Jan. 2, 1923. 1,440,879 T. L. LEE ET AL‘ Enac‘rmc SYSTEM FOR Vzmcuzs. FILED JAN. 20‘ I921‘ llnvemwrs U Mama/45E; gt 1.0. Gk W‘. 11.8% i 1,440,879 Patented Jan. 2, 1923. ‘UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE‘ i'irnommsiii LEE AND IiAY-MOND H.-SULLIVAN, OFIYOCHESTEB, NEW‘Yon-x, irs'sreiwol'zs mo NORTH EASTELEGTRIG COMPANY, OF ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, A COR'PGRATION 01%‘ NEW' YORK. ELECTRIC SYSTEM FOR wil'II-ZIHICLIEIS. Application med January 20, 1921; Serial in 438,641. Be is know" that we,’ THOMAS L. LEE and 'RAYl-rION‘D ?ilgsmuvim, citizens of ‘,ythe Unitedis?aie'giie?dinglat Rochester, in the Ithas' 5 have invented ee'rtain new a‘n'd useful Im prqvements eeprie?ysteins“for Vehi elegiqndklq li’eife‘, yildeéliire the, 'fbllewing to be a full? clear, ‘mid description 0!‘ the zi_n_=\:re11t'i.0_1'1, suehiasj‘ will enable others skilled in the £16 \iihi'ch i‘?jxpvpefrt'ains to ineke and u?e-thé?a'liiéi ' .Ihis iiiltrveiitiqirlhelates to’ electric systenm ‘the’. ‘hind-.111. ,vfwliich ‘ghs?orage-ba?crv is 15 charged 5 a, iii‘regtégnérreqi; ;ge1_1er'3itu1z In ,_s1y$teII1S!.Q_g,?1l$‘,ilfll}?, ‘when: operated under operable in ‘néjmirét’ .t 12 60 lief; . 65 , att‘t'enilant, it is 'éiieipmarzh lllde?fml?enthi} time when ‘the is ‘ci .argédby reference to, elec h'iei Inegsig ring’.Eingt'fi?n'e?isQ?ihl- observation 79 the tempé'rlatiireiqf,‘thenll?tfery, or the speci?c gravity of the eleeti'0lj\{te,,2_1n1l the In5iultudepends .nrppnlhe “care and skill ()L‘the 75 a gut; tisolatrerlbplgiirzib, or the‘ ZLLQ‘JA-l‘?l'rliS on 1; m?t'dl‘ ‘Vehicle , orlla ,Q’ailwuy‘wzng, skilled sn .petvisib_n n1 ‘ tinhegidispensed -\'\{ith and the pperzrt‘ioirgifiiihe sjrsfenrr'nnst be mainly or ‘wholly Hilautomatic; _ Various arrangements so liziyeiheenfproposed for this, purppee. in gonjie of n‘hiehithas- been attempted to lii‘n'ii' or present overehargilig; of the baittery by {he use of automi'iliie mun-011mg devices; hub fur ' the partqthe delicacy ‘and "irregularity ; of such devices have caused their abandon mentmnd in the vast lil'djQi‘li-‘V (if such email systems nothing is attempted beyuml huh] ing. the overcharging of the battery clown (u a degree at which it will net he tvuoquii'zkly . destructive to the battery. 90 40 An object of theprese'nt inve'ntiun is w provide a rSiYSiGIll, u! the type in rqllésithi'sil‘ with simpleend reliable inegns by \rhicl‘i-the gharging o-fj ?heyhatlie'rlv will he rlistxjnlinur? eutumatiealbi Whenever the. battery has hi» eome'fully charged. A further object ofytlm invention is to provide 15m? bheuuterimtic re 50 sul'npt-ion ufrthe charging-operation hefm'e the batleiy he's become greetlliidiseharged, generator‘ has been sliill ful‘fihéi" redubealh‘ji 100 1,440,879 .2 either reduction in speed or complete slop moment of full charge in the battery is the v page. so that there is no pulsating action of moment when 411L461: (1 where E is voltage across the battery terminals or the gener either the controller or the cut-out. \Vhere the system is used on a inotor-yehr ator‘terminals, I is the current flowing ole, for which use it is particularly well through the battery, and a, b, and c are con adaptedfthe 'iioiinal ‘operation of the vehicle stants'depending upon theipeculiarities of is certain to involve, at 'not infrequent in tervals, a momentary reduction in speed of the engine and ‘the "generatorisuflicient ‘to cause the voltage of the generator to fall be low that required to hold the controller in operation, so that after eaetilinterruptionof the several parts of the apparatus.“ \Vhile the foregoing expression may not be rigorously true, itrhas been .found 1to be at least a practical‘ approximationrto the fact, and the principle involved may be util~ ized practically in a very simple manner, by the charging operation the operation may be using, as the charge-controller, a relay hav resumed, after an interval of'uncertain but‘ ing a voltagel'winding connected across the generator terminals, of high resistance and , 15, in no case unduly‘ great lenvth. Another disadvantage o? a Charge-Con» troller of the type inr‘question, as heretofore proposed,vli‘es in the {fact that the voltage ‘across the battery terminals or the generator 20 ‘While theba'ttery is charging is not, in itself alone‘ an accnratem'eas'ureof the extent to 'y'yhich‘the batteryfhas been charged. This many turns, anda current or series wind ing ‘of few turns and low' resistance, this ‘lat ter winding being connected in ‘series with 80 the generator and the battery and being ar ranged in oppositiontothe voltage, wind-i The accompanying drawing is ‘a‘coniren is ‘due'ito the fact that this voltage is due to tional diagram of an electric system embody two variables; namely, first, the electromo tive tome; orff‘open-circuitfvoltage” of the ing the present invention. ' I The invention is illustratedlias ‘embodied battery, and, ' seconds,” the, internal resistance in an electric system in w'hjch'the ‘ nerator of the battery. Theelec'tromotive force of 5 has the form of a simple threei rush‘di rect-current machine, such as ‘is oftennsed , the . , b?ttérrirhen i. .. 1 , Christiana . __ elite“ degree in connection with“ a motor-Vehicle and tsristlb?ainmllny 'c'on'sftehtiiréeeir 13.35 iéfiitem" driven, at variable speed, byidirect connec pérature, [but the internal resistance ‘varies tion with the engine of._thej vehicle.‘ The istlb’?elliiiellyi with, ,the_..w11n5efiitiire lot the generator has, main brushesffi'iind 7,‘ and a Pattern aniiiliiatiéteiier?tifrsvaiiés notonly third or’ auxiliary‘ brush{ 8,‘ tli‘e’sliunt“?eld with.‘ atmospheric changes but also iii'acoord winding 9 being energized by‘ current ?ow he~ rate at ‘which the battery has been charged ._ _ , . i . ‘ ‘‘ To secure accurate results‘iit is necessary, 'ing from the brush 8,’ tliroug‘h'i‘the‘circuit “ connections hereinafter"described, to ‘ the 100 ‘r ' "' " tl'iereformntoi ‘compensate, automatically for main brush 7. Thecharge-controller is‘ in the'form'of‘a ,andhjnfeature-of thisiin‘vention resides in relay, tux-c 11., having The a relay magnebcore is provided‘ 1O and-an with'back» thenovel andsihiplewnieans provided for this contacts, the contact 12, carried bythe "arma purpose ‘In this respect advantage is taken oi ‘the fact .that‘certami eneratoi's tend to in tm'e, being in the form of‘a spring WhIi'fh changesi'ini the , temiperat-iire?of» the battery, crease their output wit ll, 45 increasein the re cooperates with a'i?xed contact '13.‘ I 100 )8 sista‘iice or counterE. Mjlh of the load cir» vrelay is so constructed that the‘cont'aicts are cuit, ' This is particularhy true of generators not separated by the ?rst part of the move» ' of the three-brush type, in which a shunt ment of the armature towards theymagnet. 110 ?eld-winding is connected between one or Xs :\ conventional construction for this pun more of the main brushes and one or more ‘pose, the armature is shown as provided with auxiliary brushes interposed between the a pin 14 having a head which engages and main brushes. With such a generator, open positively moves the spring 12, but not until atinur at any given speed, charging a battery the armature has performed a part of its Whic has been charged to any riven degree movement The armature is maintained in and has attained a corresponding electro the illustrated position, with the contaits ll motive force. if the resistance of the churgi» closed, by means of a spring 15‘ By suitable ing-circuit be increased, by reduction in the adjustment of the spring and the contacts, ‘ temperature of'ithe battery. the voltage tin‘ relay may be caused to act so that‘upon 12H across the generator terminals increases to such a degree that the current output in» creases instead of diminishing. In such :: system, therefore, while the’condition of the the attainment of a certain degree of flux in the magnet, the spring 15 is overcome and the armature begins to more. As it. does so the airgap in the magnetic circuit is battery, as to charge, cannot be gauged by shortened, so that the armature moves voltage alone, it can be gauged by referenci with rapidly increasingr force. Conse to the inverse variation of both "voltage and quently, when the contacts have been‘sepa current. i That is, it may be stated on: the rated the armature is in a position to be re‘ Qi 1,440,879 tuined by the nntguot notwithstanding it cutrouti so that charging of the hatter)v great reduction in ‘the tOttll flux in'thc mag netic circuit. The controller isprovided ‘with aicurrents winding 16, comprising 21, few turns of. low ceases and the output of the generator is reduced to the ‘small! amount necessary to energize the high-resistance windings 17 and 19 of the controller and the cutout, the resistance’ anda tolta'ge-winding 17, com object being to ‘maintain the controller in prisingIrnunyiturns-of high resistance, these ‘open-circuit position for at least a, ‘substan hereinbefore ‘described. ‘to this position. \vindingsvwbeing arranged ‘in ‘opposition, as tial length of time after it has been moved 10 15 .' = ' I . The cut=out -is shown 11s‘ of a typical ' VV‘ith the appalratus in the condition ‘last in whichithe imngnet-core "18 issprovided with described, ‘the controller iremriins in open rircuit position until the generator has been current-windingn-QOof relatiively few turns. either stopped, ‘or so reduced in speed that rPhe ?xed contact 911 é'islehgagedbry the airma its output is no longer su?icient to hold the form, r ‘ture 22 while ‘the batterly "is-being ‘charged, 'cohtroller open. When this occurs the‘ con: SO ‘but 12. ’sp ring .23'terlds1-to ‘move: the‘ armature troller'oloses,‘ thus re-es'ttiblishin'v the ‘low "to open—circuit :positio'n;*being‘adjilé?d to resistance’ circuit ‘through the‘ ?eiDd-wi'nding .‘do so ‘whenever :the' vgenerated voltage ' is -le'ss »9. Upon‘ a subsequent‘sta'rtin ‘of'the gen than that necessary to charge Ithe'Y-batte‘ry: erator or increase. in its spee , the cut-‘out - Assuming thatethe "b ru’sh r?-iis -'the positive in‘ turn} will close in response to‘ a sufficient brush [of the generator, :the'curren‘t normally vincrezise'in theigenerttted'voltage, and'if; iii flows from ‘this’ lb'rus'h? throu» 11 some; Tthe meantime, the battery has been partly .and the 1current-xviriding Minot] he ‘cont-roller, discharged the charging voperation will he landeizhe'nce through :i Wire-25 170 the cut-“out resumed-‘11f, howeve'gth'e battery has not ‘From the wire 25' a'ism'z?l-xpart of the current been discharged during ‘the interim the‘coii- K ?ows-"through the'f voltage-Winding :19 timd troller Will vagain immediately move to open thence: 1by wires'Qti-and :27'=to thenegativ'e circuit position, followed 'byfthe cut-out‘tmd brush 7 .of theigenerato'r; . The greater part the ‘apparatus will. remain in this condition of the "current F?owsrfro'm the wire 25 ~until the-‘generator is again slowed downer through rthe =' serieswindingi 20 ‘of t [theo- ‘out 'stopp'edvas 'andnc'ident to ‘the operation'i'of "915 out an'dl'thencepby wiry ofifthe contact ‘21 the'veh‘iclez' Y ' < - - r -, end the armature Slfziztovm-wirer 28 eomieetec'i _ ;eLA<lthough.-'¢the1interval’ between the ii‘n’ter ‘with ‘the positive q’iote'of ftli'e battery; The rupti'oniendl‘the'iresunhptioh oft the‘charging current ?ows "through the'ibatte‘ry aii'd ‘thence ioperation is1 basedji‘niot directly '_ =up'on‘7fthe byway 10f‘ :the \irire'W;-baclt=~'t‘o‘the ‘Ige'nera :requ'iréments'of the‘ battery‘, but rather upon -tor,-the battery thus‘ being charged ‘so long ‘the unrelated accidents‘ of -'_the operation‘ of as the cut-out remiLins'clos'e'd:* -' _ “the veliiclei'itiis certain as ‘a practical matter ' During this‘churg‘ing "operdtio'n a ismall ‘that this ‘intervzil‘will never be ‘unduly ‘lo'nix. {amount of current ?ows constantly {from ‘the ln‘the electricjsystem's' conimon'l'y ‘used on ‘wire 24 ‘to the vo‘itegeltv‘in'di’ng 17 of the con "inoto'rsvehicles ‘the ‘battery ‘has ‘a capacity trailer and thence,iby,waiy of thearmatu'rell which "is lar'g'eiin ‘proportion to the load n01‘ and the wire 313th the return-‘whoa? ‘and 45 5) O 60 Go ‘mall?i in'lp‘osedviipoii‘ it while ‘the vehicle‘ is back ~to the ge‘nei'atorrfi’l‘he' magnetizing running; this load consisting m'ere'ly of e?ect -‘ o'f-the winding‘ 17 "alwiiys ‘preponder hi'inpsi ignition-apparatus,‘ signal-‘horn, (etc, ates over the demagnetizirrgie?eettithe so that theieis no‘ danger’ of the battery be ‘llO winding 16,1 *so that‘hs tli‘e'vo‘l't-tlge :across ing seriously deleted during the longest the‘ I generator terminate incre?ses "th‘e- ' pu‘l'l ‘continuous run‘ 0 ‘the vehicle ‘at high‘ speed. upon ‘the immature 1 increases, ‘until ‘?nally The *ohil‘yi‘hesivy' 8min upon the‘ battery is t'h'e .con'tro‘l‘le‘r"movesi to‘ open-circuit? o'si‘tio'n. that in'ci‘clentiiflito starting the engine after Prior'to-thisoocurrenee-tlieeurren‘t y‘whicih it has been stopped, but the“ apparatus aLu't'o 11-3 the‘ "?eld-winding" 9‘ is ‘energized passes Tn‘Jtica’lly takes ‘care of this condition. owingr through the controller contacts by ‘way of to‘th'e fact that it always in condition to the wires 30 and 31, and thus‘ has return resume charging of the battery when the pathof‘low resistanceto'the brush‘ '1. > ‘When engine is stz?‘te‘t‘l from a condition of 'r'e‘st. the controller contacts are tpenyhowewr, In order thét the clause-controller may the current through the ?eld'gwiniiingl'has sensitive ‘and accurate in this ‘operation. no return path except-through a: resistance it is desirable to compensate it for changes de'vice 32 connected’ he‘t't'ireenthe’ windtng t:ind in the resistance of the voltageéwi'ndinig 17‘ the wire 27. This device ‘is-adjusters have due to chtin‘g'es in the ‘te'?iperlitu’re'thereof. i:- resis‘tan'ce ls'trchwis‘td "cut *tl’oivn the’ ?eld in the 'diaggz‘riiiri‘ta compensating 'd'ei'iceis current nndwthus‘ t'o“ ?e‘dqcetli‘e ‘genera-ted shown .the in‘ tlie'iiorm poles of of the :i i'na'gnct. body 33. This placedbody voltaigeto aniamoejntsfi-‘ghtly ‘fess thanizthgrt tween necessary-rte hold ‘the cut-‘out closed.‘ i The is i'iia‘d'e of a magnetic material having‘ the mim-edfre'tely'followed‘ by the opentng'oit characteristic that its ‘permeabilitv dimin ishes W111 rfse'i‘r‘i Leinpererure. This body 130 4: "1,440,879 thus acts as a magnetic shunt,- of which the -is not necessarily limited to the particular eliicacy diminishes as the temperature of the form described, and that the invention is winding 17 increases, thus compensating for not, in general, limited to the details of con’ the increased resistance of ‘this winding. struction and operation ‘hereinbefore set This method of'compensatingl is shown more forth. The invention'claimed is: 1y as one convenient device \for the purpose, 1. In an electric system, the combination, and is not claimed as a part ofthepresent withia generator of the three—brush type, a invention. ‘I 1i The relative amount of resistance of the storage-battery charged by the generator, windings 16 and 17 of. the controller "is a anda‘. reverse—'current cutout connected in‘ matter which can be 'best'determined by ex series with the generator and the battery, 01" periment, in any particular application of ‘a charge-controller arranged‘ to control the the invention; but‘ it may belstated, for ex output‘of the generator, the charge-control ample, that in connection with a three~brush ler‘being connected both across the genera» _ 15 generator of conventional form,=adapted to tor-terminals and in series with the‘genera charge a three-cell‘ilead storagebattery when tor andv theibattery .and organized and ad rjustedto act,-underithe‘differential action of R.» P. M. at; armaxim-umwrate ofrapp‘roiri :the terminal voltage‘and the current~output mately 20 amperes, 2025 turns ofNo. 32 cop of 'thegenerator; to interrupt the charging per wire inthe-voltage-windin’g "17;,‘iandw3 ‘operation? when "the battery ‘becomes fully operated at _ a speed rangelof ‘400 to 2500 25 turns of heavy ‘conductor :with negligible re‘ charged; byireducing the terminal voltage sistance in the-winding" 16, have been found below that required to hold the cut-out closed. to give a satisfactory result.‘ ;Not-onlyidoes . .wQmIn an electric systemythe combination, the current-winding 16 com‘pensatefor va with-a generator ofithe type in which’ the riations in the internal lresistance ofthe ibat~ output increases-with increase in terminal tery, due to changes 'in temperaturev orrto ivoltage, and a storage-battery charged ‘by anyother cause, but~it also compensates, to the‘generator,~of.means for controlling the a certain degreepfor various other disturb output of the generator, comprising an elec~ ing effects-in the system.‘ When the temper 30 tromagnetic device operating. when subject ature of, the 'generator1 ~increases,i;owing to ed to-aipredetermined magnetic ?ux,‘ to sub— change in atmospheric conditional-or to in— stantially reduce said output; ‘said device 95 ternal heating of the generator,‘ ‘the; {resist having a liighwesistance winding .of many‘ tu'r'nsconnected across the generator'terr'nt ance. of ,the. winding, 19 ‘ increases, so that :it 35 40 tends to ‘take less current, and the generated rials 'and= a low-resistance winding of- few ‘voltage diminishes. :This corresponds to -no turns connected in ise'ries with the generator 100 change in thG-uCOl'lditiQIl'Of the battery, but and the ‘battery and arranged in opposition . . since it resultsgin .a reductioniinwvolumeiof to said high-resistancawinding. the charging currentas‘ wellaseili the termi I: 3; In an electric system," the :combination, nal'voltageof'the generator, the one reduc with .a generator of the typeyin which‘thc tion compensates 'forithe other'through the output increaseswith increase ‘in terminal action of the windings 16 and 1?: of the 'con voltage.‘ a battery charged vby. the generator, troller, so‘thatthe controlleriwill stilliact to discontinue the charging'oper'ation at ap 105 and a reverse current cut-out connected be tween the generator and the battery, of a proximately the right moment.‘ Again, if a charge-controller arranged to regulate the 45 50 60 load. such as the electric lights 34 shown 'in generator and organized and adjusted to re the diagram. be thrown upon the generator duce the terminal voltage of the generator and the battery, this load,-by diminishing to anamount less than that required to hold the resistance of the total load upon the gen— the cut~out closed, vwhenever aE-—b1:d, erator, causes a reduction in the voltage ‘ef where E is the terminal voltage of the gen fective across the winding 17 of the control erator, I is the current output of the gener ler, not necessarily corresponding to any ator, and. a, b, and d are constants’based change of condition in the battery. ' Owing upon the characteristics of" the several parts ' to the peculiarities of the three-brush gen of the apparatus. 4. In an electric system, the combination, orator, ‘,l'lO‘VGVQ-l'; this reduction in voltage causes a correspondingr reduction in the,cur~ with a generator of the type in which the rent-output flowing through the Winding 1.6, output increases‘ with increase in terminal and the two changes approximately neutral voltage, and a storage-battery connected with and charged by the generator, of a ize each other. Although the controller has been described charge-controller arranged ‘to control‘ the speci?cally as a magneto—electric device or lltl operation of the generator‘and constructed relay, it is not necessarily limited, to this and adjusted to substantially reduce the ter~ form, but may have any form in whichvit is ininal voltage ‘of (the generator whenever capable of acting in respect to the differen aE~Z2I:d, where E is the terminal voltage tial effect of voltage and currentr?ow. It of the generator, I is the current-output of. will be understood. also. that the ‘generator the generator, and a,'b, and d are constants 130 1,440,879 5 based upon the characteristics of the several t-ure moves far enough to substantially re duce the air-gap, so that the contacts will he parts of the apparatus. 5. In an electric system7 a charge-con troller comprising a magnet havingr :1 volt held open under a flux much less than that required to initiate movement of the arma age-winding of'comparatively high resist ture; and means compensating for change ance and many turns; a reverse series~wind ing of low resistance and few turns; an ar mature controlling back-contacts; means for holding the contacts closed While the arma of resistance in the voltage-Windingr due in change in temperature. THOMAS L. LEE. RAYMOND I-I. SULLIVAN. JO
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