Gordon & District News Dec14 Jan15

Gordon & District News
Dec 2014 – Jan 2015
Edition 41
Wishing everyone a happy Christmas!
Wednesday 10th December everyone is welcome to attend. $10 per person for a two course
lunch with all the trimmings! Arrive 11:30 to eat at 12 noon. Tea, coffee and soft drinks
included. Book your seat now with Beryl on 5368 9118.
Saturday 21 February 9am to 2pm. Inside table $10, outside space $5. Phone Nicole on
5368 9199 or 0425 747 477 or email gordonhall3345@yahoo.com.au to book a place.
Last day for 2014 Wednesday 10th December. Starts back on Wednesday 4th February
2015. See next year’s calendar; full of exciting things on the last Wednesday of the month.
Gordon Hall Market Day, October 2014. Photo by Jane Gardner.
We acknowledge
ongoing postal
sponsorship from The
Gordon Post Office.
Our sponsors for this edition are: Ballan Life Drawing Group
Our thanks go to Geoff Howard for his ongoing commitment
to printing the Gordon & District News.
Geoff Howard, MP for Buninyong, 15 Main Road, Ballarat. Ph: 5331 7722
GORDON & DISTRICT NEWS SUBMISSIONS: Items for the February-March 2015 edition
must be emailed by Thursday 15th January 2015 to gordonnewsletter@gmail.com
For sponsorship enquiries phone 5368 9205 or editorial enquiries 5368 9199.
Gordon Cemetery Trust
5368 9370
Gordon Hall Drop In Centre
0438 689 748
East Moorabool Landcare
5327 9122
Open: 24 Dec, 2, 3, 4 Jan
Friends of Paddock Creek
5368 9921
Closed: 25, 26, 27, 28 Dec
Gordon General Store
5368 9257
Then normal summer trading:
Gordon & District Playgroup
5368 9648
Thursday/Friday 9am - 4pm
Gordon Football/Netball Club
0400 940 808
Saturday/Sunday 10am - 4pm
Gordon Primary School
5368 9223
Gordon Recreation Reserve
0407 689 711
Gordon Hall Hire
5368 9118
Mt Egerton Mechanics Hall Bookings 5368 9367
Mt Egerton Primary School
5368 9357
Mt Egerton Playgroup
5368 9717
Mt Egerton Rec. Reserve Bookings
5368 9701
Open for ‘a couple of hours’ on
Christmas Day.
Closed: Christmas Day, Boxing Day and
New Year’s Day.
Mt Egerton Transfer Station
5366 7100
Moorabool Shire Offices
5366 7100
Gordon Noticeboard
5368 9313
St Patrick’s Church, Gordon:
Gordon Police Station
5368 9202
Mass at 6pm on Christmas Eve.
Pony Club
5341 7554
West Moorabool Anglican Parish:
Gordon Post Office
5368 9303
Sunday 21 Dec 5pm at The Gordon
St Michael’s Primary School
5334 0344
Hotel or Christmas Eve at 5pm at St
St Patrick’s Parish, Gordon
5362 9280
Mark’s in Ballan.
St Patrick’s Primary School
5368 9495
Gordon Tennis Club
5368 9569
Wallace & District Kindergarten
5334 0268
Congratulations to our local
writers Sophie Benkemoun,
Nicole Smith and Tor
Roxburgh, recently published in
‘Writings from The People’s
Republic of Moorabool’.
An in-house book launch will
occur 2pm, Sat 12 Dec at Ballan
Council Chambers.
Victorian Bushfire Information Line 1800 240 667
The Gordon Newsletter is a non-profit, volunteer run publication. We aim to be accurate and timely about all items
presented to us. We apologise in advance if any error occurs. Feedback or suggestions to gordonnewsletter@gmail.com
by Nicole Smith
Movie Days – look out for posters over the last couple of weeks of the school holidays…maybe even a
movie night!!!
Market Day 2014 – A lovely event with our wonderful community sharing a great day. Thank you to all
our helpers, stallholders and you, the community, for supporting it! Photos by Jane Gardner and Gabe
Market Day 2015 - Planning for the next market day is happening; if you would like to be a part of
the team email gordonhall3345@yahoo.com.au or call me on 5368 9199.
Gordon Gets a Grant – The Gordon Hall recently received a grant from The Shire to complete a long
awaited extension to incorporate a deck and storage (meeting) room at the back of the building;
taking in the beautiful views across the valley. A fantastic addition if you are hiring the hall for a
function! Estimated completion date is June 2015.
 Fire restrictions commenced on Monday 24 November 2014.
 The Gordon Fire Brigade has responded to 49 incidents so far this year.
 If you have a son or daughter aged between 11 and 16 wanting to join the CFA
Juniors call Lin on 5368 9479 after 7pm or on 0438 689 748.
 Is your gate wide enough?
 Can we turn around (allow 30 metres)?
 Can we get under your trees?
Our truck is 3 metres high/10 feet x 3 metres
wide/10 feet x 7.1 metres long/23 feet
Please help us so we can help you!!!
For further information please contact Dianne Lawson, Community Safety Co-ordinator,
Gordon Fire Brigade on 0403 325 815 or attend a local community Bushfire Safety Session.
Session details for Gordon:
Thursday 4 December 2014 at 7pm in the Gordon Public Hall, Main Street, Gordon.
 If you live here (Gordon and surrounds) you are at risk of bushfire or grassfire
 Be prepared and know what to do
 Planning ahead can save you and your family from being killed by fire.
If you miss the series of local sessions a similar session on ‘Fire Safety Awareness’ will be held at the
Gordon Hall on Wed 28 Feb 2015 at 10:30am. Check next issue of Gordon News for updated
Between Mt Egerton and Ballan Railway Station (replacement ‘train’ for Gordon)
Departs Mt Egerton General Store at 6:35am
Pick up Gordon Post Office, Russell Street/Main Street, Gordon at 6:42am
Arrive Ballan Station at 6:53am.
Departs Ballan Railway Station at 6:45pm
Drop off Main Street, Gordon at 6:56pm
Arrive Mt Egerton General Store at 7:03pm.
This last term has no doubt been extremely busy with St Patrick’s Primary on
camp at Anglesea and Gordon Primary also on camp at Lady Northcote. There
have been numerous excursions in house such as Cosmodome, a travelling
planetarium experience, at Gordon Primary and Sensei, a Japanese Day of
activities, at St Michaels Primary with St Patricks Primary joining them. And of
course, swimming!
In June we had our Carnival Incursion which was a huge success. The children experienced face painting,
balloon animals, photo booth, showbags and plenty of party food. The session flew by with plenty of fun
had by all. Come along and enjoy a cuppa and chat. 9:15am-11:15am every Thursday (during school
terms). Held at Millbrook Community Centre $3.00 per child (or $5.00 per family if more than one child).
For further information contact Angela on 0408 348 125. Photo supplied by Angela Burgoyne.
Photo supplied by Kerry
Chris Humfrey and the Wild Action Zoo showing will include a range of native animals that you
will learn about, as well as have the chance to interact with.
RSVP is ESSENTIAL for catering: RSVP by December 4th, 2014 along with any dietary
requirements to either moorabool.landcare@gmail.com or 0402 500 580.
GORDON POLICE NEWS - Senior Constable David Young
With a drier winter than normal, it seems that summer will be
quickly upon us and with this the threat of bushfire. If you
haven’t already started to get fire prepared, please start. If
you are unsure please go to the CFA website.
The last couple of months Gordon have had a couple
incidents to note:
- A Western suburbs male was charged with arson after
setting the General Store alight.
- There were 5 family violence incidents reported, with 1
male being spoken to regarding breaching an
Intervention Order and 2 other offenders charged with
various assaults.
- One Gordon resident has been interviewed and charged
regarding various burglaries in the area, including some
in Gordon.
- An amount of cash was taken from a vehicle parked in
Main St during the night.
- Once again the small farms /weekenders have been
targeted, with two large burglaries occurring (Cartons Rd
& Mount Egerton). Sheds and houses have been forced
open and tools, motorbikes, vehicles and firearms taken.
Unfortunately, once again, it goes to show you never know
who is coming through our town or floating around the area,
day or night. If you see a person or car that doesn’t quite fit,
please take the details down, either description or
registration number and ring 000 for Police to attend. What
you see may be the piece of the puzzle required to solve a
crime and prevent more continuing. Also keep items out of
sight in sheds, so those who are wandering around can’t see
in and if they do, nothing will appeal to them.
Any other information you can give me a ring at the station or
crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.
With the Xmas period just about to start and the Road Toll up,
traffic has been put in the spotlight. The Moorabool area has
had an increase in collisions from the last two years and this
has been noted in Melbourne; which means more Highway
Patrol and dedicated traffic units in the area. So please take
it easy out there, it’s better to arrive a couple of minutes late
than be dead on time!
Over the last couple of months 4 drivers have been detected
more than 25 kph over the speed limit in the town limits, all
by the Highway Patrol. So remember, know the speed zone
and stick to the limit, especially during school times.
Remember to buckle up that seatbelt as the Highway Patrol
are targeting seatbelts, with 12 locals receiving the $295 fine
since January. Also with the festive season, licensed
premises are targeted so please if you are having a night out
put a few minutes into planning a safe way home - i.e. foot
power, taxi, public transport or designated driver.
The Highway Patrol is still receiving a few complaints about
motorist’s behaviours on the following roads and will be
targeting them. So using the excuse – but I am a local or I
live just down there, won’t work with them or the Melbourne
Traffic Units that float through town. Please watch your
speed on Main St, Cartons Rd, Old Western Highway and
Russell St.
With the onset of the better weather, those wishing to get the
bike out for a ride remember to check that your bike is in OK
condition and you are wearing your helmet ($150 is now the
fine!!! ). The Highway Patrol members will be targeting this
over the summer months.
Please stay safe on our roads, take that little extra time to
get to your destination safely and have a safe and enjoyable
festive season.
David Young
Leading Senior Constable
Gordon Police Station
5368 9202
Another successful story…the Gordon Public Park Committee has received a huge grant to redevelop the
tennis courts and surrounding land.
Check next edition for classes coming up in 2015!!!
by Darren Bellingham
Hi. I am The Bush Astronomer and I will be contributing regular articles to The Gordon Newsletter that
will discuss our solar system, space missions, cosmology, cosmic events and even topics that readers
suggest. I am also keen to answer questions you may have about astronomical topics. So send me an email via the newsletter and I’ll do my best to answer your questions and cover your topics. This week I
will discuss the most important object in our solar system; the Sun.
Facts about the Sun.
The Sun is a huge ball of gas. The gas is mostly Hydrogen (90%) and Helium (10%) The diameter of its
visible surface is approximately 1.4 million Kilometers however its true diameter is much greater and
many astronomers would argue that its atmosphere stretches well beyond Earth’s orbit. Indeed, the solar
wind, which is made of charged particles streaming out from the Sun, is still so strong in the Earth’s
vicinity that it protects us from cosmic rays that would otherwise wipe out most life.
The Earth orbits at an average distance from the Sun of 150,000,000 Kilometers. It takes light from the Sun
about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the Earth.
The Sun is less dense than the earth (Its density is about 1.5 times that of water) but its mass is 333,000
times the Earth, in fact, its mass makes up 99.8% of our solar system’s total mass.
The Sun’s gravity is 28 times stronger than that on the Earth. So with a bit of maths that means if I stood on
the Sun’s visible surface I would weigh over 2,000 Kilograms!!
Every second the sun converts 650-700 million tons of Hydrogen into Helium. In doing so it annihilates 4.5
million tons of matter into energy, as predicted by Albert Einstein’s E = MC2 equation. This energy
release is equivalent to 1 trillion Hydrogen bombs and remember that is every second and the Sun has been
doing this for four and a half billion years and will continue to do it for a few billion more.
The temperature at the core of the Sun is estimated to be 15-16 million degrees C. A grain of sand this hot
would cook a human standing 150 km away. The temperature at the visible surface (Photosphere) is a
much more tolerable 6,000 Degrees C. Slightly above the visible surface ( in the Suns Chromosphere or
Corona) temperatures are a whopping 1-2 million degrees C and solar physicists are still debating how the
temperature is so much hotter here than on the visible surface.
The central area of the Suns visible surface rotates about once every 25 earth days. The axis of rotation is a
mere 7.25degrees (the Earth is 26 degrees) the rate of rotation is not uniform however and is slower near
the poles. This uneven rotation causes the Sun’s magnetic field to become twisted over time. This twisting
of magnetic fields in the Sun leads to other phenomena such as Sunspots, Prominences, Filaments and
flares but I will discuss these in detail in another article.
The Sun is 450,000 times brighter than the full Moon.
The Sun goes through variations in its activity levels and magnetic polarity. There are 11 and 22 year
cycles. The 11 year cycles are associated with Sunspot numbers and have been regularly recorded since the
invention of the telescope. 2006 was a solar minimum year and no spots could be seen for many weeks.
Currently we are at the solar maximum, with dozens of spots visible with suitable equipment. Sunspots
mark areas on the Suns surface where magnetic field lines emerge from or re-enter its surface, magnetic
storms if you like. These areas are about 1000 Degrees C cooler than the surface and therefore look dark
against it.
No matter how you think about it, the Sun is an important part of our lives, it is big, its statistics are
staggering, it gives us life and it provides the light for all we see by day.
Gordon Newsletter – Edition 41
December 2014 – January 2015
Page 3
Gordon Newsletter – Edition 41
December 2014 – January 2015
Page 4
by Kal Gould
Research into Mount Egerton's mining history has continued over the winter with an exciting new
development coming to light. The Great Great Granddaughter of Thomas Coomb Thomas has made
contact with the group through MtEgerton.com. Thomas Coomb Thomas, a significant identity during
the gold rush in Mount Egerton, will be the subject of a book to be written in the near future. A wealth of
previously unknown detail about the town and the large mining companies that operated here has been
shared with the group, and ongoing mutual help is planned for future efforts.
Here is a short excerpt from information received:
'As I mentioned I am in the process of writing a book about my gr.gr grandfather who was Thomas Coomb Thomas
(TC), a Welsh coalminer who came to Mt Egerton in the 1860's to work as a miner starting at the Egerton Quartz
Mine. I have been researching his life for a number of years and his story is entwined within Mt Egerton. Apart
from being a gold miner in his early days he went on to become a sharebroker at the Ballarat Stock Exchange, he built
a pub at Mt Egerton and once sat for the Ballan Shire Council (he held the position of Returning Officer for many
years). He was a prolific investor in many of the highly successful Ballarat gold companies. He and his family lived
in Mt Egerton from 1866 through to his death in 1907 but TC's story goes much further. With his wife Barbara they
had twelve children; all born in Mt Egerton and many of his sons bear the middle name "Egerton". The same for
both Morgan Griffiths and William Bailey.
TC became a shareholder in the Quartz Mine and many other mines from Berringa to Daylesford and made a large
fortune from all of his endeavours. He was also one of the original landowners in Egerton. If you look at the Land
Settlement plans from 1870 he was granted the land sits that in front of the Gold Battery - I believe this is where he
built his pub which was called the "Royal Stock Exchange Hotel". It still stood until at least 1907 as it is mentioned
in his Last Will. At his death he also owned 20 acres of land in Egerton.
There are many other "famous" families from Egerton. TC's sister Tabitha Thomas married Morgan Griffiths who
was the underground manager of the Egerton Quartz Mine in the 1870's and also Manager of the Prince of Wales
and Bonshaw mine. He was also involved in the Black Horse mine in its early days. TC's dear friend was William
"Weeping" Bailey who was the Egerton Mine Manager from 1868 through to 1883 (he was also Chairman of the
company). William Bailey married Emily Trebilcott whose family were also original landowners in Egerton.
In regards to the Egerton Quartz Mine there was a VERY famous court case that took place in the 1870s known as
"Learmonth vs. Bailey". The mine had been purchased by Thomas & Sommerville Learmonth (the original pioneers
of Ballarat) in 1863. They worked it with moderate success until they appointed William Bailey and Morgan
Griffiths to manage it (1868). Under Bailey/Griffiths management the mine fared much better until 1871 when just
about all of the mines were starved of capital and production dwindled. When the Learmonths decided to leave
Australia and return to Scotland in 1873 they sold the mine to a fellow called Martin Loughlin for the apparent rock
bottom price of £13,500. When sold, the the mine was not producing much and the Learmonths did not want to
invest new capital - they were leaving the colony after all. However, a week after Loughlin took over, big gold was
again struck. The Learmonths then claimed they had been swindled in the sale and sued William Bailey. A raft of
investors, mine managers, miners and farmers were called to testify. The case ran on for many years but eventually
was settled in favour of Bailey/Loughlin. Egerton celebrated and the mine went on to produce well into the 1880s,
keeping the township alive as practically all the residents were employed as miners there. I don't think the story of
Egerton could be told without mention of this infamous event. The court records are really interesting as they go into
great detail about the mine production and its workings'.
On another note; The stone ruin known to some locals as Buckingham Palace has been purchased by a
superannuation fund with the intention to rebuild the cottage to its original style. If anyone can shed
some light on the history of this particular building please call Kal. Finally, a regular meeting schedule is
currently being formulated and will be posted to MtEgerton.com shortly. Anyone interested in being
involved in the Mount Egerton Historic Group call Kal on 0423 022 502.
Male and female models
Tuesdays 7.30-9.30pm at Ballan Community House
Everyone welcome – beginners to advanced
Assistance given where necessary
The Business was launched with a stall
At the recent Gordon Market
We will be at the monthly Ballan Farmers Market
Every 2nd Saturday 9am to 1pm
Selected items are also stocked at
The Tin Plate (café in Ballan)
Follow us on Facebook, and we can assist
With Cakes for your next Special Event
Enquiries to Ben on 0478 292 077
As well as Postal Supplies and Services
We have Christmas Gifts & Cards for Sale
iTunes & store vouchers, Books & Stocking Fillers
Please feel free to come in and browse our products
e are convenient, friendly
And will save you a trip to Ballarat!
HOLIDAYS – 2014 & 2015
Christmas Day – Thurs 25 Dec 2014
Boxing Day – Fri 26 Dec 2014
New Year’s Day – Fri 1 Jan 2015
Australia Day – 26 Jan 2015
Gordon Newsletter – Edition 41
December 2014 – January 2015
Page 6
by Belinda Robbie
My first entry is a picture of my Nunu's old farmhouse situated on
Water Tank Road East, Mt Egerton. The property belonged to my
family for 50 years. My Grandfather originally leased the land for a
small annual fee until it was eventually auctioned allowing him to
become the rightful owner.
Nunu believed this was the original Mt Egerton Post Office around
the gold rush era, there were some items left behind in the house to
suggest this such as an old drop off box.
My father and his siblings have many happy memories spent on the
farm with their dad, and then later they would bring their children (myself included) to the farm for regular family get
togethers. My dad recalls a church once stood where the fire station is now.
After Nunu passed away the property remained in the family for some time before the land was divided into three parts
and two portions of the property were sold, including the old farmhouse which is now sadly deteriorating. My dad's uncle
still owns the section of land to the left of the farmhouse although it is currently for sale. We hope to keep it in the family
so my parents are planning to purchase the land for a fraction of the cost.
My memories are very vague of the farmhouse as I was very young during those last visits before Nunu passed away,
however, as it turns out my husband and I have built our new home in the same town. It was only when I told dad the
location of the land we purchased that we realised.
by Kathy Szacsuri
During the last few weeks maintenance work has been carried out at the Rec Reserve.
Steve Hodge and Sean Hamilton have cleared quite a bit of land around the oval which has made it
more accessible and opened up the whole area. We felt it was a necessary endeavour to prepare for
the coming bush fire period. They have also installed new gates to make the oval more accessible
for the community and the CFA in an emergency.
They have done an excellent job, so why not take the family down, have a barbecue and enjoy the
The Rec Reserve Hall is available for hire so please feel free to contact Narelle on 5368 9701 for
its availability and bookings.
On Saturday 29 November we ran a car boot sale with about 30 stall holders and the CFA
attending. There was face painting, cool drinks and a sausage sizzle run by the Recreation Reserve
Committee. We intend having one twice a year so if you are a stall holder and are interested just
give Chris a call on 0411 265 300 and she will put you on our contact list.
The Hall was also successful recently in obtaining a grant for new works to be carried out. The
works will be overseen by the Moorabool Shire Council and include a new disabled toilet, outdoor
playground equipment including a shade cloth for sun protection, the back of the hall will also be
made more user friendly. The big Notice Board will be moved to allow easier access to the side
and back of the hall.
We are also in the process of installing a sand pit for the playgroup who use the hall on a weekly
Once everything is complete it will be available for the community’s use, it will be a great place
for Mums to bring the littlies to enjoy the playground equipment in a safe environment.
Anyone interested in joining our small, friendly, voluntary committee, will be made very welcome
– just give Chris a call on the above number.
The Ballan Life Drawing Group is a group of like-minded people who have been meeting
on a weekly basis for the past 4 years. We currently have vacancies for more members
whether you are a beginner or more advanced: we would love to see you.
Assistance is given as needed.
We have both male and female models who change every 3 or 4 weeks.
We meet during school terms on a Tuesday evening from 7.30 – 9.30pm. We will resume
next year on Tuesday 27th January for 9 weeks. Cost for the 9 weeks is $135.00 which is
payable to the Ballan & District Community House where we meet. Easels are available for
loan so all you need to bring is a drawing board, pencils or charcoal and paper.
We have exhibited at the Ballan Autumn Festival for the past 3 years.
We are also looking at the possibility of a daytime figurative drawing class.
For more information about the group please give Ben a call on 0478 292 077 or the
Ballan & District Community House on 5368 1934.