Wednesday, MARCH 25, 2015 Hometown News for Metamora and Germantown Hills Vol. 5 No. 48 GateHouse Media special report: Jobs Outlook 2015 Regional numbers Joblessness down, IDES divides counties but so are jobs. Analyst expects Illinois to into 10 economic develsee steady growth in opment regions, to better analyze and compare 2015 By Marty Hobe GateHouse Media Illinois GALESBURG — Signs the recession is in the rearview mirror are starting to pop up across the nation, looking at unemployment numbers, but the economic climate in west-central Illinois has remained somewhat stagnant. Nationally the unemployment rate is 5.5 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but it’s nearly one and a half points higher in Illinois at 6.9 percent, according to the Illinois Department of Employment Security. Locally numbers are a bit more spread out, and offer more insight to the labor market in west-central Illinois. unemployment data. McDonough, Warren, Knox and Henderson counties are in a region together. The combined unemployment rate was 6.2 percent, tied for the lowest rate in the state. The region including Livingston, Peoria, Tazewell, Fulton, Woodford and Mason Counties,had a rate of 6.8 percent. But compare that to the regions worse off, such as the Northern Stateline region of Ogle, Boone, Stephenson and Winnebago counties, where the rate was 7.8 percent, and includes the state’s third biggest city, Rockford, where the unemployment is 8.8 percent in city limits. Henry County is in the second worst region, which has a total unem- ployment rate of 7.5 percent. Also factored into the IDES’ numbers are the types of jobs gained or lost. For instance, the Galesburg area had an overall unemployment of 7.0 percent in January, adding about 75 manufacturing jobs, 50 hospitality jobs and losing 125 government jobs and 125 jobs in other services. Comparatively, in the Pontiac area the unemployment rate dropped to 6.2 percent, the lowest it’s been since 2008, adding 100 manufacturing jobs but losing 75 jobs in hospitality and another 75 in government. Despite falling unemployment numbers, the actual number of jobs created went down in Knox County from 19,845 in January 2014, to 19,689 in January 2015. Christopher Merrett, director of the Insti- Western Illinois unemployment rates Counties January 2015 January 2014 Knox Henry Tazewell Livingston McDonough Warren Fulton Cities Galesburg Pekin Macomb Canton Pontiac 7.0 7.1 7.2 6.2 6.8 5.9 9.0 8.7 8.1 8.6 8.2 7.9 7.1 11.1 7.0 8.4 6.8 9.0 6.2 9.2 9.8 7.9 11.1 8.2 tute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University, said the shrinking numbers could be a sign of workers leaving or giving up. “There is some evidence that there may be some small addition to the labor force, but it also suggests that the overall size of the labor force may be shrinking,” he said in an email. “That is, there is a shrinking labor force participation rate. Hence, if the labor force is shrinking, a lower unemployment may not mean more workers are being added. It means discouraged workers are no longer being counted. I mention this because overall, Illinois lost jobs in areas that are more likely to be found in downstate such as construction and manufacturing.” Another factor could be residents traveling to other areas for work. The most up-to-date IDES commuter data show that in March of 2013, 21,401 workers lived in Knox County, but 3,913 of those workers commuted out of the county for their careers. Editor’s Note: GateHouse newspapers in Galesburg, Canton, Macomb, Kewanee, Monmouth, Pekin, Pontiac, Morton, East Peoria, Chillicothe and Washington combined to look at whether jobs are expected to grow in 2015 as the economy improves. We asked top employers in each town their plans for the year, as well as asking economic development officials what to expect. Of those commuters, 222 went to Iowa for work. In Tazewell County it was just the opposite. Just 35,170 people live in Tazewell, but 55,590 worked there. Local possibilities Though unemployment is dropping, several small towns still feel the lack of jobs in their communities. One way Galesburg could fight that feeling could come on the back of BNSF Railway. State Rep. Don Moffitt said to help boost the economy, the city is positioning itself for expansion of the railway with the three grade separations to al- low train and vehicle traffic to bypass each other and run simultaneously. “That positions the railyard for more business, with several tracks running in several different directions,” Moffitt said. With an expansion of BNSF, supplementary companies could arise, like agribusiness and other industries which rely on the railroad. Kim Pierce, executive director of the Macomb Area Economic Development Corporation, said the local manufacturers have positioned See outlook page A7 Competitive Rates – FDIC-Insured* 1.35 % APY* 36 - month CD REGISTRATION OPENS APRIL 6 FOR SUMMER & FALL CLASSES 1.95 % APY* 60 - month CD It’s a beautiful thing. Let a State Farm® agent choose an FDIC-insured Certificate of Deposit from State Farm Bank® and watch your money grow. Bank with a good neighbor ®. CONTACT AN AGENT FOR MORE INFORMATION OR VISIT US ONLINE TODAY. Greg Harman, Agent 401 Woodland Knolls Road Germantown Hills, IL 61548 Bus: 309-383-4141 Jackie Padesky, Agent 315 Fifth Street Lacon, IL 61540 Bus: 309-246-6193® CS-05571328 *Up to FDIC insured limits. Annual Percentage Yields as of 03/18/15. Advertised rates are subject to change at the Bank's discretion. The minimum balance required to earn the stated APY is $500 (rates apply to deposits less than $100,000). A penalty may be imposed for withdrawls prior to maturity. :H]L @,(9: 05;,9,:; 7HPSXU3HGLF&ORXG6XSUHPH 1RZPR 1001288.3 CS-05571234 6HHVWRUHIRUGHWDLOV $GGDQDGMXVWDEOHEDVH IRURQO\PR State Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, IL %17460+06*2'-+0 2*UVGIGTUEQO -/","1,-\£änÉÀ£än /Õ]7i`]/ £äÈÉ->£äxÉ-Õ£Ó{ A2 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Woodford Times www.Woodford CS-05571095 AROUND TOWN Questions? email at 6SULQJLVLQWKHDLUDQGQRZ¶VWKHWLPHWRJHWRQ 1RUWKODQG¶V6SULQJ%XLOG6FKHGXOHEHIRUHLW¿OOVXS HOW TO SUBMIT Around Town items may be submitted for fundraisers, events offered by nonprofit organizations and entertainment. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Items are printed on a space-available basis. Washington events are given first priority. Items may be submitted by email to; fax, 686-3101; or mail, Woodford Times, PO Box 9426, Peoria, IL 61612-9426. Deadline for print is noon Thursdays. Metamora Get your Field of Dreams! (and naming rights) Find lots of great tools to help you calculate your mortgage payment and shop for your best current rate, so you can stay focused on finding your dream home. Apply at or call 844-HBT-BANK Northern Illinois University Steel Band will bring its sound to Metamora High School Maurer Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. April 11. Created in 1972, the NIU band was the first active steel band formed in an American university. Liam Teague, hailed as the “Paganini of the Steelpan,” leads the NIU band along with steel pan patriarch, Cliff Alexis. “Red Steel,” Metamora’s own steel band will also perform and join NIU for the concert finale. Established in 2000, it is the only Illinois high school steel band that is incorporated into the regular curriculum. Tickets for the concert are $10 at the door or $8 in advance by calling: 367-4151, Ext. 574. The Metamora Courthouse Civil War Dancers invite the public to a commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the end of the U.S. Civil War and a recognition of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln at 6:30pm, Friday evening, April 10 in the SV Center at Snyder Village, 1200 East Partridge, Metamora. Tickets will $5 and will be sold at the door. Tickets will be sold at the door, and advanced sales of tickets will be advertised at a later time. 2.2015 CS-05570806 Rev. Randall Saxton, retired Pastor of United Presbyterian Church in Peoria, will speak about the last week of Lincoln’s life from Palm Sunday to Bloody Saturday at 10 a.m. March 31 at Snyder Village Assisted Living. Saxton is a frequent Bradley University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute history instructor. All are welcome. Metamora, Pumpkins, Parades & Pies: Eureka’s Pumpkin Festival Past will be presented at 10 a.m. April 8 at Snyder Village Assisted Living. Take a step back in time and view a visual history of the Eureka Pumpkin Festival. The festival, which was held between 1939 and 1961, regularly averaged at least 50,000 attendees from all over Illinois and the Midwest. In 1947 film star and Eureka College alumnus Ronald Reagan and Illinois Governor Dwight Green attended, drawing national attention. This free program will be held at the Snyder Village Assisted Living Facility in Metamora. For more information, call the library at 467-2922. EUREKA “August: Osage County” will be staged by Eureka College at 7:30 p.m. April 14-18 in Pritchard Theatre, 300 E. College Ave. This is the regional premiere of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize-winning drama The Eureka College Chorale and Chamber Singers will present their annual spring concert at 4 p.m. April 12 in Becker Auditorium in the Cerf Center. A reception will follow. The concert is free and open to the public. Washington Bunny Breakfast hosted by the Washington Park District is April 4 at Washington Middle School, 1100 N. Main St. Advanced tickets can be purchased at the park district office 105 S. Spruce St., or online at pointments can be made now and must be made in advance. AARP Tax Aide volunteers will be at the main library on from 1 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. Call or stop by the main library to make an appointment. Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by the Washington Park District starts at 11 a.m. April 4 at the Rotary Shelter in Washington Park. This event will be held rain or shine. Area Events American Cancer Society Relay For Life for Tazewell County 4-10 p.m. April 18 at Illinois Central College. For more info, visit Volunteers and teams are needed. Call Mallory at 688-3480 or Take Pride in Washington Day, annual litter pick up is My 2, meet at Wenger Shelter. The Washington District Library’s spring book sale will begin with a preview sale 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. March 27. Entrance to the preview ($5 or free to FOWL members) guarantees first choice of all items. The sale continues during library hours March 28. Items will be half price on March 30. And items will be sold for $3 a bag on March 31. Beginning at 3 p.m. March 31, leftover items will be free or by donation. The last items will be available free or by donation until noon April 1. Information about Friends of Washington Library can be obtained at the circulation desk or by calling 444-7621. All proceeds are used for the main library and branch to add to collections, sponsor programs, and underwrite the teen and children’s summer reading program. Veterans Yard Cleanup April 4, 11 and May 2. The Illinois Valley Fuller Center for Housing is offering free spring yard cleanups for veterans and widows of veterans in the tri-county area. Volunteers will provide two hours of service. To schedule a cleanup, call 363-3737. Totes for Ta-Tas is currently selling straw brooms from Quinn Broom Company to raise funds for their event in November. They are offering the three brooms — the Fautless (standard kitchen broom) for $15, the Toy for $6 and the Whisk for $6. Brooms can be purchased by calling Sharyl at 657-0992, by E-mail at sharylnuske@gmail,com or by stopping in the Morton Tourism Office. Cash, check, credit and debit are accepted. Visit the website at www.TotesForTa-Tas. com for pictures. AARP Tax Aide is available Tuesday afternoons by appointment until April 14 at the Washington District Library, 380 N. Wilmor Road. Ap- AROUND TOWN (LIVE) Send Live Music Info to Washington Christy’s Place, 1221 Peoria St., Washington; Every Saturday night in March will be DJ McFly; 444-4777. Kep’s Sports Bar & Grill, 313 Muller Road, Washington; March 28 free juke box; all times 9 p.m. -1 a.m. unless noted; 444-1974. Kirk’s Korner Tap, 2359 Washington Rd, Sunnyland, Karaoke 8 p.m.-1 a.m. every Friday, 745-5321. Five Points Washington, 360 N. Wilmor Road, 444-8222; 7:30 p.m. April 18, Wicked Divas performed by the Heartland Festival Orchestra, tickets are $35 for adults and $8 for children and students; 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. April 23, The Church Basement Ladies in The Last (Potluck) Supper, tickets $25-$45. For more information visit peoria Jukebox Comedy Club, 3527 W. Farmington Road, Peoria. 673-5853. Joe DeRosa 8 p.m. March 19-21 and 10:30 p.m. March 20-21. Prices are $15 for the 8 p.m. March 19-21 shows and $12 for the 10:30 p.m. March 20 and 21 shows. All acts are to be :KHUHWR3,&.83D :RRGIRUG7LPHV ;OVYU[VUZ >:WYPUN*YLLR9K 9PJR`Z.HZ4HY[ 1\IPSLL3U 9LKIPYK.HZ4HY[ >4V\U[=LYUVU 4L[HTVYH0.( >4[=LYUVU *HZL`Z4L[HTVYH ,4[=LYUVU considered not for general audience unless specified otherwise. Peoria Symphony Orchestra Matinee at the Movies 3 p.m. April 19 Peoria Civic Center Theater; Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 7, 8 p.m. May 9 at Peoria Civic Center Theater; For more info, call 671-1096 or visit Limelight Eventplex 8102 N. University St., Peoria. 693-1234. Get tickets at ••• The Sound Bar at Limelight Eventplex Presents Psychostick Revenge of the Vengeance Tour Pt. 2 Shadows Inc., Red Poet, Kaleido. A breath of fresh air has come for those who need a break from the standard angry rock or metal band. Doors at 6 p.m. Show at 8 p.m. April 10. Tickets are $10-$13. ••• Limelight Eventplex welcomes Trippin Billies. Born in the pubs on the north side of Chicago, reminiscent of Luther’s College, Trippin Billies took to the “stages” of these small rooms in the early ’90s as an acoustic duo. Doors at 6 p.m. Show at 8 p.m. April 11. Tickets: $10-$13. ••• Limelight Eventplex and 97.3 Nash FM welcomes Jason Michael Carroll. Originally from Houston. Carroll has been on a major label since 2006, after winning a talent show in 2004. He has had five top 40 hits since his career started. Doors at 6 p.m. Show at 7 p.m. April 23. Tickets: $17.50-$22. ••• Kickstand Productions presents Marilyn Manson May 11. Doors: 7 p.m. Show: 8 p.m. $48-$115. and Comedy Central. He’s been a guest on “The Bob and Tom Show.” He’s toured with Jon Stewart and chatted it up with Dennis Miller and Keith Olberman. His CD “I’m No Epidemiologist” can be heard regularly on Sirius/ XM Radio. Showtimes: 8 p.m. March 26., 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. March 27-28. Ticket prices for Jeff’s shows: March 26 at 8 p.m. and March 27-28 at 10:30 p.m. — $12; March 27-28 at 8 p.m. — $15. Rated - Very Mild R. Tim Meadows 8 p.m. April 2-4, 10:30 p.m. April 3-4 . Prices are $16 for the April 2 show and $21 for the April 3-4 shows. Meadows is best known for his performances on “Saturday Night Live” for 10 years and in “Mean Girls.” All acts are to be considered not for general audience unless specified otherwise. Central Illinois Jazz Society April 19: Illinois Central Jazz Train at 6 p.m., and Derel and Ellen Monteith at 7:15 p.m. May 17: Central Illinois Jazz Society House Band at 6 p.m. and Carl Anderson and His New Orleans Jazz Band at 7:15 p.m., in the Starting Gate Banquet Room, located in Landmark Recreation Center, 3225 N. Dries Lane, Peoria. Members $5; non-members $7; students are free. For more information, call 692-5330 or visit or www. Peoria Civic Center, 201 S.W. Jefferson Ave., Peoria. 673-8900. Jason Aldean, 7:30 p.m. March 27. Aldean has sold over ten million albums and has taken 13 trips to No. 1 on the Country Radio charts. Tickets are $33.25 and $63.25 and can be purchased at Jukebox Comedy Club, 3527 W. Farmington Road, Peoria. 673-5853. Jeff Caldwell, the return of the “Funny and Smart” ( the words of George Carlin) guy. He’s made numerous latenight appearances on David Letterman, Craig Ferguson 6XEVFULEHWRRXU (HGLWLRQ It’s Free! ,THPS! JPYJ\SH[PVU'[PTLZ[VKH`JVT @V\YUHTL[V^UHUK ^OH[;PTLZ5L^ZWHWLY `V\^HU[[VYLJLP]L ;PTLZ 5L^Z .YV\W! 4VY[VU ;PTLZ5L^Z >HZOPUN[VU ;PTLZ9LWVY[LY ,HZ[ 7LVYPH ;PTLZ*V\YPLY >VVKMVYK ;PTLZ *OPSSPJV[OL ;PTLZ)\SSL[PU Woodford ponders county credit card By Laura Nightengale GateHouse Media Illinois The Woodford County Board is considering getting a credit card for use by some county employees. During its regular board meeting Tuesday, the County Board discussed the possibility of acquiring a credit card for use of the board office. While board members seemed to agree a credit card could be useful for certain county business, a formal policy should dictate what kind of specific purchases could be charged to the account, they said. The card, which would have a purchasing limit of $2,500 under the current proposal, would be used primarily by department heads when submitting conference payments and incidental office supplies. A monthly statement would then be approved by the chairman of the county offices committee. “It would make the department heads’ lives easier and simplify a lot of things,” board member Barry Logan said. Some board members, including Jason Jording, expressed concerns about approving the use of a credit card without first approving a written policy about the card’s intended and appropriate use. Jording also referred to the county’s history of problems with credit cards, alluding to former Sheriff Bill Myers, who resigned in 2001 amid an Illinois State Police investigation into the misuse of a publicly issued credit card. “I’m not saying it’s going to happen again, but I walked away from that (county offices committee) meeting not knowing what could and could not be done on that credit card,” Jording said. Jording’s motion to table the item made in hopes the committee would draft such a policy passed by a narrow margin of 7-6. Additionally, the board approved the purchase of three vehicles: two sport utility vehicles for the Sheriff ’s Office for a total of about $50,000 and a dump truck for plowing snow, spreading salt and other use for $177,000. Green Beret to speak at EC EUREKA — A five-day siege to defend a U.S. Army outpost in the Vietnamese jungle during the Vietnam War will be the topic of a presentation at 7 p.m. April 1 in the Melick Library’s Gammon Room at Eureka College. Former Green Beret William Albracht will draw from his book, “Abandoned in Hell,” to recount the battle to defend Firebase Kate in October 1969. The book was published by Penguin Press last month. The presentation is free and open to the public. A reception and booksigning will follow. Albracht was a captain in U.S. Army Special Forces known as Green Berets. He, 27 American soldiers and 150 local militiamen held out against 6,000 North Vietnamese Army troops for five days. Cut off from support and reinforcements with means of resistance exhausted, Albracht led the men in a nighttime escape as enemy forces overran the base. The publisher calls the book an astonishing memoir of leadership, sacrifice and brutal violence, a riveting journey into Vietnam’s heart of darkness, and a compelling reminder of the transformational power of individual heroism. At age 21, the Rock Island native was the youngest captain to com- Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A3 easter events in central illinois 1 “The Bunny” at The Shoppes at Grand Prairie to welcome spring with a celebration hosted by Bethany Baptist Church and The Shoppes at Grand Prairie from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. March 28. Festivities throughout the Shoppes include live music in Center Court, children’s games and activities, bouncy houses, eggs, balloon animals, prizes from participating stores, and photos with “The Bunny.” Activities are available rain or shine in the former Coldwater Creek location near the west entrance. 2 Washington Bunny Breakfast, hosted by the Washington Park District is April 4 at Washington Middle School, 1100 N. Main St. Advanced tickets can be purchased at the park district office 105 S. Spruce St., or online at www.washingtonparkdistrict. com. Annual Easter Egg Hunt starts at 11 a.m. April 4 at the Rotary Shelter in Washington Park, rain or shine. 3 26th Annual Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Fondulac Plaza Merchants 10 a.m. March 28 at Bethany Missionary Church (across from Fondulac Plaza). Doughnuts and coffee provided. Kids bring Easter baskets and find candy filled eggs. Many will have prize numbers inside. Hunt and find matching prizes at participating merchants in Fondulac Plaza. Four age groups: toddlers (1-2-3 years; pre-school and kindergarten (4-5 years); 1st-3rd grades; and 4th-5th grades. Rain date 10 a.m. April 4. East Side Animal Hospital will provide inflatables and pet treats at the event. 4 Morton Villa Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 1:30 p.m. Sunday at 190 E. Queenwood Road. The Easter egg hunt for ages 2-5 will be at 1:30 p.m. and at 1:45 p.m., ages 6-10 will have their own hunt. The Easter Bunny will be stopping by for photos and miniature horses will be available to pet along with face painting, treats and more. Advertorial THINGS TO THINK ABOUT Former Green Beret and Vietnam veteran William Albracht will speak April 2 in the Melick Libray’s Gammon Room at Eureka College. submitted photo mand combat troops in the Vietnam War. As the recipient of three Silver Stars, three Purple Hearts, five Bronze Stars and other awards for combat valor, he is one of the most highly decorated veterans in Illinois. After his discharge from military service, Albracht graduated from Augustana College in Rock Island and had a 25-year career as a special agent with the U.S. Secret Service. He protected six presi- dents, including Ronald Reagan. He was later manager of Ford Motor Company’s Executive Security Operations. In 2012, he lost a bid for the Illinois Senate in the 36th District, running as a Republican. He is an independent security consultant. The presentation is sponsored by the Ronald W. Reagan Society of Eureka College. For more information, contact the society at 467-6319. Girls scholarship available Girls who live in Eureka and have just completed their junior year in high school can apply for a scholarship to attend Girls State in Springfield in the summer. Barbara Bradle, president of the American Legion Post 466 Auxiliary, is accepting applications. To be eligible, girls must have completed their junior year in high school, be keenly interested in government and current events, have high moral character and demonstrate above-average scholastic achievement. The scholarship will insure that participating young women will incur only nominal expenses. The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State 4 Woodford Times program, first presented in the late 1930s, is one of the most respected experiential learning programs in the United States. Guided by the principle, “For God and Country,” the program epitomizes the Auxiliary’s mission to honor those who have brought us our freedom by continuing to train young women to be leaders grounded in patriotism and Americanism. About 20,000 young women participate in week-long ALA Girls State programs across the nation each summer. Using a nonpartisan curriculum, participants assume the roles of government leaders, campaigning as “Federalists” and “Nationalists” to become elected officials in their mock Girls States. During the immersive-learning program, delegates live in “cities” within a dormitory on a college or university campus. Every year, two outstanding girls from each ALA Girls State program are selected to attend ALA Girls Nation in Washington, D.C., as Girls Nation senators, they campaign for political office, craft and debate the passage of legislation and meet with their real-life counterparts on Capitol Hill. To apply for the scholarship, girls should contact Mrs. Bradle at 201 Highview Dr., Eureka, 467-3106. How should I structure my retirement portfolio? Answer: our first step is to take advantage of tax-favored retirement savings tools. If you have access to a 401(k) or other employer-sponsored plan at work, participate and take full advantage of the opportunity. Open an IRA account and contribute as much as you can. Ideally, you'd Mike Graham, CFP® be able to invest in both an employer plan and an IRA. Contributions to employer plans like 401(k)s are typically made on a pretax basis, but plans may also allow you to make after-tax Roth contributions. Your pre-tax contributions reduce your current income, but those contributions, and any investment earnings, are subject to federal income tax when you withdraw them from the plan. Your Roth contributions, on the other hand, have no up-front tax benefit. But your contributions are always tax free when distributed from the plan, and any investment earnings are also tax free if your distribution is qualified. Similarly, IRAs allow a choice of either tax-deductible contributions (traditional IRA) or tax-free withdrawals (Roth IRA). Plus, funds held in an employer plan or IRA grow tax deferred. These tax features may enable you to accumulate a sizable retirement fund, depending on how well the underlying investments perform. With that in mind, you should aim for long-term investment returns and steady growth. Many financial professionals suggest a balanced portfolio of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and cash equivalents. The percentage of each will depend on your risk tolerance, your age, your liquidity needs, and other factors. However, the notion is fading that you should change your investment allocations and convert your entire portfolio to fixed income securities, such as bonds or CDs, by the time you retire. Instead, many professionals now advise that you continue investing for long-term growth even after you retire--especially since people are retiring younger and living longer on average. Your own personal circumstances will dictate the right mix of investments for you, and a qualified financial professional can help you make the right choices. Before investing in a mutual fund, carefully consider its investment objectives, risks, fees, and expenses, which are contained in the prospectus available from the fund. Review the prospectus carefully, including the discussion of fund classes and fees and how they apply to you. Y Source: © 2015 Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Article provided by Midwestern Securities Trading Company, LLC for Mike Graham, CFP®, and the John Graham & Associates Wealth Management Team. The team can be reached at 309-699-6608. 235 Everett St., East Peoria, IL Securities, Insurance and Investment Advisory Services are offered through Midwestern Securities Trading Company, LLC. Member FINRA/SIPC. MSTC and JGA are affiliated. A4 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Woodford Times OPINION THE FIRST AMENDMENT Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Questions? Contact the editor at Let the scramble for Schock’s seat begin Just before Congressman Aaron Schock detonated his own political career on March 17, we were working on an editorial calling for a serious primary challenge for him a year from now, in addition to the candidate from McLean County who’s running on a platform of “Washington needs the Gospel.” We’d heard enough to know that Schock’s constituents deserved a choice and the chance to take matters into their own hands, even if the Justice Department, the IRS, the Federal Election Commission, etc. weren’t compelled to begin investigations and/or potential prosecutions of their own. From this vantage, wholly independent of the scandal that has since sunk him, Schock should have had a primary opponent in the spring of 2014 after he joined the extremists in his party in late 2013 by linking the future of ObamaCare to raising the debt ceiling, thereby courting a government shutdown and raising the specter of default on the nation’s debt obligations. Alas, Schock’s resignation may now set off a mad scramble for the seat, with state Sen. Darin LaHood, R-Peoria, already announcing his intentions to seek it. Three-time gubernatorial candidate and state Sen. Bill Brady of Bloomington quickly took himself out of the mix, but many other Republicans from one end of the 18th Congressional District to the other have been mentioned as possibilities. Even a Democrat may have a shot in the 18th, for a change, in a district that, let’s face it, is drawn not to give them much of a prayer (and that’s another editorial). We wouldn’t worry too much about appearances or political timing at this point. A special election must be held by the end of July, with the date to be set by the governor within five days of Schock’s Tuesday departure. So that leaves less than four months to campaign, to become known in places some of the candidates may not be. This seat has long been held by someone from the immediate Peoria area, and to be honest, we’d prefer that situation remain, but in these cir- ()6<; 7+( /6<:, +09,*;69@ cumstances that’s less important to us than getting a competitive field and a spirited debate about what the residents of the 18th District deserve from their congressman, starting with fundamental integrity and good judgment. We live in an era when it’s popular to convict before trial, and we have tried to avoid that trap with Schock, who has not even been charged with anything, despite what some who should know better would have you believe. That said, his obvious and repeated misjudgments have been profound enough that no clones of Schock need apply, in the interests of sparing us future grief. Illinois has become so synonymous with political corruption both prosecuted and not, and there’s so much of it to go around, that the 18th District, at least, ought to refuse to contribute further to that reputation and to those ranks. Familiarity with the issues and leadership characteristics are always important, but character, to the degree that can be determined in advance, ought to be at the top of voters’ lists. The only shame here is that taxpayers have to pony up for another election, which in Peoria County alone — there are 19 counties in the 18th District — could cost the locals upwards of $150,000, all of it unanticipated and, therefore, unbudgeted. Too bad Schock’s $3.3 million campaign war chest can’t be tapped for it. — GateHouse Media Illinois ;OLZL HYL[OL ,?7,9;: [VJHSS MVY`V\Y OVTL ULLKZ 3(>5.(9+,5,8<074,5; 3(5+:*(705. -SPNPUNLYZ :4HPU:[4VY[VU Å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»Z-SVVY-HZOPVUZ : :\TTP[ +Y >HZOPUN[VU YHSWOZÅVVYMHZOPVUZJVT )HYYPJR6S[THU :WYPUN*YLLR9K>HZOPUN[VU IHYYPJRVS[THUJVT 9P]LY=HSSL`.YHUP[L .YHUP[L8\HY[a4HYISL ;O\UKLYIPYK 3U ,HZ[ 7LVYPH 7\[`V\YI\ZPULZZPUV\YOVTL KPYLJ[VY`[OH[^PSSY\U^LLRS` [OYV\NO1\UL /\YY`:WHJLPZSPTP[LK *HSS`V\YYLWVY Woodford Times Wednesday, March 25, 2015 A5 Safe Sleep conference March 31 at Embassy Suites in East Peoria The Safe Sleep conference will be held on March 31 at Embassy Suites in East Peoria. The Tri-County Healthy Babies Council was created in response to several infant deaths in 2012. Safe sleep has been the focus for several years, in an effort to dispel myths about co-sleeping. The 2012 Illinois Strong Start statistics showed areas in Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford County exceeding both the Illinois and national average benchmarks from low birth weight and premature infant births. The Tri-County Healthy Babies Council is planning a conference designed to assist families through grief and loss. Professionals who may benefit by attending include: physi- Nikki Rutledge, who recently moved to East Peoria, opened Needle in a Haystack Jan. 2 at 2438 Washington Road. submitted photo By Jeanette Kendall TimesNewspapers EAST PEORIA — Nikki Rutledge loves garage sales and organizing. Now she has combined these two things into her own business called Needle in a Haystack. The business, located at 2438 Washington Road, offers an eclectic mix of home décor, furniture, jewelry, candles, tools and more. “I’m the one crazy person who loves to do garage sales and I like to organize them and stage them and make them look good. My family has always gone to auctions,” Rutledge said. Originally, Rutledge thought she would do a traveling flea market with a truck and a trailer, but then thought otherwise due to the weather and the physical demands of loading and unloading supplies and standing on her feet all day. That’s when she got the idea to open her own business. Rutledge said her father, Kent Schuck, has been very supportive. “He’s always encouraged me to do my own thing and do my own business. He has his own business and has for years and loves being self-employed,” Rutledge said. Rutledge said her father helps her buy transporting items to her store. “He’ll bring me a truckload. If I say I’m out of something today, he will bring me this,” she said. Rutledge, 33, who recently moved to East Peoria, said she was looking for a spot on a main road and saw the location in Sunnyland. The building, which looks like something from the Old West, was not for rent when Rutledge first saw it. The very next day a “for rent” sign was posted and Rutledge thought it was meant to be, she said. “I thought it looked like an old saloon. It’s very unique and I thought, ‘That place is going to stand out,’” Rutledge said. Before opening Jan. 2, Rutledge said she and her helpers did a lot of painting and cleaning. The three-roomed business has a main room with a counter, a side Above are some of the items for sale at Needle in a Haystack. jeanette kendall/TimesNewspapers One of the vendors at Needle in a Haystack makes handmade jewelry. jeanette kendall/TimesNewspapers Nikki Rutledge said she gave the outside of her business a fresh coat of paint. jeanette kendall/TimesNewspapers room where there is a dining room table and other kitchen-related items and a man cave in the back for the guys. Rutledge said she finds items for her store in a variety of places, even on the side of the road. “We get a lot of donations and we pick it up on the side of the road. A lot of people don’t want to mess with it anymore and they set it outside. I never thought I would be picking up garbage but one person’s junk is another person’s treasure,” she said. Rutledge said she has found various furniture items that people throw out. If the piece needs a minor repair, her dad fixes it. What Rutledge said she really loves do- ing is taking a piece and making it look different. “Right now the stained look is not really in. Everybody wants something painted, it’s distressed, the shabby chic, that kind of look. It’s finding that item and then deciding how I want to change it up,” Rutledge said. “I have a lot of fun doing that.” The name Needle in a Haystack, Rutledge said fits her store because it’s where people can find “strange, hard to find things.” Her friend Kathy Zehr of East Peoria came up with the name. “We kind of hope people can find things they want, things that they can use. We’ve got the kitchenware stuff. People moving into a new place might need a couple of pots and pans, or you know, young people that can’t afford to go out and buy brand new things. We kind of have a mix of both worlds in here,” she said. Swan Creek soy candles and handmade jewelry are also part of the eclectic mix. Rutledge’s 10-year-old daughter, Adrianna Rutledge, makes jewelry, and another vendor, Michelle Brown, has her handcrafted jewelry on display. In the future, Rutledge said she plans to rent booth space to seven vendors. “There are so many crafty people out there and so many people that have great ideas,” Rutledge said. As she proceeds with her business, Rutledge said she is learning what customers want and will change things to accommodate requests. “Most of the guys coming in here are looking more for collectibles and things like that, so we might change that up a bit,” she said. So far, Rutledge said she has had customers coming in every day; some are repeat visitors she is getting to know on a first-name basis. The people are what Rutledge likes the most about having her own business. “I like getting to meet new people and help them find new things. If they find something they like and they want a different color, we can change it up for them,” she said. Once a month, Rutledge said she changes the items in the store to give it a fresh look. She is planning a grand opening sometime in April or May. “This is exciting. It’s growing little by little. Coming up with new ways to grow it more, that’s the challenging part because you have to step outside of the box and do what’s not normal. I wanted to move forward and do something not normal I guess for me,” Rutledge said. The store’s hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call 219-1346 or visit Trailers -LH[\YPUN+VVSP[[SL;YHPSLYZ *(9.6+<47<;030;@469, Trailers Supplies & Repairs Trivoli Sales Trailer & Auto >-HYTPUN[VU9K ;YP]VSP03 >LIZP[LJVTPUNZVVU ^^^[YP]VSP[YHPSLYZHSLZJVT *HSS1VOU SELL YOUR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS TO SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST WE ARE THE ORIGINAL “QUICK CASH FOR TEST STRIPS” SERVING DIABETICS NATIONWIDE FOR 6 YEARS PAYING TOP DOLLAR – CHECK OUR PRICES CALL 800-979-8220 NOW Jim Taylor, Branch Manager of First Allied Securities CS-05571689 Local woman hoping to appeal to many with Needle in a Haystack cians (pediatricians, OB/GYN, general practice, family medicine), nurses, child welfare caseworkers, child care teachers, home visiting staff, public health, hospital staff, and others. Keynote speakers for this conference include: Anthony Perino, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, and Nancy Maruyama, R.N., who is the executive director of SIDS of Illinois. Registration is open and the fee for the Safe Sleep Conference is $50. Participants will receive lunch and conference materials with fee. Nursing CEU’s and other professional CE’s are available. For more information, visit First Allied Securities, Inc.* has announced the local branch office has relocated to 4700 N. Prospect Rd, Ste A2B, Peoria Heights, IL. Jim Taylor, with over 20 years experience in the financial services industry will now serve as branch manager. He can be reached at 309.688.1080. *Member FINRA/SIPC • WHATSÀUPÀ ATÀTHEÀ0EORIAÀ0ARKÀ$ISTRICT • Easter Egg Festival Saturday, March 28 • Franciscan Recreation Complex • 9:30 -11:30 am • $6 R/ $8 NR • Easter Egg Scramble Saturday, March 28 • Peoria Zoo • 10:30 am • $3.50/M, $6.50 NM, $9/NM Adults • “Spring Thaw” Ice Skating Competition Saturday, March 28 • Owens Center • All day • Free • Northtrail Park Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 28 • Northtrail Park • 12 pm • $4 • Easter Egg Hunt & Carnival Friday, April 3 • Proctor Center • 1-3 pm • $3 • Doggie Easter Egg Hunt Friday, April 3 • Camp Wokanda • 1-3 pm • $5/dog, $2/human $ONTÀMISSÀTHEÀ5NDERWATER %GGÀ(UNTSÀATÀTHEÀ2IVER0LEX ONÀ!PRILÀÀ2EGISTERÀATÀTHE .OBLEÀ#ENTERÀORÀ2IVERPLEXÀ 0%/2)!À0!2+À$)342)#4 Call 688-3667 or visit 1125 W. Lake Avenue • Peoria, IL 61614 A6 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Woodford Times outlook Continued from Page A7 themselves to start hiring again, meaning new career opportunities in the new future. However, there are not enough skilled workers to fill the available openings in the Macomb area. “What we have, especially in welding, is a shortage of available welders for the jobs that are available Adding different industries is similar to what Peoria has done surrounding manufacturing giant Caterpillar, which has helped the city spread out its commerce assets. Several supplementary businesses have started to grow around Caterpillar, and with a larger population of Caterpillar workers, the demand for services has gone up. A good example of that demand is the major healthcare industry in Peoria, with two major centers located across the street from one another, driving up competition in the area. “Take a city that has two major hospitals, and that is going to raise the salaries for employees at the hospitals, so nurses, doctors, techs, everybody, they’re going to have to compete for the best people,” said William Polley, interim associate dean at the College of Business and Technology at Western Illinois University. “The same holds true if you have two manufacturing companies in the same area. The same would be true if you had multiple service oriented companies in the area.” Though the companies may dislike competition, and try to keep it away, it helps improve the overall economy in the area, as workers are paid more. That’s what Moffitt sees BNSF turning into, potentially overtaking Kansas City as the central hub of the rail giant for the Midwest. “Because of it’s geographical location, I think there is that potential,” Moffitt said. Illinois business climate The state rate consistently has hovered between 0.5 and 1.5 percentage points higher than the national rate in recent years. Ron Payne, an IDES labor market analyst, said it is due to the types of jobs available in Illinois, notably manufacturing. “Typically, Illinois is one of those states because we have a large presence in manufacturing,” Payne said. “Historically we tend to go into the recessive period a little later and come out of it a little later.” Payne said partially due to the large manufacturing business in the state, the unemployment rate typically tends to sit higher than the national average, even in the better economic times. However, he said the outlook for 2015 is continued job growth, at the same steady rate as in 2014. A new administration in the statehouse aims to continue these upward trends and make Illinois a more business-friendly environment. Moffitt said changing Illinois’ business climate is atop Gov. Bruce Rauner’s agenda. “He’s acknowledged we’ve been a state that exports jobs and we’re viewed as a bad business climate, an anti-business state,” Moffitt said. Moffitt suggested loosening business regulations, including shortening permit and licensing procedures for industries like the medical field, and Woodford Times Wednesday, March 25, 2015 keeping a close eye on what neighboring states are doing, to help Illinois stay competitive. Compared to other states, Illinois does have one of the highest unemployment rates around. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Iowa’s rate is at 4.2 percent, Wisconsin’s 5.0, Missouri’s and Kentucky’s 5.5, and Indiana’s 6.0. Rauner, a Winnetka Republican, defeated former Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn on a campaign of changing the status quo in Springfield, particularly in government finances. The new administration has maintained the state’s income tax decrease, which dropped as scheduled from 5 percent to 3.75 on Jan. 1, just before Rauner took office. The corporate income tax fell from 7 percent to 5.25 percent. “I think that helps make us competitive with other states,” Moffitt said. In west-central Illinois, economic leaders are optimistic about the new governor. Pierce said her office is “hopeful” Rauner will bring a friendlier business climate to the state. “We’re a community in the state of Illinois, so we can only be as proactive as the state will allow us,” Pierce said. However, she understands that business growth won’t be a task completed overnight. “It’s still a work in progress,” she said about the governor’s plans. “The governor is working on other things at this time, like the budget.” A balanced budget and clean bill of fiscal health for Illinois may be needed before it can offer any incentives to attract businesses to the state. However, Merrett said the governor’s plans could hurt rather than help. “Some cuts may in fact hurt the economic recovery,” Merrett said in an email. “We have been losing jobs in manufacturing and construction. Cuts to transfers to local government could slow or halt construction projects that otherwise could employ many workers and spur manufacturing. Laying off government employees could increase the unemployment rate, too. So, it is not clear to me that these specific policies will spur economic development. The more important issue is to simply create a stable A7 economic landscape.” Where can the unemployed turn? Agencies like the IDES and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity work to help unemployed residents find work through training programs. Payne said several manufacturing companies often have trouble finding qualified workers. “We reach out to these people to find out what they need to do to train this unemployed person and dovetail them into their shop,” Payne said. These agencies are able to use local community colleges to help offer special training for such jobs. Also, the IDES has a Career Informations Services page on its website, with information for residents as young middle and junior high school students, up to mature workers and career changers. Those looking for work can find these resources on the IDES webpage under the Workforce Partners tab, and click the Career information link. The IDES also has satellite offices in Peoria and the Quad Cities. Pictured are GH Chamber members, front row, from left: Morgan Koehler and Lindsay Tarmann of Snyder Village; Marty Clinch, Village of Germantown Hills; Dr. Bret Glas, Glas Chiropractic; Veronica Axelson, Michael’s Italian Feast and Monte Cristo Room; Mary Pille, President of Junior Achievement of Central Illinois; Russ Knoblauch, Country Financial; Rodney Smith, CEFCU; Janet Velling, Norwex Independent Sales Consultant; De Ingles, Smiley Graphix; Barb Primm, Sonshine Portrait Studios. Back row: Jim O’Laughlin, Village of Germantown Hills; Jake and Sarah Adkins, Germantown Grille; Melissa Wolven, Mary Kay Independent Sales Consultant; Ann Sasso, Village of Germantown Hills; Scott Leas, Allstate Insurance; Pete Kurtz, Kurtz’s Tae Kwon Do; Dan Mair, Superintendent Germantown Hills School Dist. 69; Bill White, Sr. Pastor Great Oaks Community Church; Bob Sutton, Caterpillar Trail Public Water District; James Cochran, Germantown Hills Baptist Church. submitted photo Chamber donates to JA At a recent meeting, the Germantown Hills Chamber of Commerce presented a donation of $1,500 to Junior Achievement of Central Illinois. This donation will help offset the costs for the programs JA is presenting this year to the Germantown Hills Middle School from grades 3-8. The average cost for the JA program at the schools is $700 per class; they are putting on 28 classes this year at the GH Middle School. The Junior Achievement program is a complement for the social studies curriculum at the school. Dan Mair, Superintendent of Germantown Hills School District 69 said, “The opportunity for our students in grades 3-8 to have ac- cess to instruction in workreadiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy from area professionals is a tremendous benefit that would not occur without the support of Junior Achievement.” Junior Achievement supplies all materials for the classes that are taught by area professional volunteers. A8 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Woodford Times Woodford Times Wednesday, March 25, 2015 B1 Tourney staying in Peoria IHSA votes to keep to keep boys basketball finals at Civic Center By ADAM DUVALL GateHouse Media Illinois March Madness will continue its run in Peoria. The Illinois High School Association board of directors renewed a five-year contract on Saturday morning to keep the boys basketball state finals at Carver Arena through 2020. It was approved unanimously by an 11-member board of statewide school administrators. “We could not be more excited to be the continued host for the next five years for the IHSA,” Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis said. “I could really talk for a long time about how big of a deal this is for our community.” Peoria, however, missed out on an opportunity to host the girls basketball state finals. Normal was renewed as host of the two-weekend tournament. This year marked the 20th anniversary in Peoria. The two state finals weekends moved to the River City in 1996 after 77 years in Champaign. The IHSA State Finals continue as Belleville Althoff fans cheer during their Class 3A matchup Saturday at Carver Arena in Peoria. The IHSA announced Saturday the Class 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A boys basketball tournaments will remain in Peoria for the next five years. FRED ZWICKY/GATEHOUSE MEDIA ILLINOIS The Civic Center has utilized its almost 100,000-square-foot Exhibit Hall to showcase the March Madness Experience, an interactive setup of basketball games geared toward people of all ages. Thousands of volunteers spend countless hours over the two weekends at the Experience. “One of the things that we heard many, many times was the Peoria folks here and all that they do as far as the volunteerism that goes (into the state finals),” said IHSA board President Dan Klett, the principal at Wauconda. “And all the extra work these folks have done to make this a great site for the IHSA championships is something that we felt was also very im- portant.” Peoria and the Civic Center beat proposals from Champaign and Hoffman Estates. Champaign had submitted a bid to host both weekends, while Hoffman Estates wanted its 11,000-seat Sears Centre Arena to host just the Class 3A/4A weekend. America’s Original March Madness had Lady Red Devils win home opener over Alverno, 2-0 Whightsil. The visitors also benefited from three passed balls that plated runs. The 10 runs scored in the sixth inning was the first time that Eureka has scored 10 runs in a single inning since March 11, 2013. After a scoreless first inning, the Red Devils scored two or more runs over the next four innings to put away the Panthers in five innings. Whightsil led the Red Devils offensively, while George also found success in the second game, going 2 for 4 with twoRBIs. Freshman Krysten Wallace (Bartonville/ Limestone) pushed her hitting streak to seven games with three hits over the two contests. Wallace touched home plate a total of six times — three times in both games — for six runs scored. Junior Savanna Tapper (East Peoria,/East Peoria), freshman Sandy Baker (Washington/Washington) and Amber Naramore (East Peoria,/East Peoria) each scored three runs for EC in Game 2. Samantha Vique (Mackinaw/Dee-Mack) picked up her first career collegiate victory in Game 1, tossing 6.0 innings of one-run ball. The freshman allowed five hits and three walks while striking out one. George picked up her second victory in Game 2, tossing a one hitter over 5.0 innings of work while striking out three and walking one. EC 2, Alverno 0 The Eureka College softball team kicked off their first home game with late-scoring 2-0 win over the Alverno Inferno. Lamar hit a two-run home run in the bottom of the sixth inning to give the Red Devils the lead. The Red Devils dropped Game 2, 3-1. Midway through the first of two games, Eu- reka had runners on first and second — senior Jenna Brooks (Peoria/ Limestone), and second, sophomore Natalie Martindale (Canton/Canton) — but unfortunately left both stranded to end the inning with three straight strikeouts. Vique pitched all seven innings and struck out three to secure the win. George took the mound for the second game, pitching seven innings and striking out five. In the third inning with runners on the corners, Whightsil singled to shallow left to take the early 1-0 lead. In the top of the sixth inning, Alverno scored two off an error to take the lead. The Inferno scored again in the seventh off of another unearned run. The Red Devils (4-8, 2-0 SLIAC) will continue the home stretch Wednesday against SLIAC foe Greenville College. why. It is what it is.” Westchester St. Joseph coach Gene Pingatore praised the decision to return the state finals to Peoria. The state’s alltime winningest coach had just led his team to the 3A title — his second state championship in Peoria. “Peoria is my favorite place to come to,” Pingatore said. “The fact that it’s going to be five more years ... hopefully, we can get down one more time.” Redbird Arena in Normal, which started hosting the girls state finals in 1992, has reclaimed the rights to host the girls basketball state finals for the next five years. The Bradley University Renaissance Coliseum, which is a 4,200seat arena, put in a bid to host, but the board of directors also voted unanimously to keep it at Redbird Arena, a 10,200seat venue that is home to Illinois State University. EC drops three to Fontbonne The Eureka College baseball team dropped its first two games against Fontbonne Saturday, 3-0 and 9-7. Sophomore Peter Litwiller (East Peoria/ East Peoria) tossed 6.2 innings of four-hit baseball, giving up one earned run while striking out three and walking one, but errors in the seventh led to five runs for the Griffins, leading to a 5-2 St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference victory for the visitors Sunday afternoon at Henry Sand Field in Eureka. Senior Scott Coutts (Spring Valley/Hall), junior Steve Buttice (East Peoria/East Peoria [Monmouth]), Nick Passini (Dalzell/ St. Bede Academy) and Seth Aydt (Washington/Washington) each had two hits apiece for the Red Devils. Coutts added the only extra-base hit for the Red Devils, a leadoff double in the bottom of the eighth inning. Buttice got the Red Devils on the board in the ninth with a a RBI-single to second base, scoring freshman Jeremiah Vance (Havana/Havana). Cale Laughling got the win for the visitors, pitching 8.0 innings of scoreless ball while giving up seven hits and striking out four. CS-05571342 Freshman Kali George (East Peoria/East Peoria) and Katie Lowery (Frankfort/Lincoln Way-North) each smacked home runs for the first time in their collegiate careers, propelling Eureka to a 15-2 victory in six innings over Principia and giving the Red Devils a win in their first St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference game of the season. Eureka College rolled in the second game, behind a 3-for-4 three-RBI effort from freshman Deidra Whightsil (Spring Valley/ Hall), 18-1 in five innings. Lowery sent a solo shot over the fence in the second inning, tying the score, before George would answer with a grandslam in the next inning to extend the Red Devil lead to 5-1. Eureka would plate 10 runs in the sixth inning, behind a two-run single from senior Kim Lamar (Maroa/Maroa Forysth) and an RBI single by called the University of Illinois campus home from 1919 to 1995 at Kenney Gym, Huff Hall and finally in Assembly Hall, now State Farm Center. State Farm Center renovations are scheduled to be completed by December and are likely to increase the capacity to about 15,600. Carver Arena, inside the Civic Center, seats 11,433. Illinois head basketball coach John Groce was sitting courtside watching the Class 3A session on Saturday afternoon. He had been a vocal proponent of bringing the tournament back to Champaign. Groce didn’t know any details other than the announcement of Peoria having its contract renewed for five more years. “Very disappointed, and I’m going to leave it at that,” Groce said, “but I’m going to give the IHSA certainly an opportunity to let us know The Original Rocke’s Honey Glazed Hams are BACK!!!* *Now made with Hormone and Antibiotic Free Pork Order online TODAY for Easter and pick up in MORTON Ph. 309-263-2881 B2 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 AutoTextDate Woodford Times PUBNAME AutoPageNo NUMBER TO KNOW FOOD 92 percent Did you know that watermelon is approximately 92 percent water? Or that the world has more than 1,200 cultivars of the fruit? We think of watermelon as being primarily pink, but some of these other types have yellow, red or white flesh. — More Content Now Sweet, tangy chicken TIP OF THE WEEK FAMILY FEATURES Watermelon offers healthy benefits Whether you’re trying to achieve wellness goals or just looking for simple ways to add more nutrient-rich food sources into your family’s diet, now is the time to dust off that blender or juicer. Naturally sweet and nutritious, watermelon is a great addition to drinks that nourish and replenish the body. Packed with arginine and citrulline, watermelon may help improve blood flow. The watermelon’s high water and potassium level may also help the body flush out unwanted fluids. Plus, watermelon is said to have a diuretic effect, which helps the body beat bloating. The cocktail recipe below features this star ingredient, which along with other healthful ingredients, offers natural solutions for common conditions. When incorporating these type of drinks into your family’s diet, use a strong blender when you can. This will help retain essential phytonutrients and antioxidants within the blended mixture. Many conventional juicers require you to throw away the pulp, which means throwing out these bonus health benefits. For more refreshing ways to add nutrients to your diet, visit — Family Features RELISH MAGAZINE EASY RECIPE By the editors of Relish Magazine Watermelon Zapper M ade popular by fast-food restaurants, honey-mustard sauce combines a touch of sweetness with a load of zing. It’s perfect as a spread for sandwiches or as a dipping sauce for chicken tenders, fried or otherwise. It also comes in super handy as basting sauce for succulent boneless, skinless chicken thighs. The sauce is spread over the chicken and allowed to seep into the meat as the chicken bakes. It pumps loads of great taste into the surrounding red potatoes as well. All around, it’s a win-win. n 2 cups watermelon cubes n 1/3 large lemon, peeled n 1 1 /2 tablespoons peeled fresh ginger n 2 medium carrots Juice all ingredients in conventional juicer. In blender, place watermelon first then remaining ingredients. Turn blender on low until watermelon is liquefied, then gradually increase speed. Blend 2 minutes. Honey Mustard Chicken n 4 (6-ounce) boneless, skinless chicken thighs n 1/2 teaspoon salt n Freshly ground black pepper n 4 tablespoons Dijon mustard n 2 tablespoons honey n 1 minced shallot n 1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme leaves or ½ teaspoon dried n 1 pound small red potatoes, cut into halves n Olive oil cooking spray Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Sprinkle chicken thighs with 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Place in a 13 x 9-inch baking dish. Combine mustard, honey, shallot and thyme in a small bowl to form a paste. Spread over thighs, covering them completely. Add potatoes to the pan and spritz with olive oil spray. Sprinkle potatoes with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Bake about 50 minutes, stirring potatoes once, until potatoes and chicken are tender. Serves 4. Recipe by Greg Patent, a food writer in Missoula, Montana. — Family Features FOOD QUIZ Which country is the top producer of watermelon? A. China B. United States C. Chile D. Turkey Answer at bottom of rail. WORD TO THE WISE Yuzu: The yuzu is a tart, aromatic East Asian citrus fruit that looks a bit like a miniature yellow or green grapefruit with uneven skin. The yuzu is native to China but is now widely cultivated in Japan as well as California. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from the zest of yellow or green yuzu, chile peppers and salt. — Cookthink QUIZ ANSWER A. China is the leading watermelon producer. — More Content Now Bacon takes center stage in these recipes F or years, my niece and I have enjoyed getting together to be creative in the kitchen. Marcella loves to cook and is good at it. Just because we haven’t been able to get together recently doesn’t mean we don’t continue to share recipes. Recently, I found a recipe she sent me several months ago. I knew I was going to like it because it had so many of my favorite flavors in it. Who doesn’t like loaded potatoes and Buffalo chicken? This recipe includes both, and everyone knows a loaded potato needs cheese, green onions and crisp bacon. All of these are in the special topping. I actually found two versions of this recipe. One called for red potatoes and the other uses Yukon gold potatoes. Either does well in this recipe. I like PRUDENCE HILBURN the gold potatoes because they have a buttery flavor. When I made this casserole, I reduced the amount of hot sauce to one tablespoon because I was afraid two would be a little too hot for my palate. I think, perhaps, I will use the 2 tablespoons next time. The original recipe was rather involved, with several cooking steps. Marcella worked on the recipe and make it much simpler. I used her version, and it was great. It never ceases to amaze me when I see how creative cooks are using bacon. What really surprises me is that it is now being used in desserts. However, once you taste this new treat, it just might become a favorite snack. The Candied Bacon Bites recipe is from “Southern Living Community Cookbook” by Sheri Castle. Loaded Potatoes and Buffalo Chicken n 1 pound boneless chicken breasts, cubed into 1-inch pieces n 6 to 8 medium red or gold potatoes, skin on, cubed in 1-inch pieces n 1/3 cup olive oil n 1 1/2 teaspoons salt n 1 teaspoon black pepper n 1 tablespoon paprika n 2 tablespoons garlic powder n 2 tablespoons of hot sauce (more, if you like it spicy) Topping: n 2 cups shredded Fiesta blend cheese n 1 cup crumbled crisp-fried bacon n 1 cup diced green onions Candied Bacon Bites Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Separate bacon into slices and let stand at room temperature 5 minutes. Stir together sugar and pepper. Lightly and evenly coat bacon slices in brown sugar mixture. Arrange slices on baking sheet in single layer. Sprinkle any remaining sugar mixture over bacon. Bake at 325 degrees in center of oven for 35 minutes or until golden brown and firm. Let stand 1 minute, transfer to plate in single layer to cool. (Do not let bacon cool on baking sheet or it will stick fast). Bacon continues to crisp as it cools. Cut slices into bite-size pieces, if desired. n 1 pound thick-cut bacon slices n 1/2 cup firmly-packed dark brown sugar n 1 tablespoon freshly cracked black pepper Write to Prudence Hilburn at prudencehilburn@aol. com or visit More Content Now Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a 9-by-13 dish well. Mix olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder and hot sauce. Mix well. Add potatoes and chicken. Stir to coat well. Spoon carefully into casserole dish. Bake 55 to 60 minutes, stirring every 20 minutes. When chicken and potatoes are tender, top with cheese, bacon and onions. Bake 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve warm. Woodford Times Wednesday, March 25, 2015 B3 Broadway hits abound at Civic Center By Adam Larck TimesNewspapers Two Tony Award winners will be making a stop in Peoria Friday. Ron Raines and Donald Pippin will be bringing Broadway hits to the Peoria Civic Center Theater as part of their Legends of Broadway tour. The singing kicks off at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Tickets start at $25 and are available at or the PCC Box Office. Raines and Pippin both have a rich history on Broadway. Raines has appeared in dozens of hits around the world, including “South Pacific,” “Kiss Me, Kate,” “The King and I,” “Brigadoon,” Oklahoma!,” and, more recently, in “Annie” as Daddy Warbucks, Joseph Pulitzer in “Newsies” and as Isidor Straus in “Titanic.” Meanwhile, Pippin has been conducting and directing music for over five decades, including the original run and revival of “A Chorus Line.” He has also conducted “Mame,” starring Angela Lansbury and Bea Arthur, “Seesaw,” one of Tommy Tune’s earlier performances, “Cabaret,” “Oliver,” “La Cage aux Folles” and more. He also was the Musical Director at New York City’s Radio City Music Hall for 10 years. Pippin also was conductor Jerry Herman’s musical director for years, during which time they worked on seven original works, including “Mame” and “La Cage Promotional photo of Ron Raines. submitted photo aux Folles.” Raines got his start on Broadway in 1983 during a revival of “Showboat,” but his first production was actually a high school performance of “Oklahoma.” While he originally came to New York in 1975 to perform in operas, he said he fit best in musical theater. “At that time in history in the 80s, opera companies in America were starting to do musicals,” Raines said. So, I actually went back to the opera world and did these musicals.” After touring across America for a while, he said he wanted to stay in New York to be with his 5-year-old daughter and his wife. However, he hadn’t expected that a soap opera would be what kept him in the city. “I came back and was doing a production of ‘South Pacific’ at the Papermill Playhouse, which is only like 40 minutes outside of the city,” he said. “I had committed to myself then that I was going to get a job. I had not a clue that it was going to be a soap opera like ‘Guiding Light.’” Raines became the villain of “Guiding Light,” Alan Spaulding, for 15 years, winning three Emmy Awards and Soap Opera Digest Awards. While on the show, though, he never stopped his theatrical singing. “While I was doing that, I did tons of recordings and three or four productions for PBS. I also sang for 30 or 40 symphonies. So, I didn’t stop singing, I just stopped going on the road,” he said. He also did a three month stint of “Chicago” on Broadway during his TV career as well. “It’s been a very unorthodox career, but it’s been my path and it’s been fabulous,” he said. While Raines and Pippin first worked together in “Teddy and Alice” in 1988, Raines said his wife knew him 15 years before that when she was in a show Pippin directed. “(Don)’s a legend,” Raines said. They first worked together on Legends of Broadway about five years ago when the Opera of Omaha reached out to Raines about a benefit concert. “We’ve performed all over the place,” he said. “It’s educational, it’s warm. It has an intimacy about it.” The concert is divided up into two parts. “ The first part is where we celebrate composers who wrote their own lyrics, and then the second part is about composers who were a team,” Raines said. Between songs, such as “Luck be a lady tonight,” “My defenses are down,” “Edelweiss” and more, the pair gives the audience a look inside their rich history on Broadway. “He’s got wonderful stories that he shares during the program that the audience eats up,” Raines said. Raines said he interviews Pippin between songs to get stories about his directing career that helps give more background on the songs they sing and perform. “It’s really wonderful,” Raines said. “It’s very entertaining.” CONSIGNMENT AUCTION! Saturday, March 28th, 2015 - 10:00 AM Location: 2007 SE 3rd St (IL Hwy 17) - Aledo, IL TRACTORS: '02 JD 8420 MFWD, 540/1000 PTO, 4900 hrs - SHARP; CaseIH 4210 MFWD w/ CaseIH 2255 quick tach loader, 882 actual hrs; Bobcat 440B gas skid loader; JD 8850 4X4, QR, 4 remotes, 24.5X32 duals, 5540 hrs - field ready; JD 4650, 15sp PS, 3 remotes, 8800 hrs; '72 IH 1066, Cab, Duals, weights - Nice; '69 JD 4020 Gas NF, Power Shift, Good Rubber, 8 Front Weights - SHARP; '68 JD 3020 Gas NF, Syncro, front weights, nice original; '56 JD 60 NF - SHARP; '41 Farmall M NF, 12V, Nice Paint; '12 LS P7040 MFWD, cab, Power Shuttle, Hi-Lo, 540/750/1000 PTO, only 451 hrs reamining factory warranty; '82 JD 2940 MFWD, 4834 hrs - one owner; '78 JD 2840 w/ JD 148 loader, 5500 hrs; Case 380 Industrial diesel utility tractor w/ loader, 3pt & side mtd sickle mower; '67 JD 2020 w/ JD 47 loader; AC C w/ Woods belly mower, (4) new tires; Ford 4000 gas w/ Ford Industrial loader; '69 IH Farmall 856, diesel, nf, 30.5X32 rears, new TA 2 yrs ago; SPECIAL MENTION: 69 JD 140 garden tractor, new tires, restored, 4 rear wheel weights, Rear tiller - SHARP; HEAVY TRUCKS, TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES: '91 GMC Topkick w/ Knapheide 16ft grain box & hoist, cargo doors, roll tarp, 5+2, 366 V8 gas, 112,500 mi; '97 Low Trail 25ft flatbed gooseneck trailer; PICKUPS: '99 Ford F-250 XLT 4X4 crew cab, 7.3 diesel - 90,400 actual miles; FARM EQUIPMENT: JD 1560 15ft grain drill, 7 1/2" spacings, hyd down pressure, small seed, markers - 700 ac on complete rebuild; Hardi Navigator 550 sprayer, 45ft manual boom w/triple nozzles & foamer, chemical inductor, Hardi controller, 540 pump; JD 7000 4-38 planter w/ bean meters; Case Soil Saver 13 shank disc chisel w/leveler; shop built 3 pt forklift; (2) new 16ft hayrack beds - built w/ new & used lumber; JD MoCo 946 12 1/2ft disc mower conditioner - new tires, field ready; JD 40ft pull type bale elevator - one owner; flair box seeder wagon on JD gear; JD rotary hoe units; IH #10 grain drill w/ small seed & fertilizer; Danuser 3pt post hole digger w/ 12" auger; JD 7240 6-30 planter w/ 5 row bean splitter, JD Compu-trak 250 monitor, HD markers, Yetter no-till units, insecticide ONE OWNER; JD 4 section harrow w/ cart; 3pt hitch fork lift; gravity wagon w/ hyd bean auger; JD running gear; 1600 gal stainless tank; JD 400 3pt rotary hoe; M&W 500 bu gravity wagon; Killbros 350 2 copartment gravity wagon w/ Yetter System I Seed Jet II seed transfer; Dunham Lehr 14ft culti-mulcher; JD 7200 8-36 vac planter, hyd fold, w/ JD 250 monitor, Yetter trash whips; Krause 38ft triple fold field cultivator, 3 bar spring tooth harrow; 72X8 PTO auger w/ swing away hopper; 62X8 PTO auger; Vermeer 605C Baler; Gehl 120 Mix All; JD 400 Grinder Mixer; Gravity Wagon; Heider Barge wagon w/ hoist, Very Nice wagon; David Bradley Flare box wagon; 14’ hay rack on good running gear; JD #38 Sickle Mower; JD #9 3 pt. Sickle Mower; JD Hay Rake; New Idea 5212 disc mo-co; IH / FAMALL PARTS, WEIGHTS, ETC: IH wide front end for 06-56 series complete w/ rims & tires; IH flat top fenders for 06-56 series - new paint; pr of IH 3pt lift arms; many IH 706 & 806 parts - check back for list additions; IH front & rear weights; LIVESTOCK & FENCING EQUIPMENT: Case IH 1570 tandem manure spreader, hyd slop gate, top beater missing 1000 PTO; (2) new wood hay bunks built w/ new & used lumber; milk feeder bottles; 90 gal water tank w/ single drinker; 3 pt livestock carrier; roll of used woven wire; IH 90 bu auger cart; Palco head gate w/ shop built chute, (2) New Palco alley gates & 2 drop gates - LIKE NEW! SMALL ACREAGE EQUIPMENT: JD 606 3pt mower; Woods Cadet 84 3pt mower; Ford 6ft 3pt rotary mower; pull type cultipack for an ATV / garden tractor; CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES: pull type 10ft box scraper w/ hyd cylinder; 2" gas powered trash pump; Bosch electric jack hammer w/ HD electrical cord; SHOP EQUIPMENT: Atlas WB 42 wheel balancer - like new, used only twice - comes w/ adaptors & accessories; Snap-On Classic 96 roll around tool chest - like new; Hobart Handler 187 MIG welder w/ tank; LAWN, GARDEN & POWER EQUIPMENT: ‘95 JD 445 1750 hrs. w/ 40 Loader, 54” deck; JD L110 Automatic lawn tractor, 48" deck, 337 hrs; (2) ‘93 JD Gators - one owner; PLUS WEIGHTS, DUALS, TIRES, TOOLS, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES & MORE! CHECK THE WEB! Also on! Auctioneer: Dale Jones Terms: Cash or Good Check. Buyers unfamiliar to (309) 582-7653 the auction company must have bank letter of guarAledo, IL antee with check. Everything sells AS-IS. AUTOMOTIVE ride & drive Honda Civic sedan More Content Now In the five-passenger, front-wheel-drive compact segment, few if any models provide as many options as the Honda Civic. Available in sedan or coupe body styles, there is also a hybrid version, as well as a natural gas option. There is even a sporty Si version for those wanting a performance-oriented model. Delivering a comfortable ride with solid fuel economy, loaded with features and with a base price starting at $18,290, the Civic is also a great value. Completely redesigned for the 2014 model year, there are not many changes for 2015, with the exception of a new Special Edition trim level that’s positioned between the LX and EX Civic models to provide customers with an even higher value option by adding more than $1,100 in telematics, audio and style upgrades for $700 above the LX model. This week I had the chance to evaluate the 2015 Honda Civic EX-L with Navigation sedan. With so many Civic models, for this review, I’m going to focus exclusively on the Civic sedan, available in LX, SE, EX and EX-L trim levels. Powered by 1.8-liter I-4 engine delivering 143 horsepower and 129 lbs.-ft. torque, consumers have the option of a 5-speed manual transmission (LX trim level only) or the Continuously Variable Transmission. I was very impressed with its performance during the evaluation period, which covered more than 500 miles of highway and city driving. The Civic sedan gets up to speed quickly and during an extended drive to visit one of our sister papers four hours away, I have to give the Civic high marks for comfort. I also have to give it high marks for fuel economy. The Civic sedan has an EPA rating of 30 mpg city, 39 mpg highway when equipped with the CVT. According to the test vehicle’s trip computer, I averaged just shy of 33 mpg, which included a combination of highway and stop-and-go in town miles. As I mentioned earlier, the Civic is very nicely equipped with a number of convenience and connectivity features. My test vehicle included the optional navigation system, which I very much appreciated during my business trip. While I know this is petty, the only thing I didn’t like is the controls for the audio system. I’m very much “old school,” meaning I like buttons and knobs. To adjust the volume on the audio system, you have to use the touch screen monitor, which, to me anyway, isn’t as efficient or user friendly as a button or knob. Otherwise, I have only praise and appreciation for the Civic sedan. It is spacious, comfortable, delivers solid performance with exceptional fuel economy and at a very affordable price. For those in the market for a compact sedan, add the Civic to the test-drive list. Exterior of the 2015 Honda Civic sedan. HONdA PHOTOS Nuts and bolts MOdeL: 2015 Honda Civic 5-seat compact coupe, sedan (hybrid, natural gas and Si models also available) Front-wheel drive (Sedan specifications only) Trim packages: LX, Se, eX, eX-L PriCe rANGe: $19,000-$25,000 eNGiNe: 1.8L i4 (143 hp/129 T) TrANSMiSSiON: 5-speed manual CvT ePA: 30 mpg city, 39 mpg highway (CvT) FUeL: regular unleaded STABiLiTY CONTrOL: vehicle stability assist with traction control BrAKeS: ABS LeNGTH: 207.6 inches WHeeLBASe: 105.1 inches WidTH: 69 inches HeiGHT: 56.5 inches WeiGHT: 2,754-2,930 pounds TrACK: 59/59.9 (front/rear) FUeL TANK: 13.2 gallons TireS: 15-, 16-, or 17-inches CArGO: 12.5 cubic feet. ê§ $c âoÔc l §§ íRoc /«âAâo J «íÔâoØþ o\ CS-05571711 /ĄÜÜĄ¦²² By Neal White CS-02522020 WE OFFER 6 MONTHS SAME AS CASH (With Approved Credit) !«Øâ \AÔØ J ¡«Øâ ¼AØØo¦oÔ âÔí\Ø "«â ûAf üâ A¦þ «âoÔ «}}oÔØ ¦\ífoØ í¼ â« ÉâØ «} Aû«¦o $ 4-15-15 «í¼«¦ /oÉíÔof Expires ý¼ÔoØ Ü䳳 Pharm-assistance Important questions for your pharmacist By Melissa Erickson More Content Now A visit to the pharmacy can be more than just a quick stop to pick up a prescription or supplies for the medicine cabinet. It’s also a convenient time to have an important medical conversation with your pharmacist. “Pharmacists are a great first resource for patients,” said Pat Person, immediate past president of the Califor- 1. What is the name of the medication, and what is it supposed to do? A patient should know the names and uses of all the medications being taken. Additionally, prescription error does occur. “Drug X might be used to treat high blood pressure, but a patient may say ‘I don’t have high blood pressure.’ The pharmacist can contact the doctor and fix the error,” Person said. 2. When and how do I take it? nia Pharmacists Association. “Pharmacists are trained to help patients manage their medications and hopefully will be their first avenue of information — and not the Internet,” Person said. In Bakersfield, California, where Person practices as a community pharmacist in an independent pharmacy, all pharmacies are required to hang a poster advising patients of their rights as far as their medications go. There is mandatory patient counseling on any new prescription or dose change of a currently prescribed medication, but of course the patient has a right to decline, said Person. Too often people skip the chance to have a one-on-one conversation with a knowledgeable pharmacist. “People are often intimidated when they look behind the counter. They see us and we look busy. We are busy but never too busy. Or they don’t want to bother the pharmacist or think they know all they need to already. Contrary to what people may think, pharmacists like to talk. We want to make sure patients take the right medications and get the optimal results,” Person said. Here are five questions you should be asking your pharmacist: Taking medication correctly is important so that it can give you the help you expect. Do you take the medication for the next week or for the rest of your life? This is an opportunity to ask the pharmacist what to do if you miss a dose. A good question, Person said, is “If you forgot to take the medicine in the morning, is it allowable to double up in the evening?” Also, should the medication be taken with food? Should it be taken at the same time each day? In the case of antibiotics, many people begin to feel better after a few day of treatment and do not complete the full prescription regiment. Instead they tuck the bottle away for later use, which has led to antibiotic re- sistance, Person said. The antibiotic was able to get rid of most, but not all, of the bacteria that was causing the illness. When you stop taking the antibiotic, those leftover bacteria eventually reproduce and multiply, which will lead to your doctor needing to prescribe an even stronger antibiotic in the future. 3. What are the possible side effects, and what should I do if they occur? All medications can cause side effects that may interfere with therapy, Person said. “If the side effects make a person feel poorly, he may want to stop taking the medication,” he said. A pharmacist can switch the medication to a different drug class that may relieve the side effects or to an extended-dose medication. Instead of taking a medicine three or four times a day, you’ll just take it once a day. 4. Will the new medicine work safely with other medicines and supplements I’m already taking? Other prescriptions or vitamin supplements can interact with a new medication, resulting in increased or decreased effects of the drug, Person said. Never take a new medication without speaking to your pharmacist about how it will react with your other medicines. 5. What foods, drink or activities should be avoided while taking a new medication? Isn’t it time you got back to enjoying life? See what our Bounce Back program can do for you! Liberty Village Liberty Village of Pekin of Peoria CS-05571418 1540 El Camino Drive, (309) 353-1600 To advertise in our monthly issue of Senior Focus, please contact us at 686-3106 6900 N. Stalworth Dr. Not-For-Profit Provider (309) 693-1400 Some medications can’t be taken with certain foods and beverages. For example, cholesterol-lowering drugs should not be taken with grapefruit juice, and people with high blood pressure should be careful with salt substitutes or alcohol, among other things. In some cases the interaction can be harmful, Person said. Central nervous system depressants, such as prescription pain medications and some over-the-counter cold and allergy medicines, should never be taken with alcohol. Senior Focus Wednesday, March 25, 2015 seniors calendar B5 Questions? Contact Dave Blackford at 681-3715 or email at HOW TO SUBMIT Calendar items may be submitted via email to Dave Blackford at Please put Senior Focus in the subject line. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Items are printed on a space-available basis. Senior Focus usually publishes the last Wednesday of the month in all five TimesNewspapers. Items for our coverage areas (Washington, East Peoria, Morton, Germantown Hills, Metamora and Chillicothe) are given preference. Chillicothe Pearce Community Center Card Playing - Join other seniors in the senior room to play pinochle, euchre, bridge, hand-in-foot or whatever. Bring a snack to pass and bring a friend. $2 fee for non-members. Noon-4 p.m. Thurs., 5-9:00 p.m. Fri. and 1-4 p.m. Sun. Line Dancing - Volunteer instructors, dance steps and music and exercise. $2 fee for non-members. 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Senior Potluck - fourth Tues. of each month, seniors have a potluck meal and enjoy a program. Bring your own table service and dish to share. Drinks provided. Open to all seniors. Begins at noon. east peoria fondulac park district For more info on any of the following events, call 6993923. Most programs meet at administration building unless otherwise noted. Speaker - On March 31st, at 10 AM , Snyder Village Assisted Living is pleased to announce that Rev. Randall Saxton retired Pastor of United Presbyterian Church in Peoria and frequent Bradley University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute history instructor will speak about the last week of Lincoln’s life from Palm Sunday to Bloody Saturday. All are welcome. If you have any question please all Diana at 367-2500 ext. 185. call the park office at 2637429 or stop by the office at 349 W. Birchwood during office hours Monday-Friday from 8:30am-Noon and 1:00-5pm. You may also check us out on the web at www.mortonparkdistrict. com or Facebook at Morton Park District. Festival - Wednesday, April 8th, 10:00 am, at Snyder Village Assisted Living in Metamora, Pumpkins, Parades & Pies: Eureka’s Pumpkin Festival Past Take a step back in time and view a visual history of the Eureka Pumpkin Festival. The festival, which was held between 1939 and 1961, regularly averaged at least 50,000 attendees from all over Illinois and the Midwest. In 1947 film star and Eureka College alumnus Ronald Reagan and Illinois Governor Dwight Green attended, drawing national attention. This free program will be held at the Snyder Village Assisted Living Facility in Metamora, IL. For more information, call the library at 309-4672922. Line Dance Class - Every Thursday, 2-3:30 p.m. Potluck - first Wed. of each month. Bring own table service and a dish to pass. Serving begins at 11:30 a.m. Sign-up not required. Meet new people. New attendees need no covered dish. Park park district For more information at east side of building. about any of these programs, call 263-7429 or HI-5 - Free senior wellness stop by the office at 349 program, chair dancing, W. Birchwood during ofstretching, strengthening fice hours Monday-Friday exercises and more, 10-11 from 8:30 a.m.-noon and a.m. every Mon. and Fri. 1-5 p.m. Free at Fon du Lac Park District Admin. Center. Cards, Bingo, & Potluck Sponsored by Fondulac Rehabilitation & Healthcare. Lunch - Mondays 9 a.m.-1 p.m. - Freedom Hall. TOPS- Every Thursday Early Morning Walking 9-10:15am.-Weight loss support group.$1 per week. Mon, Wed. & Fri. 7-9 a.m. Rec Center, 324 S. Detroit, Call Gina at 699-3923 for Morton. FREE. Begins Nov. details. 4. Mexican Dominoes Yoga - This is an 8 week Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.-3 class. Please bring your p.m. Does not meet 1st Wednesday of each month. own mat for class. Dates: 2nd session March 11, 2015 – May 8, 2015 (no classes Big Band Dance - once a month on the 4th Saturday. on April 3, 6, 8, and 10) Cost per session: $60.00 for 7-10 p.m. Cost: $5. residents $120.00 for nonresidents Times: Mon, Wed, & Fri 9:30 – 10:30 am Location: Recreation Center, 324 S. Detroit If you should SNYDER VILLAGE have any questions please morton METAMORA pekin MILLER CENTER For more information please call 309-346-5210 Cargiver Support Group - 2nd Wed. of every month.- 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Sponsored by Bradley University’s Counseling Research & Training Clinic, in coorperation with Central Illinois Agency on Aging. PEORIA Peoria PARK DISTRICT Please pre-register for classes. All classes listed are for ages 50+. Please call 688-3667 for more information. Support Group - 2nd Thursday of the month. Courtyard Estates Bingo- 1st Friday of every month. 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. For everyone 65+. FREE for all visitors. Coffee and cinnamon rolls served. Osher Lifelong learning institute at bradley university For more information about OLLI call (309)677-3900 or go online to www.bradley. edu/olli. LOCAL TRIPS - Get to know your community on these half day excursions. Register early. LECTURES & SPECIAL EVENTS -These occasions are a night or a day enjoyed — another opportunity for us to gather and learn. Registration is required. For the free lectures, refreshments are served 30 minutes prior. Yoga - This beginning and beyond class combines postures, breathing practices and relaxation with an emphasis on self-acceptance and exploration. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a mat and firm blanket. For more information contact Jean at 687-8099. Cost: $64 for 8 classes, or $10 drop in. Monday evenings - ongoing. 5:30-6:45 p.m. Alonetogether Grief Support Group - Mondays- 4:30 p.m. -6:00 p.m. Located in Group Room 4 at the Couseling Center. For more information contact Steve at 672-5695 or steve. washinGton five points For more information about any of these programs, call 444-8222. Senior Room Events Bridge - 12:30-4:40 p.m. third Mon. of month; Hearts - 9-11 a.m. Mon; Various card games - 12:30-4 p.m.; Bingo - 10:30-11:30 a.m. first Tues. of month; Hearts - 9-11 a.m. Tues.; Pinochle 1-4 p.m. Tues.; Bridge - 1-4 p.m. first and third Wed. of month; Eucher, 2-4 p.m. first and third Wed. of month; Hearts - 9-11 a.m. Wed.; card games - 12:30-4 p.m. Thurs.; Pinochle - 1-4 p.m. Thurs.; Wii bowling 1-3 p.m. Fri. Reflections Memory Care residence For more info on the following events, call 309508-7200. park district For more information about any of these programs, call 444-9413. Veteran’s Memorial Brick Pavers - Honor a veteran with an engraved brick paver. Bricks will be placed at the Veteran’s Memorial in Washington Park. All funds will be donated. Cost: $50. Fee includes 3 lines of print, 15 characters per line. Fit Over 50 - Easy cardio combined with balance and strength routines. Come get comfortable with your body in a non-competitive environment. Tues. & Thurs. Jan. 6-May 14, 10 - 10:45 a.m. Cost: Reserved fee is $25, not reserved fee is $30. Intouch Home Care Services of LSSI Book Discussion GroupLast Wed of every month. 2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Call 681-2859 for more information. Forest park nature center Unitypoint Health-Proctor Connecting with you…Caring for you Personal care • Housekeeping • Medication reminders • Meal preparation • Companionship and supervision • Transportation • Respite caregiving services Call 309.264.9229 or visit Services provided in Tazewell, Peoria, Fulton, Marshall, Stark and Woodford Counties Old Time Folk & Country Jam - Bring your acoustic instrument and bring it to the Nature Center for a jam session. Meet other musicians and learn new songs. Music lovers of all ages are invited to come, listen & enjoy! 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month. 3:30-5 p.m. alzheimer’s association Please register at least a day in advance of the scheduled program by calling 800.272.3900. CS-05571707 PALZ- Peoria Alzheimer’s =>+< :<91<+7 -YWZ\OROX]S`O =_\`S`Y\]RSZ 21&2/2*< Call to learn more at: (309) 274-2194 5(+$%,/,7$7,21 ;OL0749:;(97YVNYHTWYV]PKLZWH[PLU[Z^P[O JVVYKPUH[LKJHUJLYYLOHIPSP[H[PVUZ\WWVY[LKI`H [LHT VM JLY[PÄLK :;(9 *SPUPJPHUZ HUK 7YV]PKLYZ (ZHU0749:;(97YVNYHTWH[PLU[`V\^PSSYLJLP]L \UTH[JOLKJVTWYLOLUZP]LJHUJLYYLOHIPSP[H[PVU [VPTWYV]L[OLZ`TW[VTZHMMLJ[PUN`V\YM\UJ[PVU HUK X\HSP[` VM SPML ;OLZL TH` PUJS\KL MH[PN\L T\ZJ\SVZRLSL[HSWHPUQVPU[Z[PMMULZZSPTIZ^LSSPUN S`TWOLKLTH^LHRULZZTLTVY`WYVISLTZ \UZ[LHK`IHSHUJLHUKPZZ\LZ^P[O[HSRPUN VYZ^HSSV^PUN 0Y\ WY\O SXPY\WK^SYX Y\ ^Y ]MRON_VO KX KZZYSX^WOX^ &$// RU,305 e v i L ell W ES ILE LY 15 MIL ONLY ! FROM PEORIA LSPURUJ 2873$7,(17&/,1,&/2&$7,216 ,K\^YX`SVVO x -RSVVSMY^RO x 7O^KWY\K x 7Y\^YX x :OUSX x :OY\SK .YaX^YaX x :OY\SK 8Y\^R x AK]RSXQ^YX CS-05571405 Call for a tour today: 274-2194 1028 Hillcrest Drive • B6 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Senior Focus Woodford Times Wednesday, March 25, 2015 B7 Newsbriefs LaHood steps forward to run for Schock’s seat Judiciary, Criminal Law, Executive Appointments, Public Health, Human Services, Pensions & License Activities, Environment, Insurance and PEORIA — State Transportation. Sen. Darin LaHood anSince taking office, nounced his intent to run LaHood has achieved a for Congress in the 18th strong record as a leadDistrict and formed a feding fiscal conservative in eral campaign committee with the Federal Election Springfield. He has been an outspoken advocate for Commission March 18. creating a better business LaHood will soon climate in Illinois to boost make a formal anthe state’s economy and nouncement in locales throughout the 18th Con- create jobs for Illinoisans. From 2001-06 LaHood gressional District. The served in the U.S. Attor18th District includes 19 ney’s Office in Las Vegas, counties in Central and Nevada, where he was Western Illinois. the lead prosecutor for LaHood is currently the Project Safe Neighserving in his fifth year borhoods Program and as a Republican State then the Chief Terrorism Senator, elected without opposition in his last elec- prosecutor. Additionally, tion. He has served on the he has worked in both the Cook County and Tazefollowing committees: well County State’s Attorney’s Offices. LaHood has also previously worked in the U.S. House of Representatives as a Legislative Assistant and then an Appropriations Committee Associate. He graduated from The John Marshall Law School and currently practices law with the Peoria law firm of Miller, Hall & Triggs. LaHood has been married to Kristen for 13 years and together they have three sons: McKay, 12, Lucas, 10, and Teddy, who is 8 years old. The LaHood family resides in Dunlap which is in Peoria County. Gov. Rauner has until April 5 to set a date for a special election which must occur within 115 days. Classified Ad Placement Deadlines: Private Party line ads Business line ads Business display ads Garage Sale ads Legal notices Holiday Deadlines Noon Thursday Noon Thursday Noon Thursday Noon Thursday Noon Thursday *Noon Wednesday *unless otherwise advertised Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Closed Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays 309-692-6600 / 309-686-3047 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9426, Peoria, IL 61612 Emp: General Bus.Prop: Rent Commentary If Court kills health care, millions – and GOP - lose Revenue Service OK’d If the polarized U.S. rules making subsidies Supreme Court in June available in all rules against states. ACA opthe Affordable ponents said Care Act, they’ll exchanges must kill subsidies for be offered by indiabout 8 million vidual states, not Americans in 34 the federal govstates that use ernment. the HealthCare. The marketgov insurer marBill Knight places – operating ketplace – such as for two years – let Illinois. Americans who don’t get This has started to health benefits at work occur to Congress’ Tea Party-influenced Repub- to shop online among plans that must all offer licans, especially in the basic benefits and can’t House, where Repreturn away customers, sentatives run every two even if they have preexyears. Even from right-wing- isting conditions. Americans making less than ers who’ve tried to kill the ACA dozens of times four times the federal in the last five years, you poverty level, or about $94,000 for a family of can almost hear some four, qualify for subsigears click into place dies to offset the cost of and mumbled thoughts their premiums. about millions of voters The law’s challengers losing health insurance: argue that a strict read“Uh, oh-oh.” ing of the statute makes On the Senate side, subsidies available only a few GOP Senators in states that set up marreportedly have been ketplaces, rather than brainstorming for having the federal govmonths, but haven’t ernment operate marcome up with an idea ketplaces for them. of helping millions of Four words. Americans – many of Without subsidies, of whom now have some course, insurance costs protection from health would skyrocket. calamities and exorbiDuring arguments tant medical bills for the this month, Justice first time. Anthony Kennedy sugSecretary for Health gested the law may be and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell, vague enough to give has said, “We know of no the IRS deference for its regulation allowing tax administrative actions credits in federal health that could – and thereexchanges. But he added fore we have no plans that giving the IRS authat would – undo the thority would be a “drasmassive damage to our tic step,” because billions health care system that of dollars are at stake. would be caused by an In Illinois – which adverse decision.” left about $270 mil“Oops.” lion in federal funding The issue in “King v. untouched in December Burwell” – the most sewhen the legislature rious threat to the law didn’t even vote on a bill since 2012 – focuses to create Illinois’ health on four words in the insurance exchange 906-page document. The law says that tax – more than threecredits will be available fourths of consumers through exchanges “eswho signed up for 2015 tablished by the state.” insurance as of Jan. 30 As it was drafted, supqualified for an averporters assumed most age subsidy of $210 per states would create month. exchanges. After it was Clearly, ACA challengsigned in March 2010, ers care less about lanmany states instead guage than the law – and decided to rely on the President Obama. After federal government to 60-some attempts to reoperate them, as the law peal the ACA in the last allows. six years, Republicans Four words v. intent. once more seem to be inIn 2012, the Internal tent on “Doing Nothing,” READER NOTICE: This newspaper will never knowingly accept any advertisement that is illegal or considered fraudulent. If you have questions or doubts about any ads on these pages, we advise that before responding or sending money ahead of time, you check with the local Attorney General’s Consumer Fraud Line and/or the Better Business Bureau. Also be advised that some phone numbers published in these ads may require an extra charge. In all cases of questionable value, such as promises or guaranteed income from work-at-home programs, money to loan, etc., if it sounds too good to be true - it may in fact be exactly that. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for any negative consequences that occur as a result of you doing business with these advertisers. Thank You. but many are starting to realize the unintended consequence of booting millions off health insurance. Some governors, including a few Republicans, have conceded they don’t want to let thousands of their constituents lose coverage. “If the court rules, and we find half a million Ohioans without insurance, it’s something we’re going to have to deal with,” Ohio Gov. John Kasich said. On March 4, the Supreme Court seemed divided, but comments like Kennedy’s gave the law’s defenders some hope. At least four justices appeared skeptical about the challenge that could create unmanageable insurance markets, rising premiums, and millions uninsured. Conservative Justices such as Antonin Scalia seemed sympathetic to opponents of health coverage, but the four liberals, such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, seemed to side with defenders’ assertion that the whole law must be considered. Even the conservative Independent Women’s Voice organization recently released a poll saying it would be important to “do something to restore the subsidies” if Scalia and conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito sway two others to kill it. Perhaps swing votes by Kennedy or Chief Justice Roberts could note that Merriam-Webster’s dictionary’s definition of “state” is not only “a politically organized body of people usually occupying a definite territory; especially: one that is sovereign,” but also “ the operations or concerns of the government of a country.” The federal government is a state, too. And people matter as much as words. — Contact Bill at Bill.Knight@hotmail. com; his twice-weekly columns are archived at LOCAL ROOFING COMPANY looking for laborers. Experience not necessary. Have own transportation & driver’s license a must. 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Washington St. • East Peoria, IL 61611 Criminal Law • Estate Planning • Real Estate • Probate • Bankruptcy Published every week only in the TIMESNEWSPAPERS: Chillicothe Times-Bulletin, East Peoria Times-Courier, Morton Times-News, Washington Times-Reporter, Woodford Times If you need to find public notices that were published in any of our five TIMESNEWSPAPERS go to: Public Notice Illinois • PUBLIC NOTICE EARLY VOTING DATES Public Notice is hereby given that Early Voting in Woodford County will be conducted on the following dates and in the following temporary location prior to the April 7, 2015 Consolidated Election. Location Dates Hours Monday - Friday March 23-37 Woodford County Courthouse 115 N. Main St., Room 104, Eureka 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday March 30 - April 3 Woodford County Courthouse 115 N. Main St., Room 104, Eureka 8am - 5pm Saturday April 4 Woodford County Courthouse 115 N. Main St., Room 104, Eureka 8am - 12pm noon What is Early Voting? Early Voting was new in 2006. The process allows all registered voters to cast their ballots prior to Election Day by voting at a pre-designated site named by the County Clerk. Per 10 ILCS 5/19A-35b, “Except for during the 2014 general election, the applicant’s identity must be verified by the applicant’s presentation of an Illinois driver’s license, a non-driver identification card issued by the Illinois Secretary of State, a photo identification card issued by a university or college, or another government-issued identification document containing the applicant’s photograph.” No excuse or reason is necessary to apply. Early votes are tabulated at the Office of the County Clerk on Election Day after the polls close at 7pm by Election Judges. Debbie Harms Woodford County Clerk 115 N. Main St., Room 202 Eureka, IL 61530 (309) 467-2822 #13885 Childcare Disclaimer PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: No individual, unless licensed or holding a permit as a childcare facility, may cause to be published any advertisement soliciting a child care service. * A childcare facility that is licensed or operating under a permit issued by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services may publish advertisements of the services for which it is specifically licensed or issued a permit. TIMESNEWSPAPERS strongly urge any parent or guardian to verify the validity of the license of any facility before placing a child in its care. * Family homes that care for no more than three (3) children under the age of twelve or which receive only children from a single household, for less than 24 hours per day, are exempt from licensure as day care homes. 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