November 16, 2014 ~ 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

November 16, 2014 ~ 9:30 a.m.
+ Children’s Worship Bags are available from the usher.
Nursery and Childcare available
Please complete and detach the Communication Card and put it in the
offering plate. Extra cards are available in the pew.
Greeting Each Other
Children’s Moment—Carole Presson
Prayer cards are in the pew pockets. Cards will be collected as the
children go forward for the Children’s Moment.*
Sharing our Prayers and Praises
Message “Joshua: But As for Me & My House...”
Michele Childs, Pastoral Assistant
Worship God with Our Gifts
Closing Worship
The Blessing of God
In case of an emergency, please alert an usher.
A wheelchair is located at the back of the Sanctuary;
sound operator will call 911.
*Children may go to their classes after the Children’s Moment:
Nursery……………………………………………..Birth – 3 Years
Kingdom Kids (Education Wing)………..3 Years – Grade 5
Youth Class (East Room).…………………..Grade 5 and up
All classes will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m.
November 16, 2014 ~ 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.
+ Children’s Worship Bags are available from the usher.
+ Nursery and Childcare available
*Please stand as you are able
Welcome and Announcements
Please complete and detach the Communication Card and put it in the
offering plate. Extra cards are available in the pew.
*Call to Worship
Leader: On this new morning and in every moment of our lives,
gracious God,
People: from generation to generation, we praise your holy
Leader: Like our ancestors before us, we proclaim your greatness to
our children,
People: for we have seen your deeds of power and witnessed
your goodness in our lives.
Leader: As you have opened your hand to all, satisfying the desire of
every living thing,
People: open our hearts so that we might share the gifts we
have received from you. Let us worship God in gratitude and
*Opening Hymn “This is the Day of New Beginnings,” vs. 1-4 No. 383
Service of Prayers Prayer cards are in the pew pockets. The cards will
be collected during the prayer hymn.
Prayer Hymn
“Sweet Hour of Prayer”
Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Choral Response
Children’s Moment
No. 496
Communication Card
We’re glad you’re here! Please fill out as
much or as little information as you are
comfortable sharing with us (both sides),
remove along the perforation, and place in
the offering plate. Thank you!
Today’s Date: _______________________
Service Attended: (please fill out one card
per Sunday—check all services attended)
□ 8:30 AM □9:30 AM □11:00 AM
Please tell us about yourself:
□ 1st Time Visitor □2nd Time Visitor
□3rd Time Visitor □ Regular Attender
□ Changing my info.
□ My info. has not changed
Mr./ Mrs./ Ms./ Miss First/Last Name(s):
Street: ____________________________
City: ______________________________
State:_______________ Zip:___________
Cell: ______________________________
Email: ____________________________
If Applicable:
Spouse’s Cell: ______________________
Carole Presson
11:00: Children up to age 4 are welcome in the nursery; Children age 5 to grade
5 are dismissed to Cherub Choir, held in the chapel.
“Come, Ye Thankful People, Come,” arr. Harlan/Hallquist
Chancel Choir
service continues on back of bulletin
Spouse’s Email: _____________________
Marital Status: □ Married □Single
□Divorced □Widowed
Child(ren) at home and age(s):
Communication Card
How do you prefer we contact you:
□Email ___________________________
□US Postal Service □Phone
□Other (i.e. text) ___________________
Opportunities to connect:
□ Christian Believer Bible Study
□ Small Groups □ Men’s Groups
□ Piece to Peace Quilters
□ United Methodist Women
□ Nursery □ Kingdom Kids
□ Middle School/Jr. High
□ High School □ Adult □ Music Ministry
□ Sunday Morning Hospitality
I’d like more information on:
□Ordering Poinsettias
□Christmas Tea 12/1/14
□Helping 12/13/14 for Breakfast with the
Friendly Beasts: □set up □clean up
□food preparation □food serving
□craft assistant □food donations
□Hanging outdoor Christmas lights
Lighting Advent Candles □11/30/14
□12/7/14 □12/14/14 □12/21/14
□Christmas Eve
Please pray for: _____________________
Please fill out both sides of the communication card. Thank you!
How did you hear about Holt UMC:
□Drove by □Newspaper □Website
□Invited by________________________
□Other ___________________________
For the next step on my faith journey I:
□ Desire a pastoral call
□ Want to know more about Jesus
□ Am interested in baptism
□ Am interested in membership
Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25
Message “Joshua: But As for Me & My House...” Michele Childs
Offering our Tithes and Gifts
*Doxology (No. 94)
*Prayer of Dedication
*Closing Hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
No. 110
*Choral Benediction
Holt United Methodist Church
Rev. Mark Erbes, pastor
Pastor’s email:
Contact Us:
517-694-8168 or 517-694-8169
2321 N. Aurelius Road, Post Office Box 168, Holt, MI 48842
But as
for Me
& My
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost ~ November 16, 2014
Rev. Mark Erbes, Pastor
Michele Childs, Pastoral Assistant
Sunday, November 9, 2014 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
– Hungry World (Holiday Food Baskets) – New Member Classes begin
Regular Morning Schedule
12:30 p.m. Lunch Bunch, Cracker Barrel
12:30-2:00 p.m. Both Youth Groups, bowling @ City Limits
6:00 p.m. Christian Believer, ER
Monday, November 10, 2014
10:00 a.m. ER in use
10:00 a.m. Wills & Estates, CR
6:00 p.m. CEC Board, L
7:15 p.m. Alpha Ministry, FPC
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 – Veterans Day
9:00 a.m. Christian Believer, ER
12 noon 60+or-, ER
6:00-9:00 p.m. ER in use (SCC)
7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir, Sanctuary
7:05 p.m. Boy Scouts, FH
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
6:00 a.m. Men’s Group, Flap Jack
5:00 p.m. Prayer Group, CR
6:00 p.m. Trustees, YR-2
Thursday, November 13, 2014
7:30 a.m. Breakfast Group, Bob Evans
9:00 a.m. Piece to Peace Quilters, ER
11:30 a.m. Drop-In Small Group, L (BYOL!)
1-6:45 p.m. Blood Drive, FH
3:30 p.m. Pastoral Care, CR
6:00 p.m. Handbell Choir, ER
7:00 p.m. Praise Team, Sanctuary
Friday, November 14, 2014
3:00-7:00 p.m. Set up for Fall Crafters Festival
Saturday, November 15, 2014
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Fall Crafters Festival
Sunday, November 16, 2014 – 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Regular Morning Schedule
12:30 p.m. Lunch Bunch, Flap Jack
6:00 p.m. Christian Believer, ER
Advent Wreath Candle Lighting: Families and/or individuals are needed
to light the candles on the Advent Wreath Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14, & 21, and
Christmas Eve. Please indicate your interest on the communication card
or let Pastor Mark know ( Thank you!
Reminder: The Wills & Estates Committee will meet Monday,
November 10 at 10:00 a.m. This meeting was listed incorrectly on
the Hotline calendar.
WELCOME to Holt United Methodist Church!
Holt United Methodist Church welcomes you to worship! We pray
you may experience God’s love and care within this faith
community. For more information, please visit our Welcome
Center or call the office at 694-8168. Thank you for joining us!
Assisting with Today’s Service
Greeters at 8:30 a.m.: Jim & Cheryl Ordway
Greeter at 9:30 a.m.: Deb McCarthy
Head Usher at 9:30 a.m.: Jon Curtis
Greeters at 11:00 a.m.: John & Betty Williams
Head Usher at 11:00 a.m.: Bruce Rochowiak
Ushers at 11:00 a.m.: Rose Yuhasz, Lois Arnett, Erma Brunton,
Roger Rochowiak
Liturgist at 11:00 a.m.: Maynard Hamilton
Flowers on the altar: in honor of my father, Jackson G. Byers, and
all veterans past and present
Prayer Chain: Teresa Brown; Julie Elliott; Jean Patton; Pat
Aseltine; Jackie Smith; Louanne Service; Jared Kaschyk; Gene Guile
To have a request placed on the prayer chain, contact Trudy
Green, 517-694-0120 or, or the church
office, 694-8168 (
Kingdom Kids ages 3-years-Grade 5* begin in 9:30 worship and
are dismissed to class following the Children’s Moment.
Youth Class for grades 5* and up meets in Youth Room 1. Youth
remain in the 9:30 service until the Children’s Moment.
11 AM opportunities for thchildren: Birth-4 year olds – childcare in
the nursery; 5 year olds-5 grade – Cherub Choir in the chapel.
Adult Bible Study: 9:30 a.m. in the library. We are continuing our
“Journey Through the Bible” series; currently studying the Gospel
of John. Leaders: Rick Robinson & Sharon Purdy.
A Different Kind of Christmas
An Adult Study to Prepare
our Hearts for the Christmas Season ~ In the Library at 11 a.m.
Sundays, Nov. 9-Dec. 7—Join us for this adult study as we
anticipate and reclaim the true Gift of the season.
Personalized HUMC apparel on sale through 11/16. All items are
high quality and printed or embroidered locally. Online order form
at Proceeds go to Missions!
Younkers’ Community Days Coupon Books: $5 per book, which
the UMW keeps and will use toward their operating expenses.
The books contain many coupons, including one for $10 off
anything. The Community Days sale is November 14-15.
Attention: Crafty People! You are invited to a Christmas Animal
Workshop! Join Becky Hilbert and Annette Erbes on Monday
afternoon, Nov. 17 at 1 p.m. in Youth Room 2 to create children’s
animal headbands for the 7:00 p.m. Family Christmas Eve Worship
Service. Cow, donkey, dove, and sheep headbands are needed for
our Impromptu Christmas Pageant. Patterns and materials will be
needed! Questions? Talk to Becky or Annette. We hope to see
you there.
Job Posting: Sunday Morning Nursery Worker(s) Applications are
being accepted through Fri., Nov. 14 for additional Nursery
Worker(s) at Holt UMC. A job description is available through the
church office. To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and
list of references and forward any questions to Annette Erbes,
694-8168, or Eileen Hamilton, 243-0323,
Crafters’ Festival and Bake Sale – we are seeking donations of
baked goods of all kinds (candy, breads, cookies, cupcakes, pies,
jam, jelly, pickles and salsa). Please drop off either Friday
afternoon 2-5 p.m. or before 9 a.m. on Saturday. Please use ziplock type containers (for example, 6 or 12 cookies on a paper
plate inside a zip-lock bag). All of the money from this event goes
to missions, and we appreciate the generous contributions from
our total congregation. Thank you all. Questions/information
please call either Uyvonne Johnson, 882-1807, or Kathy Lessard,
Granny's Attic is asking for donations for the UMW Nov. 15th
Craft Sale. Retro jewelry, collectible dishes, vintage textiles, etc.
are gratefully welcomed. Please leave in Youth Room 1 on Nov.
14th, or call 694-0548 for pick up. All profits go to Missions.
Items are needed for the “Kids’ Korner” at the fall crafters festival
on November 15. They should be items suitable as presents for
men, women, or kids. Put them in the first youth room on the
countertop. Thank you!
Ladies Night Out! You’re invited to kick off the holiday season at
the HUMC Christmas Tea! On Mon., Dec. 1 at 6:30 p.m. we’ll be
celebrating the wonder of the season with yummy dessert, lovely
entertainment, and wonderful fellowship for ladies age 16 and up.
Tickets are $5.00/person and are on sale before/after each
Sunday service and in the church office during the week. There
are a few tables left! Please contact Dani Gimm, 517-719-0707 or
Denise Kelley, 517-484-9109,, if
interested in being a hostess.
Youth this week: both groups are going bowling! 12:30-2:00 p.m.
at City Lights in Mason. Pick up and drop off at the alley.
$5/person includes bowling, pizza and pop. Please text or call your
RSVP to Adrienne, 517-614-3772. You must have a completed
permission card on file to participate in this event.
Youth next week: 6-8th grade – Coffee hour: join Adrienne at the
Holt Biggby at 4:00 p.m. for free coffee and conversation. 9-12th
grade – Bible football and a study on being thankful and praying
from 1:30-3:00 p.m. at the church.
“Happy Birthday” to: 9 Karri Finney, Johnson Nmabugwu; 10
Lesley Frakes, Rachel Harper; 11 Glenna Miller; 13 Paul Schaefer;
14 Dale Vowels, Lyle Edinger, Nan Slocum, Gary Wilcox; 15 Bruce
Anniversary “Congratulations” to: 10 Charles & Clara Heath; 11
James & Michelle Kelly
The following ribbons have been added to our veterans banners
in the chapel and sanctuary:
Staff Sgt. Clifford W. Green, Korean conflict; spon. by Betty Green
PFC Richard N. Moore, WWII, 1945-47; spon. by the same
Pvt. Scot M. Simonson, 2000-02; spon. by Rod Simonson
Seaman 3rd Class Gene Guile, 1955-57; spon. by the same
Fred H. Hoisington; spon. by Linda Beehler
Richard Larson, WWII; spon. by Pat Currin and Midge Holley
Ronald Larson, Korean conflict; spon. by Pat Currin and Midge Holley
HM3 Michael Russell, 1961-65; spon. by the same
Seaman Fred H. Hoisington, WWII; spon. by Linda Beehler
Last Week – November 2, 2014
8:30 a.m. – 49 9:30 a.m. – 113 11:00 a.m. – 162
Total: 324
Nursery/Christian Education Attendance: 68
Report of Financial Giving:
$10,949.25 Building Fund
Ministry Shares
75.00 UMCOR
Holt Food Bank
116.00 Thanksgiving Envelopes 25.00
Good Samaritan
Weekly Ministry Fund Budget:
Received 10/12/14:
Over/Under Budget: