all your fundraising endeavors. For those of you who have not given, please considering doing so. Help us reach our goal! You can even make a gift now – visit! We are currently $485 from our goal of $1,740. Please consider giving today! THANK YOU to our 2014 donors, as of 11/10/2014!! Robin Ballard Kristen Berchtold Toni K. Burningham Megan Byard Jennifer Davis Richard A. Draeger Danielle Easton Melinda Figge Scott Ford April Gould Heather Hartman Stephanie Leigh Holmes Joy D. Hutchcraft Micki MCarthy Jonathan Meester Jamie Messmore Susan Monroe Sharon Morton Meg Newell Pamela Perrilles Norris Eneil Portor Beth Reusch Mark Roberts Debbie Ryva Jeff Scheirer Shelly Smith Rachel Sprenkle Lisa Stuckey John B. Wahlfeld
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