Document 439745

We Thank God!
Quail Notes
November 2014
Grace, Making Disciples, Making a Difference
Dear Friends and Members of
Desert Hills Lutheran,
Let the excitement build! November
will be a time to talk about our
response to all the good things and
blessings God has given us. Yup, it is Stewardship time. This year the
theme will be "Rocky" and "fighting the good fight of faith." There will be
lunches and dinners, and at these events a celebration of the immense
grace that has been poured onto this congregation in the last years. As a
people we continue to be generous towards the mission of God in the
world. Our benevolence and worship attendance have grown as well as
our outreach into the community. We have a friend "Jake" who will be
making some appearances again to help us have fun giving. On the
weekends of November 16, 23 and 30, I will be talking about how
generosity is life giving and selfishness death giving. We will also welcome
a new group of new members as well as celebrate those members of
Desert Hills Lutheran who have been members here for
twenty years or more. November is also the time when
our worship services grow and we who live here try not
to be smug when the snow showers start up north. It
should be a great month of Thanksgiving!
Pastor Martin
DHLC Bell Choirs to Perform in Tubac
The Joy Ringers and Lord of the Ringers were
selected to perform at the Tubac Luminaria
Festival on December 5 & 6, at 6pm. The
performance will be in front of the Tubac Art
Gallery. Be sure to stop by and see these great
DHLC adult and youth bell choirs perform.
12th Annual Fall Boutique is Saturday, November 8, from 8am-2pm.
Don’t miss this wonderful shopping opportunity, with all proceeds going to
local charities. See page 4 for more details.
In this issue:
Grace Notes ...............................
Thanksgiving Day ......................
Footloose Singles Group ............
Parish Nurse Notes ....................
Gaslight Theatre.........................
Women’s Ministries ..................
KGVY Senior Fair ........................
Men’s Ministries ........................
Photo Directory ..........................
“Looney Lutherans” Play............
Peanut Butter Drive ..................
Stewardship 2015 Emphasis ......
Council Report ...........................
Lobby Art....................................
Estate Sales ................................
Global Missions ..........................
Scandinavian Group ...................
German Heritage Group ............
Foundation Corner .....................
Thank You! .................................
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Verse of the Month
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his
love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34
Abiding in
God’s Eternal Care
Ed Fiscella
who died October 10, 2014
Rev. Wayne Pohl
who died October 22, 2014
Shelby Lyngen
who died October 22, 2014
Grace Notes
by Director of Music Ministry, Judy Starr
October 19 saw the return of Chancel Choir to the 8am service. Welcome back to everyone including
director, Stan Kindzerski, who will be directing the Chancel Choir this season. They are looking for new
members. If you are interested, come to rehearsal on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm and you will find that
you will enjoy singing with these wonderful people. Summer Singers transitioned to Celebration Singers
with the return of some of our winter members. The bell choirs, with director Stephanie Kaufman (Joy
Ringers and Lord of the Ringers), are in ”full swing.” Remember, music is a great way to praise God!
Both bell choirs were selected to perform at the Tubac Luminaria Festival. See front page for details. What
an honor for the director, the ringers, Music Academy and our church. Congratulations!
Thanks go out to Gordon Swanson, Joan Bystol and the Halloween troupe for the entertaining
Halloween Organ Concert. As November comes upon us, we remain thankful for all of our
blessings in the Music Ministry. We always hope that our music touches your heart during
the service.
Upcoming Events:
December 5 & 6, 6pm – Joy Ringers and Lord of the Ringers at Tubac Luminaria
December 11, 3 & 7pm – Christmas Concert — ”Reflections of His Light”
Jacqui Coble’s Beer Bread recipe was
served at a Saturday Night Supper. It
was well received and several people
self-rising flour
asked for the recipe so here it is.
1 can room temp. beer
Beer Bread
Mix all ingredients together, put into loaf
pan. Bake 45 minutes at 350°. Remove
from oven and butter the top. Return to
oven for 15 minutes.
Thanksgiving Worship & Dinner
2150 S. Camino del Sol
Green Valley, AZ 85622-8352
520-648-1633 
Worship Times
Saturday — 5:00pm
Sunday — 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am
Holy Communion is celebrated the 1st & 3rd
weekend of each month at all services.
Thursday, Nov. 27 — Worship at 10am & Dinner at 3pm
Don’t be alone. Come and join us for a traditional Thanksgiving
dinner of turkey and all the trimmings. Tickets (in advance) are
$12 per person and will be on sale starting Wednesday, November 5, in the
church office.
To volunteer to help with the dinner, please write a
note on the CONNECTION CARD with your phone
number. We hope to see you there as we give thanks
for our bountiful blessings at DHLC!
Sunday School Classes at 9:30am
Office Hours
Monday-Friday — 8:30am to 4:00pm
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Dr. Martin N. Overson, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Richard Lind, Associate Pastor
Footloose Singles Group
The planning meeting for Footloose Singles Group will be Wednesday,
November 5, at 1pm in the patio room. All singles are welcome and
encouraged to attend and help plan for the coming months.
Quail Notes newsletter is
published monthly.
E-mail articles for consideration for the
December issue by November 15 to
There will be an "Italian Potluck" dinner at Shirley Martin's, 4815 View
Ridge, San Ignacio Vistas, Friday, November 14, at 5pm. The host is making two
pasta dishes. Sign up in the fellowship hall for what you will bring by Wednesday,
November 12.
Limit articles to 300 words or less. The editor
reserves the right to edit submissions.
Coordinators/contacts for Footloose Singles Group are Chuck Shall, 399-4951;
Diane Clark, 625-5786; and Anne Benton, 928-636-3787.
Incorporating spiritual values into health education
Let’s review cold and flu symptoms, treatment and prevention. They are different viruses and they
should be treated differently. Cold and flu affect the respiratory system and can lead to runny, stuffy
nose; congestion; cough; fever that lasts for 3-4 days; headache; fatigue; general aches; pain and sore throat. These
symptoms are less common when you have a cold. Common cold symptoms generally last up to two weeks’, flu
symptoms usually last one to two weeks.
As a rule of thumb, cold and flu can be treated with rest, fluids (staying hydrated flushes all the toxins out of your
body), and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines (antihistamines, decongestants and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
medicines) that can relieve congestion, aches and other symptoms. If you are not sure what OTC medications you should
or should not take with your medication regime, ask the pharmacist or call your primary physician. Be careful to avoid
“drug overlap” when taking medicines that list two or more active ingredients on the label (i.e. Acetaminophen). Read
medicine labels carefully (the warnings, contraindications, side effects and dosages).
"Done properly, hand washing is a simple way to avoid getting sick." CDC and Mayo Clinic
The best prevention is avoidance and good hygiene. Stay away from anyone who looks sick, don’t share utensils or any
other personal item and when you’re sick with a cold, stay home. Keep your hands away from your nose, eyes and
mouth, cough into your elbow rather than coughing onto your hands, and always wash your hands afterward. Most
doctors still recommend that the best way to prevent the flu is by getting the flu shot. Consult your physician on whether
the flu/pneumonia shots are right for you and your medical condition.
If your symptoms worsen or you are at risk for serious complications related to chronic lung or heart disease,
diabetes, kidney problems or any autoimmune disease, seek medical attention.
Resources: CDC, Mayo Clinic
Happy Thanksgiving … Anna Tometczak, RN – Parish Nurse
November is National Caregiver Month. Whether you are a professional or a family/friend
caregiver, take time this month to celebrate who you are, and the importance of what you are
doing. If caregivers do not nurture themselves, emotional, physical and spiritual distress can
result. Caring for others can be a burden or a calling, but understand that you are not alone and
there are many national, state and local agencies for support and help. Caregivers Support Group
will meet the second Thursday of this month, November 13, 2014. You can contact the Parish
Nurse at 648-1633 on Tuesday and Thursday (9am-2pm) to inquire about Care Giving resources available in GV or if
interested in the Caregivers Support Group.
Collaborative Care Advocates will be presenting a Senior Living Options Event on Tuesday, November 18, 10am, at
DHLC. Once again, there will be a skit, much like the one done for Home Care, that takes “mother and daughter” on a tour
of the varying senior living communities….IL, AL (facility and care home), Memory Care and SNF. Mom/Daughter will be on
“tour” and will explain the different types of communities, features/benefits, etc.
Canyon Valley Memory will be offering a video series Friday, November 21, from 10am to 12noon at DHLC.
The video presentation is by Teepa Snow on Understanding Dementia Care for those caregivers taking care of Dementia/
Alzheimer’s loved ones.
Evangelical Free Church of Green Valley will be offering a Seminar for dealing with grief during the holidays: Surviving
the Holidays on Saturday, November 8, at 9am-1pm. The cost for the seminar is $10.00 (includes lunch and book). Preregistration is required. Contact Eunice at 648-6360 or 648-6781.
Fellowship Group
Once again by popular demand the Fellowship Group has reserved 60 seats at the Gaslight
Theatre for the performance of Two Gun McGraw—Showdown in Old Pueblo for the Sunday
matinee on January 18, at 3pm. Tickets are $18 each and are available at the front
desk. Food and drinks are available for purchase at the theatre. There are handicap seats
available so you need to mention that when you purchase tickets. Doors open at 2:15pm. These
tickets always get sold out quickly so buy your tickets soon.
Women's Ministries at DHLC
Women’s Ministries Catered Luncheon
Monday, November 10, 11:30am -1:30pm
Speaker is David Wanger, CEO/GV Hospital
Program: Our New Hospital
Tickets are $5, available in the church office and between
services November 1 & 2.
Women’s Ministries Bible Study
Monday, November 3, 9am-10:30am
Topic: Potiffer's Wife:
Bored to Distraction
Attention ALL women - members, guests, visitors, friends,
family and neighbors. Mark your calendars and join the
food, fun and fellowship in the fellowship hall (bring your
Bible and appetite).
Christmas Gift Ideas
Retreat Tickets ($20) go on sale
December 1 at Bible Study! Lighten Up. . .
Be Open to Joy and Laughter — Saturday,
February 14, 2015, 8:00am - 2:30pm. This
event ALWAYS sells out; so buy your ticket and gifts early!
Women's Ministries Board Meeting Notes
 Voted to send $500 from Bible Study offerings to
 A LOVE offering of $250 was approved for the W-ELCA
Grand Canyon Synod Convention held in Flagstaff.
 Lutheran World Relief challenged W-ELCA quilters to
gather 500,000 quilts in 2015. The number at the end of
May, 2014 is 485,931, the most quilts EVER donated to
LWR in a one year period! Women at DHLC contributed to
the total!
 Women's Ministries will not be heading up Angel Tree
this year.
 Gather Magazine ($15/10 issues) Better than a greeting
card, this magazine will be delivered 10 times, filled with
wonderful stories, Bible study and inspiration. With a
subscription you will also be able to receive the magazine
on your iPad, Android and Kindle Fire! What better way to
share your faith with friends and neighbors and they don't
even have to be Lutheran to enjoy the benefits! More
information is on the bulletin board.
Boutique Banter and Buzzings from the Bee
12th Annual Fall Boutique Quilts, Arts & Crafts Sale
Café, Bake Sale, Used Books and More
November 8, 8am-2pm
     The shopping event you have been waiting and preparing for has arrived!     
Please bring your donations to the fellowship hall on Friday, November 7, between 9am and noon. The more donations, the
more we can successfully support our charities with 100% of the proceeds. Volunteers are needed to help with set-up and
log-in of donations as well as assisting on the day of sale. Saturday the doors open at 8am sharp and close at 2pm. As in the
past, we will have no presales in order to give everyone a fair opportunity. We are featuring Born-Again-Beads, designer
aprons, purses and totes, baby items, hostess gifts, table and home décor, holiday trimmings and, of course, hand-crafted
quilts of all sizes. You’ll find many unexpected arts and crafts treasures so be sure to arrive early
and invite a friend to attend the shopping spree with you. Coffee and pastries, lunch and fantastic
Lutheran ladies home baked goods and preserves are always a sellout. Pick up a few gently read
books for winter reading at bargain prices. Also, look for RADA kitchenware and Fair Trade foods.
Many thanks to the Sewing Bee, the Women’s Ministries Group and all who donate items and
labors to this charity event. We can all help make a difference. For more information, phone
Diane Johnson, 399-2810.
14th Annual KGVY Senior Information Boomer Fair
The 14th Annual KGVY Senior Information Boomer Fair will be held at DHLC on Friday, November
14, from 9am to 1pm. There will be over 50 exhibitors with information, samples, demonstrations
and health screenings. Free breakfast and lunch will be provided by local restaurants.
Please bring a non-perishable food donation for the Amado-Green Valley-Sahuarita Food Bank.
Men's Ministries at DHLC
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is scheduled
for Thursday, November 20, at 8:30am in
the fellowship hall. Our speaker for
November will be Chris Kang. She will be
speaking about Valley Assistance Services
and how they are Making a Difference in
the Valley area. All men are welcome to join us, so please set
aside time to attend the breakfast fellowship.
The Men@Work group meets on the first
and third Tuesday of the month at 7pm
in the patio room of the church. In
November these dates are the 4th & 18th.
We have a great time and would like to
see the group grow and become a source
of enjoyment/fellowship for a larger number of men. If
you have any questions or would just like to learn more
about the group, please contact Tim Warlick at or call or text him at 336-7567.
Handy Man Services
Handy Man Services—is here to provide help to
members and friends of Desert Hills Lutheran
Church. Handy Man Services remained busy
throughout the summer and now with more
people returning to Green Valley we expect this to continue. If
you would like to request services from this group, please let
us know. The contact person is Marv Berke at 648-0148 or
Handy Man Services is looking for additional helpers. If you are
willing to help please contact Marv using the above contact
information. It would also be nice to know what type of
services you feel comfortable providing.
Men’s Health Group
Men’s Health Group—meets on the 3rd Monday of the
month from October thru May. In
November they will be meeting on
the 17th. The meeting will be held at
9am in room 102, the back portion of
the Chapel. They will be discussing
issues involved with the EBOLA virus.
All men are invited to join this
informative group.
Please sign up for the church photo directory on
Saturday or Sunday after worship November 1/2,
8/9 or 15/16. Volunteers will be in the fellowship
hall to assist you in scheduling your appointment.
You may also sign up at the front desk or online
using the DHLC website Monday through Friday at Seniors
60+ will receive a 20% discount toward purchase of any Lifetouch
portrait product and frame. Everyone making an appointment will
receive a certificate after the appointment is made. Also, if you bring
a can of food for our Green Valley/Sahuarita/Amado Food Bank on
the day of the picture appointment, you will receive a 5% discount.
Thank you for being a part of our new church photo directory.
DHLC Sponsoring “Looney Lutherans” Play
The Looney Lutherans will present a play
on Tuesday, January 27, at 7pm at DHLC.
Tickets ($10) for the play will be on sale
beginning January 2. Mark your calendars
for this entertaining event.
The Looney Lutherans are a trio of wacky
gals using music, comedy and some help
from the audience, to share some age-old
wisdom for living a long and healthy life the Lutheran way. (But you
don't have to be Lutheran to love 'em!) This trio of Looney Lutherans
were the founding members of the hit musical Church Basement
Ladies at the Plymouth Playhouse in Plymouth, Minnesota.
Social Concerns
Peanut, Peanut Butter!!!!! I like
peanut butter, creamy peanut
butter, chunky peanut butter, too!
Concerns Ministry team is hoping to
build a line of peanut butter jars
stretching 250 feet around the
interior of the church! Because of price
increases, the food banks our church supports
are not able to provide this important staple for
their clients. So, Barry Haber had this great idea!
He’s the guy who invented the great wall of
toilet paper, if you remember that successful
drive for the local food banks.
Can you help by bringing any size jar of peanut
butter to the church in November? You can bring
as many as you want! There will be a tub in
which to place them in the south hallway of the
church. You’ll help fill hungry tummies and put
smiles on lots of faces. If you would prefer to
have someone else purchase the peanut butter,
please place your money/check in an envelope
and indicate it is for the peanut butter drive.
Barry has promised to do the shopping.
Thank you for always being supportive of
these special campaigns.
Stewardship 2015 Emphasis
Our Stewardship Committee, chaired by Richard Gardner, announces our stewardship emphasis for this fall. The theme is
“Fight the Good Fight of Faith” from 1 Timothy 6:12. There will be four free meals where we will celebrate a great
year and ask for your support of our 2015 Unified Fund and the 2015 Debt Retirement Fund. All members and friends of
DHLC are invited to the meals and we encourage you to mark your calendar now for one of the meals that will be held on
Sunday, November 16, at noon; Thursday, November 20, at noon; Saturday, November 22, at 6pm; and Sunday,
November 23, at noon. There will be a great meal, a message from Pastor Overson, fun and fellowship! Reservation cards
for the meals will be available at worship services beginning in November. Commitments for 2015 will be received during
worship services on November 29 and 30.
Congregation Council Meeting Highlights
October 21, 2014
The financial report as of September 30 showed an increase in contributions to the 2014 Unified
Fund of 9% over last year. Average worship attendance is up 8% over last year. Contributions to the
2014 Debt Retirement Fund are in line with the budget. The Council responded to this report with
“Praise The Lord!”
Dick Gardner updated the Council on the stewardship emphasis plans for this year that includes four meals
in November. The theme is “Fight the Good Fight of Faith” based on 1 Timothy 6:12.
The Council received a recommendation from the Finance Committee that we change our fiscal year
(currently April 1 – March 31) to a calendar year. There will be further study on implementing this plan.
The Council will have a retreat on Saturday, November 1. Their next meeting is November 18 at 5pm.
The Caring Cross in London
One of the reference points in London is the Caring Cross in the center of town more or less. A little girl was
lost in London. A policeman asked if she knew how to get home, her phone number or her address. Sobbing
she did not know any of the answers. She said, “Show me the Cross and I can find my way home.” So can
we. Keep a clear vision of the cross on your horizon and you can find your way home.
Art from Fabrics to Frames
After a summer of quilts, and an early autumn adventure into Navajo-style rugs and dainty crochet, the narthex
art display will take on a Holiday flair with framed paintings. For November and December, our featured artist is
Audrey Palm. She became interested in art as a University of Minnesota student and over the years has developed a style
that she describes as “FREE.” She can’t wait to see what happens when paint and water are put to canvas.
You’ll be excited and pleased to see Audrey’s “mostly abstract” works of art on the walls in the lobby. Much of her work and
subject matter is the result of “God opening His arms and sweeping me in, again and again.” As you pause to admire her
colorful paintings, try to imagine God’s grace at work. Credit and inspiration, she coyly admits, also comes from listening to
Elvis sing gospel music. “It helps spread the paint,” she says!
Estate Sales Schedule
Two DHLC Estate Sales are scheduled for November. Sales are held Thursday (7:30-11:30am) and Friday
(7:30 to closing) unless otherwise noted. Watch for our ad in the Green Valley News for information on each
sale. Be sure to stop by and shop!
1) November 13, 14 & 15
2) November 20 & 21
Fairways I
Fairways I
126 & 127 La Soledad, GV
512 Las Uvas, GV
Global Missions — Alternative Gifts for Christmas
Christmas is coming and we can help with your gift list! On December 6 & 7, 13 & 14 and 20 &
21, Global Missions will be offering you the opportunity to give a gift for family and/or friends
while giving to people around the world. You purchase an animal or service, receive a gift card so
you can notify your recipient that an animal or service has been given in their name, and the
funds go to the ELCA. The ELCA uses your gift to procure what you have designated and gives it
to the person or group in need. The ELCA is careful with your gift and will also provide training so
your gift can really make a difference. This is not a “hand out” but it is a “leg up” program. Will you participate in this
important program with us starting December 6? Thanks from the Global Missions team.
Scandinavian Club
Foundation Corner
The Scandinavian Club will meet in
November with a change of day and
change of time. The meeting will be
Sunday, November 16, at 4pm in the
fellowship hall. The entertainment
will be the Vasa Swedish Folk Dancers of Tucson. We
will have a potluck dessert preceding the performance. All are invited. Please bring a dessert and
your own place setting.
Soon, Thanksgiving will be here! We will begin the
Thanksgiving meal with prayer. When we begin serving the meal,
we will have passed the food in a manner that tried to make
certain our guests were served first. When the meal has ended and
cleanup has begun, we will begin packaging up the leftovers. We
divide up the packages so that we can give some to each of our
guests to take home with them.
Our lifelong stewardship is much like the Thanksgiving
meal. We make certain that the first fruits are given to God before
satisfying our own needs. At the end of our life, there will be
leftover gifts from God which we no longer need as we enter into
His Kingdom. Before our departure, we package those gifts into a
will or trust. We put names on the packages in the way of
beneficiaries of financial assets. Was God present at your table
during your lifetime? Is God’s name on one of the
leftover packages?
To help plan your leftover gifts through a
will, trust or financial asset, contact our ELCA Gift
Planner, Greg Shepherd, at (909) 910-6823 or
The Vasa Swedish Folk Dancers of Tucson have been
performing traditional formation dances for over
twenty years. Some of their dances are well over one
hundred years old and represent different parts of
Sweden. They also include in their performances
more recent couple dances which are very popular in
Sweden today. They can be seen performing at
Tucson Meet Yourself week-end, The Nordic Fair at
Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church and various
other venues in and around Tucson.
German Heritage Group
The German Heritage Group will
meet on Monday, November 24, at
5pm. Please bring a dish to share and
your own place setting. The program
will be author Wanda Wolosky, a
Green Valley resident. Wanda is a
Holocaust survivor and has authored a book titled
Life Can Be Beautiful. She will share her story of life
in Poland during the war.
Foundation Events to Plan For ...
Greg Shepherd will be in Green Valley on Friday, November 7, and
will be available to meet with members of DHLC from 9am to 2pm.
Please call Judy Gunson at 625-1151 to schedule an appointment.
SAVE THE DATE — Thursday, January 29, 2015
The DHLC Foundation will be hosting a luncheon with Greg
conducting an educational legacy workshop. Please plan to join us
at 11:30am in the fellowship hall. The book Provide and Protect will
be available as our gift to all who attend.
How do you thank such a wonderful church family? From the bottom of our hearts! We thank
you for all the prayers, cards and concerns. Thanks for the beautiful bouquet of flowers. Ed is
now at Santa Rita Health Care Center here in Green Valley. He is in Room 214 and he can have
Our love and thanks!
Ed & Betty Wismeyer
Wendi and I would like to thank everyone at Desert Hills Lutheran Church for all of their prayers,
cards and gestures of kindness during my recent illness. It has been a long several months and
without our church family we would not have made it through this difficult time. Praise God from
whom all blessings flow and praise God for all of you!
Stephanie Kaufman & Wendi Cline
The DHLC Music Academy and the Joy Ringers have been blessed by this congregation. You have supported
these groups of young people with your whole hearts. We are truly overwhelmed with your generosity, not
only financially but with your time and talents. Thank you for “Making a Difference.”
Stephanie Kaufman, Director of Music Academy, Lord of the Ringers & Joy Ringers
Please Notify Us!
Please be sure to make the church office aware of the desire for pastoral visits,
communion at home, hospitalization, condition changes or moves to different
facilities or home. Be sure to let us know the name of the hospital or facility.
We want to stay in touch with you!
Grace, Making Disciples, Making a Difference
Non Profit Org.
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