May 13, 1952 H. HEIMANN 2,596,552 MACHINE FOR PRODUCING TUBES OR OTHER HOLLOW CYLINDRICAL ARTICLES Filed Oct. 24, 1944 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 E. w . “ uQ - \“CmmH .- -MMI lWm!i? 1%w»mmhm mmmmm mmmQ mm,...H. RHQ». w“‘2%?gmm INVENTOR Heinrw? Hez'marzm BY ‘ ATTORNEY May 13, 1952 H. HEIMANN 2,596,552 MACHINE FOR PRODUCING ‘TUBES OR OTHER ' HOLLOW CYLINDRICAL ARTICLES Filed Oct. 24, 1944 S‘Sheets-Sheet 2 B) E. _ !NVENT_OR Hemrwk Helm/an “WW” ATTORNEY 44- 19.5 May 13, 1952 H. HEIMANN 2,596,552 MACHINE FOR PRODUCING TUBES 0R OTHER HOLLOW CYLINDRICAL ARTICLES Filed Oct. 24, 1944 3 Shepts-Sheet 3 B 72< 73 65 66@ L g; I,’ k 4? :2; 65~~ C {35g 68 Q / I mw , 4 E V 67 65 1:15. 84 86 82 r» ---- '~-‘._ ..... _._ -[ 85 80—- $55‘ N) _' 76 4B HIk \! lllpr A U ATTORNEY 44~ 205 Patented May 13, 1952 2,596,552 ‘ UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE MACHINEIFOR PRODUCING TUBES OR‘ OTHER; HOLLOW CYLINDRICAL AR TICLESJ HeinrichHeimann, NmYorkgMY. Application October-‘24, 1944} S‘eri'al‘No'. 560,174‘ 8: Claims; (Cl; 29-~343i1~ 1 . 2 The usual extrusion process for tubes, mostly performed in horizontal presses. requires billets‘ provided with‘ a central axial‘ hole whichzis' made . wall thicknesses differing from beginning to‘ the This invention relates to an extrusionv press-1 for producing seamless tubes or'other‘ hollow cy lindrical articles from metal or any other cle formable material. end of the‘ extrusion canbe produced. Even- a hol‘low- body with completely closed front and rear ends may be produced by temporarily di-r ' minishing'the R. P. M. of the skinning die ac either in advance, or‘by piercing insitu: cording; to the condition that in the closed end zones of the‘ article to be produced the exit ve locity‘ of the" material in the» skinning die has to beeq-ual' tov the entrance velocity i. e. to the rod Furthermore such process requires equal“ re‘ sistance to deformation‘throughout the cross‘ sec-‘ 10 extrusion'velocity. From the foregoing it’ should appear clearly tions of the billets, and a precise alignment of extrusion ram and‘mandrel with‘ billet‘ container. that, asLlhinted/above; the‘rod- in the skinning die has to-be?rmly secured against rotation with and die. (See e. g. “Extrusion of“ Metals"- by the latter. This ‘can be done-by a separate grip Claude E. Pearson, 1944, p; 1115.)v The main object of thepresentt invention is'a new machine for extruding tubes‘ and'other'hol low articles from solid‘ imperforate'bill’ets' which, in further distinction from the known“ produc tion, need not be" passed‘ through a" narrow gapv between the Wall: of. the“ die‘ openi‘ngand‘a man‘ 20 pi-ngi head: firmly secured‘ against rotation or; if the skinning‘ die is‘ arranged directly behind the extrusion die, by‘ the rigidly ?xed extrusion die itself) in which the rod‘ cannot rotate due'to' its high ‘friction against the surface of the“ extrusion drel. In the new’ machine‘ an imperforate ‘billet; in feeding and gripping device: die, so that the extrusion press functionsv as a ‘ It. is o‘b‘vi‘ous'that‘ a certain slip of material in the-skinning‘ die‘ cannot be avoided in spite of such friction and thatytherefore, the R. P. M. of the mannerusual for producing rods, is extruded, in the form of a rod; and“ this‘ro'd‘, ‘directly be‘ hind the extrusion die‘, while being'liel’dagainst'" 25 theskinning di'e'ahave to‘be increased accordingly to= produce the‘ required axial flow of material. rotation, is gripped by a‘zseco'ndfnr. revolving‘; die rotating around. the axisrof the? rod and'provi'd‘ed. T'owcreatecthe described quicker axial ?ow of with‘ means impelling and advancing‘ the "surface; theme-tonal the skinning die can be formed in‘ many diiferenti ways. The simplest way is to use‘ layers of the rod‘ with an‘ axial‘ velocity greater: than the velocity of the rod‘ at its pointofl‘en arskinning ‘die-1 in‘. the! form of a revolving nut, the‘; inner-1 screw threads‘ or‘riflings1 of which grip the. trance into the rotating die. ‘ I non-revolving; material‘. and: drive its surface Thereby a ?ow of material‘, in accordance with; layers'i-ina axialndirectioni with. a velocity depend the law of continuity,“ ensues from the; core, of ingrupon the pitch: of: the threads or riflings and. the rod to its surface,,. in an amount‘makin'g' up for the difference of volume. between. the. outer 357 the-number oi‘ revolutions but greater than. the extrusion velocity. Such a die may exert on. the layers of material entering, the revolving, die with surface‘of the, red at relatively high friction in. a relatively small axial velocity" and, the outer peripheraldirection; ‘ layers leaving the revolving, die with a relatively high axial velocity. To reducellthe friction the rotary‘ skinning die aetaupon the surface ofv the rod by‘ symmetri By the so obtained quickened‘axiall‘advance'of cally arranged planetary pressure rollers. These the outer layers of the‘ red the latter is‘ trans formed into a tube. In the revolving‘die, thus, af“ski1ming"“a‘ction on the rod is performed‘. This, die, accordingly; will be called henceforth the‘ ski‘nni'ngdi'e: From the degree of di?erence betweeni entrance ve locity and exit velocity of’th'e*> the skinning die depends, as stated above. thevamount‘ of material ?owing from the‘core ofthe rod"to"its‘~ rollerscan be. arranged with their‘ axes. skewed or oppositely inclined to the. axis of the rod in a. manner similar to that. found in tuberolling mills with non-planetary rollers. But these planetary rollers. can also have their axes parallel to. the axis‘ of" the rod‘ and, in this case, are providedv with male‘ screw threads‘ for creating the axial. new" of material by the‘ rolls rotating around theiraxes; and‘ simultaneously‘ spinning around the-axisnf'therod. Further objects of‘ the invention Will be set! forth-‘in ‘the-“following speci?cation with illustra ing the operation‘ the inner diameterofthe‘ body or article leaving thefdie canbe varied. accord; ti'vedrawings: In these drawings'severa'l embodie' ingly, with the result theta;hollowarticle‘witlr 58’ mentslof' apparatus forforming tubes or hollow surface and, therefore, the‘ inner‘ diameter’ of" the tube or hollow article tobe‘ produced: By varying theR. P. M. oi‘the skinning; die'dur-v 7 2,596,552 3 4 ' bodies according to the new method are shown 2 and 3 and described in greater detail further below. To shift the die set A in axial direction its frame is provided with brackets 30, 3!, 32 and 33, for rollers or wheels 353', 31', 32', 33', running on rails 34 and 35 respectively, arranged in front of by way. of example. In the drawings: Figure 1 shows the extrusion press with axially shiftable die sets in front of it, partly in side view, partly in longitudinal section; Figure 2 shows the same press in plan view, the press head B. In the outward or retracted position of the- set A the not extrusible end or “lost head” of the billet can be removed from the the strain rods at the front end partly broken away to show the underneath arranged drives for the means locking the die set to the front head of the press; container C. During the extrusion the die set has to be reliably locked to the front, head B. This ‘ Figure 3 shows a front view of the press ac is done, f. i. (see Figures 2 and 3), by locking spin cording to Figure 1; Figure 4 shows in longitudinal section one em-‘ bodiment of the die set with ordinary’ rigidly 15 ?xed stationary extrusion die and revolving skin . 'B and provided with oblong head 38 and 39. The spindles 35 and 37 go freely through oblong bores ning die in front of the container for the mate When the longitudinal axes of the spindle heads rial; ‘ ' ’ ’ dles 3G and 31 turnable in bores of the front head 36', 31' of lugs 40 and 4| of the die set frame. ‘ 38' and 39 coincide with the longitudinal axes of Figure 5 shows another embodiment of the die the bores 36', 3'!’ said heads pass freely through set in front of the container, in longitudinal sec 20 said bores, and the die set A can be retracted in tion; axial direction from the front head B of thevpress. Figure 6 shows a further embodiment of the If the spindles 36 and. 31 are turned around 90° die set in front of the container, in longitudinal the die set A is locked with the front head B of the press by said spindle heads 38, 39. section. V . A die set A in front of the front head B of the 25 If the front surfaces of the lugs 40 and 4| are extrusion press (Figures 1 and 2) is arranged in sloped, and the abutting surfaces of the heads 38 and. 39 are sloped correspondingly, then, by the center of the press and can be shifted'in axial turning the spindles 36 and 31, axial pressure, 1. e. direction for reasons explained further below. a wedge effect, is exerted which assures tight lock On‘the rear side of the front head B of the press is arranged a container C for the billet to 30 ing of the die 'set A with the front surface of the presshead B._ I ' ' 1 be worked upon. In the rear head D of the press The spindles 36, 31 can beturned through 90° frame,'connectedi_ to the front head B by the well known strain ‘rods‘E, is rigidly arranged the sta by pinions ‘42 and 43 (Figure 2) keyed on‘the free tionary'hydrau‘lic press cylinder F. , The die set ends of these spindles and meshing with racks 44 A, as shown'in Figures 3 and 4, comprises an eX 35 and 45 connected with pistons in hydraulic’ con trol cylinders 46 and 47, symmetrically arranged trusion- die In rigidly ?xed in a die holder ring on opposite sides of the press head B. ~ - ' 1 l which itself is abutted against a ring-like bol ster body‘, l2 which, with its front wall [3, bot-‘ The hydraulic cylinder F for extruding thev tom [4 and side walls [5 and I6 (see Figures -1 billet is so arranged that the ram 25 in its rear 40 ward position has a distance from the container and 2) forms a rigid frame. In front of the extrusion die If! and inside the bolster body I2 is arranged the skinning die I‘! provided with internal screw threads I 8 of the 0 slightly longer than'the billet which is ap proximately of the same length as the container, so that in this position of the ram a billet can be freely fed between the container and the ram » from a furnace ona conveyor 48, shown only diagrammatically in dotted lines in Figure 2. . appropriate pitch depending- upon» the R. P. M. of the skinning die.‘ The skinning die is, e. g. screwed into the tube like rotary die holder IS in The piston 49 in the hydraulic chamber 50 of such a way that the reaction of the work piece the‘ hydraulic cylinder F is a'diiferen'tial‘piston. on such die, accelerating axially the surface lay The differential shoulder 5| of the piston is'kept ers of the metaLtends to tighten such screw con nection. The die holder I9 is formed as a hollow 50 constantly under medium pressure by a ?uid en? tering this cylinder through a connection 52 at shaft mounted in the cylindrical bolster body I? its front end. The rear end of the cylinder can by means of ball bearings 20 and 2| adapted to be'brought selectively'under low pressure, me take up the axial thrust exterted on the skinning diumrpressure, or high ‘pressure of a v?uid, .f. 1. die holder IS in the direction of the arrow M by oil, by’ connecting an inlet 53 with a low pres the skinning process. The skinning die I‘! and sure source, or an inlet 54 with a medium pres its holder l9 are rotated by a pinion 22 keyed on sure source or, an inlet 55 with a high pressure the die holder I 9 and driven by a gear 23 on the source. None of these pressure sources is shown. shaft of a motor, for example an electric motor 24. The controlling means of these connections, Said shaft is mounted in a bearing, e. g. a ball 60 f. i. electrically controlled valves are of well bearing 24a, in the front bore |3a of the die'set' known type and, therefore, need not be described frame A. As can be seen from Figure 4 the press ram 25 extrudes the imperforate billet 26 by means of the follower disk 2'! through the rigidly ?xed sta tionary die In in the form of a rod-like body 28 which, by the rotary nut-like skinning die I‘! with here. When the rear surface ’ 56 of thepiston is under low pressure the force exerted by the‘ medium pressure on the shoulder 5| overcomes the force exerted'on'the surface 56 by the low pressure so that the, piston 49 ismoved backward,-i. e. to the right, into its end positionlformaking pos- » the material, is then deformed into a hollow tube sible feeding in a new billet. When the low pres like body 28, whose wall thickness can be changed 70 sure on surface “is changed to medium pres by changing the speed of the motor 24, or by sure the force exerted on the larger surface 55 changing the ratio of the gearing 22, 23. The overcomes the forceexerted on'shoulder 5!, the die set A has to be securely locked against the friction of the piston'. in ‘the cylinder andjthe1 press head B during the extrusion process. This frictionof the billet on its'supportingsurface. can be done by special means shown in-Figures so ‘ that the billet is pushed into, the container ,0 2 screw threads l8 accelerating the outer layers of ‘ 351.93%”; and: against the. eitheleeked die a. When; the medium Press the pistes; is. changed ta h.‘ force is exerted. on surface it to attained-1a.? with the required; axial; r .09. y» through the. 6 frame through; whosebcrett the or hollow product is extruded; is; abetted; against. the rigid. housing. 8.2. of; the fixed die it be radial thrust ball. bearings. 84 and. 845:, and. is; provided‘ witha pinion 8.6,. driven by’ means. of; a gear- at. opening. ofzthe stationary- QXH‘HQQR. die. In. into the. mouth ofthe rotary/skinning. die: IL This arrangement. requires a. relativelx lens; hydraulic. cylinder: F» but simpli?es. the of; the. billet to the press- and. into‘ the Qemainer C and makes for an easy assembly dis. Sal rollers and; at the same time they latter 110- more,‘ the pressure, against which the rear side, i. e. the right hand end, of the piston has to be tatetarouud their axesbecausecr the friction of; the rollers. on article: 2.90. Thereby: the. surface layers: of. the extruded; article are impelled with. mantling of container and press head. Further sealed equals only, the; difference between high pressure and medium pressure while attire-front or left hand end the piston has, only to.v be, sealed. against medium pressure. This‘ simpli?es the sealing means- of‘; the differential piston in its cylinder... can. be. seen from. Eieure- I‘ the hxdramic cylinder; F‘ is. locked with its; fcrward': end of diminished diameter themesshead. 1;)... For supporting; the. cylin e1: atits at end. and? for exactly aligning. it withthe axis: Qfthe pnessthere is provided underneath, therear. end of the cylin e. s- by: an. eleetrom-otor (not: shcwnh. Itis abtiqus from the foregoing that: bit‘ revolw his. the: frame 801 the rollers Hr and: 1:5. are driven: in. a planetary manner aroundtthe extruded; 219.! pressed axiallx through the space/between; 1- an‘ axialx velocity greater: than the am xelqcitr of. the.» extrudedgbadyadvancins; through‘ ticn . 8} so that again‘. the effect. asdeserihedahora, takesnlaca- Them-chunks. tween the“ die; the.‘ surface‘ or‘ the.‘ 2.0: extruded article isdminishediheraby'themollerm and the: slipof; said articlerelatiue to thaskinning dieisadinii. ' lied cerresnondinelxi net which. Qfi‘Ei'snre; are.- lzarall‘elr 6: the. rollers. to the axis 14. of: _ thepress; may harepl'aeed: by skewed: unthreaded rollers which. act; in. the. manner well," known. in‘; der a frame 51‘, with a roll 58; eccentrically keyed the art of producing tubes and, thereforer need: on a shaft 59 rotatably adjustable in bearings- ofv notbe shown crdescribedin-detailjl frame, 51. e. g. by a, lever (not shown) attachable Whatl claiming.» ‘ to the square end 60 of the shaft. The eccentric 30 1. A machine for making hollow bodies from a roll 58 can be locked in any position by set screws solid billet of metal or other plastically deform GI and 62. able material, comprising an extrusion press pro As can be seen from Figure 4 the product, in the vided with an extrusion die and a rotating die form of the tube like body 29 leaving the skinning arranged directly behind. the extrusion die, and die because of the action of the screw threads means for maintaining the rotating die axially I8, has screw like threads or welts on its outer ?xed relatively to the extrusion die. said rotating surface. If an even and smooth cylindrical outer die having portions inclined to its center line and surface is required the die set according to Figure positioned to exert pressure on the surface of the 5 may be used. rod and means for rotating the rotating In this embodiment the extrusion die 6 l, rigidly 40 extruded die at a sufficient speed to impart an axial velocity locked with the front surface of the container to the extruded rod exceeding the velocity of ex C, is held in the holder 62, which is arranged in trusion. the rigid frame 63 aligned with container C. The 2. A machine as set forth in claim 1 wherein skinning die 64, of the same construction as in the rotating die is in the form of a nut the threads Figure 4, is screwed into the holder 65 rotatable of which constitute the portions inclined to its by means of wheels 66, 61 by an electric motor center line. (not shown) arranged in the die set frame. 3. A machine of the character described and A radial ball bearing 68 and a thrust ball bear as set forth in claim 1, the rotating die com ing 69 ensure the exact concentricity of holder 65 and frame 63. In front of the rotary skinning 50 prising a power-driven rotary frame with thread ed rollers arranged parallel to the center line of die 64 is arranged a second ?xed die 10 whose the frame and engaging with their threads the diameter equals, or is slightly smaller than, the surface of the extruded rod under pressure and smallest diameter of the screw threads of the at an axial velocity surpassing the exit velocity skinning die 64. This rigid ?xed die 10 is ar of the rod from the extrusion die. ranged in a die holder 1| aligned in the rigid 4. A machine as set forth in claim 1 wherein cover plate 12 screwed to a flange '13 of the die the extrusion press is provided with a movable set housing 63. frame which is separable from but locked to the In this way the screw threads on the tubular other parts of the press and wherein the extru product leaving the skinning die 64 are levelled sion die and the rotating die are ?xedly connected or ironed out so that the surface of the tube to each other on said frame. produced is smooth, cylindrical and even. The 5. A machine for making hollow bodies from arrangement of the ?xed die 10 in front of the a solid billet of metal or other plastically deform skinning die 64 has the further advantage that able material, comprising an extrusion press pro the extruded article or product is held against vided with an extrusion die; a rotating die ar— rotation by said die 10 in addition to being held 65 ranged directly behind the extrusion die and in by the die 6|. tegrally connected to it in axial direction, said The arrangement of the die set according to rotating die having portions inclined to its center Figure 6 is similar to that of Figure 4, with the line and acting with pressure on the surface of difference that instead of the skinning die pro ‘ the extruded rod at an axial velocity surpassing vided with internal threads or ri?ings are pro— 70 the extrusion velocity; a non-rotating unt-hread— vided two or more rollers 14, 15 having on the ed die arranged adjacent the exit of the rotating surface threads 16 and 11 of appropriate pitch. die and acting with uniform pressure around the These rollers are rotatably mounted with their surface of the hollow body leaving the rotating axes ‘l8 and 19 in bearings of the rotatable die. frame 80. 75 6. A machine for making hollow bodies from a 2,596,552 7 solid billet of metal or other'plastically deform able material, comprising an extrusion press pro vided with a stationary‘ frame and an extrusion die and rotating die, one arranged directly adja cent the other» and- both integrally connected to each other in axial direction, the rotating die having portions ‘inclined to its center line and act 8 able material, comprising an extrusion press pro vided with anextrusion die and an axially closely adjacent'to it arranged rotating die, said extru~ sion press being further provided with a ram driven by a differential piston, the side of said piston for forward stroke being selectively con nected by controlling valves to three hydraulic conduits for low, ‘medium and high pressure, re spectively, while the opposite side of said piston rod at an axial velocity surpassing the velocity of the rod leaving the extrusion die, a movable frame 10 is permanently connected to the conduit of me dium pressure. ' for holding both the extrusion die and the rotat ing die, said stationary frame being provided with ' _ HmICH HEIMA_NN. spindles adapted to be turned at an angle of ing with pressure on the surface of the extruded approximately 90°, said spindles having oblong heads corresponding to oblong holes in the mov 15 able frame so that in ‘one end position the oblong heads of the spindles are aligned with the oblong heads of the frame, while in the other end posi tion they‘lock the’movable frame of the die to the frame of the extrusion press. 20 I 7'. A machine as set forth in claim 6, the heads of the locking spindles being provided with wedge surfaces co-operating with corresponding wedge REFERENCES CITED ?le of this patent: UNITED STATES PATENTS Number surfaces on the frame of the extrusion press and 1,945,877 2,026,979 . 8. A machinefor making hollow bodies from a solid billet of metal or other plastically deform ' Number ‘137,578 ' ‘ ' Name Date ‘ Mannesmann _____ __ Apr. 26, 1887 Moshier ______ ______ Sept. 20, 1904 Summey .____a _____ __ Dec. 12, 1911 361,955 770,741‘ ' 1,011,522’ being turned selectively into and out of align 25 ment with the oblong holes in the frame by hy draulic cylinders. 7 The following references are of recordin the ~ Bonte ____________ __ Feb. 6, 1934 Jones __1 __________ __ Jan. 7, 1936 FOREIGN PATENTS Country Date Great Britain ____r___i Jan. 22, 1920
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