Falcon’s Quill Holy Family Catholic School, rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, models the virtues of love of God, neighbor, and respect for all. The school, supported by the entire community, cultivates a passion about and provides the foundation for academic and life-long learning in a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment. November 18, 2014 786 26 1/2 Road Grand Junction, CO 81506 P 970.242.6168 F 970.242.4244 www.HolyFamily-GJ.org 11/20 - 8am School Mass at IHM with Fr. Don 11/24 - 11/28 No School Thanksgiving Break 11/30 - First Sunday of Advent 12/8 - 8am School Mass at IHM with Fr. Don 12/10 - Spiritual Enhancement Religious Goods Sale 12/12 - 8am School Mass at St. Joseph’s with Fr. Edmundo See the menu inside for the change in lunch for Wednesday, November 19!!! Issue 15 Principal’s Corner Happy Thanksgiving! Watching the ball games this weekend I was caught off guard by the Christmas advertising that seemed to be in full steam. I am not ready for the Holiday season. I was enjoying fall. The colors, shadows, and warmer temperatures are my favorite time of the year. It is obvious to state that these coming winter days are cold, dark and even somewhat depressing. Some mornings it takes a great effort to simply get out of bed and start the day in motion. However, it is essential to stay positive! Parents, we set the tone for our families. Surround yourself with positive people. Look for the good in people when everything seems lost, and remember you can determine who you want to be; it will take discipline and dedication but you can choose. Be an example of light in the world. Choose to be optimistic and find the good, especially when it comes to people. Challenge your children everyday to see and search for the good. I have written about this idea before, but I believe the single most significant decision we can make every day is our choice of attitude. “When my attitudes are right, there’s no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge t o o g r e a t f or me ” ( Po s i t i v e Commands: Hampton Keathley, III). As Christians we are called to focus 1 and trust in God. “The need is to think with the same kind of viewpoint, to possess the same kind of attitudes toward life and one another. We need to have the mind of Christ, to think with His values, to possess His vision, and to allow that to change our attitudes which in turn will change our actions and pursuits”(ibid). How much time is lost worrying about situations that we cannot control, rather than pressing on with the challenges at hand? Life is full of storms and situations that we cannot control or explain. But we can choose to face these storms with a positive attitude. It is important to keep in mind that as adults it is easy to fall into the trap of becoming cynical towards the world, especially in these difficult economic and controversial political times. We must guard against these negative emotions. We have a tremendous influence on our children and students. When it becomes their time to step up and take leadership positions in society, what lens do we want them to view and process the world through? The next Scrip order date is: Attention all HFCS Parents: No one can be in the classroom, allowed to volunteer or drive for a field trip until they have a completed background check and a Shield the Vulnerable certificate on file. The background check takes at least 72 hours from the day you bring in your application until the results are in. Wednesday, Georgia DeBever ~ Grandmother of Megan Formicola Gary Chancy ~ Grandfather of Nick Lhotka, & Annabelle and Jace Carter The Seabert Family ~ Family of Kathy Pike Danny Huber ~ Son of Frank & Gwen Huber Please make your check’s out to HFCS not Falcon’s Nest. We are having difficulties depositing these. Sadie Harper ~ Cousin of Akelia Whitney Nuala Whitcomb ~ Kindergarten Teacher Morgan Rister ~ HFCS Student Jiwen Yang ~ Grandfather of Zachary Smith Please also write “Falcon’s Nest” in the memo on your check. Frances Wells ~ Great Grandmother of Kiara Church Roman Longo ~ HFCS Student Maureen Mosher ~ Grandmother of Colton McCallum December 3rd Falcon’s Nest Payments You may pick up an application at the office or on our website: www.HolyFamilyGJ.org/Resources/Volunteer Thank you for your collaboration in keeping your children safe. Thank you. Communications between school and home have never been more important - for weather notification, emergency alerts or other general announcements. Please provide the phone numbers you prefer us to leave voice and/or text messages on. The event includes food, fun, live music and a cash bar. The JLRJ Band, Peggy Malone and Morgan Crouse will play a wide variety of music. Tickets cost $25 per person and will be available at the IHM Marketplace in November and December or by mail at Sacred Heart Church, 503 E. Aspen Street, Fruita, CO 81521. All proceeds benefit Sacred Heart Church’s New Church Building Fund. For more information, contact Larry Archuleta (970-858-3137) or Sacred Heart Church (970-858-9605). Please return this to the office. Family Name:____________________________ Phone No. _______________________________ Phone No.________________________________ Phone No.________________________________ T ha n k yo u f or yo u c o op e r a ti o n. Falcon’s Quill Deadline If you would like a blurb or flyer in the newsletter, kindly submit via email to yolanda.bellgardt@hfcs-gj.org at least one week prior to publication. The newsletter is completed every Monday by 12 noon. Thank you for your cooperation. Wed. 11/19 Parents, please check the lost and found bin located in the Primary Building. It is OVERFLOWING with jackets, other clothing items, and water bottles, to name a few. Items unclaimed will be donated to Catholic Outreach. Thu. 11/20 Stromboli w/Pizza Turkey & Gravy Sauce Mashed Potatoes Carrots & Celery Fruit Cocktail Peaches Job Opening at Holy Family Catholic School New Year’s Eve Celebration Dance at Adobe Creek Golf Course from 7:30 pm to midnight. Fri. 11/21 Mon. 12/1 Tues. 12/2 Chicken Alfredo Hot Dogs Garlic toast Baked Beans Toasted Cheese Sandwich Salad Broccoli & Cauliflower w/Dip Pumpkin Bars Roll Fritos Cafeteria Supervisor Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: Ordering food & supplies, planning menus in accordance with USDA requirements, supervision of cafeteria employees, daily production records for USDA, up keep of the kitchen, serve and preparation of meals. Food service card required. Compensation commensurate with experience. Full time benefits offered. Apply at front desk. Applications taken until TOMORROW ~ Wednesday, November 19th. Orange Slices 2 Tomato Soup Carrots & Celery w/Dip Applesauce Class reporter - Allie Benton If students are interested in the youth choir that sings at Sunday masses, please contact the parish you are registered at: St. Joseph Javier de los Santos 970.248.0593 javier@stjosephgj.org Middle School is working with IHM parish for the Thanksgiving food drive. We are inviting all levels to join us to help give some needy families a good holiday. The drive began on Monday, November 17th. We will deliver the food items to the church on Friday the 21st. IHM Gwen Huber 970.242.6168 fjgmhuber@gmail.com Holy Family Girl Scout Troops 2214 & 65 are collecting empty (and clean) gallon milk & water jugs. There will be a collection box outside near the Prayer Circle until December 4th. Make sure to watch the Parade of Lights on December 6th to see how the troop will “Use Resources Wisely,” with these donated bottles. Thanks for your support! Thank you! Thanksgiving Food Box Donations Needed: green beans mushroom soup sugar chicken broth stuffing mix flour cranberry sauce foil pans loose onions canned yams dried beans loose potatoes corn turkeys bread/rolls white rice peas brown sugar pies – no frozen or need refrigeration marshmallows gravy mix/jarred Primary: Aidan Shiao This month’s student of the month for Primary level is Aidan Shiao. Aidan has impressed us with his kind ways, his excellent behavior both in the classroom and on the playground, and his dedication to accurate and neat work. He has proven himself to be a respectful listener and a good friend to all. Congratulations Aidan for being the kind of student who represents what Holy Family Catholic School is all about! Kelly Bremner Kelly welcomes everyone with a smile. The love of God shines through her because she treats everyone with love and respect. She helps everyone in need and no job is too small or too big for Ms. Kelly to handle. She knows how everything runs and where everything is! She takes care of headaches, cuts, broken bones, broken hearts, sadness and even grumpiness. She makes children and adults feel better! We are incredibly blessed to have Ms. Kelly in our school. Intermediate: Emma Ryan She is always on task and does her best both in and outside the classroom. She is compassionate to her classmates and helps out as often as she can. She is the first to friend someone who is lonely, pick up things that aren't hers, and is ALWAYS smiling!!! She takes pride in everything she does in life, including her work outside of school in gymnastics and other activities. Emma is thoughtful and quiet with a delightful sense of humor. Middle School: Watts Erb Often when we think of leaders, we think of those who are charismatic, vocal and the center of attention. But these characteristics can be misleading, describing someone full of loud and empty words. Many successful leaders conduct themselves with quiet confidence and composure. They lead by actions not by words. They show the courage to show restraint when others follow the crowd. They show empathy by taking the time to use thoughtful words. They omit positivity by persuading others through their rational thoughts and actions rather than through ego and forceful words. This type of leader describes Watts Erb. Holy Family is proud to have a student leader like Watts who embodies empathy, courage and the positivity that our student body strives to achieve. Carpool Sign-up Complete the following information and turn in to the office. A list will be put together and made available by request. Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Area & Cross Section: ________________________________________________________ Day Phone: ____________________________________ Evening Phone: ___________________________________ 3 Register your Value Card for Holy Family Fund Raising! New this year, City Market Community Rewards changed their process of registering supporters of non-profit organizations. Now, every December, supporters will need to re-enroll their Value Cards so that Holy Family Catholic School receives a portion of these sales. The members cannot be automatically re-enrolled and each individual must do this on their own. City Market wants everyone to know who they are supporting with their Value Cards. After December 1st, each Value Card will need to be re-enrolled. Here are the stepby-step instructions for this process. Go to www.citymarketcommunityrewards.com 1) On the left side of the page, click on City Market Community Rewards link. 2) This will take you to the Community Rewards page. Click on Enroll now or Re-enroll. 3) This will take you to a screen where you log in to your personal City Market online account. If you do not have one, you must create one. 4) Once you are signed in, look for Holy Family Catholic School PTL as the organization name. 5) Select this as your organization and you are finished. Each year, you will need to re-register your card with City Market and select Holy Family as the organization you are supporting. If you have any questions or need help with the process, please contact Nicolana Walsh at 242-6168 or nicolana.walsh@hfcs-gj.org. Thank you! Small ways to help Holy Family 1) Purchase scrip- you can send in your order, through Kiddie Mail, on purchase dates. Scrip cards are also available to purchase at the front office. This will even help with your tuition costs. 2) Box Tops for Education- please remove all Box Tops and Labels for Education. There are so many products that now have these labels; even Goldfish crackers has them on the side their bags. 3) Register your City Market & Safeway Club cards- Make sure that your value cards are registered to benefit Holy Family. 4) Target cards- If you get a Target check card, which is just like a debit bank card, or Target credit card, register Holy Family to receive the 1% back to education donation. The additional benefit for you will be receiving an instant 5% off every purchase you make. 5) Empty ink cartridges/toner - Bring your empty cartridges into the office. This past year PTL received checks for $900 from Kroger/City Market and $700 from Target. That’s over $1,600 for just shopping! Imagine how much money we could raise if every family would participate?! If you have any questions, please contact Nicolana Walsh at the school. Thanks for your support! Students Became Saints On Wednesday, November 5, Mrs. Martin’s class presented their saint reports. Mrs. Martin’s class, Mr. Keenan’s class, Mr. Aubert, and parents all watched. They were presented in Mrs. Martin’s classroom. Every year both 3rd grade classes do a Saint report. This is so that they can know about holy people who the Catholic Church call Saints. The students worked very hard and wrote a lot of words. They dressed up as their Saint did. Mrs. Martin called then up one by one. They were dressed like their Saints. They stood in front of the class before a little stand. Some read their report, while others recited theirs from memory. If they had their report memorized they got a better grade. Some were nervous but that was OK. Every student was a different Saint in Mrs. Martin’s class, and later when Mr. Keenan’s class presented their reports some of the Saints were the same. Class reporter - Allie Benton 4
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