Falcon’s Quill Holy Family Catholic School, rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, models the virtues of love of God, neighbor, and respect for all. The school, supported by the entire community, cultivates a passion about and provides the foundation for academic and life-long learning in a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment. February 10, 2015 786 26 1/2 Road Grand Junction, CO 81506 P 970.242.6168 F 970.242.4244 www.holyfamily-gj.org 2/11 - Wear red for Congenital Heart Disease Awareness 2/12 - 8am School Mass at IHM with Fr. Edmundo 2/13 - Primary Valentine’s Day Parties 2/14 - 6pm Father/Daughter Dance 2/16 - No School in observance of President’s Day 2/18 - Ash Wednesday 8am School Mass with Fr. Don 2/20 - Casual for Charity 2/23 - 7pm Community Meeting in Multipurpose Room Issue 24 Principal’s Corner Dear Parents, It’s incredible that the Lenten season is once again upon us. The word Lent itself is derived from the Anglo-Saxon words lencten, meaning "Spring". To us it means so much more. Saint Paul wrote, “'For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.” I often think of this during our Lenten season and how it pertains to the immense love that God has for each one of us. Jesus chose to become human and create a personal connection with us. When He became human He drew us ever closer to our Creator in a pathway of love, compassion and mercy. He revealed to us the light, truth and the way in His daily actions. He came not clothed in riches but in humility and love. It was in His humanness that He demonstrated the infinite desire that God has to be near us. Jesus had the certainty that God’s love for us was endless and His daily expressions of that love were evident in the way He lived His life among the poor. His desire to bring us in communion with our Father is testimony of that great love that God has for us, this love that eventually offered itself in sacrifice for our eternal life. It is extremely comforting knowing that we are loved by a powerful Creator who went to these lengths to express His love to us! This is what Lent is about, this great love that Jesus had for us. He came and lived a life full of compassion and mercy among us so that we could be saved by His grace and benevolence. He chose to be among 1 us so that he could fill our hearts and souls with His generosity and kindness. He came and set the example of how to treat our brothers and sisters. Through His love He demonstrated how to empty ourselves and provide for others. Through His life He instilled in all of His followers a spirit of unconditional love. So as this Lenten season begins, I invite you to celebrate this immense love that our Lord has for us. Celebrate His life and how He became our redeemer. Let’s take time and transform our hearts, minds and lives as we meditate on how Jesus, the light of this world, renewed us. Every day we have an opportunity to have a personal encounter with Jesus. Let’s take that opportunity and reach out to Jesus in thankfulness. Prayer for Lenten Simplicity Free me, Lord Jesus, from anything that obstructs my way to you. Clear away the clutter of petty grudges. Remove smudges of resentment and bitterness. Cleanse me of thoughts filled with anger, envy, or self-pity. Create space in my life for more kindness and less spitefulness, greater generosity and few self-centered needs, stronger compassion and weakened judgment of others. Enlarge my heart with a spirit of gratitude this Lent, so that I recognize the simple gifts that lay in abundance all around me. In your sacred name, I pray. Amen (Sadlier) Please bring in all Please keep in your prayers: Sara deBever ~ Aunt of Megan Formicola The Seabert Family ~ Family of Kathy Pike Danny Huber ~ Son of Frank & Gwen Huber Sadie Harper ~ Cousin of Akelia Whitney Nuala Whitcomb ~ Kindergarten Teacher Morgan Rister ~ HFCS Student Jiwen Yang ~ Grandfather of Zachary Smith Roman Longo ~ HFCS Student Brent Metzler ~ Son of Diane Metzler Repose of the Soul of Mr. Joe Prinster Sally White ~ Mother of Yolanda Pacheco, Middle School Teacher Repose of the Soul of Donald “Don” Sattler ~ Husband of Rosemary Sattler, one of our RSVP Volunteers Marilyn Veselack ~ Wife of Mr. Ron Veselack, Band/Orchestra Teacher Kyley Cornell ~ Family Member of Rikki Gustamantes Kathy Pike ~ Computer Teacher Treats needed for the Father ~ Daughter Dance We need the following scrumptious goodies for the dance attendees to dip in the chocolate fountain: Strawberries Pineapple Chunks Rice Crispy Treats Marshmallows Please bring to the office on Friday, February 13th during school hours. Thank you!!!!! The next Scrip order date is Wednesday, February 18th People with past Bingo experience would be greatly appreciated. your volunteer hours! Go to www.holyfamilygj.org. Scroll to the very bottom and select: Friday, February 20th. Thank you. Reminder!!! Holy Family Yearbook orders are due Wednesday ~ February 11th. 40 full color pages $21.00 Holy Family Girl Scouts are selling cookies! Keep your eye out, after school, most days between now and March 12th for girls selling when you pick up your kids! Grab your favorites for $4/box...Take advantage while supplies last! Cub Scout Pack 318 held their annual Pinewood Derby at IHM on January 23rd and it was an exciting race for everyone. With over 60 boys competing for awards the competition was fierce and the winning cars were racing at over 220 mph! The overall winners for the entire pack were: 1st place – Dean Withers, 2nd place – Nathan Perry and 3rd place – Ethan Tregilgas . Ethan also won 1st place in his Bear Den group. Way to go Ethan! These boys will now move onto the district races coming up soon. Good luck and happy racing!! We need your help! Holy Family has recently acquired a Bingo License and would like to begin games in late February. We need some parents for a committee to help get this program up and running. If you are interested, please contact Nicolana Walsh at 970.242.6168 or at nicolana.walsh@hfcs-gj.org Don’t forget to record donations collected by Please join us as we celebrate Congenital Heart Disease awareness week by wearing red (NO JEANS) tomorrow, Wednesday, February 11th. Wed. 2/11 Thu. 2/12 Fri. 2/13 Chicken Alfredo Cheese Pizza Fruita 8/9 Information Please mark in your calendar the registration for Holy Family Students on Tuesday, March 3, at 4:30 in the Fruita 8/9 Library. Please visit fruita89.mesa.k12.co.us under the Parent Information tab to find the registration packet. Mon. 2/16 Tues. 2/17 Taco Salad Hamburgers No w/Lettuce & Tomato Salad Green Beans Black Beans Garlic Bread Orange Slices Apple Crisp Strawberries & Bananas To Goldie Arroyo (Grandmother of Joee, 2nd grade and Peyton, 5th grade) and Andee Nessler (Mother of Joee and Peyton) for donating a microwave for the Primary Teacher’s Lounge. School Pickle Spear French Fries Pineapple Chunks 2 Thank you so much for buying tickets for this year’s Gala! We are so excited to have you attend! Below please mark which ticket and how many you would like! Ticket includes Event Admission, Wine & Beer Ticket includes Event Admission, Wine, Beer and ONE Diamond Champagne Ticket includes Event Admission, Wine, Beer and ONE Diamond Champagne, Personal Waiter, & much more Name: _____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________ $60 pp Gala Ticket $80 pp Gala Ticket $100 pp Gala Ticket $800 Gala Ticket VIP Table (8 seats) $480 Teacher Table Donation (8 seats) Quantity:___________ Quantity:___________ Quantity:___________ Quantity:___________ Quantity:___________ I would like to sit at a table with: __________________________ (Name of person or couple) I do not have a preference of who to sit with. Payment Method Circle which one: Credit Card-Angela will call you for payment Check-Make payable to HFCS PTL and please drop off at the office with this from Cash-Please drop off at the office with this form 2015 Holy Family Gala CHAMPAGNE Pull! This year as a part of the Gala, you will have the opportunity to participate in a Champagne Pull! This event replaces prior year’s “Wall of Wine” in that instead of purchasing a wrapped bottle of wine, you will choose a numbered cork and will get to take home a surprise bottle of Champagne. How can you help now? We are looking for donations of Champagne or sparkling wine—any brand, any level of value, any type. We are hoping to make the Champagne pull more exciting by having a great variety of champagnes or sparkling wine. All pulls will be $20.00. Your pull is guaranteed to get you an amazing bottle of champagne, or maybe just something you have never tried before. Please bring your tax-deductible donation of as many bottles of champagne or sparkling wine as you are willing to donate to the Gala ticket sales table after school on Thursdays. Thanks for your support! 3 On Friday, February 13th, ALL Students are invited to wear Valentine’s colors IF they bring in a can or box of food (rice, cereal, etc.) for our “Boxes of Love” food drive for the Grand Junction Food Bank. Jeans and appropriate shirts are acceptable. NO BARE SHOULDERS. Appropriate attire is expected. Thank you for your generosity. 2015 Grand Valley Father/Daughter Valentine Dance Admission $10 per person ($15 at the door). Includes pizza, desserts, snacks and dancing. Music provided by DJ, flowers, formal portraits will be available by Yanowich Studios by Lifetouch. Saturday ~ 02.14.15 from 6 - 9 pm P l e a s e r e m e m b e r t o r e - r e g i s t e r yo u r C i t y M a r k e t Value card Holy Family benefits if you use your City Market Value Card when you shop. However, City Market Community Rewards changed their process of registering supporters of non-profit organizations. Now, every December, supporters will need to re-enroll their Value Cards so that Holy Family Catholic School receives a portion of these sales. The members cannot be automatically reenrolled and each individual must do this on their own. City Market wants everyone to know who they are supporting with their Value Cards. Our benefits have decreased and our reimbursement from City Market is down about $250 each quarter. Please make sure that your card is registered to Holy Family. If your family members or friends were previously registered, please ask them to re-register their cards with City Market. Here are the step-by-step instructions for this process. 1. Go to www.citymarketcommunityrewards.com 2. On the left side of the page, click on City Market Community Rewards link. 3. This will take you to the Community Rewards page. Click on Enroll now or Re-enroll. 4. This will take you to a screen where you log in to your personal City Market online account. If you do not have one, you must create one. 5. Once you are signed in, look for Holy Family Catholic School PTL as the organization name. 6. Select this as your organization and you are finished. Each year, you will need to re-register your card with City Market and select Holy Family as the organization you are supporting. If you have any questions or need help with the process, please contact Nicolana Walsh at 970.242.6168 or by emailing her at nicolana.walsh@hfcsgj.org. Thank you! 4 Calling all Grand Valley Catholic Youth! Please join us for an evening of fun, faith and fellowship as we explore God’s covenants and reflect on what we thirst for in our spiritual lives. What a great way to prepare for Lent! Our next Life Teen Mass and event is set to be held on February 21st at St. Joseph Catholic Church. The evening begins with Mass at 4:30 pm followed by dinner, fun, and fellowship. End time is 7:30 pm. Hope to see you there! Sacramental Preparation for families who attend IHM Children along with their parents will begin preparation to receive Our Lord in the Eucharist beginning on Wednesday, February 11th 6:007:00 pm. at IHM parish hall. Sessions are : February 11th & 25th. March 4th, 11th and March 18th. Child care will be available. First Eucharist retreat is on Sunday, April 19th 12:30-3:30 pm. First Eucharist weekend is May 2nd & May 3rd at all Masses. For additional information contact Irene Fritzler at 242.6121
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