Corporate Office : -.•.. gst:ll tal ""-SllTSJ ,<Ii I,., I ctl Met cD is RUW.POWERCOMPAHYLIITED RURAL POWER COMPANY LIMITED House # 19, Road # 1/8, Sector # 09 Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230. Phone: 8912274, 8957952 (PA8X) Fax: 88-02-8922526 Web : E-mail: RURAL POWER COMPANY LIMITED Request for Quotation (RFQ) Document for Procurement of Goods (Chemical) for Gazipur Power Plant Tender Inquiry No: PUR-017 12014-15 (RFQ), Dated: 12.11.2014 TENDER CLOSING DATE: 23.11.2014 November 2014 Page 1 of 11 Corporate Office : r $PSI If!1 RUlW.POWEFICOIIIPANYIJITED 9ff8l1l$f ,<IiINt Ierr ftmt cD is RURAL POWER COMPANY LIMITED House # 19, Road # 1/8, Sector # 09 Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230. Phone: 8912274, 8957952 (PA8X) Fax: 88-02-8922526 Web : E-mail: Date: 12.11.2014 Memo No. 27.26.0000.'94 REQUEST Procurement FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) For of Chemical (EWT 9-108 Nalfleet) for Gazipur power plant To Ref: PUR -017/2014-15 (RFQ) 1. The Rural Power Company Ltd intends to procure Chemical (EWT 9-108 Nalfleet) of Gazipur power plant by its own fund to eligible payments under the contract for which this Quotation Document is issued. 2. Detail technical specification of the particular item is attached herein. 3. Quotation shall be prepared Document'. 4. Quotation shall be completed properly, duly signed-dated each page by the authorized signatory and submitted by the date to the office as specified in Para 6 below. 5. No Securities such as Quotation Security (i.e. the traditionally termed Earnest Money, Tender Security) shall be required for submission of the Quotation. 6. Quotation in a sealed envelope or through electronic mail ( shall be submitted to the office of the undersigned on or before 23.11.2014 at 12 Noon. The envelope containing the Quotation must be clearly marked "Quotation for Chemical (EWT 9-108 Nalfleet) for Gazipur power plant" and "DO NOT OPEN" before 23.11.2014 at 12 Noon. Quotations received later than the time specified herein shall not be accepted. 7. Quotations received through electronic mail ( shall be sealed-enveloped by the Procuring Entity duly marked as stated in Para 6 above and, all Quotations thus received shall be sent to the Evaluation Committee for evaluation, without opening, by the same date of closing the Quotation. 8. Quotations must be valid for a period of at least 60 (Sixty) days from the closing date of the Quotation. 9. No public opening of Quotations received by the closing date shall be held. and submitted using the Terms & condition of 'Quotation 10. Quotationer's rates or prices shall be inclusive of profit and overhead and, all kinds of taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other charges to be paid under the Applicable Law, if the Contract is awarded. 11. Following documents must be supplied along with the tender: a) Original copy of authorization letter from manufacturer/Distributor format. b) Details technical specification. c) Technical catalogue. d) Country of origin certificate issued by manufacturer/distributor. as per attached Page 2 of 11 ... r 12. Rates shall be quoted and, subsequent payments under this work order shall be made in BDT currency. The price offered by the Quotationer, if accepted shall remain fixing for the duration of the Contract. 13. Quotationer shall have legal capacity to enter into Contract. Quotationer(If Bangladeshi ), in support of its qualification shall be required to submit attested (by Gazetted officer) photocopies of latest documents related to Latest Trade License, Tax Return Certificate and VAT Registration Number. 14. Quotations shall be evaluated based on information and documents submitted with the Quotations, by the Evaluation Committee and the lowest evaluated responsive Quotationer will be awarded for Contract. 15. In case of anomalies between unit rates or prices and the total amount quoted, the unit rates or prices shall prevail. In case of discrepancy between words and figures the former will govern. Quotationer shall remain bound to accept the arithmetic corrections made by the Evaluation Committee. 16. Successful bidder (if awarded) submits a Performance security within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of issuance of work order which shall be 10% of work order value. Performance security will be released after successful completion of warranty period. 17. Delivery of Goods shall be completed within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of issuing Indent. 18. If the supplier fails to supply the items within delivery period then liquidity damage shall be imposed .The value of LID The amount of liquidated damages shall be assessed @ 0.10% (zero point one) percent per day of default up to maximum 10% of the value of goods remaining undelivered within the contracted delivery period. 19. The Procuring Entity reserves the right to reject all the Quotations or annul the procurement proceedings. ,,\v.. ~ .\ \" (Shankar Chandra Barman) Executive Director (Engineering) Address: House# 19, Road# liB, Sector # 9 Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230 Fax No.: 8922526 e-mail cc. I. Managing Director, RPCL, Dhaka 2. Executive Director (Finance), RPCL, Dhaka. 3. Superindent Engineer, GPP, Kodda, Gazipur (with a request to publish the Notice on GPP notice board) 4. RPCL Website 5. RPCL notice Board . 6. Office File. Page 3 of 11 ... r Continuation Sheet RURAL POWER COMPANY LIMITED Quotation Submission Letter [Use Letter-head Pad] Tender Inquiry 0: PUR-017/2014-1S Date: dd/mm/yy (RFQ) To Executive Director (Engineering) House# 19, Road# liB, Sector # 9 Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230 I/We, the undersigned, offer to supply in conformity with the Terms and Conditions for delivery of the Goods and related services named Chemical (EWT 9-108 Nalfleet) for Gazipur Power Plant. The total Price of my/our Quotation is BDT [ . And words ] My/Our Quotation shall remain valid for the period stated in the RFQ Document and it shall remain binding upon us and, may be accepted at any time prior to the expiration of its validity period. l/We declare that l/we have the legal capacity to enter into a contract with you, and have not been declared ineligible by the Government of Bangladesh on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. I!We am/are not submitting more than one Quotation in this RFQ process in my/our own name or other name or in different names. VWe understand that the Purchase Order issued by you shall constitute the Contract and will be binding upon me/us. I/We have examined [ and have ] no reservations to the RFQ Document l/We understand that you reserve the right to reject all the Quotations proceedings without incurring any liability to me/us. issued by you on or annul the procurement Signature of Quotationer with Seal Date: Page 4 of 11 -'- r Price Schedule for Goods and related services Date: 12.11.2014 Ref: PUR -017/2014-15(RFQ) Qty Unit Rate or Price (BDT) Total Amount (BDT) Delivery periods of the Materials 5 6 7 Sl no Description of Items Unit 1 2 3 4 01 EWT 9-108 (Nalfleet) or Equivalent kg 640 Total Amount for Supply of Goods and related services (inclusive of VAT and all applicable taxes) Goods to be supplied to : In figure Gazipur Power Plant, Kodda, Gazipur. Total Amount in BDT (in words) Warranty Provided N/A [Insert number] number corrections made by me/us have been duly initialed in this Price Schedule. dd/mmlyy [insert Tender Validity date]. Signature of Tenderer with Seal My/Our OlTer is valid until Date: dd/mm/yy Name of Tenderer Page 5 of 11 -"" r Continuation Sheet RURAL POWER COMPANY LIMITED Technical Specification of the Goods Required Date: 12.11.2014 Ref: PUR -017/2014-15 (RFQ) 51 Full Technical Specification Description of Items Manufacturer Country of and Standards IMaker and no Origin Model 1 01 2 3 EWT 9-108 Nalfleet or Equivalent Form: Liquid; Color: Straw; Density: 1.3 Kg/liter; pH: 13.2-14.0, Active ingredients: Sodium Nitrite 30-60%, Sodium Hydroxide 1-5%, Sodium Tetra Borate 1-2%, Sodium Tolytriazole 1-5%. 4 I/We declare to supply Goods offered by me/us fully in compliance with the Technical Specifications and Standards mentioned hereinabove Si!!nature of Tenderer with Seal Date: dd/mm/yy Name of Tenderer Note: 1. Technical Specifications of the Goods and related services shall be in compliance with the requirements of the Procuring Entity specified in this document. Quotationer is required to mention make I model (as applicable) of the Goods offered and must attach the appropriate original printed (if not available copied) literature I brochures for the listed items. Page 6 of 11 5 -.•.. , Terms and Conditions for Supply of Goods and Payment 1. Terms and Conditions contained for the purpose of administration herein shall be binding upon both the RPCL and the Supplier and management of this Contract. 2. The Supplier shall have to complete the delivery of the aforesaid chemicals within one year from the date of issuing work order according to the indent of the procuring entity and the validity period of the contract will be one year. The indent will be half yearly. 3. Delivery 4. The Supplier shall be entitled to an extension of the Delivery Schedule if the RPCL delays in receiving the Goods and related services or if Force Majeure situation occurs or for any other reasons acceptable to the RPCL on justifiable grounds duly recorded. 5. All delivery measurements, representative. 6. The RPCL shall check Technical Specifications 7. If the Goods are found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance the RPCL may reject the supplies by giving due notice to the Supplier, 8. The Supplier shall be entirely responsible for payment charges to be paid under the Applicable Law. 9. Notwithstanding any other practice, the payment shall be based on the actual delivery of goods on the basis of the quantity of each item of Goods in accordance with the priced schedule and specifications. 100% of the contract price of the Goods and related services shall be paid after getting material receiving report & quality certificate issued by the Gazipur Power Plant authority. 10. If the supplier fails to complete the supply included in this work order within the period of time stipulated herein, the supplier shall pay damages for such day of default. The amount of liquidated damages shall be assessed @ 0.10% (zero point one) percent per day of default up to maximum 10% of the value of goods remaining undelivered within the contracted delivery period. RPCL shall have the right to deduct the liquidated damages from any moneys in its hands or otherwise due or to become due, to the supplier. J O. Performance Security/ Guarantee shall be furnished within fourteen (14) days of the receipt the Work Order from RPCL, for the due performance of the Contract in the amount of ten 10% (Ten percent) of the Contract/Work Order Price, for that purpose the Performance Security Form (Form G-J) furnished. The Performance Security/ Guarantee shall be valid until the date of completion of supply of the goods. Performance Guarantee shall be released after satisfactory material receiving report & quality certificate from Gazipur Power Plant of goods shall be completed within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of issuing indent. under the Contract shall at all times be open to examination, testing, comrrussiomng, and supervision of the RPCL and verify the delivery made by the Supplier and notify the Supplier of any Defects found. in conformity inspection, authorized with the with the specifications, with reasons. of taxes, duties, fees, levies, and other 1.. l' fL Page 7 of 11 r Continuation Sheet RURAL POWER COMPANY LIMITED II. The Supplier shall keep the Procurement Entity harmless and indemnify from any claim, loss of property or life to himself/herself, his/her workmen or staff, any staff of the Procurement Entity or any third party while delivering the Goods and related services. 12. Any claim arising out of delivery of Goods and related services shall be settled by the Supplier at his/her own cost and responsibility. 13. No modification to Scope of Supply and no Variations to the quantities ordered shall be permissible under any circumstances. 14. The RPCL authority shall amend the work order incorporating required approved changes subsequently introduced to the original Terms and Conditions in line with Rules, where necessary. 15. The RPCL and the Supplier shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all possible disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract or its interpretation. For the Purchaser: For the Supplier: .................................. .......... ~ ...... Executive Director (Engineering) Name: Designation: Date 12.'11·/4 Date Page 8 of 11 -... r Bank Guarantee for Performance Security (Form G -1) [this is the format for the Performance Security to be issued by a scheduled bank of Bangladesh] Work Order No: Date: To: Executive Director (Engineering) Rural Power Company Limited House No.: 19, Road No.: lIB, Sector No.: 09, Uttara Model town, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No: We have been informed that [name of supplier] (hereinafter called "the Supplier") has undertaken, pursuant to Contract No [reference number of Work Order] dated [date of Work Order] (hereinafter called "the Contract! Work Order") for the supply of [description of goods and related services] under the Contract! Work Order. Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Contracts must be supported by a performance guarantee. At the request of the Supplier, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Tk [insert amount in figures and in words] upon receipt by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement that the Supplier is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract conditions, without you needing to prove or show grounds or reasons for your demand of the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until [date of validity of guarantee], consequently, we must receive at the above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarantee on or before that date. Signature Signature Page 9 of 11 r Manufacturer's Authorization Letter Invitation No: Date: To: Name and address of Procuring Entity] WHEREAS We [insert complete name of Manufacturer}, who are official manufacturer/distributor of [insert type of goods manufactured}, factories/ware house at [insertfull address of Manufacturer's factories], do hereby having authorize [insert complete name of Tenderer} to supply the following Goods, manufactured by us [insert name and or brief description of the Goods). We hereby extend our full warranty with respect to the Goods offered by the above Tenderer. Signed: [insert signature(s) of authorized representative(s) of the Manufacturer} Name: [insert complete name(s) of authorized representative(s) of the Manufacturer} Address: [insert full address including Fax and e-mail] Title: [insert title} Date: [insert date of signing}
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