Sem i- Cond uctor Laborato ry , Departm ent of Space, Gov ernm ent of Indi a, - 72 , . . . - 1 600 71 , S ect or -72, S.A.S. Nagar-160 071, Near Chandi garh /Phon e : +91-17 2-22 37 401- 09, /Fax +91-172- 223741 0 : - , /web site: mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry /E -mail:, . . /PUBLIC TENDER NOTICE / ( ), /201 4/11 3 /Ref. No. : P&S/V FD/2014/113 , , : Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) engaged in the design, development and manufacture of VLSIs at its facility at S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Punjab, India invites bids for various high purity chemicals as per details given below: ( Sr . No Quantity and Desired Delivery Schedule ) Des cr ip tion of Chemica ls (Con for ming to ma t eri a ls sp ecifi ca tion s placed on our Website) , 96% 1 02 211212087 Sulfuric Acid, 96% Material Code:211212087 2. 2352 /Ltr : 6 In 02 Lots: 1st Lot Immediate and 2nd Lot after 06 Months /Ltr 816 211212053 Mixed Nitric HF (HF+HNO3) Material Code:211212053 3. 02 02 Se “ ; 6 In 02 Lots: 1st Lot Immediate and 2nd Lot after 06 Months 211212029 Choline Etchant Material Code:211212029 ( ) Last date of receipt of sealed bids, Date & Time(IST) 1056 / Ltr : 6 In 02 Lots:1st Lot Immediate and 2nd Lot after 06 Months -2 ( ) Schedule of Opening of “Part-1 TDF” and Part-2 “Technical” Date & Time (IST) | | | | 13, 2014 1500 November 13, 2014 at 1500 hours | | | | | | | | | -1 | | | | 13, 2014 1545 November 13 , 2014 at 1545 hours | | | | | | | | | “, ( ) 13, 2014 The Tender Document comprising of “Public Tender Notice”, “Request for Proposal (RFP) giving General Instructions and Procedure for Submission of Bids and “Material Specifications” of the abovesaid chemicals shall remain on our Website till November 13, 2014. / / , , / / - / / 213/- / (313/- - , , ) mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry Interested manufacturers / vendors / their authorized Indian agents capable of supplying these chemicals are requested to download the abovesaid documents and advise by e-mail / fax at the e-mail ID/fax no. given above their particulars including their company profile. Manufacturers / vendors / their authorized Indian agents wishing to submit bids for the abovesaid chemicals based on documents downloaded from SCL / ISRO websites are required to provide a demand draft of Rs. 213/- (Rs. 313/- if required by post) towards Tender Document Fee alongwith their bids. - SCL takes no responsibility for the delay or loss in transit of any document related to this Public Tender Notice. SCL reserves the right to procure all the abovesaid chemicals or some of the above listed chemicals or defer or cancel the abovesaid Tender without assigning any reason thereof. Se , / H ea d, P ur chas e & S tor es TENDER REF. NO: P&S/2014/VFD/ 143 mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR SUPPLY OF SUPPLY OF HIGH PURITY CHEMICALS AS PER SCL’S MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Se SEMI-CONDUCTOR LABORATORY (SCL) SECTOR-72, S.A.S. NAGAR, PUNJAB, INDIA Phone : + 91 172 2237401-09 Fax : + 91 172 2237410 E-mail : Website : 1 The prospective bidders are requested to go through all the Parts (A-F) of this RFP and submit their bids for the Tendered Chemicals meeting SCL’s Material specifications in accordance with the ‘Procedure for Submission of Bids’ and taking into account ‘General Instructions to Bidders’, and ‘Commercial & mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry other Terms and Conditions’ given herein. CONTENT TITLE PAGE No. PART - A 3-5 FORMAT FOR COMPLIANCE / RESPONSE TO SCL’s PROPOSED COMMERCIAL AND OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS PART - B 6-12 QUOTE FORMAT PART - C 13 PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATION OF BIDS PART - D 14 PROFORMA OF STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDER PART - E 15 LIST OF INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS PART -F 16 Se GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 2 PART-A GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INCLUDING PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS General Conditions: a) This RFP should be read in conjunction with the ‘Public Tender Notice’, ‘Material Specifications sheets of the tendered chemicals. b) SCL reserves the right to procure all the chemicals/some of these chemicals / alter the quantities / alter the delivery schedule given in the Public Tender Notice. c) Manufacturer/their authorized representative, traders or stockiest, dealer can submit their bids to SCL. Where authorized representative is submitting the bid on behalf of Manufacturer /foreign Principal, the said representative should provide SCL an authorization letter from the Manufacturer / foreign Principal authorizing the said representative to submit the bid to SCL failing which the bid submitted by the representative shall not be considered. d) Bids received on fax/email and unsealed bids shall be treated as invalid bids and shall be rejected. e) Bids should be submitted in English. f) All correspondence and documents must bear SCL’s Tender Reference number. g) SCL is not responsible for the loss/delay in transit of any bid/any document related to this Tender. h) Late and delayed bids shall not be considered. i) SCL reserves the right to reject the lowest or in part any bid or all bids. The bidder is at liberty to seek information related to bidding conditions, bidding process and/or rejection of its bid. j) All documents including bid, specifications, schedule notices, correspondence, etc. shall be in English / Hindi language. k) Bidders are expected to comply with ‘Commercial and other Terms & Conditions’ given in PART-B of this RFP. In case of any deviation, the reasons thereof should be clearly specified in the compliance/response column of PART-B. l) Bidder shall submit ‘Technical and Un-priced Commercial Offer’ and ‘Priced Commercial Offer’ duly signed by their authorized signatory. Bidder shall initial corrections/overwriting(s) if any. In case of any discrepancy between rates mentioned in figures and words, the rates quoted in words shall prevail. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 1. 2. Se In case of any discrepancy between rates mentioned in the unit price column and amount column, the correct amount after multiplying unit rate with quantity shall prevail. Tender Document Fee: The bidders are requested to download the Tender Document comprising of Public Tender Notice, RFP, Material Specifications from SCL website ( / ISRO website ( / CPP Portal ( and submit a bank draft (non refundable) for Rs.213/- towards the Tender Document Fee in the envelope marked ‘Part-1 – Tender Document Fee’ drawn in favour of Semi-Conductor Laboratory payable at Mohali/Chandigarh which should be valid for a minimum period of three months from the date of issue. One set of tender documents can be supplied free of cost to Government Departments, Public Sector Undertakings (both Central & State). Tender documents can also be supplied free of cost to Small Scale Industries (SSI) units borne on the list of National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and foreign sources. 3 If the Tender Documents are obtained by post, bidders are required to submit a bank draft (nonrefundable) for Rs.313/- towards Tender Document Fee along with their request for Tender Document. The Bank Drafts should be drawn in favour of ‘Semi-Conductor Laboratory’ payable at Mohali/Chandigarh and shall be valid for a period of three months. Bidders are also advised to provide their complete address, telephone number, fax no. and email ID etc. Instructions On Indian Agents (If any): mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 3. Bidders are required to provide the following information in respect of their authorized Indian Agent, if any, alongwith ‘Part-2’ marked ‘Technical’ as the same is mandatory and is required for consideration of the bid. i) ii) iii) iv) 4. Name, Address, Tel No./Fax No./email of the Indian Agent including the contact person. A letter from the Manufacturer/Foreign Principal in the current date certifying that the company at Sr. No. 3 (i) above is their authorized Indian representative and also indicating the responsibilities/ role of the Indian representative under the proposed purchase. Remuneration/Service Charges payable to the Indian representative under the proposed purchase. It is understood and agreed to between SCL and the bidder that the agent specified in the bid is the only agent involved under the proposed purchase and the remuneration/service charge specified in the bid is the only remuneration/service charge involved and is payable only in Indian Rupees for the Indian agent. Payment of such remuneration/service charge to the Indian agent in the foreign currency or any payment by the bidder to any undeclared third party related to this Tender shall be deemed illegal and all consequential liabilities shall be to the account of the bidder. Procedure For Submission of Bids: The bid for the tendered item shall be submitted in instructions given below: following three sealed envelopes as per a) Envelope marked ‘Part-1 – Tender Document Fee’ to contain bank Draft towards Tender Document Fee as detailed above at Point No. 2. b) Envelope marked ‘Part-2 - Technical’ to contain ‘Technical Offer and Un-priced Commercial Offer’ as per details given below: c) Technical Offer comprising of detailed technical specifications of the tendered chemicals. ii) Un-priced Commercial Offer including bidder’s compliance / response to SCL’s Commercial and other Terms and Conditions as per PART-B of this RFP. iii) Statement of Bid Compliance (as per Proforma enclosed at PART-E). iv) Details of Indian Agent as per Clause No. 3 above. Envelope marked ‘Part-3 – Commercial’ to contain the ‘Priced Commercial Offer’ indicating prices and other details as per ‘Quote Format’ given in PART-C. Se i) d) The sealed envelopes ‘Part-1 – Tender Document Fee’’, ‘Part-2 – Technical’ and ‘Part-3 – Commercial’ should be put in a single envelope which should also be sealed and superscribed with the Tender reference no., due date and time of receipt of sealed bids. The above individual sealed envelopes should also be superscribed with the Tender reference no., due date and time of receipt of sealed bids. e) Inner and outer envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the bidder including telephone number / e-mail. 4 The bid for the tendered item submitted as above shall be sent at the following address and should reach SCL, S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab, India no later than the last date and time of submission of sealed bids as indicated in the Public Tender Notice. Head, Purchase & Stores, Semi-Conductor Laboratory, Department of Space, Government of India, Sector-72, S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab-160 071, India. Phone: +91-172-2237401to 409, Ext. 491, Fax : +91-172-2237410 Email: g) Bidders are requested to ensure that bids are submitted in accordance with the procedure given above. h) This being two part Tender-Technical and Commercial parts separate, the bidder should not attach any document(s) containing pricing information alongwith “Technical Part”. Tenders containing price details in “Technical Part” will be treated as unsolicited offers and rejected. 5. Bid opening: mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry f) The envelopes marked ‘Part 1 – Tender Document Fee’’ and ‘Part-2 – ‘Technical’ shall be opened as per schedule indicated in the Public Tender Notice at SCL, S.A.S Nagar, Punjab, India in the presence of the bidders/their authorized representatives who wish to be present. The bidders are, therefore, requested to visit or depute their authorized representatives to SCL, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Punjab, India to attend the said opening as per the schedule given in the Public Tender Notice. 6. The authorized representatives of the bidders who are deputed to attend the opening of ‘Part-1 Tender Document Fee’, ‘Part-2 - Technical’ and ‘Part-3 Commercial’ of the bids should have an authorization letter from the bidder to attend the same. Commercial Offer Opening The envelopes marked ‘Part-3 - Commercial’ shall be opened of only technically qualified bidders in the presence of the technically qualified bidders / their authorized representatives who may like to attend the same. The schedule of opening of ‘Part-3 - Commercial’ shall be intimated to the technically qualified bidders separately. 7. Extension in the last date of submission of bids: Based on the response to the Public Tender Notice, SCL reserves the right to extend the last date of submission of bids and to reschedule the opening of ‘Part-1 - Tender Document Fee’ and ‘Part-2 Technical’. Verification: SCL reserves the right to verify all claims made by the bidder. ************ Se 8. 5 PART-B Please find below SCL’s proposed COMMERCIAL AND OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS pertaining to this RFP. Bidders are requested to give their Compliance / Response to each of these terms in the appropriate column. This format is to be submitted AS PART OF ‘TECHNICAL & UNPRICED COMMERCIAL OFFER’ (Part-2 marked Technical). Definitions: The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean ‘Semi-Conductor Laboratory’ Department of Space. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry a) b) The term ‘Vendor’ shall mean the person, firm or company to whom or to which the order for supply of the Stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Vendor’s heirs, executors and administrators unless excluded by the contract. c) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean the authorized communication intimating the acceptance on behalf of the Purchaser of the terms and conditions mentioned or referred to in the said communication accepting the bid or offer of the vendor for supply of Stores. d) The term “Stores” shall mean all that the vendor agrees to supply as specified in the Purchase Order. Format for compliance/response to Purchaser’s proposed Commercial and other Terms & Conditions. 1. TERMS BIDDER’s COMPLIANCE/ RESPONSE (Write your compliance/ response and do not leave blank.) a) If Prices to be quoted in foreign currency, the same shall be quoted on FOB / FCA nearest International airport / seaport Mumbai in the ‘Quote Format’ given in PART-D The list of International airports is given in PART-H b) If prices are quoted in Indian Rupees, the same shall quoted on F.O.R, SCL, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali basis exclusive of Government levies, taxes, duties as may be applicable. The rates at which the said Government levies taxes, duties are applicable shall be indicated separately. The prices of the indigenous items shall also be exclusive for transit insurance which shall be arranged and borne by Purchaser. Notes: i) Purchaser is entitled to Excise Duty exemption as per CE Notification no. 10/97 Central Excise dated March 01, 1997 amended vide Notification No. 16/2007 – Central Excise dated March 01, 2007 and would accordingly issue Excise Duty Exemption Certificate in favour of the contractor quoting in Indian Rupees. Purchaser therefore expects the contractor to pass on the benefit thereof as per law to the Purchaser. The bidder should take the same into account while quoting the prices in Indian Rupees. Se Sr. No. ii) For imported materials, the Purchaser is entitled to issue Customs duty exemption certificate (CDEC) to the contractor under customs notification no. 51/96 dated 23.07.1996 & subsequent amendments to enable the contractor 6 to avail off the benefit of concessional rate of customs duty under this notification. CVD under this notification is nil. In addition to the above CDEC, any documentary support requested by the contractor from the purchaser for customs clearance of goods against the above CDEC shall be provided by the purchaser. 3. • 5. 6. 7. 100% Payment shall be made through ‘Sight Draft’ upon shipment against presentation of shipping documents to Purchaser’s bank. In the said mode of payment, all bank charges outside India shall be borne by the Vendor and all bank charges in India shall be borne by the Purchaser. For orders placed in Indian Rupees on F.O.R Purchaser’s site basis: • 100% payment shall be made within 30 days of receipt and acceptance of the Stores at Purchaser’s site. Airfreightable: Please inform that the stores (Sulphuric Acid, Mixed Nitric Acid HF and Choline Etchant) are airfreightable. Transportation of stores: Please inform that the stores (Sulphuric Acid, Mixed Nitric Acid HF and Choline Etchant) compatible for transportation together. Acceptance Criteria: Stores should be from the latest manufacturing lots only. Certificate of Analysis (CoA) of the stores to be supplied should be provided by the Vendor to the Purchaser for approval prior to delivery of the consignment to the Purchaser’s designated Freight Forwarder. The said CoA should clearly indicate the ‘Lot Number’, ‘date of manufacture’ and ‘date of expiry’etc. Delivery Period Vendor to indicate the delivery period each of the tendered chemical. Se 4. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 2. iii) For indigenous stores, no concessional Central Sales Tax form will be issued. Please indicate the rate of Central Sales Tax/VAT as applicable. Prices shall be indicated only in ‘Part-3’ – marked ‘Commercial’ in the ‘Quote Format’ given at PART-C of this RFP. Terms of Payment: For orders placed in foreign currency on FOB /FCA basis : 8. Shelf Life: Vendor to indicate the Shelf Life of the each stores in their ‘Technical and Un-priced Commercial offer’ (Part-2: Technical). 9. Partial Shipment: Partial shipment is allowed with written permission of the Purchaser. 7 Freight Forwarder: The shipment shall be effected through Purchaser’s designated Freight Forwarder only. The contact details of the Freight Forwarder shall be indicated in the Contract / Purchase Order. 11. Export Formalities, Taxes & Duties: All Licences/Government clearances other than under Indian law, if any, required for supplying the stores shall be the responsibility of the Vendor. All Licences/ Government clearances if any, required under Indian law shall be arranged by the Purchaser. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 10. Taxes and duties payable for supply of the stores other than in India shall be borne by the Vendor. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. In case the stores are not airfreightable due to their hazardous nature, the same shall be dispatched by Seafreight to Nhava Sheva Seaport, Mumbai under consolidation services of Purchaser’s designated freight forwarder. Name and address of Purchaser’s designated freight forwarder shall be indicated in the Contract / Purchase order. Port of Entry: Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI), New Delhi in case of airfreight. Nhava Sheva Seaport, Mumbai in case of seafreight. Port Consignee: Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer (Stores) Semi-Conductor Laboratory, Sector 72, S.A.S. Nagar(Mohali), Punjab, India. Ultimate Consignee: Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer (Stores) Semi-Conductor Laboratory Sector 72, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Punjab, India. Shipping Marks: The marks on the shipping documents such as Invoice, Airway bill and on the packages should be as follows: Purchase order no. _____ and date _____ Se 12. Taxes and duties etc. payable for importation of the stores under Indian law and in India only shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser. Country of Origin Certificate: The Vendor shall submit a certificate regarding country of origin of the stores supplied, issued by a chamber of commerce or any other Govt. authorized agency or by the supplier of the stores. Validity: The vendor’s bid must be valid for 90 days from the closing date of submission of bids or any extension given thereof which ever is later. Mode of Despatch: Stores shall be dispatched by air to IGI Airport, New Delhi under consolidation services of Purchaser’s designated freight forwarder. Name and address of the Purchaser’s designated freight forwarder shall be indicated in the Contract / Purchase order. 8 mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry 20. a) If in the judgment of the Purchaser, the vendor fails to make delivery of stores within the time specified in the PO or within the period of which extension has been granted by the Purchaser to the Vendor. b) If in the judgment of the Purchaser, the Vendor fails to comply with any of the other provisions of the PO. c) In the event the Purchaser cancel the PO in whole or in part, the Purchaser reserves the right to purchase on such terms and in a manner as he may deem appropriate stores similar to that cancelled and the vendor shall be liable to the purchaser for any additional costs for such similar stores and or for liquidated damages for delay as defined in Clause “Delay in Supply / Liquidated damages” until such reasonable time as may be required for the final supply of stores. d) In the event the Purchaser cancels the Purchase Order, the Purchaser in addition to any other rights provided in this clause, may require the Vendor to transfer title and deliver to the Purchaser under any of the following cases in the manner and as directed by the Purchaser. Se 19. Semi-Conductor Laboratory Government of India, Department of Space, Sector 72, S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Punjab, India. Pin -160071 Destination: SCL, S.A.S. Nagar, Punjab, India Insurance of Stores: The Purchaser shall be responsible for insuring the tendered stores for risks during transit and insurance costs shall be to Purchaser’s account. The Vendor shall however be responsible for notifying to the Purchaser or the insurers nominated by the Purchaser the complete dispatch details including the value of the consignment and other relevant data immediately after shipment to enable the Purchaser or the insurers to arrange for issuance of transit insurance policy, if required. The necessity or otherwise of insurance will be as indicated in the Contract / Purchaser Order. Vendor’s Default Liability: The purchaser may upon written notice of default to the Vendor cancel the Purchase Order (PO) in whole or in part in circumstances detailed hereunder: i) Any completed stores ii) Such partially completed stores and contract right (herein after called manufacturing material) as the Vendor has specifically produced or acquired for the contract as cancelled. The Purchaser shall pay to the Vendor the contract price for completed stores delivered and accepted by the Purchaser and 9 for manufacturing materials delivered and accepted. 21. 22. In the event the Purchaser does not cancel the Purchase Order, the Vendor shall continue the performance of the contract in which case he shall be liable to the Purchaser for liquidated damages for delay as set out in Clause “Delay in Supply / Liquidated damages” until the stores are accepted. Replacements: If the Stores or any portion thereof is damaged or lost during transit, the Purchaser shall give notice to the Vendor setting forth particulars of such stores damaged or lost during transit. The replacement of such stores shall be effected by the Vendor within a reasonable time to avoid delay in the intended usage of these stores. The price of replacement items shall be paid by the Purchaser on the basis of prices indicated in the Purchase Order or as reasonably worked out from the tender. The cost of damages will however be claimed by the Purchaser from the Purchaser’s Insurance company. Rejection: In the event any of the Stores supplied by the Vendor is not found to be in conformity with the Purchase’s specifications, the Purchaser shall reject the stores and request the Vendor, in writing, to replace the same. The Vendor on receipt of such notification shall replace the rejected stores free of cost to the Purchaser. If the Vendor fails to do so, the Purchaser may at his option either: a) Replace such rejected stores and recover extra cost so involved from the Vendor OR b) Cancel the Purchase Order for default as provided under clause “Vendor’s default liability” above. the Acquire the rejected stores at a reduced price considered equitable under the circumstances. The provision of this clause shall not prejudice the Purchaser’s rights under “Delay in Supply / Liquidated damages”. Force Majeure: Neither of the parties hereto shall be liable for damage or have the right to cancel for any delay or default in performing it’s obligations if such delay or defaults are caused by conditions beyond it’s control including but not limited to fire, storm, floods, earthquakes, acts of God, government restrictions, continuing domestic or international problems (such as wars, rebellion, insurrections, strikes, riots, work stoppages, Labour dispute) or delay as to ancillary materials, which affect the dates of fulfillment of any obligations as per the Purchase order. Such dates will be respectively postponed for the period of continuance of such force majeure circumstances and Se c) 23. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry e) 10 the other party can suspend the performance of its obligations correlated to the postponed obligations of the affected party. 25. If the performance of obligations of any party should be delayed more than six (06) months by reasons of force majeure circumstances mentioned above, the parties shall mutually consult about the subsequent performance of obligations. Delay in Supply / Liquidated Damages: If the Vendor fails to supply the ordered stores in the time frame specified in the Purchase Order or any extension thereof given by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall recover from the Vendor as liquidated damages a sum at the rate of one-half of one percent (0.5 percent) of the price of the stores delayed for each calendar week or part thereof of delay. The total liquidated damages shall however, not exceed ten (10) percent of the total value of goods. Packing: a) The Vendor shall pack and crate stores for road/sea/air shipment as applicable in a manner suitable for export to a tropical humid climate, in accordance with internationally accepted export practices and in such a manner as to protect it from damage and deterioration in transit by road, rail, air or sea. The Vendor shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper packing. b) The Vendor shall ensure that each box/unit of shipment is legibly and properly marked for correct identification. The failure to comply with this requirement shall make the Vendor liable for additional expenses involved. c) The Vendor shall notify the purchaser of the date of shipment from the port of embarkation as well as the expected date of arrival of such shipment at the designated port of arrival. Se 24. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry The obligations thus postponed shall be resumed after the force majeure circumstances have ceased. At the beginning, during and at the pre-visible end of the force majeure circumstances the parties shall promptly consult with each other about appropriate counter measures to be taken. d) The Vendor shall give complete shipment information concerning the weight, size, content of each package etc. e) Apart from the dispatch documents negotiated through Bank, the following documents shall also be airmailed to the Purchaser within 3 days in case of Air consignments. i. ii. Airway Bill (two non-negotiable copies) Invoice (2 copies) 11 27. 28. 29. SIGNAURE OF THE PARTY Se 26. Packing list (1 copy) Certificate of Analysis (COA)/ Complte Analytical Data v. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) vi. Certificate of Country of Origin (1 copy). Arbitration: If at any time any question, dispute or difference whatsoever may arise between the Purchaser and the Vendor upon or in connection with the Contract / PO, either party may forthwith give to the other notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of three arbitrators, one to be nominated by the Purchaser, one to be nominated by the Contractor and these two arbitrators shall appoint the third arbitrator who shall act as the presiding arbitrator. If the two arbitrators fail to agree on the appointment of the third arbitrator within 30 days from their appointment, then the procedure as laid down in the “Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996” shall be applicable. The proceedings of arbitration shall be carried out in accordance with the “Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996”. The expenses of the arbitrators shall be paid as may be determined by them jointly and mutually by both parties. The venue of the arbitration shall be in S.A.S Nagar (Mohali), Punjab, India. Counter Terms and Conditions of Vendors: Where counter terms and conditions printed have been offered by the Vendor, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the purchaser unless specific written acceptance thereof is obtained. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: The Contract / PO shall be interpreted, construed, and governed by the laws of India and shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of courts at S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali), Punjab, India. Cancellation of Purchase Order: In the event of the Vendor’s failure to execute the Contract / Purchase Order as per terms and conditions mentioned therein, Purchaser is entitled to refund of all payments previously made to the Vendor and also reserves the right to claim compensation for the loss suffered by the Purchaser on account of Vendor’s failure to execute the Contract / Purchase Order. mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry iii. iv. __________________________ NAME __________________ COMPANY SEAL __________________________ DATE ____________________ ******** 12 PART-C QUOTE FORMAT Item Description 1. Sulphuric Acid (H2 SO4) As per SCL’s Material No. 211212087 2. 3. Currency *Quantity and Desired Delivery Schedule Unit rate Amount mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry Sr. No Mixed Nitric HF (HF+HNO3) As per SCL’s Material No. 211212053 Choline Etchant As per SCL’s Material No. 211212029 2352 Ltr In 02 Lots: 1st Lot Immediate and 2nd Lot after 06 Months 816 Ltr In 02 Lots: 1st Lot Immediate and 2nd Lot after 06 Months 1056 Ltr In 02 Lots:1st Lot Immediate and 2nd Lot after 06 Months Se *The given delivery schedule is tentative, however subject to change both in quantity as well as dates. 13 Remarks If any PART – D mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATION OF BIDS Technical Evaluation Criteria: Vendors meeting Purchaser’s Material specifications mentioned in SCL’s Material Specifications Sheet shall be considered to be technically qualified. Evaluation of Priced Commercial Offers: The following elements shall broadly be considered for evaluation of ‘Priced Commercial offers’: 1. The prices should be quoted by the bidder in the Quote Format given at PART- C. 2. Compliance with the Payment Terms prescribed in this RFP at Part-B. 3. In the event, the bidder offers Payment Terms stringent than SCL’s proposed Payment Terms, the bid of the bidder shall be loaded suitable for the loss of interest. 4. In the event of the bidder requiring SCL to bear bank charges outside India (foreign bank charges), the bidder’s bid shall be loaded @ 0.5% of the quoted price towards bank charges outside India. Se ************ 14 PART – E mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry PROFORMA OF STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE BIDDER ALONGWITH THE BID (Part-2 - Technical) PUBLIC TENDER NOTICE REFERENCE NUMBER: ……………………………………… (To be filled by the Bidder) This is to certify that we have carefully gone through the materials specifications of each of the chemicals covered by the above Public Tender Notice, ‘General Instructions to Bidders’, ‘Format for Compliance / Response to the Commercial & Other Terms and Conditions’ and ‘Procedure for evaluation of bids’ placed at Purchaser’s website. We have based our bid on the various clauses of the abovesaid documents and hereby confirm that we: • • • have offered chemicals meeting the tendered materials specifications. accept all the clauses as indicated in the abovesaid documents. accept all the clauses except for the clauses and reasons thereto as indicated against such clauses in the columns of PART-C titled ‘Format for Compliance/Response to the Commercial and Other Terms & Conditions’. Authorised Signatory:…………………………. Name………………………………………….. Title…………………………………………… Name of the Company ……………………… ……………………………………………………. Se ************ 15 PART – F LIST OF INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS COUNTRY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. USA NYC, LAX UK Heathrow Germany Frankfurt France Paris Japan Tokyo Canada Montreal Singapore Singapore Denmark Copenhagen Sweden Stockholm Hong Kong Hong Kong Italy Rome/Milan Netherlands Amsterdam Switzerland Zurich Belgium Brussels Australia Melbourne China Shanghai Israel Tel Aviv UAE Dubai Malaysia Penang Luxemburg Frankfurt Se 20. GATEWAY AIRPORT mi -C on W du eb ct Do or cu Lab me or nt ato ry S/N Note: By International airport we mean the airport from where the flights to IGI Airport, New Delhi originate/operate. ** ** ** 16
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