NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Parish Office Phone ...............................414-761-0480 Fax ....................................414-761-2208 Hours Monday through Friday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM Saturday ...................................... Closed (Office closed daily 12:00-1:00 PM) ST. JAMES MISSION STATEMENT We, the welcoming Catholic community of St. James, seek salvation through Christ by proclaiming the Good News through worship, witness, and stewardship of all God’s creation. St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry (Southwest corner of the Parish Office Building) Phone………………..414-761-0480, ext. 24 Every Friday……………………9:00-11:00 AM 1st & 3rd Friday of each Month…. ....................................... 4:00-6:00 PM THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Eucharistic Liturgy Schedule Weekend: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 AM Weekdays: Tuesday, 8:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with the Distribution of Holy Communion: Thursday, 8:00 AM (Excluding July and August) Individual Confession: Saturday, 4:00 PM Our Parish Staff Parish Director Dan Hull ................................ 761-0480 Ext. 11 Assisting Priests Fr. Bernie Sippel Fr. George Gajdos Pastoral Associate Beth Roeder .......................... 761-0480 Ext. 17 Director of Liturgy, Music, and RCIA Kevin Bourassa ..................... 761-0480 Ext. 12 Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation Anne Hull ............................... 761-0480 Ext. 15 Director of Administrative Services Donna Brown ........................ 761-0480 Ext. 16 Director of Pastoral Care Ministries Ambrose Siers ....................... 761-0480 Ext. 13 Secretary/Receptionist, Bulletin Editor Linda Schafer ........................ 761-0480 Ext. 10 Custodian Mary Jo Hennemann ............. 761-0480 Ext. 18 Interfaith Program for Older Adults …………………………………………..421-3678 7219 South 27th Street, Franklin, WI 53132 2 Dear Parishioners... Last weekend I did a tour of the church building. I took some time to explain what different things were and I tried to share some insights on what Fr. John Kolonko envisioned for the campus back in the early 1960’s. This was all in preparation for planting the seeds for a renovation of our worship space. I received a lot of feed-back on this presentation. Most of it was positive. I heard statements like “I have been a member of this parish for 30 years and I didn’t know half of the things you talked about.” Other people remarked that they (and their kids) were completely tuned into the talk (no small feat), but other comments were more tentative, such as “When’s he gonna tell us how much this is gonna cost us?” The answer is simply “I don’t know.” First of all there is no plan yet. I don’t know how much of a renovation is needed. I certainly have been thinking about it for a while and I would like any renovation plan to consider the following questions: Can we make the interior of the building more warm and inviting by doing something with the grey cinderblock walls? Can we make the seating more comfortable, more flexible and more appropriate to the size of our congregation? Would larger and more traditional images of the Crucifix and of the Blessed Mother be a positive addition to our worship? Is it possible to add restrooms to the main floor of the church? Can we keep the needs of our elderly and handicapped as a priority in all of our planning? Can we replace the block glass windows with windows which would enhance the beauty and prayerfulness of our worship space? Can we include ways to make the use of multi-media technology possible in our worship space? Can we improve the lighting and sound in our worship space? Like I said last week, “I’m just planting seeds.” Many of you have your own thoughts on things we could do to improve our worship space. As we begin this process I want you to know that nothing has been decided. I together with those in parish leadership, need to create a process that allows our parishioners to have input into this process. We need to make sure that we conform to the guidelines set forth by the Catholic bishops in regard to church renovations. This process needs to include seeking out the expertise of architects, designers, and technicians so that we can make informed decisions. It also needs to be a process that controls our costs. St. James Parish is currently without debt. It is not my intention that the parish should incur debt as part of this process. Now that you have some of my thoughts on the subject of renovation, let’s keep this discussion going. Blessings Dan Parish Calendar Sunday, November 16 Baptism Blest Art (CH) 5:30 PM Confirmation Student & Sponsor Night (CH) 6:30 PM High School Formation (CH) 6:30 PM Middle School Formation(PC) Monday, November 17 2:00 PM Sunday Summary (CR) 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study (CH) Tuesday, November 18 1:00 PM Tai Chi, Beginners (CH) 2:00 PM Tai Chi, Advanced (CH) 5:00 PM Executive Pastoral Council Meeting (CR) 6:00 PM Stewardship Meeting (CR) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts of America (SH) 7:00 PM AA (Rm. 4) 7:00 PM Praise & Worship Band Rehearsal (C) Wednesday, November 19 1:15 PM Staff Meeting (CH) 6:15 PM Outreach Meeting (Rm. 5) 6:30 PM Cantor Rehearsal (C) 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal (C) Thursday, November 20 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study (CH) 11:15 AM Seniors Gathering (CH) 6:30 PM Children’s Choir Reh (CH) 7:00 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal (C) Friday, November 21 9:00-11:00 AM Food Pantry 4:00-6:00 PM Food Pantry Saturday, November 22 9:00 AM Rebuilt Session (CH) 2:00 PM Children’s Choir Rehearsal (CH) After Mass-Soup Sales (CL) 6:30 PM Movie Night (CH) Next Sunday, November 23 After Masses-Soup Sales (CL) 11:00 AM Advent Family Event (CH) CH = Church Hall C = Church CL = Church Lobby CR = Parish Office Conference Room Rm. # = Classroom in Parish Center SH = South Hall CHMR = Meeting Room in the Corner of the Church Hall PC = Parish Center LIKE US ON FACEBOOK St James Catholic Church, Franklin WI 2015 STEWARDSHIP PLEDGE-If you did not receive a pledge card for 2015, please contact the parish office. We ask that you prayerfully consider helping us continue doing God’s work here at St. James by making a financial pledge for the year 2015. Please bring your pledge sheet with you to Mass the weekend of November 29/30. Thank you. 3 OUR STEWARDSHIP OF TIME, TALENT, AND TREASURE Pastoral Council/Trustees Nov 16, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Well done my good and faithful servant.” With those words the master in Jesus’ Parable of the Talents smiles and rewards his servant. We often cite the Parable of the Talents in relation to stewardship. Because of our understanding of “talent,” we may assume that this is a parable about skills and those kinds of gifts. Of course, in this case, a “talent” is a unit of money. Scholars assume that the master is wealthy; therefore, whether one received five talents, two talents, or one talent, they most likely received a huge amount of money according to our standards. That is not the stewardship perspective of this parable. Each of us, just as the three servants in the parable, has received multiple gifts from God (the Master). The question posed by Jesus, and the question we must be prepared to answer at our own judgment, is “What have you done with the gifts you have received?” Everything we have and everything we become are gifts from God. Like the stewards in the parable, we have been given gifts. Do we develop those gifts and do we share them, or do we “bury” them and really do nothing with them? Those who do the former, return them with increase to the Lord, are not only complimented, but embraced and invited: “Come share your master’s joy.” ~The Catholic Steward St. Vincent de Paul Society We have food for the needy of our parish area. Distribution is every Friday from 9:00-11:00 AM and every first and third Friday of the month 4:00-6:00 PM (back entrance of parish center-first room on the left). If you would like to make a monetary donation to the Food Pantry, please make checks payable to St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry and drop your donation off or mail it to the Parish Office. Thank You. Stewardship of Treasure Month of Nov Contributions: Offertory: Total: Expenses: Actual Budgeted Surplus (Shortfall) $ 14,538.13 $ 1,395.82 $ 15,933.95 $ 8,779.30 33,208.00 2,800.00 36,008.00 45,666.79 ( 18,669.87) ( 1,404.18) ( 20,074.05) 30,456.99 Treasurer-Trustee, Chuck Calteux..................... 421-2628 Secretary-Trustee, Ellen Schuh .............. Pastoral Council Chairperson, Dennis Horrigan (Human Concerns & Evangelization) ............. 425-3279 Pastoral Council Vice-Chairperson, Chris Leto (Buildings & Grounds) .............................................. 234-6857 Pastoral Council Secretary, Carol Badzinski (Prayer & Worship) .............................................. 764-3949 …………………… Pastoral Council Members: Christine Baxter (Outreach) .............................................. 202-3802 Jane Copeland (Parish Life).................. .............................................. 202-1894 Chris Evenson ..................... Judy Freimark ...................... 762-7376 ........................ Joe Pulvermacher (Formation-Youth) Ralph Rutkowski ................. 761-0724 Delores Skarban (Evangelization) ................................... (920) 883-0675 Roz Stanke ........................... 421-5088 Irene Taylor (Formation-Child and Community Life) ............ 761-3682 Ministers for November 22/23 Lectors: 5:00 PM—Kim Kane 8:00 AM—Geri McGinnity 10:00 AM—Marge Kucej Acolytes: 5:00 PM—Tony Plicka 8:00 AM—Mary Jean McDonald 10:00 AM—Jim Stanke Eucharistic Ministers: 5:00 PM—Pam Gotch, Judy Hauerwas, Fred Borchlewicz 8:00 AM—Norrine Nolan, Irene Taylor, Lu Yocum, Judy Cherney 10:00 AM—Jode Sterny, Marge Kucej, Cathy Wieczorek, Robin Kraemer, Jill Noonan, Kurt Hennemann Surplus: $ 7,154.65 ------------------------------------------------------------------Fiscal Year: beginning July 1 includes all sources of income Income: $ 216,290.25 222,740.38 ( 6,450.13) Cantor: 5:00 PM—Mary Calteux 8:00 AM—Mary Calteux 10:00 AM—Mary Calteux and Adult Choir, Praise & Worship Band, and Children’s Choir Expenses: $ 205,619.65 240,554.45 Surplus: $ 10,670.60 Hospitality/Donut Hosts: 8:00 AM—Donna Brown 10:00 AM—Tim and Pat Noonan 34,934.80 4 Parish & Community News Reconciliation One of the most moving moments and most powerful symbols for me in the whole church year is when our priest and pastoral leaders lay prostrate on the floor in front of the altar and the cross on Good Friday. Just writing about it brings tears to my eyes and fills my being with an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness and humility. It is with this spirit of trust and repentance that I approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance and confess the sinfulness in my own life. Of course the sadness of Good Friday always gives way to the JOY of Easter and this too is reflected in my experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. “I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” Luke 15:1-7. Since late September, Dan and I have had the privilege of journeying with 22 of our elementary school age children and their families as the children prepare to celebrate their First Reconciliation. This celebration will happen at the St. James Parish Advent Penance Service on Wednesday, December 17, at 6:30 PM, in the church. Even though these children are young, it is an important part of their moral and faith development to help them understand that as children of God we do not always live up to God’s hopes, dreams, and expectations for our behavior. We are learning together that we are all in very good company, as some of our greatest saints in the Bible did not always follow Jesus’ ways either. More importantly we are learning and remembering Jesus’ promise to us of God’s unending, perfect, and generous love and mercy. In the words of one of our Reconciliation books: “We seek to reveal a merciful God shown to us by Jesus. When Jesus met sinners, he did not condemn them or humiliate them. He continued to love them in spite of their sin. He had only one concern-to offer reconciliation. He touched their hearts and inspired them to change. [In our preparation we help our children learn about sin] by presenting situations of sin rather than by formulating lists of sins. Through the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus, [for example,] we announce the hope filled message of reconciliation…the good news that God is always ready to forgive us through Jesus and to help us begin anew.” We hope that you will join us on our journey by reading in your Bible the great stories of our forgiving God and by praying with and for us. We also hope to see you on December 17th. Peace, Annie Hull Sacraments Reconciliation (Confession) Individual Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30 PM or by appointment anytime. Seasonal celebrations: consult bulletin. Baptism of Children A preparation session is required. Baptisms are celebrated during Weekend Masses. For more information, contact the Parish Office. Upcoming Baptismal Date: December 20/21 Christian Initiation of Adults: If you are interested in learning about the Catholic Faith and the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) please contact Kevin Bourassa, Director of RCIA (761-0480, ext. 12) at any time. Kevin will assist you in the process. Sacrament of Marriage In order to allow sufficient time for the Marriage Preparation Program, couples should contact the Parish Director as soon as they make the decision to marry and at least six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. The Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick is available from one of the Parish Priests. Pastoral Care of the Sick is offered to hospitalized and homebound members. Please contact Ambrose Siers at the Parish Office. Pray For We remember the special needs of St. James parishioners, family and friends, especially: Don Schafer (Father of Howie (Linda) Schafer) Robert Wagner (Neighbor of Mike Zenker) Peter Evensen Marie Guzman Bob Ruzensky (Friend of Rose Oliva) Laura Rech Mary Dugan (Aunt of Anne (Dan) Hull Bob Haczynski (Brother of Milly Puetz) Ken Stahl (Friend of Trish & Jim Hundt) Frank Freimark (Brother-in-law of Judy Freimark) Marilyn Folts (Sister of Jim (Trish) Hundt) Betty Kienzle Sue Majewski Marilyn Morrish (Aunt of Mike (Fran) Spanke) John and Marlene Schultz Ethan Bishop ADVENT EVENT—Sunday, November 23 Location: St. James Church Hall Time: After 10:00 AM Liturgy (Relative of Howie & Linda Schafer) Mary Mueller (Sister of Pat (Diane) Horvath) David Mueller (Nephew of Pat (Diane) Horvath) You are cordially invited to our Advent Event, we will be making advent wreaths and looking at other traditions to help prepare for Christ’s coming at Christmas. Please RSVP by November 20, so we have enough supplies. (761-0480) By our prayers, we offer support. If you or any of your relatives need prayers, call 761-0480. 5 Parish & Community News 5TH ANNUAL CHRISTIAN CO-WORKERS BAKE SALE and QUICK BREADS FOR HOMEBOUND & NEWLY BEREAVED Saturday, December 6th, and Sunday, December 7th AFTER ALL MASSES We are looking for bakers to help with our Christmas Bake Sale. Any homemade breads, cookies, bars, cakes, candies, pies, jams and jellies. We are also looking for some sugar-free or even gluten free items. While you are baking, please consider baking some quick breads for our homebound and for those who have lost a loved one this past year. We need about 100 quick breads to fill that need. You can bring breads with Bake Sale items and they will each get to the proper place. If your baked items contain nuts, please state that on the label. Please individually wrap quick breads. Please bring items, both quick breads and other goodies, to the Parish Office on Friday, December 5th, during normal office hours or to the Church on Saturday, December 6th, between 12:00 and 1:00 PM. We thank-you for your kind donations of baked goodies and the quick breads. MOVIE NIGHT Saturday, November 22 Come down after Mass. Movie will start about 6:30 PM. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors! Bring your lawn chairs, sleeping bags, and picnic basket full of food and drinks. Hot dogs and popcorn will be available to purchase while supplies last. Featured movie-How To Train Your Dragon Can’t join us on the 22nd, then be sure to mark your calendar NOW for the February 21 and April 18, 2015 Movie Nights. THANKSGIVING DAY MASS-November 27 Take a break from stuffing your turkey and come join us at the 8:00 AM Mass. Give thanks for all that God has given you. SLEEPING BAGS, BLANKETS, AND COATS St. Vincent de Paul is in need of sleeping bags, blankets, and heavy coats for their guests at the meal sites. As the winter draws nearer, they would like to provide a warm hug to those less fortunate in the form of these items, and they need your help. Items do not have to be new, but please be sure that they are in good condition and clean. You can drop the items off here at the parish office during normal work hours. Thank you for your continued support. Prayer and Liturgies Saturday • November 15 St. Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor of the Church 3 Jn 5-8 Ps 112:1-6 Lk 18:1-8 4:00 PM Individual Reconciliation (or anytime by appointment) 5:00 PM †Florian Putlak (Jenni Cincotta) Sunday • November 16 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 8:00 AM †Richard Demlow (Family & Friends) 10:00 AM †Tien Nguyen (Luong Nguyen) Monday • November 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious Rv 1:1-4;2:1-5 Ps 1:1-4,6 Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday • November 18 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul, Apostles; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Virgin Rv 3:1-6,14-22 Ps 15:2-5 Lk 19:1-10 8:00 AM †Robert LaVine (Family) Wednesday • November 19 Weekday (33) Rv 4:1-11 Ps 150:1b-6 Lk 19:11-28 Thursday • November 20 Weekday (33) Rv 5:1-10 Ps 149:1b-6a,9b Lk 19:41-44 8:00 AM Liturgy of the Word with the Distribution of Holy Communion Friday, November 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Rv 10:8-11 Ps 119:14,24,72,103,111,131 Lk 19:45-48 Saturday • November 22 St. Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr Rv 11:4-12 Ps 144:1-2,9-10 Lk 20:27-40 4:00 PM Individual Reconciliation (or anytime by appointment) 5:00 PM †Alice Mross (The Redmonds) Sunday • November 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Ez 34:11-12,15-17 1 Cor 15:20-26,28 Mt 25:31-46 8:00 AM †Marilyn Zenker (Mike Zenker) 10:00 AM Living and Deceased Members of St. James SNOW REMOVAL TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED St. James is fortunate to have a dedicated volunteer group willing to move snow in the winter. Their efforts save the parish thousands of dollars each year. Buildings & Grounds Committee is looking for more volunteers to be assigned to a team. If you are interested, please contact Mike Krupsky at 761-3034 or Ways to Celebrate Advent at St. James Sunday November 23: Advent Event in the parish hall following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Parishioners will be invited to make Advent Wreaths for their home and learn about other traditional activities. Sunday November 23 –Dec 7: GIVING TREE. Gift tags for the needy will once again be displayed on the tree in the church lobby. We are also in need of volunteers to help sort these gifts on December 9th. Monday December 1: Baking cookies for those serving in the military. Baking begins at 2:00 p.m. in the church hall kitchen. Packaging begins at 6:00 p.m. You can participate by donating money for baking supplies, baking or packing up cookies. Cards to the troops and decorations for the packages are encouraged. Sat & Sun December 6 & 7: Sharing Sunday: Bring non-perishable food items, hygiene products or cash donations to Mass to help support our food pantry Sat & Sun December 6 & 7: Baked Sale/ Baked Goods for the Homebound & Bereaved. The Christian Co-workers are sponsoring a baked sale in the lobby of church and are asking for donations of baked goods to sell. The first 100 loaves of sweet breads brought in will be set aside and delivered to our homebound and bereaved members. We are also looking for drivers to help deliver these baked goods. Wednesday December 17. The St. Vincent de Paul meal site at 10th and Madison is looking for volunteers to help serve a meal and then host their annual Christmas Party. Approximate time 4:30 -8:00 p.m. Check with the parish office for more info. Wednesday December 17. St. James Advent Communal Penance Service 6:30 p.m. Sunday December 21: Join us in decorating the church for the Christmas Season immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Mass (around 11:00 a.m.) P.S. Remember to pray daily using the Little Blue Book
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