Vol 2014 Issue 45 12 Nov 2014 Keep Keep these these dates dates in in mind mind and and plan plan your your calendar calendar now. now. 02 October —Bud, and Steak Tijuana Yacht Club 07 NovSpud 2014—BOTY Banquet 08 October 2014—Annual MeetingChoral Fest The Manitoba Choral Association 22 Nov 2014— 15 Oct—The Manitoba Seniors Music Festival– 7:45 p.m. 25 Nov 2014—Joint ASA/WGC Xmas show rehearsal (tentative) Competition 24-25 October—Rochester 03 Dec 2014—Joint WGC/ASA Xmas show rehearsal 07 Nov 2014—BOTY Banquet (tentative) 22 Nov 2014—The Manitoba Choral Association Choral Fest 06 Dec 2014 Christmas Show with Sweet 27 November—MCA Choral Fest Adelines Riverside Lions Estates Seniors Residence 1006Dec Dec2014— 2014 The Christmas Show with Sweet Adelines 16 Dec 2014—Tentative - Place Despins 10 Dec 2014— 9-10 Jan 2015— LOL Leadership Training Academy 16 Dec 2014—Tentative - Place Despins River Falls, MN 13 June 2015—Annual Show 13 June 2015—Annual Show November Birthdays Rubin Batke 1929-11-11 Gerald Fontaine 04 11 Art Gross 1954-11-06 Perry Chochinoff Guests: Welcome to Chris Magas who Renewals: visited us for the second week and to Duncan Zaluski 14yrs. Evan Bowness who was out for the first time. Chris received a card from Charlie at the funeral of Jeep Enns where the Chorus sang. He like what he heard Inside this issue: and decided it was time to check us out. Upcoming Events 1 Evan is a friend of Ian and Jeremy who suggested that he should attend our Christmas Show Schedule 2 practice. Rochester Memories Brian M 3 We look forward to seeing you again next week. Rochester Memories Brian M 4 Christmas Cheer Board 5 Notes from Cass 5 Youth Chorus Promotion 6 BOTY 2014 7 Editorial Information 12 Nov 2014 8 CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD December 6, 2014 (2:00 pm & 7:00 pm) ASC and WGC Bethel Mennonite Church Gentlemen …. Here is some information about the joint Christmas Performance with the Assiniboine Show Chorus on December 6. · The WGC songs that Gary and the Music Committee have decided that we will be doing are: > Angels We Have Heard On High > Jingle Bells > Christmas Time Is Here > Little Saint Nick > Feast of Lights medley > O Christmas Tree/ While By My Sheep > Feliz Navidad > The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting ….) · The joint songs that we will be doing with ASC are: > Gigue Noel > Whisper, Whisper > Hallelujah > O Holy Night > Long, Long Time Ago > Peace Peace · All Chorus members are asked to be at the church ready to begin the warm-up and sound checks by 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Changing rooms and warm-up rooms have been arranged in the basement, and stage/microphone time will be available for both choruses, the joint chorus and all quartets as required. · The first show is from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.. All chorus members are encouraged to remain at the church between performances. The second performance is from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. · No food will be provided before the first performance (pls bring your own lunch/snack if you need something before the 2:00 p.m. performance). · The Show Committee has arranged for a “Socials-type” meal to be available for both choruses between performances ($7.00 per person) to encourage relaxation and socialization. · Wardrobe will be announced closer to the performance date. Rochester Remembered by Brian Metcalfe As a Barbershopper, with less than seven months experience, I thought I should share my thoughts about the recent Land O’Lakes District Fall Convention held in Rochester, Minnesota on October 24-25, 2014. Larry Hunter, who first introduced me to this “harmonizing hobby”, suggested that I would be wise to try to attend a convention to hear a variety of very talented quartets and choirs. Following up on his advice, my wife Sally and I, decided to drive down to Rochester, where we could witness some passionate performers and Sally could also explore the various shopping malls enroute. Thinking that I might only be able to share my first Rochester experience with eight members of our two, competing quartets, I was delighted when Drummond Brown made a passionate plea to have as many Golden Chordsmen compete in Rochester. I thank the Executive for supporting this endeavour by arranging bus transportation to Rochester for the bulk of our choir. I must admit that I was somewhat disappointed that I was not travelling with my colleagues on the bus, as I was sure that I would be missing out on some harmonizing and last-minute performing strategies. Sally and I arrived in Rochester on Thursday afternoon and thanks to the hard work of Wendy and Ken Broadfoot, we were able to stay at the Comfort Inn with most of our chorus members and their respective cheerleaders. Sally and I explored Rochester on Thursday and Friday and visited some unique restaurants. However, Friday night at the Mayo Civic Center Auditorium was spectacular as we were treated to the amazing talents of 18 different quartets. Not only was I astounded by the diversity of songs and arrangements, I was delighted by the singing prowess of all the competitors. I enjoyed the comedy and creativity demonstrated as one quartet sang “Down by the Old Mill Stream” complete with unique props and a flying shark. This evening was made particularly meaningful thanks to our many choir members and their wives in the audience who patiently answered Sally and my questions about various aspects of the quartet and chorus competitions. Undoubtedly my nervousness started at breakfast on Saturday – the day of our choral competition. I was so delighted when Gary Brenner recommended that we meet in the Comfort Inn conference room at 9:00 a.m. for a final hour of rehearsal. I really appreciated Duncan Zaluski sharing some new choreography, which was introduced at the last practice (when I was in Fargo), to accompany our song “I Don’t Know Why”. Furthermore, Victor Olafson’s helpful timing and tips, created a mechanism to ensure that all choir members were synchronized when performing these new gestures. Together, with Director Gary’s dedication and fine tuning … we were all set to go. Who was nervous? Imagine a “rookie” asking our Director, just 10 minutes before going on stage, to confirm the order of the two songs which we were about to sing in the competition. Imagine my potential problems when we sing several songs at a local church or nursing home. Ever professional, I appreciated when Larry Hunter took the time in the ready-room to acknowledge that Perry Chochinov, James “Doogie” Kautz, and I, were about to sing in our first choral competition. With sweaty palms, I walked onto the stage, positioned myself on the last row of risers, and as the curtain rose, I was briefly able to see into the audience and spot my wife and our other “cheerleaders”. Then the powerful stage-lights were turned on and the audience disappeared behind a wall of intense, bright light. I smiled, focused on our Director, got ready to perform our first gesture, and started singing the words … “My mind is kinda hazy, I must be going crazy …” In hindsight, perhaps the lyrics that I began crooning exemplified the adrenalin rush that hit me as I began harmonizing, in support of my colleagues, under the hot lights of the Fresnel lighting. Cont. page 4 Cont. from page 3 Later on Saturday afternoon, after all 18 choruses had performed, we were invited to gain feedback from a variety of judges. As a former educator, I found this part of the competition to be most useful as we gained insight on our “Music”, “Presentation”, and “Singing”. Not only was I delighted to hear from James Estes that the Leads were doing a great job but that our chorus had the potential to improve with a few tweaks like building crescendos on held notes, being less cautious, and demonstrating that we were, indeed, having fun. However, I was quite pleased that our choir averaged a score of 65.0 and was ranked 9th out of 18 choirs. In the late afternoon, while we were waiting for supper, “Doogie” Kautz became addicted to the Barbershop musical tag process and was welcomed into various groups that gathered in hallways to demonstrate and share their prowess at blending rhythm with a sustained note. During this time my wife Sally was delighted to be serenaded by Arnie Charles as he performed “Red Head” in his enthusiastic manner. Following a delicious supper with our chorus, we were back in the Mayo Civic Center Auditorium to hear the quartet finals. Unfortunately our two quartets, that sang Friday night, did not qualify to sing with the ten finalists. Not only were the ten quartets amazing, the audience was also treated to the harmonizing of Kordal Kombat and a talented list of past quartet winners. During this evening, I heard chords ring like they had never rung before. In addition, I was amazed at the lung capacity of various quartet members who, through a single breath, sustained a note that their colleagues blended into remarkable endings. As this last ringing chord slowly decayed through the audience, there was a profound moment of silence. You could literally “hear a pin drop” in the stillness before the clapping acknowledgement began. We returned to our hotel thinking that the evening was over. I was delighted when Ken Broadfoot mentioned that when the bus returned to our hotel, we would be meeting in the conference room for drinks, snacks and some harmonizing. For me, Saturday ended on a perfect note, as I sang along with my colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere which many of the “old-timers” suggested was reminiscent of the “Clear Lake” weekends. I want to thank the many ambassadors of the Winnipeg Golden Chordsmen who promoted barbershop singing in a multitude of ways. Whether it was singing to the hotel staff, our “cheerleading ladies”, or thanking the organizers and volunteers for all their hard work, it makes me proud to be part of this caring organization. In closing, I want to thank all the members of the Winnipeg Golden Chordsmen for welcoming me into the organization, for providing valuable tips, sharing their experiences with me, and making my life richer through music and harmony. Perhaps Brian Eno expressed it best, when he said: “When you sing with a group of people, you learn how to subsume yourself into a group consciousness because a capella singing is all about the immersion of the self into the community. That's one of the great feelings - to stop being me for a little while and to become us. That way lies empathy, the great social virtue.” Different uses of Reverberation: Copy and paste in your Browser search https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyGdFybLy5o Christmas Cheer Board Did you know anyone may sponsor a hamper for a family in need? Our Feed-a-Family program involves making and delivering a hamper to a needy family provided by The Christmas Cheer Board. You do all the shopping including turkeys and toys, wrapping and delivering of the hampers). This is a really exciting program that provides an opportunity for everyone to participate and feel the very real sense of Christmas. You will receive family information as soon as possible. Please allow up to 10 working days for your information FEED A FAMILY We would like to invite you to participate in an exciting and personal approach to Christmas giving. Our Feed-a-Family program involves making and delivering a hamper to a needy family provided by The Christmas Cheer Board. You do all the shopping including turkeys and toys, wrapping and delivering of the hamper(s). This is a really exciting program that provides an opportunity for everyone to participate and feel the very real sense of Christmas. To sponsor a hamper: Please complete on-line request form below or call 204-989-5680 after Nov 4. You will receive family information as soon as possible. Please allow up to 10 working days for your information. Download our http://www.christmascheerboard.ca/pdf/feed_a_family.pdf Notes from Cass Guests: Welcome to Chris Magas who was back for the third time. Also to David Peters and his friend Donald Sawatzky. This was Donald's first visit but a return visit for David since he was a former member. It seems that David was talked into singing tenor in a new quartet with three of our members. This was a double whammy since we can always use another tenor as well as another quartet. The quartet is called "Hats Off" and sang a couple of songs. Donald sat in the Bass section with Lloyd. We look forward to having both back this Wednesday. Visitors: Charles Kiefling and Brian Strong both dropped in and were able to sing a couple of songs with Duncan and Cass in the former "Generation of Sound" quartet. Renewals: Victor Olafson, after being absent for a year was reinstated and is a 16 year member. Welcome back Victor. Sunshine: Jim Gilroy is doing quite well after his heart attack. Sounds great and has lots of medication to help him recover. Rob Thomlinson is doing as well as can be expected. He and Sharon plan to go to Calgary at Christmas time. Ray Dorey is in Deer Lodge and enjoys visitors. I talked with Betty (Bob) Cobb and Sylvia (Terry) Reagh. Betty says to say hello to everyone. Sylvia reported that she had a heart attack a short time ago but is doing well an wished to be remembered to everyone. The telephone was a great invention so if you think of a former member or the spouse of a member who has passed away and who could use a friendly call, don't hesitate. It pays off in the nice feeling you get after the call has been made. CASS HEY BOYS! HARMONY 2 GO YOUTH BARBERSHOP CHORUS PERFORMS AT QCX WANNA SING? – IT’S GOOD FOR YOU!! DO YOU LIKE TO SING, TRAVEL AND HAVE FUN??? IF YOU DO - HERE’S SOMETHING REALLY COOL!!! WE'RE GOING TO NEW ORLEANS IN JANUARY, 2015!! THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO JOIN US FOR A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE YOU ARE ELIGIBLE IF YOU: ARE BETWEEN AGE 14 & 30, CAN CARRY A TUNE. ARE PREPARED TO LEARN THREE SONGS. NO COST OR PRIOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED LEARN THE MUSIC AT HOME FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: BRIAN SANDERSON @ 204-895-0989 or email; barbrian@shaw.ca or DAVE PEARCE @ 306-731-3267 or email; pearce@sasktel.net or MARK SAVAGE – 306-570-8622; email: tms.savage@gmail.com CHECK US OUT ON – Facebook/HARMONY 2 GO, OR www.CanadaWestChorus.ca FUNDING ASSISTANCE PROVIDED BY; SING CANADA HARMONY & THE HARMONY FOUNDATION BOTY DINNER AND AWARDS We had a great turnout for our 66th Annual BOTY Dinner. Food was excellent and friends abundant, with joyous harmony all evening. Credits Gord Billows Brian Metcalfe Brian Sanderson 2014 Chapter Executive W in n ip e g G o ld e n C ho rd s m en President - Art Gross Past President - Charles Siegel VP Chorus Development - Doug Buffie b n the We o e r a e W men.com s d r o h c n e www.gold VP Music - Duncan Zaluski VP Marketing - Ken Finnbogason Secretary - Ken Broadfoot Treasurer - David Petrie Board Members at Large Bruce Wilton Larry Hunter Harold Casselman Brian Sanderson Notes 4 U This is the official weekly bulletin of the Winnipeg Golden Chordsmen Chorus. For more information about us go to our website: www.goldenchordsmen.com Editor - Brian Sanderson – 204-895-0989 barbrian@shaw.ca 3 Peppertree Pl Winnipeg, Mb, R3R2B2 Unless carrying a by-line or some form of credit to borrowed sources, all items in this bulletin are by the editor and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the chapter or board. If anyone wishes to contribute anything to the next Notes 4 U, wishes to subscribe or un-subscribe, or has questions about any of the items in Notes, contact the editor. 2014 Music Committee VP Music - Duncan Zaluski Musical Director - Gary Brenner Assistant Director Assistant Director - Gordon Billows Tenor Section - Duncan Zaluski Lead Section - Larry Hunter Bass Section Baritone Section District Delegate/Chapter Counsellor Gordon Billows 2014 Leadership Positions Accountant - Gary Miles Attendance and 50/50 - Norm Silverberg Awards Banquet Chairs - Gary & Ricki Miles Charities - Harold Casselman Xmas Chorus – Gary Brenner Grey Cup Pool Chair – Gordon Sargent Historian Music Librarian - Duncan Zaluski Notes 4 U Editor – Brian Sanderson Chorus Manager—Drummond Brown Program Director – Earl Golden Refreshments - Milt Muldrew, Harold Casselman Singing Valentines – Sing Canada Youth Representative - Brian Sanderson Sunshine – Harold Casselman Wardrobe - Charles Siegel Website - Gordon Billows Youth Outreach – Brian Sanderson Competition Coordinator – Ken Broadfoot 2015 Show Producers – Art Gross 2015 Show Chairman—Bruce Wilton
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