Vol 2014 Issue 50 17 Dec 2014 Keep Keep these these dates dates in in mind mind and and plan plan your your calendar calendar now. now. 02 October —Bud, and SteakDespins Tijuana Yacht Club 16 DecSpud 2014— - Place 0817 October 2014—Annual Dec 2014—St Amant Meeting Centre 15 Oct—The24 Manitoba Seniors Festival– 7:45 p.m. & 31 Dec 2014–Music no Rehearsals 24-25 October—Rochester 9-10 Jan 2015— LOL Leadership Competition Training Academy 07 Nov River 2014—BOTY Banquet Falls, MN 28 Mar 2015 Sat -Manitoba Northern Plains Coaching ClinicFest 22 Nov 2014—The ChoralQuartet Association Choral Grand Forks, Choral ND 27 November—MCA Fest 1 - 3Dec May2014 2015 Christmas - LOL District/Northern Convention 06 Show withPlains Sweet Adelines Mahnomen, MN 10 Dec 2014— 13 June 2015—Annual Show 16 Dec 2014—Tentative - Place Despins 13 June 2015—Annual Show Lloyd Thomas 1940 12 22 Dec/Jan Birthdays Jeremy Clemens-Mierau Gordon Billows 1945 01 21 James Gilroy 1934 01 20 Charlie Siegal 1949 01 07 Gordon Sargent 1961 01 07 Inside this issue: Upcoming Events 1 CACM 2 Christmas Show 3 New Members 3 Youth Chorus 4 Grey Cup Winners 4 Editorial Info 5 Editorial Information 17 Dec 2014 8 Compellingly Attractive Chapter Meetings "Creating The Future for the Winnipeg Chapter with CACM" This program was designed to rejuvenate barbershop chapters for both music and membership growth, by offering opportunities for each member to be CREATIVE, LEARN new skills, be ENERGIZED by diversity, ENJOY variety, be APPRECIATED for their talents, have a VOICE changing things for the better, ----all with FUN interwoven! The backbone of the Compellingly Attractive Chapter Meetings lies with the Music Team, with the support of our Executive, and their commitment to the program, and their ability to execute and follow through. The receptive and willing response you have shown already to the Song Learning Method (SLM), has provided our Chapter with the enthusiasm to carry this through. The SLM has accelerated our learning curve for new songs, and with the aid of sectionals and new learning tools, the CACM program will enhance the attractiveness of Chapter meetings for everyone. By encouraging a variety of fun activities such as quartetting and vocal technique classes, the benefits to all of us will be huge. The time spent rehearsing a song becomes more about developing members' skills and talents, and as a result of this program, the song will be performed greatly! Our Chapter has the potential to become a vibrant, thriving organization, larger and more valuable for all of us than it is today. To do that, the Chapter will offer more fun and value to your discretionary time than we currently do. By following some great new strategies found in this program, we will become more attractive to all whom we perform! In the near term, our chapter meetings will become compellingly attractive events, full of fun and valuable use of our time. We will grow! In the long term, our chapter will become a great organization that accomplishes its goals in great ways! The strategies we will be incorporating are practical and well-suited to our chapter. They involve every member, both new and existing, and your willingness to get involved in new activities and new participative roles to get this done! We will "Seek, develop, use and enhance the skills and talents of each member!" Respectfully submitted by Larry Hunter and Charlie Siegel A view of the Christmas show by a young lady (Doogies Daughter The voices lined up and burst with a heavenly explosion into an angelic note, which multiplied into a full-out song... the notes rippled over the room like the calm waves after high tide, numbing everything with its melody... the notes floated out of them and flew around, piling in each one's ear... the notes were mixed and blended like a large bowl of thick, warm soup... the music draped, spun, and danced like a silken wave of heavenly rose... it was like taffy, stretched and released as the music pranced along the bar of notes. Photos courtesy of Gord Billows New members Ian and Jeremy and Bernie Gunn HEY BOYS! HARMONY 2 GO YOUTH BARBERSHOP CHORUS PERFORMS AT QCX WANNA SING? – IT’S GOOD FOR YOU!! DO YOU LIKE TO SING, TRAVEL AND HAVE FUN??? IF YOU DO - HERE’S SOMETHING REALLY COOL!!! WE'RE GOING TO NEW ORLEANS IN JANUARY, 2015!! THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO JOIN US FOR A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE YOU ARE ELIGIBLE IF YOU: ARE BETWEEN AGE 14 & 30, CAN CARRY A TUNE. ARE PREPARED TO LEARN THREE SONGS. NO COST OR PRIOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED LEARN THE MUSIC AT HOME FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: BRIAN SANDERSON @ 204-895-0989 or email; barbrian@shaw.ca or DAVE PEARCE @ 306-731-3267 or email; pearce@sasktel.net or MARK SAVAGE – 306-570-8622; email: tms.savage@gmail.com CHECK US OUT ON – Facebook/HARMONY 2 GO, OR www.CanadaWestChorus.ca FUNDING ASSISTANCE PROVIDED BY; SING CANADA HARMONY & THE HARMONY FOUNDATION Hello Chordsmen Here are the following winners in the 2014 Grey Cup Pool 1st Quarter John Turk Reverse Tony Sookram 2nd Quarter H Casselman Reverse A Khan 3rd Quarter S Sargent Reverse Pamela Dick Final Peter Brown Reverse K. Broadfoot Congratulations to all winners, cheques will be mailed out shortly. Thanks to all Chorus members who sold tickets. 2014 Grey Cup Chairperson Gordon Sargent 2014 Chapter Executive W in n ip e g G o ld e n C ho rd s m en President - Art Gross Past President - Charles Siegel VP Chorus Development - Doug Buffie b n the We o e r a e W men.com s d r o h c n e www.gold VP Music - Duncan Zaluski VP Marketing - Ken Finnbogason Secretary - Ken Broadfoot Treasurer - David Petrie Board Members at Large Bruce Wilton Larry Hunter Harold Casselman Brian Sanderson Notes 4 U This is the official weekly bulletin of the Winnipeg Golden Chordsmen Chorus. For more information about us go to our website: www.goldenchordsmen.com Editor - Brian Sanderson – 204-895-0989 barbrian@shaw.ca 3 Peppertree Pl Winnipeg, Mb, R3R2B2 Unless carrying a by-line or some form of credit to borrowed sources, all items in this bulletin are by the editor and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the chapter or board. If anyone wishes to contribute anything to the next Notes 4 U, wishes to subscribe or un-subscribe, or has questions about any of the items in Notes, contact the editor. 2014 Music Committee VP Music - Duncan Zaluski Musical Director - Gary Brenner Assistant Director Assistant Director - Gordon Billows Tenor Section - Duncan Zaluski Lead Section - Larry Hunter Bass Section Baritone Section District Delegate/Chapter Counsellor Gordon Billows 2014 Leadership Positions Accountant - Gary Miles Attendance and 50/50 - Norm Silverberg Awards Banquet Chairs - Gary & Ricki Miles Charities - Harold Casselman Xmas Chorus – Gary Brenner Grey Cup Pool Chair – Gordon Sargent Historian Music Librarian - Duncan Zaluski Notes 4 U Editor – Brian Sanderson Chorus Manager—Drummond Brown Program Director – Earl Golden Refreshments - Milt Muldrew, Harold Casselman Singing Valentines – Sing Canada Youth Representative - Brian Sanderson Sunshine – Harold Casselman Wardrobe - Charles Siegel Website - Gordon Billows Youth Outreach – Brian Sanderson Competition Coordinator – Ken Broadfoot 2015 Show Producers – Art Gross 2015 Show Chairman—Bruce Wilton
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